Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, July 13, 1897, Image 2

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Daily Capital Journal,
THEJrawL,M4j,'WM aVyaa
swelter. TIm eUre pipw irfTea
wt4areowsKKwfUK eataaafaiai
to tfee fesrlf af te awKJtwte tor la
bus fraai 2?etfca- Waa Ury
rav aaariaafed. ItiHmt UkeTm
309KXAV twa iwlaate tm wake a H
art ad f saajwrt hin for arewJeat Ii
HnmpfrUxMm. White aoexKit
17 l VrmMemt MeKlafey aH Uk
hotter 4eV Mm i efclef ezevtff
WzeatMUM, aaa fceftetfa? Mat
lffce ! I a aM eflortrf t sseare W
meumsm by as?reaeat
C9r mifaMK, wr leyaltylff YTm.J.
Bmmnmttm etwaJosa. Hit Mwise
heart ift alti ral r .? ay
tor the r5jrW u-il''f fife
keta jtrtdfeet m tniMd : t-
aflwaisaKy. Hfcetearaaafaaa'avil
brafa are aat atoH la ooc&f ar
&&iav oyiaadwUe m&s a4
trk t fr. Bat Ok pwale' -mfextfaa
tor ta mmm ?wr oat of la
f tart fee a tosac at2tf eteta
aad afi:d Jaaaajreof pilKJcal
awl maajurrcfal crrafK
X rwHI er f raa a ton ar wji-
t4oakerr ba Ufcea fey Uryaa
TKe fart taat fee Ismb4 f tal
eaU that ferfoz Mai W a ivsS:
frm tfeeafcf felt tyk za4 Uvm
M orator alv eaansd. refi.
The AwerfcaB pweledos't pay tfeelr
money t a kaare tt a fcvL Bryaa te
ao orator, a t3teaaa, a gfeaat la
fntetteot sad ia pttyts zd aa
adrott p9lf tfefea aod with tfee ability
to maintain Mtf aa a eolreat eU
tta wltboat Hog h wfll or srrtce
to tfee Dt11 w aay of ate repreota
Ure. Aa a clean ChrMUla gealfer
man, as ajftsa pare aed devoted In
hU fasrily Hfe. with a pubHc record
withoata sfcais, it te not diwredlu-
Ue U tfee AaMrieso beopte I4iat be i4
the kkri'rf Ifedr vAltea zK&Aiea&
If Jude Terrell' lawjers can't
force-tlje-payeieot of tbwe two coort
hottvs warranM, be can probably hire
them a little later to preterit their
Columbia county lias in the past
year reduced her debt I25CO. Marlon,
a RtliT Republican county, im in the
same titce increased her debt to about
A farmer remarked the other day
that of the three members of Marlon
county' court, Judjc Terrell was cer
tainly the toott consistent.
Ktrange that a court which hires
expensive lawyers to compel the pay
ment of illegal warrants should re
fuse to pay a deputy assessor hl pal
try(?) four dollar a day!
Tub Jodhkal wishes to thank Ha
letii Republicans for their cordial
treatment of Mr. Bryan while paw
ing through Oregon's capital city.
KcoreK of old line McKlnley men were
free to express admiration for one of
America's cleanest and purest public
ivcjiuunuaHij.-uucwsay juhku J ""
rcll Is a bold bad man.but why daren't
Tt...il.1l..n f...l . .. r...i m
they proscsute him?
Was it lack of circulation or lack
of influence with the Statesman, that
It could not keep the crowds from
licarlnu Bryan?
Those blue Uryan poster jn W. W,
Martin's show window were very at
tractive, and people marvelled ut the
change or only hx months. Verily,
prosperity lit coining!
Evolution," quoth the monkey.
"Makes all mankind our kin.
There's no chanco ut all about It
Tails we loose, and huadithoy win.
An Illinois farmer who was struck
by lightning while plowing was found
to haye 126,000 In his pocket. It Is a
rare thing for lightning -to striken
man plowing, and rarer still for a
plowman to have $25,000 In his pnukct.
The Statesman .says
for Uryun wus mild.
t-tio applause
Thebtutosimiu has bucoino n groat
utlmlrer of Tom Wutson. Will Its
editor Join thopppullst party noxt.
