Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, August 27, 1897, Image 4

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Daily Capital Journal.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1897.
Altona and Ramonn
leave for Portland dai'y
and .Sunday at 7 a m.
Quick time, regular ser
vice and low rates.
Dock between State
and Court 'streets.
Agent. Salem
This Week
wo Intend keeping the price-cutter
busy shearing off profits and some
of tlio original cost from all sum
mcr lines.
Lappet Mulls
Figured Organdies
Halt'wool C-hallies
All remaining of these dainty
fabrics which sold at 25c. Sheared
prices 10c. a yard
Hop Picking Gloves
The kind thut lit and wear 2oc. a
Any Ladies Waists for 75c,
values up to $2.
J, J, Dalrymple Co,
Towels !
Towels !
7 cents each.
3 for 20 cents.
Warranted All Llnjn.
Sec Our Norlh Window I
No tv Arrivals.
Kld.Gloves, Shopping? Bags, fRIb
boue, Laces, Prints, Ginghams, etc.
What an Expert Is Doing.
Chance for the Location
Factory in Salem.
of a Big
Just Opened,
Men's Black overalls In regular
and, in Engineers.
Tin plates, cups,
stew pans, etc., etc.
and hop pickers.
dish pans,
for campers
Vaseline 5c
Smoked glasses 5c
Large Red handkercniefs . 5 c
Seamless sox 5c
Wiggins Bazaar
Wkatiimh Fokecast Is as follows;
Saturday and Sunday fair.
Geo. B. Gray was a Portland visitor
T. Ilolverson returned today from
David Simpson returned today from
Hon. 0. B. Moores was In Port
land today.
Gen. II. B. Compson, went to Port
land this aftcrnaon.
Prof. E. B. McElroy returned to
Eugene this morning.
Sheriff P. T. Wrightman has re
turned from Newport.
Miss Minnie Ireton has returned
from an outing at the seaside.
Theo. Nolf, of the Fair Grounds
store, was In Portland Thursday.
A. F. MoAtco has returned from an
extended visit at points In Washing
ton. James M. Kyle, of the O. F. & P.
Co., returned tills morning from Al
bany. Mrs. Frank Hofer and son Fred re
turned today froms a weeks outing at
Mrs. F. C. Baker, of Portland, Is the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. A. N.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sims and chil
dren have returned from Portland
and Astoria.
Supt. T. W. Potter, of the Che-
mawa Indian training school, was In
Salem t day.
Professor .E. L. Winkler returned
from an extended outing in the San
tiam country.
Miss Leone Paine, returned last eve
ning from a three weeks outing at
Long Beach.
D. J.jHolmes came up from Port
land this morning and is the guest of
Saletu relatives.
J. E. Baker and family returned
Thursday evening from a three weeks'
outing at Slab Creek.
Secretary of State II. R. Kincald
went to Portland today enroute to
Eugene to spend Sunday.
R. J. Ilcrschbach, blacksmith and
wagonmaker, has rented the Arnold
property In South Salem.
II. A. Rawson, an dmployee of the
asylum, has been rusticating at Bell
knap springs the past ten days.
Chief of Police A. C.Dilley and II.
D. Patton returned today from a
three weeks visit at Foley Springs.
Dr. W. B. Morse and P. II. Sroat
went to Mehama lastevenlng on their
bicycles to spend a few days with
L. II. MacMalion has rented the
Mauley Moore cottage, near Lincoln
school lately occupied by J. 0.J Mor
rison, the hopbuyer.
Alderman J. M. Lawrence went to
Detrlot this morning to remain over
Sunday with his family who are en
joying an outing there.
Mrs. August Schrelbcr and children
went to Aumsville this morning for a
short visit. "Gus" will follow Sun
day and return with his family.
State Treasurer and Mrs. Phil.
Metschan passed through Salem this
morning enroute to Portland on their
way home from Winnemucca, Idaho
Mrs. Grace Osborn, returned to Sa
lem today Miss Balm Mann, re
turned to her home at Salem on this
forenoon's local train. Eugene Guard,
The business manager of The Jour
nal writes from Port Angeles: "We
go to Victoria Thursday and will
spend Sunday at Falrhaven. Will be
homo Monday or Tuesday evening.
Salem Is all right and aside from Se
attle there is no town on the Sound
that can compare with it. This in
land sea is line, but an occasional
taste Is enough."
Fall Dress Goods
Tho first Installment now on hand
embracing everything now and
stylish in all tho custom cities.
