;?; ma ml THE ONLY i ! ri'i I 14 I . . . . aatf mdoaMoHr MI fee mm Daily Capital Journal.; BY HOKER BROTHERS MOXDAY. JCXB 7, 7. Mr. Owe P. Dber, iroprtetor of tfceFalrstere, f this trfty es wad a tfecWed oce of h few, "The Lo SlMck-e' Uhatapl ef bis ews IveUre5 for sews year? 3Mg tfce IadlaiH, as eoatw.w: with a roeastlc Win Ut nates it very ptewaet readl foroWaod ywrg. Mr- Daj wai -" P teitQ to tele? a Htwary " hs oarratlve aad decrpUve pwer far exceed hb who " -"- ,a literary circle. He ha 1 sl UwttMisd of bH bowk aad it. is fc.wr toted a a pnmism with Mrtoe f the largest Bgwipagers In owreomitry. tl wtefe ke UUoni la saw I- RAYS Am On the Webfoot PoMUrians. latopMwionf Cwaavt m People ia State a4 Hatha. c-i- u tiw rftitral mial of irmanetle valley and h been ai cJk-vjh as tlie re?zo of the dwtrs' etcrrtiK Tralw will be ran m that oay iroai all part rf western Oregos. at tbe wultorm price heretofore ehansed Uwt brKht lltc&4 of I"f fa aH y oatfw to lh Oef-- City. 34ew A?m, Dsrhy ad Gatorwfco are e Utlefl f a - crtMl for ar ranging Ms ereat of kxl lapt a nee. Saturday otght is a few boor? the latter two gentleen in a fiwrt time raided money eaoagii ior wre band, for conductor's day by a sob Mriptlon among oar business men they are "reilieo" and will make a success of any beness they atk ltoM of. The pressure on Hie Salem school board for places on the list of teach era for the corning school year l about as great as. on a legislature for clerkship?. Prominent people with great political prestige and wealth and Influence are preying on the board to make places and the life of a school director In a city like Salem Is no soft snap now. The members of the board are besieged at their offices, waylaid on the (streets, horn harder! with potlttons, stormed In the privacy of their homes, ar. proached In their hours of retirement, Intercepted on their way to church and Interrupted In their hours of retirement and In the silent medita tion of the night. As times grow harder the rush for positions in the public service that have salaries at tnuhed to them Increases In propor t!on. if the McKlnlcy bootm is to come at all, those in position to dis pose of places should hold an unlon praycr meeting: that might hurry it along If nothing else will. The scramble for positions In the name of public education will continue until Friday night. wmtataat Mate ooJetal fordac m oMo Urn wiNeJte Use Mate i ooioa- as mmtM to II joth oiortlfwi oiin' Mai has rr 1 aataai !a Onaom It aC the awacy thai Mr. Hoagfcfa aasttnrmfaahoat twieoty yeare oa' Wc Mat 9aap so raWd atnc the aatriie pty-rofttof Oregna eoatf b silver mmm as Sevstor Alley eoaW be iMrf on it moU b tkat coaM soaraoat a sold adwte. Bat mjm would out enter Ik W do J fe mmt " a "T tmmSmmmA lllastratas to what aa exteat the a aot awaa that u t Ml iiMiuia aMed prtaci&es" of ladirtdmle are soaMMrrke. Heba atw acamat- lttWe to b cbaoeed. aad how nacfa MMad Beed to t op hook?, at tate we adaiire the ana wbo cbases to xeae tint coataiacd eolories of all oar way of iblokf n aad how ltule w the oeil. trtled aad bejewelled ""I -" "ho chaofes the . . . . w . , . ., other way. If we bad beea asked to foar handled of Wehfoot land. He wbo ready pVwed deep aad acattend hi eeed .baodoo MmeUlliaa we woold haTe wide aad it is aot lifceiy that tlie ' oaaaed editor Alley. He wj, foresMt child lives that will nee Hodsklo re-' ebaaipiooiajr Hermann and Mitch jon)d f mat a ot ataoe o loaf as the "old yaard" reatalos ia power. The HM)or is a yery agreeable person to three wbo farther his eads, bat be ?pods a good deal of bis tiaie ia the state boose rotonda deaoaociog the aafonaante poMk man or private dtteea wbo has not condocted biat- lf politically wltaia the scope of the aMJors approbatioa. He Is the last of a combination that rakd in iate affair? tweoty years ago- and so aba$ or qneattooabie practice fast eoed on the state is remored with bis coeseat. HUserrices are purely clerical, and any intelligent youn wan of good edocalion could perform tiiem. Phil Metecltun has a ton about to go to Central America and engage In the coffee plantation busi ness who could do all Hodgkln s work as well as he does. It uonld be politic