WWfi. WWiy 'WJUJ" i! "?iVW - -y- fn Jf PEOPLE. I . , Among the Salem business women whoaremaKlngasucccssiuirecurua, i a At... I Itunhnnila la f vsa f1 TV iicip w vuuii iiusuouuo ., .o. . ... nubrlclson. Who iCOndUCtS Ills 111- i i 1.1. i, ,unr, ' SUranCO OfllCO In llU absence Writing rl.lrn.rir In clllirira Of tllO State fair ' work. Mm. nnhrlolnnn Is a rmtlvc nnrl n n,nn,rw,P nf thr, nil- low an and a incrous Iowa colony, of whom that state may well be proud. Mrs. Ga brielson has also developed Inton very elllclcnt assistant secretary of the State Agricultural society. Alex La Follett and Bent Jones, of Mission Bottom, arc generally consld-1 crcd to be pretty good men and one seldom hears of anything particularly ...nnnnhnntoithnrnf t.tipm. nut. wt. ' IllbUII UUUUU VtWHWI Vf vaaw- I have recently heard something nyc consider it our duty to publish. As all know, they grow very fine peaches and supply the Salem market. They have a neighbor by the name of Wra. Col lard, an older man than cither, who also grows peaches and, as that is a great peach region, there Is not a lit tle rivalry to gcMho start or eacli other In supplying the market. What did Lafollett and Jones do. but go to the principal retailer of tine peaches at Salem, Gld Stciner, and say to him: "See here, you buy Col-lard't- peaches. He Is an older man than we are. We can rustle and sell ours on the outside. We wont ask you to take any of ours unlebSCol lard hasn't got enough for your trade. That will help Collard out with a big crop and we'll manage to sell ours " And thoy have kept their word. Stelner has sold hundreds of bushels of the Collard peaches and Bent Jones and Alex La Follette have sold their.. You don't often hear of neighbors In Oregon or any other state giving up the market to one another in that way. i L'lin. Rlely and Mrs. Rlely have lately returned from near Pilnevllle, where Mr. Rlely was book-keeper for a big stock company, that owns hund uvds ft square miles of range and has countless thousands of cattle. They have a large mercantile business and Charley says it is nothing unusual for a man to corns in and pay $500 on his store i.ecount. If a farmer here owed a merchant $500 he'd have a deputy sheriff on each corner of the place for fear some one would make a haul-off. Sheep herders are paid $40 a month and money is plenty In Crook county. There is probably more wealth per capita in Eastern Oregon than any where else In the wrid. Mr. Rlely is an Interesting talker about that country and is also very much grati fied because ills wife has completely recovered her health. Mr. Field Corn has become a resi dent of Oregon. We have seen good pieces of dent corn all over the west ern part of the state this summer. Near Marlon Station, In Polk county, and near Salem are patches of corn from one to thirty acres, that will yield about half an Iowa crop. "GREATEST ON EARTH." Dr. Miles' Iteatorallvo Norrlno. iilr. R. T. Caldwell, Is book-keeper In tho First National Bank of Fulton, Ky. ''J vrtis completely run down. My nerves keeiwo Mi unstrung through loss of Bleep nnd worry that I folt sure I would bo com pelled topi vo up ray position I would Me jiwako allnlfc'ht long, and It took but little Z:, U. T. O ALDWKLL. to Ebako mo up bo that I could not possibly attend to my business as I should. In connection with this I bad llw troviiU, Jieavlness about tho stomach, and pains In different parts of my body. X was alsomuch .reduced In flesh. I was persuaded to try Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. I first procured a i M bottlo from a local druggist and good n jnlttqulcklyfollowed. I ll,on procured adollnr bottle, and by the timo I had used this up I was adlffereutman. I urn now on my third bottlo and am able to tleep soundly and eat regularly, something I could not possibly dp beforo taking your Nervine, lam now fuUu reamered and do not .hesitate to pronounce Dr. Miles' Bestoratlvo Nervluo tha oreatest nervine on earth. Fulton, Ky. R. T. CALDWELL. Dr. MHos' Norvlno is .sold; on a Mj? ?!.... JT. C. O.tArct. Itnflln will lXinCllt. Alldrogelsuseltltatll.6 bottles tot&.ot Jtwlllbosent. prepaid, on receipt of Prlco tilirtisentrprVpaldron nSTA of jiflco lyoDrTMUcS Medical Co., EJkhartiodi. Dr. Miles Nervine ?