DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. . NO. 314 SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER !, 18!7. VOL . mew 13ovk IRachet j 9 Always fulfills what it advertises, They handle - s "' Swwo wmy, uhu wu uicm at Close prices, They have a heavy run on their OUT IN FULL The Board of Agriculture Are Ahead OF THE LAST YEAR'S FAIR, llll All Back Indebtedness Is Wiped Out. to Be on account of the excellent quality, and low price for men boys and youth, Their clothing has the merit of looking and wearing well, Their line of give almost universal satisfaction, in all lines, l' niHJv: z The same can be said for their line of All wool, and wool mixed underwear y for men, women and children, also for hats, hos- iery, laces, ribbons, embroideries, hankrechiefs, rubbers, in all styles, oil clothing, and notions of l kinds, i Call and get goods at real racket prices. & DES. T, :BA.l&:Kr:E3S- 2 , savsB maars9siwRmLsMNsa t All premium warrants arc being paid in full. Labor claims were all paid In full. Expenses of advertls ing, management, speed purses and special features have not yet been or dered paid. While the receipts arc three thousand dollars ahead of last year, the total is still short of all dc mands. An effort is being made by the board at its last session this after noon to square all claims against the fair nastiand present. Members of the board are olTerinu to -put un nrorata but some arc refusing to do tills. How ever there is no doubt that before the board adjourns some plan will be agreed upon to liquidate all warrants outstanding. For some years there lias been a growing expense for the horse races and unless this is cut down the fair cannot pay out. When the day's re ceipts were from $100 to $000 the race purses were from $000 to $1000, be tides a great deal of money for spe cial features like Chehalis, etc. All the exhibits are being removed and exhibitors are leaving the city. JOURNAL "X-RAYS." Here I am at the same old stand dealing in groceries and -state con tracts. Ho small fry business for me. Comineal.lkc. Crush for advertising space shuts out some X Rays that will hayc to appear Monday. President Looney .was so enthused by giving away the bride at the state fair wedding that lie wants one to come off each day of the fair. The boys say Dave Is in. the marrying mood. ARRIVING DAILY. New goods arriving daily. We have been in the cpUilej: business in Salem for fifteen years and our sales at this tl n o art beyond anything we ever enjoyed before, satisfying i s be ond . reasonable doubt that we have the light goods and price, riit fact is wc are here to sell goods, not to be uihIuwiW. Call .inrt examine our stock and be convinced that e arc the pc pie I buy clothing from. Don't matter ir you arc "ouly looking . We take pleasure in showing you through, knowing thai if wo don't sell you today that wc will when youaic ready to buj. There never was a name that suited quite so well as Cornmeal -Ike. It is too bad that Brother Fletcher could't lind out in time where that cock light came oil. "Not a dollar goes out of tills state treasury for warrants if I can help it," Mctsclian. RESIDENCE BURNED. A Defective Flue Was the Origin Insur ance forSiooo. The residence of Mrs. B, J. Mc- Manns, situated at the -corner of Division nnd Broadway streets, North Salem, was burned to the ground last night about 10 o'clock. Mrs, Mc Manns had -an insurance with the Leo Willis ngency for $1000. The lire found Its origin from a de fective Hue, aud within one hour af tcr being discovered, all that re mained of the pleasant home was a pile of smouldering ashes. The lire was discovered by Mrs Mc Manns, but not until the roof and up per story were enveloped in flames. With the assistance of neighbors, she removed most of her furniture. Being a number of blocks outside of the city limits, the lire depart ment was not summoned m STATE HOUSE NEWS. Sunday fair. Umatilla county has squared herself with the state in the matter of taxes due for 1890, by a remittance received yesterday by State Treasurer Phil Met sclian covering the sums of $442.40, as per balance due for taxes for that year and $5SS.0:ias interest accrued on def erred payments. Jas. II. Douglas of Troutdalc and L. Gibbs of Portland were made no taries. The auditing department is busy in the secretary's olllcc auditing bills and issuclng warrants, which arc stamped "not paid for want of funds." Police Court. The city Ipolicc court today had it s annual State Fair "cleanup." The following cases were disposed of by Recorder Kdes: Two drunks, five days each; oiic drunk, forfeited ball; one vngrant, discharged. F.S.Williams put up ball for hi appearance this evening to answer to a double charge, viz: a "rude and In decent act" and nlso drunkencss. When arraigned before Recorder Edcs Friday evening Ed Peckham one of.the "lllm-ilanmicrs" who was ar rested early Friday morning, plead guilty to petty larceny, and upon re funding the $15 to Mr. Savage and paying the costs In the case, .hcj was discharged, Joe Miller, the other light fingered gentleman Implicated in the same piece of work for which Peckham was arrested, plead "not guilty" and his