Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, August 16, 1897, Image 2

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Daily Capital Journal.'
men bscoruo as expert la the water as
senfdvvl, and' this Is very encouraging
to landVnien." II Is related ttfafc since
the crew are licrctCapt. Wlckland, on
one occasion saved two little boys who
Dr. Chapman Telcgiaphs Thit He Will
Return to Oregon.
The much-published and much-
coiuinentccl-upon report that Dr.
MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1897.
r , wore belnpr carried out over the bar ( chapman had resigned the presidency
'In a rowboat that (jot caught In the of the State university is llatly de-
Udc Frank Ayerdla. better known "'ea oy mat. genueman in me ioiiow
The Editor Tells of a Visit and Inspec
tion of the Newport Station.
(Special correspondence)
Nkwokt, Aug. 14. We spent a
day at the Newport station of tno U.
S. Life Saving Service and were well
repaid! for a visit to this interesting
branch of the War department. The
station is fully equipped with all the
latest appliJncct and inventions for
for saving life and property. It costs
about $0 00 a year to maintain the ser
vice, here ewisistin,,' of a captain, or
keeper, and heven ma. Four of the
crew. Frank Ayurdle. Waller Wiilt
ten, Vm. Dulling and John Fogarty,
are from Newport. The other three
are sailors from the Columbia, Vic
tor Peterson, Albert, Uyer and Oscar
Jjcobsuu. The cjptajn N Oscar S.
Wlckland, formerly of the Iort
AJalr?, Lire Station, a young man
who hus seen considerable all-around
seivce. T,iie crew conduct their osn
in us f, raise quite a garden of vegeta
bles and get milk and some other sup
plies at thq nearest farmhouse, of Mr.
John Fogarty, Sr., who lives on the
Arnold, ranch, on three acres of which
Is the LifeSaviiigstatlon lie came
out fioni Eastern Indiana in 1871, and
lias been on this part of the coast
since 1874. His son ib one of the sta
tion crew, and he and Ills tcam arc a
useful part of the citation service.
Mr Fogarty comes up to Newport
and takes parties to the Lite Station,
and back from South Beach, where
he connects with the ferry. The
station Is nearly two miles down the
bjach, right where vessels wrecked
ofl Yuqulna bar would be mostlikely to
come ashore In the years prior to 1890,
twelve vessels came ashore here,
nearly as man as at the mouth of the
Cnlinibn. Tho qnarterly Inspection
tion Is made b Capt. W. O. Coulson,
of t.io ttjvu.iuij Out-ler aorvuv, who
located this station. He ha head
quarters at San Francisco, and is a
- rf
highly competent and experienced
The crew are a hard-working set of
men. Besides the regular drills, that
occur almost every day, the men pa
trol the beach for about live miles
for twelve hours of the night and
keep a day watch and lookout. This
Is a must important part of the ser
vice, and they have rockets and burn
ing signals to warn ships off this
dangerous coast. They have already
warned several that were coming In
too close. They are also schooled In
the universal code of ilag signal by
which they are able to communicate
with any ship In any language. Be
sides, the men are drilled In the
duties of a sailor.
The surf, or boat drill, consists in
taking the lifeboat properout through
the breakers. This beautiful craft
will carry from 40 to 00 people, and
weighs about two tons, besides the
boat carriage which weighs nearly a
ton and has wheels a foot wide. To
launch this boat In a storm is dan-
grous work, and yetoiicoa week the
men take her out to sea. Sho Is con
structed with airtight compartments
and a fa'so or double deck, Is a self
boiler and self rlghter. There' are
lifelines and life preservers attached,
but even In an ordinary surf the waves
are strong enough to knock a man
senseless. Part of the drill Is for the
men to stand their oars up straight,
then they fall into stanchions with a
rat'.lo as of muskets. The men then
all stand on one of the gunwales and
the boat and crow go under walor and
turn a complete , summersault. Tlio
boat goes over In about live seconds,
comes up full of water, but rights and
lua moment Is dry as a feather and
riding the water like a duck. The
drllMvas given at Newport In tho bay
before the State Teachers' Association,
and on one exhibition of tho power
of tho boat to right hereoU, sho wa
hold bottoin jiJdQ, up nearly a minute
with tho entire crew out of sight. Tho
crowd on shoro held tholr breath, grow
nervous and excited but burst out
'tUtCfili!oM"8 0PPlau82..allon l'
slowly came up and tho men had not
even wet tho halron their heads. The
as No. 1, picked up two men who
capsized In the bay lastsprlng. These
are only Incidents to show that the
life crew grow expert at their work.
