Esr- x-xrpeyvs! MSMaaiBSMkrtifiMa X- On the Webfoot Politicians. Independent Comment on People in State and Nation. Gr.itke's paper, ot Astoria, says the "reason why'' Governor Lord does njt call an extra session of the legis lature, Is the "fear that Mitchell will be elected". Gratko would havecoiue nearer the truth, If he had stated that the "reason why" was 'the fear of members like himself, who want ar extra sessioo for the fun (?) in the job, and not to serve the interests of the state. Men who hayc become turn-c tats where there is no principle involved, to serve an individual at the expense of the public interests, arc never friends of good government. The less such say, the better for, as their talk will always recall the "reason why" they want an extra ses sion. It is said that lion. U. B. Moores, of Salem, will be a candidate for the position of receiver of tlicOregon Land olllce Albany Herald. "Will be." Nay. Mr. Moores "is" a candidate. Fourteen saloons have closed in Portland this month, says the Ore gonian, and others have a hard time to pay their license. Thus is the single Gold standard doing a great temperance work by making money so scarce that a majority of the people cannot afford to pay for liquor. Away Out yVest. How come me here ? 1 might reply By siskin you the same. But this is shore now don't be shy, I've never changed my name. Experience you know's a school, One o' the very best, Like you an' many 'nother fool I come to try the west. Like tills, I had been a readin 'Bout hills o' gold, an' trees With Ilowcrs an' fruit like Eden Wlier' honey flowed In seas. Tell Missury couldn't hold me, My neighbors made the test, An' while Nancy didn't scold me She pleaded with the rest. Wal no; we needn't try to find Pleasures like them back tliar Fact is, us hayseeds an't the kind As rides in fortune's car. And yit it's kind o' funny muss, A hard un to relieve. The longer west you stay the wuss The west you hate to leave. The bracin' air an' scenery Keeps a man ctiuck-a-block, With all o' his machinery Prime as a iightin' cock. Them cragged gulches, camps an' mines, Valleys o' grain an' grass With hemlocks, cedars, firs an' pines An' cricks as clear as glass. An' dorn my catsl them mountains, a standin' tuar A pintin' us the way to go . Bright as the mornln' star. It must be twenty years nigh on Wev'o been away out here Like other lamlies, children gone, An' some a llvin' near; An' one is a countin' Nancy My wife it is I mean I kin see her now in fancy Iler grave is grow in' green, An' while I'd like to go agin A'crost the plains away, It strikes mc it 'ud be a sin Sence Nancy's here to stay. W. EstellPhitps. CHEMAWA. Rev. Grannls preached an Easter sermon to the pupils oh Sunday. He was accompanied by Mr. Litchfield of Salem, who also gave the pupils a short talk. The pupils were furnished with 150 dozen eges for breakfast, on Easter Sunday. A reception was given on Friday evening by the members of the Ath cnium Literary society. Refreshments were served and every one present had a very enjoyable time. Supt. Potter, Wm. Minor and F. W. Frcman attended the Athletic Asso ciation convention which was held at Monmouth on Saturday. W. S. Brown, of the Chemawa band Is at present visiting Portland. Mrs. Flora French of Salem, who has been visiting her daughter, who Is one the faculty of the school, re turned to her homo Monday, W. J. Brainard is in charge of the carpenter department during M. Pot ter's absence. Almond II. Campbell of Salem, has been appointed plumber and engineer to succeed E. M. Kightlinger, who lias had