iv"! l"l'uyflp, 9P a ' aa.3 3SF7& HEAT. Thousands Are Prostrated. Saturday the Hottest 350 Dead- The Hot Waye Passing. Chicago, July 12. Tho fierce heat, under which the greater portion of tho country has sweltered since the 1st of July has moderated In many lo calities, and predictions from the weather bureau, at Washington, Indi cate that lower temperature will bring general relief within 24 hours. The records of prostrations and deaths resulting from the long heated term approaches In magnitude that of a general epidemic. Reports from all sections of the country, received by the Associated Press, show that the prostrations number in the neighbor hood of 2.000, with fatalities close to 450. In addition to this, there were scores of deaths resulting Indirectly from the intolerable heat, the death rate in many of the large cities show ing a fearful Increase over previous' years. The central states suffered more severely than other sections, the heat being most deadly in Chicago, Cincinnati and St. Louis. In the number of fatalities, this city hoads the list with 87 deaths, Cincinnati and suburban points reporting 05, and St Louis 42, Throughout the south the heat was Intense, but the death rate was much lower than In the north. Eighty-seven people died from the heat si nee July 1. In addition, six have been drowned while bathing to escape the sizzling, rays of the sun; six have been driven insane, and a like number have committed suicide, while 347 prostrations, more or less serious, have occurred. The health department shows a great Increase In mortality In children, and sufferers from chronic diseases. The average number of deaths for the past three or four days lias almost doubled. The weather, though several de grees cooler than yesterday, Is still very hot, and prostrations are numer ous. The following deaths were reported dunng the day: Joseph Devorak, Thomas Kirk, child named Chewnusky, Michael McLaughlin, Thomas Walsh. John Fienal, Justin Syke and Fred Bender. This afternoon the heat was broken by a bmart thunder storm. The mer cury In five hours fell 20 degrees, and life Is once more worth living. The heat In the early part of the day caused 8 deaths and 21 prostrations, 11 of them being serious. ST. LOUIS. The hot bpell In St. Louis has lasted 14 days, and the weather Is still hot and oppressive. During this heated term, 42 persons have died from sunstroke, either on the streets, in ambulances or in ttie emergency hospital. Tho statistics of prostrated person who died in their own homes GIVES STRENGTH TO HER. It is remarkable fact that a roan never ap- jpreciates the sufferings of others until he himself, has passed through the fire of pdin or remorse. I hen it is that he looks around lor I those who are suffering, he wants them to profit by his experience." he gives his time and money gladly for the benefit and never tires of his zeal. There are plenty of men weak and worn out, struggling with remorse and fear, and the natural outcome ol habits that brought incapacity a sense of lonesomeness and a feeling as if the best side of life bad been banished forever. Such men should write to Thomas Slater, Box 390, Kalamazoo, Mich. tie will . send free of charge by mail, in a plain sealed envelope full particulars about the method he used, and this will enable any man to get a complete cure at home. It is the method Mr. LSlatcr used to cure himself of the trouble! ..that sap the strencht and vicor. The cure t so complete, to satisfying and such , "unueriui change lrom his lormer condition : that he will cladlv tell others all about it. pending all particulars. He figures that he . doesn't know of a better way to show his ap .preciation of his own cure and the silfferinps t of others. There must be generous men in f this world to off-set the tide of avarice. Write to Mr. Slaterr-it will cost nothinc for his des cnpUon aad method arc obtainable. During Uic lint spell, 137 eases of prostration, classllied us "serious," hayc been