Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, May 29, 1897, Image 4

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    If I
Daily Capital Journal
SATURDAY, MAY 20.-1897.
laC.T Co's
rati 1'attengcr acimcr jig
Leares for Portland Monday.
Wednetday, and Friday at 745
am , Qalck
time, icgu'ar ervice and low
rates. Dock between State and
Coon streets.
Agent. Salem
Just a Few Left
A Few Only
Of Those
5c, Jaconettc Lawns,
We've sold oyer 4,000 yards or
tlieni, and when tltose are gone
they are alt gone, fur we unngct
no wore. Just the thing for your
summer wrappers.
We hare just received some new
style In White Linen Cuffs,
Linen Kelts, Leather Belts, Tie,
etc., etc.
In order tc cloe out all our
spring and summer capes we
have cut the prices nearly In two.
A nice line left, so come early.
I2 beauties cut to $3.
t'j values cut to if).
W.&O lines goat!.
S3 leaders down to 12,
Till is the best opportunity
of thecason to secure a genuine
J, J, Dalrymple Co,
The Journal will observe Memo
rial day, as usual, and issue no paper
on that date unless a special emerg
ency should require It.
HoFKit Biios., Editors.
Itev. and .Mrs. J. L. FreelHnd lelt
today for their home it Seattle after
a short vllt with Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
T. Tuthill. Itev. Freelnnd was pastor
of the first Congregational Church of
tli is city three years ago.
Ex Gov. J II. Fletcher, of the Inde
pendent, was up and about the house
Friday for the first time after a very
serious Illness of typhoid fever. We
will be glad tu see Mr. Fletcher at
his ofllcc as soon as possible.
Mrs L. J. Cook and Mis Lena
Woods, of Eldora, Iowa, who have
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J B. Stock
man, left today for Portland. After
a short visit in the metropolis they
will gd to Seattle and Tacoma and
then leave for their eastern home.
A. Mason was in Portland today.
Thos. Kay returned today from
Ex. Gov Z. P. Moody was In
tland today.
Itev.Jno Parsons will be in
anon Sunday.
' Mrs. A. Colllson is visiting
tland relatives.
Mrs. C.E. Wolverton is home
a week's visit in Albany.
Attorney W. II. Holmes had
biisliiessln Portland today.
Sam May, a prominent business
man of Harrlsburg was In Salem today.
Supt, P. S. Lnight, of tlio deaf
mute school, went to Portland, today.
U.S. Glle, State President of the
Y. P. S, 0. E., was 11 Portland visitor
8upt. T. M. Potter, of the Chemawa
Indian Training school, was In Salem,
-" scar Cummlngs, a student at the
blind school, returned to his Portland
home, today.
Hon. Geo. W. Davis attended the
llrst bicycle meet of the M, A. A. 0.
at Portland today.
Itev. and Mrs. A. P. Copley and
'daughter left today for Chicago,
where thoy will locate.
Ilov Thomas Cochran will Address
the meeting at 4 o.clock at W. C. T.
U. rooms. All cordially Invited.
IV. It. Anderson, a member of Sa
lem's "Sporting" fraternity, was in
Hubbard today In attondancoat some
local horse racing.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Richardson
have removed to one of tholr farms
near Stayton, where they will mako
their homo for the present.
Itev. W111, Steelo went to Albany to
day where ho will conductscrvices in
the First Presbyterian church on Sun
day both morning and evening.
Chas. A. Gray and Walter D. Pugh,
the contractors, went to Eugene last
night whoro they will submit plans
for tho new court Iioujo to be built In
the near future.
A. L. Brown, Jno Molr ind II. II.
llagan have been named as delegates
from Protection Lodge No 2, A, O. U.
W. to attend tho granu lodge of that
order which meets In Portland during
Xortu Salbm vs. Yew Park. A
game of baeball was played on Wil
son avenue this morning between
Yew Park first nine and the Xorth
Salem team. The game resulted 14
to 10 In favor of the Yew Park boys.
The juvenille baseballists of Salem
are equally as enthusiastic In their
games as the older players, if one
might judge from the shouting, etc.
heard In the vicinity of Wilson ave
nue this forenoon. Hamilton and
Kaufman were the battery for Xorth
Salem while Campbell and Osburn
did good work' for the Yew Park team,
In that capacity.
Runaway at Mt. Angel.
Plill Xels, the veteran liopbuyer,
accompanied by Mrs. Xeis, arrived In
Salem this morning from ML Angel.
Mr. and Mrs. Xeis are both badly
bruised, as a result 'of a runaway
thay experienced on Thursday after
noon. Mr. and Mrs. Xeis had just
driven up to the ML Angel hotel and
were preparing to alight from the
carriage, when one of the Unas, which
was not in any way attached to the
othsr, slipped from the hand of Mr.
