Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, June 11, 1897, Image 1

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    vnswrvTff wj-rirj
NO. 148
mm X. iP'''"4B,",fc. ,pk B A hflMuU
To undersell
Wear well, lib well and are made In the latest sty We
have a large assortment of best spring and summer stj in
men's toys' and children's
Hosiery and underwear and
Ladies and gents furnishing goods,
Gall around and wc will show you some
thing "nobby" at a price that defies compe
tition, We are hce to sill goods, not to
stackthem away on the shelves to look at,
"Quick cales and small profits" is our motto,
"We are prepared tojjgive you better returns
for your cash than Jany place in the city,
Don'tforget to call at
120 State
H Frui growers are invited to investigate
re; i, unlimited capacity, 2, cneapness oi construction Kapid production. 4. r.ssy
teapness and simplicity of process, Write'me for teslirccuuis and experience of growers
10 are using the Steevens since two years. Estimates and specifications furnished or driers
ReHabie Farm Machinery,
Wagons, Buggies and supplies,
254 Commnrclnl Btriwt. nnnn;ltn I'nnltnl Vnt.lnnnl tmnlr l.ltimlrnvn nnrt
Mitchell buggies, "Osborne" binders
r " h"T I C y i
all competitors,
before '.buying or building a drier. My,claim
G. A. STEEVENS. Salem, Or.
and mowers. All kinds of latest farm
Probably Bound for Cuba.
Insurgents Defeated Spaniards in
Several Battles
Boston, Mass., Juno 11, Tbo
United estates cruiser New York, tbo
flag sblp of the North Atlantic
squadron, with Rear Admiral Mont
gomery Sicard on board, steamed out
of the harbor, not a soul on board
knowing to what port sho is bound,
for It will only be when the big white
cruiser is well outside of Boston light,
with her pilot over the side, that the
sealed orders will be opened and her
destination ascertained. It is gener
ally believed, however, that when
she reached Capo Cod she would turn
her nose to the southward, and that
her twin scrsws will not stop until
she is somewhere in the neighbor
hood of Cuba; for when she started
she was fully provisioned and coaled
and could, if necessary, go to Gibral
ter or for a longer distance, without
laying In supplies.
Havana, June 11. The Herald's
correspondent in Sagua La Grande
reports that just previous to General
Weyler's return to Havana, ho en
countered some of Gomnz' forces near
Sanctl Spirltus, under command of
Gomez himself, and was forced to re
treat, leaving 50 dead on the field and
100 prisoners in the hands of the re
bels. This matter has been neglected
inofficial reports,
New York, June 11. A dispatch
to the Journal, from Havana, says:
Four thousand Insurgents from the
Eastern department, led by General
Rodriguez and QuintlnBandcras,bave
crossed Matanzas, entered Havana
province and are now menacing tho
town of Guineas.
Pinar del Rio advices report a hot
fight three days agojwithln sight ,of
the town of Con jlacion del Sur. Two
Spanish captains, a lieutenant and
slxprivates were killed, but tho rebels
were compelled to retire in great dis
order. In an engagement upon the La Lu
isa sugar estate, near Port Cabanas,
between Marlel and Bahla nonda, the
Spanish column lost 30 killed and up
ward of It ) wounded.
This is In Weyler's so-called paci
fied district. Tho insurgents, after
tho fight, retired into their fortified
positions in Maceo,s old stronghold,
for those who find it.
What is the missing word in the following
sentence :
Schillings Best tea is not only pure but it
is because it is fresh-rcr ted.
Get a package of Schillings Best tea at your grocers ; take out the Yellow
Ticket; send it with your guess to Schilling's Best Tea, San Francisco, by
August 31st.
One guess allowed for every yellow ticket. If your guess reaches us before
July 1 st, you are entitled to two guesses for each ticket.
If only one person finds the word he gets $1000. If several find it, the
$1000 will be divided equally among them.
Every ono sending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creeping
babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one en
velope will receive a charming 1898 calendar, no advertisement on it
In addition to the $1000 offered we will pay $100 each to the two persons
who send in the largest number of Schillings Best yellow tickets before June
Cut this out. You won't see it again for
two weeks.
Sar Franci5p
the Rubi hills. Wcyler telegraphed,
ordering six cMuras to march against
them, but not JJword of the defeat at
La Lulsa had been cabled to tho war
department aCMadrld.
