U ir.w .EW .AwmiC VHftMJifliBiF rain n: tK ii. irwjWfTrir,3i'o7wyniffaifi'ft''''tt'1 ' '' rt.' ' f"taabrf1' Mill fall' 'miviltSitfiJ SiiTi.&'-Miiiitjji mmH First Last and all tho time tloOtl's Sarsaparilla has been advertised as a blood purlfler. Its great cures havo been accomplished through purified blood cures of scrofula, Bait rheum, eczema, rheumatism, neural gia, catarrh, nervousness, that tired feel ing. It cures when others fail, because it Always Strikes at tho root of tho disease and eliminates every germ of impurity. Thousands testify to absoluto cures of blood diseases by Hood's Sarsaparilla, although discouraged by tho falluro of other medicines. Rembmbcr that H J' ooas Sarsaparilla Is tho best In fact the One Truo Blood Purlfler. u,u rji easy to buy, easy to take, MOOCl 'S PUIS easy to operate. 25c. LEAPIHC PAfER TIIK CHRONICLE ranks with tha created newspapers In the United States. THE CIIIlONICLi: has no equal on the Paclflo Coast. It leads all In ability, enterprise aud nens. THE CIIKOXICLE'S Telegraphic Itcports are the latest and most reliable, Its Local "Sews the fullest and spiciest, and Its Udltorlals from the ablest pens In the country TUB clinONTCI.C has always been, and always will be, the friend and champion of the people as against combinations, cliques, corporations, or oppressions of any kind. It will be Independent In everything neutral In nothing. Tho Clironlnln llullillnj. THE DAILY Ily Mall, rostnjre rnltl. $6.70 a Year. The Weekly Chronicle Tha Graatjsl Wto.l.r ii the Ccuitry, .50 a Year .(Including postage) to an) pirt of tho United States. Canada and Meilco TIIE WEEKLY CltltONICI.E, tho brightest and most complete Weekly Newspaper In the world, prints regulirly 81 columns, or twelvo pages, of News, Literature and General Informa tion; also a magnificent Agricultural Department. .SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. X)0 YOU WANT TT-IE chronicle: Reversible lap? dHOWING The United States, Dominion of Canada and Northern Mexioo ON ONE SIDE, And the Map of the World ON THE OTIIISn. SIDE. Send $2 and Got tho Map and Wookly Chronicle for One Year, postnRo prepaid on Slap and I'apor. ADDRESS M. H. do YOUNG, Proprietor 8. F, Chronicle, SAN FIIANCISCO, CAL. Salem Steam Laundry Please notice the cut in prices on the following! Shirts, plain iocents Under drawers 5toiocents Under shirts 5 to lo cents Socks, per pair . . . 3 cents Handkerchiefs I cent S:lk handkerchiefs., 3 cents Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per dozen, find other worlc in proportion. Flannels "nd other work in telUgently washed by hand, OFTHai twill mMsmSnm Only Col, T, 01m9ed Prop, J CONGRESS ORAL The Destitute Americans. The Senate Votes Aid for Resi dents in Cuba. Wasuingion, May 18. Cuba en grossed the attention of the senate. Public Interest was shown by tho great crowds which beslpged the galle ries throughout the day. Among the occupants of the diplomatic galleries were Sir Julian Pauncefotc, tho Brit ish ambassador, and Minister Hatch of Hawaii, and in the reserved gallery was General Daniel Sickles, ex-Unltcd States minister to Spain. "Neither the Spanish legation in Washington nor the Cuban junta was represented so far as could bo observed. Two phases of the subject, were pre sented. First came the question of the relief of the destitute and starving Americans in Cuba, and Morgan's resolution, which caused a spirited debate. The first question was quickly disposed of. The resolution declares that war exists in Cuba, and that strict neutrality should be maintained by the United States. Morgan stated that, unless some senator desired to speak, he would ask a yea and no vote on tho pending motion, of Hale, to refer the resolution to the committee on foreign relations. Hale suggested the absence of a quorum and a call after some delay brought forty-eight senators, just a quorum, to the senate. A vote was about to be taken when Wellington rose for his maiden speech, which proved to be a vigorous protest against tho resolution and a plea foi its refer ence to the committee on foreign re lations. IN THE HOUSE. Action by the house, on McKlnley's recommendation for relief for Ameri can citizens in Cuba, which was pre vented by the rules under which the house is operating, doubtless will be taken at the next meeting of the house on Thursday. The committee on rules will present a rulo fixing a time for debate, on the resolution adopted by the senate to appropriate 850,000. Mr. Bailey, the Democratic leader, who endeavored to couple Sen ator Morgan's resolution