Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, June 29, 1897, Image 2

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    Daily Capital Journal
What .ire the ImHng h In the
Republican parly vtmg Vi do with
e.ur cminly affair? Will they alhm
matters t drift? Sinl! the weiH
dlwrarcful amdtUo wn.Hnu? We
knuvr.aodall informed men kwiw.Hwt
one nod'busine& man wIk knows the
laws can in one week
audltlHir deparlroenl
nut tbe comity
in ocm shape
that no one mn Meal a dollar The
people believe that the managers do
not want tltaU
In all we hare saW abuMt the lui
bcclle and qBestiotmMe practices of
conducting pHfolle btnlHes at the
rvnirt. hnue we IwTe not warred on
men. We have exposed tlie rotten
mellKls fearlessly and placed the re
..pynMblllty on tlie orticijl Head of the
county uorernment lecaae tlie law
uiaWrbJudtre Terttll therrfJMal ht-ad
of our riHiiity administration. We
Imte rto candidate for any fflce which
may in-amie vacant and have no prl
Tite srlerancea or personal interests
in attacking any man. Tlie people
lave a miujon interest tbatad rlfjlit
uilndd wen tuut feel in demanding
c-xiruiHi honty and Intelligent
bHliK me lKid and derent economy
in tlw traasaclloa of public btiat-ne,-.
The people do not cara
who gires title rcrvice, so far
as men or partlesare concerned. Dut
the penple do bare an Interest In
knowing that there shall be an end
put to shameful political jobbery and
rewarding of political favorites at
public expense, as lias been the cus
toui. It is assumed all big political
debts and t'JiinpfllL'ii obligations have
been squared by this time.
It is time now to put the affair of
the county on a business basis. Judge
Torroll Ikis liire earsto serve. lie
owe-dt tothe Republican party which
put Iiiin thc.v to put the affairs of
tli county in sucli order that open
and outright stealing shall stop. How
much wi.sc'om. intelligence, economy
and retrenchment the entire county
,court Is capable of no use can Im
agine. We have long since learned not to
lojk to party for relief or reforms. It
takes manhood and character that
rises above party to secure tfood local
government. Hard times and scarlty
of money makes the appetite of
the spoilsman keen, and the clamor of
. the partisan is loud and unrelenting.
In spite of all this.the question recurs",
Is there enough virtue, Jiorse sense
and political foresight In the Repub
lican party to stop crookedness and
purge our public service?
A few plain words to middle-of-the-road
refermers: The Union mass
con vcntlon in Yamhill county has en
dorsed the referendum anu initiative
and also the Imperative mandate.
With that as a basic proposition for
legislative reforms, free coinage and
a full legal tender national currency
for a financial platform, there Is no
excuse left for maintaining three po
litical partlcsagalnsttlie Republicans
of Oregon.
"' We are not Informed about the pol
itics of other counties, bub In Marlon
county, where wc have reached the
high tide of reckless administration
In local utTnirs, the politician who
still wants to divide the people Into
4 warring factions Is a public enemy.
Ho Is a willing advocate of high taxes
and corrupt methods. No mutter what
we think about national affairs, turlfl
or whatnot, the people haven right to
protect their homes from the spolia
tion of the tax gatherer.
The iiilddle-of-tlie-roud politician
who opposes union of the people Is no
friend of the people. Ho Is playlnu
at a little boM.s gamo of machine poli
tics I hat belongs to llio dark ages.
The pcoplu demand the riuht to make
direct nominations for county and
legislative oillccs, and olllcials re
sponsible to the people and not to
bosses, machines or middle-of-the-road
Terrell & Hurton, General Jobbers,
open at all hours. Olllccs at tho Tern
'pic of Justice (?) Siilcm and Albany 1
Klmlll rjltna tn iwint riwt fire If tlinlt
tework In tho past (campaigns) has been
f,..ri, An i..;i" ... ....
.'jr.W., ...vt-" V.. l.t....t.w VllVf
business strictly
'confidential (If tlio yratitl Jury tlou't
catch on.) Couio early ami avoid the
rusli. UIuukch reasonable, uccordinj,'
to amount overpaid for the contracts
Rcctircdk Jefferson Review.
. r
Has Helped Mother,
"My mother h&i been alllicted with catarrh
v.anil stomioh trouble She has talenanum
"ber of bottles ol Hocxl'i Saisaparilla and has
uejlved great benefit from it. We always
-tale Hood's Sarsaparilla when we need a
uitKxi puniier ami we 11 mi noons rills a
remedy for tUk headache," Mrs, Minnis
Kt'Kincs. Oakland. Or.
nHii1fcr Pills are the only pills to take wiih
'Howl's Sarinparllla Easy and yet efficient.
u --
Fire CI y
for fruit dryers mid other purposes
far siilo at
suieui, ur. u-NU
Mr limes THwm Ktanwd tohsr
hook ta Salem last FrtaVaj: after a few
day fMl dlli frd aaJ wbUw
Im the Kwi.
