Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, August 27, 1897, Image 1

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New YorK
Has the largest stock of late style shoes in
the city Our stock is up to date. We
I have no "old stock" to pay taxes and inters
eston. Our assortment is complete Our
rmotto is "underbuy' "undersell" We buy
I goods cheap
Ladies' fine ox blood or green shoes,
lace or button latest toes, $225
Men's fine calf shoes, ox blood or black,
;any style $2.70
Men's fine calf green shoes $295
See our hoppickers gloves from 22c
to 30c
111 wi A
Coming Home to Winter,
Oolddust From Sawdust.
Port Townsend, Wn., Aug. 27.
By the schooner J. N. Colman, wlilsli
has arrived from St. Michaels, It Is
learned that the scaling schooner Ep
plnger. From San Francisco, when
spoken July 20 had a total catch of
Plenty of Work for All Who Can 221 sklnsand U sea otter. The latter
skins are valued at $175 each. Last
Get There.
To buy harvest and hoppickers
We have a full line of castor horse, goat, buck,
calf and hogskin gloves, equal to, the best inqual'
ity, fit and workmanship, not to forget prices
which are as low as the lowest A full
with every pair from 50c up, Ask to s ee cu
hoppickers favorite at 25c, They are values
that must be seen to be appreciated,
120 State street
Sacrifice sale of clothing still on,
Seattle, Aug. 27. The steamer
City of Topeka arrived from the north
bringing excursionists and about
thirty men from Skuguay, who came
down because they were afraid they
could not gft over the passes tills win
tcr. This Is the largest number yet
to come back, and the men who came
over that there will be tunny more in
the next few weeks. No change In
year's Epplngcr's seal catch was 1450.
Mr. J. Metcalf, of Detroit, Mich.,
who came down from St. Michaels on
the Colman, states that ho saw a man
wash 912.60 from one pan of sawdust
which ho took from the Moor of a bar
room in Dawson City. It Is 6aid to
be a common practice for miners to
open gold dust bags and take out a
pinch of gold in payment for drinks.
Sudden Riches.
Tacoma, Aug. 27. Mary Svenson, a
the condition of the trail Is renorted.
and no Yukon miners direct from the ! SwedUU 8cryant' aWokc. l0 flnd tU?t
Market Badly Demoralized
Houses Ordered Not to
Except at Salem.
mines came by this steamer.
Seattle, Aug. 17. The bchooner
Fred E. Sander arrived at Port Town
send, thirty-two days from St. Mich
aels, this afternoon bound for Seattle.
Among hcr passengers were Joseph
Low. mayor of Circle City; Harry
Ash, wcll-kuown among the sport
log.iocn on the Pacific coast, and
JobnS. Dinsmore. Each brings a
small quantity of gold dust. Mr. Low
was chosen mayor of Circle City by
unanimous wish of the people.
Said he:
"One can see a wash tub full of nug
gets at any time in Dawson. AtS.
Michaels there were 2,500 tons of
freight piled up when we came down.
In my opinion not more than 23 per
cent of those bound for Dawson by
tho river will be able to get through
before next year. I look for the boats
to become bhjekadad by Ice, as was the
case lor eight months last year."
Dinsmore said: "There have been
no big elein-ups since the last of June
and the first of July. They have-had
very little rain and this preyentedwork
from being pushed. I estimate that
the Portland will not bringdown more
than $400,003 or possibly $500,000.
There is plenty of work for all those
who can get there this fall at $15 a
day, because the holders Of rich claims
are desirous of getting out the gold as
fast possible.
Ash intends to winter here. lie
adyises all people to stay out this win
ter unless they already have mines.
He has interests in c'ght properties,
and says that the Hunter district it
one of the richest. The Dominion
and Victoria gulch districts are also
nearly, or quite, as ric'.i as the Eldor
ado and Bonanzo. Mr. Ash predicts
that at least $3,000,000 will come out
in the spring at the first clean up.
The Yukoners are of the opinion
that the value of the gold cargo of the
Portland will be $750,0C0. They
explain that, while the product of the
Yukon basin has been large, a great
deal of dust has been reinvested and
Is held for development work on prop
erties. There has been a lively specu
lation among the miners, many of
whom have not stopped to estimate
the value of their holdings. Ash has
alx claims and, like his associates in
In the Klonklke. has reinvested all
all his cold except enough to live on
comfortably during the year. Follow
ing Is a list of the Sander's passengers
direct from Dawson City, together
with the amounts they brought:
James.McNamee, Juneau, $10,000.
Charles Vest, Portland, $6,000.
Joe Lowe, Juneau, $15,000.
Harry Ash, $10,000.