treated at I life city hospitals. There Is no record or tlioMJ treated at their homes. Dur Inirtho 1.1 day. Hie hrat has aver aged DO degrees. Tliuie were no deaths and few prostratlots during the first live days. Today's record up to Op. m., is; Dead, 14; prostated, 52; Of those prostrated, 10 are expected tc die. Bakers, teamsters, cooks and organ grinders from the bulk of those pros trated. The city hospital Is swamped with heat cases. The emergency wards were packed this morning. Superintendent Sutton ordered a large number of tents which he will have placed on the hospital grounds, and will transfer all the heat cases to them. CINCINNATI. Coroner Haerr reports 53 fatal cases of sunstroke here during the past 7 days. This docs not Include a dozen such fatalities for the week In Coving ton, Newport, and other Kentucky suburbs. There were over 500 pros trations. There were seven fatal cises of heat prostrations There arc in Cincinnati hospitals 40 cases of sufferers from sunstroke, There are also a total is 358 cases un der treatment, very largely from ac cidents, superinduced by heat. The prostrations requiring olllclal atten tion were about 45. They are usually about five times the fatalities' NEW YORK. The number of deaths In New York city from sunstroke for the week was 14. There were numerous deaths from heart failure and other diseases has tened by the heat. The report of the bureau of vital statistics for the week gives the deaths as 000, an Increase of 135 over the week previous. MINNEAPOLIS. There was one death caused by the heat during the past week. ST. PAUL. During the heated spell In this city there has been reported seven prostra tions and two deaths. WISCONSIN. The number of deaths In this city, resulting from the Intense heat of tho past few days, Is three, with 13 pros trations. A review of the state out side of Milwaukee, as far as reported, shows six deaths and about 20vprostra- tlons v Oregon for Flax. Corvallis, Or., July lO.-JFlax grown from libre on the college farm is making and excellent showing. Of' the two acres under cultivation, there are four or five varieties, and that grown from Bclguim seed Is the most thrifty. Samples of this eort pulled showed excellant quality, and a length of 43 Inches. It was sown May 5, and gathered July 5, attaining the 43-lnch growth In 00 days. It promises to reach a total length of 48 inches, and to make a yield of four tons an acre. Delivered at the scutching mills, 48-lnch flax Is worth 817 a ton. The sample referred to was grown on clover sod, turned under last winter, and cultivated in the late spring. A Social Evening. The Silver Bell circle, No. 43, Women of Woodcraft, most delight fully entertained the members of the order and their families at their hull In the state Insurance building, Sat urday evening. A musical and liter ary program was very creditably ren dered in which such talented perform ers as Miss Nellie Derby, Mrs. T. A. Kink, Miss Grace Davis, Miss Adda Pugh, Miss St. Ilclen, Miss Maud Flagg, Miss Minnie DeLong, Miss Lizzie Ilarrlld, Prof. Thiel, Claude Moran and Mr. St. Ilelen, partici pated, A wood-sawing contest fol lowed between Misses Jennie Ander son and Clara Illidge, and Misses Lot tie Bennie and Tlllle Green. The log was 14 inches in diameter and the con test was won by the latter team In 2:41 minutes. An elegant supper followed. This lodge, so recently organized is proving Itself a social factor In the Captial City of no mean ability. W. O. T. U. Ballky Day. Will all ladles take netice: On Tuesday afternoon there will be an anual roll call of members, and all members are requested to be present, prepared to answer to "roll call," W. C. T. U. hall. From a Washington Man, "I was troubled with headache and biliousness and was very weak. One day I saw testimonials from people who hud been cured by Hood's Sarsa parllla and I decided to try It. When I hud taken three bottles the head ache and stomach trouble had all dis appeared." Edwahd Meilandt, Brookfleld, Washington. JJood'a Pills are the best after- dinner pills; assist digestion, cure headache. 