XWjQ!f' innitfiarirrr id rnTirtnrin'i -a-- Seven Mouths With Fever "Wonderful Hccovcry of Health. Mr. Balrtl's rapid nnd tnarrrlous rccorory from ft mcro skeleton to lilt normal weight, 270 pounds, was surely tUo fvllrtt tat ot tho grandest Rtrcmtth-glvuii; and bulldlng-up medlclno cvor producod, namely: Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. J. II. Daihd. "Gentlemen I wish to express to you my gratitude for tho great good that Dr. Allien' Ifervtnc has done lor mo. I was taken sick with typhoid lover ana I laid In bed for sovon months. After getting over tho lover I was thin, nervous ana tired, nnd did not regain my lost strength. I tried several proprietary medicines, and finally, after having been roduced in weight to ISO pounds, I began trying your Nervine, and at onco began to Improve Was Anally entirely cured, and today I can say I nover telt bet t In all my life, and weigh 270 pounds, his is my normal weight, as I measure 6 leet 5U inches in height." South Bend, Ind. J n. BAIRD. Dr. Miles' Ncrvlno Is eold on a positive cuaranteo that tho first bottlo will Doncflt. ll druggists ecll It nt $1,6 bottles lor$5,or 'will bo sent, prepaid, on receipt of prlco by tlioDr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Miles' Nervine Re;K,th SILENT Are the Mills M Furnaces Thousands of Unemployed Await ing Better Times. A correspondent writes tho San Francisco Examiner, as follows, from Cleveland, O: Cries of Industrial and commercial distress go up from every county In Ohio. The whole common wealth Is prostrate. In spite of the absolute certainty that the tariff bill will be come a law within a few weeks the times are Rrowinn worse Instead of better. It is impossible to exaggerate the distress in this state. Farms haye actually shrunk to half their value, and the figures actually show that ever since Mr. McKlnleys election yalues have shrunk not less than 10 per cent. The depression is so terrible that loan institutions are holding thousands of overdue mort gages, which they do not dare to fore close, because pricesthave sunk so low that farming land frequently falls to bring the price of the mortgage at auction. Wages are being cut down in all directions, factories are running only part of tho time and usually with re duced forces. Thousands of idle workmen join with the -ruined farm ers in tho cry for prosperity which was promised. Everybody knows it. Nobody denies it. I was at Canton and walked about tho very spot where hundreds of thou Bounds of worklngmen heard Mr. McKinley proclaim from the wooden stage erected in front of his house that the defeat of Bryan would re open the closed factories, raise wages, give everybody work, restore tho days of plenty and security to farmers and give the merchants a chance to llyo. I talked with many representative citizens and they all told the same story hard bankruptcy, said: times, suffering and Mayor Rice, of Canton, There never has been anything like this In Ohio before. There are hun dreds of families in Canton today who are suffering for want of food and clothing. Things are getting worse. In three months this year I have spent out of my private purse for food und coal and clothing to give away more than my year's salary as mayor. The factories are cutting down wages and reducing their forces. Many of them aro not operating more than three days a week; most of them are running without prollt. Farm land that has been worth $100 an acre cannot be sold for 830 an acre. It is almost impossible to borrow money on real estate, because tho prices sink and sink. The farmers and worklngjinen'are deserting the Republican party by the wholesale. The Republicans cannot yi if pi iitiuibni niii hide the evidences' of dlstfdsa hero. They arc in bo scon everywhere. I know of scores of men who arc In solvent and who continue In business simply because their creditors do not dare to act And, In spite of this ter rible condition of things, the Repub lican party contents Itsslf with the payment of Its private political debts in the form of a tariff bill. "Why, 1 had a half-naked girl