takes place Thursday. In live minutes
a member of the
13, 8 p. m.
' v , i..i..i .... ...., ...i.Jlng telegram to
.S ill. I, inuitc-u m unw iiiuii n iiu . , , , .
I ,,,,.,, m, I board of regents:
Milwaukee, Wis., Aug,
A. G. Hovev. Euucne. Or..
Have not resigned. Health better.
Start to Oregon next week. Letter
C. II. Chapman.
Tlin fYilrnwInir st.nfnmnnf, from t.lio
the apparatus is drawn a distance Eugene Guard of Saturday seems to
equal to the water's edge, a brass
cannon fires a twenty pound shot
with line attached over a mastTlggcd
with spars, a whip line Is made fast
and a hawser drawn over crosstrees,
a tally board with Instructions
piloted In French and English Is sent
on board, a basket and runnlug tackle
Is sent out to the ship and a man
brought to land, all In the spiccof
live or six in I mites. A passenger (can
be landed every live minutes, but we
advise ladles who go to sea to-liave all
their hosiery repaired an! kept In
llrstrate order, as it Is impossible to
havo one's life saved off a wrecked
bhlp and not show one's legs. The
last act Is to send tho hawser-cutter
aboard, an American Invention,
patented In the life saving service,
and the connections with the stranded
ship arc cut, after ail are put ashore
to a dead loss to Uncle Sam of about
three feet of rope. Tliecannon shoots
the rope over a mast at 300 feet with
one ounce of powder- A hawser charge
will .ond a line to a vessel 21 K) feet,or
"00 yards at sea.
There Is a drill nearly every day, us
follews: boat drill Tuesday, single
drill of men Wednesday, beach drill
Thurday, resuscitation drill Friday,
Saturday house-cleaning. The sta
tion, boat Iiouno and grounds are kept
.is clean and neat as a man-of-war.
of the life crew's service was instanced
when the British ship "Glencairne"
went ashore three years ago at the
mouth of the Columbia. The crew
went three miles on the beach with
their apparatus, which the men pull
with ropes, and in an hour and a half
had landed the entire crew or 22 men
Captain Wlckland was married
after he was appointed to this station
I to an accomplished daughter of Ser-
comnllcate the case somewhat. "Re
gent A. G. Hovey stated to us this
afternoon that Dr. Chapman wrote
him several days ago that he had re
signed and also that It had been in
the hands of President Falling sev
eral days. It was probably conditional."
John Fox, Jr., whose latest book,
"Hell fer Sartnln," was recently
brought out by tho Harpers, and
whoso new novel, "Tho Kentuckian,"
began to appear serially In Harper's
Magazine lor July, is one of the
youngest and one of the ablest of the
writers who arc making us familiar
with the picturesque life of Kentucky.
i I
, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same
that has borne and does now J!Z$rf-JZ on every
bear the fac-eimiia signature of Wt&$ff&!c&4i wrapper.
This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA" which has been
used in the homes of tho mothers of America for over thirty
years, LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper end see that it is
the kind you have always bought, jrf ytrh . ?r on ne
and has the signature of (oyfTucC wrap
per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex
cept The Centaur Company of whioh Chas. H. Fletoher is
President. . .