25 cents. L Japs Are Spoiling for a Fight, Japan's Answer to Sherman's Note! May Cause Trouble. Chicauo, July 12. A special to the Time-Herald from Washington says: There la serious danger of diplo matic friction between the United States and Japan over Hawaii. Al though the reply which Japan has made to Secretary Sherman's note concerning the intention of this government has been received, the state department holds it in secret. It ss known, however, that the reply is not as amiable us hoped for. The reply of Japanese government is of such toncjiind titers are such sus picious movements of certain Japan ese warships, that the administration is afraid Japan may be meditating some coup dc force in Honolulu. It Is understood that In their reply the Japanese still contend that they have equal rights with the United States in Hawaii, and that the attempt of tho United States to annex the Islands without consultation with Japan is a breach of good faith. One thing is certain, and that is that no matter which way t)io diplo matic matters turn, the administra tion does not propose to be caught napping. If tho Japanese make a show of force at Honolulu, with or without the announced Intention of demanding that the Hawallan-goyern-crnment comply with tho demands for reparation, which were submitted some time ago, this government will do the same thing. None need be surprised If the warships of the United States and of Japan frown on one another In the Honolulu harbor within the next two weeks. War Is not epxected by any member of tho Washington government fa miliar with the fucts, but it is ad mitted that tho mobilization of navel craft at Honolulu would be sufficient to produce a hazardous situation Already there Is a good deal of anl moslty toward the United States on the part of the Japeneso navel olllcers, and an overt apt on their part might precipitate a great deal of tpouble. Durinfl the last tendays the, nayy department has make-special prepara tions of a quiet sort for mobilization of our naval forces on tho Pacific at Honolulu, should the turn of diplo macy made such action necessary. At the present time tho United States is not as strong in Pacific waters as Japan. Ir the Nicaragua canal were open, tho advantage would all be on our side in case trouble. The Japenese minister sent to Sec retary Sherman his reply to the note of the secretary of state, written in answer to Japan's original noto pro testing against the Hawaiian annexa tion treaty. The note of the minister answers in detail the contents of tho secretary of state's note, and at some lenght elaborates the position taken by Japan against the treaty. Jfeed Drops "Muchly." Bran and Shorts are cheaper than corn. Price of mill feed greatly re duced. Call at the mill for quotations. Dellveed.free In quarter ton lots. Salem Flouring Mills Co. 0-18-dtd. Weak Lungs Hot weather won't cure weak lungs. You may feel better be cause out of doors more, but the trouble Is still there. Don't stop taking your Scott's Emulsion BnaaiHaBaaBBaaaaaBMHHH because the weather happens to be warm. If you have a weak throat, a slight hacking cough, or some trouble with the bronchial tubes, summer is the best time to get rid of It. If you are losing flesh there is all the more need of attention. Weakness about the chest and thinness should never go to gether. One greatly Increases the danger of the other. Heal the throat, cure the cough, and strengthen the whole system now. Keep taking Scott's Emulsion all summer. fcof Ml by all drugfUU at joo and f QRIENTA Hood's Itcst to take alter dinner; sbsssk a B prevent distress, aid tllgc E9 all f tlon, cure constipation. f 111 a or came pain. Sold by all dniggliitt. 5 rent. Prepared only by C I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mali. Tones the Rouses the LIVER. Purifies the BLOOD ! jlTTEIrgggg JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, VARNISH, and the first complete stock of BRUSHES of all kinds in.thesHe. Artists materials, lime, har, cement and shingles, and finest qrnlity of grass seed. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. irnW KALF. OR RENT Mtrri-. c mil,.., ' from Salem on gravel road, 30 acrci bottom land seeded to grass, with scattery limber, 10 acres upland, willi good hou e, birn and milk house, 3 acres bearing young orchard, loaded with fruit, all well fenced, small stre.tmrurninj water, 14 mile to school, loo co ds big fir stumpage on be had at 15 ctnts per coids Call or write G. M. Pear, mine, 2 miles north of city on river road, Marion county. 7 12 tf WANTED. -Agents, 2j to $25 a week sure to workers no capital needed new goods; new plan sells at sight eery family needs itHOUSEFIOI.D faPEC. CO , Box 424 Cincinnati, Ohio. 7 3 sat 26 t WAN TED Lnergetic woman of fair educa tion to learn paying business. Good induce ments. 244 State st. Call after 3 p m. 9 dlw A STOCK FARM. 20 miles from Salem, for rentr Cheap to the right party. Inquire of Geo. Griswold, 55 Stato street, Salem, Oregon. 7j7-iw FOR SALE. We have a 12 acre orchard in full bearing and in a high state of cultivation. Cl-se to postodice and $y, miles from Salem, Will sell cheap. Inquire of Hansen & Lnn don, sash and door factory, Salem. 6 28 if WANTED. ,To trade drain t les for little fir wood. Irquire of J. E Murrhy. at Tilt Factory, North Salem. G 26 tm WANTED Agent for -Queen Victoria, Her Reign and Di imond Jubilee" Oveiflowing with latest and richest pictures Contains the endorsed biography of Her Majesty, with authentic History of her remarkable reign, and full accourt of the Diamond Jubilee. Only $1 50. Big book Tremendous demand, Bonanza for agents. Commission 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Write quick for outfit and territory. THE DOMINION COMPANY, Dept., 7, 356 Dear, born St., Chicago, 6 24-1 m POLYTECHNIC SUMMER SCHOOL. Be gins Monday June 28. Free conveyance will be at corner of Chemeketa and Collage street, every morning at 8 o'clock. J. J, Kraps. 625.1m P.ASSAGE TO '1HE COAST.I will make regular trips from Salem to the coast. Good team, covered rig and all accommodations necessary. Enquire at Wipgins' Bazaar, Prices reasonable. Wm. Plum 6 16 im I HAVE A GOOD MONEY MAKING proposition for a party desiring to go east. Small cash payment required, or will trade for property here. Write "J" this paper. 6 15 im WAN1EU AGENTSlfyou are a rustler, we wantjyou. Good pay exclusive territory, anywhere in Oregon. Address P. O. Box IS Salem Oregon. 6 11 im THE ''BUSINESS lKINTER"-,Of Salem is Frank Conover. He is to be found at Dear born's, nnd when found will do your business printing quicker, more clearly rnd satisfact ory than any one here. 5 20 tf A KNOCK DOWN. Horses shod here after at $1 for fournew shoes. The beat stock and wotk A. R. Willard, 139 State street. Salem. 5-M-tf WANTED, To trade, good business for property, give full discription, location and price, address, W.care Journal. 6 15 im MRS. N. B. SCOTT., Stenographer and typewriter, room 6, over Ladd Bush's bank. Prompt attention to all classes of work. WANTED. Permanent office assistant and correspondent here, Salary $780 Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope to W. L. BROWN, Gen'l Manager, care Daily Journal. S 8 tf Steevens' 5 PATENT PENDING. Dryers new in operation on on r place near the asylum. Call and see them, Fruit growers are invited to investigate be fore buying or building a drier. Our claims are; j, Unlimited capucity, 2, Cheapness of construction 3, Rapid production. 4, Easy, cheapness and simplicity of process. Write roe for testimonials and experience of growers who are using the Steevens since'two years. Estimates and specifications furniihed orfdriers built. Addrers G. A. STEEVENS, Salem, Or. call for Warrants. Notice is hereby gien that there aie funds on hand applicable to tbo payments of all warrants of tho City of Salem, endorsed on or before January 16, 1896, drawn upon tho gen eral fund. Please present said warrants for payment at Ladd & Bush bank, as interest en trait will cease from the date of this notice, A. A. LEE, City Treasurer. Falem, June 26, 1897. 