Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, August 25, 1897, Image 1

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'HO, ki
New York
Racket 1
Has the largest stock
the city, Our stock
have no "old stock" to
est on, Oiw assortment is complete, Our
I motto is "underbuy,"
goods cheap,
Ladies' fine ox blood or green shoes,
lace or button, latest
Men's fine calf shoes, ox blood or black,
any style $2,70,
Men's fine calf green shoes $2,95,
See our hoppickers gloves trom 22c
to 30c,
P es. Faure Well Received.
Russia Royalty Entertains the
French President.
Paris, Aug. 25. All tho news
papers except the scoclallst organs de
clare that the Cronsladt demonstra
tion is a landmark in the history of
J?rancc and Russia as well as other
.nations, and furnished incontestible
Bproof of the important position
Prance lias regained In the world.
A dispatch to the Journal from St.
Petersburg says that the czar's decis
ion to meet President Faurc at Crcn
ntndtwas reached against enormous
;piessure upon the part of the Geiman
party. Tl-c dispatch adds that the
otucers of the French squadron at
Cronstadt were entertained yesterday
oy their Russian colleagues. Numer
ous decorations will be bestowed upon
the visiting Frenchmen, including a
i medal for every sailor.
Fort Maude Has Fallen.
London, Aug. 25. An official 'dis
patch from Simla announced that
Fort Maude, in the Khyber pass, has
, .been captured by the Afridasaftar
desperato fighting. The garrison,
rwhlch is composed of native levies,
ibenown as the Khyber Rifles, retired
I -with the loss of three men. The Afrl-
S-das burned the fort. The rate of Fort
IA11 Musjld.which was simultaneously
iattacked by the Afrldas.is not known.
The British officer commanding at
Rjamesud, moved a battery of artillery,
f (escorted by the Fourth Dragoons, yes
terday, to the mouth of Khyber pass,
and shelled the enemy at a range of
3200 yards. The Afrldas retired but
the battcrj -eturned tc Jamesud, the
officer In coxnand deeming it inad
visable to enter the pass. General
Ellos will begin a concerted tnoye
against the Insurgent tribesmen.
Socialism in Italy.
Rome, Aug 25. There is much agi
tation among the peasants Jn Lazlo
district in favor of a redistribution of
the vast uncultivated estates of the
patrician faml les. Seven hundred
villagers, witli their wives and chil
dren, carrying the national flag and
beaded by a band playing the Royal
march, started from Marino, a few
miles southeast of Romc.intending to
Keize and divide tbe estates or Prince
Uolouna, at Lc Fratoclchle. The au
thorities Intervened and persuaded
of late style shoes in
is up to date, We
pay taxes and inteiv
"undersell' "We buy
toes, $2,25,
them to disperse. Troops have been
dispatched to prevent further disturb
ance. Not E-gland's But Ours.
San Francisco, Aug. 25. It is
learned from Paul .1 llenninir, an em
ploye of the Pad tic Phosphate Com
pany, that the American flag is flying
on Cllperton island. Ho has been
living on the island with two men
and they successfully blocked the at
tempt of Captain Murtray, of the
ship Klnkoni, to hoist the British
flag thctc thicc months ago. The
Kinkora was wrecked and the- three
Americans held as wreckage nearly a
million feet of lumber, which was
washed ashore. II. M. S. Comus, vis
ited the island latter, but did not dis
turb the stars and stripes nor enter a
claim for the lumber.
Guard the Bridges.
Bombay, Aug. 25. The bridges In
the upper Punjab are strictly guarded
by troops. It is reported that when
the Mohammedans attacked Fort
Slrabakadar they burned all t he sacred
books of the Sikh temple there. This
excited the greatest Indignation
among the Sikhs throughout the
province, and the Sikh troops on the
frontier are greatly incensed.
Tho Man Who Was So Fearfully Bu ned
Departs This Life.
John. W. Fox, who was so badly
burned by falling Into a camptlro,
near Detroit while In an enilepteo tit
about two weeks ago, died at 1:40
o,clock this afternoon at the Salem
hospital. Fox was received at tho
hospital one week ago on Saturday
last that he might receive better med
ical attendance than could be af
forded him where tho accident oc
curred. For several days after being re
ceived, Fox appeared quite cheerful
and the management of tho hospital
were feeling much encouraged at the
rapidity witli which the wound was
healing, while It was a very serious
burn, yet the nurses bad every reason
to expect the recovery of the unfor
tunate man.
