Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, June 18, 1897, Image 3

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EouM bo In every family & a
cdlctno chest ana every m-M 4
avcllcr's RtIp. They are W I 1 I
trainable when tho stomach as as m
f out of order) cure headache, biliousness, una
II liter trouble. Mild and efficient. 23 cents.
L'f rfinr.lniirrl frnin first, tviitp.1
icrcto. either now or in succession,
gcclvlng no consideration whatever
ir the estates, their title to which
as always been undisputed, and
Fliicli is legally in my name at this
'Therefore I, Lillioukalanl, of Ha-
ill, do hereby call upon the presl-
fcnt of that nation, to whom I alone
lelded my property and authority, to
Mthdraw said treaty (ceding the said
slands) f rotn further consideration. I
l5sk the honorable senate, of the
fnited States, to decline to ratify the
said treaty, and I Implore the people
of this ureat anil good nation, ironi
whom my ancestors learned the Chris
tian relliiloti. to sustain their repre
sentatives In such acts of justice .ind
SJualily, as may be. In accord with
tho principles of their fathers, and to
the Alniiirhty Utiler of the Universe,
to 1 1 1 tit, who judges tip-IUeously, I
eoinmlL my cause."
iTlie following Is the text of the
Message sent to the senate by the
resident to accompany the Ilawaiin
.'I transmit hereby to tliesentac,
In order that after due consideration
the constitutional function of advice
Knd consent may be exercised by that
Ibody, a treaty for annexation of the
Pepubflc of Hawaii to the United
8tates,signed by plenipotentiaries of
the parties on June 10th. For a bet-
:r understanding of the subject I
Kransmit in addition to report of the
Secretary of state, reviewing negotia-
Kjons which have led to this import,-
Rnt result.
'The Incorporation, of the Hawai
ian Islands Into-ja body politics is a
necessary and llttinn sequel to the
chain of events which from an early
period of our history has controlled
the intercourse and prescribed the as
sociations of the United States and
the Hawaiian island .. The predoni-
lance of American Interests in that
Blghboring territory was first us
-sorted in 1820 by sending to the islands
Ua representative of the United States.
Lt found further expression by the
signature of a treaty of friendship,
Kbnimerce and navigation with the
clng in 1826. It was signally an
nounced in 1843, when the interven
tion of tho United States caused the
British government to disavow the
flezure of the Sandwich Islands by i
British naval commander, and to rec-
ORnize them by treaty as an Independ
ent state, renouncing forever any pur
pose of annexing the Islands or exert
ing a protectorate over them.
"In 1831 the cession of the Ha
waiian kingdom to the United States
Rjras formally offered, and although
Sot then accepted, this government
proclaimed it its duty to preserve
iSiikethe honor and dignity of the
KTnited States and safety of the gov-
lernment of the Hawaiian isianci.
From this time until the outbreak of
Ittie war of 1801 the policy of the
Jolted Saties towards nawail and
Elio Hawaiian sovereign towards the
Jnited States was exerapliiied by
continued negotiations for annexation
Rr for a reciprocity treaty of 1875,
Rho provisions of which were renewed
Ito the convention of 1884, embracing
Rue perpetual cession to the 'United
IStites of the barber of Pearl river.
"In 1888 a proposal for a joint guar-
nty of the neutrality of the Hawaiian
Islands by the United states, Germany
ind Great Britain, was deqljned on
the announced ground that the rela
tion of the United States to the is-
lands was sutllcient for the end in
rlew. In brief, from 1820 to 1890 the
lonrsn of tho United States toward
tho islands has consistently favored
their autonomous welfare, wjtll the
exclusion of all foreign iniluences.save
lurnwn to the extent of unholdlnir
jurown, to me cxttut ui uijuuiuiut
eventual annexation as a necessary '
rmifpfimo nt tint nnllov
OUlCpme 01 liat POlipy. .
"ot only is a union or tne tuo na-
wailan territory to tho United States
I , . . ,. , t. , ...
IflO new scheme, but lt iS tho lnovit-
ible consequence of the relation sted- aoesn-i Know oi a better way to snow ms aP
' nreciati ;n of Ins own cure and the sufferings
fastely malntallied with that mid
aplfiprlnm-iln ffir tlii-rn nm.rrnra nf i
. acinc domain ror tnree quarters or a
century. Its accomplishment has
t mtuMmfiw$mti'mtmtmmWMmKH0m
beeti inertly a question of im
While Its failure In 1803 may not be a
cause for congratulation, it is cer
tainly a proof of the disinterestedness
or tho United States, the delay of
four years having abundantly siif-
iicd to establish tho rUbt and ability
of the republic to enter asa sovereign
government intoa conventional union
with tiic United States, thus realiz
ing a purpose held by the Hawaiian
people and proclaimed by successive
Hawaiian governments through some
70 years of their virtual dependance
upon the bcnovlent protection of the
United States.
