rJWf? p "vfp5Kms?rA $&?& A 7&i:mim&f'fliJF& r JWiwfaF9JWqp&&r - v r f3 MM-SMi Daily Capital Journal. J HY HOFSR BROTHEIUS CS&SSKATIONS. WBD7TBSDA.Y. JETLY 7, M9T. ' T6e Oretptaiaa umtlaacii taaftaw te Its-own saSfefaotfaa rtwtmuwnif way tstop aetBw (CaaMMi' avoid fartber fenaas of baaiR a n pfenBk rttrwHWty, B nOa tfca' greenback aRdttaaawry aa aaaTf sabstiltetfetaBitawMs It saps Ficw- dentr MfeXlaley wld tesae paada aod aygolft to aroservaraoe booorof toe oiwntrr," r If nodfcf act woaal g ta aroBaUna. Ite laanattae rfgatfram tfce .'tawdviamf gicgoid staaaard sygtom. of Mte D. W. a IfcrrnMOM, orLowsU, Mnw,. sfeoweintfte Jatr uiiiHarof S&Bd:Msey" tlwt taaery rt re4roaet ofthe paoar mm; la UM raterast of tHe Saflaaul baate ila- jartees to frmtHccJ. bacawxc it tebacoa' os Uie auaniBtlan UnC every of -jftvaraad aoaorwoeer is Ked as a jjoW dollar, oaltes taaaoM detains bask of it to radeeai It wtcfc lie takes-the position of tfee Ci parqyt ta-OreB, wbph h&safst Bm Mf optaioa the govoraajeat bnuM.I ssoe a aew nnHorsa paper ear- rency walob-sboHW take tc piaeo of oil etkor, except goal, and be legal leader Jarafl debtMlHas aadeomBaae bfttfc pubtfcaBd prrvate. Tats monar amy aave-sueb nedapmon oeaHstes ad the wisdom of toe paMte amy de mand. At lease let it be HBiferm, so that tbe money of oae , be. be rieh appear, seaH. be eaaal ia velae to that of every otaer potsea." Is reply "Seaad Maeey" potato oM tas "evfsteof gsveraaieet wafer car- ronoy." The very idea UnK 91 iaaU be asset! as any otfeer defter aaar that aH deHarseaall nave tfee am debt-payingr pawer is aot what tbe geld' standard 2fetoBal bank frost wants Ifcwants money it oan faree the-governmentle redeem, money it can Issue and loan to she people. Tlrts ought tebe-elear to all bea&st clel-zees. or tcWfo aaa aasere er better. taM a a wwetes. we w wi Sfes tfce HWe Off! do look fert prtaos for woa Qt CauiMilin. wlww. Toe tetter wUt iUUln kmcok Jocbwmu- The iloriooi toe He?, of care ami treaBMtto kbs j j sntlia500a aiore. Dow toe coafaoct prtec. Toe fr''BWir toos of pwMor wore Iwraed: ctaofewMea eoaWas Mn to nw M imUiim Wn aaownt of ta kopf'. Uatraw gMwocof aa oaoaHr op tctltoda crop la di Ofiiwoiruoay !VNBI OftM attMilaeof ftefr ortop. .lot Of ! Losing C. H. MACK, DENTIST ! Ssccesser to Dr. f. M.tKeene, WTaw Coracr, SJca, Or. Partws desmn sopenot apex3B at xasrierste fees uj aay branch air iaepealreoet. ill 11 !OP draw Tba ippuaij eort te UMfiMwrof huailoroot oafKbnwQbsto compal Staco IQoosW to ao ctoiaaa aaaiwg tfeo otaol aoosof Mo dMfos aoolUoorooMMrufta its a flueo boeoofe of Oraaoo mpk IfoBiuaaycaoi bo dim wo ta a bylaw. Tb eeratarr of MRte taorttr toaoolt aoy etaiaa ao a vmrtmai oooa too state lor Um foow ia tfce ao:aaea of a nroariatioa Mode br wo lor Its pRfoteat." Se!fetarr of Soxta KJoeaM bos trodrdooe bis dotr ia rafos4e to vlotaM tbe pbrio ajanoaoa of tbe coa- saltatioa. Tbooottrt ntay evaric too t tasoo bt stxast eoostractioa of toe faaoamantat law tt toe stale will Mtta tfcsecrctBryJ3 petMeat The salt oMweot by Mr. Moody te io toe iwterojt of Sag Ftaoefeoa capital lost wa&ooHotiod to bay daiess aonoot toestttto-at paras oa as tbe seera- tBnr wooii aodtt aad aflo toe k. eoort The ilarloc oeanty ooramteloeer1 court meets ander pecallar circow- unces. Its methods have been ia d luted br a majority of the grand Inn. If left to itself, without out side preasurc-orpalitleal interference, the indiotmentwoald have been unan imous. Two puWIa gatherings in Jef ferson and Woodburn