STATE NEWS COTTAGE OHOVE. II. II. Veatch lias purchased a lialf Interest in the QrlQin Hardware Co. Kirk Vcorhccs of iKlamath county, lias been the quests of J. W. Soars. Waircn, and W. Y. Richardson of Salem passed through here Tuesday, bound for the mines of Wolf Creek. Hamilton Veatch has juoved back to his farm west of town. Dan Harding lias a new ham com pleted. Jackson Hopkins, adeaf mute living three miles west, lost his house and contents by fire last Tuesday. He and ills wife were absent at the time. CRESSWELL. Theodore Martin lias recovered from u severe illness. Wallace Bros., began today re building their tile shed. WALLACE. Levi Geer N preparing to put out a large apple orchard. N. N. Shortridge has discovered some rich bearing gold and silver quartz near this place. Mrs. Kate Dresser, of California, is Visiting at her father's S. P. Garoutte. WALKER. Harry Wood of Lorane was a guest of Mrs. Andrew Miller, and reports catching a nine and a half foot cougar in a trap. The Christian Endeavor society took In eleven members last week and will soon give a necktie social at the home of Miss Bertha Talt. JEFFERSON. II. C. Ilouiyer has added a Brad- burg sewing machine to his shoe and Rharness shop. Wm. Anderson lost a valuable horse, 'by falling and breaking its neck being scared at a bicycle. II. N. Bullis has pub a fine emery wheel into Ben "Van Buren's black smith shop. He will sharpen plow shares, axes, etc, Saturdays. W. P. Schller has a new stock of musical instruments. Louis K. Siegmund of Klumb, has invented a gopher gun that Is in great demand. A. Tauzler and W. F. Schutler have bought the Blue Front grocery at Albany. A. Tauzler has purchased CO acres of the Maria Miller farm across the river. N. II. Doty has sold his livery busi ness to E. It. Case, proprietor hotel Jefferson. RIDDLE. Dr. and Mrs. Boguo have returned from :Ncw York, where the former Itouk a course of hospital practlre From the Sherwood pocket mine lo ctted on Canyon mountain, about 3J miles from Riddle, which was dicoy red about January 1st, has been taken upwards of 812.000. Saturday a rich strike wm made in the mine and $300 taken out, some of the porous pieces being as large as the hand and one pan containing about $100. Creek Kelly per LAKE COUNTY. G. W. Jenkins, Jr., of Pine will commence a school at Creek soon. Bernard & Son have bought a gen eral hardware stock at Lakeview. Clias. Graves has opened a shoe shop at Burnes. W M. narvey has rented a large pasture near Lakeview. J. A. Dewey, tho barber, has manently located at Lakeview. Bailer & Massingill, two of the most successful merchants of Klamoth CQunty, are now proprietors of the Pioneers store at Lakeview. coos COUNTY. F. II. Gilman and A. C. Kite will put in a bicycle repair shop at Baudon. William Gallier of Bandon has the county agency for a patent window and door stop. nenty Reed and Herbert Manciet have opened a candy store at Bandon. Sheriff Gage or Coquille has pur chased the Harrington residence. J. N. Langlois of Bandon .has been making improvements. Joseph Fisher, of 'Bandon, has a lot of land and sawmill to sell. Mr. Lorenz, jr., of Coquille has been helping operate his father's store at Bandon. EUGENE. H. Thompson and C A. Ilardy are a new law firm here. Stephen Smeed has let the contract to L. N. Raney for some ; fine Improvements on Hotel Eugene. Eugene Co. Wo. 1 has elected T. W. ! Jenkins; president; M.S. Hubble, -vice president; I. L. Simpson, secretary; Frank Page, treasurer. NEWBERG. G. P. Kimball of Salem, manufact urer of an Improved orchard cultiva tor, has been quite successful In troducing tl'em here. W B. Slmms has returned from Indiana quite satisfied with Oregon, and says he came back here to get out of the mud. Cyrus Vaughan has moved his fam ily to Oregon City for tho summer. G. W. Mitchell says the outlook for the Red Rock Mining Co.,iwas never so bright as at present, Guerdon Rogers and wife have re turned