Jirgri'fi .V-Ti,w .. .,V They All "There aro fads In rnedlcino ns well as in vOKIlO other things," said a busy p-, . druggist, "but the most OQClC rcmnrknblo thing about Hood's Sarsa pnrilln Is that customers who try other remedies nil como l.nck to Hood's, and this is why tho enormous sales of this great medicine (an keep up and WTUU luo M f iwholo round, steady "Why h it? I A trr.r i . w n.- .. .rn, tu DR. LANE. 3QME 'v'i.yJf-,-'Vr '? '"'J ( -rfc-wEv,..-y-tT A -'c, - - .. --,.xT -,n iijtfjqiijjjjCssMjS. Hood's Srtrsnvmrllla lins mim ri tivo merit than tiny medicine I oversold This is of Uaily occurrence In almost every drug store. Hood's Sarsaparllla has cured more sickness, and made rooro happiness through restoration to health than nny other medicine. Statement by Hon I L. Patterson as to Goods Furnished Asylum. Salem, Or.,Oct. 0.-(To the Editor.) -Noticing the coininunieutiotis In yourpitper from a former superintend, cnt of tlieOrogon Stiitol ut-niic usylum, rellcctlnB upon the -business methods our iirtn, I take the opportunity to iuno ,i piain siiticuictit, as business with that institution. tuu ueneni or 1 iog nnt, w,n. "O, simply becau3oivcrsantwlt,lt,criillnBsof the board as a year clock. SUtfDAV &ERMONS1 ABOUT SATE CLAIMS, Rev. 11. A. Denton Begins a Fourth Year Klncaid Writes $oe Plain Letters to tho -Rev. Copeland Welcomed Home. ; 7,-llllv. , , Sunday, Oct. 3, 1897, was tho begin-' " ' nlnirof the fourth year of Key. II. A. J ," labors with the First Chris- Hngry. its to our Hood's Sarsaparllla li tho standard -the One True Wood Puriner." i food's PHIq tu.H'f !l!y p'Ils to ta"iw "uuu s fills wltl' Hood's Sarsacarlll. 1 ffl sssrec j jh jbxvi; c c 55aKgf Co's T O S'l EAMERS Altona and Ra Kavc for 1'orllaud dai'y excel t .-ur.day at 6 a m monn rv-w. C?i yuicl. time, regular vice and low rales. Dock between Slate and Court streets. M. P. BALDWIN, nueni. aaiem v v v S?g?gpgg ! flbuetc. ! I have just fitted out a studio I proper, and am prepared to teach the piBi.o or organ to children or f p ndult'i. My method for children 1 t is the newest and be&t A cer- I tificate gmntwd fiom tho West- 5 T tain Coii3eivetory, whoso inter- $ Etato Bystem I represent Stu- i dios down town and at 376 Church st. 4. MRS. Tlf ANK WILLMAN. W. J, HUFFMAN, WILLAMETTE Lllil STABLE! Corner Ferry and Uberty streets, "Telephone Newest rigs and best horses i Jalways in leadlneu. icRaras contracts, 1 will btatc that twice a year, in January and July, the board of trustees auks, by advertisement In tho newspapers, for olds on supplies. We submit the adertlscmenttothe wholesale Rrocer In Portland and net Ills prices on the t'ords, to be deliv ered at the asylum. If successful in Beinug iue contract, we order the Koods, and they arc shipped direct Irom Portland to the asylum, In the asylum mark, diamond "A." As a matter of fact, we never see the goods. If the goods are accepted by the sup erlntendent, he Issues a voucher for payment, statlngas follews: "1 hereby certlry that I have examined the bill hereunto alllxcd, and find the same correct." The board then passes on the bill, and a warrant Is drawn by the secretary of state for the amount. If the goods arc not sitNf.tcU-ry to me superintendent or the asylum, he reports the fact to us; we In turn not ify the wholesale grocer at Portland, who replaces the goods w all others to satisfy the superintendent. During the administration ot Dr. Harry Lane, we recehed two contracts, one on January 3, 1888, and the other on July 3 of the same jcar. The tirst was paid lu April, and the last one in September, sometime after the goods were delivered, giving ample time for the superintendent toex.tmine them. However, if our attention had been called U any defect in the quality of the goods, although they had been paid for, we would have been glad to have notified the wholesale