March 8, 1897. Q&i&esCcTfiti,p.
Succcsser to Dr. J. M.SKecne, old White
Comer, Salem, Or. Parties desiring superioi
operations at moderate fees in any branch are
In especial request.
umw .wai i i 1 1 imMpcM
State Norma! School
geaivETanhon, a retired army olllcer
from Fort Canby. Ills wife has com.
pletely surrounded the station with
a llower garden. The tlowefs grow
luxuriantly and in richer colors than
away from the beach, but will not
grow on the sides of the house where
the northwest winds strike. Mrs.
Wlckland is visiting at tier mother's
home on the Columbia, and the cap
tain had to entertain a party of about
fifty ladles and gentlemen who called
at the station that morning.
The pay of tho men is $00 a month
and the government furnisher beds,
bedding and all equipments. The
captain receives $000 a year, but he
und the men have to buy their own
clothing and board themselves. There
Is a very well equipped mess room. A
reading room is supplied with news
papers, those from Astoria, Portland
and San Francisco, by means or which
they get nows of tho movements of
vessels up and down the coast. The
station really needs a telegraph and
telephone service to bo In connection
with tho outer world. The life sta
tion Is really a very Interesting place
to visit and no one should come to
this part of tho coast without spend
ing part of a day there and becoming
familiar with the provisions our gov
ernment has made to protect the
lives and merchandise that goes down
to tho sea In ships. The hour's walk
from "Newport Is really exhilarating,
and a drive on tho beach Is a pleasure
not soon forgotten, as old Neptune
can double discount all our road su
pervisors and county courts at road
building, and could oven glvo the Sa
lem street commissioner a slight hand
leap. E. IIofer.
Mr. Fox, like Miss Murfree and James
Lane Allen, wi Ites directly from per
sonal observation, and his characiera
are closely and sympathetically de
fined. In Hell fer Sartin" he pre
sents some delightful short studies,
and in his latest novel he contrasts
the widely different phases of life
among the mountaineers and among
the people of the "Blue-Grass." The
difference, by the way, between iliu
two regions, In spite of the excellent
woilcot the Kentuck wiiters, does
not seem to be understood by many
readers. No one, however, can fail
to appreciate this on reading "The
Kcntuckians." Mr. Fox is himself a
"Blue-Grass" man, but from living at
various tlmo " tr - luuuueuiii-
eors ue nas acquired a very warm re
gard for them and an intimate a&
quaintance with their habits.
At Mchama,
For a pleasant mountain retreat,
where beauty of scenery and every ac
commodation form a desirable combi
tlon, Mchama cannot be surpassed.
This popular mountain ri6ort has
been largely ylslted by numerous Sa
lemites this year. The Albert island,
wheh has alwuy sbeen inhabited by
many camps, Is entirely deserted this'
year.the person seeking rest and quiet
finding excellent accommodations at
the "Mehama nouse," so ably con
ducted by Mrs. G. P. Terrell. Among
the Saleniltes found at this mountain I
hotel, Sunday, were: Mr. and Mrs. n.
Gile, Mr. and Mrs. P. II. Sroat, Mrs.
T. Itolyerson, Miss Ethel Cusick.Miss
Elizabeth Ilolverson, Miss Lizzie
Harrild and Mr. Clyde Brock..
e 1
W0LZ & MIESCKE Proos .
Dealars in all kinds of frcsli and salt meats
Lard in bulk, 7c a lb. Cheapest meal tn he
own Try them. 171 Commercial st.
C. Bi. LANE,
2 n Commercial St., Silem Or
EP'Suits $15 upwards, yl'antst upwands'gl
Legal and commercial work a specialty
Telephone one-four. Office with Sherman
Condit & Park, Gray block. Dictation take
at your office and work returned on 'shor
Makes a specialty of fine repair work, Setb
Thomas clockk. etc., 215 Commercial Street
Depot Express,
Meets all masl and passenger trains,
gage and express to all parts of the
I'rompt service. Telephone No. 70.