&. ABOUT OREGON people. t'XZ -"j wL -f tho tassels aro dry, the husks arc Tho tassels opening, and the heavy earn arc hang- Injr(,ownward Mf Jlug Ruef nn tho nrwd Knlnn. Ii-ia . ,., .. .,,.. . ,i.i -..iij juium uuuu i.uih-v-uij i iju tiua . . ... WSt WCCR or AUgUSt. lie Says half a -"i- .. oiv,..,.u I. w1 fnttAnltin l.nm. ., .. n ntlinl.. ....... I.. uuu lubkuiiiu iiu(j5 us a vvuuie muji III l0VVU- That 13 became WO hOTO Very llttlo or no cold weather. There Is no trouble at all In raising 20, 30, or 40 bushels corn to tho acre and ripening It. But tho farmer who docs till must have stock to feed It to. Corn lina nnt. rinlv l-trwrmm n rnalrlnnt. tf Civ- egon but a permanent resident, When ' The JooitNAii talked up raising corn regular Held crop in Oregon a few years ago it did not so soon ex pect to see result s on so large a scale. I But we still believe in corn. Wtfbe-' llevc it is much better to put summer "'" Ul 1"'"'' wiiurem luu unure fallow Into corn, If It can be used, be- 1'h,U had Brown loether' ..... , , . . I A former Eugene woman issuing cause cultivation needed to make a for advorce and alxmt $250,000. Her crop will clean the soil, and the stalks i,U9baud Is worth $500,000. and roots plowed under will aid nltro- j A flre destroyed the threshing ma gen to the soil, just what wheat land chine and considerable grain on the n;ed8. One of the interesting characters of tho Capital City is Charles Wolz, bet- tcr known as the little German butcher. He has just celebrated his 50th birthday by taking a tew glasses of beer with some German friends and talking over old times. Wolz came to America as a llttlo boy, returned to Germany In time to serve in the Im perial Guard under King William, of Prussia, in the Framo-Prusslan war of 1870, was at Sedam, Metz and Gravcllotte, took part in the siege of Paris and came back from shooting Frenchmen tocarylng steaks, chop ping sausage and buying cattle of American farmers. He has been on the coast for over twenty years and raised a family of sturdy children, of whom Mr. nnd Mrs. Wolz are very prdud. Of late Charley hasi got the gold fever and has been prospecting on Gold creek, not far from the won derful temple once visited by The Journal man. Charley works hard and desires to wrong no one. ne has a constitution like iron. Wolz meas ures about 4G Inches around the chest and prides himself on the fact that ho can He down and let a 200 pound man dance a jig on his breast. Of a happy disposition, tills writer predicts he will not always be tno little German butcher. He has boys nearly grown and may one day strike It rich, as he is only In his prime. It Is not much over twenty years since the present state treasurer, Hon. Phil Metschan, was only a little German butcher in Eastern Oiegon, where it is said a smart man can run a butcher Bhop and not buy nearly so many cattle as" here. But here's .luck to Chas. Wolz and his family ! May they live long and happily, and may they always prosper. UNION PARTY PLATFORM Adopted at Albany, OteRon, June 2 897. We demand the tree nnd unlimited coin age of gold and silver at the ratio of 16 to independent of the action of any other nation That the government shall issue all money without ithe intervention of banks, and in quantity adequate "to the needs of the people. mat an money jmucu u ws husiui;iii, whether gold, silver or paper, shall be legal tender for all debts, public or private. That no contract or law shall descriminate against any kind of money issued by the gov ernment. We arc opposed to the issue of United States interest-bearing bonds