come to nic to ask for relief for her penni less father and a family of live chil dren with the explanation that her father voted for Mr. McKinley and thought that on that account I might not feel like helping him. Of course, I helped him. We must help to relieve distress In sucn a time as this regard less of polllics. But I cannot see how Senator Ilanna and his friends can fool tho people of Ohio at the polls this year. Educational Number. The Journal Saturday, will bo a double number with colored suppli ment on book paper containing half tone engravings of our principal in stitutions of learning, names of all promoted pupils, rolls of honor, and full reports or the graduating exor cises in onr various institutes of learn ing. A large special edition will be printed and pupils and parents will want them. Each number will bo a splendid advertisement of our city. Each copy should be sent to some ono interested in building up Salem. What a mighty force ail the parents and children, using education as a lover, can become for the develope mentof Oregon! Sioo Reward, Sioo. The reader of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall.s Catarrh Cnre Is theonly positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. IlalFsCatarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di rectly on the blood and mucous sur faces of the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and as sisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith In its curative powers, that they offer Ono Ilundred Dollars forany case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testi monial. Address. F. J. Ciieney & Co., Tolebo, O. tgg-Sold by Druggists, 75c. SAVE YOUR GRAIN. Few realize that each squirrel de roys $1.50 worth of grain annually. Wakeleo's Sciuirrel and Gopher Exter minator is tho most effective and economical poison known. Prlco re duced to 30 cents For sale by G. W. Putnam, Steiner Drug Co., Lunn & Brooks, G. L. L. Baskettand A. I. Stone. d & w-3 10-4m Call for Warrants. Notice Is hereby giyen that I have funds on hand to pay all warrants presented prior to November 0, 1895, and Interest will cease on tho same from the date of this notice. Dated June 5, 1897. G. L. Brown, 0-5-lw. County Treasurer. Coffolene. Is now retailed at 20 cts, and no other substitute for Coffee approaches it as a fine Ilcalth drink and a cheap one. Try it and bo con vinced of its merits. 0-9-lm DJard Fall. F. S. Thompson, a painter on the court house contract, fell eighteen feet, this morning, while working In tho county surveyor's room. lie struck with one arm on a ladder rung, bruling it some, and &uf fered a severe abrasion on his left side. He was soon able to be about, but will bo laid up for a few days. It is remarkable fact that n iran never ap preciates the sufferings of others until he himself, haspassed through the fire of pain or remorse. Then it is that he looks around for those who are suffering he wants them to profit by his experience," he gives his time and money gladly for the benefit and never tires of his real. There are plenty of men weak and worn out, struggling with remorse and fear, and the natural outcome of habits that brought incapacity a sense of lonesomeness and a feeling as if the best side of life had been banished forever. Such men should write to Thomas Slater, Box 390, Katamaioo, Mich. He will send free of charge by mail, in a plain sealed envelope full particulars about the method he used, and this will enable any man to get a complete cure at home. It is the method Mr. Slater used to cure himself of the troubles that sap the strenght and vigor. The cure was so complete, to satisfying and such a wonderful change from his former condition that he will gladly tell others all about it, sending all particulars. He figures that he doesn't know of a better way to show his ap preciation of his own cure and the sufferings of others. There must be generous men in his world to off.set the tide of avarice. Write Jo Mr. Slater,-it will cost nothing for bis des cription aad method AkimitiiitiiyiTiismiii vsi sit u Sa'ffiijw.miitH'jin-'Siirr iWti i ilEftl from morning till night the woman who still uses soap for cleaning. The "Gold Dust" woman is through by noon as fresh and bright as her house is clean. makes one stroke serve for two in house clean ing and the saving of money is equal to the saving of labor. Sold everywhere. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, St. Louis, Chtcsnc. New York, Call and see GRAY D Li The greatest variety, and finest corner State and FgTheonly complete stock of blacksmith and STOV q hhn MiMunnn RFRTnRFn lllfH lllVJWL 1YI-.VJ 1 JllU This wonderful i-i-ml. ruaraateed to cure all nervous diseases, such as Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Headache, Wakelulness, lost Manhood, Nightly Umls sions, Nervousness, all drains, loss of power iu Generative Organs of either sex, caused by over-exertion, youthful errors, excessive use of tobacco, opium or stimulants, which lead to Infirmity, Consumption or Insanity. Can be carried In vest pocket, fr.ooperbox. 6forf. bvtnail d. Circular Free. anulactured bv the Feau Drug Co., distributing agents. Third and Yamhill sts., Fortlind, Or. For sale by P. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, VARNISH, and the most complete stock of BRUSHES of all kinds in the state. Artists materials, lime, hair, cement and shingles, and finest quality of grass seed. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED AGENTSIf you are a rustler, we want you. Good pay exclusive territory, anywhere in Oregon. Address P. O. Box 75 saiem urcgon. on im COW bOR SALE. Good gentle cow, gives nlrntv of pocd milk. Will lie sold ehean. Apply to M. J. Matson, at Union Bargain siore, aaiem. on 319 WANTED, A good, gentle pony.big enough to drive, u, j.a., fllacleay, Ur. 7 3tt PROMPT ATTENTION: You can have your buggy tires set for $2 and other light ures. iiorse snoetng, 4 new snoes lor Si First-class work guaranteed. Tohn Holm. blacksmith, High street, next to Cook hotel. 6 3 imd w GLOVE FOUND In Wilson avenue, ladies brown kid glove, nearly new. Owner can have same at Journal office by paying for this notice. 6 7 3t LOST A brown leather valise, medium size, mica witn taaies and children's clothing, be tween Salem and Lake Labish, on Portland road. Leave at Wade's store. North Salem, or at Thomas & Watts' office for reward. 6 4 .1 t THE "BUSINESS PRINTER"-sOf Salem is Frank Conover. He is to be found at Dear born's, and when found will do your business printing quicker, more clearly end satiBiact ory than any one here. 5 20 tf BROWN FOUNTAIN WASHER. Best de vise known for canning fruit, general cooking by steam. Prices reduced to suit the time, from $3 50 to 2.00. Address J. B. Brown by card or otherwise. Salem, Oregon. 6 5 3t. FOR SALE A small, well-paying business, lV1.n in ,1.A IiiiiTm.cd ..Ml., s ik. a! frt sale cheap. A good living for the right man. Address A. B. C., care of Journal. 6 4 im FRESH COW FOR SALE. A gentle, easy milker, at a bargiin, G. A. Nichols, Fruitland.'Or. 6 f 3tt FOR SALE OR TRADE.r-The best hay and stock ranch in Oregon consisting of 200 acies, is good for fruit, grain or general farm Ing. Will sell for half its value on terms to suit or vill trade for town property or a small place. For particulars address Box 62, MillCity.'.Oregon. 5.20.1m A KNOCK DOWN. Horses shod here afier at $1 for fournew shoes. The best stock and woik A. R. Willard, 139 State street, Salem. 5-14-tf WANTED. Permanent office assistant and correspondent here. Salary $780, Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope to W, L. BROWN, Gen'l Manager, care Daily Journal. . 58 tf FOR RENT 40 acres, house, barn, wood house, workshop, milk house, 5 miles out. 30 acres seeded pasture will carry 7 head, running water. Wood and loo cords stump ago can be had cheap, 3 acre bearing or chard, good garden four acres ready to plant So rods from school small cash rent on easy terms Address Box 145 Salem, or calf, G, W. Peaimine, 2 miles north on river road. 7J MRS. N. U. SCOTT.