Building Materia
Salem Branch 108 of the Labor Exchange,
are now picpared to furnish at short notice
Sand and Gravel of any grade, and of the
best quality, and in any quantity. Telephone
175. 6 25 im
i. Angel College!
Comprhing the complete nomul ..
ckssical.commercial and prepi
Languages tauEht free. TypeS
hand and music a specialty - w?3
point not only to imparl I'th, LU i
point not only to impart the WT
tra.ning to the mind but also 0 T 2
proper dov:lopment of the bodi 7tn to "
Ing healthful out-door oSV'
son in this institution you miv P,." "
ouu in mis institution you miv -. ,7 '""
that he is wp! 1 mr,,i . "'? ,rc 'Brri
influence of the . tf-
by an excellent staffof teacher. '
special kroi 1
Write for catalogue and
u? m
Corner Ferry and Liberty ttrteli,
Telephone 172,
Newest figs and best horaj
always in readiness
Hbllo !
If vou want to move or want a load ot'any
kind hauled or want a load of manure, dirt,
sand or gravel, or cement, lime, hair plaster,
brick or sewer pipe, see D, S. Uentley, cor
ner of Front and Chemeketa streets or ting
up telephono 30. Also wood and coal on
hands at nil times.fOrders promptly attended
Regular normal course of tliree years Senior year wholly professional
,ntl1nnr,Keparfcme?,t0n,n51rates' wlth 200 children. 1 istFuction and
fcral?ni,nB4ra Kyrcnastlcs (Swedish system and vocal music for nubile schools.
teach mpmieCOi:ne(lby InWM0 statc Llfu Certificate to
- L,Bl,t .nxPeise! tutltlon, books, board and lodging (apnr. xlmately) $135
per year; students boarding themselves, $110 per year. Acade tile grades ac
cepted from High Schools. Catalogues cheerfully sent on appll-atlon. Address
QrW, A.. WANN, Sec. Faculty
T ill!
EPCoast or mountain parties a specultj,
J Mil
By using- Dr. Pcsiu'h
xuuunr ncrvo A'HIm.
guaranteed to cure all nervous diseases, suou a Weak Memory Los?S
brain Power, Headache. Wakelulness, lost Maahood, N KhUy Eml,
sions. Nervousness, nil riming 1. riCZt... itTTCl-i...' 7 nils-
elthef s. anh,;i.;r..rr"cra"rell
'. Tj
sive use of
Heart Trouble Quickly Cured.
A Convincing Testimonial.
Wise Men Know
It is folly to build upon u poor foun
dation, either In architecture or In
health. A foundation of sand Is In
secure, und to deaden symtoms by
dangerous and pecoptlyo. The true
way to build up health Is to make your
blood pure, rich and nourishing by
taking Hood's Sarsaparllla.
Hood's Pills act easily and prompt!
This vrondeiiul remedy
DV OWrTHtnn vmitli Ail a-v... -I
,.. JLi" ".r-r.".".".wr -""" u, cxrircai
KSSSSvaK'i.lSiiS ?InAJ'y-90J- 1Pon or
prepaid- CircularFreergoTdbVaUdruggUtrXskforh
Manufactured by the Peau Iedlde.. Paris, France , aue-Davh
Drug Co., dlstributiugagents. Third and Yamhill St?. land, Or!
For sale by D. J. FRY, Salem.
Dryers new in operation on onr place near
thcas)lum. Call and see them,
Fruit growers are invited to investigate' bes
fore buying or building a drier. Our claims
are; i. Unlimited capacity. 2, Chcapnes
of constructior 3, Rapid production. 4.
Easy, cheapness and simplicity of process.
