Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, October 25, 1897, Image 2

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    T 5 '?" " ':"vT"lVf:St-- ""M
fl suoar
l i l ll l I '"" Ul"' ii'iiiV i l a i ' 'US??' . I I iTTTlHI I i i " "i i i
rnum uwyicuu, IVIAaa, I - " 1
p-- jn.
tfiat ft Is necessary to intrercro fVnator n private clork and never -sot
preserve Unrcan autonomy as n 'oot In Washington I Here is ii
report that anotlior rciauyn is
Is one of the most attractive places In tlio world. Why 't Uccnusc there
you can net the purest sugar and syrup made.
You Needn't Go
to a camp, for you can get the genuine article right here at home by
imlntrtotho rlchfc nlace. Pure maple syrup from Vermont. Pure
tuaplo sugar also direct from Vermont, guaranteed.
TrL G, Sonnemann, grocer,
124 State street,
prcerve Uorcan autonomy
Miller state, that country being too
weak to sustain Its Independence.
Japan 1? trying to maintain sonio
hold on Corca, and Is building up her
navy as fast as possible, but .Russia
seems master of the situation.
The czar's authority Is almost su
preme In the Orient, and this has been
gained quietly and without firing a
prlyatc secretary and at tuc saim.
time committee clerk, or at least a
clerk of two committee, when tho
law forbid any person drawing two
salaries. We do not assert that theso
Milnimtirntrlm TIlPTO Is HO WBV tO
prove them true and the Senator
would donv them. But thco
shot. There are G0.0O0 Russian troops ' arc done by other senators and there
In and about Vladivostok and 80,000 isnota soul in urcgon kihiv.. ...
others scattered along the Mancliu- j McBrlde but will sooner believe that
rlan frontier. In two places the front-1 1'c will do Just such things than to
ier has been crossed, at each 4000 men believe his hlghfaultln about civ i
havlmr nflvnnnnd smitliwiirri. nstensl- service reform. There Is a well-
Daily Capital Journal
MONDAY, OCT. as, 1897.
TJm'j week makes history. Pour
important personages pacd oil
tho public stage last week. Chief
Justice Field of the supreme court
retired. Uhas. A. Dana, a New York
editor, died. Geo. M Pullman passed
away. General Weylcr was recalled.
What has tills week in store for the
Our readers are reminded of the
duty of selecting reading matters for
1898. We offer great bargains in the
trl-weckly New York World 75c.
Demorest's Monthly 75c. The Gentle
man farmer, monthly, $1. All three
of these are illustrated. The Spring
field Republican, weekly, at $1 is a
fine eastern paper. We advl6e people
to not accept presents ;of newspapers.
Rest assured, some one pays for them
and it may bo you pay dearly.
security to lite and property gained
'iy Its presence the civilization of
lsiska will be hastened.
The order relating to the reservation
reads as follews:
"Hy the authority of the president
the land known as Su. Michaels
island, with all contiguous mainland
and Islands within 100 miles of the
location of the llagstafT on that is
land, is set aside from the public
lands of the territory of Alaska and
declared a military reservation.
Parties who have prior to receipt of
this order located and erected build
ings on the land reserved will not be
disturbed in their use of the lands,
buildings and improvements, nor in
the erection of structures needed for
their business or residence.
"The military reservation above
declared, and the military post lo
cated thereon, will be known as Fort
St. Michael and will be under the
control and supervision of the com
manding otllcer of the troops there
"R. A. Alger,
"Secrctarj of War."
having advanced southward, ostcnsl
bly to better protect the building of
the railroad, put really to establish
and hold vantage points The Chinese
have feebly protested against the In
vasion of their territorv, but Russia
simply says It Is needed, as a safeguard
against Japanese aggression. In fear.
of Japan, the Chinese have admitted
the Russians to the domination of the
yast Manchurlan fields oast ward to the
Corcan frontier.
