Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, August 30, 1897, Image 4

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Daily Capital Jouraal,'
MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 1897.
Altona and Ramonn
leave for Portland dai'y
and .Sunday at 7 a tn.
Quick time, regular set
vice and low raies
Dock between State
and Court street.
Agent, Salem.
This Week
wo Intend keeping Mm price-cutter
busy shearing oil prutiu and some
or the original cost from all sum
mer llnea.
Lappet Mulls
Figured Organdic3
Halfc-wool Challies
All remaining of these dainty
fabrics which bold at 23c Sheared
prices 10c. a yard
Hop Picking Gloves
The kind that lit and wear 2oc. a
Any Ladies Waists for 75c,
values up to 82.
J, . Dalrymple Co,
Racket Prices
Vasallno 5c
Hairnets &i5
Tin cups 4 and 5o
Hutcher knives 10c
1Mb plates -land 5c
Everything needed for campers and
hop pickers at lowest racket prices.
Just Opened
New black overalls in regular and
otiglnprr now 9 oz blues, new jumpers,
overshirts, thin and medium weight
underwear, etc, etc.
Summer Corsets 42-s
Same as usually sell at 60c
Black Cat hose 23c
Tlu-h-iiw I'iiu Im-o fvei made for
b'ivs imicI u'tils Til pie knee, ask for
them. Wheel luigtiius, one or two on
hand for the late comers.
Wiggins' Bazaar
Wuather Forecast For Monday
night and Tucday, showers.
Mrs. Tom S. Reynolds is visiting
at Solo.
Prof R. A. Heritage returned Sun
day from Newport.
A. B. Buren had business in Port
land this afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Holversou, returned
today from Mehama.
lion. T. T. Geer teturned this
morning from Portland.
R. L. McOlure, of Orcgoa City,
spent Suaday In this city.
Tho Misses Scott, of South Salem
have returned lrom Slab Creek.
Miss "Georgia Davenport Is home
from a visit with friends near Silver
ton. Paul II. Sroat and Joseph Albert
spent Sunday with tholr wives at Me
hama. Supt. D. A. Paine, of the insane
asylum, went to Portland this after
noon Miss Gusta Ruef returned todi"
from a week very pleasantly spent at
John Dlttcr, or Sublimity, reports
a heavy rain last night In that part of
the country.
Alderman J. M. LaWrenco and A. C.
Lawrence returned Sunday evening
from Detroit.
Chief Justice F. A. Moore, returned
today from Mehama whore his family
are camped.
Fall Dress Goods
The HrM. Installment now on hand
embracing everything new and
stylish In all the (.'astern cities.
Lovely Patterns.
Beautiful Colorings.
Exclusive Designs.
Standard Patterns
always reliable as to stylo and lit.
Advanco patterns for October now
In. Call and beo tho styles. Sep
tember sheets to give away.
New Shoes
coming In ovory dall. Tho lluest
lino or medium-priced footwear In
in the city. Now styles.
It & G corsets
Ferris Waists.
District '70 School shoes.
302 Commercial Street.
J?lie Cash Dry Goods and Shoo house.
USWaVW vjNjjfNjrw a- ----
Cliangcablc Taffeta silks, j
Cliangcablc Taffeta silks,
All late Shades 75 cents tho yard.
Figured silks,
Beautiful Designs 75 cents up.
Leather belts,
"White, Green, Reds and Blacks
25 cents each.
Ladies' tics,
Newest and Most Stylish, Strings
aud Bows, 25 cents each.
"Velvet Grip" hose supp3iJcs,
Best In the "World.
Miss llmah Holland has returned
from a visit with friends In Oregon
City and Portland.
Mrs. John McDonold.of Wnllowa, Is
vltlting Supt. and Mrs. J. L. Carter,
of the blind school.
Miss Ida Basey has returned from a
two weeks ylsit with Oregon City and
Portland friends.
W. W. White, clerk for George Bros.,
the lunch counter men, visited freinds
at Brooks Saturday evening.