"The report of the secretary or state
exhibits the character and course or
recent negotiations and features of
the treaty itself. The organization
and administrative details of Incor
poration are necessarily left- to the
wisdom of congress, and I cannot
doubt that when the function of the
constitutional treaty-making power
shall have been accomplished, the
duty of the national legislature in the
case performed with the largest re
gard for the inlciest of this rich
domain and for the welfare of the In
habitants thereof.
(Signed,) Wm. McKinluy,
"Executive Mansion, Washington,
D. C, Juno Kith."
The senate made greater progress
on the tariff bill than any day since
tho debate opened.,. Two entire sched
ules, covering twenty pages, were
completed, namely, schedule "II," on
spirits, wines and beverages, and
schedule"!," on manufactured cotten
gjods. This brings the senate to the
flax schedule with the important wool
schedule standing next.
Tho portion of the bill passed today
is substantially the same as that re
ported, the committee changes being
unimportant, while -the opposition
amendments of Jones, of Arkansas
and Vest were systematically rejected
by majorities varying from live to
Allison secured the adoption of a
new paragrapli to the cotten schedule,
with a view of compensating the cot
ten manufacturers -for the recent
action of the senate in placing raw
cotten on the dutiable list.
Some of the Democratic members of
the committee on finance, said that
henceforth they would interpose no
objection tolthe rapid disposal of the
tariff bill. They will suggest amend
ments and ask for votes on them for
the purpose of making a record, but
there will, if they can control the
matter, bo no lonir speeches on the
schedules, with tho possible exception
of that on wool, hides, the recipro
city paragraph, which tho Republi
cans have promised to report, and
some other sections. The indications
now arc that the Republicans will
withdraw tho internal revenue pro
visions of the bill.
The president has refused permis
sion to the Compagnio Francaiso
Cables Telegraphlque to land the now
cable of that company at Cape Cod,
or Indeed anywhero upon the United
States coast. The question that was
raised, through the "French ambas
sador, as to the power of the federal
government to deny admission to the
cable will be referred to tho attorney
general for an opinion, but mcanteme
the executive branch of tho govern
ment holds to tho doctrine that s.uch
landing can only bo by exrpess auth
orization of congress.
It is remarkable fact that a rran never ap
preciates the sufferings of others until he
himself, has passed through the fire of pain cr
remorse. Then it is that he looks around for
those who are suffering he wants them to
profit by his experience; he gives his time and
money gladly for the benefit ai.d never tires
of his zeal. There are plenty of men weak
t$ffi! dS thS
brounht incapacity.' a sense of lonesomeuess
&$&"&&. ifS
should wrile to Thomas Slater,
send free of charge by mail, in a plain sealed
'veiope lull particulars atxmt ine memoa ne
. . .. - ... ,, , t
complete cure at home, it is the method Mr.
aiaicruscu iocuic jiiiiwch uj ub uuuuiti
,h , h strenilt .nd viror. The cure
was M Ul. -0 satisirvinE and such a
wonderful change from his former condition
that he will gladly tell others all about it,
$endine all particulars. He figures that he
of others. There must Lc generoas men in
!! world to off.set the tide ot avarice, llte
i0 Mr Siaterrit will eost notWnB for bi, ds.
cripUon aad method
minium iiiiHiiiirmnwiimin mumi mm iiiinii i i
your house if you wish it to be. No extra
time, work or mouey needed. Instead, about
half as much time, work and money as you now
devote to keeping it half clean.
iSiH. a5 ti? S? CttSSj
used for cleaning
clean, neat house-keepingt of never being hur
ried and worried. Sold
Si. Louis, Chicago, New York, Boston, Philadelphia San Francisco.
Slate Norma!
. '-9 i ' n J!
iir-vumti en r?r fih "
lsAAt'rf'AS:-J2 L fl n ?5Sisi
! irmjzvw m ti imri----mMWwm.m
al f V .ivfirsr esv y tf -Ji! - '-"immsi isMy,
jk t iis y isi-s ss '& 'mmsm mm$&
2 $-& :-R&.mlmmm msm$
vmmQftinvm mm m rUi kl.i &8g&&
$m mi ip m m m ilm mmmm m
nam J ,3.J i( i . m ae' ra'BS,BtiHHy lasssw-T
Eegular normal course of three years Senior year wholly professional.
Training department of nine grades, with 200 children. Instruction and
training in gymnastics (Swedish system) and vocal music for public schools.
The Normal diploma Is recognized by law as a State Life Certificate to
Light expense, tutitlon, books, board and lodging (approximately) $135
per year; students boarding themselves, $110 per year. Academic grades ac
cepted froni High .Schools. Catalogues cheerfully sent on application. Address
P, lv. CAMPBELL Pres.