house, who would have corrected the matter at once. The character of the wholesale iirm furnishing the goods is such as to warrant this. If there was any defect in the goods, the imposition was practiced by the wholesale iirm in Portland, timely notice would have enabled them to correct it without loss to themselves but now, nine jcars after the transaction, Is a late day to remedy any mistake, especially so since the only notice comes through the public press. The records of the board, which I hac carefully ex amined, and the reports of the super- in mifCt.i.in Alter .1630, WU county, by I "Your third has been rccclv the position th pay for 40 days bcrof thclulli sent "Referring t ny fccctmd letter. say I seem to Biply that you 'arc not uccessful In our bids for supplies du- superintenuency. AVcdid sell him ring Dr. Lane's "KTntn tills. llOW'CVCr goods in the open market, from time to time, until his successor was elect mi nnrlfist bill being in June, 1891. nlnntilrl in was UlCltU Demons' thin church of this city as pastor, but the reverend gentleman did notdcllver nisarniversary addtcss until yester day. The three years just closed had worked many changes. During that period, one hundred and llfty mem bers had been received In to the church but in the same length of time nearly that number hud been removed by death or had departed for other fields of labor, so the church memborshlp was practically the same us it was three jears ago. Some or the main Pillars in the church had been removed by death In the past three years. We are not to look to tho modern politi cian and "wire-puller" who Is prob ably iuoic corrupt than ever, for a change in the preseut condition of ttilt,..! . 1 .1.- ,..... .scieui umiuio, ...... i" ..... . msw:rtU",B ""'an peo- of thehouso andassumlng 1.11c uui Buiiuu aou counteract every Influence for the better. The church had a brighter future. All departments of the church are In a flourishing condition and arc thoroughly and systematically or ganized for the prosecution of the winter's work. The relations between the pastor and the people arc most harmonious and a spirit of eagerness to carry on the work of the church more elfectively, is in evidence. Itey. Denton does not belicvj in de voting his time and labors in sensa tional discourses and thus be accorded any unpleasant notoriety but Instead persists iu preaching the plain gospel. The services Sunday morning were followed by the sacrament ot the Lord's Supper. Preceding the sermon , the choir under the directior of Pror. Z. M. Parvln rendered an anthem: "Seek Ye Lite Lord While Ilo May 13e Found." IF CIIIUST CAME TO SALEM WHAT Jitw nf ii Int. tor r.3. David, of Gilliam Sc rtary Ktncald: clcr, dated October 4, :rj In which yitt take I you arc entitled to ltd mileage as a mom- gislatlyc assembly. you en titled to live qys' per diem and m'le- age,' or else I ncaii that some have claimed tivc d' and mileage.' No; I do not meanvVat you arc 'entitled to pay for liverkvs and mileage,' nor mis any memcciui liic iiuusoiii repii; AN OPEN LETTER U.HH. To MOTHERS. . - sentatlvcsclahiid such pay. Should! any such claim fcmade, it would per haps go to the ltslaturc or to the' courts, If any tbntber preferred to' have a judical ddislon. It might be necessary, bcfor payments could be made, to ascertah which of the two sets of olllcers, calming to bo otllcers to certify accounts,were to duly elected olll cers; to ascertah wheu members took oath of otllce am commenced to draw .pay; toascertait wneiucr liic wiioic i amount of mllcnra for going to the state capital am teturning home could be paid follvo days' service, or could be allowcdlmly for an organized regular or speclij session." The Independence VestSldc,cdltcd by E. C. Poiitlaul, one ot the regents of the Monnioutl'statc normal school, In Its Issue of Oilobor7, says: "Secretary of itate Klncald allows warrants for pacing for horocraclng at fairs, but wl not allow them to pay for educatin teachers in our pub lic schools." This stalcmcn the facts, is not approptiated tut lf-Coast or mountainpartles a specialty Finest dining car (service in the world Save a whole half day by taking the ;iiurnngion Route to Omaha, bt. Louis and points beyond. From anywhere in the northwest to everywhere in the . ...tl.iic )P UlirilUULUM " wUlHafc , , " . t the shortest. quUKesi anu m every way the best line. Travelers who want to "get !,.. withont a moment Dr. Lane's successor Tnlv. 1R01. u u.j , l,rt nrr If the goods lumtsueu uu uu; w.. .t worn not what the state should 7'4tf bayo had, the responsibility rests with Dr. Lane, and not wmi us, uuu n uu, merchant is to blame in the matter .1 . ,.n f the lamest wholesale !" ... . -Dnriinnd. It seems strange nouses !"'" ",,, (rnnH wp.rn deltas D.Cr Lane claims iMmld have continued to buy goods of us in So open market, as w books and tl,o records 01 1110 jaEMok. PSlS cut 2S5, should be without. Pleasant to take and goes right to the spot, bom oy D. J. Fry. . 1 m.nn,vn.-'. M. Parvln ,."Ub" to r her of voice, piane: lUUS. iuM teacher esy uckets via Hillings and the tcaci,cr of Mrs. J"1 : 10 state Fair. llurlington Koute. 1 most, popmai 'b-, -- r ,, church Three loutet to Chicago and, m at the UirlSuai St. Louis-via Bl55: parlors. WW October Hth 't;' day evening. umo -- 1(,5.9 buffet I Tii.i nnrl Denver . irt(r and 1,:.,,. r-iis are notable fea 7uresolourSt.l'aul.Chicago trams. A.O.bHKLDON G. A., l'nttland. Or Northern Pacific Railway. ltu: Pullman Slcnpir m Cii rpant Dinin7 Car?- Tourist Slreom-;. rfcrssssv.'ssw; w i n ; hat is cott 1 a1 T.. Si I .'..... Prrtfi. .luiiu y."-i - , n.i.. Helena anu .""- ICiht in """ i,tf.iwatltn, tuve w.- tall I'm" '"'" I e 1 1 N ml' ir y twu -rciai .rreet. :iiTl, '" . ... 1 . . I " !' i t D. CI atlton, Aist Mmrnon strtet coimr t e. ' It- mulsion strengthening foodr and t remarkable in its tww- ' ..- it rnniaj.ua -w ling rtcfoua. ttially tr'LTJZtJ WK the WU- s.v "fir fTso:pso 'er;w Ts increased. i What Will I v? SsS SE?1 core mcip"" - . tiCC&uiC tnc make thU statement Uca PJn ens of thousands ot THEN ? A large and appreciative audience assembled at the Congregational church Sunday evening lo hear the pastor, Roy. AV. C. Kanttier delher a sermon from the theme: "If Christ Came to Salem What Then ?" Those who went with the expectation of hearing a sensational discourse were disappointed for the subject win handled In an intelligent and master ful manner by He v. Kantner, who Is one of the most forceful and pleasant pulpit speakers In this city. The subject of the discoutso was suggested by the book entitled, "If Chi 1st Came to Chicago" reccutlv nub Tii'ts Speaker svould not recommend the book to any one for perusal. The tro.it.nifHit, of the cities towards Christ in bis day, were brought about by his teaching; not-withstanding "he spoke as neyer man spoke be fore" ho was "despised and rejected of men." If Christ came to Salem, what treat ment would bo accorded him? What .w...iri hn mir relation towards litmr The speaker feared he would find but a very small company of those in ful lest sympathy with bltn. He would ilnd them together. What would be his attitude towards the different Christian churches; Ilo would find some good people in every r.hristhin church. He would severely rebuke the repeated inconsistencies of professed Christians. Ho would cleyerly and positively crltlze the spirit of Indifference which does more tn retard the growth of the kingdom here on earth than all the allied hosts of inlidellty. Should Christ come to faalem the vices of our city would tind In him no apology. The poor wouiu iraiu t.HPlr verv best friend. The penitent sinner would find in him a loving Savior and He would weep oyer the impenitent. Hut the supreme fact Is-Uirist. is - . 