Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, August 26, 1897, Image 4

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WiiH 'jM
Daily Capital Journal,
Altona and Ramonn
leave for Portland daily
and Sunday at 7 a m.
Quick time, regular ser
vice and low rates.
Dock between State
and Court 'streets.
Agent. Salem
7l& Jl7 J VJjA-?
This Week
,,, wo Intend keeping the price-cutter
ousy sneirinif on proms mm rauu
ot tbe original cost from all sum
mcr lines.
Lappet Mulls
Figured Organdies
Halfwool Challies
All remaining of
these dainty
fabrics which sold at 25c
prices 10c. a yard
Hop Picking Gloves
The kind that lit and wear 25c. a
Any Ladies Waists for 75c,
values up to $2.
J, J, Dalrymple Co,
$4 Pants
Made to Order,
Fit Guaranteed,
They are attracting attention. See
north window for samples.
Smoked glasses 5c
Goggles 5c
Seamless Sox 5c
Black Sox 5c
- Working shirts 23-34-43-46c
Fine Black satlne shirts 46c
Campers' tea spoons 5c set
Campers' table spoons. 10c set
Campers' tin cups 4c
Steel fry pans 10c
Everything at racket prices for
More hop gloves expected dally.
Wiggins Bazaar
WoATimu Fobecast Is us follows:
Filday fair warmer.
F. A Wiggins was in Portland to
day. E. C. llerren was a Portland visitor
Wm. Sublimity Smith was In town
Dan Volluiar wont to Portland this
W. R. Allen left today for San
T. T. Geer, of the Waldo IUlls, was
'in Salem today.
Scott Bozorth was a business visitor
to Stayton today.
Attorney General C. M. Idleman is
homo from Toledo.
T. Holvcrson had business In Port
land this afternoon.
Miss Minnie Anderson is tho guest
ot friends In Portland,
Dr. O. II. Ilall made a professional
visit to Portland today.
A. O. Condlt Is at Albany on legal
business for a few days.
Mrs. T. n Lloyd and children are
visiting friends at Lincoln.
W. J. Culver left today to join a
party of Mt. Jefferson tourists.
Mibs Carrie Haas went to Portland
today for a visit with friends.
Justice and Mrs. C E. Wolycrton
have returned from Seal Rocks.
Misses Cora and Neva Grlswold aro
visiting with friends at Lincoln.
Fall Dress Goods
The first installment now on hand
embracing everything new and
stylish In all the eastern cities.
Lovely Patterns.
., Beautiful Colorings.
Exclusive Designs.
Standard Patterns
always rellablo us to stylo and lit.
Advance patterns for October now
In. Call und sco tho styles. Sep
tember sheets to glvo away.
New Shoes
coming In every dull. The finest
linoot medium-priced footwear in
In tho city, Now styles.
R & G corsets r
Ferris Waists.
District '70 School shoes.
302 Commercial Street.
The Cash Dry Goods and Shoo house. I
Towels !
Towels I
1 owels
7 cents each.
3 for 20 cents.
Warranted AllLlniii.
See Our North Window I
New Arrivals.
Kid Gloves, Shopping Bags, Klb
bouc, Laces, Prints, Ginghams, etc.
Mrs. Ed. N. Edcs and son returned
from a pleasant outing at Mehama.
J. O. Bozorth has returned from
Brownsville and other Linn county
Miss Alma Wooley, of Waterloo,
left today via steamer Ruth for Pen
dleton. Rev. John Parsons went to Canby
this afternoon In the interest of Wil
lamette. Mrs. Stinson and daughter, Mrs.
Prettyman, have gone to Newport for
two weeks.
Miss Edna Price returned today
from a two weeks visit with relatives
at Waterloo.
T. D. Jones and family returned
Wednesday evening from an outing
at Ocean Park.
M. Kllnger and son, Ernest, went to
Canby'and Portland this morning on
a short business trip.
Mrs. C. P. Bishop and son Roy, ar
rived home today from a three weeks
sojourn in San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo- W. Gray and
Mrs. G. G. Lownsdale returned today
from Yaqulua and Newport.
Jas. Rader', the ,exprcs3man, has
been rff the street a few days, owing
to Illness of his wife and daughter.