About three days ago, however,
TiVw crtOTrtnrl tn (rV( lin Jill
hope and refused to take nourishment
whereupon ho gradually became
weaker, until death came as above
stated. During last night the man
spit considerable, the spittle having
the appearance of ashes, which ho
probably inhaled while lying In the
Tht man was admitted to tho
hospital at tho county's expense,
upon petition of a. large number of
residents In the Santiam country.
He was about48 years of age and was
a single man.
Funeral arrangements have not yet
been completed, but services will
likely be conducted from dough's
undertaking parlors on State street
and'the remains given interment In
the county cemetery.
7l f 13-
it w
Overland Route to Be Made,
To Start From Edmonton Steamer
Portland Expected.
Ottawa, Aug. 25. The minister of
the Interior has left for a brief hol
iday on the Atlantic coast, but be
fore his departure he reached a most
Important decision. It was to the ef
fect that a small detachment of
mounted police should at once pro
ceed from Edmonton, Alberta, and
endeavor 10 reach the Klondike coun
try from the eastern slope of the
Rocky mountains.
Edmonton is the most northerly
railroad point in the Canadian North
west territory, being 190 miles north
of Calgary. The route to bo followed
Is by way of the Nelson and Laird
rivers to the Dease, and up this
river to tho Pelly. They will follow
the Pelly river to Its Junction with
the Lees and the Lees to the Klon
dike, a total of 1,370 miles. This is
not the Mcckenzle river route.
As the police are to take horses
with them, It Is obvious that the au
thorities consider this route practica
ble.or at any rate.is worth examining.
Sells Land.
New Yokk, Aug. 24. W.J. Arkell,
who claims a large portion of the
Alaskan mining region, has made a
deal for the sale of a part of his prop
erty to a syndicate. Chaunccy M.
Depew is said to be a member of the
syndicate which has bought Arkell's
land, and also a slice of Joseph La
due's holding In Dawson City. Be
sides Dr. Depew, H. Walter Webb
and other Vanderbllt directors are re
puted mr.mbcrsjjktUa.new company.
Off for Alaska.
Tacoma, Aug.25 The steamers
Rosalie, Willamette and Topeka will
sail from this port to Alaska this
week. Full cargoes of freight and
many horses will be carried, but the
passenger lists will be light.
Will Try It Again,
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 25. The
schooner Moonlight, falling to pass
inspection, did not leave last evening
forSkaguay andDyca, but will leave
this evening In tow of the tug J. M.
Colman. She carries 30,000 feet of
lumber, 25 tons of freight, and CO pas
sengers. The Portland Sighted.
Port Townsend, Aug. 25. The
steamer Portland Is reported off Capo
Great Interest is shown in the ex
pected arrival of tho Portland, and
all sorts of speculation, as to the
probable amount of gold she will
bring, Is beard. A large party of news
paper men left by the steamer City of
All, or your share of it, if you ,frnd the
missing word.
Schillings Best tea is not only pure but it
fs f because it is fresh-roasted.
What is the missing word ?
Get Schillings Best tea at your
(there is one in every package); send
before August 31st
rin wnrA allowed for each vellow
If only oae person finds the word, he gets one thousand dollars. If
awreral find it, the money will be divided equally among mem.
Every one sending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creeping
babies at the end of the contest Those sending three or more in one
envelope wUJ .receive a charming 1898 calendar, no advertisement on it.
Besides this thousand dollars, we will pay $150 each to the two persons
who send in the largest number of yellow tickets in one envelope between
June 15 and the end of the contest August 31st.
Cut this out. You won't see it again.
Seattle for Port Townsend. They
will board tho swift tug Sea Lion and
drop down tho straits, with tho in
tention of boarding tho Portland as
soon as she arrives In. Thick weather
caused by fog and smoke, makes tho
chancc9 about oven that they may
miss the treasuro-shlp.
A Watch Brought the Indian.