charge oi that department for some time. Mr. Kightlinger re turned to Salem on Saturday. Miss Em Burden, who forpome time has tilled the position of dining room matron, has been transfered tothopo Mtuation of seamstress at the SHew reservation school. Mrs Armstrong of Juneau, Alaska, succeeds Miss Bur den at Chemawa. Prof. J. D. Robb and wife both em ployes at the reform school, were visi tors at the school Saturday. Prof. RAYS iSC 1 Robb very successfully filled tlio posi tion of principal teacher at our school a few years ago. J. P. Jones, traveling passenger agent of the S. P. R. It, visited the school on Monday, his object being to establish a ticket olllce nt Chemawn. Jas. A. Dummett, traveling secre tary Y. M. C. A. paid the school a short visit on Monday. lie addressed the school and Association in the af ternoon. Prof. F.S. Dunn of Willamette has promised to lecture at our school In the near future. THE MARKETS. Chicago, April 21. May wheat opened at 751 and closed at 731c; Casli wheat sold at 738. PORTLAND MARKET. PROVISION. Portlind, April 21. . Wheat valley, J2ct Walla Walla, 71 Flout Portland, 3 8s4.Io; graham, 3.40 superfine, $2.75 per bbl. Oats-White, 38 40c; grey,3739;rolW in bags, H-2SS'25 barrels, 4.5o7.oo cases, 3.75. Potatoes.. Oregon, 55c per sack. Hay .Good, 15.00 per ton. Hops 9loc. Wool. .Valley, llI?r; Eastern Oregon 78s. Mohair. . ISI7C Millstufls. .Bran,$I4.So; .horts l6 50. Poultry- Chickens , mixed, 42.50(0)300, turkeys, dressed, I2t4C Eggs.. Oregon, I oc.pcr doz. Hides., green, salted 60 lbs 6c; under 60 lbs 5c; sheep pelts, io7oc Tallow 2c3c Onions-2.5o(a)3.oo per 160. Wheat Bags Calcuttaj.25 per 100 Beans small white, Iclc. lima 3 Hogs Heavy, 4.25 Butter. .Best rtairy.3o32jcjfancy crcitnt i) 40c. Cheese . 10c. Dried Fruit Apples, evaporated, bleachnd 6M7o; unbleached 3c4c; sundried Pears 5coc Plunu pitless,3cic. Prunes. 4c6c. Veal -small 4545; larEej4ic ll, Mutton Weathers 3.50(33.75 :dre"s&ed mut ton,6cy spiing lambs 6,8cperlb. Beet Steers 3.50; cows $2.252.5o; dressed 46 Cured Meats .Hams 10c iojc bacon 6c Lard .in pails, 70 4ALEM MARKET. Wheat-'eic Oats 36c. Hay. .Baled, cheat, 1300; timothy 12.50; straw, 7,03. Flour.. In wholesale "lots, 3 9 J 4.40; bran, bulk 16.50; sacked, shorts, 17.5018.00; chop .feed, it-tail 17.00, 15.00 I6.00. Poultry Chicken, 5c Turkeys 10c. Veal-.Dressod, 3ja4 Hogs.. Dressed, 5. Live Cattle.. 23 Sheep.. Live, 2.50gpiing lambs, ($2 a 2,50. Wool. .Best, 12c. Hop.. Best, q a 10c hggs..weak a 7.c. Fruit.. Green Apples per box l.ool 50 Farm Smoked Meats M Bacon, 7c; rums 1 10; shoulders, 5 ltc. Potatoes. .35c cer bu Onions. 1. 75 per bu. Dried Fruit Apples, evaporated bleached, 7& 8c: unbleached 4c5c. Plums, 4C Butter Dairy I2i5c creamery i82oc. OASTOR.IA. Its fie- Unlit ti ea "'cS ii.j & mry '-eucU-u TO A Little Girl's Life Saved. Minneapolis, April 21. Belle, the 8-year-old daughter of William Thompson, of 448 Prior avenue, Mer rlam Park, had a narrow escape from death last evening. She was playing with a companion nearthe Milwauicee railroad bridge when a west oound street car approached. It startled the children, and the Thompson girl stepped on the track instead of out of danger. The fender of the car caught her, and she fell backward upon the net work, escaping injury, except a small cut on the head in falling against the Iron portion of the car. T lias been held that con sumotion is hereditary. and the fact that one per son 01 a tamuy iiaa died with consump tion was considered a sure sign that others of that family could not escape it This is partly true and partly