Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, August 30, 1897, Image 2

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Daily Capital Journal,
Tiiereiaeertuinly no Krerter mis
conception or politics than Mint It Is
the duty of a political party to make
everybody prosperous. It Is not a
harmless delusion, because It teaches
the" Individual to expect his compe
tency at the hands of government,
and if he does not get It he will blame
the government, and thus out of the
ranks of Individual failure will come
the armies of discontent with hands
uplifted to destroy the government
that fails to produce prosperity. Not
even the Republican party can make
everybody prosperous.
lion. vYm. Holmes, the Salem
lawyer, socms to be bo In ureao
luck this year lie has about 120
acres of hops that In quality and yield
promises to be (Irst class. Ills yards
were carefully cultivated at a loss
last year. They were got up and
worked early and carefully this year
ail 8iJ.ii to be almost entirely free
from vermin. Mr. Holmes had al
most enough pickers when he began
work (morning of Auust 30) and
started in to pay 33 cents a box. lie
paid out $7000 to picken one year and
83003 another year for which ho got
no return and hopjs to goo along
without a strike this year. We hope
he will.
New Ili.hpshire,.tho bitter opponent hog In human nature. The only cure
iifidvll Pcrvlcc reform In congress, for oftlclal hogglshness, nepousm
write a significant article on "Weak ' quartering a whole family on the pay-
Spots In Civil Service Reform." There rolls when one only has been eiccica
nre but few promlrent men who have to ollice, arc dispositions not easily
ventured to openly. fltflit this popular eradicated by means of rosewatcr and
ivtorm, and thl s article Is notable as a fan.
.... il linn -.r cnrlnna nrenmnnts
'.....,.,. .. -,.,.,. i... -, The voterswhosupportd Mr. Bryan
Wreck of the Huron" i, a narrative of! President at the Novembe, -eke-,..,.f.fTni,i
Htt.wnn.l.ln tionarcnot worried over the crying
in 1877. "The Modern Committee Pr PPcrIt' and Wn doWn f
" ... , , ,. silver. They know that phenomen-
woman is a luimy uuniajMunw
pi.aseof the "new woman" by Kate 'WW nouroountry and poor
1 ... .. crons the world over elsewhere has
Gannett WeH dQ wth prescnt bcttcr time8
There ought" to be no more difficulty, than the McKlnley administration.
about publlshinga balance sheet of They also know that while hard times
state treasury finances than set In the last year of tlie narnson
there is of county finances The se- administration, prevailed all of Clee-
crecy observed In the management of land's term, and for the first half year
for Infants and Children.
The Fac-simile Signature of
the state treasury Is not compliment
ary to the intelligence of Oregon.
The whole treatment of the public
business as a private snap Is prima
facie evldenco of non-dovclopmcnt or
degeneracy. While the people of Or-
Kon are not degenerate, there is a sus
picion that the politics of this state
Is very much so. Those responsible
for the dark-lantern methods of con
ducting the state Hnances are not
helping the Republican party.
This paper cannot hope to have in
fluence with so high-headed a man as
Mayor Richardson. One of the first
acts of his career-was to harangue the
council to annul Its advertising con
tract with tins paper because it had
seen fit to call attention to the filthy
condition of Salem's streets and alloys,
exactly In accordance with the tenor of
tha'Stiyar'jown massage. He said
such a paper should not receive city
''Pap," thereby branding himself
nvith Inconsistency, etc. We do not
now care for that. We wish to call
public attention to the fact-that the
Mayor and council did not have the
-street unci uuoysTieanecI last spring,
u it was announced in the council it
would bo done, and that there have
been scattered cases of typhus, scarlet
fever and even diphtheria In this city
all spring and summer, a condition
unknown when the city has had its
annual cleaning and when Its sani
tation has been at all looked after.
