mmmvtmmmmmmm - "sj jjwjit- fr-' - i-$f&pmprtiT. , --ij'5pwspw,iiiiiii igf MACK, Dyspepsia NTI5T ! 2s yf-h.ii'Ja QrC i Hdnuei. ft as laa o ajBKT "r I ' 'y v iarf cackra? fflrf faairy ws . . t a-4-r!r -. JilkH., I Wife, ' W CI- Df Capis! iniiijnHrrS; fffiiEfL jss' DE aaaawaaa. ana. an agi TwiBraB ilia - ami, t t -. a aa- fcnniir bbb m i r m mniiiir imf err wwza sswtkbha !, ,.. - WaaaBaafea. Lmw Safet BaBBaatE - - .. -- --- icKaes. 5e -k rf Smuymiir 3Iiy Efc. L K.Keus. M . . r rrfT ac ' - - - -i "- f aninii'inifir ..- v . . -- , JajBBii m win rinr & s, -u - T - 1 Z eaaBBBBB "", " aBoa ,jfcit i as. . j . - - i nav .akaaa aaauS WHBp HC w"4W HPW " aaBsoaaaBaar- B1 afaBBBaBa Aitf gflBMMMflKMHM T)aTaaBBr VV L bbbbbW fRaaBBBBBBaBV "rBaaBBaV m"!" gwuffntf flK aBBarvar Adaik MMHWll rf fate lapta BWi' 9mtmm BmS- BHW w BaaTgaaTw- - iT a bbI aim. afv mt .K tih 1 dJaaaoCBB ' vm"?' -ImmmtT "aaaa mm 3aa trm m Crwit inapt auiiW-aWfary le - ' " vaBNCFaaai BJiBBBaafc. " - ' . - r T b aaw faa - - ifc. - , T-aAaMK MMMtMh iijj tir mmt m . ; !., . ..,. i Im-s. x. - LZ - Mm. IttfMAfi MM IMMHSSIHb VJ& 4PWMMVW i Whk. BirtbH& d VtlMaMMHMBB BmAbm aAi m mAi Mta& i & AWm &ab& "" TZ k. ? "" ' . - - 77" - T -r. . V" -- -i.faB tawMk. mmt Mw faea4 imvf MFral ,-j,- - .r nomlia iw s.p- i rf ftz. "'" . . , . i mT?ii-tTr tUT" 1aa: aijuiiniwTwyB i AJJUwa wwV fcifcw-l Tim '? -- - H. m-T-l - -- ' - " , - ' " " - " '--' (,. fflatf HllJMIIff 5MPP ItiMl C , 5 hmiHiww -- tag q wHHMr iwrfii . an 2mm wrr niiii nm tan r.VT .TS Eaar.. I KiHMC ll wi J1""' , Mai. , narfl YH flrf Am H- . - r k - nmK n Mi iB. Viang gfct iT 3amWMTllW" . tfM HMflle IfceyiiJiWiin 'fagM na ftKOklOWi S H I aMitas3.MnieaM9w awJ ite immrteot fee fcw a Ae !' ae fee . laws Jt 3Gahr ttadaui aiM.ktw aw Me twva T63!- jtemf aaaWrtiat. xater a-' fete far Uam. fffummmt. TeWei fey 3!ir. cKawerfhiH 4hCm agrf; wt4ttr auiHunry wfea ;tea waf JWOBaM, Wf tg fc53c?foaayH efcaar. We ittsd Jfee Slitter ezfKsei aowaMisea ia. fc aftffista. a&ii eaatmnnt7 fc irKfc&atlfai iaumrtrtwa, ii flfat acefeafe ai&fefc-i".irf tfee jerf U 9lKatKaiacina bt tfte teuatttf x 1M, itait tte jEseafttr 3rt ( sfee c9eitie. a tfewfat yiaffc. COrmMb xt tatot. p l Skte w2r&itiC Mk, feec wfcitfcf 3f ncfetif, Ue Jefflcte f tfee tfeSSMBClAOSaK OMHfMd fcte carafes, wet mttedr essaVw- kte aitoihwardirwt Ue tuOUStpav The totrf aato4t kit gliaHUItiUaifathWJH flBC taafOTateU ka$ assracsftarO. ednaics! al iMeOaatuni naMte. 