from Portland to live here. W. E. Howard has opened up a new'grocery business at Newberg. T. E. Presswell is doing most of the painting business. GLENDALE. Mr. Chase,of Linn county,has opened up a large stock of general merchandise. Mrs. P. A. Dockhorn will open ice cream parlors June 1st. W.P. Lotten, business agent of Hon. Sol Abraham of Roseburg, hasibuilt ; himself a neat store. Prof.J. E. BlundPllhas opened the v schools with an attendance of thirty. CANYONVILLE. Walter Bartle has leased the Kin mel livery stables. Notices at Carter's store called a 4th of July celebration meeting for April 14, and arrangements are being completed. O. M. Collins Is the resident agent of the Washington Co-operative Life In surance Co. Geo. Carter. W. F. Bricrcs and P. A. Harris were a committee to draw up i suitable resolutions on the death of KarlKInmel, an enterprising citizen f who died March 22d. MYRTLE GREEK. Fred Gobbert has some fine sam ples of pocket gold which he dug along the river. Arzee Fenton who has been quite sick is able to be about again. Mr. Oflt.mnn Rp Tina TtxnrwnrnA en na to be able to bo abont. JACKSON COUNTY. Hotel Nash, Medford, is being re novated in first-class condition. A. C. Smith has purchased the Montague candy business at Medford. D..S. Jones of Gold Hill, has some valuable mines. T. W. Robinson of Ashland, picked up a $19.75 nugget In his placer mine, and a week before one of $18.50. Will, a son of P. II. Donoghue of Ashland, broke his arm while playing at school. P. W. Poulson ef Ashland, has had his store repainted and a new awning put up by n. S. Evans. John Ross is preparing to give box ing lessons at Central Point. Thos. Kessler has opened a jewelry and repair business, at Grants Pass. John R. Stearns of Ashland, Is to be one of tho amalgamators in W. P. Belding's new mills. Levi Morris of Talent, has been ap pointed deputy stock inspector. Fred Applegate of Central Point has developed into a traveling man. I AVceetahlcPrcparationFor As similating IhcTooclandRcguIa ling ihcStamachs andBowils of THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF PromotesDIgcstion,Chccirul ncss and Rcst.Conlalns neither OpiumMorphine nor "Mineral. Not Narcotic. Xta oroidllrSAlfVZLEnVHEn 4lxJcnna f out Sent Jpptmunt m JHCartana&Soi tinnSttd - ApcrfccHIcmcdy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish. ncss andLoss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW "YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPED. H2JS Mffi el IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEBY BOTTJLE OIP CASTORIA CutotJa is put no la oa-slis bottles only. It Is not cold la bulk. Don't allow anyone to tell yon anything else on the plsa er promise that It la just as good" and "trill answer every pnr- poe," w B:o list yoa got u-A.B-T-o-a.i.A. 5he ho- - - &1-4L2Sc&Y-&&JUte "7 Wtftffira a iteevens Fruit Drver. PATENT PENDING. Fruit crowers are invited to investigate before buying or building a drier. My claim apiu Jioauction, nil experience of z i. unlimited capacity. 2. Cheapness oi construction. 3. Kapiu Jioauction, 4. &asv cheapness and simplicity of process. Write me for testimonials and experience of growers who are using the Steevens since two'years. Estimates and specifications furnished or.driera built. Address G. A. STEEVENS, Salem, Or.'X'oaK.zs.. IKe f- limlla tlfrutors Ca&j &&i lata tnzj TTUJJW Conference At Canby. The con ference branch Y. P. A. annual con vention meets In Canby this evening In two daya session. A. F. Blttner, Herman Amsler and Samuel Siewert, delegates from Salem, went a own the river on the Elmore this morning Rev. P. Blttner, pastor of tho German Evangelical church of this city, also went to Canby today to attend the an nual conference of the Evangelical As sociation which meets at that place on Thursday of this week. NOW'S THE TIME FOR SPRAYING We are agents for the BEST PREPARED SPRAYS od are prepared to quote prices CHEAPER