Justice, as long as relatives get places, if he would displace the man who has displaced a trained nurse of ten years' experience with by mis chievous boy, in the same manner. Mr, Metsehan will not do this, but as the position Is a sinecure and of a trusty and confidential nature nep otism would be allowable there If any where. There is a general impression that Hodgkim knows too much about the state treasury anyhow for the .stale's good and is the dictator of the department In a way. T. T. Gecr, of Macleay, Is a regular S.lurn vlbltor, und generally strikes a bee line for the postoillce. He Is a hopeful defender of the good times coming under the McKlnlcy adminis tration, and attributes the advance In wheat oyer a year ago to (Republi can success. No use to tell him about the famine In India or that the world's warehouses arc empty from short crops In other wheat countries, and that the law of supply and demand regulates the price of wheat and silver and not the tariff. He can prove cither or both proposi tions biukwards or forwards and tie an ordinary man nil up In a double bow knot, just as he does an audlonco wIibii pleading the divine right of the gold standard and Wall street to rule the nation. Ue duos not argue over a minute now but dives for the post oillce. It W to Iks hopad that Mr. Guar's optimism and devotion to tho Republican party may nut gu unre warded In the shufllo that 11 n ally takus place, when Corbott lb seated or not seated, ns both sides claim, or In the event of the governor's calling a special session of legislature. It Is well known that It makes no differ enco what Mr, Oeer supports or advo cates, so long us it Is Inbtllcd Repub lican, Ho would swear by a frco sllvor Mltolioll, or gold-standard Mitchell, or a painted-putty Mltqliollj -"TJlitj party need) such men. Any party uloos. They are the mud that Is chinked In between tho more solid material or u political structure. Tho long chink of mud from tho WaJd&'HIlU should find a placo la Sioo Reward, Sioo. The reader of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least -jne dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall,s Catarrh Cnre Is theonly positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Ilull'sCutarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di rectly on the blood and mucous sur faces of the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and as sisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors nave so much ialtli in its curative powers, that they oHer One Hundred Dollar forany case that it falls tocurc Send for list of testi monial. Address. I J. ClIBNEY & CO., Tolebo, O. tSo!d by Druggists, 75c. The supreme court of South Dakota lias sustained the act repealing prohibits. ell because they were f re silver men. We eoafe-- to rather likio: a man of Harrteoo R. Kiaeald' stripe, wbo told Mitchell be woold not abandon his views oa biwetallteoi for forty elections to the eoate. Bat that is a phra.ee Mitchell aged less than a year ago. e As Max Fracht has an otnee. it is now to be hoped Geer may get sooe thlng. The Salem public schools graduate more boys in nroportion to the class than any town In Oregon 21 to 32. The gala standard papers of Oregon, that tinder the lead of Senator Mitch ell made voters belipve the McKInley platform really favored bimetallism, now refer to the international coin uiislon as "moon-beam chasers." Well, moonbeams are silvery. The editor of the Statesman claims to be a lineal descendant of a son of a prophet. That's rough on the He brews. Max Pracht has provided for with some kind of a special agency of the land deportment, and Dinger Her mann sends him to Oregon. This state always'gets the worst of It. To talk right and live wrong is fool ish deceit. Which Is the Populist. Dunn or Bradstreet? One says times are good, while the other says they are tough. When the doctors disagree will the patient die or get well? Rulld a good .CO foot highway from Salem to the reform school, high above the water, and planted with shrubs on each side; do it with convict labor. It is Governor Lord and Supterlntendent Gilbert we are talking to. sPiiisDENTI5T ! ftN tmm T W L Bm . "" "" ' r- tl, rV PzniS