Attorneys Bingham and Jdleman
went to Toledo today to take testi
mony in the Howell-Davis suit.
County Treasurer G. L. Brown spent
Sunday with relatives at Stayton,
making the trip on his bicycle.
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Anson have re
turned from their Summer outing and
make their home at hotel Willamette.
L. E. Gardner and family returned
rom a visit to his father at Browns-
vllle Oregon where they had been for
Otto Metschan and Misses Lillian
Metschanand Anna Blesen have re- j
turned from a ton davs outlnir at Wil-
holt Springs.
Miss Mabel Campbell, who has been
working in William Kal&er's family,
has gone to her home, near Ale, oyer
hop picking season.
Prof. F. L. Young returned to Eu
gene. He has b3en working a week on
the state archives relating to the pro
visional government of Oregon.
Leona Shannon, of Dallas; J. "W, ' dency, but there is nothing in his ac
Watson, or Portland; M. II. Connor, ' (,i0ns to warrant his commitment to
and A. Hughes, of St. Paul; F. H. I the asylum.
liuuilL-suu, ui xuiuu, .una. iM.il . , uj.
Independence; and R. n. Hurley, of
Eugene were registered at Hotel Sa
lem, Sunday.
Salemltes returning from Newport
today were: Mrs. Babcock and daugh
ter Grace; Gus. Molden, Gus. neulet,
(went to Eugene), Miss Gusta Reuf,
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Savage and daugh
ter Miss Grace, 31 lss Jennie Calvert,
Mrs. M. S. Skiff, (stopped off at Al
bany,) and Roy Damon.
Juvenile Hop Picker Lost.
A mother and two sons aged about
3 and 8 respectfully, were among tho
Portland contingent of hop picKers
reaching Salem on tho steamer Ra
raonialast night. The mother- and
youngest son requested the oldest boy
to Bleep on the boat with them but he
refused to do so, preferring to spend
tho night on land. Accompanied by
another boy of an eqeal age, lie went
ashore, since which time he has not
been seen. The mother Is distracted
with grief and is anxious to learn of
her son's whereabouts. From tho
fact that the boy was not very bright
It is likely .he wandered about the
streets and lost his way but will likely
return In a few days.
Shoulder Dislocated.
n. B. Williamson, a carpenter in
tho employ or tho O. O. & E. Co. aud
at present engaged repairing tho com
pany's steamers Albany and noag
which are tied up at Salem for the
summer, fell about eighteen feet
about 8:30 o'clock this morning and
dislocated his left shoulder besides
sustaining a number or bruises, Wil
liamson started to walk from the
promenade deck of the Win. noag to
tho dock adjoining the steamer, but
had no sooner stepped upon tho foot
plank until It slipped from the edge
of tho boat and he fell striking tho
dock quito forcibly and landing on a
small raft about eighteen feet below.
Ho was immediately taken to tho
Riverside House, corner State and
Water 6treet when Dr. J. N. Smith
was called and mado tho Injured man
comparatively comfortable.
A. D. Stlllman, Pendleton, was ap
pointed a notary.
Two articles of Incorporation were
Hied with tho secretary of state: Tho
Eagle Valley Building Association of
Richland, and tho Ella May Mining
Co., of Portlund.
Photographic Supplies,
Tho Stolner Drug Co. of Salem has
put in a wholesale and retail stock of
tho Eastern Kodak Cameras and sup
plies. Full stock of chemicals, Cra
mer, Seed, Hammer and Perfection
1 lutes. Prices us low as any houso.
d&w It
Man Examined For Insanity.
County Board of Equalization Meets
Today Notes.
Thls morning Sheriff F. T. Wright
man made the thirteenth payment or
1890 taxes to County Treasurer G. L.
Brown. Today's turnoyer aggregated
$10,069,83 and Is to be credited to tho
following funds.
Polls 8 118 00
City or Salem 1,57127
Citv of Woodburn 11 81
City of Stayton 05,
24 $ 1,110 89 .