What should be dono? The mayor Is
u medical man. He has a reputation
as a physician if not as a mayor. He
knows that ho as mayor and the
members of the council as Individ
uals cannot or do not look after
public sanitation. They cannot or
do not Inspect premises that are in
, the worst possible unsanitary condi
tion and direct and compol them to
be cleaned up. The mayor knows
that a Health board of three compe
tent independent citizens, outside of
the council, in charge of a sanitary
inspector who has power to order
premises pat in sanitary condition,
is the only way to reach the situation
and save further loss of life. Why
don't he have a bill Introduced in the
council to bring about this result?
It would meet with universal favor.
With the great bulk of Oregon peo
ple earning money in hop yards, the
fruit orchards, and harvest llelds,tliere
Is a more hopeful condition before us
in all lines of human enterprise. Bet
ter supported family life means more
business for the merchant, paying oil
of debts, moio money to clotho and
educate the children. Still nil living
and all business will necessarily be
upon close margins.
The hop pickers should strive to fill
just as many boxes as possible of clean
picked hops, so as to earn as much
clean money as possible and help keep
the quality of Oregon hops at the top
notch, thus earning for our state a
reputation that will make this Indus
try permanently profitable.
The Canadian government deserves
thanks for promptly completing ar
rangements for a monthly mail be
tween Klondike and Dyea. nithorto
it has been, only quarterly and sus
pended in the long Arctic winter.
W. G. Westacott, manager of what
is probably the largest individual
bakery business in Oregon, has bought
flour enough to last him a month
only, no does not look for wheat to
advance much if any until In Decem
ber. Ills theory is that In December
It will be known what are the crop
prospects for 1893 tlu the principal
foreign countries competing with us
Jn iJlA Wlloat. lnlmt TInr : !.
will take another jump up or down
One factor keeps wheat down the
consuming capacity of the people in
all countries is kept low by still pre-
vailing hard times. Mr. Westacott
has hit upon the key to the wheat
The federal injunction does not
seem to have materially affected the
great coal strike. Government by in
junction in an extreme urgency may
be justified as a last resort to protect
life and property, but It cannot be
depended upon to solve problems
growing out . of social conditions.
The rights of labor and capital, the
adjustment necessary between em
ployer and employed form the back
bone controversy of the ago and will
probably never be perfectly adjusted.
Thellne of progress lies In mutual
concessions and a friendly humane in
terest of each class In the welfare and
success of the other.
The suicide of D. S. Tuthill, the
Portland capitalist who had an In
terest in the Salem and Suburban
railway, does not affect the manage
ment of that property, nis Interest
was not a controlling uno and had
been nearly extinguished.
of McKI nicy's, that sucii depress
ion cannot endure always.
The perslslcut driving down of sil
ver by the gold press will produce a
reaction that will demonstrate that
there Is vitality in the silver mining
industry and value in silver as a
money metal. At the slightest un
favorable t rm, or accidental or artl
flcal scarcity of gold, the Inadequacy
and Injustice of the gold standard as
the sole measure of value will prove it
self in again undermining all prop
erty values and keeping low the prices
of products and labor. The voters
who supported Bryan will be found to
be a conservative class of citizens, who
while upholding law and order and re
specting the McKinley administra
tion cannot consent to prostrating
humanity beneath the Iron heel of or
ganized wealth. The surest tendency
of the times is indicated by the grasp
which the trusts and syndicates had
upon the new tariff law, and the man
ner in which they are driving up
prices of necessities of life out of all
proportion to the advance in wages.
Thare is no satisfaction given to
President Chapman's friends by his
eturn to the presidency of the state
university, after having filed his res
ignation under the circumstances sur
rounding that step, his flight to Wis
consin and his application for places
elsewhere. Those who haye sought
to uphold him are weary. They are
Wearv also of his duhhlnir in "Rnrono
City and public school politics, making
the university more and more a mere
local institution. The influences are
stonger today for Chapman's removal
and a wholesome cleaning out of that
institution in several other depart
ments than ever before. It is only
a question of finding a man of the
right sort who could be reasonably
sure to stay there ten years. There is
some danger, if Chapman Is removed,
that a politician HkeMcElroy would
go In. MoElrov is one of the pillars of
the Republican party, nis retire
ment from public life would cause
the whole political structure.tO' totter.