Or W A. WANN. Sec. Kaculty,
Call and see GRAY
The greatest variety, and finest
corner State and
!3P"The only complete sjock of blacksmith and
The leading first-class hotel of Newport,
on Vaquina bay. The Oregon health and
summer resort. This house commands a
beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean, Vaquina
Uay and the Coast Range of Mountains
Jl LI Kcrvou JHteot railing Jlem.
br Aba bjkI other Klce68 and indu
cntlOD- jnc
restani Lott VlUilIlT :
They quuXiv ami tunlv
i viuimiooid
ill a du tar stodr, builiuos or mirrteice,
Jrvent In&anitr find Vlnmmntiofi If
it a du tar tndr, bmlneM or mirrUgi
taken In tins. Ihelr cm Low immedlato linprov
siant nnd cSacti a OOItB xrhem all others tail. In
lit uion hsTins tha ecnnlns Alax Tablets, Thr
hare carol thoounda and will eura too. W cite u
nokitlTd written cnarantea to fttfeet a enra In aaui eaja
or eland the inoaer. I'rlca SO cente r twkue, or ,
(tx M-kama Half treatmentl for 93.60 Br mail, la
riun wrapper. Dpon rMtipo price, uircun
ritln vraDbtrr. nbon rMtitt of trle. Ofrcula7 tn.
w - r imttjy f?w
stoves m
SS3 Wochincr
purposes is the secret of
everywhere. Made only by
BROS, new stock of
stock in the city, Northwest
Liberty streets
wagonmakers goods south of Portland.
guaranteed to cure nil nervous diseases, such 03 Weak Memory, Los of
Brain Power, Headache, Wakefulness, rost Manhood, Nightly Amis
sions, Nervousness, all drains, loss of power in Generative Orgnns of
either sex, caused by over-exertion, youthful errors, excessive use of
tobacco, opium or stimulants, which lead to Infirmity, Consumption or
Insanity. Can be carried in vest pocket. Ji.oo per box. 6 for U, by mail
prepaid. Circular I'ree. 6oId by all druggists. Askforitjtakenoothtr.
Manufactured by the Peau Medicine Co., Paris, France. I.nue-Davis
Urug Co., dlstributlngagents. Third and Yamhill Bts,, Portland, Or.
For sale by D. J. FRY, Salem.
aa it rl minwi an .
imrr iiiiuuu ruiHun pcnnancntlv
cured In 15 to35 dar. You can bo treated oi
home foreamo prion under samo firuaran
ty If TOU prefer to comoheroirn oiiin-.
tract to payraliroadfareandhotclbllls ank
srtre, l r wo f all to euro. If tou havo taken mr.
ca.rjr,.l.oUUl0 Potnsht and still bavo aches and
ralrja,SIucouBl'ntchinln mouth, HoroTliroarT
l'lmnlca. Conner Unlnred Hnoln. rilo.- .7
any part of tho bodr, IHtlr orKyebrown fulilnB:
out, It It this Hecomlury llLoOI) VOIHOU
clans. 8000,000 capital behind our unoouc:..
tlonal guaranty. Absolute proora sent sealed on
implication. Address COOK IiKSIKDV CO
807 UUuooio '.Temple. CUlVAUO, VUU
For sale at Salem. Or bv D. J, FRY,
II t --!
rttr uu.
v rxatorrboaa,
.uaturai dis.
- ' ' any luflamma.
iiotiuu or nicer.
in ileum tnfm'
? ilrnseUta,
i in blaln wraener.
i rrti, PiepalJ. tut
kl or 3 bottles, 1.78.
CUwjlar aoot on nnmtk
4&Bgb&tgkl r o,M,i
spcuiirSa ' ' -
riaIItSira-V9 ' '
JHf CUanaucS fj
MSbV la llfa
ST " fflfHW 4f,utoB
TiVlriirF'i.!C. .
SSBSBV ... '"BHr f ,
aaaaaav v,a-l- Afi
'aaaaaakSusai u
' '"srlswv
Tho board of trustees of the of t!ron state Insane,
aajlnm Invites scaled proposals fbr fhrnlahlag at
the asylum near Salem, Oregon, for six months
ending December 31. 1837; the following supplies-
2000 yds. Prrjuit A sheeting, 45 In , browni aa
per ran pie.
S00O yds. Pvquot A sheeting, 3A In., brown; as
per sample.
500 yds. Lsnsdale sheeting 3d in., bleached; as
per sample.
8C0 yds. Marseilles check, York manufacture;
as per sample.
2600 ds. Mariner's stripe shirting, Amotksag;
ss per sample.
36C0yds canton flaunel, Kashua XXX, brown;
ss per sample.
1UO0 yds. blnodeulms, 9 oz, Amoskeag; as per
."do ds crash, bleached. 18 In.; as per sample.
100 yds sllrsta, drab; as per sample.
HI yds. white table oil cloth; as per sample.
1000 yds. Alaska llcklog; as per sample.