have demanded the resignation of Jodge Terrell. The best ola&sef Bepublieass will coetieue m demand this until the people have more protectioa ainjiast jobbery aad fraud than they have had to the past The people do not believe that Judge TerrcllJstlegal aad poltUeal advisors are dlalntarost&a KepuMleaBS or friends of the taxpayer. Thh Joch- xau supported the Bepubiloaa Uekot afterit was nomifiated last Jose hot Itotroncly fararod the reteattoa ofl Judge Hubbard. When a peliUoal party listens te an aKCriewd faction thau has been dtmnpetnted ia t& soiiemta-of plunder it always makes a mistake Tub Joorkal did not lHte many things wtoieh Jdge Habeard did' but-oanelod&d that oa the wbotoi ho was a more iwiepeedaat wan then the owunta wes liable to fiat. On that ground many conservative RooM1 entis supported htei. If the oouaty court w4H oomplototy revolutloalae its methods, as pointed out pallet? ia the muoriMraad elnority reports of the gmnd Jury, if they wilt otMupietely aisown aod oast ok the piaaderloff uang who have worfced theei to de stfTHashin, the people may have aoae hope. Bit will they? Xit. It s noausual la Orostoa to bavo raini afUeMdic Utt Jaly. Wo are notttOiHg haipweiot i ntltort weather for a few daps yet. Bot the ralos have helped! mere tha they have hurt and wiUiout Whew thaw wotrii have been aseareiayof feed for took. Now tliurawlll"ba hay ta aJmftMaoee nnd spring grain will to alsir crop cipeclallywatd. The potato crop will bd Imtuensoandso will hoes, while the whole of Oregon will revel ib aa abundance or garden supplies and fniJirfonthaj family. Moist weather Um started the Hoe on hops, out theyare mi late appearing that the drv weather will out thorn off .before tlieydo.muoh damagei Tha outleolc for crops Is fttvoraWaand'tua prospect It is doahtfaltf theospreoM has r jarteflerioo ia the Then is do eosslct of law for them to odjadicato, Tboy cataeot create oew dauee for the secretary of Mate. They caaaot aathoriae him to do aad act that is forbiddee. Shoald they doHtaod he should rafnsa, oomM they feed htaj toprisen forcoa tempt or vlo latloa of thetranaoatef Aod thes, toe.the seate oaert has oooe hold that he eaooot audit ia the abuses of law. The brief of counsel for the state pointedly aayi: "The secretary cannot, by his war raot, ouleek the vaeltsofthe treasery aad wipe ost the great public crime of MMKtseap ami Keepimj looked op J la these faults for the next two years more than a million dollars of the peo ple's money which, they placed there. many of them at the 'aoriaee of the aomfctrts of lite in ofder to preservo their homes "Korean be relieve the people of the burden of payine per cent oa that vaet amount of their owe money for the next two years aad the added burden of from 10 to 28 coats oa every dollar's worth of sopatiee tarnished them for that period." The Iowa State Register aad lag- papers of that greet Republican stata ridiculed the work of the bime tellto commission teat abroad to huet MaHtalHsfH by aa iateraatloaal RgnuBML "Oar flrsa aad amWe nahl iodartr" Is what those papers advocate. They make RapublleaRiem aad gold ataadard ayooayiaous. OoLCH. Gateh died at bis home la Oes aTolaes, la., July 1. He wes a foteawst lawyer, a laadtee politician la the better tease, aad a pillar of te eiety. Aaa Caton aalaior he rondared aobie servioa. The meat state of Iowa bad not maay mea as i?at as Ool. Gatch. Heppaer has a ladles' bead that is oomposed of the wives aad daughters of the loo promiaeat