18 27
33 45
0 89
2 21
13 22
1 CO
1 17
59 97
0 77
11 20
3 21
2 05
3 50
No 17
No 2!
No 22
No 25
No 32
No 57
No 89
No 111
No 113
No 118
State County
School. ..
and State
7,084 81
Total $10,009 83
The twelve payments previously i
made amounted to $117,010.13 which
with today's turnover makes a grand I
totat of $127,035.00 in 1890 taxes that
have been collected and turned into
the county t:easury. Subtracting this
amount from the total tax of 8187,
100.20 leaves a balance of $59,474 24.
Tint. nt. the rate taxes came in Satur
day and today it will be tafe to pre-
diet that the amount of unpaid taxes
will not aggregate over $50,000 when
the tax roll is closed by Sheriff
Wrlghtman Tuesday evening, as per
order of the county court.
Upon complaint of his father, J. B.
Brown, n. E. Brown was ithis morn
ing examined before Judge G. P. Ter
rell as to his insanity. The examina
tion was conducted by District Attor
ney S. L. IJayden and Dr. W. B.
Morse and resulted in tho young man
being discharged. It seems that the
young man Is subject to lits of despoil
The Marlon County Board of Equal
ization, consisting of Judge G. P.
Terrell, Clerk L. V. Ehlen and Asses
sor J. W. Hobart met -this morning.
A number of taxpayers called through
out the day and looked over the books.
County Treasurer G. L. Brown to
day cashed bounty warrants aggrega
ting $7.30 that had been issued by
Clerk L. V. Ehlen as follows:
J.B. Leigh $2 10
Edwin Hobart 1 00
Geo. J. Fryer 1 20
Frank Parrish 3 00
Total $7 30
Two Boys Arrested for Disturbing the
Salvation Army.
F. Warshgold and Wm. Jenkins
were arrested last evening charged
with disturbing a religious meeting.
They were airaigncd before Recorder
Edes this morning and entered a plea
of "not guilty." Their trials have
been set for Tuesday. It seems these
young men attended tho Salvation
army meeting Sunday evening and
attempted to take charge of tho same
but this was resented -by the officers
of the army who caused the arrest of
the young men.
J. M. Morrow was arrested Sunday
on a charge of drunkeness. Morrow
was arrested last Friday on a similar
charge and was discharged providing
ho would leave town immediately.
The man claimed to have work in a
hop yard and ageed to leave ut once If
Recorder Edes would discharge him.
Tho man was this morning sentenced
to ten days In tho city Jail and will bo
detained there until his sentence has
A well known salesman in a leading
drygoods storo of this city spent last
night In the city Jail, awaiting his
arraignment in police court this
morning on a charge of drunkeness
no Is u member of a highly respected
family for whoso sake his name is
To Central America. Mr. and
MfsA.I. Manning, who have been
spending seyeral months In this city,
left today on their return to Nicar
agua, Central America. They wer ac
companied by Phil Metschan, Jr., and
Dr. O. n. Cuslck, assistant druggist
at tho Insano asylum, who will cast
tholr lot in this distant country,
Both of the latter young gentlemen
aro well known in this city being
quite popular In social circles, and
their many freinds In this city wish
them every possible success In their
new location.
'-rs'Vi tci
Cut! Slasb!
Down and Off They Go I
Tt : Klein large stcck of standard shoes has been
removed to the BushBank Block, State street, where it
is being sold at awfuUyJbwjjnccs, Go, sec and buy,
Salem shoe store.
Picking Will Be Gsneral Throughout
the Valley This Week.
This has been hop pickers day at
Salem. All day Sunday teams wero
carrylug hop yard crews and camping
ontllts out Into the country. Sunday
night several boat loads of pickers ar
rived up from Portland and Salem
restaurants were busy more or less nil
night feeding the lupulin harvesters.