Xels and in falling to the ground
startled the horses. -They ran rapidly
down the rough road, the driver with
one line being unable to check their
speed, and after running about 150
yards the occupants wore thrown vio
lently to the ground. The leftside of
Mr. Xels' face was badly bruised and
his eye is still swollen shut. Both of
his wrists are also badly sprained.!
Mrs. Xels also suffers, from a
sprained wrist besides being
otherwise bruised, but fortu
nately neither sustained any
fractures. For a time the attending
physician feared that Mr. Xeis would
suffer concussion of the brain, but
happily the Injuries proved not so se
frous as at first were thought.
Declares Her Health Benefited by Paine's
Celery Compound,
For the Coming w'eek.
A Fixture. J. II. Johnson, who
has for years been the trusted head
clerk of the Pioneer grocery store for
John G. Wright will remain with the
store In the employ of the new pro
prietor, E. M. Itowlcy. Mr. Johnson
has a wide and favorablo acquain
tance among the patrons of this pop
ular store, all of whom will be inter,
csted to know that he will contlnnc
to be found at tho old stand.
At the Fire Department.
The regular weekly drill of Salem
fire department occured last evening
and was witnessed by about a hun
dred persons. It was an "inside"
drill the fire apparatus not leaving the
department headquarters. The horses
and the men act with remarkable pre
cision and make excellent time. En
gineer E. E XiuhoW is preparing the
La France engine for active service
this summer during which time the
'Silsby will be given auvacation"un-
less incase of disastrous conflagration
when the serylces of both eugines
may be required. Mr. Xichols is re
pairing he engine throughout and
the same will render much valuable
service yet.
Rain Expected. The G. A. It.
men were unfortunate In choosing
Monday Instead of today to observe
memorial day. The barometers are
all very low and chances arc quite
favorable for rain on Monday. Be
sides all this Mr. Pogue promises rain,
too. The farmers won't scold ir It
pours all day.
A Reputation. Can be established
by fnir and conscientious treatment
of your patrons. Wo make a spec
altyof -tills. Our 15 cent meals make
and return friends dally. George Bros,
lunch counter.
A Beturn Game. An Interesting
game of baseball Is being played on
Wilson Avenue this afternoon between
the First nlno and a "picked" team
It Is a return game to tho one played
last Wednesday and the lino up of the
two teams Is the same.
The Fruit Outlook.
Chas, L. Dalley, horticultural com
missioner for this district, is in re
ceipt of many letters from fruit
growers in the valley, and after boil
ing down the Information contained
therein thlt.ks the crop of Italian
prunes will be fair. Petites will make
about a q uarter crop, and silver prunes
are very scarce. As the Italian Is the
variety depended upon for the chief
crop, this is not discouraging. The
cherry crop, however will be light ex
cept In rare Instances. On the whole
Mr. Dalley Is very cheerful over pros
pects, and he Is a close oberver of the
situation as well as a heavy Interested
An Old Timer.
Comrade J. L. Bennet, of Sedgwick
PostXo. 10, G. A R. has probably
the oldest ollicial document possessed
by any old soldier in the state. It Is
his ollicial discharge from Co. P. Gth
Infantry, U. S. A. dated March 19,
1842, signed by Major-General Scott,
and R. Jones, adjutant-general.
This was prior to the Mexican war.
and Father Bennett also has an
honorable record for service in the re
bellion which ended nearly 25 years
after. He is still halo and hearty,
an honorable citzen and a credit to
his country. Long may he live.
Musical Alumni.
A call mectinL'. Tuesdnv .Tnnn 1. nt.
2 p. in. at the residence of Mrs. Stall
ley, 531 State street. A full attend
ance is desired.
Monday .Tuesday and Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday and Saturdays Remnants,
Mrs. J. B. Sharp, Pres.
Come and try our spiced summer sausage
Sonnemann, SSS!
The enthusiasm and the curiosity
proved by Mine. Sarah Bernhart has
never been equalled In the history of
the stage. One talks vaguely of geu
ius, temperament, quick Intelligence,
passion, nervous mobility, grace,
smile, voice, charm, poetry Mine.
Sarah Bernhart has them sll.
Bernhart is today as enthusiastic in
her profession as though her career
were before her. She works as assid
uously during rehearsals as though
each performance were her "first
Xb one is more conscientious in all
matters pertaining to her life work.