citiaanr. tAftlNG and health, ranking arc aciaued in tne saving it HIKRS Rootbeer The prepa- rauon if this great tcm jfraacc linnk. u an erent ut mportaBceia a million weii rguloted homes. FuNSu Ji& I A HIRES Kasii ' ta Kw' h'S Iff '-BSurii! Rootbcer is fall of good health. Invigorating, appetiz ing, satisfying. Put some up to-day and h&re it ready to put uaw wbeacver you're tnuttv Made only by The Charles B. Hires Ob., rhiladelphia. A pack age makes 5 gtUons. Sold everywhere. "orators MsiaeMe thetfrBet- thc saaroaie betoe aa ia tM& year of oar Load, OK : J Tak teaav oae dnoatwd br all this aatuf Oartailwta iadeed, or stooe doaiVteaewhocaaoetaearthe arat tarnwrof tha rajhae Horai. Loohad acfraai either dde that of the pa- & or that of ottaanshy who are oryiacte eaehiae thaai the ytetea ehows biauiutsahuad. We amy dear wean bat it caa oaiy be by radfealty ehsaflB oaroomset He who foedly iaMsfae that we caa drift for the aext thirty years ia the ?eee dir eothM that we rmvafbrthe test thirty aad not Sad ooreelves oa the rocks hajhoold waha as, nth Ms eyes aad etear Ms steht te what is gotag on seoaad him. nr eke to should go and "ted sobw hole ia the gxoand, that DM8 never saw aad. beast aorer ftmed", and crawl ia. and pall the bete ia af tar Mm. So matter if we look at the sitea thM from the staadpotat of those ooafervatives who always opboid the axhitiag order of thiasst do matter if we believe with those who tblak that God Al&ftettty ordaloed that the many should toil aod Harve that the tew migat live in ucolauj aod detfior alistot; laxary; no matter if we joi a those who believe prefeas conditions to be a Uate of neutral evolution re alttae 1b "the sorvi val of the fittest" (sapposiag sordid Kxeed to be the "tiUes" attribate given to mfln): iUll we caa see that the poor, foolish, scoundrelly, envious and discontented masses are not going to submit much longer without a straggle. We can fee that the straggle has already com menced, and that the only way in which the select few, the wonderfully "smart" and "3t" people, have so far retained their ascendancy bos been by keepiag one section of the musses pitted against another; by making one half of the people believe that the other half were all knaves and fools. The tariff has been an ideal issue for this purpose, but. thanfc God, the tariff is losing its omnipotent charm as a word to conjure with. A year from now there will be few left wLo believe that a protective tariff alone caa briag osete prosperity. Aad bow are they eadeavoriog to ease us down? Watch tho pluto cratic press. Read the "high-toned" magazines. Notice bow we are ad monished that we must not expect te ever again see such good times as we hare seen. Notice bow the working people and farmers are told that they must make up their minds to come down tn the seme style of hying as the like etassas la the old world. Ob serve bow the lower crassas are ex horted to be content in the condition 1 of life to which it has pleased a be- , neaeent Creator to call them. Ntice j how the high-salaried reverends, pro- j teemed followers of the meek: and j lowly Xasarene, while preaohiag against the evils of the day (exoeatr lag avarice, jet strenuously uphold the system whieh is largely respeesi- Me far these evils; bow they strive to convince us that poverty, Bakedaess, cold and hunger are all seat of God for our good,ami to turn our thoughts aoave; now tuoy aurt mm tnuir ccsm- . leaed pulpits the anathemas of Heaven against those who have