250 yds. A. O. A. ticking; 30 Inches.
M Jd. Farmers ssiln; aa per sample.
360 yds. continental checked flannel; as pr
3 doz. bolts mattress binding, blue- as per
lJo doz. men'a socks, cotton, 101; as per sample.
30 doz. ladles' bose, cotton, 101; as per sample.
IS doz. ladies' hose, cotton, black; as per sample.
Mrioz. handkerchiefs, Turkey red; ss per sam
ple. 31 doz. stay binding, II, k W No. 10; as per
i lloi corsets, 21, 4; 23, 0; 21, 0; 28, 6, 30. 2; as
per sample.
12 dor suspender, men's; as per sample.
i great grois pant'b buttons; as per sample.
ftKroHSvret buttons; si per sample,
n great Knvs shirt buttons, F, II.; asperssmple.
Ij Packages plus F., 3, 1, 2; Esgle,
(i doz. linen thrtsd, Marshall k Co ! black.
4 doz. linen thread, Marshall k Co.; brown.
C doz buses hair pitta; a per ssmple.
J gross Uupltx saftty pins, No. 3; ss per sample
lo.OlOlbs. LUcrpool salt.
310 lh, corn starch, Oaweco.
400 lbs. kI8 starch, Klncsrord't; 1 lb. pig,
80 lbs. China starch.
6,000 lbs. ltice Island; ss per ssmple.
31 0 llm. soda, A & It
400 lbs. cream tartar, I olgcr's; 25 lb. boxes,
2rU lbs. pearl barley; Kolger's; 23 lb. boxes.
40 duz. oysters, Covo Flela's; No. 2.
4 doz. Worcestershire sauce, qt.j L. k P.
4 duz. whlak brooms; ss rr sampla.
20 doz Xo. 1 best brooms.
50 gross Vulcan safety matches; ss per cample.
20 lbs. macaroni, In 8 lb. boxes; white.
6 lbs. vermicelli, In 8 lb. boxes; white.
fro lbs. sal sods.
300 lbs. chlorldo ltmc.
201 lbs. ralslus, Sultana; 20 lb. boxes.
1&0 lbs. Zante currants; 20 lb. boxes.
VI lbs. chocolate, Eagle; 1 lb. pkg.
CO lbs. blulnii. Nurembers: In balls! L ft A.
CU0 lbs. BOda crackers XXX more or lees de
livered as required.
10 doz. cans concentrated lje; Giant.
50 lbs. beeswax, common; as per sample.
500 lbs. best quality Oregon full cream cheese
moro or less ueitverea as requited
15.000 lbs. granulated sugar: American reflnerr,
20,000 lbs Golden U. sugar; American refinery.
0,000 lbs. Costa Rica coffee; as per ssmple,
. 600 lbs. Java rorTee: as Per samnle.
300 lbs. Mocha coffee; as per ssmple.
1500 lbs, Ohlcory coOeo; as per sample.
1S00 lbs. oat meal; in barrels.
10,000 lbs. rolled oats; In barrels.
;,ooo lbs. cracked wheat; In barrels.
1,000 lbs. cream wheat; in barrels.
2,000 lbs. hominy small; In barrels.
1,000 lbs. hominy large; in barrela.
2,000 lbs. corn tncsl yellow; In barrels,
750 Lbls. No. 1 flour more or less delivered as
required. '
30 bbls. No, l Graham flour moro or less deliv
ered ss required.
500 lbs. ralmon tier week more or less as re.
quired without heads.
COO lbs. beef per day more or less delivered
as required tqual parts, fore snd hind quarters.
2uu iusmutton moro or less delivered aa re
quired equal parts, fore and hind quarters.
25 doz. tea cups, W. O. ware; as per ssmple.
1 doz. pitchers' toilet. W. O. wsroi as per earn
uu uoz, soup uowjb, w. u. ware: aa per sample,
10 doz. dinner plates, W. O. ware; as per sam
u uoz. pio piates, w. u. ware; as per sample.
2 doz. pitchers, 1 gal.; W. a. ware: as per
2 doz. pitchers, a gsl,, w. U. ware; as per
0 doz. baken. 12 in.. W. O. warei aa per samnle.
10 doz. bakers, 10 In., W. O. ware; as per sample.
6 doz. bakers, 7 In.. W. a, ware; as per ssmple.
15 doz glass tumblers; as per ssmple.
2 doz. salt shaken); aa per ssmple.
2 doz. syrup pitchers; as per sampio.
2 doz. lamp chimneys; as per ssmple.
1 doz. lamp chimneys; aa per ssmple.
2 doz, vinegar crulta; as per sample,
5,000 lbs. beans small white; as per sample.
4 doz. mop bandies; ss per sau.plo.
2 doz, parrsfllne handles; as per sample
1 doz, wash boards, lied Cross; as per sample.
10 doz. combs dressing; as per sample.