New York, Judo 11. A dispatch
to tho Herald from Havana says:
It Is believed hero since the long
suppressed news of the affairs In Mad
rid hayc been made public that Gen
eral Weyler's return to Spain will bo
tho most Important result of Canovas'
success In retaintng power. Private
telegrams have been sent to persons
here in which it was distinctly stated
that Campos, Domlnguez and Pldil
had given their support to Canovas
only with the plain stipulation that
General Weyler should go.
In faot, it Is fcl't here that General
Catnpos.who Is now In power In Spain
and tills the popular eye, would not
on any account lend himself to tho
contlnuat'on of General Weyler's pol
icy. The plan Is to send General
Marin hero from Porto Rico and then
supplant him in turn by General
Blanco or Cantos.
Havana, June 11. A cable message
was r . ived, from tho queen regent,
gram'r r apnrdon to Jose Carabre,
under sentence to bo shot.
Mason City, la., June 11. At G:50
last evening a cyclone struck north
west of Lyle, Iowa, taking 11 south
easterly course. Several people are
reported as killed and injured. Tho
cyclone tore up houses and other
buildings in its course, and the ter
ritory is now bare. Tho path of the
storm was about half a mile in width.
All telegraph lines north are down,
and box cars on sidings were smashed
into kindling. Tho cyclone, in pas
sing over tho town of Kandiyohi,
Wilmar county, Minn., entirely de
molished the buildings on the farm of
John Borqulst.
six K CLED.
Minneapolis, June 11, A special
from Osage, Iowa, to tho Tribune,
conlirms the report of tho cyclone and
says that six persons were killed and a
number injured. A special train will
take surgeons from that place.
Oregon Horse Wins.
Denver, Juno 11. The results of
the races wore:
TroUIng,lree for all Klamath won
tho third, fourth and fifth heats and
race. Time, 2:101, 2:20 and 2:21. Ot
tlnger won first and Becond heats.
Time, 2:11, 2:15. Kentucky Union
took third money.
Thirty-one cars of cattlo wcro
shipped from The Dalles Tuesday for
the Montana ranges.
A Schilling & Gmjiiw
The Sugar Schedule Debated
Export Duty Defeated Tillman
Washington, D. C., Juno 11. Tho
long deferred debate on tbo sugar
schedule of tho tariff bill came up ab
ruptly, after tho senate had disposed
of the cereals In tho agricultural
Jones, of Arkansas, oDcncdtho de
bate to some extent, answering Ald
rlch's statement on the sugar sched
ule. Vcstsevcrclylcrltlctsed the sugar
trust, and argued that the rates wero
a further tribute to Its vast resources.
Cattery, or Louisiana, also opposed
the schedule as a whole.
No final action was taken on any
' feature of the schedule further than
the withdrawal of the original sen
' ate commlttco amendment. This
leaves the houso provisions of the bill
with an amendment increasing tho
'house- differential from 875-1000 to
93 100 cent per pound.
The provisions relating to the Ha
waiian islands, went over by mutual
Early in the day iTllman made a
lively speech In favor of tho amend
ment giving an export duty on agri
cultural products. Tho bounty amen
dment was defeated 10 to 59.
Tilllmtm took tho floor on tho
pending amendment of Cannon, pro
dding for nn export bounty on ag
ricultural products, no said tho
tariff debate had disclosed a nebulous
condition in the minds of senators.
The Republicans sat quietly, appar
ently controlled by tho caucus, re
fusing to discuss the Iniquities of tho
bill and unanimously, voting for ex
actions In behalf of tho trusts and
"On tho other hand," proceed Tlll
m in, "Democrats aro in a period of
transition. They do not know whero
they arc at. Tho older and more ex
perienced proclaim their allegiance to
the o'd, time-honored doctrines. Wo
had an Impassioned speech yesterday
by Mills on behalf of tho Walker tar
iff principles' brought forward at this
late day as Democratic doctrine. Se
cession, nullification and other Issues
which have passed out of tho minds of
men, might as well bo brought horc.
Tho tariff Is merely a question of pol
icy as to how the government will
raise revenue.
It is to the best Interest of the
American people that tho articles
consumed by our people should bo
produced by our people, If that's Re
publican doctrine, well and good. It
Is not Democratic doctrine, it ought
to be. As to the farmers, tho need
was not for more farmers, but for a
tariff which no longer would rob tho
farmers wo have.