Mrs. E- E. Cleaver, who has been
visiting Mrs. M. O. Ferree, feft this
afternoon for her home at Pendleton.
C. A.Sehlbrede, the Douglas county
politician, was In the city today con
ferring with Salem leaders of the
Miss Floy Watklns, of Eugene, loft
this afternoon for Meacham, Eastern
Oregon, where she will Join her
Geo Burr went to Harrisburg today
where his family are camping and he
is superintending a steam shovel gang
for the S. P. Co.
Architect Burggraf was on tho
streets today, completely recoyered
from his recent illness and shaking
hands with his many friends.
Mrs. Sam Kerr, accompanied by her
son Fred, come down from Corvallls
this afternoon, and is the guest of her
daughter, Mrs. Frank Bowersox.
n. W. Prescott, who is lying se
riously ill with stomach trouble at
his home in Yow Park, rested easily
last night, but his condition is crit
ical. Miss Hattie F. Rice, who has been
visiting her old school-mate and Inti
mate friend, Mrs. Max Buren, left
this morning for her homo at Tren
ton, Mo.
Mrs. Ben Cook, .of Highland, ac
companied by Miss Green, a Friend
evangelist from London, and Mrs.
Shelley, of San Jose, Cal., went to
Marion today.
Ed. Hostettler, the insurance man
who was the subject of a difficult sur
gical operation at the hands of Dr.
Robertson, is reported doing very
well at the Salem hospital.
. Rev. J. S. White, of St, Joseph's
Catholic church, went to St. Louis
today to participate in the Patron
Feast of tho local church which will
bo observed there today.
Drs.D. A. Paine and W.T.Will
iamson, of tho state lnsano asylum,
accompanied by their families and
Miss Rosalie Friendly, of Eugene, left
this morning for an outing lu the
Nestucca country.
Julius Plncus, the Portland hop
buyer, was in tho city last evening,
going down tho valley this morning.
Mr. Plncus places the Oregon hop
crop for 1807 at from 05,000 to 75,000
Miss Addlo Chamberlain, who has
been visiting Miss Clora Pooler for tho
past twoweeks returned to Albany last
night. She was accompanied homo
by Miss Poler who will visit in Al
bany for about two weeks.
D. W. Matthews left this morning
for Evanston, Minnesota, where ho
will assurao tho position of Govern
ment Examiner of tho Chippewa
Pine Lands, to which ho was recently
appointed. His family will rematn in
Col. J . B. Eddy, editor of tho Rose
burg Pialndealer and a member of tho
railroad commission passed through
to Portland this afternoon, no will
bo (n attendanco at a mcctinar of tho
commission that will in all probability
bo held In Salem tomorrow.
Chas II, Cuslck, druggist at tho
Insnne asylum, went to Albany last
night, where he will visit with rela-
1 tives until Monday, when he will join
A. I. Manning and Phil Mctschan,
Jr.. of this cltv and leave for Nlca-
irauBua entrui -"lunvu.
' j E. E. Eller, who for several month's
, has been assistant In the local O. It.
J & N. Co. office, went to Portland to
day to accept a position with tnc
Postal Telegraph company. F. II.
Powers Is now assisting In the O. It
& N. company's office In this city.
Chas. Savage went to Portland this
morning whence ho goes to Seattle
and Tacotua to accept a local man
agership with the Chicago Portrait
company. Mr. Savago has only been
In the employ of this company about
two months and this promotion is a
lit recognition of life valuable services.
Owen Pratt, a lame man, Is car-
vasslng for a largo lino book almost a
library in Itself, called the "Foot
prints of Four Centuries." no has
sold quite a number to leading men of
this city, and will make a canvass to
try and earn a few dollars to suppprt
his family.
Three Mall Boxes Are Being Placed at
Convenient Places,
The lor al postofflce officials recently
received a half dozen new mall boxes.
