Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, August 31, 1897, Image 4

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Daily Capital Journal, Pened
J I I Ono or the most beautiful
rry hokrr brothers,
TUESDAY, t UOUST 31, 1897.
O.O. T Go's
Altona and Ramonn
leave for Portland dal'y
and .Sunday at 7 a" m
Quick time, regular ner
vice and low rates
Dock between Slate
and Court streets.
Agent. Salem
This Week
we Intend keeping the price-cutter
busy Blieanug on prouts umu .-uuju
or the original cost Troni all sum
mer lines.
Lappet Mulls
Figured Organdies
HaltV-wool Challics
All remaining or these dainty
fabrics which sold ul 25c. Sheared
prices 10c. a yard
Hop Picking Gloves
The klud that lit and wear 25c. a
Any Ladies Waists for 75c,
values up to 32.
J, J, Dalrymple Co,
Racket Prices
Vasallne 5c
ITair nets 5c
Tin cups 4 and 5c
Butcher knives .10c
Ple plates and 5c
Everything needed for campers and
hop pickers at lowest tacket prices.
Just Opened
New black overalls In regular and
engineers new 9-oz blues, new junipers,
overshlrts, thin and medium weight
underwear, etc., etc.
Summer Corsets 42
K:i mi) im usunllv sell at 50c.
Black Cat. hose 25c
Tuu hesii wearing ho.-e ever made tor
b'ivs and girls Triple knee, ask for
Ihuui. Wheel bargains, one or two on
hand for the late comers.
Wiggins Bazaar
Ono or the most beautirul lines of
Cotton Draperies and
Pillow Crctons
Ever shown In Salem.
Our lino Includes
Mulhouse Draperies.
Beatrice Golden Draperies,
Pacific Twill Draperies.
Lawrence Crctoncs.
Art Ticking, Art Denims,
Sllkallncscct., cct.
See our south window.
Holverson's g
Weather Forecast For Tues
day night and Wednesday, continual
C. II. Luhe. was a Portland visitor
"Mr. and Mrs. L. Koppock, went to
Eugene today.
Mrs. F. E. Hodgkln Is visiting Ore
gon City relatives.
Attorney R.E.Moody, of Portland,
was In Salem today.
J. B. Putnam and family have re
turned from Newport.
Thomas Kay, the woolen mill man,
went to Waterloo today.
N. J. Damon, went to Eugene today
to bring his family home.
Judge and Mrs. Geo. II. Burnett,
left for Seal Rocks today.
J. M. Kyle, of the O. F. & P., Co.,
returned today from Albany.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lockley, Jr, re
turned today from Newport.
Miss Emily Thatcher has returned
from a two weeks visit ncarSllverton.
Rev. J. M. Shulso arrlycd in the
city this afternoon from Jackson
ville. Squire Farrar, the hop buyer, Is
homo from a business trip to Wood-
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Farmer, und
children returned today from Canyon
Mrs. F. N. Derby and children re
turned today from an extended stay
at Newport.
Fall Dress Goods
Tho tlrst Installment now on hand
embracing cycrythlng new and
stylish In all the eastern cities.
Lovely Patterns.
Beautiful Colorings.
Exclusive Designs.
Standard Patterns
always reliable as to st7lo and lit.
Advance patternB for October now
In. Call und see the styles. Sep
tember sheets to give uway.
New Shoes
coming In every dull. Tho llnest
line or medium-priced footwear in
In the city. Now styles.
ft & G corsets.
Ferris Waists.
District '70 School shoes.
302 Commercial Street.
The Cash Dry Goods and Shoo house, i
John n. Douglas of Spokane, was
In the city today, registering at the
Hotel Salem,
E. C. Patton and W. T. Stoltz, leave
Thursday, for a ten days hunting so
journ In tho Alsea country.
J. E. Crawford, and S. Myers, busi
ness men, of Areata, Cal., are in tho
city looking over the country.