in time of peace. We demand the redemption of Oregcn from rings, commissions and corrupt methodt, and demand honest elections and election laws, including stringent registration laws. We dimarm mar inc peopje uiau nave m veto CLwer oer all lecislative inactments b the use of the referendum. We demand the election of all officers by a direct vote of the people. We favor and advice that all nominations for municipal and county officers, including members of the legislature, shall be made by primary elections. We recommena tnai mis pany uu uc known as the Union party, and invite all re form forces of the state to unite wun us in realizing these principles by united efforts, and we pledge ourselves to unite with such reform forces in carrying out this bond of nion. Low Excursion Rates. The Southern Pacific will make a one fare rate from all points on their lines in Oregon to the Oregon state fair which opens Septembes 30 and October 8. A big harvest and a big fair. A clean, vlgorious, dellgbtfyl and comprehensive exposition of everything pertaining to the farm ,mri inrtnor. Good races and amuse ments of all kinds. Special attrac tion every day. , wiiii t.iin nrftsent ron nrosoects and the extremely low railroad of one faje tnr iio ron ml t.rin. the neonle of Ore gon can afford to patronize astute fair mat oeneuii an ciuusKo. ii"" mission of 25 cents. Jeff Cornclison, of Myrtle Point, In nttomntlne to Jump from a runaway ll I.,- .unnlr dlclni-n tpH lllS lllfl " ""' "'";; T ,,,"",. !n. and shoulder and Injured llraieir in- maiiy. Hood's Are enlnlns favor mnlillr. . ;: "rrr:r.r. t""t jiusiiiM men. sua traye!. icia rairry loom .in Tesl i poekett. Ual carrr'tlTani In panea, -hooaakeepwrs kep them In medicine elo.eU, friends recommend Ibem to frlendi. Mc. OlIllU HUOQ U1PI Vt1atlS ; Mrs. Elvlna LeBbise. need 51. of Eugene, died last Monday of cancer, Twin Corliss engines hove been or-' dered for the Pendleton scouring mill. Abel Rce'd, of Forest Urovej died Tuesday at his home at the ago of triuSffrMiSSS Monday. The Poilt residence at Springfield burned Monday evening. Los? $1400. Insurance $800. Gov. Whltcakcr. of Eugene, dug a Grlsby farm near Independence Thursday. At Hood river it Is reported that some very rich gold-bearing quaatz has been found on Lewis river near Its source. Rail Vaughn, of Eugene, killed a large eagle in Western Lane county, which measured six feet eight Inches from tip to tip. Henry L. Brown, of Eugene, an old soldier, fell from a cliff on the wagon road at Tllton rock on the Sluslaw road. He died from the effects. Mr. Travis, a young man about 18 years of age, broke the record of crate making at the cannery In Eugene Monday. He made 200 crates. T. F. Kerns exhibited twelve Sharp ies prunes at Eugene that weighed 31i ounces. They have tho flavor of the French prune, but are much larger. Attorney Brlggs, of Ashland,,a stu dent of frtlit culture in- (Jackson county, says that yellow Jackets are death on all kinds of moths that prey on fruit. There Is. to be a .meeting in the In- terest-of a beet sugar factory at Inde pendence In view of starting one there. Mr. Ri Kuhnc, of Portland, Is the promoter. Dan Maloney.the man recently shot in The Dalles, by Jake Prowley, of Glenwood, Wash., died Tuesday from his wounds. He was formerly mar shal of Tho Dalles. II. S. Wilson, receiver of The Dalles National bank, stated that the con trolier will shortly authorize a dlvl dend of 25 per cent, making CO per cent realized to depositors In 30 days' time. Hon. Thomas H.Tongue has sue ceeded In -locating tho lost muster rolls of the companies of volunteers that fought the, Rogue river Indians In 1853, O. F. Hixoo, one of the In mates of tho Roseburjr soldiers' home, was a member of one of the com panies, and say 8 that they had long endeavored to obtain recognition from the government, but were informed that there was no record of their ser vices in the war