. Throughout this month large
crowds of Salemltes have gone cither
to the mountains or to the seaside and
now.ccmes tlieexcurslon to tho hop
yards that almost completes the de
population of the city. To those who
cannot afford to spend a few weeks
ill the mountains or at some seaside
or Inland resort, a row weeks in the
lion vard will prove beneficial to the
! health aud at the same time replen-
I ish tho pocket-book. A largo hay
l rack load or men and boys, number
ing about thirty, passed through Com'
mercial street Tor yards south or
town about 8:30 o'clock .this morning
and a bohterous crowd It was indeed
Each member or the party carried a
roll or blankets and other necessary
The Willamette rlyer boats are
being taxed to transport the 2500 Port
land hop pickers to points up the val
ley. Steamers Elwood and Altona
both left Portland Sunday morning
with a full list of passengers, tho ma
jority or whom were landed at Butte
vllle, the himainder being transferred
to the steamer Ramona for Salem,
reaching this city about 9:45 p. m. last
night. They were this morning taken
to the hop yards around Salem. All
tickets on the Altona and Elwood
were sold for today's trip.
The iirst hop yard dancc.of the sea
son was that at Dove's yard near Eola
Saturday night. It was largely at
tended by pickers from the surround
ing yards and also a large crowd from
Salem. An enjoyable time Is reported,
Experienced hop buyers claim that
hops are harder to dry this season
than ever before.
In most yards tho pickers aro com
pelled to take greater pains than ever
before. They are required to be more
particular about leaves and other
Picking has begun in tho R. R. Wll
lard yard, live miles northeast of Sa
lem. This yard has no lice nor mold,
and has ono of the linest quali
ties in the vicinity of Salem. Mr.
Willard says ho knows nothing or the
hop business, but good Judges say they
are very line and rich In lupuline.
nop picking records are annually
made in tho various yards but wo
have heard of one that seems hard to
beat. Ono day last week in tho Hay-
don yard near Eola. Clias. Gllllngham
and Rolla Southwick, both or this
city picked 11 boxes between 7 o'clock
In tho morning and 0 o'clock in the
Tho rain-storm Uiat appeared so
threatening throughout yesterday
transrormed into an electrical shower
last evening, accompanied by a slight
sprinkle. The sheet lightening was
quite vivid and continued throughout
the evening.
The sprinkle of last night did not
damage tho hops,. fruit or hinder har
vesting any but to much rain at this
season of tho year would do mnch
damage. Not only would tho hops bo
greatly damaged, but the prunes,
whloh aro so largely raised In tho val
ley, would suffer from tho rain. They
would first swell and when the sun
would como out, tho fruit would
crack, thus spoiling them for packing
and yreatly reducing their value In
tho market. Harvesting Is pretty
well along but tho farmers aro almost
wholly unprepared for rain. Tho
weather forecast for tho next thirty
six hours is: Showers tonight and
KL1NGELE. At the homo on Lib
erty and Mission streets, Salem,
Or., Aug. 27. 1897, to Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Kllngele, a son.
tho Marlon county court house, Sa
lem, at 3 p. m. Saturday, August 28,
1807, County Judge G. P. Terrell
officiating, Ada Egglman to A. "W.
Farnsworth, both of this county.
At Sonnemann's,
Found on the finest tables In tho
city the Tillamook cream cheeso sold
only at tho State street grocery.
A Fight L-ads to the Fatal Cutting of
Billy Mayer.
Albany, Aug. 30 Special. About
10 o'clock last night Jim Blackburn,
son or Judge Blackburn, stabbed a
blacksmith, Billy Mayer, seven times
In the back, ono of which went Into
his lungs, and Mayer Is lying in a ser
ious condition, but with chances for
his recovery. It occurred near tho
Lost Chance Saloon.
A week prevtoifs Blackburn and
Mayer had had a fight across tho
rlyer to see which was the better man,
Mayer whipping. Blackburn was
evidently getting even with him.
Mayer had been drinking hard.
Portland, Aug 30 Wheat valley, 85c:
Walla Walla, 82c
Flour Portla-id, 4 40 Superfine, 2 50 per
Oats White, 384oc; grey, 3639-
Potatoes, .New 353400 per sack,
Hay Good, lo12.50 per ton.