A great many Oregon people are al
ready planning to attend the Paris
exposition In 1900. They would no
doubt enjoy seeing an Oregon exhibit
there. The Woman's Empire says:
In Oregon's exhibit at tho Paris
exposition could anything be more
unique and Interesting than Professor
Condon's priceless collection illus
trating the geological history of Ore
gon. From Its beginning, when the
salt waves of the sea rolling westward,
left the shcllstrewn hills uncovered to
the sun, to the present day, no leaf,
or page is missing from the wonder
ful volume which Professor Condon's
loving labor has translated for us.
The first element of success for the
city Is that it be made a good Dome
"Lose majeste" is becoming more
and more expansive and elas
tic. It has now hit a German editor
for criticising the Belgian King, and
the criticism was that tho King en
couraged gambling. Truth, of course,
it not an udequate defense in a "lese
majeste" case. In fact, the truer the
charge the severer Is likely to be the
punishment. About the only crowned
head the editor in the German Empire
can safely cast any reflections upon at
present Is the head that wears the
British crown.
Next to a good mall service, the es
tablishment of a good reading circle
In each neighborhood is a most desir
able step of progress. There are so
many Influences that seperate people,
that one organization at least should
unite each neighborhood on the broad
plane of culture.
Portland business men and tho en
tire commercial interests of Puget
Sound are alarmed at the piospect of
closing tho territory at tho mouth of
the Yukon under military control,
and excluding all new commercial en
terprises from gaining a foothold
there. It Is charged that this Is be
ing done in the interest of two trad
ing corporations already established
there. If tho plan indicated In the
order of the war department re
printed below is carried tout, there
would no doubt result u valuable mo
nopoly for the Eastern and English
trading companies that have control
of the furnishing of supplies to the
miners tit tho Alaska gold fields. It
Is not to bo believed that the adminis
tration would lend Itseir to such a
scheme. It would bo a detriment to
all the commercial Interests of the
Northwest coast, and the employment
of the most powerful arm or tho pub
lic kcrvlco to further and protect pri
vate Interests Tho protection of tho
regular urmy can no doubt ba extended
to all tho commerce at tho mouth of
the Yukon without excluding any
legitimate commercial enterprise.
The presence of the regular army w ill
Vromoto commerce and the develop
ment of tho gold fields, with the'
It would be difficult to suggest, how
Oregon politics could bo further de
graded and humilltated by tho Mc-Bride-Mitchcll
stripe of statesman
ship, unless it shall be to put them
In complete control of the Republi
can organization in the primaries
next spring. We do not see how Re
publicans, bo they Gold standard or
blmetalllsts, can consent to the fur
ther delilemcnt of public affairs by
men who openly boast that they are
prepared to win on any platform or
In spite of any platform. Ah, wellj
we shouldn't expect consistency or
devotion to principle or adherence to
platform pledges. Cast such old-
fashioned trumpery to thejwlnds and
do anything to get there. Make ev
evrbody believe j'Qu're exactly their
way of thinking and fool them all.
If the people demand a new deal,
progress, reform, promise them the
whole thing and lots more, and when
you get in do as you please. That's
the way to build up good government
and make the Republican party
strong with the people. If the peo
ple of Oregou are onto their Job they
will sit down on the men who traffic
in principle and prostitute party.
They will demand men for state of
ficers who show a proper sense of re
sponsibility to the people Instead of
Jobbers who heap up new burdens on
them. They will send men to the leg
islature who will bo able to defray
their own campaign expenses and not
be obliged to trade their votes on
measures lor a fedeial office or a
clerkship for a relative. But tho sad
fact remain?, that tort or men who go
to the legislature are in a minority
and It will probably always be that
way until there Is a leturn to the
original constitutional Idea of a peo
ple's government, and that may not bo
untP present corrupting Influences
have preceded so far that a revolution
will result, It Is a fact that those who
demand a leturn to older and truer
forms in creeds or constitutions are
crucified Jas heretics and public
Astheniiuy season approaches, It
Is a duty to make and keep all horses
and llye stock comfortable. Animals
in city and country often suffer cru
elty by neglect and ignorance. The
Independence Wcstside says:
"Last Sunday a team of lino horses
stood on Main street hitched In front
of a business housrt without food or
water from early morning to n'glit,
while tho owner Is said to have been
spending his time In the pleasure af
forded by the saloons. Is there not a
remedy for such an evil ?