Workmen today erected threoof them
at convenient points on Commercial
street. One was placed a.t the corner
of Ilarrlit & Lawrence grocery estab
lishment, another at the Bush bank
corner and a third on Commercial
street between Court and State streets
In front of the Rotan furniture
store. These new boxes were ordered
immediately after tho removal of the
postofflce to Its present quarters, but
owing to a delay at he&dquarters, they
did not arrive until this week. Tho
boxes will be greatly appreciated by
the General public and more especially
will the one at the corner of Ferry
and Commercial streets for heretofore
it has been necessary for those rcsid
lng south of Ferry street to walk to
State street before a letter could be
The Journal has agitated the
need of having a mail box established
jnthlspa;tof tho city since the re
moval of the postofflce and now re
jolces with the business men and res
idents of this section of the city in
realizing the establishment of the
same. Tho throo remaining boxes
will bo erected when requested and at
points that will accommodate the
greatest number of residents.
Tho "rural mail delivery" that was
so widely advertised by tho mourning
contemporary, does not seem to ma
terialize very rapidly. No wonder, so
much publicity from such a source
would kill almost any enterprise.
Howeyer the local officials announce
that they have been officially informed
by the proper official that tho project
is under consideration, and the terrii
tory has been looked over. It is
hoped the rural mail delivery system
may be established as our mail deliv
ery will be greatly f aclllta ted thereby.
Deputy Postmaster J. A. Sell wood,
is at Turner with his family to spend
a few days of recreation.
Messrs. Chas. Cosper and Fred Lock-
ley, two of the local 1 ctter carriers,
accompanied by their wives are en.
joying the see-breeze and other pleas
ures afforded at Newport. Elbert
Howard is serving as carrier during
Mr. Cosper's absence and James Alli
son has assumed Fred Lockley's place
until he returns from tho seaside. Geo
Hatch, who is enjoying himself at
Ilwaco Beach, has turned over his
work to S. E. noward.
In Probate Court.
The will of Geo. Givens, who died
at his home in the Waldo Hills, Sat
urday morning, the 21st inst, has been
admitted to probate. Tho estate Is
valued at about $4,000, and the heirs
areas follows: Isabella Given, the
widow, aged C5 years. Johu Given,
a son, aged 42. W. T. Given, a son,
aged 37, George E. Given, a son, aged
28. Charles H. Given, a son, aged 26.
Eliza J. Morley, a daughter, aged 39.
Martha A. Clymer,a daughtcr.aged 22.
Mary E. Sappinlield, a daughter, aged
33. Maggie F. Whitlock, a daughter,
aged 31. Deceased executed a will on
March 30,1895, in tho presence of Seth
R. Hammer and George F, Rodgers.
To each of tho daughters tho sum of
$250 is bequeathed, and tho remainder
of his personal property goes to his
wife. To George and Charles tho un
divided equal iutercst in and to 160
acres of his farm in 1 8 s, r 1 e, that is
not now deeded to tho other sons.
Mrs. Glvens, tho widow, has been ap
pointed by County Judge Terrell to
act aB executor, nor bond was fixed
in tho sum of $8,000.
At tiio state liouso today the Pacific
Car Coupling Co., of Portland filed
articles ot Incorporation.
Ray E. "Watts a lady of Goblo, Col
umbla county, was commissioned a
notary public by the governor.
Secretary ofstatoKlncald lias been
suffering from an ulcerated tooth and
was relieved today by treatment from
Col, T. O. Smith, dentist.
What a Salpin Grower Saya of the
tion and the Outlook.
Jefferson Myers returned last eve
ning from Sclo and other points In
Linn county. When seen this morning
by a Journal reporter, Mr. Myors
did not consider tho hop out-look for
this state and In particular for Linn
connty and also all sections cast of
tho Willamette river, to bo very
Mr. Myers has about 00 acres of
hops under cultivation near Sclo,
which ho visited Wednesday, besides
a largo number of other yards In that
vicinity. There aie about 200 acres
In hops in the vicinity of Sclo, and
from that Immense acerage not over
40,000 pounds of good hops will bo
harvested. It vas estimated that tho
yield of this section ot the state would
bo fully 300,000 pounds, but tho lico
and mould havo completely ruined
some yards while a number of yards
will not be picked at all. The con
ditions as above outlined are not
local but are general thronghout the
hop-belt east of the Willamette river.
The Lebanon and Eugene districts
are in a very bad condition, most dis
couraging to the growers. Mr. Myers
does not think the yield from this
state will exceed over 35,000 bales.
