Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, September 01, 1897, Image 4

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    HWPi-mpwiiwiiiw "
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T. floltferson's Sface.
Watch for announcements of
The Cash Dry Goods House,
O.C.T Go's
Altona and Ramonn
leave for Portland dal'y
and Sunday at 7 a m.
Quick lime, refiular ser
vice and low rates.
Dock between State
and Court streets.
A sent. Sal em
New Neckwear,
The hi test elIeo-8 In Puffs.Olubs,
Tucks, etc., 25c und up.
Golf Caps,
All the latest styles and quali
ties found here, 25c and up.
50c Working Shirts,
A big range of materials and
patterns. The best values out.
Working Gloves,
From 25c hop picking cloves to
the finest Suranac Buck. If
you don't And what you want
here, give up the chase.
J, J, Dalrymple Co,
Hop Gloves,
Another big" lot to fit any
size hand, from the small
boy up. Good tough stock
with string fasteners 25
Campers Goods,
Tin pans, tin plates, cups,
stow pans, kettles, etc.,
etc., for campers use, all
at lowest racket prices.
Wiggins Bazaar
Weather Forecast For Wednes
. day night and Thursday, fair.
Mr. ana Mrs. Thos. Jory are home
from Newport.
Attorney General Idleman has re
turned from Toledo.
Mrs. L. It. Stinson and children,
are home from Oregon City.
Mrs. Alford lectures on the Vlavi
work at Turner this afternoon.
W. 0. Hawley, of Willamette Uni
versity, returned today from Albany.
Supt. D. A. Paine, of the Insane asy
lum, returned last night from Port
land. Mrs. Bam Adolph and Misses
Adolph returned today from New
port. 'Dr. and Mrs.E. B. Phllbrook. have
returned from un outing at Long
Representative II. G. Guild, of
Sheridan, Yumhill county, is in the
Representative II L. Benson, of
Josephine county, returned to Grants
Pas9 last night.
Miss Frankle Jones returned to
Portland after a month's visit with
her father in this city.
J. D. Browor has returned to Salem
Big Lines,
Fall Drees Goods.
Jackets and Capes.
Fino,fjljoeand Rubber Goods.
Hats, Caps, Gloves and Umbrellas.
now arrlvlniMlally. Wo challenge a
comparison of our goods and prices
with those of all other houses. Call
und see the styles.
302 Commercial Street.
The Cash Dry Goods and Shoo house.
Warning Tho person who is solic
iting subscriptions to the Standard
Dajlgner in this city Is, us far as wo
know u fraud. Noono is authorized
by us to do this. Beware of him.
Bring your subscriptions to us.
from Ashland, yia wheel, where ho
has been doing carpenter work.
Mrs. A. B. Comfort, of Arlington, is
visiting her brother In this city, Supt.
Holland of the Salem flouring mills.
Miss Ada Goodby, who has been the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. J.O. Card, re
turned to her home In Portland.today.
Mrs. McDonald of Wallowa who was
theguest of Supt. and Mrs. Carter of
the Blind Institute left for town to
day. Judge Orange Jacobs, who has been
a guest at the home of non. T. L. Da
venport, returned todayto his home
at Seattle.
Major Chas. A. Worden, of Stiver
Lake, stopped oil today on his way
home to visit Alderman E. F. Park
hurst. Mrs. A. D. Charlton went to Goshen
todayto organize a Woodman circle,
and will remain for an outing of sev
eral weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. W. n. Cook of Siletz
and brother A. Cook of Illinois, ar
rived today and went out homo with
Hon. T. T. Geer.
Mrs. O. S. Branson and llttlo son,
who have been visiting at the homo of
n. M. Branson, left today for their
home at Eureka, Kans.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes and
daughters, Misses Genevieve and
Ethel and Mr.and Mrs. Frank Hughes
have returned from Slab Creek.
Oregon State Land agent T. W.
Davenport and daughter Alice left to
day on their tour east. They will
spend next week as the guests of C.
W. Smith, 4596, East End ayenuc,
Mrs. F. Levy, who has been visit
ing relatives In Seattle for the past
six weeks, has returned home, accom
panied by her daughter, Mrs. L. S.