3 doz. shoe blacking. Mason's: ss per samnle.
2 doz dusters Ostrich feather 22 In.; ss per
300 pipes aud stems; Shaker; ss per sample.
2 doz. ep'toonsj granite iron; as per sample,
2500 lbs, net Savon, best standard soap,
1500 cakes Ivory; as per ssmple.
160 cakes shaving, J.ll, Williams; as per simple.
81 toilet; as per samples.
500 lbs. pepper, black standard ground; in S lb.
100 lbs, mustard, standard ground ; in S lb, csns.
25 lbs. mace, standard ground; In 6 lb. cans.
100 lbs. ginger, standard ground; in 6 Ik. cans.
CO lbs. cinnamon, standard ground; In 6 lb. cans.
25 lbs. Cayenne pepper, standard ground; In 6
lb. cans.
25 lbs. ssge, standard ground; in 6 lb. cans.
10 lbs. cloves, standard ground; in 8 lb, cans,
10 lbs, nutmegs whole.
2.000 lbs. Even Change.
800 lbs, O.K. Durbsm, 2 oz. pkg.
ISO gal. Turpentine; In barrels.
50 gal. Llnscod oil boiled; lu barrels.
88 prs. ladles' shoes; size, 4,20; 6, 25; 8, 25; 7,
12; 8, fl; as per sampio.
51 prs, Men's boots; fl, 0 7, 0; 8, 18; 9, 18; 10, 6
3 kilogrammes acid borlo powder; Squibb.
50 crsmmes acid hydrocyanic dll.; Squibb,
1 kllogrammnacid tartaric; Squibb.
2 kllogrsramo ammonia brom.; Bqnlbb.
1 kllogrammo ammonia carbonate; Bqnlbb,
2 kilogramme ammonia mur. granulated)
I'M grsmmes calomel; Squibb,
M grammes ltexlblo collodlouiSaulbb.
5 kilogrammes cod liver oil, in 600
bottles; Squibb.
2 kilogrammes bismuth subnlt.t Bqnlbb,
500 grsmmes powd, opium; Squibb,
1 kilogramme potassium clilor, powd.; Squibb,
4 MliuurauiujQ pvtaoaiuui luume; Dquiuu,
I kilogramme potassium citrate) Bauibb
4 kilogramme potassium
sod. tart.
kilogramme Iron pyrophophate; Bqnlbb,
kilogramme sol. Iron chloride
kllogrsmmo sodium bicarb.; I
cmonde; Bqulb
4 kilogramme sodium bromide; Squibb,
ACQ grsmmes sodium sollerlatsi Sdulbb
500 grammes zlno oxide; Squibb.
500 grsmmes scld salicylic; Squibb,
3 kilogrammes sp. nitrons ether; Bqnlbb.
1 kilogramme Fowlers solution i Squibb.
1 lb. acid gallic; P. ft W.
1 lb. acid muriatic O. P.; P. k W,
2oz eaffeiucit.tP.A W.
35 lb, chloral hydrate, crystals; P. at W.
25 lb. potassium bromide ftrsn,; P, ft W.
2 oz. morphine snlph.; P. ft W,
CO oz, qui nine sulph. In 5 oz. cansi P, A VT.
4 lb. sodium phos. gran. ; P. & W.
1 oz. sodlnm nitrate; Murek.
5 gsl. cone, wster of ammonia In glass con
tainer, Mai.
10 lb. csrbollo add cold label; Wal.
51b. magnesia carb.; K. ft U.
5 lb. oil aweet orangs "Uunlexi" Lobn ft rink,
1 lb. ell lemon "Duplex,-" Lobn ft rink.
A lb. oil Bergbsmot) Lobn ft Fink.
H lb. oil Hitter Almonds; Lobn ft rink.
I lb. Vanilla bean 8in.;Lohu & Fink.
12 llvadd muriatic com, in S lb. glass stoppered
bottles; JIal.
10 lb. Ammon mur. tjraaulaUd, M"
CO lb, powd. borax, ""
Sj lb. fcftd. rotat.iufii hit.
11 lb. gum csmpbor.
li lb. gum arable select.
BO lb. Epsom salts.
2 lb. purified talcum.
1 lb. black antimony,
llbpowd prpstne; FalrchllJ.
10 oz. antlkamntn.
15 ox. phenacetlne.
78 oz. sulfonal.
8 oi. enrophen.
H doa. D"tea llq. Fcrrl albamlnatl.
J4 doz. Lloyds hjdrastls.
V dos. Ltsterlne
4 doz. Bishops Eff. Clt. mignesls.
8 doz. Phillips Xmnl. cod liver oil large,
i doz. Oudes Pepto Mangsn.
H doz.norllcksllaltad Milk extra latge.
30 lbs, Wampoles Syr. Hypopbosphltes Co. in 6
lb. bottles. '-
30t empty cspsnlcs No, 1; P. D. k Oo.