Julius Plncus, the Portland buyor,
was seen this morning and estimates
tho yield for Oregon at from 05,000 to
75,000 bales.
E. C. Herren, of the firm of nerren
& Levy, docs not think Oregon will
produce over 55,000 bales while R. H.
Leabo, local atrent for Faber, Nels&
Co., places the Oregon orop at not
over 50,000 bales.
Steamer Ruth did not tlo up at her
dock in this city until 0 o'clock this
mominir. Sho left Portland Wed
nesday morning bin. by reason of her
large passenger list, unusual amount
of baggao and freight, the trip up
from Portlaud could not be made on
schedule time. G. M. Powers, the
local O.R. & N., agent, reports his
boats as being exceptionally busy for
this season of the year. Over a hund
red hop pickers were brought up tho
river by this boat yesterday, about
one-half of that number leaving the
boat at Salem.
The O. C. T., company has placed
a new schedule in operation, the
same going lntocffect yesterday. They
now have a daily boat to Portland.
The Ramona leaves Salem at 7:00 a.
m. dally connecting with the Altona
at Mission Landing. These boats aro
also handling their share of the freight
and passengers that are now being
transported along the river.
Bryan Money. A Salem bank has
received several hundred dollars In
silver, consisting principally of dollars
and half dollars and bearing the date
"1897." They will bo used largely in
paying off tho many hundred hop
pickers now being employed in the
valley and will immediately bo placed
in circulation.
Buried Today. John O. Fox, who
died at the Salem Hospital Wednes
day afternoon was burled In the I. O.
O. F. cemetery at 3 o'clock this after
noon, the services being conducted
from Clough's State Street Under
taking parlors.
Portland, Aug. 26 -Wheat valley,
waiia vvaua, 05c
Flour Portland, 4.40 Superfine, 2.50
Oats White, 384oc; grey, 363o.
Potatoes. .New 353400 per sack,
Hay .Good, 1012.50 per ton.
Hops ioaiic.
Wool.. Valley, i4isc; Eastern Oregon
Mohair. 20c,
Millstufls..Bran, 4.oo;shorts 15.50.
Poultry-Chickens, mixed 3.50.(3.75
broilers, i,5o3.oo turkeys, live nc
ggs..ureeon, I2J per doz.
Hides., green, salted 60 lbs 7c; under
60 lbs 6Jcj sheep pelts, io7oc
Tallow 2jc3c
Onion-i'25i.5o'per sack.
Wheat Bags Calcutta5.25 per 100
Beans-small white, I ic .lima 33&
Hogs Heavy, 4.50
Butter. .Best dairy. 253o; fancy creamer
35840c per roll.
Cheese .11 Vic.
Dried Fruit Apples, evaporated, bleached
6M7o; unbleached 3c4c sundried
rears 5c6c
Plums, pitless,3c4c
Veal-smaU33c oerlo.
Mutton - weathers 2a2j;
dressed mut
in.4S spring
lambs 5c per lb.
ueet steers 3
dressed 4Si.
cows 2.25,
Cured Meats-JIams locioJc bacon Jx4
Lard-dn pails, Jjc ,
Oats 25c.
Apples ,25c.
Hay.. Baled, cheat, 8.
Flour.. In wholesale lots, 4.25; retail
4.60; bran, bulk i2i3sfcorts,i5.5ci7.75;
chop feed, 15.ocl6.oo.
Poultry. Chicken.5 spring 8.
VeaL.Dressed, 3.
Hoes. .Dressed, 4.50.
Live Cattle.. 22&.
Sheep.. Live, 1,50.
Spring lambs, $1.00
Wool, .Best, 12c.
Hopi..l5esr, q a 10c
Kggs..n in trade.
Farm Smokod Meats Bacon, 7c; hums
iuo,snouiaers, 5y,c. i
Potatoj 25c trade.
Dried Fruit Apples, evaporated bleached,
7.-Sc; unbleached 4c5c.
Plums 4c.
