iiC.- & :rrnxTrrmasgca IQPS indition in Foreign Lands. jfe Prospect Not Flattering Lice in All Yards. CONDITIONS IN NEW YORK. fcry full reports have conic to us tiiltwcek regarding the general crop R.-i.nit- nf tim mint.rv. nnd from HjyiuaiJwirfto w. ...v ww".---rf i fhoco wo nrr led to believe mat ure coMHlona in tins state nave rul ed somewhat There arc a good ma&y lice In a few sections but they not seem to bo spreading, and Itherc Is apparently less fear of fccrlous Samuge. Thcweathcr of late has been ttcr, and growers have given the la so that the vine Is coming at- Ion along In good shape. The crop undoubtedly be less than j ear, but how-much cannot he it as jet. KhI'OHTS SHOW DAD. Report from England and Germany otgond. The attack of crmln ,'ere, and it is very uncurtain the crops will be. UualneMs on ucul juuiket hu8 not luiprouod l, Cotiiparatlyely little stock Is ug, but brewers lmve vefy few rKent needs uud other buyers ate Rafting the developments of fcrnni KouniaN l'uospncr. chlisli Observer: llewintly the pnMfcss of the hop plant In the dis tricts? surrounding Maidstone has 'basnjpf unequal character, but on the whole there has been an Improvement worthy of note since our last report. i friMJjextent of the Improvement va- rieswconsiaeraoiy accoraing 10 win Ksltuatlnn of the plantations, aud '"luaiiy gardens in parishes lo the north M.fthc town compare unfavorably 'vItli others in districts along the val- of the Med way, south of the Iborough. Here, during the last week aloll nvnntc tlm I nnli.nc slinwn vlir. 1M , - ., , . n ..u Unu glOWU bUUSIUULUIIiy, tuuniu- all circumstances. The plant ijls cleaner, but this applies more rSbrue gaidens than to others. In a i extent, of course, the thorough or want of thoroughness, with IwMcli washing has been carried out nwcownts for the difference, but there aisW3oubL that the attack of fly and llcofliaa been more persistent In one quarter than another. The outlooK Is not wholly unsatlsiactory but there Is rfo(need yet for the feeling of de spondence affected by certain growers. Deplorable mischief, it Is true, was wrought by the hall storm a month ..ormciplnce. partrcularly In the Far Tclgjbut fatal Injury to the vine was caused only In a limited area. Conse quently while a few growers will suffer b' .1rcryheavy loss, others will probably ' '1 SgM.n undiminished yield. On the i liorth side of the town, as suggested , above, things are less rosy. As a rule th&lant Is backward, and even ,- usdte the influence of the recent fcj&fgrcIiJR weather the progress has been cofratlvely slow. "GREATEST ON EARTH." Br. Miles' Kcstoratlvo Nervine. Mr. E. T. Caldwell, Is book-keeper In tho First National Bank of Fulton, Ky. ''i'Lwaa completely run down, My nerves becamo bo unstrung through loss of Bleep and.worry that I felt sure 1 would be com pelled to plvo up my position I would Ho awako all night Ions, and It took but little ssssSS" U.T.Oaldwi;li aako mo uobo that I could not Dosslbly end to mv business as I should. In Election with this I had liver trouble, ivlness about the stomach, and pains In lerent rutrtsof mv bodv. 1 was also much luced in flesh. 1 was persuaded to try HJr. Bliles' Restorative Nervine. IWrst procured a trial bottlo from a local KRBistanugooaresuitsquiciciyroiiowcu. i i procurcu auonar uouie, ana uy me iimo M used this ud I was adllTei-ontman. I i now on my third bottle and am able to rpEounuiy ana eai rccuiariy, aomciuing; juiu jiul possimy uo Licioro lawinc your . x am now juuy rctnverea,ana ao not tato to pronounce Dr. Allies' Itcstoratlvo vino thu gitalut ntrttne on earUu" alton, Ky. R. T. CALDWELL. Miles Nerrino Is sold on a oosltivo ireutoa that tlm first lint tin will benefit. IdnigglstsfccllltritJl.fl bottles forCS, or trill lo cent, uron&ul. iu recolut of flrlM Uio Dr. MlleaJiealcal