3 Hood's Cure nil liver Ills, bilious- I I ness, headache, sour stora- f3 all nch, Indigestion, constlpa- III 3l tlon. They act easily, with- w cut pain or gripe. Sold brail druggists. H cents. Tlie only 1111 to Uke with Hood's Sarmparllla. lie mores the 1IM -of DESPONDENCE Caused by a disordered liver and renews Healthful J CELEBRATED 0 b .STOMACH . JITTERS circulation and nutrition. UNION PARTY PLATFORM Adopted at Albany, Otegon, June a 897. We demand ibo fiee and unlimited coin nijj of golJ and sliver at ilic ratio if 16 to in Icprndt-nt oflhe action ofnny oilier nati n That the ovetntient shall issue nil money williout the intervention of bunks, and in I'l nlily adcquJlc to the needs of t1 e people, hat all money issued by the uovernment, h r ilier gold, silver or piper, shall tie legsl tciitlcr for all de ts, public or private, ' hat no contract or law shall descriminate ng mm any kind o' money issued by the gov-einm-nt. Wo art opposed In tlie Issue of Uuited States m cic-st-bearing bonds in time of peace. We Uenvnu tlie retleniption ol Uregrn from tirig, commissions and corrupt method.', and d it and honest elections and election laws, i iclj'llii;; Mringent registration laws. We 1 tr.anii that the people hill have th veto pi vei 1 er all legislative n.ic ments b the use of the referendum. We dtmand 'hscltciion ol all offi.-crs by a direct vote of the people. We f-ivnr am) a Ivi c that a'l nominations for municipal and county offi.cis, including nemhers of the legislature, shall b made b) primary elections. We iccommLtid that tlm party shall be know 1 as th Union party, and invite all re f jrm forces of the state to unite with uj in realizing these principled by uni'ed tffjtts end we pledge ounelves to unite with such reform forces in carrying out this bond of mo 1. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, ns mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering It through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used excepton prescriptions from reputable pliybci ans, as the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good you can possibly de rive from them, Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O .contains no mercury, and t taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh ' Cure be tire you get the gennuine. It Is taken Internally, and made In To ledo, O , by F. J. Cheney & Co., Tes timonials tree. Sold by all Druwlsts, price 75c. per bottle. Cheap Railroad Rates. The low rate of one faro for round trip will be given by the Southern jxiiciuu uuiu any puinu 1111 until nuw mi oregon, to enable an to auena. The people's stae institution ror cue lltnproycment of agriculture and the ' niecuanicai ana nouseuoia arts, itep- ' resented in district departments, ana divisions for the intelllgentexbibltlon of the various types of horses, cattle, sheep, swine, and poultry, and many i classes of machinery and implements, manufactures, ana mercnanaise, mu sical instruments, domestic manu facture, women's work, science ana art. The people of the state are especially invited to participate. Let us demonstrate the capabilities of Oregon and Oregon people. One fare for the round trip, popular aamission of 25 cents. tf A plan la on foot In Pendleton to raise $10,000, to be invested In build- ' lng a first-class racetrack. Heart Trouble Quickly Cured. A OonrlBclBtr Teatlmoalal. Miss eixa Kurtz. "For 19 years I suffered fiom heart toorj tble. During that time I was treated Dy 1 flvq different physicians. All of them i claimed that I could not be cured. I was '. greatly troubled with shortness of breath, palpitation and pain In tho side. If I be came excited, or exerted myself in the least, the rjain In my side became very severe. At times It seemed as though netdlet were thoot ' tno throuah tnu tide, Somotlmo In the month of November last, I commenced taking DR. WILES' HEART CURE and since then I have Improved steadily. I can now sleep on my left side, something I had nover been able to do before, I can walk without being fatigued, and am In much Utter health than ever before, I would recommend all sufferers from heart trouble to try pr. Miles' Invaluable remedy without delay " MIS3 ELLA. KUBTZ, 518 Wright St., Milwaukee. Wis. Dr. Miles Ileart Cure Is sold on a positm ruarantco that the first bottle will "benefit. All drairelsts call ltn.ttl. A bottles for 13. Or iy C J S E, it wilt be sent, pronald, on receipt of price t? by the Dr. uSea Mod leal Co.. Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Miles' Ileart Cure JOURNAL "X-RAYS.' Tlicro wasn't a In the numerous single oniee-scckcr escort clven Con- pressmen Tongue and Hooker as Ihey went oh that weary yoyage down the Willamette at a low sunimei stage. But then the follows who traded off Blngcr Hermann (because he had votea lor iree coinage zu to l) ror an unknown national banker and rail road attorney, so that Oregon lost her representative on the Hirer and Har bors appropriation committee, had to go through the motions and irenti flex ions. Anyone holding a ticket in the Myers bicycle lottery had a right to expect to win except Neal. A little girl who had told a He was escorted to her bedroom by her mother and told to ask God to forglre her for her sin. This Is what the listening mother heard: "Oh, God, I thought you could take ajokei" New York Life. Moral and religious pcple arc here after going to draw the line on any Salem merchant who conducts a bicy cle lottery and then cheats the holder of the winning ticket out of his prize. "Do you belong to the bridal party?" asked the hotel clerk. "No; I'm only the groom." Salem peanut politicians arc raging like Nubian lions over the impending distribution of federal unices', while the possibility of Corbctt's appoint ment hangs over their heads like the sword of Damocles. Mr. Geer, who has done the heaviest lying for the Republicans in the past two campaigns may get to be a gauger, weigher or 6onietLIng of that6ort, but collector ? Keren Undertakers will appreciate this if they cannot tell It to their costomers: A poor man lay dying, and hlsigood wife was tending him with homely but affectionate care. "Don't you think you could eat a bit of some thing, John? Now what can I get for you?" With "a wan smile, lie answered, feebly: "Well, 1 seem to smell a liatu a cooking somewhercs; I think I could do with a little bit of that." 'Oh, no, John, dear," she answered, promptly, "you can't haye that. That's for the funeral." following paragraph Is respectfully referred to the careful student of a local i roduct: The self-made man was speaking, ne said: "My father was a raiser of Iiol's. There was a large family of us" and then his voice was drowned by the applause. Of course, barring an act of God, Senator Patterson is to bo collector of tho Port of Portland and Tall Timo thy Geer must take a back seat on tlie state ticket. Salem saw a great deal of the Y. P S. C. E. excursionists and will appreci ate this current press joke: It Is not necessary to repeat his re. marks. When his wife heard them imperfectly, being in the next room, she said: "Oh, do say that over again, dear." "Look here, woman," he re plied, in a concentrated voice, "when a man gets his linger caught between a sprocket and a chain, It Is no time for his wife to get funny." "Oh I" said she; "was that it ? I thought you were repeating one of those Chris tian Endeavor 'veils.' " The best advertised firm In this city are Meyers & Sons. But the next time they conduct a bicycle lottery they ought to put on tho lottery tick ets that only those present at the drawing can hold a winning ticket. As their tickets read anyone holding a.tlcket had a right to expect to win. "Why does that piano sound first high and then low when MUs Wilson plays it?" "Well, you see, 3lie Is learning to ride a wheel, and uses