Hops loatijc.
Wool.. Valley, I4i5c; Eastern Oregon
Mohair. 20c.
Millstufls..Bran, 14.00; shorts 1550.
Poultry Chickens, mixed 3 50.(013 75
broilers, i.5o3oo iutke;S, live .ic
Eggs.. Oregon, I2j per doz.
Hides. . green, salted 60 lb 7c, umii 1
60 lbs 6c; sheen pelts, io7oc
Tallow 2jc3c
Onlona i'25l.5o per sack.
Wheat Bags Calculus .25 p-r 100
Beanssmall white, iJ i?c.linu 334
Hogs Heavy, 450
Butter. .Best dairy,253o; fane) cuimtij
353400 per roll.
Cheese .uc.
Dried Fruit Apples, evaporated, bleached
6Vi7o; unbleached 3c4c; sundricd
Pears 5c6c
Plums, pitless,3c4c.
Voal -smallj33c per !o.
Mutton Weathers 2a2; dressed mut
tbn,4j4 spring lambs $fe per lb.
Beet Steers 3.; cows 2.25.
dressed 45
Cured Meats J lams iocioc bacon 7Ji
Lard in pails, 7c.
Oats 25c.
Apples ,25c .
Hay.. Baled, cheat, $8,
Flour. .In wholesale lots, 4.25; rtail
4.60; bran, bulk. I2!3 shorts, iS-5r.ij 75;
chop feed, 15.0c16.00
Poultry Chlcken.5 spring 8.
VoaL.Dressed, 3.
Hogs. .Dressed, 4.50.
Live Cattle.. 22
Sheep.. Live, 1.50.
Spring lambs, $1.00
Wool.. Best, 12c.
Hops.. Best, oaioc
Kggs..ii in trade.
Farm Smoked Meats Baccn, 7c; hirns
100; shoulders, 5c.
Potatos25c trade.
Dried Frui'w Apples, evaporated bleached,
jOiSct unbleached 4c5c.
Plums, 4c.
Butter, Dairy 15320c creamery 22
Cheap Railroad Rates.
The low rate of one faro for round
trip will be given by tho Southern
Pacific from any point on their lines
in Oregon, Vo enable all to attend.
The people's stae institution for the
improvement of agriculture and the
mechanical and housohold arts. Rep
lesenfd in district departments, and
divisions for the intelligentexhlbltion
of tho various types of horses, cattle,
sheep, swine, and poultry, and many
classes of machinery and imnlements.
I manufactures, and merchandise, mu-
sicui instruments, aomestic manu
facture, women's work, science and
art. The people of the state are
especially invited to participate. Let
us demonstrate tho capabilities of
Oregon and Oregon people. Ono faro
for the round trip. Popular admission
of 25 cents. tf
feed Drop3 "Muchly."
Bran and Shorts nro cheaper than
corn. Price of inlH feed greatly re
duced. Call at the mill for quotations.
Delivered, free fn ton lots.
Salem Flooring Mills Co.
Frtiif aod Vegetables
Received Fresh Every Morningf
Gravestein apples-vfinest in the world,
Delicious Bartlett pears,
Elegant peaches for canning,
Sonnemann, The Gt ocer..
124 State st,
Our entire now fall lino of Dress Goods and Kllkn
..,..., in t.lift In riff ft f, nnrl hoRt. linn nvnrcl.r...... , ,, ,ar0
Plain and Figured Blacks,
Plain and Figured in all shade,
Cloths in ull tho latest colorings, Suitings, Noveltl?
In dress lengths. es
In Quality from the Cheapest to the Best,
Wo will bo pleased to sec you, to show you tlirouch
tho ltco, whether you pnrchaso or not.
Call early before the choicest patterns are sold,
Greatly Reduced Rates.
"Why not attend tho state fair when
you can buy a ticket for one fare,
round trip, from any point on the
Southern Pacific, lines in Oregon.
