ft 11 I lift 12 ? y r t ... H' i I It . ur- Z I I II ' I I 111 I 111 I ft I I HI umDrelia on Inn), l?nat. Ttlnr1r Pnt.tin. Pnnrv nnH 2a Inch! Paraxon Frame. Cotton Gloria, good black. 45c 26 incli, Green Congo Stick, Paragon Frame, Good fast black. &uc 20 Inch, Cotton Gloria, a good, wrylcable Italny weather Umbrella 75c We have Just opened our Fall Stock of Umbrellas. Plain and Fancy Wood Handles Dresden Knobs, Pearl Handles, Celluloid Handles, Sterling Silver Mounted Handles. Pure Silk, Gloria silk, and Cotton Covers. We can Suit you In Quality and Price. CASH STORE HOLVERSON'S Black Dress Goods. Our line of both plain and fancy weaves In Black G uds was never more complete An Inspection of this department will convince you that we have the best variety hereabouts. New Braids. In the narrow desired widths. Velvet Ribbons, Black and colors, shades to select from. All the best J, . Dalrymple Co, Osburn's Racket Store Umbrellas, Did you know you could get an um brella for 25 cents. We have It. We have belter ones too, but they cost more money. Umbrellas never were as cheap as they are Mils fall and our stock Is very full and complete. Table oil cloth. 13 cents a yard for first class white table oil cloth, is cheap, Isn't it? That is the way we arc selling it, Rainy weather goods Ladies' mac intoshes for $2.50 and gossamers for 40 cents are our leaders. We have rub ber boots and shoes and oil hats. You know our prices are always low on these grades. Shoes We will have something to Bay about shoes In a few days that will pay you to watch for. Osburn's Racket Store, 24D Com mercial Street. Salem,Oregon. Weather Forecast Wednesday afternoon and night fair. Thursday fair and wurmer. OREGON PERSONALS. Dr. J. D. Shaw Is in Portland. Gov. W. P. Lord Is in Portland. Allle Churchill was !n Portland to- day. Rev. E. M. Wilbur returned to Port land today. J. 0. Howd, of rihaw,was a Salem visitor today. Miss Ada Goodby, of Portland, Is visiting friends in this city. Mrs. C. M. Charlton is home from a two weeks visit at Goshen. Fred Golbel, salesman in Branson & Company's grocery, was In Portland today. Chief of Police A. C. DIHey Is In Portland to subpoena witnesses in the case of State vs. Frank Bailey, under arrest for burglary. Miss Genivleve Savage, who has been lslting at the homo of her uncle, W. N. Savage. In East Salem returned to her homo at Brownsville today. Jesse George, the lunch counter man, has returned to Slab Creek and will return tho latter part of this week with his family, and also his brother W. P. George and family. "Just as Good" Means taking chances. Taking chances in the mut ter of purchasing a good meal Is bad policy. Go to Strong's where you know tho bet meal to be found in tho city is bcryed. Tillamook butter, 45 cents a roll, at Rowley's grocery btore. Wrappers, Ten dozen ladles wrappers opened7 Prices "JGc to $2veach. Kid Gloves. jllsfc Twelve dozen now styles In kid gloves Just received. Prices 75c to 81.50 a pair. 50 cases new shoes, For met , women and children at Usd rock igjcas Tor tcot cash. Standard Prints 5c a yard, Good uiuMIn bleached and un-blrtiiclu-il 5i a jnrd. Best table oil clolh I.'m a yaid. Call und tee us. Wo stvujou money Agents standard patterns best and cheapest, WILLIS BROS, CO, ;U2 Ci u nerol.il Streut. Tne L'abli DryUoodt.i)dKI)ocltusc. t itfTft tatim 5)ttti T ma. " 1"iri' ' ' ? Drives I Plain Huddle 35c CASH STORE DRAIN. Tho brlckmakers are turning out several thousand brick daily. Grain Is all cared for and prunes arc bilng rapidly dried. Several buildings and parts of others are being ronstruUed at Drain this fall. The Drain Coos Bay stage line has changed time, not making night trips at present. The crops of all fruits and vege tables around here are most excellent' The Drain flouring mills are run ning day and night, to supply the demand upon them. Mr. Ira WImberly, who has been visiting relatives In Roseburg, has re turned with his family. The State normal school at this place opened up Monday 13, with a fine attendance of Oregon's best young people. Every thing is running smoothly, and the prospects for a tlrst class school year are excellent. Train ing school begins Monday, Septem ber 20. Marion County Bridges. County Judge