1 ,. tlinutk tttittlV in Salem anu nas oeeu - vear-. He has been personally Inspect in.' our daily lives a fact that should incite us to more loyal service. AT TIIU UNITARIAN CIIUItCH. -n, numbers of Unity church and congregation extended to their Pbb G.Rev, W. B. Copeland, a hearty we come Sunday, after a a monn ao "L' , f rf iarce sence. in uiecu.....b -- - - Ui hVM . in accordance with rue. The legislature icy for tho fairs, and the secretary of jtate has no power to withhold it ;butthe law expressly pro vides that no pat of these appropria tions shall be ;uid for I10rser.1e.lng, and before Warrants were allowed the president of-ea-h Talrwas required to glyo bonds and tile an oath that the whole amount would bo paid out In premiums, and no part for horseraclng. On the other lintl, tho legislature has not appropriated any money "to pay for educating! teachers In our public schools," and M.e secretary of stato has no power to allow warrants to pay them. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applhjil Ions as they cannot reach the diseased portion of tho car. There Is only one way to euro ueai ness, and that Is by constitutional t-''y naafness is caused by an tlllll8,.-: WO. 1UUCOUS 111! lln" sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed, Deafness t Mm result, and unless the Inflam mation can betaken out and this tube rcstoted to Its normal condition, hear ing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of toi are caused by catarrh, which Is nothtig but an Inflamed con dition of the uucous surfaces. We will glw Ono Hundred Dollars for any case (f Deafness (caused by catarriuinawiiuiiwu uuuiu u nun n Catarrh Cure Send for circulars; Tree F. J. CiHESY & C0..T0I0 lo, O. resold by Jrutglsts, 75c. Stop that CoigVl Take warning It ma) lead to Consumfon. A 25c, bottle of Shiloh's Curemif-ave jour lile.-J Sold by 1) J. Fry. I Provincil Govcnors Resign, Havana, Ct. IK Following the appointment Marshal Blanco to succeed Captln-General Wcyler, the Marquis Pal rela, civil governor of Havana, and ecnors, have tlons ic other provincial gov- ndered their reslgna- ...11 ,. .. cnnnli?! nrocratii r rdnn was carried out, Mrs. lu' . ..,....! u OpnrL'la Davcn- i'ortlanu, three tal- TH:-MAS.WATT&f.l..1gS'a,fiS- n ii Holland. '. .....1 Trnf. Kcoble. Of i..,rl tn BdlOS. 1 enicd vocalists, tuentlon of whom has 7.. . ,nn rnnde. assisted by A. C. Hopf rendered a selection, beautifully "ung. Mr. Carey F.Martin was also heard In a soio. WITH THE PBCSDYTEBIANB. .. .,. K,.nriiiv mornlug bcrvlccs hantunml services were held. The Sffi. nuren, F.A. - ir I u. uri'i" -" -- d of Mr. una .Mrs. . fd the rite of baptism- f . ....xriKT MINISTKK. ... A Hnmm. 11 young Ilaptlst Cal.. I i i " it TTi J 11 ' Civilized mothers do ot throw their babies to crocodiles, but many a proipective mother sacrifices her baby's future welfare by neKlectinc her own health during the crit ical time when the lit tle one is expected. At this period it is a woman's amy to preserve, by every possible means, her strength and good condition. The best strength builder for pros, pective, or for nursing mothers, is Doctor Pierce's I'avorite Pre scription. It gives vigor and tone to the entire system and im parts special en durance and clas. delicate organs particularly It makes the mother strong heerful : renders confinement livery easy : entirely free from comparatively free from pain 'ecuperatlve force for the moth ... it t. r .t 1. 