The thing to do is to make Salem a
better home market, not to run down
or misrepresent what markets wo
Tho Illustrated Amorloan, Francis
Bellamy, editor, is a Now York candl
dato forpopular favor, and conslder
crlng the- Important part played in
current literature by tho higher class
of plcturojipapore, the publishers aro
to bo.cotigratiilutcd upon tholr success
In projecting this now favorite, The
Issue of Aug, 21 is unusually attract
ive. Senator Jacob II. Galllngeruf
There' is no violation oflaw In the
assistant state treasurer of Orcgou
conducting an Insuranco business, and
soliciting risks In this city or else
where. It Is a free country. Tho
fact of that official's closo relation to
tho insurance companies, as custodian
of tho bonds they deposit to do busi
ness in this state, makes it a question
of good taste, for him to enter tho
local field,
Reformation of abuses in public af
fairs Is only reached through persist
ent newspaper criticism. Tho poli
tician yields to the demand for reform
only through pressure of public senti
ment, and public sentiment is formed
moro through satire, lampooning and
spicy paragraphing than through se
rious reasoning of editorial argument.
Democracy, Republicanism, or Civil
Service reformer, peoplo aro much
u.lko, and tho much allkoness Is th
The important Europoan event the
past week was the conference between
President Faure of France, and the
czar of Russia. It was about as great
an epoch as a "conference" of a couple
of American millionaires. But tho
French newspapers express delight at
the fact that by tho mention of the
word "alliance" in the toasts of the
czar and President Faure on board
French cruiser Pothnau at Cronstadt,
the world has been informed that a
distinct understanding really exists
between France and Russia, and that
tho understanding Ms apparently in
the nature of an alliance for tho pres
ervation or the peaco of Europe,
though some of the French papers aro
Inclined to believe that tho allience
means Russia's support of Franco in
the event of tho latter attempting -to
reconquer Alsaco and Loraino from
The Gaulois says of tho mentioning
of tho word "alliance," "such an ex
pression was not Inserted In the toast
for nothing. It vvas no mere verbal
flourish. There never aro flourishes
in the czar's toasts, and we can only
seo in It tho very soul and Inspiration
of tho alliance;"
Tiie Soleil remarks: "Something
is changed in tho world today. Tho
Franco-Russian alliance makes its
appearance as a great force in tho
world's international politics, In rad
ical days, we drenned of an alliance
for a revenge and wo now have an al
liance for peaco. Wo must bid fare
well to our patriotic hopes."
Germans will read with a grim
Svt-ccsser to Dr. J. M.flKecne, old White
Corner, Salem, Or. rattles desiring superioi
operations at moderate fees in any branch an
In especial request.
Appears on Every Wrapper.
Dealars in"all kinds of fresh and salt mean
Lard In bulk, 7c a lb. Cheapest meal in he
own. Try them. 17' Commercial St.
t!r Tlliolr i
If '17 fivuiKi
Our catalogue contain
2t l Commercial st , Stlem Or
r -Suits tlS upwards. Pants upwands'q
smile the resignation of tho French
press to a mission of peace.
Practise Economy
Tn imvlnir mnrll".lnp. ns In other mat
ters alt is economy to get Hood's
Sarsaparilla because there Is more
medical value in nooas oarsapuruiu,
than in any other. Every bottle
..f TTrvnrla Knruimrirlllii r.nntiilns TOO
doses and will average, taken accord
ing to directions, to a raonm, wnne
others last but a fortnight.
Hood's Pills are the only pills to
take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Easy
ana yet cmcient.
For Infants and Children.