Mr. Otto Krausse, the shoo mer
chant, and Mrs. J. J. Dalrymple re-
turned from Mehatua Monday.
Ex-Gov. Z. F. Moody, has returned
from Tho Dalles. lie reports nearly
all the wool In that section sold.
Albert Southwick left today for
The Dalles where he will be employed
by the Chicago Portrait Company.
Mrs. Ella B. McDowell, returned
Monday evening from an extended
visit in San Francisco and at Pa'o
Miss Louisa Bell, of Montana, and
Miss Macule Bell of Portland, are the
guests for a week of Miss Elisabeth
Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Cawood, who
have been visiting friends in Salem,
having been guests at the homes of
Prof. Graham, Mayor Richardson and
Carey Martin, went to Sllverson today
for a short ylslt before returning
home to Portland.
Mr. I. Greenbaum arrived In the
city from Astoria Monday and has
charge of the Friedman stock of
clothing and gry goods that is being
opened in the Murphy block. Mr.
Greenbaum is a well known young
business man who was formerly with
the Capital Adventure Co at Salem.
State Land Agent Hon. T. L. Davenport-
and- daughter Alice, expect
to start some time this week for an
extended ylslt to relatives In thoEast
ern middle states, and to his son the
cartoon artist, Homer Davenport, of
New York. Mr. Davenport came to
Oregon in the 'forties and -has not
been In the east for many years.
There was a pleasant little family
dinner party today at the residence of
T. W. Davenport. In addition to T,
W.Davenport. and wife and daugh
ters Alice and Georgia there were
present as guests Judge and Mrs.
Orange Jacobs and daughter Jessie,
of Seattle, Judge and Mrs. John B.
Waldo and Mrs. Dekum, of Port
land, Mr. and Mrs. Carey Martin, of
Salem, and Miss Agnes Harris, of
Gone to Klondike.
Old Bill Anderson announces that
he will pay no bills on Wednesday,
September J, 60 It will be useless for
collectors to call at his place of busl
ness, Armed with his faithful gun
and accompanied by his dogs, Old Bill
will spend the day in the grain fields,
hunting that choice game bird, the
pheasant, the hunting season for
which opens tomorrow. It has been
known for several days that Old Bill
had something on his mind, but ho
refusen to reveal the samo until to
day, lie will take plenty of salt along
and should he fail to capture his game
in this way he will resort to other
An Expensive Break.
Some time Sunday night or Monday
morning somo ono broke the 31E6
plate glass of the Liberty street show
window of Luun and Brooks' drug
store. Johnnie Brooks says ho will
give tho best 25 cent cigar tho house
affords, to tho guilty fellow who will
nut In an aonearence and acknowl
edge breaking tho glass. It is dim-
cult to determine from tho nature of
tho hreak how the same was caused.
It is not known whether a bicyclist
fell against tho plate glass or whether
the break was caused by the discharg
ing of a pistol or a swiftly thrown
In Police Court.
F. Warshgold and Win. Jenkins,
tho two youths who were arrested
Sunday night for disturbing tho Sal
vation Army, were this morning given
a trial and sentenced to 12J days each
in the county Jail.
Two drunks were sentenced (o fjyo
days each, by Recorder Edcs this
Hoi Pioipjjjg As well as every
body else know where tn go when thoy
wish their appetites satlstled, They
always stop at Geprgo Bros., w,here tho
best 15 cent meal on eartli is sejyed.
Present Rainy Weather Not Harmful to
the Hops.
It Is tho opinion of local buyers,
generally, that the weather of the
past forty-eight hours has not dam
aged the hop crop In the least. While
It Is very unpleasant to the pickers, a
largo majority of whom go to tho
yards wholly unprepared for rain, yet
the grower need not feel tho least ex
ercised over the possibility of any
damage to the hops, while the present
weather continues.