Twenty live years ago a French
missionary In Corea declared, as a re
suit of his icheaiches, that China's
claim of suzerainty over tho penin
sula never had a basis of fact. Ho
paid for his tormerlty with his life.
The Corcan savants havo now reas.
sorted this theory, declaring that
their country was never an actual
tributary vassal of China, and the
Corcan ruler Is reported tn have as
sumed the tlttje of emperor as an
emphatic iissoition of this claim,
This repudiation to China's claim up.
piles equally to thatf-ot up by Japan,
All have heard of tho slang phrase
"a horse laugh," whether It be a fact
of equine history wo are not Informed.
But all the books agree that a horse
cannot be given the benefit of an
emetic. Ir anything could set the
cartoonists at work on a fit subject
and cause all the Oregon cayuses to
both laugh and vomit it would bo tho
solemn parade of Senator McBrlde of
Oregon in the Orcgonlan as a civil
service reformer. Before returning
to Washington that amiable and
obliging gentleman submitted to an
interview in which he came out for
the maintainence of the gold standard
and, having ttirown that sop to the
Orcgonlan, he thought he might as
well give his confiding constituents a
complete fill and also declared his de
votion to civil service reform. lie
wants it maintained and extended
and life would be intolerable without
it. While wo admire Senator McBrlde
for his eminent talouts as n ''sure
thing" political manager, we aro
forced to confess that all will at least
hope he is a real convert from being a
life-long sportsman. Prior to this
declaration, he has not an act of his
life or a line of his record to back his
claim to being a oivll service reformer.
We do not mean by that, that he may
not have accidentally placed fit and
competent men Into office in ills leng
career as legislator and secretary of
state. No one could help doing that.
But wo deny th.it he has ever consid
ered fitness alone as qualification for
public service, to say ' nothing about
his leaving any places open to appli
cants of all parties or to the public.
No man in tho public service l)as ever
so completely prostituted the public
service to his own personal purposes.
No man ever put so nearly all of his
relatives into all the places he had as
Senator McBride. We admit some
are competent but we do not propose
to st dwn and allow him to deceive
the people of Oregon ope ruoinent in
to beleiving that he Is anything but
a spollsmonger who pursues personal
pqllt-ics for himself and the McBride
If there is -a member of tiie Mp.
Bride family not on the public pay
rolls no one knows it. If there Is a
member of that family who has ever
earned a dollar but in tije way of a
graft on tho public treasury no one
knows It. If Geo. W. McBrlde ever
appointed a person even to sweep his
office for anything buta personal pur
pose no one knjws it. There is a
report that one of his relatives has
regularly drawn, or he has drawn It
for him, j he $1500 a year allowed each
founded belief that he dictated tho
'underhanded methods that have been
resorted to, to dispose of the West
Point and Naval Academy cadet
1 ships. If he did not, why don't he
1 come out and favor an open competi
tive examination, at which all the
yonngmenof the district could com
pete and let the most competent taKc
It. Such cadets do not come back
humiliated by failure to pass. But
t.hnt would not, be McBridc's Idea of
Republicanism. It would not be his
conception of civil service reform,
The nconlc aro long-suffering and
much Imposed upon, but no greater
caricature was ever presented In our
public life than Senator McBride as a
civil service reformer. He may pre
tend to not bo sotting up slates; he
may parade as a goldbug; but let
him not set up as civil service saint
unless he would cause hysteria In
No Oregon federal appointments
until December. Wm. McKlnlcy.
There is nothing small about George
Small, the new President of the Ore
gon press association.