J. S. Dinsmore, Eureka, Cat., $8,000,
she was $09,000 in Klondike gold
ahead of what she possessed yesterday,
which was only $11. She had been
employed for two years" prior to last
Saturday at the Home of II. n. Noble
at Lake Washington. At tho time
Miss Svenson went Into the employ of
the Nobles she had accumulated
about $1,000, with which she staked
a countryman and sent him to Alaska.
Although she heard nothing from
her nun, she showed no signs of an
xiety over tho $1,000 she staked on
luck, though It represented probably
ten years of hard Baylngs.
About a year after the man left, his
alster arrived from the old country In
poor health, and the kind-hearted ser
vant scraped together enongh to carry
the Invalid through a long Illness and
pay funeral expenses. lAbout six
months ago the Nobles noticed that
Mary was not so attentive to her du
ties, but, haying been for so lung a
faithful s-ervantjthey tolerated agcod
deal rather than part with her. They
finally decided to let her go and hist
Saturday she was discharged, with
only $11 in hor pockoU
At this Juncture a letter arrTvcdby
steamer from Llio'inan she had staked,
saying that he had struck It rich, her
share being about $09,000, and'that ho
was on his wav home.
. The man's name Is not known, but
Ills claim Is No. II In the Klondike
district, which has been reported one
of the richest In the region. He states
that ho will send up his brother to
continue work on the claim, The man
and the gold are aboard the Portland,
which Is expected within a few days.
Jjentcmbcr closed 98r.
talk about going to Alaska when every hop yard
in our valley is a Klondike at home for hundreds
ol our best citizens, Come, be sensible, buy a
stock of provisions from
put on that broad gauge smile peculiar to our
customers and go and
If you
don't want to jruess at that
misin woni. won't you
give your Schillings Be.i
tea-tickets to home little
boy or girl who does ?
Maybj they can win
enough to buy a watch
who knows ?
Rule of cmt-t publlihed ta large
advertisement about tin diet and middle
f Mali Month. "4
Passengers on a Mexican Train have a
W nderful Escape.
nERMOSiLLO, Sonora, Mexico, Aug.
20. When the Mlnas Prietas train
pulled Into La Colorada last Friday,
It was with a maniac engineer named
Everett In thclocomotlvo cab. The
terrified fireman had managed to se
cure control of the throttle, and had
fought away the engineer when he
would have speeded the train to des
truction. Foiled in this Everett began to
climb frantically about the engine
and tender, finishing up with a quick
succesison of homcrsalts on the floor
of the englno cab.
When La Colorada Was reached
Engineer Everett was raving wild,
and considerable force had to be used
to remove him from the cab. He
died shortly after. The attending
physician stated that death and in
sanity were due to heart disease
superinduced by excessive heat.
When it Is an accepted fact, with
advanced scientists, that one In eycry
four persons has a week or diseased
heart; tho thought Is uncomfortable
t the railway traveler, that a sudden
emergency, some physical or mental
overstrain may icause death or I nsan I ty
In the engine cab. Dr. Miles Medical
Co., Elkhart, Ind., whose remedies
advertised In another column, are en
tirely rcalablc, will send their pam
phlet, 'New and Startling Facts,"
free to all of our readers on request.
Emil D. Winkler Wishes to
notify his students that ho. lias re
turned and wilt be ready for all les
pons and classes on and after next
Monday, August 30, at tho hours
formerly engaged. 8-27-2t
Wheat Is 75 cents at the Salem Mills
today. Salem Is the only station
where the Portland Milling Co. Is
buying In the valley today. At all
other places they havo withdrawn
from the market. Wheat is
coming In steady even though tho
market Is badly demoralized, but not
many selling. The mill receiving now
about 5000 bushels, per day, tho
greater part being started. An ad
ditional cleaner Is now being run to
accommodate tho rush. Following
are tho quotations up to 3:30 p. m.
Portland, Or., Aujc 27. Wheat
weak and lower on depressed London
and Liverpool advices. Rather mdre
disposition to bell on tho decline.
Valley 8580. Cargo lots about shil
ling cheaper. Resellers of recently
purchashed cargoes at 2 shillings
LtVEitPOOL. Aug. 27. Liverpool
3to4 pence lower. Continental mar
kets quieter.
San Francisco, Aug. 27. Filbco
weak. Hops, fair inquiry goodunder
tone, quotable 1012, latter for
choice. Freights Inactive, downward
CincAao, Aug. 27. Chicago wheat
active, lower. September U5J(S92
closed 03. December 01iS8&, closed
00. Corn weak. September 201. Pork
lower, September 880.
New Yoric. Aug. 27. New York
wheat weakj.