1wT qwwuf (fie aevr eaane Hadf fee jKW)i w( aKfRwi. aarf to jstw sxl flut Car sk aMaMeaieac Ue taHCtoaefcs. Tlwy apawinni late f 2HCl BtKtal mxmasrimnA ai tfee UMwerls wWcfe fen eaasaaetal (fee iNijfeaaa: w tin; cntttgfc. o4.witJi wfcat i(4 t be 3C32 law liXafcty. SfeMenr Mm ertnt.-iT twt iafarty jr i iKC8Hr Hat taaeit rf Ui wacir. ItKnto aw it ri4 tke wal te Uw tke aatofiaa orf JaiHttgaialaau adtae aarniMta C Mt zawiaiilntnaa of tW colhga thtt fc wo aaf.A aAactcat aaa ac Kwa aiMat. 1 ha aaoaMUaMM nat m a fra tor pBlttical Mrttev M hfe yatr. lite nwtful a ia t tato at 2 fMiUtti aVaJ. "AaaSlur Xitrr im Sar" te aiiuwlag to aa OwiaUi eanarfeU re Tfawiasr the acitoa af tae uausam af iw aaiTtwity at ayfaiatie? x aaaiaBtatt to tauad Pytiiaaurt Aaaiew tor feeiajt am laaef naalcal WwlrrtaT Ami hsn wrfttoa z UtfCMmia x couiMr 4at baa cxwiai a wlae toJaeaca tor the 3hw of ttm oAmaz. The aaito rial jm: Bttr &urttjr ha iaffwed la a antoffcti war. U " ttoa. Jj tint iLaaaatrtoWiat or IK r , tfc Mif mill it FJm " . ' " " " ' ' ' I XBf WOHmtHWEEk 3K. UBV in ml aMIHH llll 1 ItfBar : BC9U. XUtar m MaC reeeai at&Mtat to lafeape U .ojMtowiaaat WWM tatttd l a4e aattawi sua rofaud to Mrffcetorz. call? false itoe Utoe J taah. It fc aaaCcoi that the tneiteee-tofti vtpfoiaioi. fee aaaM Jaaa D. ftseicefeller, whs mm was (TTadaled tats jtar, aW aot stake a ffie4 Kif t to the aaiw ,tr. aae that the priaciel re&Ma why tfce (l(t was ttbhld was Mr. HookefelM)repiatka tcJ1 Prtafatoat Aodrcws' stiver toaehiags. U to a . known fact that a rich a'smsa a few year ago ouanxed a cod tell of bis will, canceling a bequest to the ual Ycrfllty because It U allowed to re main under the charge of a man bek Jnff nnd expresslnt; suoli views as tliosoof President Andrews on the silver question." 4RMC iW; C38DHK? mU& 3JSBWBrtBw'iaR T 'fW HM& IkKBMMfilfi HSiSiK 4MT AMIMe m . iMMB Ift MHteTTOd ' BKf ' Lb aVSS- SmVSSB WMM Mii ! nw BtfKtK TES HSV BBH ""'" '''" I, lim mk tft i ifni I a -arf i j - k fvAMaSMa mtMkKMlwiUlKiW i.M,.r -r ib .f-ii.m in H attar fcw 17. - - i..nn to. ZZT .. - jbb ukmbb, bihhbp v-w i ! ' i - -- -- pam iz. MMHiBaMk- r!,,K "T ,m 4 ir mmmCa. a fr law- U - in mr iim-iiii .