both pedals from force of habit." What has become of Dr. ICeene? Is he on the list of Congressman Tongue's family appointments? Gov. Lord's moral character Is well fixed, by forty years life among the people of Oregon. He cannot be In jured In his standing among his neigh bors and his frelnds by a newspaper that Is for sale to any bidder, proyid lng he bids high enough and keeps it up. Whatever he drinks, It has the effect to keep the Statesman snout out of the swIU and' the public appreciate that. John P. McManus at the helm of the Pendleton Republican larcdliot fluency Itself. ""they Win Again. The Opera nouse baseball nine again demon strated Us superiority on the diamond over the Steam Laundry nine when It defeated tho latter team with a score of 18 to 17. Quite a number witnessed the game which proved highly Interesting. A Direllct San Francisco, Aur. 28. News lias been received here that tlie hull ! of l" bark Matilda, wrecked on the .Washington coast a week ago, has gone adrift, and Is in the path of steamers thai ply between Ptiget sound and Alaskan ports. She In only a trifle aboyo tho water, and cannot well be fcen at night. The next steamer to pass on the course Is the Portland, which Is bringing the Klon dike passengers and gold from St. Michaels. Low Excursion Rates. The Southern Paclllc will make a one-fare rate from all points on their lines In Oregon to tho Oregon state fair which opens Seplembes 30 and October 8. A big harvest and a big fair. A clean, vlgoriotis, dellghlfyl and comprehensive exposition of everything pertaining to the farm and tanner. Good races and amuse ments of all kinds. Special attrac tion every day. With the present cop prospects and the extremely low railroad of one faje for the round trip, the people of Ore gon can afford to patronize astate fair that benefit all classes. Popular ad mission of 2.1 cents. OA0TOIUA. lit tu- Kails siraivais ef i ii OS - -iF mrr 'eucU4i Oreatly Reduced Rates. Why not attend the state fair when you can buy a ticket for one fare, round trip, from any point on tho Southern Pacific, lines In Oregon. The Oregon state fair and Industrial exposition will present unusually Uno exhibits and attractions In addition to the numerous track features, and exciting running races, with Del Norte to lower his record of 2-08 for a purse of $2p0. Arrangements arc being made for the introduction of many new attractions to Interest and please all who attend. Visitors may prepare to be royally entertained. One fare for the rouud trip, and popularadmlssion of 25 cents. feed Drops "Muchly." Bran and Shorts are cucaper (than corn. Price of mill feed greatly re duced. Call at the njjll for quotations. Dellve.-cd, free 'n ton lots. Salem Flouring Mills Co. 9-18-dtd. Kxcursion Rates Every Day. The Southern Pad He now offers fur sale round trip tickets from Salem to Newport, good until Oct. 1, for the price of $4 50. Call on the Salem agent for same, tf W. W ijxx:):. For Home first. The loyal peoplo of Oregon ate alwajs for home llrst.. This was proven by the fact that tho arrival of Tillamook cream cheeso was hrst mi nounced in this paper Friday evening. saturaay city customers cat ca at Snnnemann's State street grocery for more than 100 pounds, it Is put up in luuiuy sizes uu iu ueuia u puuuu, A Good Thing- -Is always anpreel atcd. That accounts for tho Im mense crowds that visit Strong's res taurant daily. The meals served there enjoy a world-wide reputation. The Chixcoot Pass And other dangererous passes to be experienced when ca route to Klondike are alto gether different from the roads that lead to Branson & Co's. grocery, where the finest grade of goods Is al ways kept In stock. Cash for Prunes. Farmers, call at our olllco lu tho old Gray block, State street, and get our cash prices for prunes. Oregon Land Co. Salem, Aug. 28. d&w-tf A force of men is employed on tho McKlnzle road repairing it. A sick woman