Ono of SaleiuJs ontliusliiHtlc Ilryau
women was heanj Jo remark yostor
day. "There Is only ono iimn In tlio
world besides my husband and that Is
SV. J. Uryun."
Tho WushlngtnrcporLi . Indicate
that n Wester tNplaibcIng planned
by Mr. MoKlnl,-$b4.8tepH should bo
taken to seo tJiatilio;gcta;n proiwr and
cordial Invitation from this city.
If MoKlnloy comes to Salem utid
tho ItontiblloanJstato committee so-
tveU lUm. C B. Intoe r k
SmVi-rawa 1 latxalawf bta TaK
terMM. vfli laaV skgbk ta
A Sew D! iraafc ?fs T
MMtibe czaftet af stee foes nt ai
mi iMt al 1J4W KIW M
foH. aad 4 sot rate m IN
mmltnnm. Ovftxmm tmoi fea ta te-1
lr(Hi crKle. Oa(r 36a-
i ii kur b taa arrrr
anfanis tfce oaaaaaaar ta-sK af.
sraar aaacar fa aaifarai acal re-
FUSfOir H lOn'A.
Tfeelo-a Fmstum
WXiMtlr taajurla
Wf Ttml rf lb MtiMmr af
ikt i i af at ta aawa f all
tememt,'. vfefefe aacartai Xr. ryaa
rear. To anrveat Skis tae Sab-
liaw ia J Ifiot Umas ia OWo sad
a tow tacr slat eerrfcsd lacoarfc
tfee taet lefMare a U toraaMiar
aay tmOkaVi aae t staffer la
ore Una oaeeotaaia oa sfee oOcfsl
XtmJkA. Tills lair, iaead of feJWf
ia? faaioa la lows, bfcfe fair to atsfce
it erf. Tfee Ubf fRcate of toe
faajoa fore la Iowa, ladizaaat at
tfeedeafaJof tfee right to rote for
cpawana eaarftfeie aafef Uefr oris-
iaal aertr eatokaK, feeld tfeeir eoe7ea
tioas ia tfee aae eftr at tfee
UaK. ami ziA mna a conaMW
Ucftt to te iappxtd sadr tfee D$a
osraUc eaibleai. The sflrer Bepabli
saj were pi.Toitted to aaaie the
aattdat5 for ileeleaaat-zorerBor
zad SBftsrimte&feat of poWk isstrae-
Uoa. aad tfee Popeltet-; to aaase tfee
eaadidate for railroad cowajfcwloser.
Tfee DBorrats id tfee aoniaatioo
of zwettKK asd sopreaie coort Jodge,
lectlB2 for goreroor ex-Coogrfessaiao
White, wfeoe speech a temporary
ebalnaaB esloxizio? Mr. liryaa car
ried tfee coorentioa by tori. The
oooeedstoo Made to minor parties in
tfee matter rA candidate, bowerer,
were ks Important than the coaces-
k05 aJe In toe platform. IVcsofe
of the probibf tion sentitoents of the
great majority of the Silrer Eepabff
Cass aod Populists, the "liberal"
Ifcioor piank urged by ex-Cong re$man
Hayes from the German district was
rejected, and the Democratic party
practically accepted the leadership of
IU old prohibition congressman, Gen
eral Weaver. On corporation ques
tions the platform was equall) satis
factory to the Populists. One impor
tant plank demands a return to the
old law forbidding contracts between
railroads and their employees exempt
ing the road from liability for acci
dent, and another demands the adop
tion of the Indiana and Ohio method
V MtAlU Ml V-iMV w fJI uvivuj si
the proportion of their capital In-
vested In the commonwealth. Al
though some Populists still protested
against accepting the Democratic
name, It Is believed that the fusion
will be practically complete. The
The current Issue of "The Direct
Legislation Record" contains the text
of the direct legislation measures
passed by the legislatures of South
Dakota and Nebraska at their recent
sessions. The South Dakota measure
is a constitutional amendment which
will come before the voters at the
I general election In the fall of 1603. If
auv,nted. any Uve ner cent
".f "'. ...L n7!L.r' Cl
of the
-voters of that state may by petition
require the submission to the people
of any measure whose enactment Into
law they oppose or advocate. Unfor
tunately, the amendment is badly
drafted, and on that account may not
secure tho votes of all who believe
that, purer legislation and more Intel
ligent citizenship will result from the
proposed reform. The Nebraska
measure is a law relating to the gov
ernment of counties and municipal
subdivisions of every sort. It provides
that ordinances passed by the local
councils shall not go Into effect for
thirty days, except where they relate
to the preservation of the public peace
or health, or provide for appropria
tions aot exceeding those for the same
purposes tho year preceding. Within
the thirty days ilftecn per cent, of the
voters may by petition require that
tho ordinance be submitted to the
whole peoplo at the next election.