December 081. '
Npw 'Yc-RKTAug. 27. The attrac
tion In gralri Circles Thursday wan the
foreign market The ring was sur
rounded from start to llnlsh by a large
crowd of brokers, most of whom were
bullii, who had buying orders which
ran the total day's business up to 880,-
000 bushels.
A tip had been given out that corn
was good for n big raise in the next
few weeks, and tho Investment-buying
on this and other Intlucnccs was a
feature of the daj. Many of the big
gest operators are now hi corn. Word
came from Chicago that the corn ring
would not hold the traders who wero
trying to execute orders.
The country Is Interestes In tho
predicted boom, and bought freely to
day. When wheat sold off in the af
ternoon, corn broke loose from its
high priced companion, and had a
little bugle on Its own hook.
The day's news was exceptionally
bullish. Nebraska and Kansas com
plained or drought; Iowa ha? suf
fered from coul weather, and wired
that frot ctrlior than September 10
would do Immense damage. The
Price Current tilled out tho list by
predicting that the crop is likely to
bo somewhat short of of the year's
probable distribution. First corn
prices on to 35 cents, and, after reach
ing 30J cents.
Tho level then hhlfted to35J cents,
and, after reaching 301 cents In the
afternoon, closed firiu at 35 cents, or
11U cents higher than last night.
Cables were stronger.
Tho wheat market had rather a
wild opening, but cooled dlf In-half
an hour and was without important
development for U10 rest '01 the day.
Hillsboro, Or., Aug. 27. The out
look for a large yield of hops In this
county is not so good, as hardest ap
proaches, as was expected. While tho
mold and vermin have done some
damage, blight will also cut short the
yield in a number of yards. Picking
will begin In some yards on Monday,
but will not qecome general until tho
following Wednesday. Growers have
pickers engaged at 30 cents for a nine
bushel box, while thoso picking by
weight are to pay 05 cents for 100
pounds. A number of hop pickers
have signed a call for a public meet
ing, to beheld hereon Saturday, to
mako an united demand for higher
prices for picking, owing, as tho call
states, to n better prospect for tho
prlco of hops.
The Soudan Expedition.
Cairo, Aug. 27. It Is reported hero
that four gunboats belonging to the
Anglo-Egyptian expedition for the re
conquest of the Soudan have already
passed tho fourth cataract of the Nile
beyond Merawi, and that tho passage
was effected much more easily than
had been expected. Ono of them has
reached Abu IIamld,now tho extreme
southern point of the British advance.
It is thought quite possible that a
dash will bo made for Berber, boyoud
the llfth calurnct, shortly.
Oood Returns.
Corvallis, Aug. 27. Samples of
sugar beets analyzed at tho experi
ment station labratory yesterday glye
the extremely high average of 10 to 20
per cent, and up to 88 per cent of pur
ity. The beets were grown In Wash
ington county, near Tlgardvlllc, by
Richard Kuehno, formerly grower for
for a bcet-su ur factory in Nebraska.
He has an acre of tho same sort, and
from It the yield will be 10 tons, worth
at the usual price, $70. It costs $35
per acre to grow and market beets.
A Mob.
Colusa, Aug. 27. Ever slnco Pedro
Vlnally attempted to murder Miss
'Florlnl Polrlor, last Tuesday after-
tcrnoou, for a supposed affront tojhls
young son, threats of lynching havo
been made. A plan to slczo atid hang
the prisoner, who Is hoyerlng between
life and death In tho jail, was arranged
Wednesday night. At 11 o'clock a
largo number of citizens gathered at
tho hall, but lacking a leader they dispersed.
Famous "R. S. W." Brand.
Much Fruit Being Shipped Throuh
out the Willamette Valley.
Accused of Murder.
Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 27. John
P. Edmunds, a young man suspected
of complicity In the murder on tho
top of Pike's peak, of Herbert II. Kay,
of Wlster, was arrested today at tho
homo of his mother, in this city.
Richard Fulton, a shoe; maker at
The Dalles, wi-s committed to the
The Malheur and Harney Lake Ir
rigation and Land Co., of La Grande,
capital Btosk $500,000, has filed arti
cles, of Incorporation.
Married In Portland. Miss
Mlnuio Anderson and Dan "Vollmar,
both of this city, were married Thurs
day at tho Imperial Hotel In Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. Vollmar, will
leave via steamer Monday for an ex
tended visit at California points.
The brldo is well known in this city
being the daughter of Mr. and Mrs W.
R. Aanderson. The groom Is well
and favorably known here, havinif
been employed In tho barber business
In this city for a number of years',
By thp Morphine Route.
New Whatcom, Wash.,' Aug, 27.