G. P. Terrell and Commissioner J. M. Watson, of the Marion county court, went to Hub bard this morning where with the Clackamas county court they will ex amine the Hubbard bridge near that place which connects Marion and Clackamas counties, It is reported in a danccrous condition, and Immedi ate repairs are necessary. Consider int: the great amount of work that has been done on Marlon county bridges and the great amount of money that has been expended In that way, her bridges should be In ex cellent condition. During the past 14 months, or since Judge Terrell ac cepted the olllco as county judge, the county has built 25 bridges, the spans of which were Trom 20 to 1200 feet In length. In the same length of time 35 bridges have been repahed. This is exclusive of all culverts. At The Mute School. Six deaf mute pupils arrived In the city on the Roseburg mall and were met at the depot by Supt, P. S. Knight, of the State institution for these unfor tunates. This Institution opened to day for the reception of students. Class work will begin Monday the 20th inst by which time It Is expected neirly all of the students will have arrived at the school. Sad News. Mrs. R. A. Heritage this morning received a telegram an nouncing the death of the only child of her sister, Mrs. Robt. Brandy berry, at Montpeller, O., at 10 o'clock this morning. The dispatch reached Salem at 8 o'clock or two hours before the death of the child occurred in Ohio, reckoning the time at both points tho same. Notice. E. C. Cross wishes that tho party who borrowed his buggy shafts would return tho samo Imme diately and no questions will be asked. DIED. RIVERS. At the Pettyjohn hop yard, south of this city, Tuesday, September 14, 1897, May, tho 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lans ing Rivers, of cholera morbus. Funeral services took place from tin hop yard at 3 o'clock this after noon and the remains were Interred at the I. O. O. F. cemetery. University Now Open Pattoa Bros , offer special Induce ments tostudents attending the uni versity. Full line of text books. Composition books 5 and 10c Booktrap" and baps 25c. und up. Lead pcucils with rubbers 10c. doz. Ink and pencil erasers 5,10 and 15c. New novelty penholders 5c. each. Steel pens (all styles) 10c. doz. Bookkeeping blanks 50o. sot. Wo Invite you. w look over our big stock and make yourself at home. Our store is painted white you can't miss It. Patron Bros., Books, Stationery and Nows. 4t il XitoiAAl A POINTED LETTER. Secretary Kincaid Answers Some Sickly Intimations. ( The following letter from Secretary Kincaid, In response to a Portland 1 firm Is self-explanatory: I Salem, Sept. 15, 1897. The Bradley -Brcyman Co., Portland. Oregon. Dear Sir: Yours of September 14, enclosing penitentiary and asylum vouchers, has been received, in which you say: Some brokers have tried to buy these and stated that they had a 'pull' (we do nob know what that means) in lyonr office and would get returns at once we trust, However, uiat ours will be made out in due season as we have waited several months -and hav ing sold tho goods at regular prices, think wo should receive our money In proper order." Any broker or other person who states or Imagines that ho has a "pull" in this onicc, If by that he means that ho will receive any special favor or be treated better or different from any other person or persons, is cither mistaken or willfully lies. All have received youchers in their regu lar order as fast as possible, and all will receive vouchers or warrants, if war warrants, can be Issued, as rapidly as the cllams can be examined. No broker or attendency can hurry up any claim or Increase the amount one cent. All claims will be allowed for the full amount due and as rapidly as possible, with tho clerical force In this office, no matter who tho claim ant may be. Your claims will receive attention as soon as possible without any further trouble on your part. Yours very respectfully, n. R. Kincaid, Secretary of State. FROM STAYTON. Mrs. M. M. Balsley was a Salem visitor last Monday. Mrs. Howell and Miss Davis drove down from Salem last Thuisday for a visit with relatives residing near Stayton. Miss Rebecca Baldarree, of Southern Oregon, who has been the guest