J. E. Lathrop, who left Oregon for
Klondike a few weeks ago, writes
from Dyea under tho date of August
13 as follews: "I Just came form
Chief Indian Johnson's tent where he
made a contract to have our freight
carried oyer from here, 23 miles to
Lake Llndcrman, at 25 cents per
pound, and If he keeps,his contract, I
am to give him my gold watch for
keeping It. Th.Vs the agreement.
Cnlcf Johnson evidently want9 that
gold watch pretty badly.
"It was a lesson la avarice, cupidity
and 'Childish fancy, to see Indian
Johnson lunge forward, gmsp the
gold watch and suddenly promise to
do what ho had for one hour's time
been declaring was utterly Impossible.
Freight at 23 cents a pound, 35G0 a
ton, and a watch thrown in as part of
the contract. Such Is life on the
Alaskan frontier."
Tug Resolute Sails for SeattIe Shipping
is Increasing.
Newpokt, Aug. 25 Special) The
tug Resolute, which ' was lately sold
by the O. C. & E. railway Company,
to Seattle parties, sailed at 1: o'clock
this morning for that place in com
mand of Captain Stetson and pilot
Tom O'Nell. The tng will bj greatly
missed by citizens, and has been in
service on the bay for the past eleven
The past few days there have been
live vessels o i the. Bay. The steam
Schooner and new freight vessel Uuyo
went over the b.ir1tfJgether(-8howlng
a wide and safo channel.
There Is a Held here for a good lo
cal newspaper, as the one here
scarcelv gives the local news, to say
nothing of representing tho io teres ts
of tills county.
Gold Standard Adopted.
Panama, Aug.25. Dispatches from
Salvador say the slump in silver
caused so much embarrassment that
congress was called In extra session.
President Gulterriz sent a message
advising the adoption of a gold basis,
to take effect as soon as possible, and
congress passed the necessary meas
ure. Exchange on the United States
Jumped to 200 at San Salvador yester
Fell Into a Geyser,
Yellowstone Park, Wyo., Aug.
25. George E. Earnshaw, a promi
nent Phlladelphlan, came near losing
his life while at Fountain hotel by
walking into one of tho geyser pools
in the rear of tho hotel. He was res
cued. 00
grocer's; take out the Yellow Ticket
it with your guess to aauress oeiow
Miners Take a Firm Stand
All Propositions Made by Operators
Are Rejectedi
Pittsburg, Aug. 25. At the coal
operators' meeting, Myers' ultimatum
to return to work at the 09-ccr.t rate
panding arbitration, was rejected
Tlicoperators will carry out their plan
made at the Cleveland conference, and
will open all their mines today.
Prrrsnuno, Pa., Aug. 25.- The tinal
effort to arrango a plan for ending tho
big coal strike lias proved a failure,
and tho strike goes on. The confer
ence between tho coal mtners, na
tional district oftlelals and tho opera
tors closed, and the conference ad
journed without day.
The miners' representatives did not
recede from their original proposition
to settle the strike by arbitration and
start the mines at the 09-centrate.
Tlicoperators offcrod to divide the
difference between tho 54 and 09 cent
rates, making the price at which the
miners should start OH cents per ton,
but this was rejected. Then addi
tional propositions were made. One
was to start the mines without fixing
any prlco for 30 days, and then to pay
the rate agreed upon by the board of
arbitration. This was also refused
by the miners, as they said they had
been fooled too often to trust the
They decline' to work for a month,
giving the opentors the output for
that length or time without knowing
what wages nhoiild be paid.
A proposition was then made to op
erate tho mines for ten days without
txlng tho price, a board of arbitration
to fix the price for that tfme. Presi
dent Ra tcli ford insisted that nothing
but the 03-ccnt rate could possibly bo
accopted. Tlio operators were lirm,
but tho miners wore equally deter
mined. ,
Eyery argument of tho operators
was met by tho miners' leader".. It
was, therefore, decided to end tho
conference. President Ratchford
gave out the following statement:
"We liavo disagreed. Our propo
sition remains unchanged. Resides
our proposition to arbitrate wo made
them a second ono along the lines of
bringing about a general conference
of tho miners and operators of all tho
mining states. They refused to lend
their efforts in that direction and tho
strike was continued. (Vo have no
other plans for the future."