-X Wl
fyUc&M w-
O. C. & E. R. R.
Sunday Seaside Excursion Will Run Sun
day August '15,
And continue to run each Sunday
thereafter during the season. Trains
leaves Albany 7:00 a. 111.; Corvallls
7:30 a. m. Returning leaves Newpor
5:30 p. m.
Fare, Albany, Corvallls and Philo
math, $1.50 for round trip. Points
west usual rates.
fit Ut
stalls clgsitute
Is ea
Oregon's Fair,
can ue altcnOcd ror one fare for the
round trln from any nolnt on the lines
of the Southert Pacific in Oregon.
The fair onens on Sentember 30, and
closes October 8. Nine days. Every
day will be tho best. Freternal order
day, October 2, Oregon press day,
October 4, pioneer and barbecue day,
October 5, Salam day, October 0,
school day, October 7, free for all races,
last day, Octobesr 8. School day,
October 7, children under 12 years of
age free. School children over 12
years of ace, ten cents.
After harvest you will want a rest,
so come to the state fair and enjoy
yourself. Ono fare for roun trip.
Popnlar admission of 25 cents.
Something New.
Send for the new style catalog and
guide book, of the Drain State Normal
Louis Buazee,
8-ll-tf President
A Butter, Famine. There was a
remarkable scarcity of butter in Sa
lem Saturday. The majority of tho
stores were without creamery butter
all day while a large number had no
dairy butter at all. A few rolls of the
creamery out-put were disposed of in
the morning at 55 and 00 cents per
two pound roll. Inferior dairy butter
was sold during tho afternoon at 25
and 30 cents per pound.
Poo? Blood
is starved blood. It shows itself
in pale cheeks, white lips, weak
digestion, no appetite, exhaus
tion, lack of nerve force, soft
muscles, and, chief of all, weak
muscles. Your doctor calls it
Anaemia. He will tell you that
the weakening weather of sum
mer often brings it on.
of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo
phosphites, will makepoor blood
rich. It is a food for over-taxed
and weak digestion, so prepared
that it can easily be taken in
summer when Cod-liver Oil or
even ordinary foods might repel.
V wit at joo. and ft.eo fcr atWregsjWi.
m ;
Salem, Marion county, Oregon, July, 1897.
The county court of Marion county has or
dered the Tax Boll for Marion county Oregon
fjo the year 1896, closed on September 1 ,
1897. All taxes will be delinquent after said
date. All persons paying taxes before that
date will save costs, as at that time all prop
crty upon which taxes have not been paid
will be advertised and sold.
Sherift and tax collector, Marion county."
Proposals wUl be received by the Com
mon Council of the City of Salem up to the
u...nr . rtVlrwV n m RntpmVier 7. l8o7. to
fnrnish the City o'f Salem eighty cords of
large hr wood, tne same to oc ary aim i
and to be delivered at any place within the
corporate limits designated by the Common
council, and not later than October I, 1897.
The right to reject any and all bids is
hereby reserved.
' ED. N. EDES,
City Recorder
Salem, Or., Aug. 12, 1897. Md&w
Proposals will be received by the Common
Councillor he Citv of Salem, un to the hour
of a'o'cIocIc n. m.. SeDtembor 7. lSq7. to
furnish Jthe City of Salem 25 tons soft g
coke, to be delivered at any place within th
corporate limits designated by th . Commoi
Council and not later than October 1, 1897.
Coke to bo delivered at call of council.
The right to reject any and all bids is
hereby reserved.
City Recorder,
Salem, Or., Aug. 12, 1897. 14 d & w
Notice is hereby given that there are funds
on hand applicable to the payments of all
warrants of the City of Salem, endorsed on or
he&iri' Khnirv i. 1806. drawn upon the Gen
eral fund. Please present tIJ wannnts for
payment at Ladd & Bush bank, as interest on
same will cease from the date of this
A. A. LEE,
City Treasurer,
Salem, August 10, 1897. 14 iod
Bids will be received. by the commissioners'
court for Marion county at the September
term, 1897, for competent persons to board
and take care of the poor of Mai ion county
from November I, 1897, during the pleasuru
of the court, the county furnishing the farm,
house, beddiog and clothing. The court re
serves the right to reject any or all bids.