Mr. W. II. IIotHttt and Mrs. Haart
wralUtTiraci la, FrMay for a few
daj rtfUr sad to atKaai the eaaaa
amrfioe la pmrpi at Tmimec.
Mrs Allen ilmrie of Xmanrnttr.
Wash w a ib-itor at rawe las
Tlransday aatl FriAijr. Mr. rkavte
eaaacdrra m hiV Wcy-fc? and tepnricd
Uw rmi la fair CrmdiWor.
Mr. Shaw aad fawllr of Mill City
were rieiUsr la iwn darimc the wert-
Mr. Snaw Is an oM rsWnt of SUy-
. w wa ""J rMO WBB ,OT "
fueet him aain.
j Mr. Caroll and family, v( IMftteta-
' b-rh, wre immhc those enjoying toe
Thedaucegltea by Mr. Bert Ma-' W. B. Hawley. elected assistant secre
gers, at Daisy ball last Thursday tary.
ni?ht was a decided sueee&s, good mu- j Professor Ilagal, the areonant, wJhi
ir an excellent lloor and a iarce is to make tbe ascent at Albanv. on
crowd in attendance making the so-
cla! hop all any onceoukl ask for.
The night of the 3d,
Messrs. Bert 1
Magersand Ell Sm-th, will give a
dance at Stay ton opera house, the
Silverton string bond will furnish the
muic and a good time Is expected by
all. Messrs. Pies and Glen Mangle
will als give a cance at the Daisy
ball tbe same night.
The Masonic picnic at the G ove
near town last Thursday, was a sue-
cess in every way. excellent slncin
innrnnrlntn rnplt-if Inn nnrl i n oln.
. ii. ,, " , ,1 UaU-WWte, 3S4oc;grcy, JT3g.
quent and interesting Masonic ad-; P(tetoes..NtV, ifopc. cwtT
dres by Rev. Copcland of Salem' Hay (JooJ, ii3 50 per ton.
formed the well arranged program. I Hops-7c.
A large crowd from small towns and1' Va,,ey' ,0,?r: ha"ern Oreeon
the surrounding country were In at ' iobatr 195200.
tendance, a number of Salem stands! Millstufts..Uran, 14.50; ihorts 1650.
furnished refreshments to the thlrsly' K jTPLjP,0?
. , , .. , ,, '.broilers, 2o(S3 00 turkeyt, live 10c
crowds during the day. The merry-. rigg .Oreson. i2ai3c per doz
go-round was also there for the chil-' HhIm.. green, salted 60 lb 6c; under
kren, taking everything together lya' lcCa'1"c
picnic could Indeed be considered a ' onio"X p wick
success from every stand point, wheat Bag Cdcittaj.sj per 100
j Bean smali white, lV,lic.V na 3a3f
Something About the Armory.
Editor Jeuhnal: As it has ever
been conceeded the proper thing to
get in all the kicks available, before
a man has time tostruggle to his feet,
your humble taxpayer complying
with the time honored custom now
takes his dl at the judge. For the
past ten years the county court has I
allowed 815 per month to the Salem ;
O. X. G., for armory rent, being con
sidered an ample sum for all needs.
During the month of March, 1807, a
demand was made on tlie county court
by the commanding ofllcer of Co. I,
for 830, which was promptly allowed,
and no question asked. Company B's
commander, hearing of the extra al
lowance, made a similar demand
which was alike granted. Again
Co. l's commander was handed tover
844.50, Company B's commander
again followed suit and 850 was forth
coming, although no published record
announced the fact to the over
burdened taxpayer, and to say that
the "boys In blue'.' were startled is
drawing it mildly.
When Judge Tcriell not long ago
woke up and asked: "What do you
fellows do with all your money? You
get a lot fron. the state, besides what
wc arc giving you."
Tlie judtfc was then Informed,
"that it takes extra money
to carry on an extra armory, "what"
says the Judge, "havo you got two ar
mories, right here in town?" "well
hardly two armories judge, but the
state and county have been since Jan
uary lust, In the name of the armory,
keeping up the old folks dancing club,
hall and furnishing money to carry
on a card playing and smoking club
In the same little hall over thegrocery
store, and It Is withal a pleasant, Ht-
tlo room for the boys to spend their
evenings and our money over their
pipes, etc., and the farce of calling It
an armory Is only Indulged In when
the landlord demands his money
rental, and now Judge Terrell If you
had done some Investigating when the
above demands were made, (for money
never before exponded,) before pitch
ing out our money tho tax payers of
Salem would not now for the llrsttlnie
bo appraised of tho fact that they
are supporting an extra armory. Tho
original armory having been leased to
tho state for tho last twelve years,
and under tho supervision of the O.