The general opinion Is that the
holdup of the legislators wasn't a cir
cumstance to the holdup of the state
lie Woman's a gold mine.
She Yes, you never know her truo
He And many a good fellow has
gone broke prospecting. Cincinnati
Hqn. JohnS. Smith of the immor
tal 17th General Plsscmbly asks in
his paper, the Albany Imprint:
Query No. 1. If the populists held
up the legislature, who is now holding
up the state Measurer?
No. 2. If the luprcmc court can
compel secretary Klncaid to issue war
rants, why cannot the same court
compel treasurer Metchan to pay the
wai rants?
No. a. If tho state treasurer has the
funds with which to pay warrants
why does he stamp them "not paid for
want of funds"?
The Corvallls Gazette and Eugene
Register, two staunch Republican ex
ponents, have recently called down
the party bosses and make a firm
stand, or a play for parly harmony,
and now comes thePeridlelonTrlbune,
which has always had a loathing for
everything not labelled"RepublIcan,"
with thp strain of uncertalnity:
"What is necessary to constitute a
Republican in a party sense ? The
Tribune, not being aRepubllcan party
organ, does not assume the right to
authoratlyely answer, but It perceives
that there Is a strange difference of
opinion on the matter anjong the Rc-
nnhltnnn lirnt.lirnn "
Firing on Havana.
Nkw YOHK, Oct., 2.1 A Herald
dlspatrh from Havana says:
A local newspaper publishes and
vouches for the follewing: At Chas
capeba, In the district of San Julian,
belonging to the municipality of Mel
ana del Stir, there were concentrated
2.C00 persons. These rcconcentrados
wcro tho only Inhabitants of tho place.
Now there aro only five survivors, tho
rest, hnv tie died of Hunger ana rover,
In Havana city It is no unusual sight
to sec ten or a dozen ucaa on ono piaza
early In the morning. Tho officers
employ regular roundsmen to remove
bodies from the parks.
Thtro Is no abatement In the activ
ity of tho rebels In the western
provinces. The special regiment of
VeraL'uaon Its wav to tho Rubl hills
of Pinar del Rio stumbled across a dyn
ainlte bomb and lost ten killed and
41 wounded. Fntheron they came
across nnothor.but It failed to explode.
The soldiers became terrified and re
fused to proceed.
In Havana province 100 rebels of
Raoul Arango's command entered and
raided a town. They carried away a
quantity of clothing and provisions
without a shot being fired by tho gar
rison. Near Axtemisa, Havana pro
vince, a band of insurgents under
Acoa attacked and machctcd tho
Spanlshcrs guerilla force stationed on
the Ncptuto estate.
In a railroad collision between Ar
temlsa and Mangas several soldiers
were killed.
Inhabitants of a suburb of Havana
report hearing tiring Just dlitaldo the
town last night. Tho tiring continued
for several hours, and this morning
some wounded troops were brought
in, No details uf tho fight have been
Tho Home of Hood's Snracparllln
A Wondorful Curo.
"A swelling rs hlg ob n lnrgo marble
camo under my touguo. PhysIciansBnldlt
was ft nonil-trnnsparoiit tumor and must bo
operated upon. I felt I could not stand It,
and ns spring camo begun to tako my
favorite spring tonic, Hood's Bursa parllla.
Tho bunch gradually decreased and finally
disappeared. I havo bad no sign of Its re
turn. I am glad to pralco Hood's Barsapa
rilla." Mnn. II. M. ConunN, 8 Union Bt.,
Lowell, Mw. Got HOOD'S.
Hood'n PMIo on. -k Tloiulixuho. HrT"
Deafness Cannot bo Cured
by local applications ns they cannot
reach the diseased portion of tho ear.
There Is only cine way to curo deaf
ness, and that Is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness is caused by an
Inflamed condition of the mucous lin
ing of the Eustachian Tube. When
this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumb
ling sound or Imperfect hearing, and
when it Is entirely vJnsed, Deafness
Is the result, and unless tho Inflam
mation can be taken out and this tube
restored to Its normal condition, hear
ing will be destroyed ferever: ""'ne
cases out of ion are caused bye arrh,
which is nothing but an inflamed con
dltion of the mucous surfaces.