Twenty per cont. may require that a
special election be held for the consid
eration of tho measure objected to.
Thesamo percentages of the voters
may require that new measuros lie
consldcrud by tho councils and passed
upon by tho voters, by both In tho
form In which tho council redrafts
them and that, In which the measure
wasorhrlnallv nronoscd. This l.iw Ir
much mora conservative Minn tho
Swiss measures nfter which It Is mod
eled, iiqcI very likely It will be Invoked
but ruroly. Novertholess, tho general
body of tho citizens will alwuys have
It In their power to force their repre
sentatives to curry out tho puhllo
will. Outlook.
feed Drops "Muchly."
Uruii nnd Shorts nro cheaper than
corn. Prlco of mill feed greatly re
duced. Call uttho mill for quotations.
Dellvecd.freo In quarter ton lots.
Ralkm Flouiuno Mills Co.
Fees f Sfete Sftf. Invte.
Civ SfL i SN?
fcsforc Oar. Lac, z.5
wltfe tfee
he iMarfe fefe srcaatare
af tfee mtt batrri of
Tfee zwweraor. feowec.
rtimi to attach ate aaac- to Ufee
, f1? at fee woafai aot za
aaUl tfee fewfd of aacaUaa
a aMetiar. As tfee rett
of hk jefasaJ a aaaAosf of aaaiisaate
will aave to wxit torUiat It was
aiat tfee eaaitot aad oa the stnets
yfejoaaay that the soeraors acttoa
ws dae to tfee fota itoi by eoaaty
saf3rtateadnato a?Aiat tfee iadls
eriariasto jnaaUa of state jmpzrf-
SaaC Irwin says toe fe&s teoed di
ploaMx aader a stotave tfeat espec
ially eaipjwers kiai as secretary of
tfee state Urd of edaeatioa to eon
duct exaatiaatioas for diMoaias.
He seys that fee isooly doing what
Mr. Mcr3roy, bfcs pr&deorf didsd
that tfee eoaaty sufnenoteadeBt of
Marios eoaaty Ls mikiaz a kick be
cease be do not hare the conducting
of theexaaiiaatioos in place of bar
leg tfeeai Hiak by Prof. Hawley, of
WillatoetLe university. He says Jones
is mad bacaose be don't get the fees.
"Salbm, July 2, I2O1.
"State Board of Education, Salem.Or:
"Gkltlembk: Permit rne to call
your attention to the fact that state
papers are being Issued to rarIous per
sobs in different counties, who have
not undergone the examination
eitoer before the state board of edu
cation or persons appointed by said
board, or before a county board of ex
amination, which bodies alone are
authorized by law to conduct such examinations-
"I hereby protest against the prac
tice as being irregular, unlawful and
injurious to our educational system,
and appeal to you as the body having
authority to correct this evil.
"Very respectfully,
"Geokce IV. Jones,
"School Superintendent, Marion
Mr.iJones, in explanation of the
above letter, says that the loose meth
ods employed by the board in con
ducting examinations has resulted in
an enormous Increase in the commis-
sions issued. From 1872 to 1803, a
period of 22 years, there were issued
JO32state papers, and from I&05 lo 1607,
1303 were issued. Supt. Irwin signed
more deplomas in two years than his
predecessors had In 22 years.
He has issued one-half as many
commissions In the last two years as
all the county supts. of Oregon to
gether, and If some steps are not
taken to check the Issuance of stite
papers it will only take three years
more to commission all of the three
thousand teachers of the state.