of Miss Tempest Dunivln for the past month, left for Portland via Salem, Monday morning. Miss Baldarree has been offered a position In an Eastern Oregon university as instructor in the language of the institution. Master Lloyd nunt is quite ill with the fever at his home near town. Mrs. Cross Is very ill at her home with Dr. Reed in daily attendance. Mr. Thorpe was forced to abandon the plckingof his hops, the recentrains having caused them to mold to badly that they were uot worth the picking. Madames Hro.vn and Hughes were Salem vibitors last week at the homo or County Tieasurcr, G. L. Brown. Rev. RLilo.'k. l-itely of China, occu pied the pulpit at the Baptist church Sunday morning. Mr. F. Wrightman. of Sublimity, was a Stayton vistor last Sunday morning. Misses Dean Kitchen and Ethel Gardner returned to Salem last Tues-day.-wherc they will continue their school work at the Willamette uni versity this year. Mrs. Robertlon and daughter Edna, returned from Lyons last Friday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Apple drove to Salem last Monday morning on business. Mrs. Apple and children will leave for Indlnana In a week or ao. Mr. RIggs has moved his family in town from their farm near Jordan Valley. They will occupy the NefT property on Third street for the winter. A very interesting lecture was de livered last Sunday night at the Bap tist church, by Mrs. Blalock, of Nortli Carolina, lately of China. Mrs. Blalock was sent as a mission ary, by her native state, to China two years ago. She described the trials, tribula tion and dangers that she was com pelled to undergo in following her chosen work, In a very touching and earnest manner. All who were for tunate enough to hear her were more In favor of foreign mlsslonery work than ever before, and when she anil her husband return to their far away home, they will no doubt receive a helping hand from the missionary so cieties of Stayton. Rev. and Mrs. Blalock have re turned to America for one year In or der that Rev. Blalock may recover his shattered health. They Intend to again leave for their field of labor In China next autumn. An Interesteringifoaturo of the ovenlug's entertainment was the cos tume In which Mrs. Blalock delivered her lecture, the samo being her Chi nese bridal robe, of garnet and black satin. Guasp Youn Opportunities. As they present themselyea. Don't fall to allow tho privilege of purchasing your groceries at Bransons & Co's . do neglected. They have tho very best, Catarrh Cured. A cler head ind sweet breath tecured with bhiloh'sCa'arih Kcmedy: told on a guarantee Nasal injector free IMd by U. J. Fry, OASTORIA. ThiiJ- ilalli li ea CigUtBt vk y&icJUi $ W V.fc te. ..JMbW h TO LEAVE SALEM. Secretary A. M. Qriliey of the Local Y. M. C. A. Goes to Tacoma. AUx-rtM. Grllley, who has served the local Y. M. C. A., as secretary for the paet two years, leaves for Tacoma Thursday to accept tho assistant sec retaryship of the Tacoma Y. M. C. A. The board of directors of the Salem association have not yet fully decided what courso to pursue, but It Is quite probable a young gentleman from Portland will tako charge of the lo cal association. Frof. F.E. Brown, of this city, for several years physical director at Wlllamettco university, may take charge of the physical work Early next year the board of directors of the local association hope to bo able to engage the services of an eastern Y. M. C. A worker to tako chargo of the Salem association. The position In the Trcoma associa tion accepted by Mr. Grllley Is a more lucrative position and his many friends In this city ate pleased to note the progress being made bv Mr. Grllley and wish him every success in his new location. He Is a worthy gen tleman and deserving of the recogni tion of his services that has been shown in his selection ns assistant secretary of tho Tacoma association. Foot Injuukd. While handling sheet Iron recently, Sherman Heck- man, In the employ of the Salem Truck & Dray Co , had the misfor tune to very painfully cut his right foot. The gash was. about three Inches In length and extended oyer the instep. It required several stitches to close the cut. "Sliertu" will be un able to resume ork ti.r several days. A Man Lost on the Way to the