Bids may be filed with the county clerk until
Wednesday, September 8, 1897, at 4 p. m.
8 6 d 3t w td County Clerk.
Bids will be received by the commission.
ers' court of Marion county ai the September
term 1897, for furnishing at the court house
twenty(2o)cords of body fir in five ( 5) cord
lot! from any one person also for futy(So)
cords of pole oak in ten (10) cord lots from
any one person. The court reserves the right
to reject any or all bids. Bids may be filed
with the county clerk until Wednesday,
September 8, 1897, at 3 p. m.
8 6 d 3t w td County Clerk.
Academy Sacred Heart,
Studies will resume September 6, 1897,
For particulars regarding boarders and day
pupils, apply at the academy. The music
and art departments furnish all the essentials
for advanced study.
Salem SteamLaundry
Pleasejnoticejthe cut-in prices
on the following!
Shuts, plain 10 cents
Unaer drawers ...5 to 10'cents
Under shirts 5 to iocents
Socks, per pair 3 cents
Handkerchiefs . , . , , 1 cent
Silk handkerchief 3 cents
bheets and pillow slips 24 cents'per dozen,
and other work in proportion.
Flannels -wd other work in5
telligently washed by hand,
Col; T, Olmsted Prop,
Stage Line,
From Salem to Wilheit Springs, via Silver
Leaves Silverton for Salem at 6:30 a, m.,
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, returning
to Silverton same days, leaving Salem at I
o'clock p, m.
Leaves Silverton for Wllhoit Springs at
430 a. ra Mond ays Wednesdays and Fi.
days, reluming to Silverton Tuesday.
Thursdays and baturdays.
Leaves Salem from Westacott' barn.
tare Round trip from Silverton to Salem
Si. Round trip from Salem to Wilhoit $2. 50
Round trip from Silverton to Wilhoit $1.50
T 1 miwI frtmatfrrii Wrtrle ft BD-CialtV
Telephone one-four. O.Tice with bherman
OnUll OC 1'UrK, uinjr "!. .v..w. .-
at your office nnd work returned on shor
very interesting fac(s A
subject of underwear. a.i ,
- I0tl
copy at our Salem agents,
Makes a specialty of fine repair work, Setb
Thomas clocki, etc., 215 Commercial Street
de-pot Express,
Meets all masl and passenger trains. Bag
gage and express to all parts of the city
Prompt service. Telephone No. 70.
Corner Ferry and '.'bertr HrUi I
Telephone 172
Newest rigs and best horn
always in rwdinsu,
Salem Branch 108 of the Labor Exchange,
are now pieparcd to furnish at short notice
Sand and Gravel of any grade, and of the
best quality, and in any ipiiiiitity. Telephone
,7S. 6 25 im
Hello !
If you want to move or want a load ol'any
kind hauled or want a load of manure, dirt,
sand or gravel, or cement, lime, hair plaster,
brick or sewer pipe, see D. S. Bentley, cor
ner of Front and Chemeketa streets or ring
up telephone 30, Also wood and coal on
hands at all times 'Orders promptly attended
Family Wine and Liquor Store
RemovcA from 102 State to 199 Commercial
street Bottled goods of the best quality.
. . VI AVI
A home treatment for all forms of women's
diseases,' also stomach and kidney troubles,
catarrh, nervousaprostration and general de
bility. Hours 3 to 6 p. m. 340 Liberty ot.
Call or address
7 8 Manager for Marion county.
J. S. PfflBUl
State street, near railroad." Freshest and
best meats. My patrons say I keep the best
treats in town, 2 2
r7'Cuit or mojntiin parties n ipwu'tj
Salem fa
UrOfllcc in City Hall.