the , temerity to upeek disrespectfully of their "betters" aad of the man-made laws that are griadiag them iaco the dust. Bah! De they tbtafc that the poor teas conae road hie Bible aad understand plain laagaage as well jj they? De they suppose that we go to them at this eed of the uiaeteeath century to have them explain to ue that Christ was a little on in a good many partkmiars that He never is teaded to ert&t aay lerteacteBS oa tha MHiM-miitioaulre wJte keeps hie paw rant paid apt that thawoldaa rale wes naver intended tar eyery day use in "the business woridP' But thiols dnlfMng' a teng way f reai the Bhurth of Jlyt Wly sheuh! we aot have good Hates afata? Safcarai cooiittoBS are aa fami0. w auil have mitttens of aoresoftheBBestlaad ia the world Yriao Mfo. W have made immense strides-is the Improvement of. ma- Ycu naturs lose, fash in. efainery, aad the baraessiag of the summer aid runnfog down aatore forces- Oar iateBlgoece has Is so tZSf Yea get a little f -X u.;a.ft.- UmhI . surely eat deterhKand. w are as weaKer eacn cay . ..r.uu w - y p q-lirnJr energeti. aad wBlwr to work as ever fy notfclTS it there is klSS of UT, AUg, L., iClirOeaer Oevd mes come when appetite; heaoDCie. wealcness Dcutchcr Arzr, flt 1 ?- 4 Jarm . ,T 1 oMamrtr aw to Hf. OI TFIB milZZ". LiUl UCU 9Cu t 1Umt rWhUmrfagr AfZt 1HI COm . ncc Ofmi zwmj vmm y - -- gg - - work. Why ihuald aot wages oe sued bow? With the advaaees made are the mbarort staMaJshoahl be larger proatraticn taaHeverbee,ba with tee com - m rr Wv,mo I J - i--4 (nr htnr i Hr-itn 1ICU MS X ll-a it w-1-.y, v. we were wages are fhir. weaneMafnry,aiKlth-'aJ2-- 4" the bsrsr erf nervous , . ,. ., . 1 r'i ! mill 1 inp Km - Glass Ever m tae City. Direct worn 1 T yMHaatiiliTT ' "" T 1 law. ! l I. and btttsrs rr: and tcr.tcs a cri some Ml M Libby Gfa Works. 1 ' 4. . V . V,. -jtt 'l-l TOT T-TTTT-TIT C Of nttcfltiM of .mBBtoess it has oeome. icuiHuia - - - "- a. w, L nwiviro-ii u jj all oroite possfwe Jar capital to tone aad htn the worfcer a bare subsist-; ana ner.2- eeee. Why caa wo not all be at work? The trouble ties ia thesease- ktss system which leaves lead idle aad maohiaery neila? iteeir out, mines closes, aad raea, womea and efaUdran starvhse for bread because there is "no work.'' Dees any oae suppose that those Immortal sgaers of the Declaration of Iadependeaee foresaw those thiagsf If thev and. thev mit:bt aot have been so ready to cemeat the founda tions of this government with their blood. Tet "the masses" .are expected to ouiety submit to the perpetuation of conditions that grow worse year by year. WfH they do it ? Don't for one Wring Instant allow yourself to think it. There will be many a glorious Bburth yet. ia this land of the free, and the stars aad stripes will float overit all, bet not under the reign of goldstandard plutocracy, not under the dominion of Wall street, not under the rnle'of sordid, Woodless, personified avartos. David .Bcrk Chase. Salem, Or., July 4, 13K. Pracace Economy. Ib baying msdtcme s m other matters. It is economy to get Hood's SarsapartlU because there is acre mrtrioBal value in Heed's Saisaparilla than u any other. Every bottle of Hood's Sarsapartlla oosuibs loo deses sd will arerace. taken accormnz to directions. to last a month, while outers last bet a fort night. Hood's Pills are tbe oo.y pills to take with Hood's Sarstpanlla. Easy and yet effiatnt. CmEOPODisT. Dr. Dumain is at room 18. Hdridse block, until July 9th.nrenared to Derform work in his line. The editor of the Hed Bluff Xews says of him: "He is a skilful man in his business. We know it. We haTe tried him. and are sure he will nlease you if you hive any trouble with your feet, such is corns, bun ions, callouses or ingrowing toe-nails. He gives a guarantee snre. He has hundreds of tirst-clas. testimonials. Call at once and" give him an oppor tunity to cure you." 3-flt m SAVK YOUR GRAIN. Few realize that each, squirrel de rays 31.50 worth of grain annually. Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exter minator is the most effective and economical poison known. Price re duced to 30 cents For sale by G. W. Putnam, Sterner Drag Co., Lunn & Brooks, G. L L. Easkettand A- L. Stone. d & w-3 10-4m of Cod-Hver Oil with the Ky- pophosprnrco, f rrnztss jurt the nourishmsnt nseacd !cr tnose who are ntn down and pale and thin and wea'c If ycu !ose flesh in summer take Scott's Emul sion now. Don't wait till fail or winter before beginning. Jar wis at sac sd i-oo br alt rczuta. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, VARNISH, and the mist complete stock of BRUSHES of all k'nds in the state. Artists miteriils, lime, hair, cement Jewelers, 221 Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. WOLZ'S MIT WOLZ L M1ESCKE Preot Oeaiars inall kiaes of freh and salt mea si Lard in HhIIc, 7C a IB. caeapest meai in or own. Try them. I7r Cotnmercsal K. Cornf ring the complete tottuI, seaah rli wintl,oeinnmcKU aod pntinxotjl haad mni marie a special t . -Ve laug ym um amy iu impart e mast 1 vammg 10 ibc man. mi a j, 3 ix &. roper oeriinfroeiK 01 ne .. b sp rt of every description plefflf, tea tn (Ins ummitton voa -av reKujj that he is well cared for iwj, '(watfc mdiKneeof the streets an. arnperlr (Sfm! hy an exeeitentstaffof gathers Wnte for estalogae ani neeul ta-, , "- '.Tvir.u. I' 11 li I C. H. LANE, I T f 1 !iMfflNraiLIuuu " IB" and shingles, grass seed. a "! finest quality of NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 2t f ''jomsrcMl st, SateTi Or rbeiu $15 apwards. l'ant anwands'j STENOGRAPHING AND TYPEWRITING. Legal acd commercial work a specialty Telephone one-fear. Office with Sherman Condit it Park, Gray Mock. Dictation take at ysr ofics and work married on (her notice. 43t STELLA SHERMAN. A SlUUtw tAKM. 20 miles I rem. "a'ea, for rent. Cheap to tbe right parry. It rpm e ol ueo. Unswold, 55 sine stiert, Nms, Oregrai 7 7. iw WANTED .Work by a ranch co-. Wages no object. Address "P" JoernatoSee. 7 3 3t I FOR SALE-We have 1 IZ cre uf chant ib fall bearing and in a high state of cattmutoa. Close to poitotace and 3 J-J miles from halera Will sell cheap. Inquire of Hansen Lon don, sash and door factory, Salem. 6 sS tf WANTED. To trade drain tiles for little Or wood. Inquire of J. E. Murchy. at Tile Factory, North Salem. 6261m j WANTED Agent for "Queen Victoria. Her Reign and Diamond Jubilee." Orenkjwing witn latest ana ncnest pictures, (jontains the endorsed biography of Her Majesty, with authentic Histoiy of her remarkable reign, and full account of the Diamond Jubilee. Only Si. 50. Big book. Tremendous aemand, Bonanza for agents. Commission 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Wnte quick for outdt and territory. THE DOMINION COMPANY, Dept., 7, 356 Dear bom St., Onmgp. 6 24-im POLYTECHNIC SUMMER SCHOOL. Be. gins Monday June 23. Free conveyance will be at corner of Chemeketa and Cottace street, every morning at S o'clock. J. J. Kraps. 