than you can manufacture yourself, Call or send for catalogue. OREGON FRUIT AND PRODUCE CO. Office and warehouse, cor. Trade and High, Salem, Or, fiat SCT Gl& 13 jy ta P3 v m By UNlnsr Dr. Pean's Yellow Nerve Pills. This wonderful remedy MANHOOD RESTORED guaranteed to cure all nervous diseases, suoh as Weak Memory, Loss of xirain rower, jicauacne, yvaKciuwess, x)si uannooa, riignuy Amis sions, Nervousness, all drains, loss of power la Generative Organs of either sex, caused by over-exertion, youthful errors, excessive use of luuacco, opium or aumuiams, wmcn icaa to mnrmity, Consumption or Drue Co., distributing agents. Third and Yamhill Sis., Portland, or. For sale by D. J. FRY, Salem. wmmrrKxmr iWHTWr' m WM af i What a great quan tity of work a "good housekeeper" finds to do 1 There are so many little time and strength -taking chores that have no names. And it must all be done whether the housekecner feels like it or not This is true of men's work too, but men's manual labor is never so complicated as housekeeping. In some way or other "the world's work must be done." This iron-clad rule U harder on women than it is on men. A man can't be as sick as a woman. As a man's organization is simpler and stronger, it follows that his ailments are less complicated. He is not subject to the chances and changes, physiologically, that come to the average woman. If a woman is in good health there is no more healthful employment than house work. Generally speaking, there is no hap pier woman in the world than the one who Is well and busy all day long "making home" for dear ones who depend upon her. But bow different when every breath is pain, every step torture I This state of health, in nine cases out of ten comes from derangements of the delicate, feminine or gans ot generation. The family doctor in quires first concerning these. He most usually insists upon an "examination." From this the modest woman naturally shrinks. She is right. Excepting in very unusual cases of '"female weakness" ex aminations are unnecessary. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a simple, natural remedy for these ills. It cures gradually, safely, permanently. Here Is one tesli monlal out of thousands : "I was Ul fouryears with ' female weakness.' I took two bottles of Dr. Flerce's Favorite Pre scription. I do my house work now without palu or faintness." Yours truly, Lyme Center, Grafton Co., N. II. Send 31 cents in one-cent stamps to World's JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in groceries, paints, oils, window glass, varnishes, and the most complete stock o brushes of all kinds in the state, Artists' materials,, lime, hair, cement and shingles, and finest quality of rass-seeds, VET) AfHiM? THAOC MAtlf V The Deimel Linen-Mesh Underwear NEW ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED. A girl to help do. housework in small family. Enquire at 288 Liberty next door to steam laundry. 4-1931 PERSONS wishing competent help to care .. w..u.tu ur aasui at special housework, by the day or hour, call at corner Court uu -1st streets, or telephone to grocery store. Terms reasonable. Brigga. -Stenographer Eppley's Anna L. 4 13-tf and Our catalogue contains some very interesting facts on the subject of underwear, Ask for a copy at our Salem (agents, T0S MEYERS d SONS, MRS. N. B. SCOTT, typewriter, room 12, over Ladd & Bush's you. 1. rompi attention to ail classes of work, wWF10Kb WANTED TOR DR. TAC MAGE'S "Tne Earth Gird.ed," or his famous thrilling story of stamps tlon, IJu IO08 OS shsb UKOictx advise, profusely illustrated, ! Dispensary Medical Association, Iluflalo, N. Y.. I and receive Dr. Pierce's jcoS page commom .. .wUUU mi. wuuu, a tunning story savages ana barbarous lands. Four mfilon T1lma??'s.books sold and "The Earih Gird led"is his latest and orandest. DEMAND ENORMOUS. Everybody wants this famous ft&r?3,5?