dtSCTET 5WT- SCC ST 1 Bm C. urwwi. - I ,- t. fy pujs , ! ees-oioes ai raodstatf fas ia asr r i . , ..,.,. "GREATEST ON EARTH." Dr. 7lllck Ilentorntlvo Nervine. Mr. It. T. Caldwell, Id book-keeper In tho First National Dank or Pulton, Ky. "I was complotcly run dawn, ily norves becaino bo unstrunc through loss or sleep and worry that I felt suits 1 would bo com jxjllod topUo up rny nohltlon I would lie awako all night long, und It took but little IUT OAUJWtLL. to shako mo up so that I could not possibly attend to my business as I should. In connection with this I had Uctr trouble, heaviness about tho stomach, and pains In d I rfe rent parts of my body. 1 was nUo inacn reduced in llosh. 1 was porsuadod to try Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. I first procured a trial bottlo rrom a local druxKlatnnd good rosultsqulcWly followed. I dollar Dottlo, nnu uy tho tu un 1 was a illlTnrout man. am now on my third bottlo and am able to sh-ep soundly and eat regularly, Romothlnn I could not tosslbly do btitoro takltiR your fttrvlne. I am uowuHurwororiJ, and ao not hesitate to proiiounce I)r. Miles' Hostoratlvo Nervluo tho erealwt tirrins on rartA." Fultou, Ky. U. T CALDWELL. Dr. Miles' Norvino is sold on n pasltlvo itio Will 1X31! by tho Ur. MUus MouMcal Co., oncBt. Ruarauteo that the llrstliottlo will AlluruiiKistasoilltniii.o Dottles 3., Klthart, fad, llilruculstssollltnttl.0 bottles forlio: It will iiosmit, pnumltl, on rucolut of price Dr. Miles' Nervine "'?,'" ...licsitb Some Oregon politicians should re member the golden text of yesterday's Sunday school lesson: "Whoso kcep eth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles." Prov 31, 23. ( If what Is told of a great New York capitalist Is true he literally "devours widow's houses," cvon though they be widowed relatives. "If any man think he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing as lie ought to know." Paul. The band of Mexican Gypsies who are being ordered to move on from place to place arc having a hard time of It. It seems they have neither tlag nor country to protect them and their only safety Is to make for Alaska. Salem men are doing a big- business in discounting claims against the state, getting as high as 30 per cent on. What does Salem want an extra session for? Albany Democrat. The above Is not quite correct. Certified claims against the state are J taken by some Salem merchants at par, und by claim dealers are being bought at 02 to 05 cents on the dollar. The free silver democrats, Mr. Cooper and a few misguided populists, organized a republican aid society at Albany, Wcdnosday. It seeks a divi sion in tho ranks of the only reform party In tho United States tho People's party. Oregon City ncrald. Pop. Col. J. C. Cooper, chairman of the bimetallic conference, Idled the posi tion In a maanor to show his ability as a presiding ofllcor by his oxcellont Judgment and falrmlndednoss. Al bany Democrat. There Is hanging In tho Umatilla ITouse otllce, n cane that evidently has n history connocted with It, Judg ing from tho label that is attached thereto, on which is Inscribed "Com pliments of Geo, Francis Train," and "Thlscano was used by Col. If. 11. Slnnott In walking across tho Col umbia on tho backs of salmon In tho oarly days of 1600 when salmon was plenty, and was used for a balance polo," Tjmcs Mountaineer. STYTE rfEWS The Sfliett anairersary of the Whftana anuacre will be iuirwriy reaaewhered iiPnrtlaad by a saeaio rtal sen-fee. AtoatMof Oe rype5 were la Ote coa city wbo the bead street; Sa leai. It see there are several beads of them WilUaa- E. jobo. the Shakespear eaa actor aad eader, who has tamed priaefehterarlasamedtbe same of Billy Bhner, oce lived In Astoria. Cbas K. ipauWinsr, wbo has a force of S matin; a log drive down tbeSaatlaai, orpect? to arrive at New berg with iJQftOO feet of logs, about J air i. A a unknown tramp aboat SO years old. died .in Oex last bandar. The eoroaercooMlndnotbiog wherby to identify him. rbe man was demented and was sick f(r everl days. En-melt a od Preston Huffman and P.M. Gill. Frilay. filed notice of a coal claim, in -ection 27, 3 soutb..5 east, being -m lagle creek, about 30 miles easterly from Oregon