-Stenographer and typewriter, room 6, over Ladd & Bush's bank. Prompt attention to all classes of work. TRADE. iVnrm to trade for town property. Ono of tho beet stock and grain farms in the valley, 15 miles southeast of Oregon City on Molalla river, 160 acres, too under fence, 35 in crop, in fine pasture. Good running water on each 0 acres of farm. Good frame house of 7 rooms, 2 good barns, splendid granary etc, crop, wagon, team, plows, mower, etc., goes with farm. A rare cash bargain at $2,2Co, Will trade for suburban property in Salem or in any good town in 20 nrllrs of Salem. Write at once for full par ticulars to E. A. Wright, Meadowbrook, Clackamas, count, Oregon. jsagstaafiaKwaag ,wgOad Washing Boston, Philadelphia, San Francisco. I'ST 20DSQ3SGQOmmmBB BROS, new stock of stock in the city, Northwest Liberty streets wagonmakers goous south of Portland. Jiy using- Dr. Pcnn'a Yellow Nerro rills. Sold by all druggists. Ask for it: take no other. Medicine Co.. Paris. Frunrp. iin..m.i. J. FRY, Salem. THE 'CLU STABLES, Best horses and carriages in the city. All seivice promptj and reliable. Near Hotel Willamette. & .MANN, PRoriiiurous. Salem Wer Co. r-Onice la City Hall. Irrigation nours 0 to 8 a. m. and 5 to 9 in thocyenlnp. All Irrigation bills for the summer will be due and payable tlio 1st of July. Street sprinkling through lawn hose positively prohibited.! No deduction for irrigation during absence unless water is cutoff the entire premises, No allowance rnado for part of sea son as more water is needed to bring out a neglected lawn than judicious use for tho entire season. Salem Water Co. Salem Steam Laundry Pleasenotice the cut in prices on the following! Shirts, plain 10 cents Under drawers 5 to 10 cents Under shirt 5 to iocents Socks, per pair 3 cents Handkerchiefs. I cent Silk handkerchiefs 3 cents Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per (dozen, and other work in proportion. Flannels ind other work in telligently washed by hand. Col T, Olmsted Prop, The Deimel Linen-Mesh Underwear, Our catalogue contains some very interesting facts on tne subject of underwear, Ask for a copy at our Salem agents, JOS MEYERS L SONS, For Do'Jcacy, for purity , and for improvement of the com plexion nothing ajuaii Pozzom's 1'ownss. TNWARE B TIIACt MUif J EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- THE SriASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co LXTRESS TRAINS RUN UA1LY. 6:00 F M 8:30 P M 7-'45 a!m L,v...!l,ortland, .Ar 9:30 A M 7:10 A M 8.-00 P M Lv , . Satem . . Lv Ar. San Francisco Lv Above trains stop at ail principal stations bet. Tortland and Salem, Turner Marion, Jeflerson, Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Halsev, Harrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, Creswefl, Cottage Grove, Drain, Oakland, and all sta tions from Koseburg to Ashland, inclusive. KOSKBURG MAIL, , DAILY. 8.3o a Ml Lv.... Portland ..Ar .4.' 1 7.-. 30 PM OO PM 30 AM 1100 A mJ-Lv... .Salem.... Lv V2opm Ar....Roseburc. Lv Pullman buffet sleeper and second-class sleeping cars attached to all through trains WEST SIDE DIVISION. BETWERN PORTLAND AND CORVALL1S. Mail llains daily except Sunday. 730 AMI Lv.... Portland.. All 5:50 P M 1215 PM( Ar....Corvallis.. .Lvf l.'oS PM At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of the O. C. & E. Ry. KXrRESS TRAIN DAILY KXCKrT SUNDAY. 4.'5o p m I Lv ..Portland . . Art .McMinnvllle Lvf 8:25 A M S-'SO A M 7.-30 r m ) Lr Direct connections at San Francisco wi'.h Occidental aud Oriental and Pacific mail steamship lines for JAPAN AND CHINA. Sai'ing dates on application Kates and tickets to Eastern points nnd Europe. Aho JAPAN, CHINA, HONO LULU and AUS TKALLIA, can be obtained from W. W. SKINNEK, Ticket Agent, Salem. R. KOEDLER, Manager. E. P. ROGERS, A. G. K. & P. A. Portland. Through Tickets TO THE BAST! VIA THE Union Pacific Sysrem' iTirough Pullman Palace Sleepers. Touns Sleepers and Freo Reclining CHairr diiiy between Portland to Chicago Our trains are heated lichted by Pintsc J light. by steam and Time to Chicago, 3 l-i Jays Time to New York, 4 1-2 days. Which is many hours quicker than ccm pttitors. I For rates, time tables and full information apply to; BOISE C BARKER, Agents, Salem, Ort R.