Irrigation nours 0 to 8 a. m. mil
to 9 In tlioevenlnc. I
All Irrigation bills for the soukI
wiu ue auo una payaoie tbelstt
Street sprinkling thioughlawnl
positively proliibited.
No deduction for irrigation dodu
aosenco unless water is cut 08 1
entiro premises,
No allowance made for mrt of 1
son as more water is needed to MsJ
out a neglected lawn than Jcfel
use ioriuo entire season.
' Salem Watee ft,
Eastern R. H. Comd
Connecting ut Yaq.nna Biy vitlfcil
r rancisco Yaquina Hay OtMmsMpit
LiSails from Yaquina every dri fa i
Francisco, Coos Bay, Poi: (Mora, Ml
and Humbolt Bay. 1
gJjPassengcr accommodations iumijws
fcnortest route between the mjiMKra
and California.
Fare from Albanv or points vedBS
Francisco: Cabin, $9; steerage, IS!10,1!
Bay and Port Orford, cabin $6; torfaMl
Hay, cabin to; round trip, good w awe
XfMmpr '.Alhanv" tetween Fortius C
Corvailis, through without lay-over W
Salem 10:45 ". Tnesdays, Taursdajii
ijatuidays leaves rortiana, ',u r
dock, 6.-oo a. m. Sundays.; Wfriadirf
EDWIN STOf f .Jnager, CcrolM
J. J. MAYU, il.ri. Kiver uiruwu-
The i
Insure Your Life
The Independent Order of Foresters.
Established for 23 years Membership on
May 1, 1897, 111,722. Surplus, June 1, 1897,
$2,223,326.89. Age limit, 18 to 55 years.
Kates as per age from 60 cents to $3 per
thousand. Twelve assessments yearly. Iial3
your policy on total disability and balance at
70 years or at death. All assessments stop at
70 or on total disability Services of Court
physician free. Court Willamette No, 145.
meets 1st and 3d Mondays of each month.
In Forrester hall, in Turner block.
Call on or address
8 101m Secretary,
rmnTm tmvtti
i!i:i 1 limit
'Dryers new in operation on onr place near
the asylum. Call and see them,
Fruit growers are invited to investigatejbes
fore buying or building a drier. Our claims
are; 1. Unlimited capacity. 2, Cheapnes
of construction 3, Rapid production. 4
Easy, cheapness and simplicity of process
Write me for testimonials and experience o
growers who are using the Steevens since two
years. Estimates and specifications furnished
orjdriers built. Address
G. A. STEEVENS. Salem, Or.
Ladles Who Value
A refined complexion most aso rocxoal'g Pow-j
der. It produces a soft and beautiful ski
Only three trains
in the world
worthy of comiiMri
the Burlington's S. f
rope. 1 wu . -
None west,
c Kxintifnl ea li
i th fllB
lore ueen n -il
Nortlnmt. ... u
Electric lighted.
heated. W
Compartment ileepa.1
No Extra Tf
Leaves Si. FI
daily.-aftcr arm -
Pacific, Great Nw
Pacific. trains from"
Tickets at office! 0
necting lines.
A O.
. I.ICRT OF Tfifi B
tv ART
Cost over Jioo.ooo to Pfb. A
nearly 200 full page MKfJwi l
... .1,. ,., maulers, cverj r in
produced from some Sfcrjl
Ltakingfrom three to ,nr;
aay . b: : - want it. n
iSd St ti e teg-'
"Cleared f ISO fil "'& V 5
boolc," says n0f'c00dTnk
man or woman ot P. rt rt o
rhouldsecurethe agency - ,
every cuuv, 7' AUo , rt
taking orders for it. ? Hfil
of goSd social pos4n5J
Manager of thl 1 urnwy, . JJ
time lor eui".-B - AlU. -j
corresponding ifT
particulars A. r. . ra, P-'
278 Michigs" Avenue, Ciw
.-.-;-, ! -....