organizing bellgerency of.the insurgents with the bill for an appropriation, proposes to I secure a vote on the question by pc- sentlng a minority report from tho committee on rules, which will make it in order to offer the substance of iirrBa resolution in an amend- Mr. Dingley said that a minority report could not be made to the house, unless it proposed matter germane to the general report. He doubted, ho said, whether the proposition to recognize the insurgents as belliger ents, could be considered cermane to an appropriation for relief of Ameri can citizens. Mr. Dalzell, of the com mittee on rules took the same view of the matter. It is unlikely that Speaker Reed will declare the minority report out of order. The Democrats, however, are determined to bring the house to vote on belliRereucy for Cuba. Mr. Bailey said that the Republi cans did not want to meet the ques tion with a Republican president who would be put in a position of enforc ing or disregarding the recommenda tion of congress. lie added, when asked if a minority report would bo in order, that tho Democrats would be tempted to repeat the scenes of tho iifty-iirst congress if the speaker re fused to allow considerations reported to the senate a resolution carrying into effect the president's message in regard to Cuba. The resolution, which carried an appropriation of &30, 000 for tho relief of tho destitute Americans on the island, passed the senate without division. It took exactly eighteen minutes for the reading of the message, pres entatlon of the committee reoort, and linal passage of the resolution In the house, Mr. nitt, of Illinois, asked immediate consideration for a resolution appropriating $50,000 for the relief of destitute Americans in Cuba, hut Bailey of Texas said ho must object unless an amendment em . j bodying Senator Morgan's resolution for recognition of the insurgents ba Added. Mr. Dinpley objected to the amendment, wliorenpuri Bailey ob jected to the bill, nnd tho Cuban ,q"""i;n f tracked. If Illtt's bill for tbc n I j.i iiiiunuiuiui LI1U J11HJIUJJ1 lilllUll ' of $50,000 for the relief of American citizens is called up again in the house, B.iiley will oUcr Morgan's res olution for recognizing bellgerency. If the committee on rules reports a special rule for consideration of tho bill, which will prevent amendments, B.iiley will present a minority report from the committee, which will per mit amendments and insist on a vote on the minority report. MORGAN'S RESOLUTION. Senator Morgan says the president's message and the passage of the resolu tion will not effect the resolution presented by him. and it will be taken up. Other members of the committee on foreign relations say they now bee no reason for changing their program with reference to the pending reso lution. CORUETT'S CASE. The senate committee on privileges and elections will meet and take up tho Oregon senatorial case. Mr. Cor bett, who holds the commission of the governor, expects that the com mittee will make a favorable report of the question of seating him. DIVIDEND DECLARED. The controllor of the currency has declared a 10 per cent dividend in favor of the creditors of the Baker City National bank. RESOLUTION ADOPTED. The senate adopted the resolution of Butler, calling on the president for information as to authority by which the proposed sale of tho Union Pacific railroad had been agreed on between the executive and a combination of purchasers. THE CHAPMAN RESOLUTION. Senator Iloar reported from the judiciary committee in favor of takj leg no action on the Chapman resolu tion, as Chapman made no applcation for a pardon. Without debate the report was adopted, and the resolu tion went to the table. RAILROAD LANDS. Senator Pettigrew called up the res olution for tho appointment of a com mission of live sentators, to investi gate the issue of patents for lands to tho Pacific railroads, and to the California & Oregon railroad. Gear, chairman of the Pacific rail road committee, moved to refer the railroad resolution to his committee, saying that there was no need for a special committee. Pettigrew insisted that reference to the railroad committee would com mit tho resolution to its graveyard. The resolution was referred to tlie railroad committee. TARIFF MATTERS, Senator McEnery, of Louisianna, gave notice of an amendment ho will offer to tho tariff bill, striking out the senate amendments in the sugar scucauie8, anu reinserting tuc nouse provisions in regard to sugar. Senator Ilale, gave notice of an amendment putting chicle on the free list. Senator