department. But through the efforts of General Lane, when a delegate In congress, they had received pay for their services by a special act, and Mr. Tonguo traced this up and found the muster roll3 in the treasury department. Here are a few words from a woman to wo men. There is no theory about this tetter, There is nothing about it that cannot be read ily proven. It Is a voluntary statement from a woman who has been restored to health and strength, and who wishes that her own experience may be duplicated by the experiences of others. Mrs U Pedraon. of I'alr Crovei Greene Co., Mo., writes 1 ' In July 189$ I wa confined. My confinement wa premature. About ill weeks arter I w taken -with evre flooding I htd tl.t best doctor the country afforded. 1 took med icine for about two months but cot no better. I wa. very weak could not do any of my work. Could scarcely lift a chair Buffered with pain In rcj back and hlpi and bad wreneu deep, low dowi. uztaa mc I had Inflammation and ulcer. tlou... 'bcloctor utd. I concluded I would consult l)r X. V fierce. I wrote to you (riving you a ful' description of roy case. You advlied -me-terta.ke.your Parorlte Weacriptlon.' I be van. 4aUa.H;l once In three dayi I could feel fjcpar&a. HoafcHlte bottles and the result wti a tomjflflt iur:U haa been six months (luce 1 ued your medicfue and I feel no return of the dlte&it at til I with ttso to say I had not beet' strong 'of many fan I had taken patcut wed Idnea nl , 01 attended by doctor but got tin belter T'I.y there I not a stronger woman In Ihc country liao I tra I suffer no pain at all can work oh S.yanil not be tired at night 1 Cat, cheerfully w'fiftl I believe I owe my health .0 the JM-ai your valuable medicine, and your good a vice y,Wei2fv 'htZ U m mrwnf fir. plercr "Common Seuse Med ic AdvUer " In every houae la the United SUte naif 'he lckce in the countrj could be prt-eDled 1 hi great work of over a thousand rigts is -omiilctely illutrnted with ovi ihie undred birturx It contains many simple Inea pensive reiU for curjiitriht common at roeula which ariit In every family Dy following U ad rice 1I111U1 bomr litstiuenl may be given fctlmcut. Strioun tlcVncs ratr be orevented and mauv doctor Mils vtd lot many xutc amncuia Nearly T coplc hare been told at (I jo per voliiuit had dcw an edition, papcr-bonnd, ( half milliou U betas dlitributcd aUolutclj rice It wit. be acol tKl-paid to any out who will send i we-cent atamirt ta pay the com of mailing i tu the World' Dtpen4ry Mttlcal I3Em M.la Mrret. Uuflilo W V ,f yoownt prtocbclub Utdlng.twU.tenU PRICE E. M. ROWLEY, Successor to Pioneer 227 Commercial I am still on deck with a line assortment of crockery, glassware and China ware to bo sold at "same price"' tho next 30 days. Also havo just received fifty toilet sets of tho finest patterns that 'ever came to Salem. Call and bo convinced. CEREALS. Yellow corn meal 10 lb sk 20 White do do 20 Either white or yellow 25 lb sk.. 40 Seminole, 10 lb sack 30 Graham, 10 lb sack 25 Grano, V pkg 25 Rolled Oats, "Cream" V lb ... . 0 do second do ... . 4 Whole wheat flour 25 lbs 75 FLOUR. Six brands, V sack.- $1 to$l 05 "Subject to change In price. OYSTERS. Rooster 2 lb can 15 do 1 lb can 10 Preferred stock, none better 2 lb . 25 tin do 1 lb 15 FISH-CANNED. Salmon, 1 lb 10 Sardines. French 20 do American do do do Per dozen CANNED MEAT. Corned beef 2 lb can Deviled nam Y can HONEY. Nice and fresh Oregon 1 lb comb LYE. Babbett's, V can American LARD. Salem, pure leaf, tresh 5 lb pall. do 10 lb pilll SMOKED MEAT. Saleru Hams, sugar cuied Side Bacon do Picnic Hums Shoulders, suar cured PICKLES. Plain or mixed, Y hottlo 25 By keg, 5 gal " New Goods. In bulk Y gal 33 BICE. 18 lbs 81 00 SODA. Arm and Hammer, V pkg 8 Arm id Hammer, in bulk.O lbs 25 SAPOLlO. VCakelOc; 3 for SALT. B.S. V.P.,5tb pkg 25 20 Liverpool, 50 lbs 50 Liverpool, 100 lbs 90 niggins Dairy, 50 lbs 75 Half ground 50 lbs. 35 50 5 to 75 