Mayer, who will visit for some time
with her parents In this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Collins and daugh
ter, Miss Esther, Miss Oskle Matth
ews and Miss Deil Ilarritt, returned
Tuesday afternoon from a month's
outing very pleasantly spent at Slab
A. W. Glesy, special agent for the
Norwich Union Fire Insurance com
pany, returned last night from Pen
dleton after a three month's absence
from this city. Mr. Glesy is consider
ably improved from his recent illness.
Jesse George, the lunch-counter
man, returned Tuesday evening from
Netarts Bay, where his family and
also his brother, W. P. George and
family are camped and will remain
for scyeral weeks. Mr. George will
join his family in a few days.
Mrs. J. J. Richardson returned this
morning from Grass Valley, Cal.,
where for several weeks past she has
been the guest of her daughter, Mrs
Estella Nicholson. She was accom
panied homo by Mrs. Nicholson and
baby who will visit In Salem for sev
eral weeks.
Rev and Mrs. II. A. Ketchura and
daughters, Misses Ruth and Mary,
arrived In the city on tho morning
overland from Berkley, Cal., and are
guests at tho home of G. A. Rock
well, in Yew Park. They have not
yet determined un a residence, Rey.
Ketchum, who has accepted itho pas
torate of tho First Presbyterian church
of this city, will fill tho pulpit for
the first time Sunday morning.
Lauor Day. September 1st is tho
day aunually observed as Labor Day
throughout tho United states but tho
sumo was not locally observed here.
Dodgers of bill collectors seemed to bo
laboring throughout tho day with
their collections aud all offices at tho
stalo capltol and court house as well
as police and justlco courts wero
were open for the transaction of
A New Residence. Mrs. N. O.
Parish Is having a story and a half
residence erected on her property on
Summer street, between Center and
Marlon streets. Young & Robinson
arc doing tho work.
Smoke Them Out. That is u com
mon method of lighting bees, but tho
10 cent La Corona cigar out-smokes
all of Its competitors. Remember,
also, It is a homo product.
Ftr Constipation take Karl's Clover Root
Tei, the great Blood Purifier. Cures Head
ache, Nervousness, Eruptions on the face,
and makes the head clear as a tall. Sold by
D.J. Fry-
T. T. Geer Is so toll a black eye is
not becoming to him.
A man who tells any truth had bet
ter keep out of tho state house.
Major Hodgktn is certainly an ex
pert at dodging the laws of his state.
Some men cannot get knowledge of
tho laws of the state without haying
a corJc hurled at their heads.
If Mr. McBrldc and Tongue want
to kill themselves let them give tho
Portland collcctorshlp to Patterson
and Brophy.
If the anDointmcnt was to bo made
today, Patterson and Brophy would bo
collector at Portland. But It won't
be made.
The sincere sympathy of the com
munity iroes out toT. T. Geer and
Charley Moores, but Patterson and
Brophy must be provided for.
The man who has no respect for tho
laws of the state unless lie is hit Ir.
tlin head with a sheen bound volume
of the statutes Is not lit to hold a pub
lic oillce.
Ex-Sneaker II. L. Benson, believed
to be the author of the famous poem
that appeared In this column during
tho session, was iu town for a few days
this week.
District Attorney Ilayden says that
fighting and profanity Is bad enough
in a state capltol. but to throw the
laws of Oregon at a man's head is
certainly an Indictable offense.
The State Treasury olllcial says: "I
wll. run this olllco Ju-,t as I please and
the public be d d. I don't owe the
nubile anvthlntr. In the mean time
let them prepare to give me another
There is a peculiar situation at Sa
lem. The Statesman, Republican, is
red hot after Governor Lord, calling
him all the names not in the diction
ary, wlille the Journal, union, Is sup
porting him energetically. Neither
seems to disturb the governor very
much, Albany Democrat.
The twoChrlstian churches of Oak
land have had a hot time, They have
tried to consolidate, but cannot. Rev.
McWilliams will leave the field. As
he does so he strikes hard at the other
pastor, Rev. Edward Davis, well
known in Albany. He says Davis
is able and brainy, but in no sense a
pastor, that he lacks experience and is
insincere. That he is suited to deal
out insinuations to women wearing
low necked dresses. Davis says Mc
Williams is env ous. He nreaclieu
Sunday on the "Study of the Fang
less Tonmic." The ministers do not
speak as they pass.
The total fees received by County
Clerk L. V. Ehlcn and County Re
corder F. W. W. Waters, during the
month of August, was as follows:
Clerk $220 85
Recorder 178 00
Total 8398 85
tax money.