The electrical storm of Sunday
evening had Its beneficial results. On
Mond?y morning the ground in the
yards in tho vicinity of Salem were
covered with dead lice. This Is at-,
trlbutcdasa result of the lightning
on the evening before.
F. Levy, or the firm or Herren &
Levy was seen this morning and said
that tho present cool, rainy weather
could prevail "or four or live days
without damaging the hop crop In the
least. It would only prevent picking
for that length of time, which In
some yards would bo beneficial as the
crop has not yet properly matured.
Mr. Levy prefers a hop slightly
molded, to one prematurely har
vested. The principal danger now is
from irregular weather. Should the
weather be showery interspersed with
real warm weather, mold will appear.
About 50 hop pickers a ro employed
in the yard of D. A. Osburn, across
the Willamette from (,'orvallis, and
the hops are reported to be or extra
line quality. In the picking so far
noue of the product has been dis
covered to be Injured by lice. Tho
wages paid pickers Is 35 cents a box
A strike for an Increase above 35 cents
a box in the pay was started by the
pickers Thursday afternoon, but the
matter was speedily compromised
without any advance, beyond the
agreement that the pickers should
receive whatever price ruled In neigh
boring yards.
Tax Roll Will Be Closed Tonight
Other News.
The will of Benjamin Tucker has
been admitted to probate. The estate
s valued at 82,000. To Jennie Van
nuys, 23 acres of land Is bequeathed
and 12 acres to J. E Lewis. The re
mainder of the estate is divided
equally between Richard Tucker und
B. F.Tucker, who arc made executors.
The scalp business Is evidently on
tho decrease. Only ono package of
scalps was presented at the clerks of
fice previous to 2 o'clock this after
noon, for which a warrant was drawn
In favor of Fred Jackson for 82.75.
Monday Sheriff F. T. Wrightman
issued over 200 tax receipts represent
ing over 87000 that had been recelyed
during the day. The amount received
In taxes today promises to surpass
that of yestdrday. From the fact that
the taxpayers are responding to the
notices recently sent out notifying
them of the amount of their taxes,
Sheriff Wrightman will not close the
tux roll tonight as was previously lrj
tended. The roll will be kept open
until Wednesday evening at least,
and possibly longer. It would not
appear fair to close the taxroll when
tho taxpayers arc responding so read
ily as they have been In the past two
Mrs, Am.ie Eldridge Dead.
The sad news has been received
that Mrs. Annie Eldridge, relict of
the late F. E. Eldridge, and of an old
family on French prairie, was dead.
Tho remains arrived atGervals on
tho overland Monday morning. Death
was sudden and occurred at Sodaville
or thereabouts, and was caused by
blood poisoning,
pSlie was a sister of Mrs. D. F. Wag
ner, or Salem, and was born in Can
ada about sixty-five years ago, She
crossed tho plaini with her father,
Hugh Cosgrove. in 1847 and in 1852
became the wife of Mr. Eldrledgo.
She was the mother of ten children,
two of whom have preceded her to the
grave; of thoso now living thero are
Hugh, Freeman J., and Addie, at
home; Mrs. Albert Brown, of Portland,
Mrs. Elsie Goulet, or Seattle; and Mrs.
Minnie Breynirn, or Portland.
Tho deceased was a kind and,
highly respected neighbor and be
loved by all who knew her.
Tho runeral was held at the family
residence at 8'30 o'clock thjs morning
and at 9 o'clock requiem was conduc
ted at tho St. Louis Catholic church,
over the remains, by Row Lane. In
terment was had in the St. Louis
cemetery at 10 o'clock.
COLGAK.-rAt the family homo In
South Salem, Aug 31, 1897, t Mr.
mid Mrs. J as. Colgan, a son.
WILLIAMS. At tho family home
corner of Marlon aud Fifteenth
streets, early Tuesday morning, Aug.