N. G. wits Improved and repaired Jan
uary lust, Its sanitary urrungonicnts
," K V , V . ,'
2 was entirely unnecessary butewlm:
t.,, ......i,.,., t?rt ,... v
to tho county's ready money so wil
lingly bostowod, tho boys did not
think it necessary to give up their
club; for boys will be boys the world
over, and its much easier to play cards
than togctlnaud drill; and as beforo
stated a little iuvcstlKatlni; -on your
part would have spared you the in
dignity of this kick. It now remains
for Company "H" to olect lieutenants
from the family of tho county com
missioners and perhaps then tho
county will still furnish funds for an
extra armory, unless tho mornlnu
riapQr Is successful In davertisitm tho
original armory for thoatlcnl pur
poses. Jamks.
The married men of Newport beat
tlmslnglo men at baseball 22 to 21.
Laawaaia Is stor o have a bank,
la 1RH, a JarjBaa la Oregen
ctHretl naly SS reals ror each case.
A fnUrnna la Baker City is said
ta; t Uaatet aaa is the woiW.
Vhtm twfctd Uv a watch recently be
Bftelejrf split oae la two and re -
lav mrtljr mtt& K r.
At a aacct of toe
aic-t .ntmus aad taxpayers
WW dceMed to aire the pabtic school
orrtoih State X-Mal, kcatedat'
Drstia. fur a training school for tbe
Senior's- Prof Baraec tons been re-'
ek-cled present.
Tlw Sinlaw Agricultural Society
has decided to cow a fair at Lorane
; hall, on October 15 and 1. The fol-
lowlMg oflteers were elected: Mrs. S.
G Lrakwxxid, re elected president:
the Fourth of July, i- a handsome and'
! dashing young man ho proposes to!
marry the young woman who dares go
up in the baloon with him. He is
already on the ground and says be
1 never felt so shakey about the proposi
tion before.
Poitlaad, lune 20. hit
valley, 69
1 waiia niiii, 07
Portland. 3.&X13 753-9; graham
1 43 IPrfine. 2 00 per DW.
Uogs Heavy, 4.00
i'uttcr.. IJestnairy, 20(523: lancy creamery
30335c per roll.
Cheese .IltC.
Diicd Fruit Apples, evaporated, blenched
6V7c; unbleached 3MC'1C'5 sundried
I'ears 5coc
Plums. pitless,3r(aUc
Prunes 4c6c.
Veal sraill 4a5; large 3j4c per lo.
Mutton - iVeather ?a21,: dressd rout
toiMj'JaSc spting lambs 67cperlb.
Kiel Steers 5 3; cow 2,$o(3)y,
dressed 56.
Cured Meats JIams iojciojc bacon 7"
1-ard ln rails, 7c.
Oats 33c.
Hay .baled, cheat, 13.00.
Flour.. In wholesale lots, 3. So; retail
4.20; bran, bulk i2i3shorts,i5.5oi7 75;
chop feed. 15.oc16.oo.
Poultry Chicken,5 pnng chicken 10.
Veal..Dressed, 3.
Hogs.. Dressed, 4.00.
Live Cattle.. 22.
Sheep.. Live, 1 50.
Spring lambs, $1.0
Wool.. Best. I2c.
Hop?.. Best, q a Ioc
Kggs . 10 in trade.
Farm Smoked Meals , Itacti, 7 : h.-ras
100; shoulders, 5jc.
Potatoos 60c trade.
Dried Frui' Apples, evapoiatrd Weitlie I,
70 8c: unbleached 4c5c.
l'lums 4c
Unttci Dairy ioaiajc creamery I2
Bryan Train. One hundred seats
In the Bryan train have been secured
for Salem and Marlon county people.
D. C. Sherman, T. L. Davidson, D. J.
Fry and The Journal ollice have
tickets tor sale at 31 each. Hand In
your names early. AH are welcome to
join the one hundred.
Budding time
the time when jjtrl
hood blossoms into
womanhood is a
trying period in
every woman's life.
Much depiMid1! on
tbe care and the
treatment given
then a lifetime of
healthy happiness,
or years of MifTer
ing sickness.
To bring girls
safely through this
critical period. Dr.
Pierce's Favorite
Prescription lias
been found an un
failiug aid. It is a
preparation of
strongly tonic pro
perties. It puts
tlie whole bodjr
into Kood condi
tion nnd is particularly efficacious in
its action on tbe peculiarly feminine
organism. There is4 no sort of female
trouble that it will not correct if it is
taken in time. Thousands of the worst
possible cases have been cured by it.
It works in a perfectly natural way,
mid drives out disease by building up
the strength and purifying the whole
j.iiui muucab wuuscu aim Kilts smucr '
unspeakable torments because they
dread telling their troubles to a phy
sician. They fear the almost inevitable
examinations and "local treatment."