Lovely Patterns.
Beautiful Colorings.
Exclusive Designs.
Standard Patterns
always rellablo as to stylo and lit.
Advance patterns for October now
in. Call and see the styles. Sep
tember sheets to give away.
New Shoes
coming In every dad. Tho finest
line of medium-priced footwear in
lu the city. Now styles.
RAG corsets,
Ferris waists.
District '70 School shoes.
302 Commercial Street,
The CaBh Dry Goods and Shoo house.
Buried Thursday. The rcmalnR
of Bally Ilaydeu, of Eola, who died In
this city Wednesday were interred In
the I. O. O. F. cemetery yesterday,
brief services being conducted at tho
grave by Rev. P. S. Knight. The de
ceased was 07 years of age and was an
Indian War Veteran of 1855-0. The
following named gentlemen served as
pallbearers being comrades of the de
ceased: Messrs. Fisher, J. L. Bennett,
J. Q. Wilson, J. Brooks, Sr., J. Payne
andD. V. Yoder.
An Extra Boat. Owing to the
large number of hop pickers seeking
transportation onjthe river steam
boats from Portland to up river
points, the Oregon City Transporta
tion Company today engaged Steamer
Elwood to assist during tho rush.
That boat left Portland this morning
loadcdwith hop pickers and will
come as far up tho river as the stage
of the water will permit whero the
passengers will bo transferred to the
Steamer Ramona.
To Arrive Next Week. Rev. II,
A. Ketchum, of Berkley, Cal., who
lias accepted a call to tho pastorate of
tho local Presbyterian church, expects
to IftJlvn Horlrlnw nnv Mnnrli... ,i
will arrive in Salem on Wednesday ttblc thero 8,lould uc nf delay on the
mornlng.Sept 1st. Tho reverend gen- Pllrt of our laml owners and business
tleman will be accompanied bv his ,uen ln arriving at a conclusion and
Mr. Richard Kuchnc. a German
American sugar beet expert, who has
been connected with the Grand Island,
Neb., factory, has been at work In
Salem two days.
lie visited the Garden Road and.asy
lum gardens on Thursdday to inspect
the growtb of vegetables and the
depth and quality of the soil. lie
found strong uartu soil, that ho con
siders unsurpassed for sugar beets,
could be had in sufficient quantities
about Salem to warrant the location
of a big factory here. It will take
from 5,000 to 0,000 acres, as beets can
be hauled by team from two to four
miles at a profit.
were inspected this forenoon. In
company with Tllmon Ford, he went
to that gentleman's farms and to the
John Knight farm on Lablsh bottom,
Wiht shoyel and pick he examined
the soil, finding it all the way from
two feet to one hundred feet deep
(latser estimated.) No better beet
farming soil could be imagined but
actual tests may bring varied results.
But the soils are such as to satisfy
Mr. Kuehne that sugar beet culture
would be likely to be a successful ex
periment here.
Mr. Kuehne left at 2 o'clock to ex
plore tho soils about Aurora. He
says he will comeback to Salem If a
meeting of farmers and citizens can be
called when he will give specific in
formation as to profits of sugar beet
culture, nature of contracts required
with farmers for from five to ten yeais,
and what is better will bring witli
him a capitalist who is prepared to
talk business at once The crop can
be started this fall and the factory
puu up In time for next year.s product
to be worked up.
to Salem is best shown by some figures
left us by Mr. Kuehne. who resides
at Tlgardsvilie, where he has a large
farm and Is conducting extensive ex
periments in sugar beet culture. A
factory to work up 300 tons of beets a
day will cost $250,000; a 500 ton fac
tory $400,000; buildings are put up of
brick and steel; 300 tons a day takes
3000 acres of land; employs 180 men
day and night; the field work for
such a factory would employ 1200 to
1500 men, women and children; beets
yielding 12 percent sugar of 80 per
cent purity sell for $4 a ton; as per
cent of sugar Increases price advances
to $7 a ton. Ten tons to an acre will
net the farmes $35 an acre, and 15 per
cent return In value of pulp for feed;
he also says the use of the tops
stimulates the dairy product and es
tablishment of creameries.
If we do we must go to work". The
company will put in a big capital.
Shares of stock are taken locally
wherever a factory Is established and
beet stock is taken by the farmers.
Oregon's 400,000 people consume 28,
000,000 pounds sugar a year and the
home market will keep the money at
home that now goes abroad. Mr.
Kuehne explains all details when
called upon.