Co., Elkhart, led. Miles' Nervine Ref$lUuh if7 Jtt J Vv ' : ?yi m i ipg iwr w;Jcai?Wwwirmrilaga NUMiMUUita, AlttioUtftbo heavy raid illattlas fallen has not entirely destroyed the Vermin that Is to he found on the lion plant still It has lessened It to a certain degree, and the plaht Is now looking fresher and all the more healthy for these downpours, Bus iness Is very quiet In the hop market, The weather has been very change able during the last week, but we can not say that It Is bad for the plant. The latest reports aic more satisfactory than a week ago. Saaz. The condition of the plant Is very varied, in some gardens It Is well grown, and In others It Is very backward. Vermin is to be seen to a great extent, I Bcrglan Hop Report Antwerp: We have had some warm rains which cleansed the vine, but the persistence of north cast winds and foggy nights I are encouraging to vermin- The greatest decreabc In acreage makes present prices quite safe. 1890 Alost, 25s. Poperlnghe, 22s, 0d.: Dutch, 17s Cd. STATE NEWS Pendleton Is over run with hobos. Truck laying has begun on the Columbia and Southern railroads, JUnc county has appropriated $300 to miikeu fruit exhibit at tho state Mr. J, I. Hooper wqb appointed post master at OrUtUwn, in Tillamook county, Or. The Goldson postoilleej sltuUted In Lane coiinty, was destroyed by fire last Sunday. K. M. Blrkland of Astoria brought In the body of Wm. Lucas, who was drowned Monday. The grand council of the order of red men will meet In annual session In Portland next year. A ton of salmon was stolen from the Caduc Seining company, just aboye Tongue Point, last Monday, The Albany Democrat offers ten years' subscription to the jirst man who crosses the Cli coot Pass on a bicycle. Lane county teachers Institute is In session for a ten days course be ginning Wednesday. The attendance is quite large, Original penson was granted to J. It. Shipp, of Albany Wednesday; also to Mary Ann Ormsby, of Mist Or.. An additional pension has been granted to Josiah M. Itumbaugh. of Liberty, Or., and the pension formerly paid to Jerry H. Gibson, of Elkhead, Or., has been restored. Assesor B. Stafford, of Linn county, has received a letter from the Okan- ' Ogan mines, In Washington, Stating that his brother, B. R. Stafford, for- merly a resident of Linn county, ,.,i,m ,..i.!., i i, .!,. i ,!.., while working In the mines In that district lost his right hand by a per- mature discharge of dynamite. 1 . . , . , . ,. ai tangent, in ljinn coumy, xuon day afternoon, the new bell was placed :u 1 in position over tho South. "Grandma" M. E. church, Wert. now 81 years of age, who made the lirst con- trlbution to It, was given the prlv- nlpirnrif rlm.iniT t,lir hpll t.lir tlrsr. t.tnin This she did with a good deal of pride The Pendleton Tribune says. "Carl Schubert has already had his wheat threshed and he is able to state that It hasaveraged a little over GO bush els to the acre. Forty-five to 50 bush els an acre Is the average of Mr. Sche ard's farm, which adjoins Mr. Schu bert's. T. J. Kirk's 100 acres has averaged fully 33 1-3 bushels to the acre. Upon testing some of this It was found to go 02 pounds to the bushel." UNION Adopted at PARTY PLATFORM Albany, Otegon, 897. June We demand the free and unlimited coin age of gold and silver at ihe ratio of 16 to 1 independent of the action of any other nati n That the government shall issue all money without (the intervention of banks, and in quantity adequate to the needs of the people. That all money issued by the government, whether gold, silver or paper, shall be legal lender for all detts, public or private. That no contract or law shall descriminate against any kind ol money issued by the gov ernment. We are opposedo the Issue of United States interest-bearing bonds in time of peace. We demand the redemption