untrue. A man with weak lungs is likely to transmit that weakness to h children. Eat there is no reason in the world why the weakness should be allowed to develop. There is no reason why the lungs should remain weak. Weak lungs predispose a child to consumption. They provide a place for germs to settle. That Is all that is necessary. Once let the germs of disease gain a foot-hold, and they in crease with a deadly rapidity. Pretty soon the blood is full of them, and so loses its bealthfulness and its strength-giving quali ties. If the weakness is in some other organ, the disease will show itself in that organ. The germs will get into the blood, just the same, and the body will begin to lose strength. We speak particularly of consumption because it is most common because it causes more than one-sixth of all deaths in the world. If there is a weak and crumbly spot in the foundation of a house, the owner clears out the decaying material, supplants it with new, ctrong stuff. That's all there is to do. That's u that's necessary. That is exactly the thing to do with the lungs. Keep them full of rich, red, whole some blood, and the weakness will disap pear Decaying tissues will be thrown off, and new material will be added until the lungs arc well and perfectly strong again. This is the thing that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery does. This is what makes it cure 08 per cent of all cases of consumption where it is taken according to directirns. It searches out disease germs wherever thev may be in the body. It ex. terminates ihem completely and forces them QUt of the system. It supplies the blood with rich, life-giving properties. It tnafces the appetite good, digestion perfect It supplies the needed nutriment to all the tissues and makes sound, healthy flesh. There are some interesting (act about it (old in one chapter of Br. Pierce's treat work, "Com mon Beuse Medical Adviser." This book of icoS pages will be sent free on receipt of (wentyne (11) one-cent stamp to cover cost of mailing Bnly. Address World's Dispensary Medical As sociation, No. 663 Main Street, Uuflalo, N. V. MAUMIUiiaM s x ss xm llTrmt U!A.t nimjiiitimi -jJuL.I i Mil Li!, tl.1 . . ..,,.. t . HIIH.I...IJ .. . N l.t ''''" " '" ' ' ""'": II I III. 1 .1 I II .1 JcficlablcPrcparationrorAs slmilaUng ihcToodarulRcgula ling thcStomochs aMBowcls of PromotesT)icstion,Chccrful ncss andltest.Contalns neither OpiurrTpMorphirte norMneral. Not Nakc otic. fcttpe oTOUlVrSAMVELBlVUm ISanptan SaZ 4lx.Sama JVrrf Jimmant -Jfi OuionakSaiai Sugar WnSHynaftUmr. A perfect nemedy Tor Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diorrhoca, Worms .Convulsions .Fevcrish ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of VTEW 'YORK. EXACT COPrOF WRAPPED. lbaw w ., DASTDRii iteevens Fruit Drver. PATENT nuuiunvia his itiviiu iK iiivcaiiait are; i. Unlimited capacity. 2, Cheapness 1,'a.l, . . .XFAOta... A ...t.l ,M . ..!.. l.lUa uiicajiuuaa uuu miiijih.ii 01 process, uruc whoaare using the Steevens since twojyears. built. Address NOW'S THE TIME FOR SPRAYING Wcare agents for the BEST PREPARED SPRAYS and are prepared to quote prices CHEAPER than you can manufacture yourself. Call or send for catalogue. OREGON FRUIT AND PRODUCE CO, Office and warehouse, cor, Trade and High, Salem, Or, Call and see GRAY STOVES AND The greatest variety, and finest stock in theffcity, Northwest corner State and Liberty streets MANHOOD guaranteed to cure all JOHN HUGHS, Dealer in groceries, paints, oils, window glass, varnishes, and the most complete stock of brushes of all kinds in the