Tillman vehemently pledged his
word to his colleagues that they would
not deceive farmers, und tlmtO.OOO.OOO
follower of tho plow "will settle with
you at the ballot-box." Ho declared
the South had been treated ns an Ish
uiaclito since the war, and with tho
farmers generally had been bled to
benellt New England.
After some running debate, a voto
was taken on the Cannon amendment,
providing for an export bounty Tor ag
ricultural products und defeated
yeas, 10; uays, 59. Tho infirmatlvo
vote was: Allen, Butler, Stewart,
Harris (Kansas), Heltrclt, Cannon,
Mantle, Pcttlgrew, Roach and Till
man. This closed consideration of
the cereal paragraph of tho agricul
tural schedule, ard the sugar sched
ule was taken up,
Jones of Arkansas, opened a debate
on tho sugar schedule. Ho said there
should be a blnglo rate on raw and re-.
lined sugar, giving one-eighth of a I
cent additional, which would make J
the rate plain. Jones concluded at
3:10, and Vest took tho floor to speak
on tho sugar schedule.
Lindsay offered an amendment to
strike out the differential duty on
sugar. Morgan offered an amend
ment levying n tax of ono cent a
pound on all sugar refined to this
country with tho exception of sugars
refined by concerns not In tho sugar
Thos2natc committee on Interstate
commerc3 held a brief meeting and ad
journed for a week without transact
ing any business beyond a cursory dis
cussion as to the advisability of re
porting tho pooling bill.
Tho hauso passed two comparatively
unimportant resolutions, and then
adjourned until Monday.
Tho president nominated Maurice
D. O'Concell, of Iowa, to bo solicitor
of tho treasury..
Forest Grove Banker Missing.
Forest Grove, Or., Juno 11. Tho
Forest Grove bank closed Its doors at
noon yesterday, because of an order to
that effect received by Cashier F. T.
Kane from Anton Pfannor, tho presi
dent of the bank.
The order came in a registered let
ter to Mr, Kane, from Portland, in
which letter -was also an assignment
toS. Hughes and A. HInman, mado
by Mr. Pfanner for tho benellt of all
of his creditors.
In tho letter, Mr. Pfannor, said
that he felt that ho had reached the
point whore ho fcarred to go on with
his buslnecs affairs, us ho did not fcol
that he would be able to stand tho
strain; that ho intended to go oil
among strangers for quiet, and if he
got well, ho would return; If not, ho
would die among strangers.
It Is feared hero by; many that ho
has committed suscldo.
About threo months ago Mr. Pfan
ner had a serious Illness, and had not
fully recovered. Ho had for tho last
few days a premonition that he would
have a rccurrcnco of tho trouble, und
feared that it would result fatally.
Mr. Pfanner was considered ono of
tho wealthiest men In tho county, and
it is thought ho had plenty to pay all
claims against him. Thcro does not
seem to bo any reason why any ono
should worry who hayc clalns against
hlra. An inventory of his real estate
was being mado today, and personal
effects will bo inventoried tomorrow.
Until this is complete, it will not be
known what Ills liabilities and assets
Mr. Pfannar did 11 large real cstato
and loan business, and enjoyed tho
public confidence. Ho was at tho
front in many ventures as a public
nature, and It was ho who built re
cently a private telephone lino from
hero to Illllsboro.
Tho assignment will greatly em
barrass business In tho Grove, as all
of tho bussness men had full confi
dence in Mr. Pfannor, and on his as
suming charge of tho bank deposited
with him. These deposits will now
bo tied up.
Pendleton, Or., Juno 11. Ar
rangements are jnade here to rccclvo
W. J. Bryan Ion July 13. lie has
consented to remain In Pendleton
twenty-four bourn, arriving on tho
morning of tho 13th from Portland,
leaving on tho morning of tho 14th.
The railroad companies will run ex
cursions from ull point?. Prepar
ations aro pclng mado for tho biggest
crowd over seen In Pendleton. Bry
an's Salt Lake City date has been put
ono day later than at first announced.
Governor I'xempt.
Minneapolis. Minn., Juno 11.