A beet sugar factory would in Ave
years add thousands of people to our
population and put money in circu
lation here that now goes abroad.
There is no experiment about beet
sugar manufacture. Germany has
431 beet sugar refineries, while our
country has only 8 or 0 factories and
is 171 times ps large as Germany with
nearly twice the population.
Mr. Ford says he showed the expert
the soils on the Knlght.lBush, Albert.
Pugh and Beatty farms and that there
is no floudt but what In that vicinity
there are 10,000 acres of the very finest
sugar beet land. One sample has
been analyzed and shows 21 per cent
or over. It Is a question whether the
lake land or the upland will grow the
better beets. Those primarily Inter
ested in sugar beet culture should call
a meeting and invite Mr. Kuhne back
to Salem, and hear what ho has to say.
If this Industry is within our reach,
ana wo can not seewhy It Isnotreach
Cut! Slasb!
Down and Off They Go I
The Klein large stock of standard shoes has been
removed to the Bush Bank Block, State street, where it
is being sold at awfully low prices, Go, se'e and buy,
Salem shoe store,
Outlook" for a State Fair.
Fraternal Order Day Vancouver
Army Corps May Be Here.
Secretary Gabrlelson had a meeting
last night with the fraternal order
committees ulicl an ath'ctic program
is nearly completed as follows for that
Baseball, 0 a. in.
Tug of war, 11:30 a. m., $25 first
prize, $15 second, $10 third.
Fat man's foot race, 50 yards, 10
a. m.
Shot put.
Three-legged race, 100 yards.
Free for all foot race, 100 yards.
Ladles bicycle race, i mile condi
tion, three entries.
Prizes will be given In each event,
but not yet a ranged.
The ladles are arranging a literary
program for tho evening.
may be represented by a detail from
Vancouver. Tho secretary is In cor
respondence with General Mcrriman.
The presence of the regular army
squad, commanded by Col. Anderson
last year proved die greatest attrac
tion of the fair and it is to be hoped
the commandant may be induced to
come again.
Reception of Congressional Party.
A number of our prominent citizens
gathered in the parlors of the First
National bank last evening vhen ar
rangements were completed for the
reception of Congressmen Hooker apd
Sherman, of New York, who are ex
pected to arrive in Salem on the
north bound California overland.
The following ' committees were
Reception Mayor J. A. Richardson,
Jefferson Myers, R. J. Hendricks, E.
P. McCormack and P. II. D'Arcy.
Correspondence E. P. McCormack
and Jeffeson Myers.
A number of gentlemen were
named as an escort to accompany the
party down the Willamette on the
steamer Ruth which has been pro
vided for the occasion.
What Salem Business Men Are Doing to
Accommodate the Pickers.
E. M. Rowley, of tho old John G.
Wright pioneer grocery, has put in
supply stores ut tho Holmes yard
south of this city and at Eola. Ills
son M. W. Rowley and Chas. Mcln
tyre arc at Holmes yard, while Rowley
senior is conducting the Eola store in
A dally wagon, goes to each store,
and W. II. Butchcrd, the Dhonograph
man is helping J. H. Johnson In
charge of the main store.
Westacot & Irwin are preparing to
run all the way from twelve to sixteen
wagons to the yards. They expect to
servo as high as 4000 loaves of bread
a clay when all tho yards about here
are In full blast They run three
ovens and will employ about 32 per
sons altogether at tne heigtli of the
season, Including the dairy.
Geo. Fendricli, Ueury McDowell,
Geo. Baker, Salmon Brown, and Wolz
& Miesclike will run meal wagons
to the yards.
Lists of subscribers are already
made up at a number of the hop yards
for The One Cent Daily. The
Journal will be furnished in clubs of
nve or over at the one cent a day rate,
but parties at the yard must arrange
to have it carried from this olllce.
A Novelty. A golden
tho outside) watermelon
the Chris. Paffell farm is
Branson's grocery.
Attractive. The line Klein stock
of shoes is going off at a sacrifice.
Fine shoes at $1 a pair is proving vety
attractive to buyers who are taking
advandagc of It.
A Tillamook Product.
Sonnemann, the Statetreet grocer,
received today tho first shipment of a
ton of the famous Tillamook cream
cheese, heretofore handled only In the
finest Portland trade. He will receive
500 pounds a week. They are put up
in small family stylo and go at ten
cents a pound, surpassing anything
ever brought to this city In quality In
the opinion of Salem's most expert
cheese enthusiasts. d&w
" - 'mm ii
O'MARA. In this city at 9 p. m.