11 j t nnriuani nouriBiimcni lur iue i-imu Rev - -...i.i...i (ui.. s in me divine, 01 ---,...; r,r. Iind S. t Jessup, during which time Mr .k T 111 IWM- Pr0VCU" , SCOTTS Eul'- B, W!" - - .. pply the local llaptlrt pul- it "tWl,bU :,two the roughly Jotlft ".... Sunday before large j Meslred, tlclty t eoncer bright short, dange: It pro It lsnly medicine for women which I.. twtvisea oy a reguiany graauaivu. experi physician Dr Pierce has been rty years chief consulting phy irlan e famous Invalids' Hotel and Burei t"u":i at Uu"""'". N. Y. HI reput s a skilled specialist In womtn's slime world-wide. Rv, man should read Dr. Pierce's .mienee thousand page book. "The t,op mmon Sense Jlcdical Adviser " It co several chapters about women's inn e physiology and many valuable rtcel home-treatment of simple ail ra h over three hundred illustr. tion' the most instructive and vain able d library ever published in one volu early 700,000 conies were sold at ci but a strongly paper bound copy Jniftt absolutely free on receipt of iwel cents in one-cent stamps to pay he mailing only Address, World's nisi Medical Association, No firtt MH, lluffalo, N. Y. If a hand tatT" . OOUUOi miumuil auuui'vu ruu KH kn.l M, WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE NYORD " O ASTORIA," AND " PITCHER'S OASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, n-as the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has borno and does now jj? Zffr--j 0n eVOry bear tho fao-si'mih signaturo of (jZetyx-euc&tf wrapper. This is tho original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at tho wrapper and see that it is the kind you have a ways bought, rrf J2$0--&r " th and has the signature of (!&ffieMc&U wrap per. No one has authority from mo to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fiotoher fa President. March 8, 1897. QtQ&&&4t,7i. Tfll SaiTAHI! OVtrtMl, IT MURRAY STRUT. HCW YORK CITY. Books. Full line of public school books tablets, slates, pencils, etc. Second hand books taken in exchange at Dearborn's Book Store. TO THE EAST GIVEif 1HK CIIOICJs OF Two Transcontinental . " RoutGC. Via Spokane Minneapolis atPaul and Den ver; Omaha and Kansas City. Low rates Ic easterrlcities. For full details call on or address BOISE & BARKFR ajents, Salsm, Oregon, OCEAN DIVISION. ; I Tortland San Francisco. Steamers leave Ainsworth dock. Portlano July 26, 3t. Augusts, to, is, J. 25, 30, , Fare Cabin, !f 5; steerace, iJ.50 ' WILLAMETIE RIVER DIVISION. 1 TORTLAND SAI.EM ROUTE-,Stamer Ruth for Portland, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday at 610 a. m Sleamer Gypsy , loats Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 7 am. Returning leaves Ash ktreet dock, Portland, daily except Sunday, at 6 a, m. Passengers given transfers to electric line at Oregon City If desired, maUrg It possible to reach I'ortlahd at t P. m. Round Uii tukets to all points in Oregon, Vahlngion, CnlifornU or the Eat. Connections made at Portland witb all rail, ocean ai.d river hfes, Call on O. M Powers agent, loot Traie street. W. II. HURLUURT. Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland, Or. For fu'.l detahs call on or address 6. M. POWERS- Foot of Trade st. Local Agent jKvfaf' fiXl i! Si!VbHKl. nHkWWi st lnltl ffHC ttMBfcl-JBslsssssssssssssssssssn The Only Secret in corthction PIPER HEiosmeK Plug Tobacco is the Champagne Flavor. Wherever chewing to bacco is known the Piper Heidsieck brand stands for all that is best. Don't be a stranger to it you want the. best and the New Five-Cent Piece is enlarged 40 per cent. quality remains the same. Ask for it. raDcruflcrauuuTrouppgppgtnrouugff Newest, Brightest, Best. 