- Bff' BOOK, BIG COM MJ&SIONS. A ld mine f workers. CREDIT GIVEN. FREIGHT PAID. OUtI FITS FREE, Drop ail trash and sell the king of books and make $300 a month. Ad dress for outfit and territory, The Dominion Company, Star Building, Chicago. 3-29-30 Interests on Street Assessments. Covering State and Oak streets, Salem, is now due; also interest on sewer assessments in block 8, Salem. Pronertv nwnn of- fected by these assessment will cull t either tne uiUKing nouse 01 jjaaa ec uush or the of- jicc 01 me city treasurer, ana make payment 4-i4-iod. City Treasurer. EGGS FOR SALE From fine pen of imported B. P, Rocks, score of pullets 99, 91, 91, 91 Jt cock 92; 1 1.50 per setting of 13. Barred down to hide. Also Silver Spangled Hamburgs, ning stsck. $1 per setting. J. W. IIOUCK. Tefferson, Or." 4 lo d&w ira Notice of Warning. To Bicyclists: There is a strict ordinance provididing for all bicycles to carry lifihted lamps alter the street are lights have been turned on each night. This will be strictly enforced in the future and it will be well for all wheelmen to take heed without further not'CC Ed. N. Edes, Salem, April 13, 1897, 4-14-xod ELIXIR COMPOUND MIXTURE. Which by usIdl' one small spoonful to a quart of fresh milk will 'yield goo pound of nice butter, and also one pound of butter from one gallon of skimmed milk. 8100 In case of failure. I will freely give the receipt, $2 for particulars, AddreSS UMlitt lit 21A.OKJSX, Ashland, Wis., I'. O. box 410, 4-9 1 m d & w VUhi- stall! tlfutwi OA.(ijoilXlHi Willis tlM tsrs Salem SteamLaundry Please notice the cut in price on the following Shirts, plain to cents Under drawers ,5toiocenU Under shirts 5toiooenU Socks, per pair 3 ceaU Handkerchiefs......... I cent Silk handkerchiefs 3 cestts Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per Aomb. and other work in proportion. Flannels and other work in tellieently washed by hand, Col I OlflMted, rppA - THE ONLY - ONE CENT DAILY ON THE PACIFIC COAST. CRCULATION Of the Daily Journal Increased 75 Per cent. Following letters need no explana tion: Salem, Or., Feb. 25, 1897. 13. F. Eonhani, P. M., Salem, Or: Dear Sir: Will you not please to advice us if the weights of mails now received from the Daily Journal are fully 75 per rent mure than a year ago at this time. As we have not In creased the sl?o of tho Daily Jour nal during the past year, wo wish to estimate the comparative increase in circulation, by the comparative weights mailed. Yours very truly, Hofek Bpothers, Editors. SALEM, Or,. Feb. 25, 1897. Editor Dally Journal: Dear Sir: Tho weights of malls now received from the Daily Jour nal are fully 75 per ccnt.morcthan.a year ago at this ttme. "Respectfully, B. F. Boniiam, P. M. By J. A. Scllwood, Asst. P. M. The circulation of the Portland Telegram isstated at 2500 copies daily. Tho average circulation of The One Cent Daily has been for sometime larger than that and tho "Weekly Journal has a larger circulation than ever before. The Journal Is now established as the paper having the largest clrcula', tion In Oregon, next to the Oregonian. Advertisers are Invited to Inspect our lists of subscribers, and are reminded that our .mall subscriptions aro all paid in advance, and that such are a desirable claes of people to do business with. They take this paper because they want it, not because it is forced upon them, and they can't get rldotit. The Journal outsold all other pa-; pers In Oregon during the legislative session. HsSBsjS.