We will glvp Ono Hundred Dollar
for any oaso of Deaf new (cuued b
catarrh) that cannot becured dy HallV
Catarrh Cure. Send for cl rculurs; I ree
F. J. Ciiebny & Co..Toledo, O.
tTSold by Druggists. 75c.
Stop that Cough I Take warning Tt nia
lead to Consumption. A 25c, lwt'le o
Shiloh's Cure may save your life. Sold by D,
J- Ffy.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
If it falls to cure. 25c.
meeting of the executive meeting of
the Intercollegiate Debating League,
n-umibiy iiuiu is 1I11S CILJ, tile IOIIOW-
Ing schedule of debates were arranged
to take place this winter: January
14, 1898, U. of O. and W. U. at Salem;
w Inner of this debate and Pacific uni
versity at Forest Grove in March.
Judges for the debates were selected
and other business transacted. The
executive committee consists of Miis
Theresa Friendly. U. of O., erEugene:
Mr. Sweet, Pacific unlyernity, or For
est Grove and W. J. Shepard, of
Following paragraph from
Yates, a notorious free silver
When consump
tion gets a imp
on a man, it is
hard to shake it
off. All doctors
used to believe that consumption was in
curable. Many doctors still believe it.
Dr. R. V. Tierce of the Invalids' Hotel
and Surgical Institute of Iluffalo, N. Y.,
never believed this theory. The result
was that over thirty years ago by dint of
much concentrated study lie discovered a
remedy that will positively and unfail
ingly cure 98 per cent, of nil cases of con
sumption. Consumption is a germ disease, but the
germs cannot exist in rich pure blood.
Therefore it has been called .1 " blood
disease." People with weak lungs are
lkcjy t9 produce weak lunged children,
and weak lungs are an invitation to con
sumption germs. Therefore consumption
has been justly called 0. hereditary
trouble. No matter vlat it is called or
why it comes, Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery will cure it. The " Golden
Medical Discovery" Js a powerful germ
Icide. It searches out disease germs and
kills them wherever they be in the body
whatever kind of germs they may be.
It stimulates digestive action and sup
plies the blood with the properties it
heeds to make it pure and rich. It
6trengthen!j inherited weak lungs and
makes them healthy npd germ proof. It
s sold by oil good druggists,
Btaguutkm breedi Impurity. Iiijpurity btetdt
rtlseaie. Constipation U stncruatlbn ortlie bowf's
Couhtlpatlwi breed impurity of the Wood, nnd
Ml manner of maladlM.'triflfnK and serious, nrei
the result. Ur. llcrce'n rjensaiit Tellets cure con
itlpation. They ueer gripa-money ixvck Iftney
do. Don t accept some violent purgative as "Just
pood." only to give the daler b&Ker profit
Chris P.
er shouter
who denounced Senator Dolph in the
legislature jor ocing a goiu standard
man, .appears In the Sheridan Sun.
The Hon. Chris, voted for McBrlde as
asilvcrite. Now hear him shout for
"benator McBrlde Is an in,crylcw
with an Orcgonlan reporter, has set
hfm'.elf squarely, and with both feet,
on the platfqni) t jat says there must
be no juggling or coquetting with free
silver fallacies, or in other words lie
holds that the present gold standard
must be maintained."
A sweet poem by the sweet singer of
Oregon, Llschon Maud Miller, appears
in the last Woman's Empire:
It sometimes happens two will meet,
Who all tho years have walked
Unsatisfied, yet still dlscreot
wnougn 10 mac the hungry heart.
It sometimes happens here on earth,
A perfect friendship buds and (low
ers, Without one blemish from its birth
It grows and deonens wlr.li t)m
It sometimes happens how or why
What mortal of us all can say ?