City. Mr. Hopkins was caught between a tree and a roilcg log, near Coburg, in Lane oounty. last Tuesday. His left foot was iua-hd and the leg badly bruised, but Is lot thoapbt that am putation will te necessary. A hearing crew of 22 men finished shearing 90,00k" head of sheep at Alex Dothle's cornl, nar Arlington. In Gilliani coun.y. last week, after 2? days or hard rork There were 00 fecks of wool the fleeces ranging from to 14 piuda per head. The Junctioi City Times tells of a casein which i bicyclist struck and knocked dow n a lady. This,of course, was nothing ungual, but the Times says the bicyclst, Instead of wheel ing ont of sight, helped his victim up and gave her 5 to repair a badly damaged dre. Tom Thomas came In Thursday from the Thoous and Allen placers, at Gimletville. with five big nug gets largest one In shape of a piece of quartz, covered all around with gold. Its estimated value Is SC00. The nugget- are on exhibition In the First National bank of Astoria, Tired Nervous, Sleepless. Men and women how gratefully they write about Hood's Sarsaparilla. Once helpless aad discouraged, having lost all faith In medicines, now in good health and "able to do my own , work," because nood's Sarsaparilla has power to enrich and purify the blood and make the weak strong this Is experience of a host of people. Hood's Pills are the best family cathartic and liver medicine. Gentle, reliable, sure. ia especial rezss. s. r2Lirest arai Fieest Umc at Cat Glass Everfa tfcs Cfcy, Dkict &osa LiMry Glass Wcrks. W. THOMPSON L CO, Jewelers ill Commercial St., Salem, Oregon, HftilW I pi? inixic Oi iuide n-o-tfrrr at ? nsi cent. Oa far, land seea-ttr at S per cent. Safe loons made for isreston. Iasrance effected in renaM .niM TOWN' MOIR. Brok-r, r-ioss No. 2. Bash bank bcildteg. VM v m 0 llir r'fi un ; u liin VY LZ h MIES KE Proos T m Dealars in all kinds of fresh and salt mea' s Lard in balk. 7c a lb. Cbeap-st meat in he OTrn Trythetn. 171 Owimtrctal st. SALEM WATER CO. OFFICK:-CITY HALL Jot water service apply at oEc. Bills parable monthly in adraoce. Make at complaints at the oGcc. C. H. LANE, JlliltCHASTTAILI tuCj.na cii! . Sil-Tj Or l-Srsuits S15 npvrards Pants npwands-J m IBS ! BATBS ! HARD TIMES PKICE5.--Batr i2i each .porcelain tnb-'4 for 50c. Mills barber shop. 29 Con.merc'ul st., Salem 27 J, R. OILIvIORE, Successor to White & Gilmore, Lime, Cement, Lath, Plaster, Corn andjOm rnio aH kindi of feed. 54 b IA TE ST. T. H HAAS, j WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Makes a sp-ialty of fine repair work. S.ii I Thomas clock, etc.. 2t" Commercial .Srl:t I Depot Express, Meets all mail and passenger trains, gage and express to all parts of the Prompt service. Telephone No. 70. JAMES RADER Bag. city M, A. Lang, one of the managers of the colony to be located near Sclo, in Linn connty, Topographical Engineer A. Ohlhoff, iFrltz Bente and others are busy surveying the tract of land on Crabtree creek, recently purchased They propose to parcel the; land out In 00-acre tracts, set the necessary markings, etc. Mr. Ohlhoff will pre pare a topographical map of the en tire premises, which will show every hill and valley, Drook, creek, spring, etc. In fact, when Mr. Lang returns to Minneapolis, he will have the very Destpossioie description or the pur chase, for the inspection of the col onlsts. Hello ! SEE D, S, BENTLEY. If you want to move or want a load ol'any kind hauled or want a load of manure, dirt, sand or gravel, or cement, lime, hair plaster, brick or sewer pipe, see D. S. Bentley, cor ner of Front and Chemeketa streets or ling up telephone 30. Also wood and coal on hands at all times. Orders promptly attended to. OREAT PHYSICAL STRENGTH is not necessary to the enjoyment of per fect health, yet strong, healthy organs and faculties give rise to the most de lightful sensations of existence. Esercisc. common sense and ordinary precaution ana you neea never De very sick. When vou find your stomach troublesome, your bowels inactive, your nerves sensitive look out I When your weight is decreasing, when your energy is waning, when exertion seems impossi ble and sleep does not give rest look out' Serious illness has its beginning in neglected