Earl P. Stanley, who has made his
headquarters hero for about four
years, representing himself to bo a
mining expert and engineer, com
mitted suicide last night by taking
ten grains of morphine. He was about
33 years old and had been married
about two and a half -years. Ills
I parents reside ut Santa Clara, Cal.
The Salem Klondikers. Letters
received today gives tho llrst news
from Prof. Hall, who left Salem
about tho first of the month, with
Chas. Welch and Geo. Bayno, for
Sitka and the Klondike gold fields.
It is dated Sitka August 14, Tho
first two named reached Skaguay
Thursday August 12. Bayno was to
arrive on next yessel with horses.
Tax Money. Sheriff F. T. Wright
man and forco of deputies Is kept
qulto busy these days Issuing tax re
ceipts. Tho fact that all unpaid
taxes will be declared delinquent Sep
tember 1, results In large numbers of
taxpayers! calling and squaring them
selves with tho county. Previous to
2:30 o'clock this afternoon thirty tax
receipts had been Issued. Among
those receiving recclptb today wero
Oeo.'II. Turner & Co. whoso taxes
niuoimtcd to 8120, W. A, Moores, as
executor of the estate of Mrs. i. It,
Moores paid taxes amounting tq
$204.35 and received a receipt theiefor,
The fruit interests of the Willamette
valley have a bright future If wo may
Judge from tho success that Is attend
ing this year's shipments. About fifty
car loads havo been shipped from Sa
lem alono thus far this season, and
there arc two fruit shipping compan
ies in this city handling the fruit,
whoso shipments average one car each
per day, and from which good returns
are being realized.
Tho O. F. & P. company, which bad
the contract for picking, packing and
shipping the Wallaco pear crop, fin
ished packing that crop last night.
Tho output of Bartlctt pears from this
orchard this season has been 4,800
boxes, and It Is estimated that they
will average $1 a box net. Better
prices generally are being realized this
ycar,and more attention Is being given
to the matter of packing.
Owing to tho demands of eastern
wholesale houses for proper packing
and handling of -tho fruit, to insure
ready sales and reasonable profit,
Manager J. M. Kyle, of tho O. F. &
P. C, this year engaged a dozen ex
perienced California pickers to look
after the packing of his company's
fruit. A Journal writer called at tho
O. F. & P. Co's packing house this
morning and found a sceno of great
activity. It is remarkable with what
rapidity thoso packers prepare tho
fruit for shipment.
Returns from car No. 8,001, consist
ing of pears exclusively show that
this deleclous Oregon product retailed
at $2.10 per box at Montrea', Canada.
They wero the celebrated "R. S. W."
brand. Mr. Kyle claims that the
price realized from tho car was ft
made possible by tho caro that was
exercised In the packing and ship
ment ot the fruit. Returns are dally
expected from cars numbering 8530
and 071, that wero shipped on tho
13th Inst.
Tho branch house of this company
at Albany, Is doing a big business.
Some very fine fruit Is being re
ceived dally and It was necessary to
send two 'additional packers to Al
bany this morning to assist In hand
ling the fruit there.
Tho Bartlctt or early pear crop
having been about disposed of, tho
company will now devote Itsattentlon
to the Mountain Bartlctts, Silver,
Hungarian and Italian prunes. -at
Thursday evening's Albany Demo
crat has the following regarding O.
F. & P. Co's. shipments from that,
"Tho Oregon Fruit and Produce Co.
sent out their llrst car load of fruit
last night from Albany. It consisted
of 270 boxes of pears and 400 crates of
prunes. This fruit has to bo packed
right In order to command the best
price, und this Is being done. A good
price will bo a great stlmulous to the
Industry In this country."
Members of tho Oregon Fruit Union
havo engaged tho largo Warehouse
on Mill street near Winter and are
busily engaged shipping fruit. Fred
Brown, of Portland, Is shipping su
perintendent and R. E. Wandi Is lo
cal agent. This company did not
handle tho pearcropat all and only
commenced packing this week. Thus
far three cars of prunes havo been
shipped by tliom and they now aver
age one car dally. No returns havo
yet been received from fruit shipped
from Salem, but a car of prunes that
left Mt Tabor a short time since, sold
at Cleveland, Ohio, for $1.50 per crate
which means abont 85 cents net for
tho grower. Forty-llvo wpmen and
girls are employed In packing the
fruit and they give excellent satis
faction. Ten men and boys are em
ployed handling tho fruit. This com
pany Is shipping Hungarian, Italian
and Silver prunes.
R7l swfccf tho food pure,
wholeoM b4 dtHriWi
MVM. lAcma root CO- WW VOMC