Write me for testimonials and experience of
b..tii. iiu mc uaui; 111c oieevens since two
years. Estimates and sncciflcationi furnished
uijjricrs yum. vaurcss
"" G. A. STEEVENS, Salem, Or.
on tho liver und
bowels. Curo sic'
Eugene boasts of two one-armed bl
cyclo riders,
vzir i
MiS3 Ella Kuutz.
"For 19 years I suffered from heart trou
ble. During that tlmo I was treated by
flvo different physicians. All of them
claimed that I could not be cured. I was
greatly troublod with shortness of breath,
palpitation and pain in the side. If I bo
camo excited, or exerted myself In tho least,
tho pain in my sldo becamo very severe. At
times It soomed as though ntxdUt wercthoot
tno through my tide. Somotlme in the month
of November last, I commenced taking
and sluco thon I havo Improved steadily.
I can now sleep on my left sldo, something I
had nover boen able to do boforo, I can
walk without being fatigued, and am lu
mueA bttttr health than tver before, I would
recommend all sufforers from heart trouble
to try Dr. Miles' Invaluable remody without
518 Wright St., Mllwaukeo. Wis.
Dr. Mllea Iloart Onro Is sold on a posltlva
5,?r1an, that tho ilrst bottle will TuoneBt.
iJ,im,JBgUu.',eIuto.t.W' bottles for 15, or
ltJ!lli?Bn.VpWJl.a' Pn receipt of prico
by tbo Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Xnd.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure SZ
Salem Steam Laundry
Pleasenoticejthe cut-in prices
on the following!
Rbrrts, plain 10 cents
unuer drawers to 10 eenf
Under shirts 5 to 10 cents
Socks, per pair 3 cents
Handkerchiefs 1 cent
Silk handkerchiefs ..3 cents
Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per dozen,
and other work in proportion.
Flannels nd other work injj
telligently washed by hand, -
Col, T, Olmsted Prop,
Stage Line.
From Salem to Wilhoit Springs, via Silver
Leaves Silverton for Salem at 6:30 a. m.,
Mondays, Wednesdays ani Fridays, returning
to Silverton same days, leaving Salem at I
o'clock p. m.
Leaves Silverton for WHhoit Springs at
4.3 . m., Mond ays Wednesdays and Fi.
days, returning to Silverton Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays.
Leaves Salem from westacott's barn.
are Round trip from Silverton to Salem
U. Round trip from Salem to Wilhoit $150
Round trip from Silverton to Wilhoit $1.30
UAKUESlY wuuu.
Office In City nail.
Irrigation hours 0 to 8 a. ru. and 5
to 0 In the eyeninp.
All irrigation bills for .the summer
will be due and payable the 1st of
Street sprinkling through lawn hose
positively prohiblted.
No deduction for irrigation during
absence unless water is. cutoff the
entire premises,
No allowance made for part of sea
son as more water is needed to bring
out a neglected lawn than judicious
use for the entire season.
. Salem Water Co.
Bids will be received by the commissioners'
court for Marion county at the September
term, 1897, for competent persons to board
anu tane care 01 tr.e poor ot Mat ion county
from November 1. 1807. durinc the nleasurn
ftf lha osMt ( t ha kamh F. !t. f 1 V r . . .
. ii.v. uuu.v, mi. wuuiu luiiiiaiung me larm,
house, beddiog and clothing. The court re
seryes the right to reject any or all bids.
Bids may be filed with the county clerk until
Kcuucsuay, ocjucmDcr o, 1097, at 4 p. m.
j. s. mm
State street, near railroad. Freshestul
best meats. My patrons say I keep ihe ti
meats in town. if
Eastern R. R. Compaq
Connecting at Yanina Bay withtkli
rrancisco & yaquma liay Steamship (
Sails from Yaquina every 8 da for Sa
Francisco, Coos Bay, l'oit (Mora, TrinnU
and HiimlioH Iiav.
Passenger accommodations ummjasei
Shortest route between the Willamette nnj
and California.