Sheriff Wrichtman and denutles are
kenfbusv constantly, writing out tax
receipts. The roll will not be closed
tonlehtaud nosslblv not until the last
of the week. Larcrc amounts of money
are being received daily through the
County Clerk L. V. Ehlen today
issued the following warrants which
indicates tho monthly payroll for
Marion county:
G.L.Brown, treasurer 8 100 00
L. V. Ehlen, clerk 358 33
G. W. Jones, co. supt 83 33
F. W. Waters, recorder 1G5 00
G. P. Terrell, judge 125 00
F. T. Wrlghtman, sheriff. ... -158 33
G. W. Clvmer. day janitor. ... 40 00
J. W. Roberts, night ktnltor. . 40 00
Total 81,309 99
E. B. Williams, Portland, was com
missioned a notary,
The Rohsland and Deer Park Min
ing company have filed supplementary
articles, authorizing them to do busi
ness in Alask.
Tho Victor Gold Mining company,
of Portland, have filed articles of in
porcoration. The Oregon Sugar Roflning Co., of
Portland, capital 6tock $750,000, to
make beet sugar in Oregon lias filed
articles. Incorporators: Henry Weln
nard, E. C. nochapfel and W. W.
What Dr. A. E. Salter Says.
Buffalo. N, V. Gents: .From my per
sonal knowledge, gained In observing me el
feet of your Simon's Cure in cases o( advanced
Consumption, 1 am prepared to say it is the
most remarkable Remedy that has ever been
brought to my attention. It has certainly
saved many from Consumption. Sold by D.
J. IF'-
One Bounty Warrant. Mrs.
Emma West today received a bounty
warrant for $21.00 from County Clerk
L. V. Ehlen.
Cut! Slasb!
Down and Off They Go I
Th: Klein large stock ol standard shoes has been
removed to the BushBank Block, State street, where it
is being sold at awfullylow prices, Go, sec and buy.
Salem shoe store,
Ul-JvsI3 VC7VJjJQ 1
Otirentlri" new full lino of Dross Good and Kllksnrn
now In -tho largest and best Hue ovcrshown In Sal",u
Plain and Figured Blacks.
Plain and Figured in all shade,
Mixtures, Rough Elite,
Cloths In all tho latest colorings, Suitings, Novelties
In dress lengths.
In Quality from the Cheapest to the Best,
Wo will bo pleased to sco you, to show you Uirouch
tho lice, whether you pnrchaso or not.
Call early before the choicest patterns arc sold,
WETZEL. At the homo southeast of
Salem, Saturday. Aug. 28, to Mr.
and Mrs. R. A. Wetzel, twin daug
tcrs. WEST. At, the homo in South Salem,
Sept. 1, 1897, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Westa daughter, weight 8 pounds,
Fred Is as big as the biggest man In
town He has'twopalr now. A full
hand is better.
ROBBINS. At the family honie.near
Ale, Wednesday, September 1, 180V,
the Infant child of Mr. and Mrs W.
E. Bobbins.
TOWNSEND. At the family home
near Zona, Tuesday, August 31 1897,
ordlobetus, Julia, wife of David
Townsend, aged 74 years.
Deceased was a highly respected pi
oneer of Polk county, and leaves a
large family to mourn her death. Be
sides the bereaved husband there are
Mrs. Alex La Follett and Lafayette
Townsend, of Mission Bottom; Mrs.
G. S. Lake, of Yamhill county; Mrs.
Rcebo, of Independence; Mrs. John
Dimlck.of Hubbard; Miss Anna Town
send, who resides at the family home,
and Marion F. Townsend, of Tacoma.
Mrs. Townsend had been ailing for
borne years, but just previous to her
death, was fairly well. The funeral
will be conducted at the family resi
dence Thursday at 2 o'clrck p. m.,
Rev. W. C. Kantner, of this city, of
ficiating, and It K expected that all
children will be present. Deceased
was a member of the M. 10, church, -a
consistant Christian and sincere wife
and morthcr, whose many good qual
ities were best known to her large cir
cle of relatives and friends.
Karl's Clover Root Tea, for Constipation
it's the Best and if after uing it you don't
say so, return the package ana get your
money. Sold by D. J. Fry.