--a. - - i ami ClMM IMS flf T-. Immmc mi ifcli tv mm! -ii ItfcT ISTVUMMHV MB - - '- - - tmi - i . - a - l. fc. "" : JHHHBT aS f 3JF!BftSBMC tfaSaMMB aMBBd: 9 (SAC AihuuI. lAt 4l Jft?P 4 -awl - c-w vJ 40K V -b . tfaBBBCKV P""'- VvJCJk W ) - ' - r.-, ,ni..Biii f - - -- x " fll1 - x ;- TT- afSfe- Oe- tm lit Mr praoe fee i arwajesicj te qy-JtaiMi. to fear a In niMar. aarf aa icnagintiaa. c mawa, tnumwam mi - tke tx iaiJiMHij. It l ifcwaia Uax tfee fl af Wasura! Oaiwr mk. 3e lesalfeftrfej niaatt &u teaser ac nrsk 1 ?pwr Sax iUl fca'wg. UeK k htsa avabc fewt wfeas tae tee taaajatry teeaaa x ser eaaeaa feauiac-i - ss feeaasif at tO fey. It h -vtarta aactaor taas tike fcvMt fcaatAittxaaettae leaifai fefee cater aCx.tM:aax ia feta, H.xifeavsiaAittrtattaeij. .U yatijrtage: aasas oe efeae ( Ue nul7tt7 af tae Gnaiau ia &B caanaeacail aakrta&taei a? far atifcid by iame ijwfes iiaK se- enatir aaotaithixL la MftH taei wece W17 ocKra CMameical tcsfeais? ia 39ritasiaacS,aa a tanse ZJ61. c aoc lu- iMam tavte-soaxtfeBv vece Gr mum. O JTiaaefe tiats mk JJEI: a.il4. 236; Aafttttsua, IiF 3aki 2ae tfe, Jft. 5as 3a Aen af e&3 ia lite lfct, oai -are tBhfitict tte-i if MJi ar iccoirak te iwt ia otaer toteiem eummuibi ihtt ihwUnr iM fee iXtms. tfeesaaw. It U iwoader taos tae JZmd. sM&t&s fei a b ia czfort o( mm aal littawd jatfl. wfeea i Btue 2aeoct te auae. Xsad TSocz&scaseac. JLtz2gmf tor tae tt. aaialnle- Tae zroaaafe he tiec as ia JaeceaaHawi, -ita x cowenai gnmd nornd, rr4 fcw. Mi wftfc aaeli oa feaai pautona, to aecaat- awvfate ao lereoae, ami omuimnr &&& tor haaamar aaM. The tit itaaaij hftfft toeaanetK aaat a acid well aag; aaa tae raihiag. aMaias, Mnriaaraaatfcsat, with ttrf csai waters fawa ffoak the aaawalela Mas ami par m the driaee , wm fce ea Jarai mj taaanaaai aariaDr tie eaamiae; weet- Tb aawical ftaexaat win coaoais of Maae ofOaogaa's laa zt&&n nms& ia sola; Tumi a lA'.ctioa sai ar raagaanat at aurtotfec jator a gutai chorat. A atily Utamrr atafa. whese oar brisths yoaa? fioati la sfMca, eaa iitioa, reeitattoa zminmz iHoa ipicit to the oenftoa. Haj. trxaia aai hcata caa fee mad. aa the fe'iaaail. Froatacr biM cana foocUoce we ire a.usai that oar abttoarad arogrsat wmieatrrlai oat toaiafcfc. The raQC aa their aatay frlisan ae aaw waMtac to the aahna to Staaoiae Part. J. . BO.KEK. Saootary. Theauaos CekfeoaHt wab aaiohai aVsir rtaterufcs ThaSc f the txk ansr w&a awe cars fcy ti avfdiritwr Vfea. cav asd atiiMnr, wi ie saT tawt Ac awMeyaB of jaare Tihicil. vfe hive beet ncoaw f kmLmot, aroawmw, 4r$ef9t, wnwcuii, tteeoUMaeu. TWy ii tnee ofeer afia aae aae bOee te afetzin rdfel TUy uie Hcoi't SanapriHt &i k aid ifeeas paL Tiey pTiCTwrf ta iu ste aa4 k a.wmaaihfa per Biscat cores Do ja t4t Ikit Aey faife k tad fteeramsad it to yaa ? E. Bender of Hyrtks Palat, been postmaster tbere 2! year. 