These things are usually wholly un
necessary. Dr. Pierce's I'avorite 1'rescriptlon will
do what not one doctor in a hundred can
do it will cure. In our 1000 page book
entitled "The People's Medical Adviser,"
are hundreds of testimonials to its wort
derful efficacy.
The book will be sent free on receipt
of twenty-one cents to pay postage and
wrapping only.
Address, Vonu's Dispbnsarv Mbd
icai. Association, No. 663 Main Street.
Buffalo, N. Y.
JIPS fin
Indaced by tbe use ot coca, opiate or nar
cotic compounds Is bad, decidedly bad.
Tkrr undermine health and shatter the
eoastltntton and the patient Is steadily
' growing into a worse condition often
resalting In the terrible slavery
5ery of the cocaine and opium habit.
Bleep indaced by the use of Hood's Sarsa-
paruu noes noi pernaps cubic m 4""-1;)
bat It comes more sorely and more per-
maneBtlx through nature's great restor -
lag aad rejuvenating channel purified,
Vitalized and enriched Diooa. inis leeas
the nrres with life-giving energy and
bcllds op the system and constitution
trnm tho rfrv foundation of all health
andlile the blood pure, rich, red blood.
Is the One True Blood Purider. All druggists. $1.
flood's PHIs wytooperaMcelJts!
! ' - -
Few realize that etch squirrel de
roys 3I.-M) worth of grain annually.
Wakelee'stiquirrel and Gopher Exter
minator is the most effective and
economical poison known. Price re
duced t. 30 cents For sale by G. W.
Putnam. Steiner Drug Co., Lunn &
Hrook. C 1. Li. Baskett and A. I.
.Stone. d & w-3 10-4m
and th2 imst complete stock of
BRUSHES of all kinds in .the shte.
Artists materials, lime, hair, cement
and shingles, aid finest quality of
grass seed,
into Southejn Kansas will learn something to
their advantage by adddressing J.C. Mills,
209 Commercial street. 2931 d&w
FOR SALE., We have a 12 acre orchard in
full bearing and in a high state of cultivation.
Close to postcfiice and 34 miles from Salem.
Will sell cheap. Inquire of Hansen & Lon
don, sash and door factory, Salem. 6 28 tf
WANTED.-,To trade drain tiles for little fir
wood. Irquiro of J. E. Murchy. at Tile
Factory, North Salem. 6 26 im
WANTED gent for "Queen Victoria, Her
Reign and Diamond Jubilee." Overflowing
uithlate.-t and richest pictures Contains
the endorsed biography of Her Majesty, with
authentic History of her remarkable reign,
and full account of the Diamond Jubilee.
Only $1.50. Big book. Tremendous demand,
bonanza (or agents. Commission 50 per cent.
Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free.
Write quick for outfit and territory. THE
DOMINION COMPANY, Dept., 7, 356 Dear
born St., Chicago. 6 24-Im
gins Monday June 28. Free conveyance will
be at comer of Chemeketa and Cottage street,
every morning at S o'clock. J. J, Kraps.
regular trips from Salem to the coast. Good
team, covered rig and all accommodations
necessary. tnquire at- Wiggins' Bazaar.
I'ricts reasonable. Wm. Plum 6 16 im
proposition for a party desiring to go east.
Small cash payment required, or will trade
for property here. Write "J" this paper.
6 15 im.
WANTED AGENTSr-If you are a rustler,
we wantjyou. Good pay exclusive territory,
anywhere in Oregon. Address P. O. Box 75
Salem Oregon.- 6 11 im
is Frank Conover. He is to be found at Dear
born's, and when found will do your business
printing quicker, more clearly rnd satisfact
ory than any one here. 5 20 tf
FOR SALE A small, well-paying business.
located in the business center ol the city, for
sale cheap. A good living for tlie right man.
Address A. B. C, care of Journal. 6 4 im
A KNOCK DOWN. Horses shod here
after at $1 for fnurnewhoes. Tlie beat stock
and woik A. R. W'illard, 139 State street,
Salem. 5-14-tf
WANTED, To trade, Reed business for
property, give full discription, location and
price, address, W. care Journal. 6 15 im
WANTED. Pennanent office assistant and
correspondent here, Salary $780. Enclose
self-addressed stamped envelope to W. L.
BROWN, Gen'l Manager, care Daily Journal.
5 3 tf
MRS. N. U. SCOTT., Stenographer and
typewriter, room 6, over Ladd & Bush's
bank. Prompt attention to all classes of work.
Best horses and carriages in the city.
SCivicc nromntH and
reliable. iNcar
" uiawcuw.
k MAM,
Building Material!
Sa'em Branch 10S of the Labor Exchange,
are now piepared to furnish at short notice
Sand and Gnu cl of any grade, and of the
best quality, and in any quantity. Telephone
'75 625.1m
Kb S y r kfal H
Saccesser to Dr. J. M.JKeene, old Vaite
at moderate fees in any branch an
t iiespecial request.
