Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, August 26, 1897, Image 2

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    -1RW1i.rwii ' wmiw"pi fW-'m"' '
"-y-c-sffr'.flpy" "'
3S5 w frw";
The Htmef Hod's Sarsaparllla
A Wonderful Cure.
A swelling as big as a largo marble
KS353tiiSta '
operated upon. Helt I could not stana u,
and as spring came began to take my
favorite, spring tonic, Mood's barsapariua,
The bunch gradually decreased and finally
disappeared, I havo had no sign ot ita re
turn. I am glad to praise Hood's Sarsapa
rilla." Mrta. II. M. Cobubn, 8 Union St.,
T-nwelh-Maas. Get HOOD'S.
Hood's Pills enre Blck Headache, 20C.
Daily Capital Journal,
Wo give below a comparative state
ment of expenditures for Linn and
Marlon counties for the year ending
July 1, 1897. The Items of expense
are almost Identically fr the wtnic
purpose In each county. There were
some smaller Items pf expense in each
county which did not occur In the
other county and they were omitted:
JudKO $1,20000 81,50000
Clerk 3 542 21 4,013 00
Sheriff 3,382 21 0,040 43
Treas 1,000 23 1,200 00
Recorder 1,800 00 2,133 00
Sunt;. 1,127 00 1,250 00
Assessor 2,873 50 4,400 70
Surveyor 215 50 40 00
Coroner 157 45 55-1 10
Pauper-' 3,732 48 7,032 09
Commissioners.. 253 05 t20
Dlst. Atty 012 33 2,54! 00
Cnand Jail ... 725 00 9,004 88
Road and Bridge 2,024 15 11,831 00
Road Supervisor 2,070 70 3,309 40
Stat'y andPtg.. 1,897 87 5,134 50
Fuel . 03 20 158 00
Insane 9100 382 20
Scalp Bounty... 87 50 804 29
Mllit.nrv 919 55
Elections 93140 1,989 22
TCnHlfT 156 00 363 00
Jury 1,331 00 1.515 80
Criminal 2,714 03 0,701 05
Linn county Is much larger in area
than Marlon. Outside of their princi
pal cities the two counties have about
the. same population. Linn county
has more streams to bridge than Ma
rlon and more miles of highway to
keep up. The county for the past year
has been very economically governed
in the hands of the Teoplo's party,
which has reduced county expenses
over 310,000. In Marlon county thn
county government have been in
creased from $00,507.17 for 1895-0 I o
$80,024.50 for 1890-7. The greater
items of Increase In Marion have been
for. roads and bridges, paupers, mili
tary, Indigent soldiers, bounties and
criminal expenses. It should be stated
in Justice to Marlon county that the
salaries of otllclals are fixed by the
legislature at u higher figure than in
Linn county. But this does not ex
plain it all. Linn county maintains
no military companies. The county
Judge of Linn county cuts down fees
and discourages criminal prosecutions
In the Justice courts, an enormous
field for expenditure in Marion county.
We do not belieyo that Marlon county
has enough better government to Jus
tify the higher taxes collected from
the people than In Linn.
Charlotte Smith, president of the
Kew York Women's Rescue League,
clalniR to havo statistics to prove that
there Is an Intimate connection be
tween the labor question and her
scheme for compelling marriageable
bachelors to become benedicts. The
crcat competition of tho sexes In tho
world of labor Is, she declares,
because 60 per cent of the men refuse
to marry, aud as a consequence 00 per
cent of the women are forced to sup
port themselves by work, bo sho is
prepared to show that If bachelors
were compelled to marry and tho army
of unmarried women wero to become
house-wives and mothers, wages
would go up.
Mrs. Lord has sacrificed a largo por
tion of her summer outing with her
children to devotohorseir to tho de
tails, of making tho tlrst flax crop
Sho has now men at work rotting, ret
ting and getting ready the tlrst lots
for market. Of .course, this Is almost
entirely experimental, and will bo
subject, to some failures and disap
pointments. But these tlrst efforts
are historical and deserve more tliau
passing montlon.
It ls"annQunced-,by tho London
Times thaf'tho numbers of tho In
dian famlMroliQf list aro steadily de
creaBlrfgtjd evidences of famine njp.
rapidly disappearing." In other
words, tho work of depopulation goes
grimly on
1- liiililiitftiiniii rilll
VilaJounAi. presents its reader
with a dally market from all tiio prin
cipal cities of the new and old world.