'JlioTennesiceSirsttb-rry, Testedt Salfm two years. Prolific bearer, fine hrart. sniped, I right scarlet rrd b'rrii s. rry early, Cluslrrs prow on medium short stems, out ol lancer of fro t w lien lilcomlrp. Fin, Uronc plants, de lered atjthis office or sent to any iddrcss at Jl per ipo. lutt llie lierry that lias lrn wanted in OifRon. Sweeler, earlier tnd lairjfr than Wilson, Uipli rolorcil all over and ltcr flavor than Sharpleis. Market 'rimers hnuld rot be without this lirrry in their patch. Set out now and get an early crop est pilni. Addrrat K. liofcr, Salrm, Or. d&wtf IlyViKlutr r. I'rnu'a x-iiuHr.jiis J'ills. MflMHnnn PFsmRFn lllllllliuUU lLJ l JlLU Tills Mttilrful remedy Kusraotcc4tocuicall nervous dlicasts, such as Weai ,iPiory, Loc,f s oiis, Nervousuess. all drains, lots of power lu Central. c Oream of tobscco. Jusanlr prepaid Mstiufii I)ru Co., dUtributinc agents. Third andVaiabtll Bts." iV. il'jnd, Or. .,.H.M j vf.iftniiun, 7uuimu fTPrp. ex SITe use or opium or stimulants, which lead to Infirmlti. rv ..mntiunnr y. Can be carried In vest pocket, i.oo wr txJV, 6T 1(.Winall . ClrcuUr Free. Bold by sUUruC.f.ts. X.k for llj I U 'iSSlher EAST AND SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co KXl'KKSS TKAIfS kt.N I'AISV I o i .md OIOO r M I v . . 1 y 1 .iiiii ii .y ji a m 8;jo P M l. vn- in Jv 7.- u M 7.MC ami Vi r 1. I-ia iu 1 cu Lv 1 1: o p u Above iin'i m"p al a. I ( ruieipnl siailolii bet, l'otllutiil .1I11I ,'nliin, 'litmei MuiUn Jeflcrson, Alli''i) 'liniKf"1 Miitiils llnUey. Harrisburu, junction City, Lu;ei e, Ciewell Cottage liiovf, Drain, Oakloi.il and all Ma tions irom lti'scourg 10 a riiami, inclusive. ROSMIUKU MAIL, r-DAILY, X: JO A M IIjl S-'2o l'ullmaii butlct A Ml l.v i'orl M l.v ale f M 1 Ar . . Kom Portland . .'Ar 4:30 r M iu .. Lv -la ooP.l Imrg. . Lv 1 7.'3o A M tlieiier and second-clnfR sleeping cars attached to all throuch trains WlisiP SIDE DIVISION. UU1WEKN VOKTLANU AND COKVALLlS. Mail tiains dally except Sunday. "V30 a Ml Lv. ,71'ortland.. At I 5,'So P M uyiS pm) Ar . Corvnllls...Lv 105 P M 'At Albany nnd Cwyfllll3connect with KXI'REis TRAlfTtoAlr,Y 1 eyI-kit sunday" 1 450 P M I L 7:30 P m ) Li ,v Lr , , Portland... Ar McMinnville Lv I 25 A m f S-'5" A M For sale by D. J, FRY, Sakm Direct connections at San Francisco with Drrldpnfnl nnrl O.I..ia1 ..! T)..lr ..n steamship linos for JAPAN AND CHINA. oaiiiiig uaics on application Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Enrnnr. Alwi 1APAW flMMA ltXT-i LULU and AUSTHALLIA, can be obtained from W. W. SKINNER, Ticket Acent, Salem. k-ni.-iii if t... C. II. MARKIIAiU, G. F. & P. A. Portland OREGON CENTRAL AND Eastern R, R. Company YAQU1NA UAV ROUTE. Connecting at Yaq.'ina Uay with the Sa Francisco & Yaquina IJay Steamship Oo. .STEAMER "FARALLON,' Jails from Yaquina every 8 days for S?j, Francisco, Coos llay, Port Orford, Trlnlcbvl and Humbolt Hay. Passenger acuommodations unsurpassed. Shortest toute bctwten the Willamette valley and California. Fare from Albany or points west to Ha Franciscot Cabin, o; steerage, $5itoCixi Bay and Port Orford, cabin $6; to Ilumliojd. llay, cabin 8j round trip, good 60 days, t:6t RIVER DIVISION .earner ''Albany" between Portland and vallis, through without lay-over. Leaves luii 10:45 m.Tnesdays, Tnursdajs and jsttudajs leaves Portlstid, Yamhill street dock, 6,-coa. m. Sundajs Wedneidays and Fiidajs EDWIN STONE, Manager. Ccrvallis, Oj J. C. N5AYO, Supt. RiverDiision. MADE SViE A MAN AJAX TAI1LUTS IOaiTIVELV OOR8 m uu jvc t vow it ua iraiitng Mm r -it - j, -it? l " 't-- wrAuiMiaimuiiMr ren neAJu B M. VI w anii man 7 rxtora Let VlUlltr la ola or joan. u3 tit du or tad r.bu.lBoM or uurrlu. W l'mviillt luianltv finil fhnmn.lln. l) tf.iiiu7 la. UiaiK. T.U Ukenln time Tbalr nu tbowa iinnu m.ul and f Stola c UltH whero all c lit upon L.ilna tfia uanutra Alue 1 pltr- wrjtua Kaarsn Uw to eCuct a cor. tn neb nut wrmm8s:t s2s For sale at Salem. Or- bv D. J, FRY sss-BKflsKvB afHsV (Srtait V WA BM M UI4II. Kv lMBMHh1srt.D W yjBssak. .. m ssss r 'vmppK'1 Mu u a ns rtuunly. for Uu- "nmt !1'!'V, operoiaiorrh 1 j. I Cil,,?, ,'" T"r laU'. 'Mil. kii.niiuii UF UU '"-"-'--'- .,. - ,, iiiii.wui I.. IrHltiUuCimWJ'iVj. li-- iuirattrlm. . now ur woeruu OT wliliL.Iii IiIaIu vrrnpi by srrm. ri'filJ, U VJU , or JIuIUm. i leases. 1 auoic"1-10 1 SCOTT .r Ttnrodnceaasottandheanwu 1 hi Who Valuo rstM&M-YMk-