Corner. Salem. Or. Parties desiring supenoi
,Tjf AUP C OChrOeaef
leuiciltr i w t.
' f A,,e;nEer DiUtschcr Ant im count,. Oflkw
j 2jg Commercial street. keiidence 421
Fifteenth street, Salem, Oregon.
"Largest and Finest Line of Cut
Glass Ever in the City, Direct from
Libby Glass Works.
S, W.
221 Commercial St., Salem, Oregon,
Dealars in'all kinds of fresh and silt inea s
Lard in bulk, 7c a lb. Cheapest meat in he
own Try them. 171 Commercial st.
21 ( Cm-nrcial
BSuits $15 upwards.
st , Silj-n Or
Pants $ upwandVJ
Legal and commercial work a specialty
Telephone one-four. Office with Sherman
Condit & Park, Gray block. Dictation take
at your office and work nturned on , shor
Successor to White & Gilmnre,
Lime, Cement, Lath, Plaster.
Com and .Corn Chop, a'l kinds of fled.
Makes a spwialty of fine repair work, Setl
Thomas cioclu. etc., 215 Commercial Stieet
Depot Express,
Meets all masl and passenger trains,
gage and express to all paits of the
Prompt service. Telephone o. 70.
Hello !
If you want to move or want a load of'any
kind hauled or want a load of manure, dirt,
sand or gravel, or cement, lime, hair plaster,
brick or sewer pipe, see D, S. Bentley, cor
ner of Front and Chemeketa streets or ring
up telephone 30. Also wood and coal on
hands at all'times. Orders promptly attended
"State street, near railroad. Fieshest and
best meats. My patrons say I keep lha best
meats in town. 2 2
at thf ni n 'PnsTncnnF
Family Wine and Liquor Store
Removed from 102 State to 199 Commercial
street. Bottled goods of the best quality.
Ofllce In City nail.
Irrigation nours G to 8 a. m. and 5
too in theeyening.
All irrigation bills for the summer
will be due and payable the 1st of
Street sprinkling thioughlawn hose
positively prohibited.
No deduction for irrigation during
absence unless water is cutoff the
entire premises.
No allowance made for part of sea-
1 son as more water is needed to bring
jouta neglected lawn than judicious
use for tbe entire season.
1. Salem Water Co.
Salem Steam Laundry
j Plcasejnotice the cut-in prices
on the following
Shirts, plain tocenu
Hnt!er a?wcn 5 to 10 cents
Under shirts Stoiocents
f'Pwpair 3 cents
Handkerchiefs 1 cnt
Silk handkerchiefs ...3 cents
Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per dozen,
and other work in proportion.
Flannels ad other work in
telligently washed by hand,
Col T, Olmsted Prop,
The botrf if Innlws f the Orrpra Ute Inwne
Mjlum Idtle ill propol for fnrnUhlog at
the urtara iwr Bilwa. Ortgoa, for mU mentbi
ending Dwwib" 3t. I7; the following op-
M89 -! reqm.1 A tbllng. 45 In .brewn; ai
pr in pie.
!( Sf. LjB!le (tiettlBg X In., bletchfU;
per tinple.
ft jd. MtFHlle cheek, York minnfeturej
. m per Mpl. ... . .
I m r- Marlaer's itrlpe thlrtlng, amMkeig;
u per ftnpie
WQit) raatoe tUBoel, Jttibn XXX, broiro;
trr amil
)W jit. bhMkBtm. 3 , Amiig M ir
am yds. crash, bleiebed. IS In.; is per simple
169 1 Mlesli, drib; per iample.
lit jds. while taWeoll cloth; us per iitnple.
100U Tds. Alak tltilBg; is per simple.
- SW jit. A. C. A . ticking; 36 incbei.
SO Til. Firmers sills; ss per staple.
3t0 yds. eoctiaeclil checked flinnel; is pir
3 cot. bolts atttrtM blndlDg, blue ; is per
simple. .
1 A Uoz. Bee's soeks, colUm. 101 ; M per simple.
SO do. Itdles1 bo, eetloa. Ml; is per simple.
15 doz. ladles bose.eottos, b!tek;isper simple.
dc. hiadkerchlefs, Tarkey red;t pcrsim-
P Ii doi. ety binding, U. k W., So. 10; is per
2 doz. corsets, 31, 4; 23, 6; 31, 6; 29, 6. 30, 3; It
per simple.
13 doz trjipenders, men's; is per simple.
2 grett grots pint's bottem: is per sample.
5 gross Test battont; is per simple.
6 greit gross shirt buttons, F. 11.; is per simple.
15 Iteki;es pins F., 3; 1, 2; Eigle.
6 dox. linen threid, Marshall k Co.; black.