of Oregcn from rings, commissions and corrupt method; , and demand honest elections and election laws, including strimzent registration laws. We demand that the people shall have the veto power over an legislative ( nactments dv the use of the referendum. We demand he election of all officers by a direct vote of the people. We favor and advite that all nominations for municipal and counry officers, including members of the legislature, shall be made by primary elections. We tecommend that thu party shall be known as thr Union parry, and invite all re- form forces of the state 10 unite with us in realizing these principles by united efforts, and we pledge ounelves to unite with such reform forces in carrying out tbis bond of union. Hop Growers Attention. "Hop Evener" soinetlilni; new aud useful Invented by A. J. Jcrtuan. of Switzerland, on exlbitlon at Win, Drown & Co., 230 Commercial street, every hop grower should have one. Call and see it. d&w 7 12 lm J s i if li : Restore full, regular action of the bowels, do not Irri tate or Inflame, but leavo all the drtlcate illgrntlre of K&nlam In erfect romlltlon. Pills Try thm. 5S cmt. lTopared only by t 1 It-xxl 4 Co.. Lonell, Mn. INVALIDS Regain Health m Happiness by Using this SUPERB TOM! Syslom Renewed by its acU in. J CEtEBRATED '0 JITTERS THE MARKETS. PROVISION. Portland, July Co Wheat valley, 75c: aua tvana, 73 I Flour Portland, 3 75superfine, 2.25 per 1 bbl. ' Oats White, jiMcUoc: crev. 7. Potatoes. .New 502600 per cwt. Hay .Good, lc13.50 per ton. Hops loan ytc. Wool.. Valley, trI3c; Eastern Oregon 7(tfac. Mohair. lo(g2oc. Millstufls.,fjran. i3.5o;.horti 1550. Poultry- Chickens , mixed 2-75v3.i5. broilers, J.5o3 5o turkey, live roc Eggs. .Oregon, 14 per dor. Hides,, gteen, talted 60 lbs 6Vc under 60 lbi 5c; sheep pelts. ica7r Onlpnjr-poc per sack, WhcutUagj-CRlcutUi.JS Per 100 Beamv-small white, iftic.llmr J3k Hogi Henry, 4,00 Buttef . .Best rlairy,2Jjo; fancy erCntfiMV 3$a4oc per roll. Chceie .nUc, Dried Fruit Apples; evaporated, bleachfld unoieacned 3t(44C sundried 1'tars Cc(ef.6c PlumspitlesscC. l'ninCSr-4Vicoc, Veal -small 4 Jjaj; lartje 34C per hi. Mutton tVeathers 2a2V: dtesxed mut ton,4j4a5c spring lambs67c per lb. Heef-Meers 3 50; cows 2.5o3; dressed 56, Cured Meats .Hams lojcioc bacon 7 iaroin pans, 7c. SALEM MARKET Wheat-. Oats. 3jc. Hay..llilcd, cheat, $637 Flour. .In Hlioleale luis., 3 So: r tail 4 2o;l)!an, tiullv 12 13,' shorts, 15 5"i7.75; chop letd. t5.c11G.00. Poultry Chkken. 5 spring 10. Veat..nressed, 3. Hogs.. Dressed, 4.00. Live Cattle.. 22. Sheep.. Live, I 50. Spring lambs, $i .03 WooL.BcBt. 12c. Hop..Beit, 0 11 ioc hKgs..i2iin trade. taim Smoknl Meats Pai-cn, 71.; brn-s ioc; shoulders, 5 Vic. l'otatos 25c ttade. Dried Frui'w Apples, evnpoiated bleached, 70r 8c: unbleached 4c(35c. Plums, 4c. liutter Dairy roa!2c cicsmciy I2j J 15c. Statu of Ohio, City of Toledo,! Lucas County. t ss. Fianlt J, Cheney makes oath that he is the senior Partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Cat- arrh that cannot be cured by rhe use of Hal s Catarrh Cure. ' Frank T. Cheney. oworn to wiore mo ana subscribed in my presence, tnis otn aay or uecemcer, a. u presence, this Oth day ol December, r886. , SEAL, V. Gleason Notary Public WfilPc r'nfnrrl, I'urlj tln inlrnnllo nn.l ncts directly on the blood and mucous sur. faces of the system. Send for testimonials, J'ee F. I. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, tSold by Druggists, 75c O. Fire destroyed the dye house Wed nesday morning, at 5:30, also the pick ling houso and machine shop of the same company. Loss about $25,000, partly covered by Insurance. Origin of fire unknown. GIVES STRENGTH TO MEN. It is remarkable fact that a man never ap preciates the sufferings of others until he himself, has passed through the Tire of pain cr remorse. Then it is that he looks around for those viho are suffering he wants them to profit by his experience, he gives his time and money gladly for the benefit and; never tlresJ oiuisztai. .ncrc arc inciuy or men wean and wom out, struggling with remorse and fear, and the natural outcome of habits that brought incapacity a sense of lonesomeucss and a feeling as if the best side of life had been banished forever. Such men should write to Thomas Slater, Box 390, Kalamazoo, Mich. He will send free of charge by mall, in a plain sealed envelope full particulars about the method he used, and this will enable any man to get a complete cure at home. It is the method Mr. Slater used to cure himself of the troubles that sap the strenght and vigor. The cure was so complete, o satisilying and such -, wonderful change from his former condition that he will gladly tell others all about it, sending all particulars. He figures that he doesn't know of a better way to show his p. preciatin of his own cure and the sufferings of others. There must be generous men in this world to ofl-set the tide of avarice. Write to Mr. Slater,-! t will cost nothing for bis des tription aad method H I T?&A hop bv rm- '0 MmmT Willi, Mm. W, I HOPPMAN, WILLAMETTE 1 Corner Ferry and Liberty meets. Telephone 172. Newest rigs.- and best horses always in readiness. ry Coast or mountain parties n specialty. 7 '4 tf THE SAMUEL CASE. PROP. The leading first-class hotel of Newport, onVsquina bay. 'Ihe Oregon health end ummer lesott. This house commands 0 bcautilul view of the Pacific Ocean, Vaquina Day nd the Coast Rarge o( Mountains. Steevens 1 MtEN'i PENblN'U. Dryers new in operation on onr place hear the asylum. Call and ee them, - Fruit gtovvets are ihVltcd to investigate bes fore buying or building a drier. Our claims are; 1. Unlimited capucity. 2. Cheapnes of constructior j. Rabid production. 4. Easy, cheapness and simplicity of process. Write me lor testimonials and experience of growers who are using the Steevens since two years. Estimates and specifications furnished or4driers built. Address G. A. STEEVENS, Salem, Or. Salem Steam Laundry Pleasefnotice 1hc cut-in prices on the following! SI ts, plain iocents Um-.er drawers 5 to 10 cents Under shirts 5 to iocents Socks, per pair 3 cent fiatidLcrchinfii. 1 cut Silk handkerchiefs 3 ctnb Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per doz;n and othei ork in proportion. Flannels xnd other work in" i tclhgently washed by hand, Col, T, Olmsted Prop, Stage Line. From SaUra to Wilho't Springs, via fcilvcr ton. Leaves Silveiton for Salem at 6:30 a. m , Mondays, Wedresdays anJ Frida"s, rctuming to Silverton fame days, leaving Salem ct I o clock p. m. Leaves Silverton lor Wllhoit Spring nt 4.3oa. m. Mondays, Wednesl ays aid Fii days, returning to Silverton Tiesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Leaves Salem from Westacoti's barn. tare Hound trip from Silverton to Salem $r. Hound trip from Saicm to Willioit $2.50. Round Hip from Silverton to Wilhoitji.so HARDESTV&M ODV. UffflT wn b ADLB. ora mi m Live people read Oregon's Silver : Weekly Fill enclosed blank order. The "XRay" Daily, ' Sample copies of THE ONE CENT X RAY DAILY (25 cents a month) are sent to Ilryan Democrats, Populikts, Silver Repub. licans, Union JlfmetullUts aril Gold Standard voters, McKlnley Republican! Largett cir culation among Silver and Rcfcrm People in the State. Everybody read the X Rays. m 11 MACK, Snccesser to Dr. J. M.flKeenc, old White Corner, Salem, Or. Parties desiring superioi operations at moderate fees in any branch arc In especial request. Drf Aug C, Schroeder Deutcher Arzt, AUeinger Deutscher Atzt im count). Office' 259 Commercial street. Ke&idence 421 Fifteenth street, Salem, Oregon. re Li W?LZ & MIESCKE Proos Dealars in, all kinds of ficsh ar.d salt mes s Lard in bulk, 7c a lb. Cheapest meat in lit own. Try them. 171 Commercial st. C. Pi. LANK, i'lit imm ii j 21 1 Co mwrciitl st , Sle-n Or lySuits t$ upwards. Pants $ upwands'O STENOGRAPHING AND 11TEWI1I11NG. Legal ard commercial worka specialty Teleuhone enc-fcur. 0ff.ee with Sherman Cot-alt & latk, Gicj- I lock. Dictation Uke t your office nnd uork niurticd on that notice. 