The truth about the matter, as The
Journal ha3 always charged, Is that
State Supt. McElroy organized his de
partment by getting special legisla
tion to swell his own fees, and that
Mr. Irwin Is only enforcing the law and
taking the fees as he finds them.
It should now be the duty of the
state board of education to investi
gate the whole matter and place this
whole matter on a business-like foot
lng,and elevate our educational insti
tutions above greed and politics. The
large fees which Irwin Is taking no
doubt belong to the school funds of
the state, as Governor Lord plainly
shows in his message, and ought to be
placed there. County Supt. Jones
has rendered the people a service In
placing this matter squarely at Issue,
and will be the means of bringing
about a revolution in a matter that
has certainly grown to be an enor
mous abuse.
From a Washington Man.
"I was troubled with headache and
biliousness and was yery weak. One
day I 6aw testimonials from people
who had been cured by Hood's Sarsa
parllla and I decided to try It. When
I had taken three bottles the head
ache and stomach trouble had all dis
appeared." Edwahd Mkilandt,
Urookflold. Washington.
Hood's Pills arc the best after-
uinner puis; assist digestion, cure
headache. 25 cents.
Tho Julv tnnirazinn inimlvnp tt Tim
Outlook has a timely article on the
jjoos commonwealth from a special
correspondent, Mr. Ray S. IJaker.
The perusal of this article and the
editorial comment which accompanies
It glvc3 to tho reader a Juster Idea of
the latest co-operative scheme than is
obtained from tho dally press. 3 a
your. The Outlook Company, 13 As
tor Place, New York.
Fire City
for fruit dryers and other purposes
for sale at
Salem, Or. o-H d&w2m 0
H&eUb Hut. of Forest Grare, xzsd
IHtear Xnss4. of tfee Mara Ob-
facrar. ettaat- tfee wheat crap
Sfeansoa caaatj X.0ytO feasfeeL
TfeessfemlliHai af 0?s?a City,
fear raenrei J. C Yteser, of BeM-
Jc, I1L, iKrtac?al .' tfee Barclay
R. a ChaccMB s aaprtated post-
aa&ster at Aderce, Jafef oe awaty
xai F. P. Herania t Myrtle Point,
Qua taaaty.
Fraa& GofeU, of Bnsofcs, la Marios
7. white shcoUBe zaaaers test
Haaday.shotoC tfee atoMfe toe of
fete tef t fa.
Tfee MUtoa Easle says Camilla
eoaaty wffi barest aearly, if not
ajrfteaufOMOlhasfeefc of wheat this
year. Tats will brif5 eeafes a ba.,
or OJfjlJb'jl.
Tfee aaaaal county iastitate, eoa-
dacted oa tfee piao of a 'orauI, will
be held ia Albsay, beiaaia? July 13,
1367, aad cootiBuioc for two weeks.
Friday cfeht The Dalles Commis
sion Conpaay shipped a ear of peach
Float? frosa The Dalies to Cleveland,
O., aad Satardsy night started a car
to Milwaakee.
Creole county authorities last week
punished a man with a heayy fine for
driving heep over a grade west of
Prineville; then compelled him to go
aod clear the grade.
Last Wednesday, C. W. Washburne,
of Junction City, discovered that
about 40 of his stock bogs bad been
stolen. The bogs were gentle, and
were driven off by the thief.
The infant grandchild of Henry
Page,of Slab Creek.THlamook county,
was drowned in the creek last week.
It had wandered away in play, and
was dead and floating when found.
There seems to be plenty of money
in circulation around Sumpter. The
receipts of a saloon there on July 5
were 310'0 for cigars and liquor alone.
The gambling receipts are not known.
Dr. S reason, of North Yamhill, Is
no more. He grew tired of his name
and had It legally changed to Barton
a few weeks ago. Quite a handy ar
rangement surely. Yamhill Inde
A sad death occurred Wednesday
evening at the home of L. H. Cart
right, opposite Harrlshurg. Cart
right's little boy, a?ed about 2 years,
was playing with a small bolt, and in
some way the bolt slipped down his
throat and the child strangled to
death before midical assistance could
be secured.