This Is a wire service exclusively for
this parer. It I. Independent, so far
as wo knrw, of all press monopoly or
any Interest whatever but to give the
facts as to prices for The One Cent
Telegraphic news has it that San
4 . a
Salvador has gone to a gold oasis.
The first act of the government was
to negotiate a loan of $2,500,000, about
all the country Is worth. If this
country ever aoanaons us paper
money and silver money, the ilrst
thing necessary will be a loan of $500,-
000,000 of gold. Won't that be tine f
A prominent Salem attorney's fam
ily will go to tho hop yards this sea
son. JLI10 laay OI W uuusu nuiiu
pin money and the children want an
outing. They will get Dotn. we
have never heard of anyone getting
sick in a hop yard, and hayo heard of
many getting well.
The other day this oillce had a call
from several good farmers who wanted
land surveyed. They could find no
advertisement of a land surveyor in
this city, although we know there are
some very competent ones.
Tho cheapest newspapers in Oregon
are the Weekly ($1.00 a year) and the
Daily.($3.00 a year) Journal. Large
typb and most reliable Independent
telegraphic market reports.
The price of the One Cent Daily,
with Its independent market reports
Is 25 cents a month by mall or at this
It Is believed the American women
would mane short work of General
Weyler, the Spanish Infamy.
Read all about Mexico and India
and silver and gold In those countries.
Has Helped Mother.
"My mother has been afflicted with
catarrh and stomach trouble. She
has taken a number of bottles of
Hood's Saroaparllla and has derived
gieat bcnetlt from It. We always
take Ilood's Sarsaparilla when wc
need a blood purl tier and we find
Hood's Pills a remedy for sick head
ache." MrsMlnnieSprlggs, Oakland,
Ilood's Pills aro the only pills to
take with Ilood's Sarsaparilla. Easy
and yet efficient.
For Infants and Children.
it ca
Low Excursion Rates,
The Southern Pacific will make a
one fare rate from all points on their
lines In Oregon to the Oregon state
fair which opens Septembes 30 and
October 8. A big harvest and a big
fair. A clean, vlgorlous, dcllghtfyl
and comprehensive exposition of
everything pertaining to the farm
and larrncr. Good races and amuse
ments of all kinds. Special attrac
tion every day.
With the present cop prospects and
the extremely low railroad of one faae
for tho round trip, the people of Ore
gon can afford to patronize a state fair
that benefit all classes. Popular ad
mission of 25 cents.
Eight Probably Drowned ,
West Superior, Wis., Aug, 25.'
Eight men and women left last Fri
day In a small sailboat to go after
berries along tho south side of Lake
Superior. Nothing has been heard of
them, but the captain of tho steamer
Gilbert reports passing a capsized
sailboat a few miles out. Tho names
of tho party are: Mrs. D. L. Nelson
and son, Mrs. W. Roycraf t and daugh
ter, J. Stiller and three daughters,
Captain Barr and boatman.
Fell Over a Cliff.
Vancouver, B. (J., Aug. 25. News
has Just been received here of the dis
appearance of a prospector named
Blackmail, who, with three others
from San Francisco, Seattle and Col
orado, was at Butte inlet, 150 miles
up tho coast. They wero going along
a steep cliff, Blackman being ahead
of tho others, fell over tho cliff.
Fisheries Combine.
London,-Aug. 25. Edwin Corwln,
of Chicago, has closed a deal amalga
mating tho United States and Cana
dian Lakes Fisheries Companies,
whereby tho control of 20 companies,
passed Into tho hands of the British
company with $5,000,000 capital.
Boston's big subway Is about finished
It cost $5,000,000. An elcyated rail
road Is now proposed.
jtak-iil fLAd.
. .
Growing for the State Fair,
All Gambling Games Warned Off
the Grounds.
Besides the educational exhibit
that Is being worked up for the State
Fair, the State Insane asylum, farm
will have an unusual display of fine
stock of all kinds. Tho state prison
and reform school will also exhibit
cattle and products.
state faik attractions
continue to multiply and each day
adds something new. Many requests
come for permits to run gambling
games, but the lines are very strictly
drawn against wheels of 'ortuno and
other devices. The gamblers havo
evaded tho law In the past by buying
their way Into the graces of the offic
ials. Wm. Ayres, of Portland, wants
the usual pool selling privilege that is
rented at the grand stand in connec
tion with the races, but It Is not cer
tain that ho will get It. Tho privi
leges at tho fair are not going begging
at all this year.