Immediately after the close of tho
conference, J. 13. Zerbn, called a meet
ing of operators for 2 o'clock this
afternoon to discuss tho situation and
outline a plan decided upon at the
Cleveland conference to make a light
to start the mines with the old men if
they can bo Induced to dig at 54 cents
or to Import men to take their places.
Others, however; say they will not
aid in carrying out this plan and
favor a complete surrender.
The outlook after the adjournment
of tho conference 6cemcd to be en
couraging for tho miners. There Is
no question as to the anxiety of tho
operators to start their mines.
No Pickers.
Independence, Or., Aug. 25, The
hop men are feeling worried over tho
prospects for pickers. Some of tho
yards have full complements of pick;
era, but other yards are bidding up,
and today it is generally understood
that all of tho yards would pay .'15
cents a box. Some of the growcr say
they will let their hops go unpicked
before they will pay 35 cents, as their
Is nothing to Justlry even that price.
There are no buyers. Hop men say
they do not know what price they will
get for their hops.
Coffee Crop.
London, Au. 25-a dispatch to
the Times from Rio Janeiro says the
coffee crop promlsui to rcauh 100,000..
000 bageA as against 0,000,000 lust sea
Quotations at 3j30 p. m.
Wheat Market a Little Strongei
Corn Firmer,
Chicago, Aug. 25. Wheat opened
11 cents above yesterday's 'dose, for
September, 081, Dccombcr 001 and 041,
closed 931. Cash strong 071 cents.
Curb higher, December 941. Corn
firm, September 29!.
San Fkancisco, Aug. 25. Wheat
firmer In sympathy with tho advance
In tho East. December 103J. May 1011.
London, Aug. 25. Wheat weak.
Cargoes Is to Is Cd cheaper to sell.
Liverpool, Aug. 25. Wheat, spots
lots easier and prices have declined.
2 to 3d percental. Futures also lower,
Sept. 7s 8id, Oct. 7s Old Continental
markets Irregular. Paris firm,
Antwerp, weak.
New York, Aug. 25. Wheat buoy
ant, opened strong, closed higher.
September 1001, December 981.
Portland, Aug. 25. Wheat dull,
unsettled, by weak foreign advices
and high asking freight rates. Buy
ors will await the effect of today's ad
vance In the cast, on Europo tomor
row. Valley nominal 88 a 00c.
Freights strong 35 to 37 asked.
Salem, Aug. 25. Wheat opened at
75 cents a bushel at Salem today but
none selling. The withdrawal from
tho market by Manager Wilcox
created considerable excitement and
Supt. Holland of tho Salem mills had
his hands full all day explaining to
the farmers what it all meant. Some
went away angry and tried tho Hum
phrey warehouse which has taken la
a large quantity of wheat, but found
no buyer there. Mr. Humphrey said
he would go into tho market again as
soon us he got u quotation. The
Portland milling company that con
trols the Salem flouring mills owns
and operates from sixty to seventy
warehouses between Portland and
Roseburg. A
About 10,000 bushels has been re
ceived at tho Salem mills by cars, and
25,000 bushels has been bought hero at
from 71 to 82 cents a bushel Abont
30,000 bushels arc stored mow at tho
mills, as nearly all farmers prefer to
store and speculate, and not ono in
fifty sells out his crop ut once.
All the wheat received at Salem on
Tuesday and Wednesday Is stored.
The Journal Is not ready to give
advtco, but would like to suggest that
farmers who aro in debt will not loso
much If they sell at or above tho 70
cent mark. Wheat that they can
hold after debts aro paid and Interest
is stopped will prove a good Invest
ment. Thero Is still uncertainty about the
crop. Government reports puu It at
450 million bushels. Bradstrcet puts
It at 550,000,000. Private advices and
estimates places It as high as 600,000,
000. Wo oxpnrtcd for year ending
July 1, 140,000,000 bushels. Wo shall
have at least 100,000,000 bushels to ex
port this year against a shortage of
100,000,000 In other countries as
against last year, according to Beer
bom. A Hudy of these figures which
cannot all bo wrong must convince
anyone that wheat cannot fall much,
and is almost certain to advance.
Russia Is an unknown country so far
us it cflccts the wheat market. No
reliable statistics or Information can
bo obtained from there. They aro
still llablo to have a surplus. Franco
has a spasmodic effect on the mar
ket. The French buy at once when
short. The chances arc they have
bought their wheat already, and their
deficiency will not affect future
A 111(1 BALE.