The Eugene Guard says that hop
vines are looking splendidly, but
more lice are reported than ever be
fore known. Spraying has commenced
In earnest. It Is feared that those
who do not spray will be unable to
raise a crop.
In broad daylight at Susanville,
a Chinaman was gagged and robbed
of a large sum of money and a quan
Ity of gold dust. The robbers did the
deed without even a mask on. The
Chinaman was able to get free from
the gag and gave an alarm. A posse
are in pursuit.
Upwards of 85000 worth of old rec
ord books, receipt books, journals,
ledgers and various other kinds of
books of the old Oregon Pacific Pall
road Company were burned "Wednes
day, In Corvallls. All the company
books that were considsred of value
were stored at the court house.
The Independence and Dallas
Hopgrowers' Association have agreed
to pay 30 cents a box for picking.
The Dayton Association will pay 30
cents a box, or 60 cents per 100. The
Buttevllle Association has not yet
agreed; some want to pay 50 cents
and others CO cents per 100.
W. S. Byers, of the Pendleton flour
ing mills, entered Into a contract to
deliver 15,000 barrels of flour for ship
ment to Japan. He had the option
of furnishing 25,000 barrels more, but
as It was required earlier than this
mill could turn it out, he had to re
fuse the order.
Field Day Reports.
The local Y. M. C. A. will partici
pate In the annual Chautauqua field
day sports at Oregon City this year. 1
Thursday, July 15 has been decided '
upon as field day this year and Inter- j
esting contests are expected as th e )
events are open to all amateur ath-i
letes. Individual prizes consisting of .
gold and silver medals for first and :
second places respectively in eaclj '
event, will Increase the interests in '
each event. Monday July 10th, has
been set apart as Y. M. C. A. field ,
day, in which only Y. M. C. A, asso
ciations will be allowed to enter the
contests. Among those going from
the local association and the events
for which they will contest are: John.
Chase, pole vault ; Win Sellwood, re
lay, high jump and bicycle race; It,
Bonham, aprlntlng events; Disque,
sprinting events and high jump; At
M. Grllley, nutuorous events.
A party of of young Y. M. C. A.
peoplo will leave Oregon City, Mon
day, for tho ascent of Mt RanJer, a
very pleasant trip ?s anticipated.
Cescsiete Prostration at Ts, Fot-
tor-d fcy Permanent Relief.
thirty ytsrs I fcare beea fflirtM wish
fO iexdiebe which eopfetrfy pro
tnid rse ct Uses, aad tbe doctors eoeJd
prre is eaiy tessparary retw. I wxi
lsdsced. to Uj Hood's fgrafgrifii aad
fisee Ukfcx? three boctl I hrre been
alsost entirely free fctoi these beadaeies.
Eood'a ScmparOU fcaaabo beaeSicd tas
la other waya." H- A. SidTH.
Hood's Pills esre a3 ttrts Ph. goagx
D Mrs. Hobsoo aiade a boioes trip to
SaJeei Friday MKraiog, rttnrnlag is
the eveniag.
Mr. Sasi Mills, of Fox Valley, was a
Stay too visitor Thursday. Mr. Mills
is thloklog qatte serkMbly of iarest
iog in one of tfee Tomer Milt?.
3Ir.Drcus, of Brooks, speat Saaday
in tows, deliveriar orders token for
tomb sloaes ia tfee early sprias.
Mrs. G. L., Brown of Saleai.retaraed
to ber home Thursday atorniog after
a ten day visit with friends and rela
tive?. 3Ie3ser Claud Williams and Louis,
of the O. S I. A., made a flying trip
upon their wheels to our town last
Friday evening, returning by moon
Miss Esther Robertson of the O. S.
I. A., is spending her vacation .to
relatives in our little berg.
Miss Carrie Miller was visiting with
friends in Salem the latter port of the
Mrs. Kitchen and daughter Dean
are visiting with friends and relatives
in Albany this week.
Miss Bald ree, of Salem, is a guest at
the home of Mr. M. M. Baesley's for
the summer months.
Mr. W. Y. Bichardson and wife,
went down to Salem Monday, return
ing Friday after a short visit with
A large crowd of Staytocites left
for Lebanon Saturday, where they
camped until Monday, for the purpose
of hearing the future president ad
dress the people of that enterpri-ing
little city.