Tho Oregon state fair and Industrial
exposition will present unusually ilno
exhibits and attractions In addition
to the numerous track features, and
exciting running races,-with Del Nnrte
to lower his record of 2-08 for a purso
of 85 '0. Arrangements arc being
made Tor the introduction or .many
new attractions to Interest and please
all who attend.
Visitors may prepare to bo royally
entertained. One tare for tho rouud
trip, and popularadmisslon of 25 cents.
Kxcursion Rates Every Day.
The Southern Pad He now offers for
sale round trip tickets from Salem to
Newport, good until Oct. 1, for the
price r 84 50. Call on the Salem
agent for same,
tf W. W. Skinner.
N0TI6E !
Every hop picker In this and
adjoining counties to bring all
their watches, clocks and jew
elry to be repaired to the pco
plc'sn Watchmaker, Jeweler,
and Optician.
Watches cleaned 75c,
Mainsprings 75c,
Second door north of postoffice,
Before sending your children
to school have their eyes
tested by some reliable spec
ialist, we do this on scientific
Consultation and eyes tested
To the Hop Gf owe? s.
I want every hop grower in the country to
know that my business is PRINTING HOP
CHECKS. My prices are all right. See
Conoycr. the Business Printer, 263 Com
mere al street, before placing your order.
For Newport,
If you are coinc to Newport this summer
wnte to John Stimpson. He has houses to
rent; he also has a team and will haul you to
cottape or cam Dine mound at reasonable
rates. 7 16 dw
Mixtures, Rough EJ
257 Commercial st
ror wnere me ncn scrata
there she expects to I
the worm,
I am trying to gei outofcrocl.
ery b'z. and o(T;r certain lin-j u
crockery at 20 per cent bclo?
cost. Cut you nslhing to coot
in 111 itotc and look tt good
But I will trj to get yonr hud
cash Lcfore you get out. M;
crockery is all (or sale at prices
uciovr urst cost.
Groceries and Crockery, 227 Cooj-i
street, aaiem, ur.
Wo arc prepared to r celve tiuii
kinds from tins day at ojr vvttaaj
Salem and Mucleiy. Grain stodn
contract for whent. Also format Is
with sacks as formerly. Call tnJiei .
d iw& wim Utl
Dealer in GROCERIES,
and the most comolete stodi
BRUSHES of all kinds in ft
Artists materials, lime, hair, 1
and shingles, and finest qp
grass seed.
lostA toin silver exprea
the words "Expresj Dtggye M
with a hatbind attached, FiWP
leave at tho Journal office
WANTED -A good fresh mika e
Oregon School lor ineminn.
Mnnrmrnoa Tlfnr (rfflftff
1....1. i rhinm KaDthoieam a '
remedy in the world for icratdm
bruises, etc.
in small family. Address ni.
tvmj a at. vi firm hav rnsre.
kind, not afraid of cars. Pn '
ci.if ni,rrh;iser. Inauire ott. " ,
South Commercial street.
WANTED.Agents, fMtpl
tn workers.- no capital neeacu,
new plan sells at sipni
v ., , . .!.
edsl lk.USEnOL6:SPEC.C0
-, : -: Ml.m LLm
FOR SAUi-Ueauiiiiii """rff
...:.u fircf.drice tmoovements tu
Fourteenth street. Salem, Ortggjt
iitiii ..11 ..,, Inauire oliw" j
J'"' ...1. n. factory. Sale-
UUU, SiWU "" "w-
muz N. B. &COTT,
typewriter, room 0, or
bank. Promptattenuonjoaf
.n,lmn nr ladies U uW
Miahlished house in Oregoft.
established house
and expenses, rosin
Enclose self-addresse, -- ,
Tk nnminion Company, T"
Bartlet Pears.
Bradshaw PI"1
Columbia Plu
Egg'iPlum8' pL0L
Cff's GoldenofP
Italian f rune!
Silver Prunes,
tt jan Prune
Or any other 8!
call cany o "- .
. ...d&i-T-'ir I :. Wf ,