can not expect to have a liealthy baby. An un healthy baby has not the fcamc chancq for living as a liraUhy baby. The mother's condition must of necessity tell on the child's health and happiness. The laws of heredity arc liiflvx ible. The ihother's weakness will fur:lj show in sonic way in her child. A mother can make her child's life happy and success. ful, or miserable and a failure. She can (lu it by making; and keeping herself perfectly strong and healtbyduring the period oIjh a tation. She can do this by taking Doctci Pierce's Farorite Prescription. It Is h ji.nst wonderful cure for all forms of female wcuk ness and disease, and perhaps its jrreaurt usefulness is in preparing for the trials u.. dangers of child-birth. It is a strength u jug, purifying tonic. It acts directly on tbi organs distinctly feminine, drives out all In purities, promotes regularity and rcsti i hearty, vigorous health. It will positivklj cure any fonn of female weakness or illse-iKc ' It is the preparation of a rceular, medir practitioner, whose great success as a r,. dallst in (he treatment of diseases of wo.ru .: has made liim famous Jill over the wo,-',' Dr. Pierce is now, and has been for Hir, rears, chief consulting physician h U' nvalids' Hotel and Surgical Iitttitutc, I Buffalo, N. Y. Complete Information abont the " Favorite Vtf seriptlon " U to be found In Dr Three's "Cc i mon Sense Medical Adviser," several chapter cJ which are devoted to the reproductive physioWv of women. A liandsomevolume pf pa rs. a over too illustration. It pontelo more exact u formation about the human body in health i1 disease than any pther medical book. Hundrwi of urul,liipU receipts forth cureof many )ii' menu that come to every family. Its stalemciru are to be absolutely relied upon, and if v,t'tt,"$ wiU save Busy doctor's bilb A new edltUjii or half a million copies of this book is now being distributed free, bound in strong paper eoers. Any one may have a copy who wilt send ai cents in one-cent stamp, to pay cut of maUiiig vly. to WU'i anmiry M4Ical AsocUtiou.;Duf fltlo, H. Y, CK? e001 ""' Is Jl ceiiu, &S& K? PRICE E. m. ROWLEY, Successor to Pioneer 227 Commercial street, Salem, I am still on dock with a flne,assortinent of crockery, glassware nnd China ware to bo sold at "same price"' tho next 20 days. Also have Just received fifty toilet sets of the finest patterns that -ever came to Salem. Call and be convinced. CEREALS. Yellow corn meal 10 lh sk 20 20 40 30 25 25 0 4 75 $1 05 White do do Either white or yellow 25 lb sk. Seminole, 10 lb sack Graham, 10 lb sack Grano, V pk Kollcd Oats, "Cream" Y lb.... do second do ... Whole wheat flour 25 lbs FLOUR. Six brands, Y sack $1 to B&rSubjcct to change In price. OYSTERS. Pooster2 lb can do 1 lb can Preferred stock, none better 2 lb do do 1 lb FISII CANNED. Salmon, 1 lb Sardines. French do American do do do Per dozen CANNED MEAT. Corned beef 2 lb can Deviled Ham V can HONEY. Nice and fresh Oregon 1 lb comb LYE. IlahljeUV, V c.ijti Ameilcat JiATlD. Salem, pure leaf, Ircsh fi lh pall. Union bzand 5 lb pall do 10 Mi. pail SMOKED , MEAT. Salem Hams, sugar cuied Side Bacon do Picnic Hams Shoulders, sugarcured PICKLES. Plain or mixed, V bottle By keg, 5 gal New Goods, In bulk Y gal EIOE. 18 lbs 15 10 25 15 10 20 5 40 20 5 10 10 10 45 40 80 12 0 8 8 25 75 35 31 00 SODA. Arm and Hammer, Y pkg Arm - id Hammer, In bulk, 0 lbs 8 as SAPOLlO. V Cake 10c: 3 for 25 SALT. K. S. V. P., 5 lb pkg 20 Liverpool, 50 lbs 50 Liverpool, lOOlbs 00 Higglns Dairy, 50 lbs 75 Half ground 50 lbs. 35 do 100 lbs SOAP. 20 oz. Savon Savon, V 20 bar box 50 Best borax Y cake v..... Ivory, 3bars , Fairy Lennox c; 3 for '. 50 5 to 75 8 25 25 SPICES-WnOLE. Pepper, white V lb 25 Pepper, fine shot, V lb ,'... 20 Allspice, P lb 20 CIqysh, Y lb ,., . 