Arnold, the merry-go-round man,
will delight tho children again. The
Christian church has rented a rest
aurant privilege on tho grounds. Mrs.
E. H. Flagg, has leased thcSouthwlck
dining hall, and will serve meals. If
she would show Mr. Flagg, as a sample
of a well-fed subject of her skill, she
would have a full house all the time.
Stoltz, tho "Spa" man has put up
a new building on the grounds. West
acott & Irwin will erect a stand near
the race-tracks All persous wanting
space In thepavlHIonor on thegroutds
shouldapply at once to Secretary C.
D. Gabrielson.
A big oatyleld Is reported by Stew
ard nandsaker at the state insane
asylum for the insane. Thlrty-flvo
acres were thrashed lout Wednesday
that yielded 03 bushels to the acre,
machine measure. Eleven aeres
spring White side oats went better
and yielded 75 bushels to tho acre,
We would like to hear of any records
that beat the asylum farm.
Superintendent Paine is preparing
an exhibit for the state fair that will
be of interest as showing the state
farming operations. There is to be
generous rivalry among the state in
stitutions for supremacy at the big
fair, and Farmer Andy Gilbert, of the
pen Is liable to give tho other farmers
an eye-opener.
Good Crops. And good prices will
bring good times this fall and we hope
to share the same with you. Our 15
cent meals never fail to make friends.
George Bros.
St n
V&&&M Wr
Onion Crop. Mr. B. F. Hall, of
Hall's Ferry, Is harvesting his third
crop of onions from less than an acre
of land, which he has icdeemed by
tiling. He has harvested 1700 bushels
of the choicest onions oyer brought to
Salem from this small patch of land.
The O. Dickinson Seed Co. buy the
product and say the onions thus
grown will keep longer and are of
liner quality than any grown in Ore
gon. Mr. Hall knows a good thing
when he sees It and will enlarge on
the onion business even though the
whole neighborhood should smell of
"Closed becaus;
of the death of the
i .irletor." It is a
'..umliar sign, to be
seiii daily on the
htrects of every city
in the country. It tells
the old story of too
much work, loo much
worry and too little care and thought for
health. It isn't an easy tliinp for a healthy
man to overwork himself. If a man will
6top for just one minute every day and
think of his health, and, when he finds that
he reels a tnlle out ot borts, wm resort to me
right remedy, he may work about as hard
as he wishes" without doing himself injury.
On the contrary, if he neglects health and
works on in spite of ill-health, he will
awaken some day to find that the penalty is
consumption, nervous exhaustion or pics
tratiou or some other dread disease. Kven
then it is not too late if the right temedy is
used. Tile proper remedy, both to prevent
and cute these diseases, is known to thou
sands of men aud women all over this con.
tinent. Thousands of them have written,
testifying over their signatures, to its mr.r
velous virtues. The remedy is Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery, It cures 98 per
cent, of all cases of consumption, catarrh 1,
bronchial and throat affections.
" I was a sufferer for five or six years from in
digestion, sore stomach, and constant headache,
writes 1). H. Holmes, of I' O Hox 173. Gaffuey.
3. C. " I tried several of our best physicians anil
found no permanent relief. I'or two years white
under a treatment by a physician I ate uotliinjj
but Graham bread, but it didn't cure me. Bv the
persuasion of a friend of mtue, I commenced the
use of Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
which gave me relief in a few days Sluce then
t have used live bottles. When I commenced I
could not sleep ; had a restless, uneasy feellmy all
the time 1 skin was yellow and dry- Now I hart
(rood color, rckt well at night, have a good appe
tite, can eat almost anything I wish to, and
weigh 170 pouuds."