&W BAXTER, C.E. BROWN, General Acenf Dist . Pass, h genU 135 Third Street, Portland 0. R. & N. CO. TO THE EAST GIVEST 1HB CHOICti OF Two Transcontinental Routes. Via Spokane Minneapolis St Paul and Den. vor Omaha and Kansas City. Low rates to eastorn citios. For full details call on or address BOISE & BARKF.R agents, Salem, 1 Oregon, OCEAN DIVISION., Portland San Francisco. Steamers leave Ainsworth dock. Portland May 17, 22, 27 and Jane 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27. Fare Cabin, $'2; steerage, 6, WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND-SALEM Daily SalemJ serv ice: Steamer Ruth for iPortland, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 a. m. Steamer Elmore for Portland Tuesday,,, Thursday and Saturday, at 7115 a. m. Returning, leavo Ash street dock, Portland, daily cxeept Sunday, at 6 a, m. Passengers given transfers to electric line at Oregon City if desired, mak ing it possible to reach Portland at I p. m. CORVALLIS-SALEM ROUTE:- The steamer Ruth for Corvallis, Tuesday, Thun day and Saturday at 330 p.m. .returning, lv. Corvallis at 6 a. m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Round trip tickets to all points in Oregon, Washington, California or the East. Connections made at Portland with all rail, ocean and river lines, Call on G, M, Powers agent, foot Trade street. e. McNeill, Prcs. and Manager, W. II. HURLBURT. Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland, Or Pet full details call on or address G, M. POWERS Foot of Trade St. Local Agent, OREGON CENTRAL AND- Eastern R, R. Company (YAQUINA HAY ROUTE. Connecting nt Vaq.'lna Hay with the Sn Francisco & van 1 unulna Bay Steamship Co, STEAMER "KAKALUJN. days for San Orford, Trinidad and Ilumbolt Bay, Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Shortest route between the Willamette valley and California, Fare from Albany or points west to Baa Francisco: Cabin, o; steerage, ft; to Coos Bay and Port Orford, cabin $6; to Humbold, Bay, cabin f8: round trip, good 60 days, f l6t RIVER DIVISION Steamer ''Albany" between Portland and Corvallis, through without lay-over. Leaves Salem 10:45 a, m. inesciays, inursuays ana Satuidays leaves Portlsnd, Vamhill street dock, 600 a. m. Sundays, Wcdnesday and Fridays nmirm tiavwr 'j--.. rv...1it. f &UVVUH DIUll i.uyn, m.1 ....., 11 J, C. MAYO, Supt. River Division. Atnjpiw CALL FOR BIDS. Sealed bids will be received for making re pairs upon the steel bridge over the Willam ette river between Polk county and Marion county, and entering the city of Salem, all in the state of Oregon, in conformity to the plans and specification? now on file in the offices of the county judges of Polk and Ma rion counties, and E. F. Parkhurst, chairman of the committee on streets and public prop erty of the Salem city council. A'l bids to be submitted by high noon on Saturday, June 12, 1 59 7. the right to reject any ana all bias is hereby expsessly reserved. G. P. TERRELL, County Judge Marion County. W. L. WEHS, County Judge Polk County E. F. PARKHURST. 6 7 d tu Chairman Com Northern Pacific Railway, iRUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars. Elegant Dinlnc Cars Tourist Sleeping Cart To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, rargc 'Jrand Forks, Crooks ton, Winnlneg, Helena and Butte. THROUGH TICKETS To ChioiTO, Washington, Philadelphia, New York. Boston, and all Points East and South For information, time cards, .maps an tickets, call on or write THOMAS, WATT & CO. AGENTS 265 J Commercial srreet, Salem, Or A D. Charlton, Asst O VI. Pang Agen I Morrison St., corner Third l'urtlmd, Or HTTwo routes east. ONE REASON WHY YOU SHOULD ask for tickets via the Bur lington Route is that it Is 200 miles shorter and a whole half day quicker than any other line to Omaha, Kansas City nnd St. Louis. Two routes East via Billings, Mont., and St. Paul, Minn. tor tickets and informa tion apply to nearest ticket agent or to A.C.SHELDON, G. A., Portland, Or. TRADE MARKS, DS8iaNS, COPYRIGHTS Ao. Anvono Bonding- n sketch and