Thursday, Aug. 20, 1897, Thos.
O'Mara, aged 21 years.
Deceased leave? two brothers who
arc his only relatives residing in the
west, nis parents reside In tho east.
The remains were taken from
Clough's undertaking parlors at 4
o'clock this afternoon' and given In
terment in tho Catholic cemetery
south of Salem. Brief services were
conducted at the grave by Rev. J. S.
White, of St. Joseph's Catholic
lamny ana will occupy the pulpit, of
tho losal church on the Sunday fol
lowing his arrival hero.
A Mistake, Tho Journal was In
error Thursday Instating that Drs.
Paine and Williamson, of tho Insane
asylum, had accompanied their fam
ilies to tho Ncstuca countrv. flin
families of tho two gentlemen went
yesterday but Drs. Palno and Wil
liamson did not go and do not Intend
making tho effort.
Portland, Aug 27 Wheat valley,
Walla!' Walla, 82c.
Flour Portland, 4 40 Superfine. 2 50
Oats White, 384oc; grey, 63o.
iruiaiucs. . j.iew 353400 per sacK,
Hay .Good, io12.50 per ton.
Hops loanc.
Wool.. Valley, I4i5c; Eastern Oregon
Mohair. 20c.
Millstufis..Bran, I4.co;shorts 15.50.
Poultry Chickens, mixed 3.50.(3.75
broilers, i,5o3oo turkeys, live nc
Eggs.. Oregon, 12 yt per dor.
Hides., green, salted 60 lbs 7c; under
60 lbs 6Jc; sheep pelts, io7oc
fallow 2 c3c
Oniona i-25i.5o'per sack.
Wheat Bags Calcutta5.25 per 100
Bean&-small white, lfi Jc .lima 33
Hogs Heavy, 4.50
Butter.. Best dairy, 253o J fancy creamtij
353400 per roll,
Cheose .nVCc.
Dried Fruit Apples, evaporated, bleached
r07; unDieacnea 3c4c; sundried
Pears 5c6c
Prunes, 4 VJc6c.
Veal small33jc per lo.
Mutton - Weathers 2a2: dressed mut
ton,4 spring lambs 5c per lb.
Beet Steers 3.; cows 2.25.
dressed 45. '
uurea Meats-aiams locio5c bacon li
Lard-dn pails, 7Jic ' '
Wheat '75c
Oats 25c.
Apples ,25c.
Hay.. Baled, cheat, J8.
Flour. .In tvtinli-Mli. Into . -,.. .:i
4.60; bran, bulk i2i3shorta.i5.5caj7.75:
chop feed, 15.oc16.oo.
Poultry. Chicken,5 spring 8.
VealDressed, 3.
Hogs.. Dressed, 4.50.
Live Cattle.. 22&.
Sheep.. Live, 1.50.
Spring lambs, $1.00
Wool. .Best. 12c.
Hops.. Best, oaioc
ttggs..ii in trade.
Farm Smoked Meats Ilaccn. 7c: lmnis
loo; shoulders, 5Jc.
Potat095.25c trade.
Dried Frui'w-Apples, evaporated bleached,
70, 8c: unbleached 4c5c.
Plums, 4c.
Butter, Dairy 123150 creamery 20
Before going to the hop fields call on
Tent Muslin,
Prints, Ginghams,
Gloves, Outings,
Outing Blankets,
And all other supplies,
257 Commercial st,
Greatly Reduced Rates.
Why not attend thu state fair when
you can buy a ticket for one fare,
r.ound trip, Trora any point on the
Southern Pacific, lines In Oregon.
The Oregon state fair and industrial
exposition will present unusually lino
exhibits and attractions in addition
to the numerous track features, and
exciting running races, with Del Norte
to lower Ills record of 2-08 for a purse
of $250. Arrangements are being
made for the Introduction of many
new attractions to Interest and please
all who attend.
VisltiJB may prepare to be royally
entertained. One fare for the rouud
trip, and popularadmission of 25 cents
ror wnerc the hen scracha
there she expects to fjnd,
The Hottest of All.
Dutcli Charley met a German friend
today and began to talk about that
ten luiita pound article at Sonncman's
"Hustdu den Tillamook cheese
getricd? Illmmel sapperment, fa
nous. Icli kauf kein anderer."
Everybody Is buying it. 27-d&w
lit ie-dalle
i! Stature
1 !l to
N0TI6E !