25 lb. Phillips Digestible Cocoa
U doz, Vln Cocoa Marisnl.
i lb. granulated arnica flowers; Lilly b Oo.
2 lb grsnulsted col umbo In I lb. tins; Lilly &
6 lb. granulated nux vomica In 1 lb tins; Lilly
it Co.
5 lb. Fl. Est. Buchn i P. I). & Co.
fi lb Fl. Ext. Csscsra Segmda; f . O. & Co.
1 lb. Fl. Ext. Gentian; 1. D. ft Co.
5 lb. Fl. Ext. Jalep; P. D. & Co.
10 lb. Fl..xt, Licorice; P. I. h Co,
101b Fl. Ext, Hennail'. H. fcCo.
5 lb Fl. Ext. Wild Cherry for syrup; P. D.
10 lb. Sarsspsrllla Co. for symp; P D. It Co.
1000 capsules quinine sulph. 2 gr.; P. f. A Co.
2000 capsules quinine sulph. 3 gr ; P. 1. & Co.
800 each hypodermic tablets No's. 3.16,45,68;
Wyeth In tubes.
500 compretsed powd. Dovers 5 gr.; Wyetb.
1000 compressed powd. Acetaullld Co. 5 gr.
500 compressed powd. Calomel h S)d, Blrsrb
No. 1; Wjcth.
600 comprersed powd. Calomel ft Sod. Bicarb
No. 2; Wyeth.
6ft compressed powd. niauils; Wyeth,
500 comrrossed towd. Hod, Bollcylslo 5 gr.
6 lb. pllis comp. cathsrtlo Imp. No. ICO; P. D. ft
All tablet ti It to be In bjltlrs of SOP.
2500 tab. trlt, Aloln, Bellsd ft 1'adopb; Wyeth.
1000 tab. trlt. Cerium Ox. 1 gr.; Wjrlh.
1000 tab. trlt Csl. ft Sod. Bicarb Co; Wyeth.
1000 tab. trlt. Cat. ft Sod. lllcarbNo. 1; Wytlh.
1000 tab. trlt. Cal. ft Soil. Bicarb No. 2; Wyeth.
1000 tab, trlt. Cal. ft Sod. No. 4: Wyeth.
1000 tab. trlt. Cal. and Bod. Bicarb McClees.
1000 tsb. trlt. Dovcra powd, 254 gr.; Wyeth.
1000 tab. trlt. FerrI quinine ac. areen. ft strych.
too tab. trlt. ext. nux vomica i gr.; Wyeth.
1000 tsb. trlt. ext. nux vomica H gr.; Wyetb.
1000 tab. trlt. powd. olum K gr-: Wyeth.
500 tab. trlt powd. opium 1 gr.; Wyeth.
600 tab. trlt.strych. sulph. 1-30 gr.; Wyeth.
500 tab. trlt. strych. tulph. 1-40. gr.; Wyeth.
600 tab- trlt. atrych. sulph. 1-60 gr.; W'yeth.
6 rolls silk Ulnglaes plaster lu 1 yd, rolls; S.
ft J.
0 roll mustsrd Ion cloth plaster In 1 yd. rolls;
B. ft J.
0 belladona plaster In 1 yd. rolls; H. ft J.
20 lb absorbent cotton; B. ft J.
H doz. Alpha Fountain syringes No. 4.
) doz. rubber wster bottles 3 qt. cloth covered;
W. T. ft Co.
2 dos. soft rubber catheters No's. 10, 11, and 12,
assorted) W. T. A Co.
H doz. hard rubber syringes No. 201; W. T. It
H doz. hard rubber ear syringes H oz.; W. T, ft
1 doz. glssa ear syringes; W. T. & Co.
2 uoz. Davidson s syringes No. 2.
1 glsss grsduated precolatlng Jar 1 gal.; W. T , t
1 each ilass ribbed funnels 32 aud CI 01.1W, T.
1 glass fluted bsnd msdo funnel 1 gsl,; w. T, s
1 glass mortar Id oz.; W. T, & Uo.
1 each acme graduates 4. 8. 10 snd 32 oz.t V. T,
5000 each Phoenix Powder FspersMo's.T and 10;
W. T. k Oo.
K00 each Phoenix Powder Papers no s. 7a and
73U.J1Y.T. It Oo.
100 each white filter papers 10, 13, IS, snd 20
Inch.; W. T. it Co.
1 gross prescription vims i-nuaueipnia ovai J,
4,8snd8oz.iW. V. &0o.
b gross circle a extra long prescription corzs
20 lb. Stearns csicara aromatic.
2500 lbs. blacksmith's cosl; as per sample.
50 each machine bolts, 3.10x2, 3-10x3, 3-lOtl,
HxH, 5-16x1 K, 6-10x2 aud 5.10x3 Inches,
60 each carriage bolts, Korwsy, 14x1, VixlJ,
Ux2. kx2Vand Ux3 Inches.