6-25-lm J, F &r:LVIvIORJ, Saccesser 'Jo Wtnte & Gilimtre, jnie, I'neol, Lath, Plaster. Cum ao.i'Cjm Ch-p. all kinds of feed. 54 STATE ST. T- Hf HAAS, WATCHMAKER AD JEWHLER, Makesaspialty of fine repair work. Set Thnrnai doelw.. efc.. 2tc Cmmnrrcial Street Depot Express. Meets all mas! aad p&ssenfcr trains. Bag gage and exoros to all parts of the city Prompt semefc Telephone No. 70. IAMES RADER. Hello ! SEE E, S. BENTLEY. ITaving disponed f my mer lis state that I can t.u ' riwoit at my office in the d PioBttf Grocery. I propose fana my time to the insurmce tit. ness, and write pra es in the best companies ki wri. Ai! persons indebted ' ue nieuj call anrt settle at ".. amj ave expense f le-t-. : 2i til ohn fl 1'rif 0 Bnildinff Materia in alum Salem Branch leS of the Labor Excka are now piepared to furnish at short ma Sand aad Gravel of any grade, and of it best osaHiy, and in any qiiant.y. Teltplos '75- 6'Jtt , N -.. & .slIJI1 THIltMABc'Y The Deimel iLinen-Mesli Undefweafj PAbSAGE TO THE COAST, I wiU make regular tops from balem to the coast. Good team, covered ng and all accommodations necessary. Enquire at Wiggins' Barasr. Prices reasonable. Win. Plum 6 16 im g If you want to more or want a load ol'any kind hauled br want a load of manure, dJrr, sand or gravel, or cement, lime, hair plaster, Dncic or sewer pipe, see u. is. Uentley, cor ner of Front and Chemeketa streets or ling up telephona 30. Also wood and coal on hands at all times. Orders prompfly attended to. I I HAVE A GOOD MONEY MAKING proposition for a party desiring to jo east, cimall cash payment reqmired. or win trade far property here. Wnte J" this paper. o 15 im Keed Drops "Muchly." Bran and Shorts an cheaper than corn. Price of mill feed greatly re duced. Call at the mil for quotations. Delivered free in quarter ton lots. Salem Flouzchj 1"tt.t.r Co. e-18-dtd. Albanyl had brate tbe trd. 6000 visitors to cele, Woman's MAKE THE HOME A BLESSING. The Love of Chldrea is Inpmte la tbe Heart of ererjr True Man and Woman. All that is beautfal and lovely in wo man, finds its !ttttt- is motherhood. How often we findomong our Americaa wames that longng for the prattling- vece. tne idol ot ueir waiting-aearts. It is a natural lutiact; this yearainir of ' tbe heart for ofisnrng; yet tfae wife hesi tates to talk witi the fhrttfly physiciaa on this delicate stiject. A good, way to I do is to send for 'Tha People's Medical Adviser," tooo gcv profusely illus- ' trated wood-cut and colored plates). Sent aa receipt 021 cents in stomps, for 1 WANTED AGENTS If you are a rusder. we wamjyou. Good payy excluave territory, anywhere in Orecon. Address P. O. Box 7 Salem Oregon. 6 11 im THE -aCSINEbS I'RINTER" Of faatem is Frank Conover He is to be found at Dear born -, .uui when Sound will da your business priming ijuicker, more clearly nd satisfact ory than any one here. ; 20 tf A KNOCK DOWN. Horses shod here after at $1 for fear-new shoes. The bet stock and wmk A. R. Willard, log State street. Salem. WA.tf WANTED, To trade, rood business for property, giTC full discnptian, location and pnee, address, W. oarc Journal. 