When the liver and bowels don't work,
the body and brain won't. Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets are a sure, safe, speedy
and permanent cure for constipation, anil
a torpid liver. One "Pellet1 is a gentle
laxative and two a mild cathartic
ma&i.. .isuuitfiiit
" J
r 7 i fr-tt r-J-":'a
d u CUiStD
U'A, JjK&reg Es9
4J wSU
np SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hvannis, Massachusetts,
u l w ..-. .-- ,
haa borne and does now.
bear tho facsimile signature of
the oricinator of "PITCHER'S
This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA" which iiaa oeen
used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind you have aways bought, rt y" on the
and has the signature of (atfffleUc&M wrap
per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex
cept The Centaur Company of which Chae. H. Fletcher is
March 8, 1897. QrfiA&&drtp.
vn etNTAun ar, tt hurray rrntrr. niwyork cm.
Adopted nt Albany, OteRon, June a
We demand the free and unlimited, coin
age of gold and silver at the ratio of 10 to
independent of the action of any other nation
That the government shall issue all money
without ithe intervention of banks, and in
quantity adequate to the needs of the people.
That all money issued by the government,
whether gold, silver or paper, shall be legal
tender for all debts, public or private.
That no contract or law shall descriminate
against any kind o( money issued by the gov
ernment. We are opposed to the issue of United States
interest-bearing bonds in time of peace.
We demand the redemption of Oregcn from
rings, commissions and corrupt methods, and
demand honest elections and election laws,
including stringent registration laws.
We demand that the people shall have th
veto pewer oer all legislative tnactments b
the use of the referendum.
We demand the election of all officers by a
direct vote of the people.
We favor and advise that all nominations
for municipal and county officers, including
members of the legislature, shall be made by
primary elections.
We recommend that thi3 party shall be
known as the Union party, and invite all re
form forces of the state to unite with ui in
realizing these principles by united efforts,
and we nledpe ounelves to unite with such
reform forces in carrying out this bond of
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That
Contain Mercury.
aa mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely derange
the whole system when entering it
through the mucous surfaces, bucli
articles should never be used excepton
prescriptions from reputable physcl
ans, as the damage they will do Is ten
fold to the good you can possibly de
rive from them, nail's Catarrh Cure
manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.,
Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and
is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh
Cure be sure you get the gennuine. It
Is taken internally, and made in To
ledo, O., by F. J. Cheney & Co., Tes
timonials free.
Sold by all Drugplsts, price 75c. per
Cheap Railroad Rates.
The low rate of one faro for round
trin will be clven bv the Southern
Pacific from any point on their lines
in oreL'on. to enable all to attend.
The people's stae Institution for the
imnrovement of agriculture and the
mechanical and household arts. Rep
resented in district denartments. and
divisions for the intellfgentexhlbltlon
of the various types or norses, cacue,
sheep, swine, and poultry, and many
classes of machinery and imniements,
manufactures, and merchandise, mu
sical Instruments, domestic manu
facture, women's work, science and
art. The people of the state are
especially invited to participate. Let
us demonstrate the capabilities of
Oregon and Oregon people. One fare
for tho round trip. Popular admission
of 25 cents. tf
O. C. & E. R. R.
Sunday Seaside Excursion Will Run Sun
day Augustus,
And continue to run each Sunday
thereafter during the season. Trains
leaves Albany 7:00 a. m.; Corvallis
7:30 a. m. Returning leaves Newpor
5:30 p. m.
Fare, Albany, Corvallis and Philo
math, 81.50 for round trip. Points
west usual rates.
Something New.
Send for the now style catalog and
guide book, of tlio Drain State Normal
Louis Brazee,
8-il-tf President,
Feed Drops "Muchly."
Bran and Shorts are encaper than
corn. Price of mill feed greatly re
duced. Call at the mill for quotations.
Delivered, free In ton lots.
Salem Flouring Mills Co.
Excursion Rates Every Day.
The Southern Pacific now offers for
Knio rnnnri trin tickets from Salem to
No wnort. cood until Oct. 1, for the
price of 84.50. Call on tho Salem
agent for same.
tf W. W. Skinner.
Te the taxpayers of Marion county:
Notice is hereby given that the county
board of equalization for Marion county will
convene in the assessor's office in the court
house at 9 oclock a. m. Monday, August 30,
1897, an wil1 remain in session during six
consecutive days, as required by law,
All owners of property are hereby notified
to appear at said time and place and show
cause, if any there be, why the assessment of
Marion county, as taken by the assessor,
should not be accepted as correct.
Assessor for Marion county, Oregon.
8 7dw
-: i ! I MACK, n v s
CASTORIA," tho same
"J nn pvnrv
tAojrOCK wrapper.