12 each T. bolts, Hx2, B-10i2, ix4 and J;x5 lu.
C llat bastard nies, 12 lncues.
0 flat mill bastard flies, 12 Inches.
3 half round bastard flips, 12 Inches.
2 square bastard flies, 12 Inches.
2 round bastard flies, 12 Inches.
3 each flat mill flies, 4, 0, 8, 10 inches,
3 Heller llros. horse rasps, 16 Inches.
100 feet each of fcx, Xxl, MxlH, !txlj
flat Norway Iron.
100 feet each of , 8-10, rj and H in round Nor
way Iron.
SO feet each of xl Man X xX In. Hal Nor.
war Iron.
2U feet each of i& and !.iji In. toe steel.
8 feet of X in octagon ateel
25 feet each of yi and i In. square Norway
20 feet of i In. harrow tooth steel.
10 lbs, each of H,fi. 5-10 and In. blank nuts.
S lbs. each of Nos. 5, 0, 7, and 8 Putnam linrse
shoe nails.
1 full side Isce leather; as per ssmple.
1 Elliott laco cutter.
2 Ooe's wrench knife handles; 12 in.
I Coe's wrench knife handle; 0 In.
1 each Ooe's twist drills, V-32, b-10 and ttin,
1 engineer's oiler act, 0 pieces, and tray, ntckle
plated; fig. 1820 Itumsey & Blkemler Oo.'s cata
logue, No. 23,
300 feet manllla rope, U In. diam.
1 F. J. Pope's blacksmith's knife, In. blade,
and one extra blade In, for same,
1 swage block, No. 4, size 4xl515 in. 1C5 lbs.
1 Ohenney's pstent blacksmith cone, No. 1,
height 33 In. dlsm.) base 8 In, dlsm.; top, 1 in.
1 each or J, M. Carpenter ping taps 14 No. 20
thread-lS No. IB thread, No. 19 thread, 7-10 No.
li thread, H No. 12 thread and .' No. 11 thread,
all Y threads. . . A
0 each case hardened set screws, Kxl, No. 20
thread, S-16xl, No. 18 thread, JjxlU No. 10 thread,
l-2xlM No. 12 thread, i.xlX No. 11 thread.
24 socket couplings, In,
11 socket couplings, i 1-2 in.
20 feet of In. black pipe.
SO feet of If In. black: pipe.
ICO feet each of . 1.2, Ji and 1 In. black pipe,
100 feet of 1-3 In. galvanized pipe.
60 feet of 1 1.2 In. gslvanlzedtplpe.
13 feet Oarlock spiral piston packing, 3.10 In.
6 lbs. of Clinton tit squsro packing in,
10 ft. of H In. ! lead pipe,
10 ft. of lk In. D. lead pipe
10 ft, of 1 1-2 In. D lead pipe.
12 each Jenkins ditto valves 1-2 in, snd 1 in,
12 each Jenkins value discs 1.2 In. and U lu.
2t elbows it In.
24 street elbows 1-2 In.
2 abeets No, 26 gslvanlzed Iron 30 X 96.
3 sheets No 22 galvanized Iron SO X Wl. ,
6 sheets No, 20 gslvsnlzed iron 30 X 00.
10 sheets No. 18 gslvsnlzed 'ran 30 X 00.
1 pair 0 lb. solder coppers,
SO bushels charcoal,
100 lbs. solder 1-3 and 1-2
1 box XXXX bright charcoal tin 20 X 28.
1 bundle 03 lba. of No, 7 bright wire,
2000 tinned rivets 0 lb.
Samples may be seen st the commlsssry of the
asylum, floods must bo In accordance with
samples, and be In original packages, when pos.
slble. Other things being equal, articles of Ore.
gob production or manufacture will be given
preference. Delivery of supplies will be required
within fifteen days' notice of acceptance of bid
Each bid must Include all the items snd totals In
fntl, with lbs exceptions of flour, meet and fish.
Vouchers will not be issued until tho bidder has
completed his contract, and payment mutt await
appropriations by the legislature, A copy of the
advertisement must aceompsny each bid, aud the
name of the class of supplies be inscribed on the
envelope. Auditing officers are prohibited from
confirming accounts of purchase wbeu the ad
vertisement does not contain full description
of tba articles to ba purchased. Each bidder
will be required to furnish wllhhis bid a certified
check In an amount equal to ten per cent, of bis
bid (Save that for flour tho check is to be for IS JO,
for meat 250, for fish 1761 , psyabla to tho order of
the board, to be returned in case bis bid Is re
Jecled or his propeaal complied with. The right
to reject any snd all bids Is rescrvedi Illds will
be opened at the governor's office at 30 o'clock
p, m , Tuesday, July 6, 1897,
wm. p. Lonn,
It. It. EINOAin,
Bo.rd of Trustees, O B. I, A,
r Balcm Is aliead oi all tlio rest of Or
e'tfori. Wo liflYe a now real cetato flrrn.