31, 1897, EvaMurl, the 10 months old
ilaughtorof Mr, and Mrs. L. G. Wil
liams, of cpnsuniptlon or the bow
cU. Funeral services will bo held from
tho family homo at 10 a. m, Wednes
day, Rev, E. Maurer, ofllolatlng. In
terment will be had In tho I. O. O. F.
The Editor of The Journal
Invited to the State Treasuier's Of-ficc-What
Took Place.
Tho Journal's problngsof tho mis
conduct In tho State Treasurer's oN
flce has bjrnc fruit 1 1 revealing to tha
; public the true character of the pre
j siding genius-Major Hodgkln, nnd
lb IS lioyuu WJC (I 'Uiiu "in iJaiuuu
dragging his name before them at this
time. The Assistant State Treasurer
has written his own account in his
own elegant lauguage (In the news
paper he controls at Salem) of his own
disgraceful conduct, which had better
have been uumcntloned. No one would
have noticed his performance, but as
lie 'is inclined to be boastful he will be
given all the publicity which his or
ticlal position alone entitles him to re
ceive. The rufllanly assistant state treas
urer has written his own statements
aud says: "Yesterday the great friend
of the people entered the capltol on a
smelling tour." The following note
will explain why any call was neces
sary at the state treasury:
State of Oregon, Treasury Depart
ment. Salem, August 30, 1897.
Mr. E. Ilorer, Salem Or:
Dear Siu: Mrs. nodgkin and niy
seir availed ourselves or the privilege
or calling at your residence, Saturday
evening, but did not liud you at home.
Will joti, when you visit the state
house today, kindly call at the treas
urer's olllce, and very greatly oblige,
Yours very truly,
FANk E. Hodgkin.
Major Hodgkln, who is a member of
the Episcopal church and a trustee or
the Salem Y. M. C. A. besides, having
sucked the public teat ror twenty
years admits that 0" sooner than tho
editor had entered the treasury "he
heard himself abused us never man
was abased before."
This was a novol experience In a
public ofilce, where the abused man
had been invited lu a polite manner
conncftcd with a social call from ono
hitherto considered a Christian gen
tleman and his wife, who Is a lady en
titled to the highest respect. The
abuse consisted in denunciations jQ a
loud tone of voice of The Journal's
criticisms of a public official, of the
vilest billingsgate, and profanity such
as made the state capltol ring from
basement to dome and which would
have edified St. Paul's church, the
Salem Y. M. C. A. and the people of
Oregon to have heard It..
The situation wis growing inter
esting and we must give Mayor Hodg
kin's own words for it from the
When the speaker tired of hurling
abuse at a being In which sufficient
manhood could not be found to resent
anything that was said to him, no
matter how ylle,dnd when that same
speaker, for the sake of diversion,
started to walic around the table to
ward IJofcr, the lator In dospair, (a cur
driven into a corner will light, It Is
said) picked up a volume lying on the
table, said to have been a book of in
structions "How to Hold up the Leg
islature" belonging to the governor,
and hurled It at his assailant's feet.
Then the two came together for a
moment, but only for a moment, for
they were quickly separated. It Is
said that when Horer found that a
conflict was inevitable, lie yelled:
"We'll fight, ir some one does not
stop us. Somebody hold him, I'll
hold mvseir."
The editor of The Journal makes
no pretension to being a fighting
man. He avoids armed conflict and
only defends himself when absolutely
necessary and only In self-defense.
Major flodgkln Is welcqme to all tho
glory he can get out of conduct that
stamps one as a man without breed
ing, an official without any sense of
what he owes tho public and a bully
who would not stand five minutes In
an encounter requiring real courage
But his courage or personal matters
cut no figure in tho matter that is
really involved, nis claim Is that
The Journal insulted his wife by
saying that she was soliciting insur
ance for the nodgkln's agency at ths
state treasurer's office. The Jour
nal carefully avoided mention or the
lady's name In connection with the
practice complained or by citizens and
Insurance people of this city.' And ir
The Journal had named the lady
as soliciting insurance It could hays
been no insult, because it is an honor
able occupation. Several single ladles
of this city, Bomo with families to
provide for, and no husband In an of
flcial position drawing a fat salary,
are always glad to have the fact men
tioned that they do solicit insurance,
and there is nothing wrong about It.