'laBfcWK -teiwkiii iiHwiB: fcr bw 9fllBMaL. I -BBjtt & nsvvMMffjBftv BpHtaAL :& tf j viadtffxaS fCtSK iraa- fA te eft feats t" atesaacr. iaa iSYtatea oa tae tates& Mai 5e ?oaa srter feetaar tum&mm. 1ft Win Mae. Pasrtct WMse aaaeaal feiattiaiilfe. daat td-aaraiag m tae taaraf tae aaao vast fee wxisi. fesaeatt ta heat sai 9cr- htitmk. ytaaj tncm iefi the itnjtt. TfeaMKdMas TLzmmi iad S4rtitwawra Jtm-nmi tae asase lasiowe teas mrarailed- Jtt Larnsace aai Paigfeiatow. JQat?e&, MSes taer - aaMflaMftSS XCQaTVateS JfcW- SkSiw i" vane, Ifo ivpvm UR. The WJoniaur bare&e fererf tae feA- Jasvtac feat weather bwBena. Tae heat wxk. ctasiaaMH oaer tae watrat aarsiaa t fbt eanatfj. a xf sae -latnUnwnw lAfawxtae Atloasie cases, fsass 2k- fM o --y rreav, ineg i janiaoa.. Sfee aaixiaseat cnnitiiam fe fe?s&s. Tfee laoavsae' Vnm&isxkB. res 7nse k forsaf. Coaaawfe, Ja Mft 5-isirrtIkv : SKaaaact, as; T-faawn Citr, K: as. Lii W; Suinaae, fee Oaayna. Jfe; iattieaafotfef , 16s Cbanwrn, iEc Bo- toe,4;3eTr iaci, H3; FWtnamfyfm, i as. PiaL ic iHSMit, SC; Smiiaaia. S4;Sw Ocfeeai. K; Key Wcas, 3ffc SJuatacJbet, Vt. soa:f2SE. DesB iiatssc Xzvr Toae. .--lIiiLii:t,njiHg taiay says: Thesafefoary a awatnte tcaae thaoaenan the cacatry. aatewarthy cheagipt feeiatf cbarVirif by the feaasae1 lath ffess aad Sacth- woat, cat so the esceastv beet aai ssoraw; the coatianw favorable re lorta to the cereal aaaf osber crop aroifecte, sai the dissartaeaeeit ia the laaii I ill Iii , iIik Tn Tin ssnlDe of i aboat riI' htiaatiawai coal mimen. The relaesaace ot the Weas Vtf-iaia ferstiveetoMa the strike caaaaU eats the sttaatioa. 7b prenf t of aa early jr.nlaaaiaf of the tarUC mxi n&zmeXmei the jaaoaiBiMT teeba? of aofefafraiioj that aataasa win bria? a rerfrfal of the cawaiasi,e ii:amd Prtose shaw aa advaace oa oat-itsh of 1 cerceat. dariae Jaae. S. C. Dsa Jt Co Weetiy Bevtew oC Trad reriew says today: TbeJtrlJce of the aitaauacMK coal steers taa taltae TLAM ate from worfc aad thatateai to tossriet the J apply of f ad ia soaae qaarters, tbaagb the Wait Vinrlaia aad soate ocban, who amehaid to tt ia efaiaa to le able to aMet the EaeSerz deaaaad tor saaa aaaatfew. Ia she We6ttbri9Beltfby ao awaa aait arj aajtulaai, aad the lapaaitai paeWu) that tt wifl aot la Job. TmuT Roosipa:. m-, tartfof latt liSMrSa ISa, tariff of 1GB Si4(iii Jac, tariCof liiO . . .