This perfect Mower will droop and
The gold will turn to sodden gray.
It sometimes happens two will part.
That lips will crow 100 cold to kiss,
And then God help the, aching heart
J' or death is not so hard as this.
From thp First.
-isuiiereu with ljeadaches and In
tense attacks or neuralgia, and became
vory feeble. Ibegan taking Hood's
SarsaparlUa, though so weak I could
take only small closes. J felt better
Hood's Pills aro the best family
Ble, me."11 "Vor t0nlC' rcntl "e'
To Gain Flesh, to Sleep Well, to Know
What Appetite and Gcqd, Digestion
Means, Make a Test of Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablet
Interesting Experience of an Indianapolis
No trouble is more common or more
misunderstood than nervous dyspep
sia. People havingit think that ther
nerves are to blame and are surprised
that they aro not, cured by nerve
medicine and spring remedies; the
real seat of the mischief Is lost sight
ui, wiu (auumuii is me organ to oe
looked after. "
Nervous dyspeptics often do pot
have any pain whatever in the stom
ach, nor perhaps any of the usual
symptoms pf stotnaph weakness.
.Nervous dyspepsia shnwa Itself not In
the stomach bo much as In nearly
every other organ; in some cases the
heart palpitates and is irregular; in
others the kldnevs aro iiffiv.tpri! m
others tho bowels tiro const! naterl.
with headaches; still others arc
biuuuicu wibu jussoi ucsii ana appe
tite, with accumulation of gas, t-our
risings and heartburn.
Mr. A. W. Sharper of No. 01 Pros
pect street, Indianapolis, Iud., writes
as follows; "A motive of pure gratl-
tuue prompts me to write these few
lines regarding the new and valuable
from (he
entbt, '
Succewer to Dr. I t v
Corner, Salem Or J r. ,,Keeni old uv.
operation, aMVr.iT frl,ef d&S ''
in especial ,.. " fee in inv U8.'T""
' especial request.
IK uwr
und the most complete stock of
BRUSHES of all kinds In .the sUe.
Artists materials, lime, liar, cement
and shingles, and finest. quality of
rass seed.
IWMlM.Mik .li 1 it m m iflrtM tBWIril IIIWmi
Now todny ndvortlaemonto four lines
or less in this column inserted three
times for 25 eta., 50 eta. a week, $1
per month. All over four lines at
Jnmo rnto.
WANTED.--Uxpeuenccd poultryman with
onii! ki.mvlcdge ofliorticulture, to woik on
.mail farm. Wages low, but kteady job to
iglit man. Address, giving references,
wage exacted, etc, Farmer, care Journal.
-"OR XtKNT ..Keasonable. A good
hoiie barn furniture for sa'e. Inquire
ui.iert layion. one block wcht of Nnnh
hah 111 school corner.
11-23 6'
fOR &ALB. The best hay and stock
ranch in tlicstiitc, consitsinc of 200 acres.
Ail under fentt 1 good for fruit, grain
or farming. Will sell for half its value on
terms to suit. Will leave crops, tools and
some stock on place. For particulars ad
dress lox 62, Mill City. io-8-im
Do you want to be in the swim for your
share of business prosperity this year? You
will not be without a liberal use of Printer'
Ink. See
Conovrr, the Business Printer,
263 Commercial street, and he will tell you
how to use it for ihe best results.
T- H Haas
m Makes a spwUlty of fin, , VtLER
Thomas clock,. e"y!,CnPaif work, Set,
Express and Transfer
AcademySacred Heart,
and a
for advanced study
wm resume Scntemlv., a
rt ..iVn,,i. r , . TVU7'. " music
- ....on u me es,
Money to Loan,
Wa are prepared to make loans at
raie 01 interest. Mnnrv f,:.i...j
a low
on ap.
Corner Ferry and iberty streets.
rigs and best
alwajs in readinefj,
n?"" Coast or mountain parties n specially.