4 doz. lluen threid, Marsbill k Co.; brown.
6doz. boxes biir pins; is per simple.
3 gross Duplex sifetr pins, So. 3; is persimple
13.000 lbs. Lirerpool silt
320 lbs. corn stircb, Oswego.
400 lbs. gloss stirch, Elngsford's; 1 lb. pkg.
toil. Chlm stsreb.
6,000 lbs. Illce Islind; is per simple.
3t'0 lbs. sods, A. k II.
400 lbs. cresm tarttr, Folger'i; 25 lb. boxes.
2M lbs. peirl birley; Folger's; 25 lb. boxer.
40 doz. oysters, Cove Field's; So. 2.
4 doz. N orcntershlre since, qt.; L. k P.
4 doz. whisk brooms; is per timplt.
20 doz. No. 1 best brooms.
u0 gross Vulcin sifetr matches; is per simple.
20 lbs. micironl, Ins lb. boxes; wnue.
S lbs. Termlcelli, In 8 lb. bolts; white.
C"0 lbs. sil sods.
300 lbs. chloride lime.
20) lbs. raisins, Snltini; 20 lb. boxes.
100 lbs. Zinte enmnts; 20 lb. boxes.
24 lbs. chocolite. Eiglc; 1 lb. pkg.
M lbs. bluloe. Snrembere: In bills: L fc A.
KO Ids. soda crickers XXX more or less de.
llrered is required.
10 doz. cms concentritcd lje; Olint.
50 lbs. beeswix, common; is per sample.
500 lbs. beM quality Oregon full creim cheese'
mure or lets asiiverta is rtquiiea
lify-O IM. annalsted sugir: Amerlcin refinery
2U,uuoib. Uoluen (J. ujir; Amerlcin rennerr.
6.0 h )b Costs Itici euSee; is per simple.
SUU t. Javi cofle; is per simple.
!K4J ilw. JJtKbi oufTtc; is per simple.
I.jOO ,b. chicory cofleej is per simple.
1500 lbs uet m al; 111 barrels.
10,iXX lbs. rolled oats; lu barrels.
fi.OiiO lbs. cricked wheit; In birrcls.
l.ow Ibi. crtiu wheit; in btrrels.
2,000 lbs. hominy sinill; In barrels.
1,000 lbs. bomluy Urge; In birrels.
2,000 lbs. corn incil yellow; in birrels.
750 bblt. io. 1 fljnr more or less delivered as
30 bbls. So 1 Oribiin flour-more or less dellr.
ered is required.
500 lbs. rilmon per week mere or lets as re
quired withoal heads.
COO lbs. beet per diy more or lets delivered
as rtqulred-tqaal puts, fore snd bind quarters
200 lbs. mutton more or lets delivered is re
quiredequal parts, fore ind hind qmrters.
25 doz. tea cnp, V. O. wire; as per simple.
1 doz. pitcher toilet, w. O. ware; as per torn.
30 doz. soup bowls, rX3. wire; as per sample.
10 doz. dinner plates, w. a. ware; as per sim
C doz. pie plates, W. O. wire; a-s per sample.
2 doz. pitcher, 1 gal.; W. a. wire; is per
2 doz. pitchers, M gal., w. G. ware; as per
6 doz. bakeri, 12 in., W. G ware; as per sample.
10 doz. bakers, 10in..W. O. ware: as persimple.
5 doz. bakers, 7 in.. W. G. ware; as per sample.
io uoz glass tumblers; as per sample.
2 doz. salt shikers; as per sample.
2 doz. syrup pitchers; as per sample.
2 doz. lamp chimneys; as per sample.
1 doz. lamp chimneys; as per sample.
2 doz. vinegar emits; as per sample,
5,000 lbs. beans rmall white; as per sample.
4 doz. mop handles; ss per siileIc.
2 doz. parrafane handles; as per tample
1 doz. wash boards, Ked Cross; as per sample.
10 doz. combs dressing; as per sample.
3 doz. shoe blacking. Mason's; as per sample.
zooz misters usincu leitner a in.; as per
SOJ pipes and h terns; Shaker; as per sample.
2 doz. spitoons; granite Iron; as per simple.
2500 lbs, net Savon, best standard s&sp.
1500 cakes Ivory; as per sample.
180 cakes shaving, J". II. Williams; as per simple.
81 toilet; is per samples.
500 lbs. pepper, blick standard ground; In 5 lb.
100 lbs. mustard, standard ground; In S lb. cans.
25 lbs. mace, standard ground; in 5 lb. cans.
100 lbs, ginger, standard ground; lu 5 lb. cans.
U) lbs. cinnamon, stendard greund: in 5 lb. cans.
25 lbs. Cayenne pepper, ktandard ground; In 5
lb. cans.
25 lbs. sage, standard ground; in 5 lb. cans.
10 lbs. cloves, standard ground; in 5 lb, cans.