Fare from Albany or points wetttoEa
Francisce: Cabin, $9; steerage, $itoto
Bay and Port Orford, cabin $6; toHoBbdi
Bay, cabin J8; round trip, good 60 dayi, ti
Steamer '-Albany" between PortUnd ml
Corvallis, through without lay-over. Um
Salem 10:45 a. m. Tnesdays, Tnarsdiji w
Satuidaysy leaves Portland, Yamhill
dock, 600 a. m. Sundays, Wednesdijs
Fridays .
EDWIN STOyr Manager, Ccmllii, Or I
J. -. WftlU, oupt, IV1VCI iiu laiu".
8 6 d 3t w td
County Clerk.
Bids will be received by the commission
ers' court of Marion county ai the September
term 1897. for furnishing at the court house
iwentyi2o)coriis ol body fir in five fS)cord
lot from anyone person also for fihy(So)
cords of pole oak in ten (10) cord lots from
any one person. The court reserves the right
to reject any or all bids. Bids may be filed
with the county clerk until Wednesday,
September 8, 1897, nt 3 P "
8 6 d 3t w td County Clerk.
Holds the world'i recofi b
long-distance fist raniws
After a two
days' ride
Family Wino and Liquor Storo
Removed from 102 State to 109 Commercial
street. Bottled noods of the best quality.
1 1 m iiiW O
The Deimel
Our catalogue contains some
very interesting facts on the
subject of underwear, Ask for
a copy at our Salem agents,
To the taxpayers of Marion county;
ou is iiereuy given mat tne
board of equalization for Marion county wi!
convene in mc assessor's omce In the court
house at q oclock a. m. Monday, August 30,
1897, and will remain in session during six
consecutive days, as required by law.
All owners of property are hereby notified
to appear at said time and place and show
cause, any mere be. why the assessment of
uioii county, as taken by the assessor
should not be accepted as correct.
, w J. 'Y. HOBART,
Assessor for Marion county 1
8 7 dw
SaJI"n, Marion county, Oregon, July, 1897.
The county court of Marion county has or.
uered the Tax Roll for Marion county Oregon
fio the year 1896, closed on September 1,
1897. All taxes will be delinquent after said
date. AH persons paying taxes before that
date will save costs, as at that time all prop,
erty upon which taxes have not been paid
will be advertised and sold.
nt . F.T. WR1GHTMAN,
Shenfi and tax collector, Marion county,"
it is refreshing to step W?!
clean, blight, ."B""J
train as you do if ft ' P
east via Billings and tK
linrrlnn IJniltS.
M, ,,.,.n 1,. Clt iO&l
..Ciiiirr 1.11 me car floors,!
no foul air.' nothing !!
mind you ol former WJ ,
Omaha, Kansas OtJ
IJUIS, unicatw-. .
east ana soum. al
Three route? east'U
Paul, Billings, M
nnnlv to nearest ticket
or to
xi n. A.
, o.simuiwr:i.ft
"TBI! L1G0T OF 1
,. no ART
vost over ioo,oao i r -,,
.-.!.. r..u ,r, ntrravin0lOJr" .
by the great masters. Every Pf'f A(S
produced from some famous Pin'lD,J ;
are taking from three to tweuii fit
day. The book is so beauti ul tnfBj,
people see it they wnt if. ROlj(;Hl
.i.sKb. ;" "'"jirk 5
-iiearea H50 nrst w --. ..j, p
book," says another. "Some WJto
man or woman of good Lid
should secure the agency ere" wpt
every editor, "as $500 c1;-,
taking nr,?' Ir It.'1 Also a man or :
of good social position can $
manager 01 thlt terniory, f.-;"--iiiJ :
time for .employing and dn'T,8? a
cwrespondinij with them, f- pjtJiii
particulars A. P. T. ELDER. a
oR r:.vi a . rMcano. !" '
-(w .HlbUlgKU (ITEIIHe, w- . .
. jfcjfc&.fft ayk.'.'k..j. .tJuSt ,