They nJ their children have a right
to bo protected against all grasp
ing, avaricious over-reaching pu
lio officials, and Major Hodg
kins pleading tho baby act for
publlo sympathy and to conceal tho
real ls-uo under tho false pretense
that a newspaper has Insulted his
wife, will not deter us from exposing
nH such abuse of publlo office, and im
proper and illegitimate Interference
by the treasury department wth thp
legitimate business people ot this city.
It Is an outrago on the people In
sured as well as the Insurance people
that Major Hodgkln leaves his sal
aried office and adjusts losses for Insu
rance companies as ho has done. To
enter the local field and canvass ror
policies, by blmsoir or his wire, shows
that ho does not know his official duty
and has no respect ror the rights or
private citizens, whoso taxes have
kept him from tho stablo yards, or
somo place which ho Is better fitted
to occupy than the state treasury.
Talk of horse-whipping an editor be
causo he docs his duty to tho public In
such a matter ho ought to bo
whipped if ho don't do it.
Tho Journal has exposed all sucu
pratices that have como to Its notice
and will probably continuo to do so.
No one knows tho real purpose for
which such a person as Hodgkln is
kept at tho State Treasury, no haR
long made a nuisance of himself, by
grasping at everything Insight In tho
public service while really serving the
sharks who compose the State Treas
ury ring.
Information that the editor or tills
paper is to bo "dono up" by any ono.
in tho State Treasury, is spurned
with contempt. Twenty years in the
newspaper business convinces us that
people who talk or dol.ig such things
are harmless.
Portland, Aug. 31. Wheat not
materially altered as to demand or
values but we think appears better
and undertone shows hardening ten
dency in sympathy with steadying
foreign markets. Exporters are not
urgent buyers at extremes but pur
chase freely at the market. Liquida
tion on cargoes und less selling re
ported. Quoted 8335 for valley.
Liverpool, Aug. 31. advanced 1
Paris, Aug. 31. Market quiet.
Antwerp, Aug. 31 Market weak.
New York, Aug. 31.- -Sept. Sept.
03lc; Dec. 91c.
Chicago, Aug." 31. Wheat Sept.
891(B90i. closed, 89; Dec. 89(00
closedj 835- Pork, DecJ 88.93.
San Fpancisco. Aug. 31. Wheat
firm, Dec. 81.53. May, 81.53.
Our entire new fall linn of Dress" Goods nnd hiiu
now In-the largest nhd best line over nlniwn In Hal
Plain and Figured Blacks,
Plain and Figtfrcd in all shade.
Mixtures, Rough E
Cloths In all the latest colorings, Suitings, Novelties
. .. . . . . .. 'mm
In Quality Irom the neapest to the best,
We will bo pleased to see you, to show you Uironui
the ilr.c, whether you purchase or noU
Call early before the choicest patterns are sold,
A Kind. Act. Ed Lynes captured
a man In the act of swlnini.' his reach
es Tuesday night, and Ed "didn't do
a thing" but take a box of peaches
around next day and present them to
the children of the tresppasser. whose
Identity he reruses to reveal. Jeffer
son Review,
Patrons of this art, amateur or pro
fessional, are invited to Inspect the
Steincr Drug Co., stock, botli whole
sale and retail. Only house between
Portland and 'Frisco.
Mrs. Frank Wilman has been ap
pointed by the Western conservatory
of music, of Kansas City, Mo., to rep
resent that institution In their plan
of Interstate system whereby each
pupil in music is registered as a stu
dent of the conservatory, and will,
upon the completion of the course,
receiye a certificate of graduation.