&! 14 lsM,VUiotlxA itttSA HM, MeKiawy tarif .... itJ,Oi Is!, 3IeKiatoy tari injW,VH Jiaa; McLUJey tartS afeXM IiMp6adat tarSlfeadia) UITT.i 1c, tartC WJNTtJSi USA, proieat larW JotOljtijO Tawerfow h Saadar aad tetore yaa l go aaaie taafgat am at Levre state J Until barber shop aad gt a daady I share far aeiy 10 caats. a fcl.,, - -. I,,, r- TWl. k. OkmVMK Miku cih 1 1 ! i i drfbrtx of Tf. qtyjur Sees iaa1 2(ec Last Lsaf; JalT 1 ! 1 r g c ft a wsKn Baeraaac Ia&OB. SSafiS- mmiiii Aiai nu'JBir wttfe, awrs um tae aaaadaaferf e- aawl aaa autaut t fese the ii BksJbsi iaeaauC a? Saatae. Tie ist knee vffl Keif teaatanws siarniwii"irK. 2tttwfca xacaeit feece CsBecia- US sad tae ynritag- C 3T "JTeicfek if Itoaxaseas. ia Goat . TV: tSfiacr taifc sanse. aet 5lz ras& aea. wear- U3S weat so sae eaaa. tae feesakr laeusa-i rnaitir w: A sfeeir rises K fi csci; i Taenia -ztt aa Sfceisr zaas. Taej- "itJbl the rfefe afrAe caaaf- vemSix bf- SeaSatr tt acacine. x tags. 3aa after wmmc she laaefe a U henier -aa. Inwdmi is aaefc Tagfttoa i in arii 'if taetr zaae iaso tae feerl. -vdk -vas tamm&k tor the "ft -sfrjud 'sit so hmft: mto the iteiiHiag tax oC jaae oan wfea fcaii sever sad. i?t aeraatzeahiiiSi e tesssi orjaas. We see she afci-wa. zaiL aahaawf kk rt dysg ti5es ia iS7 -wiix o( iiie. It ii ocr aatMHii eeae. xod aeariT all ecesacaiass spcimr 'run Zii nxrvi. Bateau mz miaiurn iincziZT aae sae wwrx ts W3wEH TffZ&s&iBb aas jefe. shi& faiaae xes laectaTf rtas-Tiaer. Kecase tney aaa's aazsss their emi. Ooetscef mm. mtfKs: e&Telaci ia Jajpi of ro tes aad aocasil slzeMe- Cocrses jae snitias'iBft xkso esa. aag we cass Sfee dfeaise. Co sire wish Iced. Tfee ifeaier Dicestri Cocaial cac- taiau aiKOCT eieeitFJe icni aa i a disEteroC land, as she msse taee. ItsesecS are felt a; ooe. Gee a TftryaaVt of jwg dresgys aaJ lears a&Ktis. Laxot is Csssflr On ssae a ivr-as. at aoaej bf a oer jesois. CaJiereK use . C. 3C Soffiae, of Gnss TaSey, wees to Barsfead so csasbcue she Faenh, aad the p4fce these ptasad boa is aaraaee rftt fcegaB-e be bad a itoke wheel