She knows the incalculable value of
health, strcngtli and high spirits as
thoroughly as she comprehends terms
of her contracts, and no one knows
better than she how essential to her
artistic success is a vigorous nervous
Mine. Bernhart writes the follow
ing letter:
"I beg leave to state that, according
to your instructions, I have used
Pain's celery componnd' and 1 am
convinced that it Is the most power
ful nerve strengthner that can be
"It is with the greatest pleasure
that I send you my sincere testimon
ial. Truly yours,
Sarah Bernhart."
Good health Is within the reach of
every one, not only the wealthy and
famous, but the poor as well, who will
rely on Palne's celery compound.
Ill health and disease arc not nat
ural. One should not compromise
with them. Xo one should give In to
neuralgia, rheumatism, or heart
trouble when Palne's celery com
pound is vouched for to drive them
entirely out of the system. It has
done so In thousands of carefully ob
served cases.
The nervous debility, sleeplessness
and kidney disorder that seems so
threatning and disheartninglosetlieii
hopeless' desperate character when
one takes Palne's celery compound !
drive them out of the system.
Many a woman worn out by exci
ting, anxious work will find her
strength brought back in a wonder
ful manner and her overtaxed nerves
regulated and nourished by the use of
Palne's celery compound. Paine'e
celery compound braces and invigor
ates the relaxed nervous system and
eradicates harmful liumois f om the
blqod. It makes the appetite hearty
and the digestion thorough; it per
manently cures indigestion, a slug
gish action or the liver, and drives out
rheumatism, neuralgia and blood im
purities Every trace of neryous ex
haustion or kidney or liver weak
ness is removed by Palne's celery com
pound, There are no more striking ex
amples of the great pratical value of
Palne's celery compound than is
heard from the lips of women who
have been made well by Its vitalizing
It increases the volume of the blood
In the arteries and makes It more ca
pable or reeding the body. It creates
a hearty appetite and urges upon the
tired nerves and brain the nourishing
elements they lack, but are slow to
extract from the blood when It Is in a
sluggish, unhealthy condition.
The blood becomes ruddy and pure;
its circulation is hastened, and every
function of the body the brain
among the first feels the fresh Im
pulse of returning health from the
use of Palne's celery compound-
" 3
257 Commercial sf.
We can interest you inclothes, shoes,
or summer furnishings, uch as
Linen Dusters,
Straw hats from 5 c up.
Fine colored shirts.-
Working gloves,
Overalls, etc,
Our prices speak to interest all.
Few realize that cich squirrel de
roys 81.50 worth of grain annually.
Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exter
minator is me most cuective and
economical poison known. Price re
duced to 30 cents For sale by G. W.
Putnam, Stelner Drug Co., Lunn &
Brooks, G. L. L. Baskett and A. I.
Stone. d & w-3 10-4m
Wash Goods Slaughtered,
15 cent lino Zephyr Ginghams re
duccd to
8 Cents a Yard.
Akkksted for Larceny. "Doc"
Shncklerord, was arrested this morn
lug charged with larceny of a horse.
Shackiorord Im charged with stealing
a horse from Philip Glover, on his
farm south of Salem Friday aftornoon
and bringing the animal to Salem and
disposing of tho saiuo. Ho will prob
ably bo glvon n plemlnlary examlna
tion early next week. Shackiorord Is
an excoiivlct and -Is said to havo
served a number of sentenue-j I u tho
state ponltonthiry. The accused
claims that ho can prove that ho
camo into rightful possession or tho
animal. Shackiorord claims to bo a
veterinary surgeon.
Ukiok Maicino. Burton Bros, bo
gan moulding brick, at tholr yards, on
East Stato street, this morning. A
small forco of men is being employed
and the work will bo continued stoad-
,.. ,, .... .,. . . . illy. Tho uianagors aro uiidoolded as
Pino Pllssos So: Glial us 4 ind 5c. 1 1. i ,n ,,.,,,,. ,,t i,,ii, ... .....
Call and sco our Hue Dimities and J factured this stumper, ns the outlook
organelles. for tho consumption of this building
Red Shoes,
Brown Shoes,
Black Shoes,
Now styles, now toes. Prices tho
Ulko shoes, Tennis shoes.
, No. 302 Commercial street
jFirst door south or tho now post-Hco,
material Is not vorv llattorlnir.
quantity of pressed brick will also
i Salum vs. Uiibmawa, Tho Salom
junior bnsaball loam wont to Che
iiiawn this afternoon whoro thoy nro
, matched for a gamo with tho Clio
niawa juniors. Tho local team mot
defeat ut tho hands of tlis Chemawa
boys only u row wooks ago but tho
homo totuii hopos to bo able to estab
lish a now record In today's game.
Road Gkadinc.. Archie Mason,
who has the contract for grading a
country road ncarSubllmity, left that
place nt.'l o'clock this morning. He re
uorts work progressing very satisfact
orily. A force of men numbering fifteen
Is doing tho work. Pete Bendlne Is
superintending the work. Contractor
Mason wont to Portland this mornlug.