trial was set for tills afternoon. Jos. Miller, was this afternoon ar ranged before Recorder Ed N. Edcs, on a charge of petty larceny and was dismissed. One Paget was arrested last night for larceny of sonic valuable Chinn warcfromtlie Liberty street "noodle" joint. His case lias been continued until Monday. He committed the theft wliile under the Influence of liquor. Two women arrested last night for roaming on the streets at late hours, were today discharged. SITUATION IN CUBA. Weyler Fighting to Retain His Command, ADOPTS BULLYING TACTICS Internal Strife Among the Spanish Conservatives, MICHAEL, KING A-WHEEL Great Benefit He Has Received Paine's Celery Compound. From m 1, ! t H 1 f t Grannls denounced the state fair, but was willing to be adyertised be fore an immense state fair crowd by marrying the trick bicyclists. Grannls Is a good advertiser. The privates were toasted as well as the olllccrs at the military banquet. And then the band played. Wati:d.--To buy a good tcam- , weight not less than 1300 pounds, alsu a good wheel to trade lor unyinK I horse. Call at Hanson & Landon's Planing mill Salem. " A Serious Difficulty. "I suffered three years with salt rheum. The humor was on my hands and 1 was obliged to keep a covering on them most of the time. The stinging and bnrnlng were very severe. Nothing did mo any good until I took Hood's Sarsaparllla, After taking six bottles l was curcu. Mrs. S. E. Wood, DcLamar, Idaho. Hood's Pills arc tho favorite family cathartic. Easy to take, gentle, mild. 25 cents. lie Not Deceivedl A Couph, Horscncss or Croup aro not to be trifled with. A close in time ofShilo's Curo will save you much trouble. Sold by D. J. Fry. New York, Oct. 9. A dispatch to the Herald from Madrid says: General Weyler will light tooth and nail against being removed from Cuba. He Is trying to terrorize the liberal government into retaining him In command in iCuba next June, and, If recalled now he will utilize his In fluence over the army to create dis turbances in tho peninsula or sell klmsclf to tho Carllsts. Now that the late conservative ad ministration Is no more than a shat tered remnant, the organs of the con servative press arc nothing backward In vituperating one another, aud tho defunct ministry Is so malignant In tone as to clearly betray that there was no intention whatever of sur rendering the reins of government had not tho queen regent hereon de liberately Induced and Insisted on tho crisis. In consequence of this the fallen magnates of that administration, which lias been one continuous brawl and national scandal for so many weary months, arc being so bitterly assailed in tho tho columns of their own newspapers that their tempers arc said to have suffered In the glor ious nielce. and more than one lias to part from public life and even from Madrid, with scowls upon his brow and anathemas upon his lips, which has caused no little merriment to tho unconcerned onlookers. The conservative papers El Naclonal lias made a dead set against General Azcarraga, assailing him more fiercely than ever, and Scnor Roblcdo, the antagonist of Cutan reform, "tho man who has lost us Cuba" as ho Is now branded In Spain, In wrath at similar tirades against himself, has stopped his ears and fled southward to his na tive antiquary, iwliore the crowds turned out ;to to receive him, and where the adulation of the villagers will doubtless compensate hi m for tho harshness, sneers and ridicule of tho Madrid public. D: Lome to Be Recalled. Maduiii, Oct. 0. Among the diplo matic charges reported hero as being Imminent Is that the Duke of Altnor dova, or Scnor Muruaga, will replace Scnor Dupuy do Lome as Spanish minister to the United States. Weyler to Go. Madrid, Oct. I). It is scnil-ofllcl-ally announced that Captain-General Weyler at tomorrow's session of tho cabinet will bo recalled. APgood wool suit in brown plaids thoroughly up to date in (It and workmanship for vOC3 All wool salts In plaids, checks and stripes, in all the latest colorings at Sv.oo to iu ior sun. ANKRUPT SALE i Corner State and Commercial Sts. Earthquake in Missouri. Ni:w Madkid, Mo., "Oct. 0. At 2 o'clock a. in. an earthquake shock was Jclt here. No damage was done. New Madrid wan the scene of a violent shock in 1811, when a great part ol the land In tho entire country sank several feet and was overflowed by water from the Mississippi river. Invincible, peerless, wonderful Is Michael. When ho races his chief competitor Is time, and when ho crosses tho tapo In his finishing sprint he leaves records as well as opponents behind him. I James Michael, tho most wonderful bicyclist of the world, recommends all wheelmen to tnko Palno's celery com pound. Many a young person and hundreds of older pcoplo who have determined to take up bicycling as a health-giving cxcrclso find themselves really lacking tho proper "snap" or stamina to begin on. Their bodily condition prevents so spirited exercise. Many who aro really sick, who havo suffered from debility or wasting diseases for a long time until they had begun to think their troubles had become chronic, as nothing gavo them relief, would turn to bicycling for rellof, but they find that this