4 30 t STELLA.SHKRMAN. T. H HAAS, VATCilMAKER AND JBWLLER, MakdsasbrvUltjrofniiefciialr wolk, &t. Thomas clocU. etc., Hi Commercial Street Depot Express. Meets ali masl and passenger tr.llns. Dag gage and express to all parts of ths city Prompt seivice. Telephone No. 70. JAMES llADER Material ! Salem Branch 108 of the Labor Exchanpe, arc now picpjicd to furnish at bliort notice Sand and Oraul ol any grade, and Of the bet quality, and in any quantity. Telephone 175. 625 nn "AT THE OLD POSTOFFICE. " a. ;dageny, Family Wino and Liquor Store Kemoveo from 102 State to 109 Commercial streei Bottled goods cf the best quality. A home treatment for all forms of women's disease..' rlso stomach and kidney troubles, catarrh, neryovs prostration and geucial de bility Hours 3 to 6 p, m. 244 State st. Call or address MRS. F. E. ALFORD, 7 S Minager for Marion county. MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLUTS POSITIVELY CUIUS Al.lt Aetou JHtete Vailing Mem. cry.JHjpolency,Ht)Oploeneis,et. mused by Abut uud other 'TroHset and Indl-crction-jj 7'Ai rjulchltf ttnti Burvly 1 00 tore Lont Vitality in old or jouriff, and fit n innn tot study, bulnog or marrfaeo, 1'rHTont Insanity and Ooniumntton if tabmln time. IJieir mo how immediate iinuro. rue nt and r-docta a OUItB whore all others taiL In. rUtupon havina the cenalno A J ax Tablets. They luivo curtMi iiioucnnasana wijj euro you. w bitq u (cnltlvo written guarantee to effect a cure in eacl or rotund tlie maner. 1'rlco SO cant, per rmckoti., or eunnikaaes flail treatment! for SS.OUUv id rlnin wrspnor.nnon roculpt ol price, OlrcaUr free. AJAX UEMEDV CO., W8S$Z? ill ireannenii inr a. ouur mall, la calar tree. Iitirlm. S Lbtufis (M For sale at Salem. Or bv D. J. FRY C, H. DENTIST MARK HKRCBASTTAILOB Building VIAVI 1 fiTfTrf Gi r SITiSci- C CQ ZQQSJ vttt-tVvitvsArifi nWSA'Siy SJirxiv r " " n-1 Dody Reads m "X-Rans." a paper that is positively a red hot thing all the year round, itabMMS Great & for a trial 157" be sent &mB9fs&(m Th Dfelmfei LinenMeh Underwear Our catalogue cdntain8 Sonic very interesting facts on the subject of underwear. Ask for a copy at our Salem agents, JOS MEYERS d SONS' Northern Pacific Railway. RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dlnln Cm Tuurist SleeBliitf Car To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dtiluth, fttgc 'llftrid FdrkJi Crbokston, Witinlnejj, Helena and Putte. THROUGH TICKETS To Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia, N York. Bdsion, nhd all Points East and South For information, time cards, mays ao tickets, call on or vtite THOMAS, WATT & CO, AGENTS 2($' Commfrclal srreet, Sslem, Or tj. Chirltiti, Ast, fJii'l. M'tn Agen Mo-nwn t.. cornel Third Porrtin I, O OREGON CENTRAL AND- Eastern R, H. Company IVAQU1NA HAY ROUTE. Connecting at Yaovina Hay with the Sn Francisco & Yaquinu Day Steamship Co. STEAMKK KAKALLON," Sails from Yaquina every 8 days for San Francisco, Coos Way, Fort Orford, Trinidad and Humtolt Day, Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Shoitcst route between the Willamette valley and California. Fare from Albany or points west to San Francisco: Cabin, $9; steerage, HitoCooi Day and Fort Orford, cabin (0: to Hutnbold. Tiay, cabin (8; round trip, good 60 days, $161 RIVER DIVISION Steamer '-Albany" between Portland and Corvallis, through without lay-over. Leaves Salem 10:45 " m- Tnesdays, Tnursdays and Satutdays leaves Portland, Yamhill