Pubs That persons not aware of
tho irregularity, of the amount of fees
received In tho county clorks ollice
from day today, an example Is given.
" -LiiuiMiayM a uumoor or com
plaints-were tiled In addition to other
motions etc and tho fees aniountod to
sJ5:i. Friday no papers of any kind
woro tiled and as a result not acontof
fees was recolved.
A Watkh Co., Tho Tillamook,
wator company filed artloles of in
corporation in the olllco of the Secro-
uiry oi auuo touay. 11. Orchard, B,
L. Eddy, and C. A. Doty, aro Incor
portaors with a capital stock or 820..
000 and object to own and oporate a
gonor.il wator works system in tho
bay town or Tillamook.
Sunday Basbball. The first base
ball toam of this city will play a eatuo
wltu tho Woodburn nluo on tho
Woodburn diamond Sunday afternoon.
Tlio Salom toam will go In tho morn
ing by private convovancc. An in.
torostlng gamo is expected. I
What Is Required of the Water Con
sumers. The Salem Water company has just
issued some rules In rererenco to Irri
gation that will Interest every con
sumer, among which are the rollow
Irrigation hours C to 8 a. m. and 3
to 0 in the evening.
All Irrigation bills for the summer
will be due and payable the 1st of
J uly.
Street sprinkling thioughlawn hose!
positively prohibited.
Xo deduction for irrigation during
absence unless water Is cutoff the
entire premises.
Xo allowance made for part of sea
son as more water Is needed to bring
out a neglected lawn than Judicious
use for the entire season.
Salem Water Co.
The company has Its manmoth
plant with thirty miles of pipe In
oxcellent order for tho summer's run.
They havo over $300,000 Invested In
the Institution, and for a concern
that Is making no money aro giving
tho city oxcollent .service, maintain
ing a constant pressure of from 70 to
60 pounds, which is kept up eyen
during the heavy irrigation season by
use or the big reseryolr.
Plans Submitted. Architects W,
D. Pugh, and Chas. A. Gray, returned
this afternoon rrom Eugene, where
they submitted plans to the Lane
county court ror the erection or a
county court house. A number of
plans were submitted and the court
iook tne same under advisement un
til Wednesday June 9.
Subscribers receiving the Daily
Journal in the Salem postotllce who
prerer to get it at our oillce after the
removal or the postolllce can do so by
leaving word.
tr Hofer Bros., Editors.
My Neighbor Told Me
About nood's Sarsaparllla and ad
vised me to try it This Is the kind or
c.rSi810? ,vn,ch ives Hooas Si"--saparl
la tho largest sales in the world.
Friend tell friend that Hood's Sar
hlSit'i.11? iW thai lt Rlves strength,
medlclnS . US ifc aS a fam,ly
Ilood's Pills act easily and promptly
headadle b0WelS' Cures
To whom it may concern:
All notes and all mortgages that are
or fall due Oct. 1, 1897 must be paid
and settled up, to save costs and ex
penses. 5-2G-d&wlw
John Savage.
Waterman's Ideal
Fountain Pens,
It is the best known and
known to be the best Foun
tain pen the world oyer. It
Is always ready and writes
continuously without shak
ing. It has the best gold pens
that can be made, and we
guarantee to rerund your
money if the pen proves un
satisfactory. We haye the
agency for all of Waterman's
goods. Send or call ror price
Crates, Orchard Boxes,
and all kinds Box Materia',
v mce ana warehouse, corner Trade
Higti, balem, Or,
New Books,
Checkers, by ....
Choir Inyiaiuic,
Thera Violet, by Stephen
Ladd's Love.byS.K.Crocten.
Landlord or Llonsliead, V
W. D. nowells. .
How to Tell Stories, by"
Joan or Arc, by MarkTwilo
BALL. At tho family homo near
O'lirnnf Kl,in. rn oo t on, n rM
ui.iui, -im.ij ..uujr -a, toui, lu.ui.i
and Mrs. E. Q. Ball, a 6on, Lee Cor
doll, woight 9 pounds.
Fresh sweet fruit and vegetables.
.Choice table peaches 10c a can.
Ohoico table Apricots 10c a can.
Choice Petite Prims 3c a pound.
World Beater soap 20 oz for 5c.
flflRRITT &
Patton's Book store
Wrapping Paper,
In rolls and reams.
Drug Paper,
In colors' gay and grave.
Paper Bags,
In all sizes.
Cardboard, etc., and paper suu
dries at!
126 State St., Salem.
Phone M7.
GIRL WANTED.For general. J?00!0
in small family, Call at 195 U'fil sWl