25 Nutmegs, V lb 75 SP1CES-IN OANS. Each." Dozen. $1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Pepper 10o Mustard 10c Ginger 10c Allcplce 10c Cinnamon 10a Cloves 10c Cayenne 10c STARCH. Several kind, V Pki... , . .', 10 SYR 'jPfa; Drips, 1 gal cans CO do 2 gal keg 75 Bulk, gal CO A good, pure syrup for buck- ' . wheat caks, y can ." . .,,1 .00 x'EAS. We carry us good teas as grow, all kinds and grades. Youngnyson V V f0 do do 25 iiKwunnn lllrlllllUUL For sab by D. LISTlO.R.aH. J. G, "Wright, 6r066PU ! Best Gunpowder 50 A good uncolorcd Japan 30 English Brcakrast ' 25cM0 VINEGAR. Best, cider V gal 20J0 Best ;wlno 2040 WASAING TOWDER. Gold Dust, 3 lb pkg 20 Pcarllne- 14 TOBACCO. Battle Ax, plug 25 Si) w Log, 32 oz plug 00 Spear Head, plug '40' Dice 25 Climax, plug 40 Smoking V pkg 510 BROOMS. No. 1 best 40 No. 2 .v. 30 No.3 25 No.4 20 CLOTHES PINS. 3 doz for ,.. 5c TOOTHPICKS. Nol, V pkg 5 STONEWARE, Gal. Jars with covers 20 2 gal. Jars with covers 40 1 3 gal. Jurs with covers 50 AMMONIA. Washing, pints 10c: Y doz 8 1 00 AXLE GREASE. Frazer's, wood box, 10c; Y doz.. 9 1 05 O. Ss ii., tin box, 10c; V 'do? ... 1 20 BAKING POWDER. Price's Cream, 8 oz ,. ... 15 Price's Cream, 10 oz , 30 Royal, 8 oz., 25 Royal, 10 oz 45 K. C 25 oz 25 Pioneer, 8 oz 25 Yankee, 8 oz. 25 do 5 lbs $ I 50 Glassware given with tho Yankee. BEANS. Haye advanced, Clondyko wants them. Small white, V lb 2 Lima 3 .OATUUP. Van Camp's, best made, pts,,.. 25 Old Homesteads 25 CANNED GOODS. Tomatoes 3 cans 20 Corn, 3 cans 25 Beans, 3 cans 25 VanCarap baked beans.. 10,1520o DRY FRUITS. Peaches, evaporated , 8 do do Or Apricots 10 Apples. 0 C 10 20 Prunes, Italian V lb. Raislus, seedless , Lemon peel CHICORY. Ground 10 50 lbs 18 18 21 24 35 33k 33 20 15 25 7 15 40 35 10 35 70 2s 35 COFFEE-GREEN, Y lb. lb Costa Rica 20 Rio, -best 2.0 Caracola 23 Java, old gov 27 COFFRE -ROASTED. Blended Mocha und Java, V lb do do 10 lbs. . Java Aline roast Y lh Arbuckle V pk. CRACKERS. Soda Cartoons, 3 lbs. , Picnic, bycaso Ginger snaps and cookies CREAM TARTAR. Pure Standard EXTRACTS. Lemon, 2 oz...... do 8oz do Kloz Dr. PrJco's lemon, 2 oz do vanilla, 2 oz oucrrnDirn By uslsis; Mr. ewa) 1VLU 1 U1VL.L This vronilei ful reuiedv xeuew flerr artiM. Kuaratec4 to cure all nervous diseases, sush as Weak Memory, LoM of train rower. Headache. WakciuIness,Lost Manhood, Kfjfbtly Kmls slons.Nenroaeness.all drains, loss of power in Generative Organs of cither sex, caused by over-exertion, youthful errors, exrtvslvc use of tobacco, opium or stimulants, which lead to Infirmity, C01 jruptkm or Insanity. Can be carried in Test pocket. 1 .00 per box, 6 1, tj,byiusil prepaid. Circular Free. Sold by all druggists. Askfortt;t ' unoothtr Mauufactured by the Peau Medicine Co., I'srU', I'rauce. 1 aueDavlt Urug Co., distrlbutiDgageiits. Third and Yamhill fit., J Und, Or. J. FRY. Salfn. TO THE EAST GIVES 1HE CHOICfc OK Two Transcontinental Roil .-- too. Via Spokane Minneapolis t Paul and lien vpr Omaha and Kansas City. Low rates to casternjcitles. For full details call onjor address BOISE & BARKF.R nirents. Salem. Orecon. I OCEAN DIVISION. Portland - San Francisco. ' Steamers leave Aimworth deck. Poitlan July 26, 31, August 5, to, 13. 20. 25, 30. 1 Fare Cabin, $5; steerage, 2.co WILLAMETIE RIVER DIVISION. POR7LAND-SALEM ROUTE-8tamer Ruth for Portland, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday at 7.-15 a, m. Steamer Gypsy lrates Monday. Wednesday and Friday tat 7 a m. Returning leaves Ash street dock, Portland, daily except Sunday, at .6 a, m. Passengers given transfers to elo.tnc line at Oregon City if desired, making It poible to reach Portland at I p. m. Round trlr tickets to all points In Oregon, Washington, California or the East. Connections mado at Portland v. ill nil riil, ocean ard river lines, Call on G. M Powers agent, foot Trade meet, - ' A L. MOKLER, Vicc-Prcs. and Managet W. II. IIURUIURT. Gen'l Pas, Agt. Portland, Oi For full delays call on or address G. M. POWERS. Foot of Trade st. Local Agent. EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co EXPRESS TRAINS RUN DAILY, 6:00 PMlLv . ,'il'ortland. ..Ar ...Satem ....Lv San Francisco Lv 9! V' J8 9:30 A M 8;jo p m Lv, 745 a m ) Ar. IO AM 00 PM Above trains stop at all principal stationr bet. Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion. Jeflerson, Albany, Tangent, Shodds, Ilalsey, Harrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, Creswcfl Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland, and all sta. tlons from Roseburg to Athland, inclusive. ROSEBURG MAIL, , DAILY, 8.30 AMI Lv. . , IIOOAMLv.,, S.'gorM) At... .Portland . .Balem.... .Roseburg,. ,Ar 1430PM Lv ! 2 oo.T M Lv (7.-3QAM Pullman buffet sleeper and second-class sleeping cars attached to all through tral ns WEST StoE DIVISION. BKTWEKN rORTi-lND AND COKVALLIS. Mail tlaiiis dally except Sunday. 730 A M Lv.,,. Portland. "AT OPM 1315 P M Ar. ...Corvallis. .Lv PM At Albany and" Corvallis connect with trains of the O. C. & E. Ry. BXrRESS TRAIN DlttY EXCEPT SUNDAY. 450 P M I Lv . . .Portland. . . .Ar 730 PM) Lr. , . .McMinnville Lv I 0725 A M 550 AM Direct connections at San Francisco with Occidental aud Oriental and Pacific mall steamship lines for JAPAN AND CHINA. Sailinc dates on application Rates and tickets to Eastern points and t uuruue. nun iai;ih, vmnv, uuiw LULU and AUSTRALLIA, can be obtained from W. W. SKINNER, Ticket Agent, Salem. It. KOEOLER, Manager. C. II. MARKIIAM, G. F, &P. A. Portland. Northern Pacific Railway. RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dinln Cars Tourist Slouoino- Cart To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, rarg 'irand Forks, (,'rookston, Winnineg, Helena and Butte, THROUGH TICKETS To Chioaw, Washington, Philadelphia, Nv York. Boston, and all Point East and South i'oi information, time cants, maps aid ticket, call on or viitu THOMAS.WAfl&CO, AGENTS', 265 Commercial meet, Salem, Or A. D. Charlton, Asst. den'l, I'm A;ent Morrison street coiner Ihinl Pnftkrd, O EV.ADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CORZ A t-J fiervout iitauxi&nne stss orr. TmpoUpey.BlMalwiasn, etc. cwuad It Abtu and ollisr Tlcimi ana JdjIU- sx. cretlom, XAsp wmb mtd turmtu itUin Loat VlU.lM r In ol or jomc. ul tttami as l'ruvtn a Urn. Tliel ud c8U C m bSTins tti tred tboussne 1 nrlttca sua p t man for stndr, bosuum or awnta. l'wsnt losanltr saa OommHu U 3t li r tin taken in Urn. Th .1 A toont aud c8cU OUiUB whtre. all oUawa Ski. Ii tiM thow IrrTMMlst tMinraTi mows imatftwaw trill catm soul. la. Ut upon bSTinff tea genatcq Alas TsMjrt. Tkr hara eared thousand nd will car M. W Mv KNtltira wrlttca iru&rutbe to ajNct a ear In er rctaud tb monr. rrfo o ont Iscackacetirull traatmantl lor M los.monir, rrc minmss9i!R Hull truunanii lor wm, For sale at Salem. Of. bv D. J. FRY. to. OS m i-nn Wfft.f.il rsmsdjr for Uhau,ham. I'liwt. BoermatorrJioia. I VLltos, uonatural dl. I ebarges, or ar InSamma. 4lnn. lrritllnri nr nlc... iial4 frr.T.au wusa iiua ut m aeons miu. lTHttJWJCHlilCfl. ITIK. xion-aringBi -or seas lu plain w IT irrtas. rrapsj . - . . MM, or S UUl, r"Mr Itf fwmnut SSSSK SLLBK ' f v. To.Be Healthy You must undoubtedly keep up a good circttv eolation, It is the mainspring of life. Our Circulation Xk.WVVwlFvV-irt-W'. Among the masses is phenomenal, and' er cry one who is capable of judging declares thai The Evening Journal Is perfectly health, and capable of bring' ing the very largest re turns to those wide awake people. who paty r onizc its columns, It's Daily Circulation Is the homes of the people The people read it The pe pk support it, The 'peo pie defend it aodf it defends the people. You Can Not Have Their Trade unless you reach them with your advertisinf. Space in the Ertu&g Journal is the ooly means of doing Chat Our Circulation covers not ottty Salsm but is general ail ovsr the state Every triaJ made will cotmace pr We Haye The Circufatfom tisllllllllllllllllllflslV?BsjsalllBalBllllllBlB , ,, a t Jl 1