Butter, Dairy 12415c creamery 20
Salem Prospecting Our Lands to
cate a factroy,
Mr. R. Kuchne, of Tlgardsvillo Is
In the city today to Investigate con
ditions nbout Salem for locating a
beet sugar plant. Mr. Kuohno Is In
terviewing business men on what
encouragement would bo given for the
establishment a beet-sugar factory
Ills proposition Is not made public,
but a meeting of citizens Is to bo
called when the details will bo pre
sented, no wants a guarantee from
thoso having suitable lands that from
3,000 to 5,000 acres will bo planted In
beets, for which ho will agree to pay
from $4 to $0 a ton, according to the
amount of saccharine matter.
Mr. Kuehno has Just been to Cor
vallls and had annnalyslsmadc show
lug 19.9 per cent of sugar In this
year's crop.
Went Through a Bridge.
Between land 2 o'clock Wednesday
morning S. F. and R.G. White at
tempted to run their traction engine
across the Pownsend brlnge, Just cast
of Woodburn. when tho strlncers on
tho bridge gave way and tho cnglno
and water tank fell to the ground be
low, a dlstonco of ten feet. Messrs.
White, who were operating tho engine
went down with it and were badly
bruised and scalded. County Judge
G. P. Terrell visited tho scene of the
accident this morning. Tho men
claim to have planked tho bridge pre
vious to passing thereon, but there la
every indication to show that
planking whatever was used.
Pickehb Wanted.- -Twelve exten
sive hop growers of Lane county aro
advertising forhop pickers. They of
fer various Inducements in addition
to the regular price paid per uox such
as vegetables free to pickers. There
seems to be a scarcity of pickers In the
county. Most all the advertisements
state that picking will commence be
tween tho 26th and 30th of this month.
The Salem merchant who has been
running a bicycle lottery all the llrst
half of tho year and then tried tu
cheat the man who drew tho wiuulni,
ticket out of tho wheel says he it.
going to do the biggest trade In the
history of tho town. Wo will consider
a grand Jury indictment merely as a
good advertisement.
Bounty Warrants. County Clerk
L. V. Ehlen, Issued bounty warrants
today as follows: W. S.Kline, $2.15,
Robert Deem, $2.75, C. II. Tuggle, $1,
Peter Herzeiefen $1.05, and A.
Stowe, $2.30,
Adopted at Albany, Otegon, June 2
We demand tho free and unlimited coin
age of gold and sliver at the ratio of 16 to
independent of the action of any other nation
That the government shall issue all money
without the intervention of banks, and in
quantity adequate to the needs of tbe people.
That all money issued by the government,
whether gold, silver or paper, shall be iegal
tender for all debts, public or private.
That no contract or law shall descriminate
against any kind of money issued by the gov
ernment. Wo are opposed.to the issue of United States
interest-bearing bonds in time of peace.
We demand the redemption of Oregon from
rings, commissions and corrupt methods, and
demand honest elections and election laws,
including stringent registration laws.
We demand that the people shall have th
veto power over all legislative enactments b
the use of the referendum.
We demand the election of all officers bv a
direct vote of the people.
We favor and advise that all nominations
for municipal and county officers, including
members of the legislature, shall be made by
primary elections.
We recommend that this party shall be
known as the Union party, and invite all re
form forces of the state to unite with us in
realizing these principles by united efforts,
and we pledge ourselves to unite with such
reform forces in carrying out tbis bond of
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That
Contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the
6ense of smell and completely derange
the whole system when entering It
through the mucous surf aces. Such
articles should never boused except on
prescriptions from reputable physci
ans, as the damage they will do is ten
fold to tho good you can possibly de
rive from them, nail's Catarrh Cure
manufactured by T. J. Cheney & Co.,
Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and
is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
tho system. In buying Ilall's Catarrh
Cure be sure you get the gennuine. It
is taken internally, and made in To
ledo, O., by F. J. Cheney & Co., Tes
timonials free.
Sold by all Drugplsts, price 75c. per
talk about going to Alaska when every hop yard
in our valley is a Klondike at home for hundreds
oi our best citizens, Come, be sensible, buy a
stock of provisions from
put on that broad gauge
customers and go and
Hop Pl6ker out
Before going to the hop fields call on us,
Tent Muslin,
Wrappers, " ,
Prints, Ginghams,
Gloves, Outings,
Outing Blankets,
And all other supplies,
Greatly Reduced Rates.