7 8 lot tfOffiW I ifflt MPMMmiVMVJMH OREGON State Normal School MONMOUTH, OREGON :e: A IKaINJNO SCHOUL I?OR TUAQHERS v. SliSliiB i'L IlPKulnr normal course of three years Senior year wholly professional. Inunlnt,' department of nine grades, with 200 children. Instruction and training in nyninnsties (Swedish system) and vocal music for public- schools flic Normal diploma Is recoirnlzed by law as a State Life Certificate t( teach. Light expense, tutlt Inn. books, board and lodcinir (unnroxltnatcly) $135 per jenr; students boarding themselves, $110 per year. Academic grades ac cepted from High Schools. Catalogues cheerfully sent on application. Address P, lv CAMPBELL Pres, OrW. A, WANN, Sec. Kaculty amis. Oils Glass i MIXED PAINTS ROOF . , You can get the best quality for the least money at ipii'c We also carry ground in oil, and a brushes. If you contemplate any description it will pay jou to see our goods and get our pii es before buying FRY'S DRUG STORE, SALEM, OR. THE 'CIAJB' STABLES, Best horses and carriages in the city. All scivlce prompt and reliable. Near Hotel Willamette. THUS k MANN, PROPRIETORS. SAMUEL CASE, PROP. 'Hie leading first-class hotel of Newport, onYaqulna bay. The Oregon health and ummer lesort. xrus name coraminui a beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean, Yaquina Bay and the Coast Range of Mountains. VI A VI I A home treatment for all forms of women's diseases. also stomach and kidney troubles, catarrh, nervous prostration and genetal tie billty Hours 3 to 6 p. m. 244 State St. Call or address MRS. F. E. ALFORD, 7 8 Manager for Marion county, Ladioo Who Valuo A refined complexion must uso Pooonl' row- der. It produces a soft and beautiful akin. THE) Hjfl mwaiinaWirwi anutum to PAINTS, BUGGY PAINTS. a full line of colors, complete stock .of doing any painting ,of Two routes east. In the Heart of Chicago, The Union Passenger Station in Chicago, into which all Burlington Route trains run is located in the very heart of the city. 'ihc principal hotels, the largest stores, the best theatres, the biggest busi nets establishments are only a few blocks distant, To reach them. Itlari't even necessary to take a street car. To rerch Chicago, it IS necessary to take the Bur lington Routc--lhat 1'. it s if you want the best there s. Two routes-via Billings, Mont., and St. Paul, Minn. For tickets and informa tion apply to nearest ticket ogent or to A C.SHfclLDQN., G, A., Portland, Or. MADE ME A MAN ajax TAuurrs positively cubb a uit jitnou nutastt railing 51cm prr,Imiioteucr,HlceilMoM.ta.,rDail Al b AbuM out! otbar utnm and Indl. Ci cntiODi, "Slicy gu((tf anil tunly T ttotoro I.tet Vitality in olj or jounir. and larA Mil nthai aratalLl liUta. Tbi . , W. err l la aacn on flu uion liarlna tna cennina iih. uion iiarins tna cennina Ajax Tai tiavecnracl tltonunda and will enra ton. YV clra v lKi.it pro written iraarsnlaa to ufoct a tor la aacb aiua ot rttund tna moper. frlca 60 canta p rwi i Pa aln w pa nun iroainiaull lor m plain wrapper, upon rclpt of price. QucuUr to. AJAA KcMtiUY f) fkkurhwaSi, For sale at alem. Or bv D. J. FRY. KMMMMI Druo Store. J ;Av mainmurortiDaj.DuiianMor roarrUf, . J7??' 1'ISI"1' InaapMl' M Communion It Ukonia ttma.Tbelrj n hq lmmadiata luipro. di it and affacU a CUKB vrhara all othara iulL lu. mi minium iwnrniiTmin iiqmTj iq. EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE Ol THE Southern Pacific Co EXrRESS TRAINS RUN DAILY. O:oo P M 8:30 P M L.V ..;l'oitlandT .Ar 9:30 A M JjV. .. batein Lv J 710 a u 7-MS A M Ar. San Krnncisco Lv S.'oo P M Abore trains strn al all urinrxruil a,inn bet. Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion, Tflrnn All-uin. T.tiit.ni C1.hJJm Yr1-. j. ....., ui.wi;. UK.1,, W1ITOU1, X1BI5CJ, Harrhburp, Junction City, Eugene, Creswell, Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland, and all stft- nuns irora isoseuurg 10 itnianu, inclusive. KWKIiUKU MAIL, r DAILY. 8.10AMI Lv ...PortlantT .Ar Lv Lv J4-3o P k a.'oo p M 7.'3o A M 11ooamS-Lv ...Salem.... 5.'2o nil Ar....Roseburc 1 ullmnn buff. t tirenrr anrl i.mnH.rl... sleeping cars attached to all through tral ns Wtiai S1DE.JJ1VIS1UN. BETWEKN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. Mall tiains rlaily except Sunday. 730 A M J Lv 1'ortfand.. At J 5.5op it 1215 pm Ar... .Corvallis.. Lv) .-o5 pm At Albany and Corvallis connect uith trains of the O. C & E. Ry. r.XfKESS TRAIN DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. J.CU I M l.v I'nrHcinrl Arl Xmf a u 7-'3 P M ' Lr . McMinnvllIe Lv J 5.S0 A M Direct connections at ban francisco with Mtiflnfl nit.! r.:...1 ..J -..! II vvi.iuviii.1 uu vsiicuiui luiu 1 atuiu mail steamsh'p lines for JAPAN AND CHINA. C.I! .1.. VS... oti'iii); uaics un application Rates and tickets t6 Eastern points and Europe. Alio JAl'AN, CHINA, HONO LULU and AUS1UALLIA, can be obtained from W. W. KK1NNP.R. Tib-i Af halem. U. KOEULER, Manager. E. P. ROGERS, A. G. F. A P. A. Portland . Through Tickets TO THE VIA THE Union Pacific SystemS Xlirouph Pullman Palnr Klirr TV,.,. Sleepers and Free Reclining Chairr daiij between Portland to Chicago Our trains ar 1uatrl H r.tnm .....1 lighted by Pintsc I light. ' iime 10 untcago, 3 i.j Jays Time to New York. 4 1-2 days. Which is manv hours nulrtr tVi-in pttitorg. .For rates, time tables and full in format ie apply to BOISE & BAXKmtS . Agents, Snlem,Ot R..W BAXTER, C.E. BROWN, General Agent. Dist.Pass. Ageell 135 Third Street. Portland 0. B. & IK. CO. EA ST TO THE EAST GIVESf HIE CHOlCfs . v- OF Two Transcontinental Routes. Via Spokane Minneapolis St Paul and Lien, vor Omaha and Kansas City. Low rates to eastern cities. For full details call on or address BOISE & BARKF.R " agents, Salem, t Oregon, OCEAN DIVISION. Portland San Francisco. Steamers leave Ainsworth dock. Portland June 2, 7, 12, 16, 21, 26 vand July 1, 6, 11, 16,21,26 and 31. Fare Cabin, 312; steerage, J6. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND-SALEM Daily Salem serv icet Steamer Ruth for .Portland, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 a. m. Steamer Elmore for Portland Tuesday Thursday and Saturday, at 7115 a. m. Returning, leao Ash street dock, Portland, daily cxeept Sunday, at 6 a.m. Passengers given transfers to electric line at Oregon City if desired, mak ing it possible to reach Portland at I p. m. CORVALUS-SALEM ROUTE:- The steamer Ruth for Corvallis, Tuesday, Thurt day and Saturday at 3.3o p.m.,returnlng, lv. Corvallis at 6 a. ro, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Round trip tickets to all points in Oregon, Washington, California or the East, Connections made at Portland will all rail, ocean and river lines, Call on u. M. Powers agent, foot Trade street, e. McNeill. Pre, and Manager. W. H. HURL11URT. Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland, Or. For full detahs call on or address v ,. , G, M. POWERS- Foot of 1 tade st. Local Agent. OREGON CENTRAL AND Eastern R. R. Company IYAQU1NA BAY ROUTE." Connecting at Yanyina Bay with the Ssn Francisco & Yaquina May Steamship Co. STEAMER "KAKALLON,'' Sails from Yaquina every 8 days for San Francisco. Coos llay, Toit Orford, Trinidad and Humbolt llay, Passenger accommodation unsurpaited. Shortest route between the Willamette valley and California. Fare from Albany or points west to Saa Franciscor Cabin, $9; steerage, $5: to Ccot Hay and Port Orford, rabir. 16; to llumbold. Day, cabin IS; round trip. K'od oodavs, $lH RIVER DIVISION' Steamer Albany" between Fortland and Coivallis, through without lay-over. Leaves Salem 10:45 ! Tnedays, Tnursdays aad Satuidays leans Portland, Yamhill street dock, 6 .'oo a. 111. Sundays. Wcdurtdajs) ami Fridays EDWIN 8TOT Jtanagcr, CcrvaUU, Orl J. C. MAYO, Etyt. River Division, . Ji er -fc, ai