wfeis. feta- The wheel waa toazhi fras a szaagieet paiater iE Grai5 TaBey, C O. Xcoca, ays she Xoco OfeserTer- Alter ssdia? ocs thai the 'wfeeel wis a stoke, oee, bed the tiasa izze-ud asd, wbee aear iloco, ee. roee to jail, she trassp tsed iae sfee bezzy, peHed aslx-jheoter oc bis caisedtaa. aad ssese bis escace. ss xrs ;$ of tfceir iealsH eTts : sore so :ii2 tae. Ksek f 2f? . . tfeefr trobit ; cozies :rs Vi tiac TJmrwairei oo: appetite. ; hOiiaiaaen. 4t3- ! CfifffVi tszi; , xai k3ov ooitezaec it's sa x caes- e 30 eareiess zzaz rarrr straws urnrn 1 . . . j It !iIlTsesssis?e;weSar fc WW - orrsrancfe r xQov Btfhn to rssiK. byjS to sadxUQable3. Dr. P5srces Pfctsasa ?rf-teteqa-reaearirtVis. Tfaxt arrB tiaU they ar-yeed Sec sOtecsces, sdc xai fcihooa heiiiaes. sdigataoc, sscr saoaw xea. Ker tnsesa. wfcdy tHriway, " bearttars.' lEirrlrvy zad ttrsprpai. Ta-r ae tr. aaroated gixaeks tlia tW aawest c?Jd wiH txie r-id3T Taey art ana, ziii. acscx km. etr.nMir. They ae of pasrfy Tegetxste oscposaoaa aad work ia stzizi xcsatd vkb. sinare. Tbey caase so gits? asd are as pleasaat i their actaas xs tey xre pleuxsc ta t-vVe, Their hefe ixirx. Tfaerefcce yx doat titcBFtc sixTc to &str ese as wieh 6Chr palls. Osee sjed thn xrt xhrxjt &vor Ose Sde FeSel a a lesoove, two axe BHthltr crfc.-irrir Oae Btiict Uica after dieser wiR praaaocs gtios aal to relieve dfatresa fceci orer eataa; tiey art cseajixled. CXtTIOT-Br. Pseicrt Keuitf Ffe- fcHuoai uscWRScsier Boat kc x 4s. mil i iii r afauxuc tUks fai -mmrftvrx t JOWL" H T GCR SHKT7 OS BC as ?- lart way ic ku cB taesi. Tiit w&f yen I a Baa. I tcexrsccbx Uuaa. wt-mKm. m - "9 "' 1 s 1 erf v3. r 2 eil 21c TvVljLyfl TS AZ&&&L ijiglt IVt,- sirci t"t41" Laupessur V-rfinl t wririrt-a. 13TiV iC T- ten teai oraCIf ed- imf ri a shot tttej- 'ea. es 8?tf ?; MjT y ITTHl i Hood's Sarsaparilla sjn?atncia:tet.i gaafft; -AL-UtiaB. It. EC3BTffc. w Kostf's ? B Jgfc. J ?rfai. Wt kx a -Wi"WSJfc. i jaBc" ;cHfc iT. JC?W- 3rr Gt j r je; 5P: iWJ. Ct5BL KM a-c Sfefcie3dDk li? TsAjw riafiae. Qosx-aeie'Sifc Tide 3 Ca&rB$-3C fer M rai van:, tKUIEcJoa JBS Z afe3j.-a S!SCEn. 3agf i taM7 'ir.i: 17 SKa? ci-e .ny&. J x atBtra aafer. iwwnw, MexaW ; ' "7ir- "Tnip-i"TtT-i jyj,n . FPTr-f r.saS:3a! ow scai;! CzcsiSCeus Boss Mei$c ksm Lei to. as, Ii. 8 5- , - tafr-i, caear, 7 .fa. -viafesLje am. ;c :i Ext. xks, ts& kS' a.i5 safj" 351 24.' CaCaa&xix cidicrr CwHy 11 my 3aa I STu Ses.iro, 1 am irK- ir-;t, SCA "5aL 5oc. ESC Has .ior, 9 1 xc. i . m bl aaOe. r Ja Soatred t- aur-.x. i fcrss e; jcacatcn, 5Xc Psoiem -tsc'aaAt. E-icd rrat-Aisfca. mfSHosi Memie . 