little things. Even dread con sumption comes on oy degrees, and may begin with a very slight derangement. Taken in time, 93 per cent, of all cases of consumption can be cured. Taken in time, no disease need be really serious. The best safeguard against disease is an active, healthy liver. That means good blood and good blood means good solid healthy flesh. The germs of disease sek out the weak spots in the body. Don't have any weak IoU. If you have them now, clear them out, tone them up, in&k them strong. Dr. Fierce's Golden Medical Discovery will do it. It searches ont all poisonous matter and disease-germs of whatever character. It regulates the action of the organs of the whole body. It forces out impure matter, makes tho blood rich and puts new life into.every fiber. It makes good, firm, healthy flesh doesn't make fit. It gives you flesh that you can work with the flesh that means health, but a reasonable plumpness is essential to the best bodily condition. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is pleasant to take and vou don't hz.vo to take on ocean of it to get well clthxr. J. S. NUMB NEW MARKET, ' State street, near railroad." Freshest and best meats. My patrons say I keep the best meats in town. 3 2S "AT THE OLD P0ST0FFICE . " A. DAGENY, Family Wine and Liquor Store. Removed from 102 State to 199 Commercial street. Bottled goods of the best quality. The Deimel Linen-Mesh Underwear, Our catalogue contains some very interesting facts on the subjectfof underwear. Ask for a copy at our Salem agents, JOS MEYERS d SONS, ENT BAIL ON THE PACIFIC COAST. CIRCULATION Of the Daily Journal Increased 75 Per cent. Following letters need no explana tion: Salem, Or., Feb. 25, 1897. B. F. Booham, P. M., Salem, Or: Dkar Sue Will you not please to advice us if the weights of mails now received from the Daily Jocrxal are fully 75 per cent more than a year agoat this time. As we have not in creased tbe slie of the Daily Jour kal during the past year, we wish to estimate the comparative increase in circulation, by the comparative weights mailed. Yours very truly, Hofer Brothers, Editors. Salem, Or,, Feb. 25, 1897. Editor Dally Journal: Dear Sir: The weights of malls now received from the Daily Jocr nal are fully 75 per cent more than a year ago at this time. Respectfully, B. F. Bonham, P. M. Bj J. A. Sellwood, AssU P. M. The circulation of the Portland Telegram isstated at23O0 copies dally. The average circulation of The Oxe Cent Daily has been for sometime larger than that and the Weekly Jocrn'al has a largercirculatlonthan ever before. The Journal is now established as the paper having the largest clrcula tion in Oregon, next to the Oregonlan. Advertisers are Invited to Inspect our lists of subscribers, and are reminded that our mail subscriptions are all paid in advance, and that such are a desirable class of people to do business with. They take this paper because tbey want It, not because it is forced upon them, and they can't get rid of it. The Jocrkal outo!d all other pa pers in Oregon during the legislative esslon. ONE THE ONLY Oil IN OREGON. hn WEEKLI r- 2 v a s -. u o -3 s, c c- 2. - - - o c-n n ir " 2. rr " Z o - -x n j. -v o - o o " n S - -r-5uo,c5:p . zryzm u 2S " 75 S"i 3 3 s s"i -v- S5 -? 2 e- J;i"i"3 w, . - -- -- Lre n r; " 1 1 s 3 & r - O ? . r " . - Ltm ' "M as si is-a rf " i s " M ?5?li-?3"2.'giLE3 3"S- 2 "2 o rJ- c- JprarSpa Hrf 3l - a ' iimH$l&ts. & .SC.30 r- ' S2. 2. w S -Z-5 o - s n " " " - r -. ts . n -t "- tr 3 rr . r- n zz . . 3 - o n p E. 5. o o 5 n r-c.ii p ?" .-. o 3E.-- o -v C-3 ; OO-nl 3p g. Ss- 13 3-. 5-3 3-3 ' S?S:S-2n2ffSs.g "SO?-'o3 n " rfo 5 3 s 5 o u - o'r: Pa.. 0-5n.,u0P S-tSS.S 5- a . . .oc. c-w-JS fTo j: 3 0) d 3 C -: B: - C ' siIsaSg-s-s - it VHKL1 - Threemonthslj;rr-!rrc: otejttr'Ji. F'o papers sent beyond" time paid for. 1 PEOPLE'S MR PI D II I rr. . . .. J ins journal has three times the circulation in Ortgonof Any daily tf pn,,1,!:PuOUs-paPfr.atPort,-nd- -t -s recognized by Silver men ana - Parties as the champion of tie People's cause in thisltate. Yon can afford W 1 m-S.m raVilCSnte?aPtr- Every issue is devoted to budding nP;thb can- " Hofbr Bros. Fublisriers. Salem, Or. -i TBWrr r wmaBBfanf