Full particulars and explanatory cir
culars can be had Df Mrs. Wilman,
370 Church street.
Oregon's Fair.
Can be attended ror one rare for the
round trip from any point on the lines
of the SouthcrtPacitlc in Oregon.
The fair opens on September 30, and
closes October 8. Nine duys. Every
aayw in oe tne oest. a reternai order
day, October 2, Oregon press day,
October 4, pioneer and barbecue day,
October 5, Salam day, October 0,
school day, October 7, free for all races,
last day, Ootobesr 8. School day,
October 7, children under 12 years of
age free. School children over 12
years or age, ten cents.
Arter harvest you will want a rest,
so come to the state fair and enjoy
yourself. Ono fare for roun trip.
Popnlar admission of 25 cents.
i ff0N I Jm JK jUf M r ir 'S m
257 Commercial st
60N1ING, 60M
Is opening out ready for business
Wednesday, September 1
Friedman, with the largest
over brought to the City of Salem. Consisting of Clothing, Dry
Good. Hats and Furnishing Goods. The Publlo is Invited, and
whfii you call,' you are bound to partake of some of the bargains
oireied. Miss no opportunity for this Is a chance or a life time.
Corner State and Commercial StsM Salem
Excursion Rates Every Day.
The Southern Pacific now offers for
sale round trip tickets .from Salem to
Newport, good until Oct. 1, ror the
price of $4.50. Call on the Salem
agent ror same,
tr w. W. Skinner.
Something New.
Send for tlie new style catalog and
guide book, of the Drain State Normal
school. - v
' ;C , Louis Brazee,
8-Jl-tf , ' President.
Executive Committee to Be In Constant
Session A New Balloon.
Secretary Gabrieison has entered
Into a contract for a dally balloon
ascension, and the executive commit
tee is to be in constant session at Sa
lem. President D. IT. Looney and
chairman of the executive committee
will soon nrrlve In Salem and will re
main here constantly until the close
of the state fair, giving It the benefit
of his services In the promotion and
direction or the dctulls of the fall
Prof. F. P. Ilagal, the aeronaut,
who, a few weeks ago, had the mis
fortune to lose his balloon by flro
while in the act or making an ascen
sion and parachute jump at the ralr
grounds, has returned to Salem, and
commenced work today.
It Is to bo the largest one he has
ever made; it will require over 800
yards and about a week's time will bo
required In which to do tho work.
Another iOO yards or domestic will bo
used in making the parachute which
the nrofessors uses.
Pror. DTugal has contracted with
the state fair to give ascensions and
parachute jumps at Salem everyday
during the fair.
Every hop picker hi tills and
adjoining counties to brin?i7
their watches, clocks and Jei
elry to be repaired to the pav
plc'si Watchmaker, ; Jeweler
and Optician.
Watches cleaned 75c,
Mainsprings 75c,
Second door north of postoffia
Bartlet Pears,
Bradshaw Plums,
Columbia Plums,
Egg Plums,
Coe's Golden Drop Plums,
Italian Prunes,
Silver Prunes,
Hungarian Prunes,
Or any other good shipping fruits
that they wish to ship, will do well to
call early on the
..--... jtMx. rrr z
Before sending your children
to school have their eye
tested by some reliable spec
ialist, we do this on scientific
Consultation and eyes (
For where the hen s
there she expecte
the worflJ
ch before ) Se"M
crockery is all for sle t f
below first cost. .
w I
r .-brtf 2X1 L" 1
Groceries ana umwi
itrcci, aaicuii 'm
To the Hop Grot
t nt every hop U'JSSSk '
y . . l,iiinR!U T. -:J- r
know tn ray " ,. b r
CHECKS Mrpwe. S A"
Conoyer. .""""TiutaiH'
mnrrTnl street. Kiorc jt I
" ii
. . ..sMik.,