10 lbs. nutmegs whole.
2.000 lbs. Even Change.
800 lb j, O.K. Durban., a oz. pkg.
150 gal. Turpentine; In barrels.
50 gal. Linseed oil boiled; lu barrel?.
83 prs. ladles' shees: size. 4.20: 3. "5: C. If; 7.
12; 8, C; as per sample.
54 prs, Men's boots; C, C; 7, 0; 8, 18; 9, 18; 10, C
3 kilogrammes acid boric powder; Squibb
50 grammes acid hydrocyanic dll.; Squibb.
1 kilogramme acid tartaric; Equlbb.
2 kilogramme ammonia brom.; Squibb.
1 kilogramme ammonia carbonate; Squibb.
2 kilogramme, ammonia mur. granulated:
250 grammes calomel; Squibb.
250 grammes flexible collodion; Squibb.
5 kilogrammes cod liver -oil. In 500 cram,
bottles; Squibb.
2 kilogrammes bismuth sulmlt.; Squibb.
500 grammes powd. opium; Squibb.
1 kilogramme potassium chlor. powd.; Squibb.
3 kilogramme potassium Iodide; Squibb.
1 kilogramme potassium citrate; Squibb.
i kilogramme potassium and sod. tart.:
1 kilogramme iron pyronliophate; Squibb.
2 kilogramme sol. iron chloride; Squibb
4 kilogramme sodium bicarb.; Squibb.
1 kilogramme sodium bromide; Squibb.
500 grammes sodium sollcylate; gquibb.
500 grammes zinc oxide; fciiuibb.
500 grimmes acid salicylic; Squibb.
3 kilogrammes sp. nitrons ether, Squibb.
1 kilogramme Fowlers solution; Squibb.
A iii. aLiu Kauici A', a n .
1 lb. add muriatic O. P.; p. fc y,
2oz caffeincit.;P. & W.
S5 lb. chloral hydrate, crystals;?. & W.
25 lb. potassium bromide gran.: P. & W.
2 oz morphine sulnh.j p. & w.
00 oz. quinine sulph. In 5 oz. cans; V. A W.
4 lb. sodium pbos. gran.; P. i W.
1 oz. sodium nitrate; Murck.
5 gal. couc. water of ammonia In glass con
tainer; Mai.
10 lb. cirbollo acid cold label; Mai.
51b. migursiacarb.; E. & M.
51b oil sweet orangj Duplex:" Lohn &Flnk.
?iV,CcU..le.mon "Dnp!ex;" Lohn fc Fink.
5-!1lJerghamotiLorinA Fink.
X lb. oil Bitter Almends: Ibn k Fink.
UK''"!1.11 Uln 8 tutLohu 4 Fink.
12 lb. leid muriatic com, in 0 lb, glass stoppered
bottles; Mai. '
in lb. Ammon laur, iruiulated.
30 lb. powd. borax.
13 lb. gum camphor" Wt
12 lb. gum aribir tel
0 lb. Kpm situ tt
la or. phenaceune,
75 ox. salfonal.
8 oz. euronhnn
H dox. Drees llo p.
U doz. Tj-.j.",?. rl an
Sidoz-LIsterinV. ""
4dz. Blihcm. f , ..
J doz. Phillip. ui 'Lf'.'tTi
H dot. Gudes Per.to Ut
lib Brannl.tedarnlV.fS,';
.MbFl.Ext. w..U.tc
Co. " " r
10 lb. SarMnariii.
1000 capsni ' "" "t rjn, ,
3W0 capsule. qn&Afe!M
WO each hrnodV.i'.1? P'-le'
Wjeth In tube.. " '"Bieti ftX
iow rSSXZ 50 VotniA
Wyeth. ' " ',0,f Ac.11
compressed powd ni. ,
All tablet trll in l i- .
2'0 tab. trit. Aloln rLTf?""!!
JS"J',rtt Cal kSoii'p.)'.
4uw o. ixlt. Cal A-nrtv'rjD
1000 tab. trit. cal, Sthl$
1000 Ub. trit. Dotcm ri
500 Ub. trit. ext-nn, .-...
iooo ub. trit Mt7;;;"rsxB
1000 Ub. trit. powd oTinmi H
tab. trit podaoD ',
ss IS: s.- '" "ipi.Txr:
6 rolls tllk l.li,T..: S,'-"
k J. -.'. j..wtr ui
s0rollmn.tard on cloth plxateri,
Sn'i1Uid0nf p,,e,er 1 yd. m.
20 lb absorbent pmi... o ? . ""
H doz. Alpha Fountain irrfr'.-,
-wv. ,vu, ... A.K tW,
H doz. hard rubber syiiojesli
H doz. hard rubber ear ijrinpn
1 doz. glass ear syringejjff T
2 doz. Davi-lson's irtni?.. v, ,
t glass graduated precoliUnjjiti
1 each glass ribbed funneliSJn
k Co.