splendid exorcise, like any other, rlqulres strength to undertake. Tho blood Is out of order, tho nerves aro doranged, and naturo's food for both Is needed, All such persons will find to their Immense oy that Palno's celery com nnund will make them well. Michael has made cyclo riding a care ful study, and Is In a position to give excellent advice, not only to racing men, but wheelmen and pcoplo In gen- x MEN'S HATS. ?. G .. .. . ..!...,., ,i iii-iiivnliiits In all the latest urccn. uiacK, urumi, -"' " blocks at $1 to 83. s .i. '15 -:e: The x Underwear ! In mens' and boys' at 60c a suit and up. w . mm r a . . t i At 50c, 75c, SI, J1.25, 2, and $2.50. t Also a complete line of shirts, gloves, etc.. aloj ou q W. Johnson & Co. L 4 greatest chance of a lifetime for persons to scene Bargains in Clothing, Dry Goods, Ladies' and Men's Furnishing Goods. ftSSSSiy barga.ns we are giving them. S : NO : OPPORTUNITY! But come and secure some of the bu.ga.ns and you will surely be pleased. GodJarJ and Sharkey. San Francisco, Oct., 0. - The Knickerbocker Athletic Club has re ceived a telegram stating that Joo Goddard, who lias Just arrived In Boston, has signed articles to fight Tom Sharkey In November, In this city. The club expects to pull off the fiL'lit In Mechanics' pavilion about November 18. oral, In reference to hlsown methods tho following letter will Interest everybody. Boston, Mass., Fob. 21, 1807. After the exertion of ray record rides wlillo with the Morgan & Wright team In tho South last win ter, during which I lost somewhat In weight, on account of tho unaccus tomed climate, 1 was advised to use Palno's celery compound. I am pleased to say that It gavo such satis faction that 1 was Impelled to use It ugaln to brace up from tho effects of the two unusually rough ocean trips that I havo taken during tho past month. I believe that wheelmen who have to undergo tho hardships of "cir cuit chasing" will find Palno's celery compound of asslstauco In keeping up their physical tone. JiMMit: Michael. Thousands need to take a remedy to purify their blood, arouso tho circula tion counteract the debilitating ef fect of conllnlng work, worry and excitement. Tho inoro intelligent portion oi cycry community aro the ones who best recommend Paine's celory com pound. They havo looked Into thlB great remedy, followed Its remarkable achievements In tho caso of friends, neighbors and relatives, and know just what to expect from Its use as a nervonnd brain strcngthenor and re storer und an Ideal Invlgorator for a run-down system. Jumps Two Cents, Nkw Yoric, Oct. '0. Silver Bcored a rlso of 1 penny In London and 2 cents to 68 cents In New York. Bul lion dealers are unable lu assign any other causo for tho rise than a scarcity ofsuppllcs, Tho Indian demand of late has been quite heavy. Tho Lon don price Is within 21 pennies of tho price on September 20, which was tho high r.olnt of tho rally on the news of tho Rank of England's proposition to hold a fifth of Its reserve In sllyer. The steamship Yucatan, which ar rived from Havana, has a consign ment In transit to London of 10'J casesof Mexican silver dollars aud :i0 cases of silver bars. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Ilroino Qulnlno Tab lets. All druggists refund tho money If It falls to cure. 25c. Dreadfully Nervous. Gents: I was dreadfully uoivous, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Hoot Tea. It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole Nervous System. I was troubled witli Constipation, Kidney and How el trouble. Your Tea soon cleansed my system so thor oughly that I rapidly regained health and slrcngtli. Mrs, S. A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. SoW Ijv D. J. fry. Musio Tkaciuno. .. M. Parvln Mus. Doc, teacher of voice, piano, harmony, violin, etc Dr. Parvln was teacher of Mrs. llalllo Hinges, the most popular singer at tho Stuto Fair. Rooms at tho Christian church n:irlnrn. Klnilm? Rchnol icvorv Mon day evening, beginning October 11th iv-o-v Quick! Mis The s.):jiK.r use Si'i:IIik's baking p jwiLt, opportunity to that $20vOOO. Ami the more yotf will en joy your cake and eating. you bi'fiin to lhst tea and the better your get some of Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications as they cannot reacii tue uiscascu portion or too cur. AS Stir ti t umiiaur ran nco 'Pimm la nnlv ntli tVflV f ri flim flPTlf ncss, ana mat is uy consuiuuomu remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lin ing of tho Eustachian Tube. "When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumb ling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when ft Is entirely closed, Deafness is me result, aim uuiusb wiu uiiiuiu matlon can bo taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hear ing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an inflamed con dition of the mucous surfaces. Wc will give Ono Hundred Dollars for any caso of Deafness (caused by rntnrrliUlmt cannot bocureddv Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. J!. J. UHEENV UO..J.OICUO, V. vtA ySold by Druggists, 75c. Uoval oiakea the load Dure. wholesome sad dsllclou POWDER AtMBlutftly fure ttnu. tAjtma roMR co.- M lohn