state, Artists' materials, lime, hair, cement and shingles, and finest quality of crass seeds, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED A nnciiinnhv o nn.n.... :ir. do general housework, good cook. For refer ences inquire of Mrs. Campbell at Salem Hospital- 24., ! THE "BUSINESS PRINTER",-0 Salem is Franlc Crnnvpr. H ! in v.. s...i . Dearborn's, and when found will do your business printintr quicker, more elentlu and satisfactory than any ono here. WANTRD A oirl tn Vitn A !,.... i. in small family. Enquire at 288 Liberty ..t mv. m dbiii muuijf, a PERSONS wishing competont help to care for children nr aclf at cru.tal l,n,i -i. 1-.. .vj j. r".. r.. " "iwu,i u mc uajr or iiour, can at corner Court and 2isfstreets. or telenfinn tn vur.i. crrocerv store. Terms reasonahlp. Ann r ,-, t - . - ......m Aa BncgB. 4 ,,..f MKb. N. ii. bCOlX-Stenographer and tvneivriter. mnm 14 nwr I hI i, n...t.i. bank. Prompt attention to all clatseaof work. bOLIClTORS WANTED FORDR7TAL- MAfiF.'S Tni Fartli nirrl -A It . 1.1. I tour around the world, a thrilling story of savages and barbarous lands. Four milion Talmage's books sold, and "The Earth Gird led"is his latest and grandest. DEMAND ENORMOUS. Everybody wants this famous book only $3.50. BIG BOOK, BIG COM MISSIONS. A gold mine for workers. CREniTniVFN PRlfTnilTBAin rtirr TITS FREE. Drop all trash and sell the King 01 000KS ana mane s-300 a montu. Ad. dress for outfit and territory, The Dominion Company, Star Building, Chicago. 3-29-3" saiioj b.ikoizoj citnba aajmoa uoixsd m03 oq; jo )U8ui3i.cadni joj pas 'iijjnd jo; 'A3BO;oa joj w',.1 1 l MiaiHMMMBMMiiila5iliiMMiftM SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF t&fo&CAC IS OIT THE WRAPPER OF EVEEY BOTTXjB OIP ASTORIA Castoria it pat sp la one-siia bottles only, It la net sold la bulk. Don't allow anyons to tell you anything else on tne plea or promise that it ia "jnrt as good" end "will answer erery psr. poo." & Boe that yoa et O-A-S-T-O-B-l-A. The do iimu yw . Lytz. ! toUfX7c&&2 "' ef ' - WTlflClF tijfir. PENDING. a'jciuic uujriii vi nullum; uiivr. 1.1 uiami 1 of constructor ; Rapid production. 4. Easy, f t-.i.!aas n t.tljt..v tt J..A. K... Ala I ..a me lor lesiira.u.-is anu experience 01 growers Estimates and specifications furnished or driers G. A. STEEVENS, Salem, Or. BROS, new stock of NWARE RESTORED By nslnr Dr. Fenu'a Yellow Nerve XMIIs. This wonderful rtnA nerrous diseases, such as Weak Memory, Loss of jH o " a m.i -" w w T uioiu ruvrci, xicuuuluc, w ukciuidcss, i3 usnaooo, nignuy itmls slons. Nervousness, all drains, loss of power la Generative Organs of either sex, caused by OTcr-exertlon, youthful errors, excessive use of tobacco, opium or stimulant, which lead to Infirmity, Consumption or Insanity. Can be carried in vest pocket, fi.oa per box, 6 for $5, by mail prepaid. Circular Free. Sold by all druggist. Askforltttakenoother. Manufactured by the Peau Medicine Co., Taris, France. I,aue-Dvi Drug Co., distributing agents. Third and Yamhill 6t., Portland, Or. For sale by D. J. FRY, Salem. EGGS FOR SALE From fine pen of imported B. P, Rocks, score of pullets 93, QiM 9', 91: cock 92; $1.50 per setting of 13. Barred down to hide. Also Stiver Spangled Hamburgs, prize-win. ning stsck. $1 per setting. J. W. HOUCK. Jefferson, Or. 4 lo d&w im Salem Steam Laundry Please notice the cut ia prices on the foilowingi Shirts, plain 10 cents Under drawers Stoiocenis Under shirts 5toiocents Socks, per pair ,... 