Snlem, Marion county, Oregon, July, i97
Ti... rmmtv court of Marion county has or-'
dcred the Tax Roll for Marion county Oregon
fiotheyeai 1896, closed on sepiemDcr 1,
1897. All taxes will be delinquent after said
date. All persons paying taxes beiore tnai
date will save costs, as at that time all prop
erty upon which taxes have not been paid
ill bo advertised and sold.
Sherifl and tax collector, Marion county.
Proposals will be received by the Com
mon Council of the City of Salem up to the
hour of 4 o'clock p. m. September 7, 1897, to
fnrmsh the City of Salem eighty cords j,of
large fir wood, the same to be dry and sound,
and to be delivered at any place within the
corporate limits designated by the Common
council, and not later than October 1,1897.
The right to reject any and all bids is
hereby reserved. .
' ED. N. EDES,
City Recorder
Salem, Or., Aug. 12, 1897. 14 d&w
Proposals will be received by the Cmmm
Councilor the City of Salem, up to the hoiii
of4"o'clock p. m., September 7, 1897, 1
furnish Jthe City of Salem 25 tons soft go
coke, to be delivered at any placo within tl
corporate limits designated by thn Commo
Council and not later than October 1. 1897.
Coke to be delivered at call of council.
The right to reject "any and all bii's is
hereby reserved.
City Recorder
Salem, Or., Aug. 12, 1897.
14 d & vr
Notice is hereby given that there are funds
on hand applicable to the payments of all
warrants 0 the City of Salem, endorsed on or
before February I, 1896, drawn upon the gen
eral fund. Please present said warrants for
paymtnt at Ladd & Bush bank, as interest on
same will cease from the date of this
A. A. LEE.lj
City Treasurer.
Salem, August 10, 1897. 14 id
Bids will be received by the commissioners'
court for Marion county at the September
term, 1897, for competent persons to board
and take care of the poor of Marion county
from November I, 1897, during the pleasure
of the court, the county furnishing the farm,
house, bedding and clothing. The court re
serves the right to reject any or all bids.
Bids may be filed with the county clerk until
Wednesday, September 8, 1897, at 4 P- ni.
8 6 d 3t w td County Clerk.
Bids will be received by the commission
ers' court of Marion county ai the September
term 1807. for furnishing at the court house
twcnty(2o)cords of body fir in five (Ocord
lots from any one person also for fifty (50)
cords of pole oak in ten (10) cord lots from
any one person, i he court reserves tne ricnt
to reject any or ail Dias. inas may uc nicu
with the county clerk until Wednesday,
September8, 1897, at 3 p. m.
p. rr
8 6d3twtd
County Clerk.
Academy Sacred Heart,
CftifJte twill rQiim Qnfmtwr ft tRfiT.
For particulars regarding boarders and 4a.X
and art departments furnish all the essentials
for advanced study.
Salem SteamLaundry
Pleasejaoticejthe cut'in prices
on the following!
Rtets. plain locents
Unaer drawers 5 to locents
Under shirts 5 to locents
Socks, per pair 3 cents
Handkerchiefs I cent
Silk handkerchiefs 3 cents
Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents;per dozen,
and othev work in proportion.
Flannels -uid other work inj
telhgently washed by hand,
CoL T, Olmsted Prop,
Stage Line.
From Salem to Wilhoit Springs, via Silver
ton. Leaves Silverton for Salem at 6530 a. m,,
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridavs, returning
to Silverton same days, leaving Salem at 1
.o'clock p. m.
leaves 3uvcjiuu iujt tTiiuuib hjfuiUK
A - HVamJ vj WJliarfIMI A 1 list
Am.AB k-Ti 1-.abobk A t(lln WlvM
days, returning to Silverton Tuesdays,!
Thursdays and Saturdays. J
Leaves Salem from westacott's bam,
Fare Round trip from Silverton to Salem
Si. Round trip from Salem to Wilhoit Jz. 50
Round trip from Silverton to Wilhoit Si. 50
4 - .1,1
irJfcTnrM A .t mfett " g-lrtliiilff1i1ir, -at niMaH- ntttMi,u- "
I ..,.,.,. to Dr. I. M.uKefcne, old White
Corner, Salem, Or. Parties desiring supcnoi
operations at moderate fees in any branch an
' in especial request.