1 w- fr- Saasr-, Doirr Mai;jr- caacr Kjf 3 Stixz. sr Oaas, Crrr or Toczsoi Lscxs Cocjttt. f jafcr jameraClSc: izref F. J. CSesey: Cs, diG5 tacea sr ee Grj f xatsat. JO. tllii pj IX S21 It VA3 Z2X..HJBZU1 EOFr.A3S fa eacfc isi err cue f Ci- OtTt'ju, Cze:. jraencs. Bar Ser Sit- cc i r-rfrr, A. i. BilC. lr S.U. A W. G&ZJ50K. Sdr"jCitii.OrErif nlr v ". ij rni scs iiin.rff or tbr Wcoi id mr.r:ii:i sa ticrtef fee lani1 ,i. Seai fa inorrgraxkr F. . CSnszr i Oa, TaVifc. O. SAV2 YOOH tsinf. Few-raalfae that each sfdnel de roys l-! worshof zraia aasEiBy. TXT- Vnl.iJI .l.pul 2 Awmj. XY-Tj-- r?iffn:or H the tms. efecstre aad! eooeMsfetal ;oi bovs. Jote - sscec: so -f ceas or aie ay tr. n - j Pssaaas. Saetaer Dre? Cbu. Lcee i Brcefe?. G. i i iaasett aae. - x. Ssoee. d A w-3 l-tes Oil FO -B-J.22AXTS. Xduee aeasfey jurs i-ot 6crs xst Saai ? (ekiaiiwTcaksis,! ytycaei af xH f wiraina atAi-CirrafSilesT esdeoed near. ; seie? JxaccijET , iScc, aenrs sscc a 2-' a eraxwrnf nexse setsasc nas. sioati xr ' mfT-TJ . T Y'-Sr !&.&. VA. .. 1 same viU csuse fianz tae (ia af aat sacks. A. A-LEE. Gct Tsnsasrz. Mttm 3 SxltaclmeaK. -S7 jStse'aaest. Sacefed ae3s a ne Sest aeiAay. THE j j SAIS.'EI, cas. ?stoe. t. i-m. s .-j - z - Tt t- tv o-.. &kL j r-?:""'-.'."'-' xar xx sa; aac xxsg :a3ss3CiiBS Steeuens' iFRl'IT MER ! PATENT rESDxNC Dcyss sew ia ofixBaa ea go pazee ffl T 1 SeLtt.e-S011 IsnJieTfe crtesHas x aric 0 dxcei xzj 1. OfiBrnwri exfaearr. 2. fvTt ' . '" 'p-iigT ii unouij K HC9. ITcwwwsoxretBBeatarreaiattajaVaSik." -S yexs. F-ttyauM gMrffc-t. pfc- t "- -- 7r ' V .......ana G. A. STEETOiis. Sxksx, Or. ViANTEDv-J'esaxaeac iiiTi naiqnat i eETTtsrciaiea btre. Sx!xi7 Jo Enclose kMUzzjc& kxsj: cd ctndeve a W. L. BEOWK. Geal JOrxjer. exse DoBy Jamsxl. 5Stf LM0. 4MESk '.r r 5esi layfcr; amyicait Dr,Aug.GSchrccder Dcs!cber Arzt. S THOMPSON Jewelers BS(aBC Sc. Sates. Oono. - Aleayg tornado- JbaC to m iny. 0g rilhii m vsess. Saieas Cwwy. J31jcac a Potest !Je af Osc fee: Br--t 3s a e irf. two. wm Co? !W0K MARKET : VQLZ 4 SOC P-m tDsaluB TiS f ; Lial B. Mfc. 7 ; tL Trr Sesu C. KL. LASSIE, usbghamtaiur; zxt wnrsu jc - 3it. ' STSam ic; aatyaafcL giart