description mar quickly uoortaln, rroe, wuother an Invention li probablr patontablo. Communication! itrlctlv tonadentlal. Oldest asenor for lecurlnir patents (America. We bare a Wublngtou offlce. rutenti taken through Muna & Co. receive JtMlal notion la tbo SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beantlfullr Uluetratod, largest circulation of tlJ jt icientino journal, weeir, terms 13.UU n rear 1 .Mux moutln. specimen copies and llAMD lioOK ON X'ATENTS sent freo. Address MUNN & CO., 301 llrnmlunv. Nnw Vnrb. "Tl LIGHT OF TOE WORLD OR OUR SAVIOUR IN ART" Cost over Jloo.ooo to publish. Contains nearly 200 full-page engravings of our Saviour, by the great masters. Every picture is reproduced from some famous paintings Agents are taking from three to twenty orders per day. The book is so beautiful that when peoplo sec itlhey warn It. "FIRS I- GLANCE AT THE PICTURE BROUGHT TEARS TO MY EYES." says one. "Cleared $130 first week's work with the bcfbk"says another. "Some high grade pman or woman of good church standing should secure tho agency here at once," says ever yeditor, "as $500 can be made taking orders for it." Also a man or woman of good social position can secure position of manager of this torritory.lo devote all their time fo employing and drilling agents and corresponding with them. Ad dress for full particulars A. P. T. ELDER, Publisher, 278 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, in. 4 27 7m ODDpjljl :a spcniaiTYiyj?i7.o .T.',J77,t??Tt "..".. .uuuarroricr "".."" V." ujsum permanently carodlnlDtoSsdars.Ybucanbotreati.ut bomoforsame prlco under sumo Kuurna ty. llyou Prefer tooomo hero oniilr ,n. traCttODaTrallroadfnri.Anllinlnlhlll .. 4 noeba: cury, arse. It wo fall to euro. If you taavo taken rn'cr '. Ipclldo potash, and still navo aches nnd pains, ij Hl- -...... M.WU-U, "".".ttlUaU any partof tbo body, ItnlrorlSyebroWH failliur out, It Is this Beooiitlnry IsLOCU) IO IS Of wv N u. utvu UJ liUIV. u DUJlClt UIO IDOSC OISl nato cases and ciiallenco tho world for a F"!.? Pan?9,t.0,!B? )J,, dleeaso has alirars baffled tho kill of tho most emlnmi t i.hy.l clans. SSOO.UOU capital behind our uncondi. tlonnl guaranty. Absolute) proof sent sealed on application. Address UOOIt ItKMKOV CO irOJ Mososlo Xeuiple. CUIUAUO. ILXZ MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLCTS P08ITIVJJLY CVUB 1 f7. TVarroua Uaaa Fsillna Mem- 2? C niTi lmiotncy,HlaeplaKneM,ete..canMd ,1 bAuqnanloihor I'jmmm anil Jndlt- tZiQL crellona, Ttev uUhlu unci turttly 7 retoro Loit Vitality In old or loung, and 1 it a man ror aiuuy, uuuneas or marriage, 'rrent Jnianltr and Oontumptlon If . Thulr lit ahowa immadlata lUDroTa- mant and effects a OOKB wucro all others loll, la- tut upon having lha canning Ajax xa tiara cared tbouaanda and will cure you, AJax Tablets. They t bit Cll For sale at Salem. Or bv D J, FRY, r,j a " is a Esr-wonaas rUVUKB jjlmt. Hpormator :.v-v'.. " "'. 'Ulltt)M". Osaueuaa WJ.Iiru, ut, natural dls oharira, r any inrlamma 'loi , irriulluu or ulcers- rriiois. I tonaii waucleo. 1 ai u ItrlAlur. .ii . r mucous uienv. ihii'. tioD,-aatrlnitot. f.ol.l by DrutreLsU, IthiEunS CHtuica ina. tW5!NMTI.0.12 V.8... ar mut In plain wrapper. fijat ur a Lotties. M-J. 1 UiltJlar soul on -Jail IL-SSSSSSSSSSSSSSg-ll-'I-l!!l-il-ijlLl1 Irani iyMmmvtTfrrkffi,irCtfi't'tii(m ttifulrr .t 1 1 hT To Be Healthy You must undoubtedly keep up a good circus culation, It is the mainspring of life, Our Circulation Amongi the masses is phenomenal, and cw eryonc who is capable of judging declares that The Evening Journal Is perfectly healthy and capable of brings ing the very largest re turns to those wide' awake people who pat ronizc its columns, It's Dailv Circulation Is the homes of the people. The people read it, The pe pic support it. The pec pic defend it and it defends the people, You Can Not Have Their Trade unless-you reach them with your advertising. Space in the Evening Journal is the only means of doing that. Our Circulation covers not only Salem but is general all over the state, Every trial made will convince that We Have The Circulalion,