I wrLZ U MiES'.KE Prjos
' Dealars in all kinds of fresh and salt meals
Lard in bulk, "c a lb. Cheapest meat tn he
1 own Try them. 171 Commercial st.
ail Commercial
st., Salem Or
Pants $ upwandi'uEl
cySulU US upwards.
Legal and commercial work a specialty
Telephone one-four. Office with Sherman
Comfit & Park, Gray block. Dictation take
at your office and work returned on shor
Makes a spwialty of fine repair work, Setl
Thomas clock, etc., 215 Commercial Street
Moets all masl and passenger trains,
gage and express to all parts of the
Promnt (tciviee. Telephone No. 70.
Salem Branch 108 of the Labor Exchange,
are now piepared to furnish at short notice
Sand and Gravel of any grade, and of the
beit quality, and in any quantity. Telephone
,7S. 6 25 im
Hello !
If you want to move or want a load ol'any
kind hauled or want a load of manure, dirt,
sand or gravel, or cement, lime, hair plaster,
brick or sewer pipe, see D. S. Bcntley, cor
ner of Front and Chemeketa streets or ring
up telephono 30. Also wood and coal on
hands at nil ttmes.Orders prompfiy attended
Family Wine and Liquor Store
Removed from 102 State to
100 Commercial
Bottled goods of the best quality.
A home treatment for all forms of women's
diseases also stomach and kidney troubles,
catarrh, nervousoprostration and general de
bility. Hours 3 to 6 p. m. 340 Liberty st.
Call or address
7 8 Manager for Marion county.
J. S. HEBIffiffit
State street, near railroad. Freshest and
best meats. My patrons say I keep the best
treats in town, 3 2Z
Insure Your Life
The Independent Order of Foresters.
Established for 23 years Membership on
May 1, 1897, 111,722. Surplus, June 1, 1897,
$2,223,326.89, Age limit, 18 to 55 years.
Kates as per age from 60 cents to $3 per
thousand. Twelve assessments yearly. IUI3
your policy on total disability and balance at
70 years or at death. All assessments stop at
70 or on total disability. Services of Court
physician free. Court Willamette No. 14S.
meets 1st and 3d -Mondays of each month,
in Forrester hall, in Turner block.
Call on or address
8 iolm Secretary.
Dryers new in operation on onr place
he nsvliim. f!flll and see them.
Fruit'growers are invited to investigato.bes
fore buvini? orbuildinna drier. Our claims
are; 1, Unlimited capacity. 2, Cheapnes
of constructior 3. Rapid production. 4
Easy, cheapness and simplicity of processf
I growers who are using the Steevens since two
write me lor testimonials anu cxuuiiti-w
i years
- 1
years. Estimates ana specincauous ,unu"v-
orjdners built. Address
G. A. STEEVENS, Salem. Or.
Ladies Who Valuo
A refined complexion must nso Fozzonl' Pow
der. It produces a eolt and beautiful Bids.'
i C. Pi.
catalgue coot
very interesting.
subject of underwear
a copy at our Salem
Comer Ferry and Libert; &J
Telephone t;j.
figs an& best
always in readinest.
E2"CoaBt or mountain pattlemj
eSTOfflcc in City Hill
Irrigation nours 6 to 8 a. b. J
wjuiu nie eycniog.
All irrigation bills for the 1
will be duo and payable thd
Obii-Uk opuilKliag LQIOUgQIlr.
positively proniuited.t
No deduction for irrigation j
aosence unless water Is cuttf
entire premises,
No allowance made for part
son as more water 19 needed In!
out a neglected lawn than k
use for the entire season.
Salem Waih
Eastern R, R. Cond
Connecting at Yanjin &jrii
Francisco & Yaquina Bay SteissI
ftSails from Yaquina ever? Ml
rrancisco, Coos Bay, rat ww.
and Humbolt Bay.
?Pssenirfir accommodation! t
Shortest route between the Wltoel
and California. J
Fare from Albany crpoinUl
trancisco: Cabin, 19J stetnet, 15
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Bay, cabin $8; round trip, good";!
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Corvallis, through without Ur-oitt 1
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-.irTalitlW. hid ijl
1 "-nlAU ' Ml 1
'haaIU "- - A.
em fa
Salem 10:45 a. m. inesaiji, -Satutdays
leaves Portland, w
dock, 6;oo a. m. Sunday!,' WrinfA