Southern Pacific Co-
fi:oo P Ml Lv. ..;i'ottland. ..Ar
8:jo rM-Lv....Satem ....Lv
745 AM) Ar. San Francisco Lv
9:30 A M
7.'lo A
80O P M
Above trains stip at all principal stations
bet, Portland and Salem, Turner Marion,
Jcflerson, Albany, Tangent. Shcdds Ilalser,
llnrtisburg, junction City, Eugene, Creswefl,
Cottage Grove, Drnin, Oakland, and all sta
tions from Uoseburg to Aihlar.d, inclusive.
8.jo a M 1 Lv . . . Portland .". Ar 1 430 r ji
1100 am!- Lv Salem.... Lv -ia.'oo'r,!
S.'ao pmi Ar....Ro5eburg.. Lv 7.'3oa' m
Pullman" bullrl sleeper and second-class
sleeping can attached to all through trains
Mail tlains daily except Sunday.
73 a il Lv n'oirtlandT Ai I S'5o P M
12,-15 '' ' Ar . . Corvnllis. . .Lv f 105 P M.
A t Albany and Curvallts connect-with
trains of the O. C & E. Ry.
4. '5o P Ml Lv
7.-30 p M Lr
Portland . Arl S.-35 A M
McMinnville Lv ' 5.;o A M
Direct connections at San 1-rancisco with
Occidental aud Otiental and Pacific mail
stcarmh-p lines for JAPAN AND CHINA.1
Sai ing dates on application
Rales and ticktts to Eastern points an I
LULU and AUSl'KALLIA, can be obtained
from W. W. SKINNER, Ticket Agent,
R. KOEULER, Manager.
E. P. ROGERS, A. G. F & P. A. Portland.
Through Tickets
Union Pacific System
iTirough Pullman Palace Sleepers. Touns
Sleepers and Freo Reclining Chair -iviy
Portland to Chicago
Our trains arc heated by steam and
liRhtcd by Pintsc light.
Time to Chicago, 3 1-i days
Time to New York. 4 i-a daw.
Which is many hours quicker than con
pttitorg. I
For rates, time tables and full information
apply to;
Agents, Salem, Ox
General Agent,! Dist.Fass. Agent",
13S Third Street. Portland
0. R. & N. CO.
Two Transcontinental
Via Spokane Minneapolis St Paul and Den
ver, Omaha and Kansas City. Low rates to
eastern cities.
For full details call on or address
agents, Salem. uOregon,
Fortland San Francisco.
Steamers leave Ainsworth dock. Portland
June 2, 7, 12,'iC, 21, 26tand July 1,6,' it,
io, 31, 2t ana 31.
Fare Cabin, 812: steerage, Jo.
PORTLAND-SALEM Daily SalemJ serv.
icet Steamer Ruth for iPortland, Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at 10 a. m. Steamer
Elmore for Portland Tuesday,!, Thursday end
Baiuruay, ac 7115 a. m. Returning, leave Ash
street dock, Portland, daily cxeept Sunday,
at 6 a. m. Passengers given transfers to
electric line at Oregon City if desired, mak
ing It possible to reach Portland at I p.m.
steamer Ruth for Corvallls, Tuesday, Thurr
day and Saturday at 330 p.m.,returnlng, 1 v,
Coryallis at 6 a. m. on Monday, Wednesday
and Friday, Round ttip tickets to all points
in Orecon, Washincion. California or tho
East, Connections mado at Portland with
all rail, ocean and river lines, Call on (. M.
Powers atrent, foot Trade street,
Pres. and Manager,
Gen'I Pas, Agt. Portland, Or. j
For full deta'ts call on or address
fT , 6, M, POWERS
Foot of Trade st. Local Agent.
Eastern R, R. Company
Connecting at Yaqjlna Ray with the Sin
Francisco & Yaqulna way Steamship Co. k
Sails from Yaouina every 8 days for San
Francisco, Coos liay, I'oit Orfora, Trinidad
and Ilnmbolt Day.
Passenger accommodations unsurpassed.
Shortest route between the Willamette valley
and California,
Fare from Albany or points west to S
Francisco: Cabin, $9; steerage, fSrtoCccV
Bay and Port Orford, cabin 6: to llumbold.
Bay, cabin $8; round trip, goer Co days, flit
Steamer ''Albany" between Portland and
Corvallls, through without lay-over. Leaves.
Salem 10:45 a m Tuesdays, Tnursdays and; ,.
Satuidays leaves Portland, Yamhill vtrt '
dock, 600 a. m, Sundays, Wlndy aMj,
Fridays. "
EDWIN STONJ; Manager, CcrvalHs, Oc ,
J, C. MAYO, St, River Divisioaa. l