8 25 25 do 100 lbs SOAP. 20 oz. Savon Savon, V 20 bar box 50 Best borax V cake Ivory, 3 bars Fairy Lennox c; 3 for SPICES-WHOLE. Pepper, whlto Y It) ' 25 Pepper, tine shot, V lb 20 Allspice, Y lb 20 Clo'"", V lb 23 Nutmegs, V lb 75 SPICES IN CANS. Each. Dozen. Pepper 10c- $1 00 Mustard 10c 1 00 Ginger 10c 1 00 Allcpico 10c 1 00 Cinnamon 10c 1 00 Cloves 10c 1 00 Cayenne 10c 1 00 STABCII. Several kind, V pkr 10 SYB'PS. Drips.lgal cans 00 do 2 gal keg. 75 Bulk, gal 50 A good, pure syrup for buck- wheatcaks, V can $ 1 00 TEAS. Wc carry as good teas Mis grow, nil kinds and grades. . iv . r.n xoungiiyouu. v u , " do do , 23 -...r.Ar UflMUMIIII iTlHIlllUUlJ i lv. nr,i.,u rir,iir Fr. Manufactured by the rcpald. Circular Free. Drug Co., distributing For sale by D. LIST! J. C, Wright, Grocery! street, Salem. Best Gunpowder 50 A good uncolorcd Japan 30 English Breakfast ;.. 25(3)40 VINEGAR, Best elder Y gal i..2040i Best;wlne 2040 WASAING POWDER. GoldDust.f3 lb pkg 20. Pearllne- 14 TOBACCO. j Battle Ax, plug 25 , Saw Log, 32 oz plug i 00 Spear Head, plug 10 Dice 25 Climax, plug 40 Smoking V pkg 510 BROOMS. j No. 1 bebt 40 No.2 30 j No.3 25; No.4 20 CLOTHES PINS. 3 dcz for 5u TOOTHPICKS. Nol, V pkg 5 STONEWABE, Gal. iats with covers 20 2 gal. Jata with covers 40 1 3 gal. jars with covers 50 AMMONIA. Wtibhing, pints 10c; V doz $ 1 00 AXLE GREASE. Frazcr's, wood box, 10c; V do...$ 1 03 C. &S., tin box, 10c; V -doz ... 1 20 BAKING POWDER. i Price's Cream, 8 oz 15 Price's Cream. 10 oz 30 Royal, 8oz ' '25 Royal, 10 oz .. 45 K. C 23 oz . ..." 25 Pioneer, 8 oz 23 Yankee, 8oz 23 do 5 lbs ; 8 1 50 Glasswaro given with the Yankee. BEANS. Uave advanced, Clondyko wants tlicm. Small white, V lb 2 Lima 3 OATUUP. Van Camp's, best mado, pts. ... 25 Old Homesteads 25 CANNED GOODS, Tomatoes 3 cans 20 Corn, 3 cans 25 Beans, 3 cans 25 VanCamp baked beans. . 10, 1520c DRY FRUITS. Peaches, evaporated 8 do do 01 Apricots 1Q Apples, . . , 0 Prunes, Italian Y lb 5 Balslus, seedless... 10 Lemon peel...... 20 CHICOBY. Ground 10 POFFEE GREEN. Y H). lb 50 lbs Costa Illca 20 18 Bio, best 20 18 Caracola 23 "21 Java, old irov 27 24 COFFEE -BOASTED. Blended Mocha andJ a va, V lb 35 do do 10 lbs.. ' 331 Java , 35 A lino roast Y lb 20 Arbuckle Y pk '1& OBACKEB8. Soda Cartoons, 3 lbs 25 Picnic, by caso .... 1 Ginger snaps and cookies 15 CBEAM TABTAB. Pure ., W Standard 35 EXTBACTS, Lemon, 2 oz 10 do 8oz do 10 oz Dr. Price's lemon, 2 oz t'o vanilla, 2 oz nt.nTftriPPi Br By nalnar Br. Fesm'ti LLV llllUll Yellow ftcrva 111 In IYL.UlUJAL.Lf TUIa wondeiful remedy Mtt 3? suaraoteed to cure all nervous diseases, such a Weah Memory, Lou of hrain rower, Headache. Wakefulness, It Maahood, MgbUy limls alons, HerrousneM. all draiaa, los of power in Ceneratlro Orjana of d In Teat pocket. Si.oa per box, 6 f- 55, by mall Peau Medicine Co., l'arls, I'rance. f aue-Darli. Hold iiv an drupviata. Anciuriiii (nooiucr agent,. Third aud Vambill 81a., Iu 'laud, Or, J, FRY, Salem, BB W JB HLw JIRk Ew TO THE EAST GIVESf 1HE CHOIUs OF Two Transcontinental 1 R0UiG3. r'r Via Spokane Minneapolis at Paul and Den ver Omaha and Kansas City. Low rates to eastomTcitios. For full details call onjor address BOISE & BARKF.R agents, Salem, Oregon, OCEAN DIVISION. Portland San Francisco. Steamers leave Ainsworth dock. Portlam July 26, 31, August 5, 10, 15, ao. 25, 30. Fare Cabin, S!teerCei 2.$o. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND SALEM ROUTESUamer Ruth lor Portland, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday at 7:15 a. m. Steamer Gypsy leaes Monday. Wednesday and Friday (at 7 a mK Returning leaves Ash street dock, Portland, daily except Sunday, at .6 a, m. I Passengers, given transfers to eleitric line at Oregon City if desired, making it poaiible to reach Portland at I p. m. I Round trip tickets to all points in Oregon, Washington, California or the East. Connections made at Portland will all rail, ocean and river lines, Call on (j. M Powers agent, foot Trade street. - A L. MOKLER, Vice.pres. and Manager W. II. HURLBURT. Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland, Or For full details call on or address G. M. POWERS- Foot of Trade st. Local Agent, EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- THE SHASTA 'ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co EXPRESS TRAINS RUN DAILY, 6:oo P Ml Lv.,.;rottland. ..Ar 19:30 AM 8;jo nif Lv, . . .Satem . . . ,Lv i j:io A M 745 A m ) Ar. San Francisco Lv (S.'oo p M Above trains stop at all principal stationr bet. Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion. Jefkrson, Albany. Tangent, Shodds, Ilalsey, Harrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, Crcswell Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland, and all sta' lions from Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive. ROsenuRo mail, , daily. 8:30 AMI Lv ... I'ortiand . . Ar 1100 A M-Lv... .Salem.... Lv 1 4:30 I'M J2 OO.'PM (7.'3oam S.'2orMl Ar....Roseburc,. Lv l'ullman bullet sleeper and second-class Bleeping cars attached to all through tral ng WEST SIDE DIVISION. BKTWKKN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. Mall tlains dal ly except Sunday. 730 A M I Lv. . . . I'ortiand , 1215 PM) Ar., . .Corvallls, All 550 I'M ,.L,vi 1. 05PM At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of the O. C & E. Ry. KXl'RESS TRAIN DAILY BXCEPT SUNDAY. 450 P M 73OPM Lv Lr , , . Portland ... Ar I 825 A M ..McMinnvllle Lv) 550 A M Direct connections at San Francisco with Occidental aud Oriental and Pacific mail steamship lines for 1APAN AND CHINA. Sailins dates on application Hates and tickets to Eastern points and curonc. niso lAivui, V.1111M, Jiuiw LULU and AUSTRALLIA, can be obtained from V. W. SKINNER, Ticket Agent, Salem. R. KOEI1LER, Manager. C. II. MARKHAM, G. F. &P. A. Portland. Northern Pacific Railway. RUNS l'ullman Sleeoin" Cars Elegant Dinln Cars Tourist Sleeoino- Can To St. Paul, Minncajxjlu, Duluili, rno 'irand forks, i.rooicsioti, winnineg, Helena and Iiutte. THROUGH TICKETS To Chl'-ajjo, Washington, Philadelphia, V York, Boston, and all Print East and South For information, time cards, maos id tickets, call in or vritt- THOMAS, WATT & CO. AGENTS', J65 Commercial srreet, Salem, Ur A. D. Charlton, Asst. Gen'l. Pas Agent Morrison street coiner Third 1'onlami, Q MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABUilBnUi'i pir,Inpoloor.Blep!eMM,teyiul hr AbuM anil othr Kicmm ui4 IndU- .uiU. TlLiu Auidilrl.14 akul I " hit mtoraXoatVlUlltylnoid Of Toasf.ul Ut n man for war. owiJJ ,1. .. .nM .IhiI. ....kI h.. .. Mn.rli "lV-dRfi Prarant Jiuaultr and OonauaiptloD it takaaia tlma. tlielr niu aliowa icraudtat iujiior. 5ont ind attacta o OUKB whore,!! silL, Ia tlit urOQ Fiutlnil tha (enalna Ajax Tabl$4. Thw era sou. n For salo at Salem, Or b D. J, FRY. (For DaMcaey, for purity, and for improvement of the com plexion nothing equals Pozzowi's Poweyi. ;n " ; Hsf ' rf hats cured tbouaaada ana win oTnluuithmopJ. 1'rfca BO canu w inolna,pe spioxazaa Ifuli troatmantl tor M.JKIlIf wail.ia .lala wrapper, upon rocalpt ol rrloa. Cjfaflar ua. &AX fiEMBDY CO., S To Be Healthy You must uo$etib4tty keep up a good circtv culation, It the mainspring of Hie. Our Circulation Among the masses is phenomenal, and er cryone -who is capable of fudging declares that Is perfectly health and capable of bring ing the very largest rc turns to those wide awake people who pat ronizc its columns, It's Daily Circulation Is the homes of the people, The, people read it, The pe pie support it The pec pie defend it and it defends the people. You Can Not Have Their Trade unless you reach them with your adyerttsing, Space in the Evening Journal is the only means of deiag that Our Circulation covers not ly Sakm but is general all over the state, Every trial The Evening Journal " .fjl 1t MMwSM.'''ta that .L We The Have Girctiiation.