Klon dike. But was found at The Fair store in Salem taking In the many bargains which they have to oifcr In every thing, wt&s&w To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. oJk.sj'i'OEtt.xaL.. lie fie- tlaiu tlguturs it ll ca Zeuc&M wiippti. Did You Ever notice how much more people read In fall and winter than in summer? In the warm weather we spend our time out of doors, but the cool breezes of autumn and the storms of winter dilvo us in doors and around the study lamp, Our method for fitting glasses is the latest improved appliances.' Consultation and ej c-5 tested free. C. fl. HINGES, Optician, Watchmaker and Jeweler Watches cleaned 75c. Mainspring 75c. Second door north of postoffice, I n A l . i.a 1 . -- . m. . E. m " j, uuicr ionics 01 vjooas Bigger Since commencing business last March In a very small way I have been very successful. I started at the worst season of what seemed to be a quiet year, and the trade that has come my way convinces me that the time was opportune for my venture. I thank my customers heartily for their support. This fall I have added a good assortment of men's, women's and children's shoes. Not the biggest line, but a well assorted stock of standard goods. The "Diamond Brand" at lowest prices. Also maclntoshes Jfor men, women aud children, underwear In all sizes and kinds, umbrellas, wool 'hose, over shirts, men's heavy gloyes and mittens, cotton blankets and all such. My Kitchen Ware Stock Is growing to be a strong department. I save you money on granlteware, tin ware, and all tho smaller every day articles Come and see for yourself. Goods marked In plain figures. Racket Prices and Spot Cash, That's tho magnet that makes my business and saves you money. i carry honest goods and sell them cheap. Wiggins' Bazaar. 310 Commercial st Salem Willamette Odi versify Opens Monday, Sept 13, t - Me Preoare SPBCIAL U NDBRWEAR Our Entire Line at Reduced Prices, X 25c children's and misses' fleecer lined Union Suits, all sizes, m7Cf Very heavy Union in ecru and 23c Ladies' fleecelined Vests and in gray and ecru, 75 Ladies' all wool Vests A bargain. Other Bargains too Numerous to Mention GREAT SUCCeSST we are having great success in our Cape, Jacket and Mackintosh department, and choice garments are being selected, Do not miss seeing them soon, 257 Commercial st. Telephone 112, Musical Work. Prof. Parvln will begin his class In music on Monday the 20th at tho par lors of tho Chrlstaln church. A thorough course In piano, voice, har mony, violin and counterpart. Sing ing class Instruction, etc. Diplomas will be given at the completion of tho course. A limited number of pupils solicited. 0 14 tf The Yellow Fever. There Is no question but this dread malady will not visit Salem. But every stranger who comes to this city falls In love with the 10 Cent La Corona. It sells on its own merits To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinlno Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if It falls to cure. 25c. J . Lines of Everything. cText Books to be used by the scholars during 18978 can be obtained from P. S. Dearborn, 262 Commercial st, Get his prices, - imts.m'' - ix a Jja'MfflJmafcacAjfaa-M, y.frm tfVrftfit 'fa " j ,n MMrtMhMMMMIWlMMMliBMMJL T .,, , , for Gold Weather! W I 111 Jill I Trl: FRIDAY AN3D SATURDAY, SALB f &&W f Suits, 8$t32 gray, 45c 36c A This week we T Oncita j rams, t k .3 and Pants, S . -K v "SZnR 6tii dren The cry has been heretofore "We are compelled to go out of town to purchase our Boys Clothing if we want something nice," Now if you come in and ine our lovely line you'll be vinced we have the long felt In Sailor Suits, Middy Suits, SS , JlL .Doublebreasted Blouse Suits, Boys' Suits, with long Top Coats, Reefers, Kilt Suits, Ulsters, Overcoats, HK&wWwMmMfliL w Tin addition to which wo show a most exclu sive array of novelties In tho most approved col ors and designs. & pmRONE PRICE 45C Ladic0s' ,;icavy eccclined Union Suits, Ladies' Oncita Union Suits in gray and whites 70 per cent wool Ladies' part wool vests and pants extra heavy, great value in ladies' heavy gray vests, will devote to OlOtllilld. exam' J con- - I: want, pants ksSA MTttPSl&WV!& . ft aAi WW ) S-- ' x Jfc. y .'J y I I !' 1.1 d V-J t I -i-Ji , f