Judgd Simpson, of the district bench,
has handed down an opinion that,
while It was the duty of tho governor
to respond to the grand jury'H sub
poena, Ur produce such papers us it
required, he could not be compelled to
do so by tho judiciary brunch of tho
Ftato government, which Is only co
ordinate with, and not superior to.the
executive. Tho governor Is exempt
from Judicial processes while In tho
dlschurgo of his duties, und ho nlono
is judge of when such processes would
Interfere with such duties. Ho is
umendublo to tho logislature uloue,
may impeach him for violation of
While Lying in the Jail
A Nervy Young Detective Captures
a Murderer.
Governor Lord today issued a war
rant of urrcst for tho person of Bates
Slopcr, alias Homer Lee, on requisi
tion of the governor of Missouri, on a
charge of murder In tho first degree
It is alleged that six years ago last
April Slopcr murdered his wife and
two children, at Archie, Cass county,
Mo., by deliberately chopping them to
pieces with a hand ax.
The papers wore Issued to a keen
joung detective, S. E, Lowe, who ar
rived from Ashland with his man
this morning on the overland, and his
man was safely! lodged g In iMar
lon county jail while ho was at tho
stato house foe his papers. The of
ficer and prisoner left for the cast this
afternoon. Lowe will get a big re
ward. Triple Murderer Arrested.
Ashland, Or., Juno 11. S. E. Low
of an Eastern dctcctlvo agency, baa
arrived hero with a requisition for
ono Bates Sopcr, wautcd at Archie,
Cass county, Missouri, for tho murder
of his wife and two children which
occurred on April 21, 1891, and lato
last evening arrested his man, who
had been golug under tho numo of
Leo here. Leo came hero about six
weeks ago from Portland, and has
ocen uomg iarm ann orcuaru work in
this vicinity slnco. Leo has a wife
In Portland, whero ho resided four
years before coming here, ho says.
Ho does not deny bolng tho Bates
Soper sought, and tho otllcer started
back with his prisoner.
Portland, June, In. Wheat valley, 76
Walla Walla, 747S
Flour Portland. 3.6oa3.753.oo, graham
3.40 superfine, 2.60 jlerbbl.QI .
Oats White, 384oc; grey, 3739.
Potatoes.. Oregon, 403500 per sack,
Hay .Good, 14 per ton.
Hops 7c.
Wool.. Valley, ioi2c; Eastern Oregon
68c. b
Mohair. io2oc.
Millstufls..Bran, 14.50; shorts 16.50.
Poultry-Chickens , mixed, 3.50CJJ3.75
broilers, 1,5083 turkeys, dressed, I2i2c,
g3..urconl uaizc per aox.j
Hides., green, salted 60 lbs 6c; under
60 lbs 5c; sheep pelts, io7oc
fallow 2j4e3c
Onions, 90c per sack,
Wheat Bags Calcutta5.25 per loo
Beans-smali white, iljc.lima 383
Hogs Heavy, 4.50
Butter.. I5estdairy,2o22jJjfancy creamery
253300 per roll.
Cheese ,iic,
D led Fruit Apples, evaporated, bleached
oM7i unbleached 3c4t; sundried
rears 5coc
Veal bmall4a5; large 34c per lo.
Mutton - "Weathers 3a2s dressed mut
ton,4ja5c spring lambs 67c per lb.
llcek-rfteers 3.50; cows 2.5o3;
dressed 56J.
Cured Meats-J lams iocio'c bacon 1
Lard iin palls, lio.
Oats 3"3ScZ
Hay., Baled, cheat, 11,50.
Flour., In wholesale lots, 3,80; retail
4.20; bran, bulk 1C.50; sacked, 17.00;
shorts, 17.rol8.oo; chop feed, 15.00
Poultry. Chlcken,4 spring chicken 10,
VeaIDrcssod, 3.
I logs.. Dressed, 4.50.
Live Cattle.. 23
Sheep.. Live, 1.25a! 50,
Spring lambs, $131,25.
Wool.. Beat, 12c,
I lop v. Best, gu loc
Kgg.. 10 in trade.
Farm Smoked Meats . llaccn, 7c; hms
loj; shoulders, 5 Vic.
Potatoes, ,30c per bu trade.
Dried Frullr Apples, evaporated bleached,
70 8cs unbleached 4c5c.
Plumsv 4c.
Bntter Dairy ioai2c creamery I2
Absolutely Pur
Celebrated for 'its great leaventeg strenfitfc
and heahhfulness. Assures the fooa aB
alum and all form adulteration ?
to the cheap brands. RoyL Bajuko Fw