Why not attend the state fair when
you can buy a ticket for one fare,
round trip, from any point on tho
Southern Pacific, lines in Oregon.
The Oregon state fair and Industrial
exposition will present unusually line
exhibits and attractions in addition
to the numerous track features, and
exciting running raccs.'With Del Norte
10 lower his record of U-08 for a purse
of $250. Arrangements arc being
made for the introduction of many
new attractions to Interest and please
all who attend.
Visitors may prepare to bo royally
entertained. One fare for the rouud
trip, and popularadmlsslonof 25 cents.
It fra
&&&M tn.
O. R. & N. River Division.
Portlane-Salem Route. Tho
steamer Ruth for Portland, Tues
days, Thurbdays nnd Saturdays, at
7:15 a. in. steamer Gypsy, leaves
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7
a. m. Returning, leaves Ash street
dock, Portland daily except Sunday,
at 0 a. in. Passengers given trans
fers to electric lino at Oregon City if
desired, making it possible to reach
Portland at 1 p. m.
N0TI6E !
Every hop picker In this and
adjoining counties to bring all
their watches, clocks and jew
elry to be repaired to the peo
ple's Watchmaker, Jeweler
and Optician.
"Watches cleaned 75c(
Mainsprings 75c.
Second door north of postofflce.
Before sending your children
to school havo their eyes
tested by some reliable spec
ialist, we do this on scientific
Consultation and eyes tested
To the Hop Growers,
I want every hop grower ,in the country to
know that my buiiness is PRINTING HOP
CHECKS. My prices are all right. See
Conoyer. the Business Printer, 263 Com
mercial street, before placing your order.
smile peculiar to our
257 Commercial st,
For where the hen scratches
there she expects to find
the worm,
I am trying to gej out of crock
ery biz. and offer certain lines of
crockery at zo per cent below
cost. Cost you nothing to come
in inv store and look at goods.
But I will try to get your hard
cash before you get out. My
crockery is all for sale at pikes
below first co3t.
Groceries and Crockery,
street, Salem, Or.
227 Commend
Wo are prepared to receive grain of tU
kinds from this day at our warehouses ii
Salem and Macleay. Grain stored or will
contract for wheat. Also farmers farnishai
with sacks as formerly. Call and see us.
d iw& wim Salem, Or.
and the most complete stock of
BRUSHES of all kinds in .'the slate.
Artists materials, lime, hair, cement
and shingles, and finest quality of
grass seed.
WANTED, To buy a good buggjr horj
suitable for a lady to drive, inquire
James Fisher, southeast comer of Twenty
fifth and State streets. 843'
TAKEN UP. One dark bay horse. About
14 years old. Weight about 1000 pound.
Both hind feet white. White spot w
head. Branded with a cross on left shoul
der. Owner can have same by calling o
O. H. Croisan and paying charges.
8 24 Ji
FOR SALE-Beautiful residence prope
with first-class impovements. Inquire pt37
Fourteenth street, Salem, Oregon. 7 "i
FOR SALE.r-We have a 12 acre orchird a
full bearing and In a high state of cnlUitMB
Close to postofikc and 3 miles from Sales.
Will sell cheap. Inquire of IIinsenU
don, sash and door factory, 'ulam. 0
MRS. N. B. &COrr.r-Stenographer J
typewriter, room 6, over taoao.
bank. Prompt attention to all clarses olggg;
gentlemen or .adies lo travel for response
established house In Oregon. ontbir
and expenses. Position steady. Rel"fr
Pnlci ..If-nrUrssffl Stamped COTM!
The Dominion Company, Dept. H, CbjoFj
Bartlet Pears,
Bradshaw Plums,
Columbia Plums,
Ecor Plums.
Coe's Golden Drop Plum
Italian Prunes,
Silver Prunes,
Hungarian Prunes,
Or any other good BWRPglgifl
that they wish to ship, "' doW
call early on the .... tn
nRFfinN fru T fc rouuu
For Newport
If vou are going to Newport w
wnte to John Stimpson. " hMijFoa?
rent: he also has a team and wtU
cottage or camping e1"" ' 7ifl"