6 15 iml WANTED. Permanent orfice assistant and correspondent here. Salarv s?So Enclose stamped envelope to W. L. self. J. S. PIllII MEW MARKET, State street, near railroad.1 Freshest and best meats. My patrons say I keep the best treats in town. 2 z BROWN, Gen'l Manager, care Daily JoamaL I lfaeet 5 a til " AT THE OLD ;P0ST0FRCE. A. DAGENY, Family Wine and Liquor Store Kemoved from 102 State to loo Cammerctal Bottled goads of the best quality. Our catalogue contains some very interestingtj facts on' the subjectfofiunderwear. Ask for a copyjat our-Salem agents, I0S, MEYERS Lm MRb. N. B. cCUTT. istenosiranher andi typewnter, room o, over Laadtfe Bush's bank. Prompt attention to" all classes of work. I THE ?Q LUll ae i AfiniATirnror. iU. r AH XJi'LillL I1UUU flSlfflce in Clby Hall. Northern Pacific Railway. sRUNS: PulImantSIeeDinp" Cars Elent Dininc Car Tourist Sleeoin0" Irngatlon hours 6 to S a. ai. and S to 8 in the ayoninir. All p.i.Mtnn 1111 rl.A I 1J ill v, i """"" " Jl iJ SUUllUUM tiii uc uuc auu puyauie uie ist or uuiy. Street snrinklinu thiouirh lawn ha positively prohibited.. " '- c. ., ,, n,,h. rrt' The leading first-lass hotel of Newport,, SO deduction, for Irrigation during rand"o;k7CrcXton.ViBa& jayaaaum bay. The Oregon health and absence unless water is cut Oil the HdenaSd IBatts. ummer resort. This house commands a entire premises, THROUGH TICKETS beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean. Yaquina , No aUovance made for part Of sea- To Chicago Vwntenton. Phuadelpta, ' 7MIII MW TTIPim WirnH ID AAr4srl - I. 2 -- -. " ,a ..& SAMUEL CASE. PROP. Bay and the Coast Range of Mountains pottage and wis pint draw tne wonts AsseesatMHi. Bnnlo. N. of a msrneil wooan ore cot pleasant li she be delicate, ondown, or debilitated. only, if you ad. ensary aicdiml Tliercilectians pi. del Her smile and SleeTCDs' ' son as more water is needed to hrimr out a neglected lawn than judicious' ' uw iur line UIILirUbOUSOn Salkm Watbr Co. IT r She feels " triavd out." her iood sptnti have taken Sight. It worries her aushnd as well as herself. This is the use to build up her strength and ere those weaknesses or ailments winch are the cause of her trouble Dr Psrce's Favorite Prescrip tiaa regulates ad promotes all tbe pro per fkncUons " womanhood, improves ihu-ilimi, enrilies the blood, dispels atnis and pais, melancholy and nerv ousness, bringsrefreshing sleep, and re stores perfect kalUi and strength. It's a safe rmedial airent. an invicor- atiBgtoak aniHcrvine which cures all JoiJJriers built tnose aisaraenweaiutesssa acn nerangv aents inodenlta w 11 1 ork. Boston, and ail Poas East and bourn jFor information, tone cards, aias tickets, call on or wnte SaiemSteamLaunckyj -?H0fVlAS WATT & CO, Pleasc7notice the cubin pricesi PATENT PB2JDING. cm the fbilowingj SI- -ts, plai Unucr drsv 10 cents ------ . n 2 tTi i: a.w.uiu, u4jj ucw mepcnmoB sn oar puce n?r wuuer irara 5 to I o cents J theasylara. Call and see them, Socks, per pair .....t cents' P - .m. baJ . . m T lllnJl-..,nli' F 1 .iuu unu. iic mnicajo invBUgue M. iiujktn.iB. I cent .v. jms w uurauj; . aner. oar claims -.. auui.crcnieis teems. .. wn.u.vku vauolait. i- Limnawi "u Mm huuw aiim 7ijifnTt.1v.unM. wonc in proMrtian. AGENTS s6stCommircial srreet. Salem, Otr A D. dutltsn. V-ri. Mortisuu (.. 'H.KM J-1 PatUaJ, uaausoen. 4. Y 01 process, aadether-i ef censtmcuor i. Raoid 2asy. cheariBess and stranRd Write me for testimoaiak and experience of eiowerrwha are ohbc the Steevecs iBrti yearsi EstnnatesaBd speciScanons atrnbaed telllPentlv- ws-;fii1 Kv Kr,4 55 1 Q J ,VM -9 -! A' nanBut -r ' Flannels nd other work ia Address A. STflEN'ENH. Salem, Or. I Coli I, Olmsted Prop, vr -MaaBfek,. 'mmmmmW'mia Htf cw u nruvtrh ? f fiaiaaat niiiunn, EaTlniiEr-iiiCav' '- Vaaaaam frwFalTt n vTaS BBBBBBW Tf O I dBBBI BBBBBTaB. AmWLW S vr.i . - .M ia.a xr - r. or 'rLA i Bare""! faru-lar ' .lSliMiL iHirfttfbMtfftVt.tobtfllllft(fl