Mr. J. M. Dunlwln made a trip to
Albany Monday, in the interest of
the Stayton mill.
Miss Lena Montogomery. of Fox
Valley, is a guest at the home of Miss
Connie Dayies.
O. C. & E. R. R. CO.
Suaday Special Seaside Train Sunday,
July 11, I897,
and each Sunday thereafter a special
seaside train will run on the following
schedule: Leave Albany 7 a. m.,
leave Corvallls 7:30; arrive at New
port 11:30 a. m.; -leave Newport 5:20
p. m.; arrive Albany 9:35, connecting
with Southern Pacific southbound
Fare for the round trip from Al
bany, Corvallls and Philomath. 81.50;
points west of Philomath to Eddyville
ll; Chit wood and points west, 75
cents. These tickets good only date
or sale. The aoove train win posi
tively run every Sunday during the
season, rain or shine.
Do not wait for further advertising,
but make your arrrngements to go
The train will be there for you.
Edwin Stoke. Manager.
J. C. Mayo, T. F. and P. A- 9tf
Mr. Claus H- Vebrs brought a rat
tlesnake to Lebanon Tuesday morn
ing that he had killed on his farm
near Rock Hill. The snake meas
ured three feet long and had nine
rattles and a outton on it.
The mirror
doesn't lie. It is
not a flatterer. Iu
story is pjainly
told, and canuot
b e contradicted.
Women whose
1t' hlnwl is rwr and
f"V whose whole sys-
tern 13 run down
by sickness and
weakness, are
afraid and asham
ed to look in the
glass. The condition of all the body is
written in the face.
Thousands of women are dragging out
a weary, miserable existence, because
they do not fully realize what is the
matter with then. They know that they
have "female weakness" but they do
not really appreciate what that means.
They do not know that to this one
trouble Is traceable almost all of their
bodily ills. They consider it a disease
by itself, and if they have also neuralgia,
nervous headaches, biliousness, kidney
troubles and other things, they see no
conuection between them and the de
rangements of a strictly feminine nature.
Busy and overworketf physicians often
treat these tilings as separate ailments,
when the whole trouble has the one
source. The reproductive organs are so
important a part of to body, that when
they are out of order, the whole system
is deranged. Whatever illness a wo
man has, she will do well to look there
for the cause.
A great many women knowingly neg
lect themselves, because they dread the
telling of their troubles to a physician
and the subsequent examination and
"local treatmeut." All this is needless
for Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has
been found to perfectly and permaneritly
restore lost strength and promote regu
larity of functional action.
Twenty-one cents sent to World's
Dispensary Medical Association, No.
663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. will
bring a 1000 page book, called "The
reople'a Medical Adviser" full of sound
I I kVTArr TkZ-fTr. i
&Kgmcr to Dr. J. M-JKeeae, oli Wtaa.
Coeser, Sifea, Or. Parties denrirg saperio
ees4kes at soierxie fee ia asy bra&cfc an
i ia especial revest.
!Dr, Aug. C, Schroeder
I Deutcher Arzt.
I A'lr-sger Vemtseher Ant iea coax. OSce
! CoenaCTCtai Mittt. Kcmizace 421
i FMeeath Mrest, Saiess, Oregec
"Largest aad Ffcsest Line of Cet
j LJbty Glass Works.
an CosKaercul St., Sates), Oregon,
Dealars is'ali K&ds of froi aad salt cei s
Lard ia bcFk, 7c a lb. Cbeapet meat ia h
enra. Trytica. II CocarsercUl U.
2ii Co3-a:rcil , 5ile-a Or
13Szits US cpwardi. Paat cpwaods-a
Legal and coaiwercial wrotk a specialty
Telephone ooe-fcmr. OSce wilh bberman
ConcKt Jc Park, Gray block. Dictation take
at voar oSce and work rtiarncd on j'ibor
Sccesoc ju White A Gilraare,
Line, Cement, Latli, Plaster.
Cn: aod;CifaChp. a'l kmiiof feed,
Makes a spwialty of fine repair work, Seth
Thomas clock., etc.. ate Co-ntnercial Street
Depot Express.