street dock, 600 a. m. Sundays. Wednesdays and Fridays EDWIN 8TO? ' manager, Ccrvallis, Or' I. C. MAYO, t..i. River Division. ORDER FOR SUBSCRIP1 ION, Hofer Bros,, Publishers Capital NAME. l'OSTOFFIOE. STATE Indicate by cross Of" . . Fnclosed find 25c for Dally Journal cne month. , , . Enclosed find 5cc for Daily Journal t 0 n onths. ,.., Enclosed find ft for Dally Journal four months. ,,,.Knclcsd find $3 for Daily Journal for one j ear, , ,,.IncIoscd find U lor Weekly Journal 01 c) ear. Fill out order for what you want, encloso silver for the lime ordered. ea. simple copies iree ana EAST AND SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE bK THE Southern Pacific Co feftfRESS TRAINS RUM DAILY. 6:00 P Ml 8.'iO V M Y i.v...;Pottland. ..Ar Lr....Satem ....Lv Ar. San Francisco Lr 95: v-' 8, 9:30 A M 10 A H OO PM Above trains sun at all urinmoal tiatinn. bet. Portland and Salem, Turner Marlon Jeflerson, Albany, Tangent, Shcddi, Halsey, Harrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, Creswell, Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland, and all sta tions from Roseburg to Ahland, inclusive. , ROSKDURO JUtL, r-DAri-Y. 830 A MLv ...Portland ,.. Salem.... ...Roseburg. .Ar Lv Lv 1I.-OOA Mj- Lv 200 p M ( 7.'3Q A M 520 pm) Ar. Pullman butTtt sleeper and second-class sleeping cars attached to all through trains WEST SIDE DIVISION. DKTWERN PORTLAND ANU CORVALLtS. Mail trains dai'y except Sunday. 730 AMI Lv. . . , PortfandTT Ai I 5:50 P M Lv) t.'o5 pm lars P M f Ar. . . Corvallis. . At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of the O. C & E. Ry. KXI'RESa TRAIN DAILY EXCRPT SUNDAY. Ml Lv .. Portland... Ar I oVS5 A M 7.-30 P M ) Lr . . McMinnvillc Lv 5.N0 A M Direct connections at San Francisco with Occidental aud Oiiental and Pacific rnnil sieamvh p lines for JAPAN AND CHINA Sal ing dates on app'ication Kates and tickets to Eastern points rnd Europe. Alo JAPAN. CHINA. HONO LULU and AUS1 KAL1.IA, ton be obtained from V. V. SKINNER, Ticket Agent, Halem, m ....,. u K0EHLSR, Minager. C, H. MARK1IAM, G, vt S P, A, rortHiadi 0. R. &. N. CO f0 tlik eAst giVes? lilti c'iioic& Two Transcontinental Roulcc. Via Spokane Minneapolis At Paul and Den ver Omaha and Kaneis City. Low rates to eastern cities. Foi full details call onjor address BOISE & BARKFR agents, Salem. Oregon, OCEAN DIVISION. Portland San Francisco, Steamers leave Ainsworth dock. Portland July 26, 31, August S, 10, 15, 20. 35, 30. Fare Cabin, $5; steerage, fa.co. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. FORTLAND-SALEM ROUTE-,8tamer Ruth for Portland, Tuesdays. Tlmrsclajs and Saturday at 7.M5 a. m Returning, lcan Ash street dock, Portland, Mrmls, u'ulr.ts- day and rnday at 0 e. m. Passenrcrs given transfers to elo titc line at Oregon Cit if dosir d, matl"g it possible lotcacli Portland nt t p. m, COIIVALLIS-SALEM ROUTE;- The nUainer G)py for Corvallis, Tucpday.'Thun day and Satnrday at 6 a. m., lelurnlng, lv. Corvallis at 6 a m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Round tilp tickets to all points In Oregon, Washington, California cr the East. Connections made at Portland wilb all rail, ocean and river lines, Call on U. M, Powers agent, foot Trade street. A. L. MOKLER, ice-Pre. and Manager W. II. HUilLBURT. Gcn'l Pas. Agt. Portland, Oi For full deta'is call on or address G. M. POWERS Foot of Trade st. Local Agent lorrhuii, .'.urn I dl . inlUpiuiii. ' ur uli-ern it i 11 . ni.m. IPrffiau .ii)l4i(.n. 't boi to iln.ii.f lTHtEHMlCHCUK!irii ! ' h jn-nitrlnscDk, kCIHCINHTI,0.5E3 "" t ruff0uls. . in r.'aln wrapwr, l'f n a H ill 11 3 Lottie.. S2.73. 1 rriii, prppalil, 101 OiiwulJr wot uu roqut Journal t coin cr postal notr, end paper will liberal cash commotion lu (gems. JmJmjWta I I-C.1.J. . . u U H Ml .--- m, ft mJmJmV V. B. .Jd mkw&'R 1 ' ' ' w i etN ! c 11 131