Every hop picker in this and
adjoining counties to bring all
their watches, clocks and Jew
elry to be repaired to the peo
ple's Watchmaker, Jeweler
and Optician.
Watches cleaned 75c,
Mainsprings 75c,
Second door north of postoffice.
I am trying to ge: out of crock
ery b:z. and offer certain lines ul
crockery at 20 per cent Woir
cost. Cost you nothing to com
in my itore and look at gooli,''
But I will try to get your ban!
cash before you get out. Mr
crockery is all for sale at prices
below first cost.
Groceries and Crockery, 227 Commer
street, Salem, Or.
Wo are prepared to receive gisin ii
kinds from this day at our warehotu
Salem and Mncleay. Grain stored a A
contract for wheat. Also farmers IssU
with sacks as formerly. Call and sees.
A. M. HUMPHltfl'.
d iw& wim Sato, ft. j
Speculation. Grain speculation
is being Indulged in quite extensively
by many persons at present but the
person purchasing groceries at
Branson & Co's., gets big value for
his monoy and a plea3ant sense of per
fect satlsfactson in tho disposition of
tho same.
lit hi-
""" li ca
Are You "Batching" While
your family Is at tho seasldo or In tho
mountains? You will find it much
more pleasant and profitable to take
your meals at Strong's. They have
the reputation of serving tho best
meals on earth.
'" f If fr
of Hires Rootbeer
on a sweltering hot
day is highly essen
tial to comfort and
health. It cools the
blood, reduces your
temperature, tones
the stomach.
should bo in every
home, In every
office, in every work
shop. A temperance
drink, more health
ful than ice water,
more delightful and
satisfying than any
other beverage produced.
ei future
' lies
Before sending your children
to school have their eyes
tested by some reliable spec
ialist, we do this on scientific
Consultation and eyes tested
nil o umnnu pi ago 1M CHICK
UII.O, vvinuim ulioo, iiwihi
and the most complete stock cf
BRUSHES of 'all kinds in .the sift
Artists materials, lime, hair,
and shingles, and finest qualii
grass seed.
GIRL "WANTED For two orihr
in small family. Address A, care lot;
pnn RAT.Tinnn Imv mare. Gentle
k!n,1. nnmfraM nf cars. FnCC
suit purchaser. Inquire of C. W,
South Commercial street. 'JlZ
FOR SALEr-Beautiful residence JWFJ
with first-class impovements. IoqtuP
Fourteenth street, Salem. Oregon. J".
To the Hop Growers
I want every hop grower dn the country to
know that my bustness is PRINTING HOP
CHECKS. My prices are all right. See
Conoyer. the Business Printer, 263 Com
mercial street, before placing your order.
itttt onlr tr lit Ctulct B.
Blitl C..PhUd.lt.k!. A.
r - .." : .
r ! mull t iuuhu.
Frtiif aod Uegef ables
Received Fresh Every Morning,
Gravestein apples'flnest in the world,
Delicious Bartlett pears,
Elegant peaches for canning,
124 State st,
Sonnemann, The Gfocei
vri ciii' w lioi UBcreKClB
full bearing and in a high state of cab
r .. ir. .i.rr:,. ml ii. miles from r'
Will sell cheap. Inquire of Hansen"1
-i --u --.1 .)... ft,.i,iru s.ilein. "
uuii, ausii unu uw itiwiuii - -
MRS. N. 11. bCOlXStenoOTPl
typewriter, room 6, over If". a
bank. Prompt attention to all cU'qg
wAMTi?nnpuTniir AND FAIffflf
gentlemen or 'adtei to travel for PK
estaousned nouse in jkv- - ,. ljjs
and expenses. Position d. "
Enclose self-addressei stamped t
The Dominion Company, Dept, H,
Bartlet Pears,
Bradshaw Plums,
Columbia Plums,
Egg Plums,
Coe's Golden Drop Pi
Italian Prunes,
SSlwf Prunes,
tt.. PwtnesJ
riuu&ai i ( v 1
. criiniMBK '. I
Or any ottier gwu ct-jjbb
Mint, thev wish to Sllip. " "
call early on the -.-jus rft
T- . KT.urAtft.
ror "rz: i.1
1 r von are coine to iwww vn
.-i o Mi'n Sdmpson. if"7nulif
rent; he'also has a lTi &
cotUce or camj'u's &"
. iWaAfciJL.
1 JiklTinl, ilfiih