A Regular Hauit. A person will
eat, year In and year out. in which
ctntn nf !i)T:ilr. Mm. nno'.Mrin nnf lirnJlu
arises where shall I eat? The thou
sands who visio btrong's restaurant
every week s:y its the best place on
Good Turns Are now anxiously
awaited by all, but in awaiting them
do not fail to avail yourself of the op
portunity and purchase your groceries
at Branson & Co's, for you will then
know you are getting exactly what
you call for and the highest grade too.
Excursion Rates Every Day.
Tho Southern Pacific now offers for
sale round trip tickets from Salem to
Newport, good until Oct. 1, for the
price of 84.50. Call on the Salem
agent for same.
tf W. W. Skinner.
Catarrh Cured. A clear head and sweet
breatii secured with Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy;
sold on a guarantee Masai injector iree.
Sold by D. J. Fry.
Something New.
Send for the now style catalog and
guide book, of the Drain State Normal
Louis Brazee,
8-11-tf President
Cheap Railroad Rates.
The low rate of one faro for round
trip will be given by the Southern
Pacific from any point on their lines
in orcgon, to enable all to attend.
Tho people's stao institution for the
improvement of ngricjlture and the
mechanical and household arts. Rep
resented in district departments, and
divisions for the Intclligentexhibltion
of the various types of horses, cattle,
sheep, swine, and poultry, and many
classes of machinery and Implements,
manufactures, and merchandise, mu
sical instruments, domestic manu
facture, women's work, sclenco and
art. The people of the state arc
especially invited to participate. Let
us demonstrate the capabilities of
Orcgon and Oregon people. Ono faro
for tho round trip. Popular admission
of 25 cents. tf
No Matter What You Are.
Amature or professional, the Stelncr
Drug Co., of Salem can supply you
with anything In tho line of photo
graphic supplies as cheaply nsnny
house in Portland or 'Frisco, d&w It
is the number of Spectacles and Eye Glasses
wo titteu irora
SEPT. i. 1896 TO SEPT. 1. 1897.
1'!: Se n -nmmpni1:itfftn itself aS tO tllC
competency of handling this special business.
given as well as as your eyes tested free.
We shall endevor to double this number in
the next yar by continuing in dealing out
honest goods at reasonable charges,
Children's Eyes a Specialty.
n..r WoiMi crrt nnd Tmolrr repair de
partment is the best in the city, ard the
cheapest in cimge. vaicnts ticucu 3..
Main springs 75c. All other work in propor
tion anH warranted. Try us.
Second door north of postoffice,
For where the hen scratches
there she expects to find
the worm,
I am trying to ge: ou of crock
ery biz. and oflTor terfain lines of
crockery at 20 per cent below
cost. Cost )ou n nhing to come
in my store and look at goods.
Rut I wdl try lo get your hard
cash iefore you get out. My
crockery is all for sale at prices
below first cost.
Groceries and Crockery. 2i7 Commerical
meet, Salem, Or.
To the Hop Growers,
I want every hop Grower in the country to
know that my business is PRINTING HOP
CHECKS. My prices are an rignt. ace
Conoyer. the Business Printer, 263 Com
mercial street, before placing your order.
Oafs for Sale.
F. Levy has a fine lot of good white feed
oats tor sale, at tne omce ot nerren a uevy,
Bartlet Pears,
Bradshaw Plums,
Columbia Plums,
Egg Plums,
Coe's Golden Drop Plums,
Italian Prunes,
Silver Prunes,
Hungarian Prunes,
Or any other good shipping fruits
that they wish to ship, will do well to
call early on tho
Frtiit and Uegef ables
Received Fresh Every Morning,
Gravestein apple&vfinest in thejworld,
Delicious Bartlett pears,
Elegant peaches for canning,
Sonnemann, The Grocer,
124 State &t,
257 Commercial st
60N1IN6. 60MING
Is opening out ready for business
Wednesday, September 1
Friedman, with the largest
ever brought to tho City of Salem. Consisting ot Clothing, Dry
Goods, Hats and Furnishing Goods. The Public Is Invited, and
w lieu you call, you are bouud to partake of some of the bargains
offered. Miss no opportunity for this Is a chance of ahfo time.
Corner State and Commercial Sts., Salem
925 Commercial St,
Opposite the New Postoffice,
They will open for business on or about
September 4,
Look out for some
Barjui i;
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