ayiaA-i f .1- !snaifiK i5i nrimK I I Leal i&i E-aac. Ctacr via: Mmwit Cesac Jt rut. Cay bfedk. Jaior. kAk ajntak: tae -wt&- saacet .ar xt STZZXA SHTX-XAX J, K. GILIvIORH, fSaasaar a Viae Jt Gciauwr. Lk f eieii. lik Pisif r. On aai 3 Oiol rfljcorfa V fcsi. ji STATE Si. T- H HAAS, VAICaStSXEX A3ED JSXiUEX, Miftesx jihTfiaeaar tmjcx. Ses TnicHk- ?t-2s ' Depot Express. ifedflil cat atrwrtfflc aa g n xfi! yorti of d rxc:zai LSJtES 3CAES. Hello ! SEE D. S, BEXTLEY Hai sxiei r waat x ted gf sauna;. tScx. saiffsnKCSisc &ne.kar ytTr- hrarV c srrrr ?atc : D. S- 2ky. ocr ct zses. xsil liciasa. et:b er dej J. S. Ff EMI jEW XT A R TCRHTi . sotr scrri beg ma. 3fyjoaaXTlitp &; iess " IT THE OLD POSTOfTICL B A. SkACEKy. JiiliHjr 11 Bt 111 iJlif SlIK i 7-krf f-j prn P1C . Kaaavtd kcar mc Srsa: a Ka rS-OaaeeiEQsTlli ! xTTieaUoa bsbjcs to 5 a. bl aad I 1 I to 5 tm. the ereaiac- A" irasasioafeiafe tor the r aee aaa B&9eha the t$t a! Jajy. atreet sariaMia thioesklawm base ' EOciU-peJT pcohiaited.T ' ". wM(.a m. UilACIK QQtHg taosaece aaless water is cat of the KAn iiirini.1 1 i .Mr. ipi - .-, - j auowzaee ssaoe lor pert of sea-T-.ivi-.-. vc&mraa. SO as Bore inter ti mfiLi1 tm brim'-. ; i -c-- m OBCa BekrOtd hn tan tKJlMKf r-. ,i Sx ese tor the eatirv jltw. - - .-,c i-t . csst o S.rmr Wxrro Oo. jSalem SteamLauaclry , jroy AS, VATT & PleasAiotice the cutto, prices thefoflowingt e-u. plia U"i-t acta en.. Utaitr siaoi Scti,aeraiur ., - tecsacs 5toiscess 5laeeas aspevperca Flannels xnd ether work in tclligentiy washed by hand. CoL T. Olmsted Prop. PSlBlS j ,f a g --iHfis Ml k'd w"M -J' arricccua. Jj -nH mi jl., T ' -T ie-ajai .. i - WT. - ' -II u au-i fer xci 2 -a-aJpasI f rasirj John t Ii -I -s 3CS, 1 1 saw ;-.i".uRU4j(ii wswjEst -jjese! yww:' '.ceiaanS mess. asr - - wc-iB less wn.-5:ei ton te eiese r r )U fill 9 ?& t Bbhzx: : j? oi iht LibiJ ie saw ategn-T?. 3 iraiii 1 1 Saal aal 'jcxtc - i1 giait, t acf iBj. xi n rrr "JiuMl). J X5- CXtr catalcgue contains jj very mterestingj feds 1 subjectcf underwear, a ccpyat cor Salem ag JOS' MEYERS Railway. SES? !- uT , apSs., afr " - - .! line SBeh . Kb, arf ODD k 1 D Han. j Pdlniaar-SrceDi ft EteaantDiflfe7 Tourist S.w - BL -WSCC&ft.l i. J. I IT, .J- I" HiJElXi L 3 ri THSCCCiH Saw tf Fr sifasniy. tseisss, cxS ca cr aT AuEST?. 3CJ jCaBHBl s1 A- D. OiwU 5 IAU M J- yrf Sbbbw43 '"Si ',,! T-aan FsjiS , . 17, 1 B