3 cents Handkerchiefs ... .' I cent Silk handkerchiefs , ,3 cents Sheets and pillow slips 34 cents per dozen, and other work in proportion. Flannels nd other work in telhgently washed by hand, Col, I, Olmsted Prop, MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS vmmvKux 01ms orc,ImPoUncr,8lM!n.tj0Ki brAboM mud othr Vxcm enl IndU- VSilonLcKt VlUlif In ol5 or loan. sn3 Ct rata tat stadtbiuukM or BunUn, .... Tn.nltr and OonanmutiAn it UUia'ln time. Thlr w showsTrnmoJlitji Wynn. Slit and ncU a OOJIB where aU otl ialLja. ha cured tboounde and will cur yott. " elw a tatfltctacoraln r oIt eaoaf For salo at Salem, Of, by D. J. FRY, .jfmZLM rmed7. (or libM.lKsa aaW!nuike9 OIt. a Doroa t orrbua. rcVUKlT rial4.7- Aoaraaucd WLitee, uooatural dl- cbrgn. nt nay Infltmioa- Hod, (rrltatlou ur ulcrra- tloa ( f tn ti c o a a nifcin rrtfMU cMUflaa. m i aUiaL&rfl. IHtQuiSCHtu'CilRo. br " on-Mtrlnrm k CWOKUII.0 nW'M " M, MJ.BIMM ' C.8.. ir extrt't, ('paid, tat 1.UJ, or s Lottie,- tijv, r auai. am p iiXl - THE f lArr ff ! HI limt- I h 111 1' 1 1 WW " 1 11 I v I If fi I J) I V'lsm J l I I III ON THE PACIFIC COAST. CRCULATION Of "the Daily Journal Increased 75 Per cent. Following letters need no cxplanc tion: SALEM, Or., Feb. 25, 1807. B. F. Bonliam, P. M., Salem, On Peau Sin: Will you not please to advice us if the wclplits of malls now received from tlio Daily Journal arcfuliy "5 per rent more than a year agoat this time As we have not in creased tlio size ot tlio Daily Jour nal during tlic past year, vc wish to estimate the comparative increase In circulation, by the comparative weights mailed. Yours very truly, RPr ITofek Brothers, Editors. Salem, Or,. Feb. 25, 1807. Editor Dally Journal: Dear Sir: Tlio weights of malls now received from the Daily Jour nal are fully 75 per cent more than a year ago at this time. Respectfully, B. F. Bonham, P. M. By J. A. Sellwood, Asst. P. M, Tbo circulation of tho Portland Telegram isstated at2500 copies dally Tho average circulation of The One Cent Daily lias been for sometime larger than that and the Weekly Journal has a larger circulation than over before. The Journal Is now established as the paper having tho largest circula tion In Oregon, nest to the Orcgonlan. Advertisers are Invited to Inspect our lists of subscribers, and arc reminded that our mall subscriptions are all paid in advance, and that such are a desirable class of people to do business with. They take tills paper because they want it, not because It is forced upon them, and they can't got rid of it. The Journal outsold all other pa pers In Oregon during the legislative session, THE ONLY ONE DOLLAR WEEKLY IN OREGON. I n o " v S a.g.L3.&3 On ti F S t-lfetMS' 110 III a z ' El n --Ik. r - m J tt k .r'CB' 5'B' as i-ZvmzzZMfMnJ- w t Ji H LA 1 tr&S-j 5 csg "-?J r5a S-1J" &n 3 182.1 g 1.2.3'tl w o 5$ 5.R 8 1 B 2. " on a j y &&,,B.'rB.gB' I w ."" fT . 5 2 1 ie 2.B.U X B B 5 U& 03 3.3 " t 2 a S'-ss.s.S 1 1 Three; months by'msilajc: cr.e )im'l, CyrNo paper Kent beyond time paid for, DDAD 1. 1 111 xl 1 w lUU TiiEjoUBHALhit tbree ume the circulation in Ore con of Any dally and weeltlyln Oreeon except Scott' piper at Tortland. It i recognized by Silver men and voter of the Parlies a the champion of the Peple'icaiue in ihliiUtc, Yoa can afford to help atwpert obo Bimetallic tat paper ( Eyery iuc it devoted to building up jtbU caue among th t mase of the People, HOFKK l" 9 Publishers. -ft.Tlf ll'.l ' -) ONLY I I I I'll I li Ha.? "a sr3 uj p. 1 (.1? rr b &i 3&h. VnBn cr - Ktt n a 11 T- Mm I'! P-SS5S'5-B.5S.?8 L L.'