7'4 tf
proved application, without delay'
v ,. vlkJf nauaiUS uougntt
in.. ,m I L0ISE BARKER.
'1II2 370 Commercial it.
Frank W, Durbin,
224 Commercial street. Hot quality and
no niiddle man's profits.
Family fie am liquor Store
Rt loveA from 102 State to 109 Commercial
stre .1. Itottled goods of the best quality.
g.s. row
State street, near railroad. Freshest and
best meats. My patrons say I keep the best
meats in town. 2 2
In largo and small quantities, at a great
bargain, inquire 01 Holer uros, care
Journal, Salem. Or. d&wtf
For Constipation take Karl s Clover Root
lea, the great Wood Purifier. Cares Head.
"v c voiisnes, tiruptions on the face
merjiclno, Btuart's Dyspepsia TatJetF.
I liayc been 11 sufferer from nervous
dyspepsia for the last four years; havo
used various patent medicines and
other remedies without any favorable
result. They sometimes jruve tempor
aiy relief until the effect of tho med
icine wore off. I attributed this to
my sedentary habits, belnu a book
keeping with little physical exorelRft.
mil 1 am glad to state that the tablets
have overcome all theso obstacles, for
I have gained in llet.li, sleep better,
and better In every way. The above
h,i,M'!" rR IT notoriety, hut u
b.ised on actual fabt.l'
jiuspeciiuuy yours.
fll Prospect St . TndXnaK'ind.
it is safe to say that Htuart's I)ys
pepsla Tablets will curo any stopi mil
weakness or dlseaso except cancer of
stomach. They cure sour stomach
pass loss of ilesli nnd appetite e eon
lessness, palpltatson, heartburn, con
stipation and headache.
OCUU iur Yiuuaoio uttle book
okuiuui;ii UJ&eusns nv
I havo just fitted out a studio
proper, and am prepared to teach
the piano or organ to ohlldrenor
adults. My method for children
is the newest and best. A cer
tificate granted from tho "West
tern Conservetory, whose Inter
state Bystem I represent Stu- X
dios down town and at 376 $
Church st.
Salem later Co.
l?i.-i fm -
--j- f...J sw, ... CTjEFH, "
O-pfUce in city nail.
Irrigation nours 0 to 8 a. ru. and 5
toO In tho evening.
All irrigation bills for the summer
will be due and navable the 1st of
Street sprinkling through lawn hose
positively prohibited. 1
No deduction for Irrigation during
aosenco unless, water is cut off the
entlro premises,
No allowance made for nart of sea
son as more water Is needed to bring
out a neglected lawn than judicious
tse for the entlro season.
SAfcEM Water Co.
Jersey Bull,
A full blooded 2-year-old Jersey bull,, reg
istered, for service at my place en D stieet,
near S. P. railroad track. Price f 1, cash In
advance. ABRAHAM RICH.
Salem Steam Laundry,
Please notice 1he cut in'prices
on the fc llowingi
SI--U, plain "Bt
Unuer drawers Stoiocerti
Under shirts 5toionti
Socks, per pair 3 cenli
Handkerchiefs feB
Silk handkerchiefs yM
Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per don,
and othei work in proportion.
, Flannels v d other work in
telhgently cashed by hafldj
Col. I, Olmsted Prop
King them up when In want of cement,
lime, plaster, hair, sand, gravel and all kiuds
of building materials, of best quality and at
the lowest price. Coal and sawed wood
(all lengths) promptly deliveied. All kinds
of hauling done.
Sucessori to Salem Imp Co. Front nnd
Sty Free L?ciuT?5
to women at 2:30 p. m. at W. C. T. V. .items
on Friday Sept. lo, Sept. 24, Oct. 22. Nov. 5.
and Nev: 19. by Mrs. F. E. Afford, manager
Vinvl f!o. 140 Liberty street, Salem.
We are in the market to buy
Dried Pf unes(
Dried Apples,
Green Apples
October 25-27-20
' 1 - - I -