1 glass Anted band madefnmcll
Co. I
1 glass mortar Id oz , W. T. t & I
ira acme graauties 1, 8,l!n
i Co.
5000 each Phoenix Powder Tipol
11 Ck JKt.
1000 each Phoenix Powder Pipa
100 each white filter pipcn U,:
lucu,; n A. K U).
1 gross prescription vlali
,d ana soz.: n. u. s .
5 gross circle A extra long i
So. 5.
20 lb. .Stearns cifcm irooitic
n i id win.
aN ius. Diacxsmiui s eotl;upI
tw cii uiacmuc uoiu, 3.1E&I
a x H , o-ioxi n , 0-1CX2 ana Mb t
50 eich cirriige bolts, 5onv, I
Hxi. bx2Vand Wrtlnehu.
12 eich T. bolts, Kx2, 5-18ri, In
u mi cosiaru nies, iz iDCies. J
6 flat mill basUrd files, 11 until
3 half round bastard flits, lllul
3 square bastard files, 11 Inclal
2 rouna nasura nice, ii ucnti
jeacnnai mm nies, 4, ,,:
2 Heller Bros, horse rirci.llt;
100 feet each of Hx, Sill, Si.
flat Sonrar Iron.
100 feet each of yt, 5.K, ul
way Iron.
50 feet eachof ,xlKaiil il)
way iron.
20 feet each of lix and V!i!i
o ieei oi n in ocUKon suei
25 feet eich of ', indltt
20 feet of i in. harrow toota i
10 lbs. eich of X, ?,.5-lIullt
5 lbs. eicb of Sos.o, c,T,iall
snoe nailB.
1 full side lace leathsr; U((ta
. 1 Elliott lace cutter.
2 Cot's wrench knife budltKDj
ICoe'a wrench knife handle; IkH
1 each Coe's twist drills, MJ.H1
1 engineer's oiler wt, 5 plece,a
piaiea; rig. imo uumseys c""
loirne. S'o. 25.
aoo feet manllla rope, U la. diu
1 e. J. Pope s blicxsmits i mi
and one extra blade In, forua I
l swage block, no. i, iihiiu-i
1 Chenney's pitent blukralUl
height 32 In diim.; base 8 is, to I
1 each of J. M. Carpenter pHl
thread-lC So. 18 tbread,iSO.?
14 thread, So. 12 thread ulj
all T threads.
6 eah case hardened set iwl
thread. 5.16x1, So. 13 thread, snij
1.2xiy So. 12 thread, '.ilKSo-l1!
21 socket couplings,3, la.
13 socket coupling, 11-3 la.
20 feet of in. black pips.
Kll fMl rt U In hUrlrnlM.
100 feet each of j,M,!SUll
100 feet of 1.1 lu. galvtnlieJ (H
60 feet of 1 1.1 In. gilvanUal ffg
13 feet Garlock spiru pw '
5 lbs. or Clinton mx squire f"
10 It. of H in. Ulead pipe,
10 ft, of lit in. D, lead pip
inn ., l i.q In nlAidnfM
12 each Jenkins'dlWTslrWllM
12 each Jenkins value dim """
24 elbows U in.
21 street elbows 1 3 In.
2 bbeels No. 2fl glvniJ IJrt
i ?ee . ?o K'','"'Y:jB.tVl
o scects ap. w 6"-rj ll
lu eueeis 10. is gu,.". -1
pair 5 lb. solder coppt
ftn h.i.hnl. harmil.
103 lbs. solder 1-2 ? J alii
2000 tinned rlveta 6 lfc.
niniomT beieenatti' '
.,.. r.Aa mnlt bl f
"uui- "rr'.r7Jiin
samples, ana be m wit - j
slble. Other things """'V".
!., minim1"-
l'"ivrr "7 ;. . !
Etch bid must indnde " rTJ
full, with the exceptions w
,.. ... v in a be HU1 IU
"'" . ...i.Kxq
,... hi. mnlrscr.ssur''- J
VV'"I" ,mtlMI
advertisement ihm' -- .
. ,i, riiss of inpp""-
u.uiv. . ..,m
envelope. "" .iKkn1'
confirming accounts of fw
.. . ...iitinir uiiik"- -
illct.mpnt does bo " i
of tbe articles to 1 Py
will be required to "j.
check In an amount Masl'
...- . flniirtM'" .
bid (save '" '"' " f751 11
for xueitlSSO, for fish ITH'J
ih. bosrd. to bo returned J
: .:, ..h..,nii cuaip"".
jecteu or .. r. - . u i
to reject any ana an "- ,
WJbt4fTJii-i iYiMili
r-T--' JSH& ii m'1 li f I1-til JLaulrtXtA-L iVtr.
faL& iifcti