Meets all masl aad piueager trains. Ba.
gage and express to all pitu of the city
Prompt setrice. Telephone No. 70.
Hello !
If yoa want to more or want a load ol'acy
kind hauled or want a load of manure, dirt,
sand or gravel, or cement, lime, hair plaster,
brick or sever pipe, see D. S. Bender, coi
ner of Front aril Chemeketa streets or ting
op telephone lo. Also wool and coal en
hands at all times. Orders promptly attended
' State street, near railroad.1 Freshest and
best meats. My patrons say I keep the best
treats in totrn. 2 2f
Family Wine and Liquor Store
RemoTed from 102 State to 199 Commercial
street. Bottled goods of the best quality.
erOffice in City Hall.
Irrigation nours 0 to 8 a. m. and 5
to 9 in the eyening. ,
All Irrirratlnn Vtlllc fnvTtlin cummn.
.... .. .feuviiru isi.io aw .bill; OUUJUJi;!
will be due and payable the 1st of
Street sprinkling tbtoughlawn hose
positively prohibited.
No deduction for irrlcrntlnn r1iirinn
absence unless water is cutoff the
entire premises,
No allowance made for part of sea
son as more water is needed to bring
out a neglected lawn man judicious
use for the entire season.
Salem Water Co.
Salem SteamLaundty
Please?notice the cut-in prices !
on the following! ;
lt is, piain iocents
Unutr drawers StoiocenU'
I Under shirts 5 to iocents
(Socf; P, pah .3 cents
iHandkerehiefs 1 cent
1 Silk handkerchief s 3 cents
j Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per ;doren,
and othe work in proportion.
j Flannels nd other work in
.telhgently washed by hand.
CoL T, Olmsted Prop,
" "" rajj
ML Angel Colltjjt!
cliEncaJ.ectascrcul asd pref a.-story com!
hxad aad mc a sptt uhjr w e tlTT
pUM nee eafy Prt t..- a, cx
i""g to the ratai bt a so ' se ta it
proper deriiepateat of the t--b7eaeT
g heakhfal ox ex, . k S?S
P rti ef erery descripooc. kj tuna, ,
dutbei, well eared for. a, ,J fJ
Mfceaceofths streets aJ i-djBaS
by aa exceileae suff of teaei ' ww
Write far caiafcgae and spx ,
Having disponed r-t my mcr-
cbandise business. I wish to '
state that I can stnl be toanl
at my office In the ' A Pioncr
Grocery. I propose Vi dem'c
my time to the insurance bu
ness, and write poL es in Hi
best companies kn n am
persons indebted v- '- p:rt
call and settle at r -. an!
ave expense of c -m
j i ml
ohn G. ffiir
Buildins Material!
Salem Branch 10S of the Labor ExcLtu,
are now piepared to famish at short Ma
Sand and Gravel cf any grade, anl of it
best quality, aad in any quantity. Tclepfate
175. 6:51s
ijv The Deimel i
Our catalogue contains some
very iaterestingj facts on the I
subjectof underwear, Askfcf
a copyJatjOur. Salem agents,
Northern Pacific
PullmaSleepinp' Cars.
Elegant Dinin Cars1
Tourist Sleeoin
To St. Paul, ;innneapolis, Dalnth,
Grand Forks, Crookston, Yw-
Helena and Batte.
uiKUUun iwv"- ..
To Chicaso, Washington, PhiUdelpiiV
York. Boston, and all Pt.
East and Soath
J I For information, time cards. ;o?
tickets, call on or vrito
:b$ Commercial srreet. SjImo. 0
A.D.CbYrltJU, At Oi.l l'A-ffi
Mo-nwn t.. toinei i"1" "
liSMar? "s ;.:-. tfS
rk,m Lmtr& Vi
i w
te&ttoUW'ii X'C ', lro
IPmmiU cM.lU.Bfk I
aI ia striAlATC.
111 G. Wt
T1AJC atAtjy
,- 'w
U.S. A.
w HttU
h rxr
, Ctrvulx:
w...a. .. &Ai
l.jr,aar-"8'..i u
J n Ji.
ir.laarfi'V"-'-A- r-l.