Butler gave notice of amendments to tho rice paragraph in tuo taritr mil, increasing tuc autics so as to make the rates as follows: Clean rice, 2 cents per pound, un clcaned, li cents; rice flour, cent; paddy, 1 cent. VW A (GVBxa'tD) A well selected text Is half of the sen xnon. Given a good text aud a preacliel who is in earnest, and the result is sur to Ire good. The text of this article is a plain simple statement that proves itself in the reader's own mind without argu ment. The text is " Good health is bet ter than great riches." Without health nothing really matten very much. A hacking cough takes al' the beauty out of a landscape or a sunset Erysipelas or eczema will spoil the enjoy ment of sprightly conversation, of a beau tiful concert, of a wonderful painting. The biggest bank account in the world won't pay a man for his health, but J very small amount of money will maki him healthy and keep him healthy. Most all bodily troubles start in thi digestive or respiratory orgtns. It ii here that improper living first makes an onenine for disease. The development differs as constitutions and temperament! differ. The causes are almost identical To get nt the root of the matter is simple enough if you start right. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a medicine for the whole body. It works through the digestive organs on all the others. It cures the first thing it comes to and after that, the next. It puts health in place of disease in the stomach, ami from the vantage ground thua gained, it reaches every fiber of the lxdy and drives disease before it indigestion, liver troubles, kidney complaint, biliousness, skin and scalp diseases, salt-rheum, tetter, eczema, and an me trouuica cauteu iy impure; blood. rjjH'9flnK 1 il. i.fi.timii.i.,11.1 it. . ',i. ....... . . i,-j,;- -j ISTORji ' '"' " '' niiiiii ii 1 ii 1 , H in 1 A'tficlablcPrcnaratioarorAs- slmflallng theTood anclRcgula tirig ihcSlomachs andBowcls of PxomotesT)icslion)Chcctful ncss andEcstContalns ncllhcr Opium,Morphiru norlflncral. Not Narc otic. ntttpecrotdnrSAKVunTcnm JmiXm St J' Jlx Senna Jrin Sent tflFniiiimi input anakSelo, flum Strd -ClatAtd Sueur . lli&yrrcn rknvn Apcrfccf Ifcmcdy forConslipa iion. Sour Slomach.Diarrhoca, Worms .Convulsions.Fcvcrish ticss andLOSS OF SLEEP. lac Simile Signature of TEW -YORK. EXACT COPV OF WRAPPCn. MIXED PAINTS ROOF . . ",-, m You can get the best quality for the least money at tan9p 1 h ys j We also carry ground in oil, and a brushes. If you contemplate doing any painting of any description it will pay jou to see our goods and get our prices before buying. FRY'S DRUG STORE, SALEM, OR. Call and sec GRAY The greatest variety, and finest corner btatc and tyTJie only complete Hock of blacksmith and ST m VENS1 FRUIT DRYER PATENT Fruit growers aie invited to investigate are- 1. Uplimiud caracilv. 2. Cbearrcis cheapness and simplicity of piccws, Wiite who are using the Bteevcns since two years. Addre THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE -OF yfiPcucJ&At IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERT BOTTXJS OW CASTORIA Oaitoria is vnt od in cns-ilis boUlet only. It is set cold la balk. Don't allow anjosa to tall yon anything cltft on tha plea er promlia that it is J net as i;ooa" ana vtil answer arcry pur pose" 3- Bco that yon get U-A-B-T-0-B-l-A. imil Si S1T7 .-J" il !iaiBM Lj2XJV7&2jlA wf r M ' " ----- Tripyw. iAt!y PAINTS, . , BUGGY PAINTS. a full line of colors, complete stock of BROS, new stock of NWARE stock in the city, Northwest Liberty streets uagonmaVers goods soulh of Portland. ! PENDING. before ,buing or building a diier. My.tclalm of ccMtiudlcr.S , Kanld jioduelicn. 4. Easy me for testincflliis and experience cf growers Esiimaiwt andj specifications furnished or driers G. A. STEEVENS, Salem, Or. Glass . Druo Store. T TO 'CLUB' STABLES, Best horses and carriages in the city. All seivice prompt and reliable. Near Hotel Willamette. THOMAS k MANN, PROPRIETORS. EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co EXrRKSS TRAINS RUN DAILY. 6:00 P M) Lv... 'Portland. . 8:30 pmVLt,,., Satem . . . . 74S a'm ) Ar. San Francisco Ar 1 9:30 LVJ7.M0 Lv (a00 A M OAM 00 r m Above trains stop at all principal stations bet, Portland and Salem, Tutner, Marion, Jcflerson, Albany, Tangent, Slietlds, Halsev, Harrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, Crcswell, Cottage Groe, Drain, Oakland, and all sta tions from Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive. ROSKDURG MAIL, , DAILY. 830 A M j Lv. . 