A farmer disposed of 5,000 bushels
of wheat In Albany Tuesday 85 cents
per bushel. This salo was bought by
sharp competition between two buy
ers, In which as is Invariably tho case
tho farmer was tho gainer thereby.
The ruling price In Albany yesterday
was 70 and 80 cents but this lot being
of an extra tine quality, lead to a
struggle between tho two buyers as to
whom the grain should bo sold. Reck,
nning the price of wheat at Salem to
day, 75 cents, which Is as high as Is of
fered at any point in tho valloy, the
farmer abovo referred to, mado a cool
9500 in yesterday's deal.
Not Much News Under the Dome Work
in Various Departments.
Up under the the big copper dome
of tho State Capitol thero was not
much out of tho ordinary today and
tho clerks In tho different depart
ments wero busy with routine work.
In tho executive office Mr. Willis
Dunlway was alono today. His excel
lency, thegovernorbcingattbo coast.
The secretary of state was busy fig
uring out complicated matters In tho
auditing department of his office try
ing to determine what he is going to
do with the thousands of claims which
ara dally piling up higher. The man
date of the supreme court in Its re
cent decision has not yet becu re
ceived by tho secretary and everything
In tho auditing department or his
office Is in statuo quo, so to speak,
waiting for tne mandate. Hundreds
of people having claims are dally
writing, wanting to know all about
everything In advance. All the clerks
In the department of state are home
from their summer outings and are
busy with routine work.
State Treasurer Phil Metscban is
sMU absent in California, but his
deputy, Ma J. Hodgkln, In at bis desk
and Deputy J. D. Sutherland Is home
from his summerioutlngiand is now
busy looking after the collection of In
tercst on state school land loans.
State Land Agent T. W. Daven
port, was away from his office today
attending tho McAlpIn school house
picnic In honor of his brother-in-law,
Judge Jacob, of Seattle. Mm. Dav
enport and Misses Georgia and Marl
delle Davenport accompanied him.
G. G. Brown, the affablo assistant
clerk of the school land office is home
from a very pleasant outing spent at
Detroit and was busy today catching
up with his work.
Chester Murphy, ton of Supreme
Court Clerk J. J. Murphy, was bidding
goodbye to his state houso friends to
day, preparatory to leaving for Cali
fornia for another year at Stanford.
Young Phil Metscban Is putting in
bis time studying Spanish, which Is
the languago ho will be obliged to use
In his business transactions in Cen
tral America, for which country be
leaves this week.
FInley Perrlne, 'supreme court"'
bailiff, is acting librarian during tWe
absence of Mr. J. B. Putnam at the
Judgo J. J. Murphy Is homo from a
very pleasant outing at the mouth of
tho Columbia and Is again at his dsk
as clerk of tho supremo court.
Associate Justico Wolverton is still
absent at tho coast and Judgo Bean
was the only member of the supremo
court on duty today, tho chlof Justice,
Mr. F. A. Moore having gono to tho
Janitor Howell and wife and Capi
tol Messenger John nowell are all at
the coast. Mr, iJohn Vanderpool Is
acting as capltol messenger In addi
tion to his other duties as assistant
Janitor during tho absence of Mr.
John Howell which will not be but
for a few days.
Prof.'Youngof tho State University,
has been working at the state houso
for soveral days searching records for
historical Information and unpub
lished data of the time of tho provis
ional government In Oregon. Mr. J.
Henry Brown, the historian has been
at.work at the state house recently
along the same lines.
Mr. Joseph Fones, custodian of the
State Houso grounds and self-constituted
protector of feminity in Capitol
precincts has been pushed to keep the
capltol lawns green during the hot
season but has succeeded.
Capltol Engineer, Driver, Is haying
the boiler In the basement overhauled
and re-arranged so that greater and
better heat can be furnished next win
ter with less labor und tho consump
tion of less fuel.
Gold for Canada.
New York, Aug. 25. Gold to the
amount of 850,000 was withdrawn
from the subtreasury yesterday for
shipment to Canada.
Royl Hakes the food pure.
' unu. uhno rocta co vmc