. M 13 iJ n a " -4 I I E'S SIM PAPER, Bros Salem Or. Through Tickets IO THE :a VIA TUB Union Pacific System ihrough Pullman Palace Sleepen. Toura Sleepers and Freo Reclining Chai ty between Portland to Chicago Our trains ate heated bv steam tnd lighted by Pintsc light. Tirae to Chicago, 3 i-i Jays Time to New York, 4 1-2 dajs. flVhich is many hours quicker than c n ptlitors. For rates, time table and lulipiniormaitcn a: ply to 4 i HOISE cV) BAA h UK, Age Jts, Sn.cio. t K . W tlAx 1 ER, C.E. URO W N. General Agent Dist. Pass Aget I MS Third Street.' Pmtlamt V 0. R.&J."C0. TO THE EAST GIVES THE CHOlLb Two Transcontinent-J Rouu hC2. Via SpoVimk MtnnMhAM ar Ttl Mn.l i r Omaha and Kangis City. Low rates to sternycititts. F01 full details call on or address ' BOISE & BARKER agents, Salgra. Oregon, OCEAN DIVISION. Portland San Francisco. Steamers leave Alnsworth dock. Portland April 22, 27, May 2, 5,9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29. Fare Cabin, $12; steerage, J 6. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND-SALEM Daily SiemJ serv. icet Bttamer Ruth for Portland, Monday. Wednesday and Friday at to a. m. Steamer Elmore for Portland Tuesday,!, Thursday and Saturday, at 7:15. a. m. Returning, leave Ash ktreet dock, Portland, daily eeept Sunday, at 6 a. m. Passenger given transfer to eloctnc line at Oregon City if dosired, mak ing it possible to reach Portland nt Ip. m. CORVALUS-SALEM ROUTE:- The steamer Kuth lor Corvallis, Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday at 3.'30 p.m.,returnlng, lv. orvaius a; o a. m. on Monaay, Wednesday and Friday. Round trip tickets to all points in Oregon, Washingion, California or the East. Connections mado at Portland witb all rail, ocean and river lines, Call on (i. M . Power agent, foot Trade street. E. McNEILLJ (Pre, and Manager. W.H.IIURLBimi. Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland, Or. For full deta'1 call on or address frr A GJIM.' POWERS Foot of Trade St. Local Agent. OREGON CENTRAL .AND Eastern Rf R. Company .IYAQUINA DAY ROUTE. TrWIMWitlll. n. V.M iIh. ltn.a M.t.t. tL. 11 . . t rancisco & Yaqulna llay Steamship Co. STEAMER. ALliANY-Leaves Salem for Portland at 10130 n. m. Tuesdays, Friday and Sundays. Leaves Salem for Corvallis, Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday at 3130 p. m.J STEAMER "FARALLON," Sails from Yaauina everv 8 davs for "San Francisco, Coos liay, Port Orford, Trinidad and Humbolt Bay. Passengor accommodations unsurpassed. Shortest route between the Willamette valley and California, Fore from Albany or points west to San Francisco: Cabin, tg; steerage, $5; to Coos Bay and Port Orford, cabin to: to Humbold. Bay, cabin fS; round trip, good 0 days, $i6t XAyulWA. UAY. The most DOnular seaside resort on lh North Pacific Coast. No undertow sur bathing absolutely safe. For those wishing to combine hunting and fishing with aquatic sports, this resort has no equal. Deer, bear, elk, cougar, brook trout and salmon trout can be found in abundance within a few hours Oiivc of the bay, QrReduced nt" ' all points. I. C. MAYO, U,H. River Division. M. P. BALDWIN. Local Acent.Altona Dock Salem. Northern Pacific Railway. " runs: Pullman Sleeoln' Cars. Elegant Dlnin Cars'5 Tourist SleeDlnhCarfc To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, tsrgo" Jrand Forks, Crookston, Winnlneg.gS- Helena and Butte. THROUGH TICKETS To Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia, Nw York, Boston, nd all Pointy East on1 South 'IFor information, time cards, map ao tickets, call on or writo ' THOMAS, WAT T&. CO,- AGENTS t6$ Comrnvrcial rreet. Smltm, & '. A. D, Charlton, Awt. On'L ,TMVAf'r MwrUe ., corner ThW , Votff J EA ST UV0 ,lifl.HWit. 1 btLrZm,:X,!ml$tM!t;m'i, ,f, ,M jlAi. -. UkOL