1100 A Mf Lv.. 520 TMi Ar . .Portland .Salem,... Roseburg. .Ar (430 P M Lv i 2.'00 P M Lv ( 730 A M Pullman buffet sleeper and second-class sleeping cars attached to all through trains WEST SIDE DIVISION. UETWKKN PORTLAND AND CoRVALLIS. Mall tlains daily except Sunday. 730 am) Lv. 1215 p M I Ar. Portland. Ail 5. -50 Lv 105 PM PM , .Corvallls. .Lv At Albany and Corvallis connect with rains of the O. C. & E. Ry. KXPRESg TRAIN DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. 4,'SO P M 73OPM Lv Lr . Portland . . . . Ar .McMinnville Lv 8.-25 A M 5.-50AM Direct connections at San Francisco with Occidental aud Oriental and Pacific mall steamship linos for JAPAN AND CHINA, Saving dates on application Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONO LULU and AUSl'RALLIA, can be obtained from W. W. SKINNER, Ticket Agent, Salem. R. KOEDLER, Mananer. E. P. ROGERS, A. G. F. & P. A. Portland. Northern Pacific Railway. -runs: Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dinin Cars Tourist Sleeping Carb To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dulutli, tnigo Irand Forks, Crookston, Winnineg, Helena and Iiutte. THROUGH TICKETS To Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia, New York. Boston, and all Points East and South For information, time cards, maps and tickets, call on or writo THOMAS, WATT & CO. AGENTS 365 j Commercial street, Salem, Or A. D. Charlton, Asst. Gen'l. Passg Agent. Morrison at., corner Third Portland, Or. CO TCAfJa BXPERICNOB. TRADE MARKS, DE8ION0, OOPYRIQHTO &.C. Anrons sending a sketch and description ranr qulcklr ascertain, free, wnetber an Invention Is probably patentable Coiamunlcatlom ttrlctljr confidential. Olden agency for securing patouts In America. We hare a Wulilnglou ofllcn. Patents taken through JIunu & Co. rotvjlre special uotlco in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of tar deutlflo Journal, weekly, termt S3 Ul u reari tlJOilx months. Hpeclmen coplea and HAND IlooK ox 1'ATkNTH scut fruo. Addri.: MUNN &. CO., 3U1 II roil tin ii v. Ktw York. LODD POISON lA sKCMLT Y23B unrr iiuyiiu rujHUM permanently cured m 16 toUS days. You can bo treated at home for same price under samo srunrau tr.lfyoq prefer to comaheratru win mn. tract to oar railroad fnrAflniiiiniAi hi n ,...,. eocbsi cury, ree, If we fall to euro, 1 f you baro taken mor loulde iiotaeh. and aim Ilva nphn. nn i'ftoplei, Copper Colored Npots. Ulcer o? aorpartoftliatodr,llulrorKyel,rotrariillliii out. It Is this Hecondury JlLUUlJ 1'OIbOh we caarantce to cure. Wo solicit tho most olstl nato cases and clmlloiiL-o tho world for a f "W w.lFan7'?.t.cu.e. '"'' Nease lias always baffl etl tiin skill of the nmitKin n., ,.... Dalna. MUCOtial'lltf? final nmnuth Mn.'ri,.A .l.m. annn nAn ni..i i...,... . -ya Uonal guar out appucaiion. , 007 Mason! MADE ME A MAN AJAX TADLET8 rOSITIVELY CUKB .At.Ii KmrwtuM taaa Valllna Siarn- pry, ImpoUovy.Hleeploui br AbuMtuid othar Kxei aaneaa, aie , cauaoa oaaaea ana I&tlt- cretlODS. Thv ouUAlu rxtora tjtmt ViUUfr in eld ana tunlu or saoDg. anil ft a man far study, balow or marrlas. rTeot Iuanlty aud Uoutuoiptlou If time. Xhalr u ahove Immediate lioproTa. liiaot sua nwta a uu jus woere au otnars lau. dal lt upoa 1 Larlna tha canuln mnlns Alajc T&blata. Thar P.B B.. UU1.I. Mb U ban curea inauaaaai ana pMltxe written guarantee thouuudaand will ears yea. Ww lle u iLLan iruarastee to aflact a cure la each ciua er raf and the moacy. 1'rloa 60 tenta par package, or flsbaokasaa Ifuirtnalmaat) for ta.oOliy mall, la For sale at Salem. Or- bv D J, FRY. iiSEIES n r. Aosol ut nruofs sent sealed on aGorcM 1 uuii IIOIKUV CO 1 Temple, CUJIUAUU, ILU tkan In 9r .aSaaaaaataaaaaaaaaaaSStaaaw. rfvaU (LalariaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaH IIHfeyP HaaaaaaaaaPaBBsK'' Baaaaaaaal&aF aaaaaVvBBaaaaaava To Be Healthy You must undoubtedly keep up a good circuv culation, It is the mainspring of life Our Circulation Among-the masses is phenomenal, and cv cryonc -who is capable of judging declares that The Evening Journal Is perfectly healthy and capable of bring ing the very largest re turns to those vide awake people who pat ronize its columns, It's Daily Circulation Is the homes of the people, The people read it, The pe pie support it. The pec plcj defend it, and it defends the people, You Can Not Have Their Trade unless you reach them with your advertising, Space in the Evening Journal is the only means of doing that, Our Circulation T" y"T "TrH "T f i covers not only Salem but is general all over the state, Every trial made will convince that 2SS We Have The Circulation &&$m tii i E i M I