-'sSr.S'j 5 ( K. 8 -.a r .. E ?!88 5S3 810,;rHrr.S jilWolrllj!fel t nsfl bS a a, 2 & 1 o E. a 3 K mm S-'sresffg XT M en 8 r.o wo, Jo3cT' s?a!E?as . . Z- " V mm js DiHO&HJHriMnn a." pcrS g g B o K B p,& 2.S rf." B 8 && f-a ' 2 "sj-l-SFSSa-fl V) u m WEEKLY Three,'monthsby mallajc; one )i' I CFNo paper tent beyond time paid for, A PEOPLE U m pip 1 u Through Tickets TO THE VIA THE ' Union Pacific Sybiern Ihrough l'ullnmn I'alace Kleejer. Tonrw Sleepers and Free Keclinlng Chai" 't,r between ' Portland to Chicagu bw steam and 1, THE journal hai three tune the circulation in Oregon of Any daily and wceklyln Oregon except Scott'a paper at Portland. It U recofinlwdT by Silver men and rotew ol the unicB u ine cnampion 01 trie i'e pie' cause in liili state. You can afford to help support ..intwuivtiaKuauiii nn; luus i unuwt iu uuiiuinn gp.uill caiue aJDODC Ul of the People, - . . , - mMe Hofbr Bros Publisahies. Salem, Or. Our trains are heated lighted by Fintsc Might. .lime to Chicago, 3 i-i. Jays Time to New York. 4 1-2 days. f Which is many hours quicker than cr.n- J pttitom. For rates, time tables and full' informal), r. apply to THE . ONLY ONE DOLLAR WEEKLY IN OREGON. BOISE tC BAVkKMH, Agents, Snlem, t. R. W BAX1 ER, C.E. 11ROWN, General Agent Dist. Pass. Agent . I3S Third Street, Poitland 0. R. k N. CO. TO THE EAST GIVES 111E CHrilib - v. Two Transco. tinenLl .iut.niic;MiiinrnpuiSir raui ainiliT&n ver umalia anj Kaneas Ci y. Low rates w eastern chics. F01 full details call on BOISE & BARKER agents, Salem, Oregon, or address. - OCEAN DIVISION. n Portland San Francisco'. Steamers leave Ainsworth dock. Portlan 1 Feb 16 21, 26, and Maroh 3, 8, 13, 18, 23 and as, Fare Cabin, $12; steerage, $6. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND-SALEM Dally Salem serv Icei Bttamer Uuth for Portland, Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 10 a m. Steamer Elmore for Portland Tuesday,,, Thursday nnd Saturday, at 6145 " Returning, leave Ash ktreet dock, Portland, dally eieept Sunday, at 6 a. m. Passengers given transfers ' to electric line at Oregon City If desired, mak ing it possible to reach Portland at I p. m. CORVALLIS-SALEM ROUTE:- The steamer Ruth for Corvallis, Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday at 4 p. irur returning, lea Corvallis at 6 a. m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Round trip tickets to all points in Oregon, Washington, California or the East. Connections rnado t Portland kwitb all rail, ocean and river lines, Call on G. M . Powers agent, foot Trade street. E. McNEILL.1 IPrcv and Manager. W. H. IIURLBURT. Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland, Or For full deta'is call on or address , rnw G'm' POWERS Foot of Trade st. Local Agent. OREGON CENTRAL AND Eastern R. R. Company .LYAQUINA BAY ROUTE.' Connecting at Yaqjtna Bay with the Ka . faqulna Bay Steamship Go. ALBANY Leaves Salem for Francisco &Ya STEAMER irurnanu at 10130 a. m, xuesaays, riaays and Sundays. Leaves Salem for Corvallis, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 3130 p. m.J STEAMER 'FARALLON,, Sails from Yaquina every 8 days for San Francisco. Coos Bay, Port Orford, Trinidad and Humbolt Bay. Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Shortest route between the Willamette valley and California. Fare from Albany or points west to Baa Franclscot Cabin, J95 steerage, fC'.toUoos Bay and Port Orford, cabin $6: to Humbold. Bay, cabin f 3: round trip, good 60 days, f l6t YAQUINA HAY, The most popular seaside resort on th North Pacific Coast. No undertow sur bathing absolutely safe. For those wishing to combine hunting ana fishing with aquatic sports, this resort has no equal. Deer, bear, elk, cougar, brook trout and salmon trout can be found in abundance within a few hours' drive of the IxxyY QTReduced rates to all points. EDWIN STONE. Manacer. Ccrvallis. Or! 1. . maku, aupt. Kiver uivuion. M. P. BALDWII tSalem. Local Agent.Altona Dock Northern Pacific Railway. " RUNS; Pullman Sleeping Cars. Elegant Dlnln Cars Tourist SleeoinCarb To St. Paul, Minneapolis. Duluth. ttiao"' 'rand Forks, Crookston, Wnnineg, Helena and Butte. THROUGH TICKETS To Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia, Nw York, Boston, nd all Pointy icai Bni poutn For Information, time cards, maps an tickets, call on or writ , THOMAS, WATT Sl. CO.; AGENTS, "" ?' 265 Commercial srrcet. Salera, Orjr ' A. D. Charlton, Aut. Gen'l. J'aisg ,Ag,, corBeT"lirdPortlJ,'t'Orj 1 , 41 m . m 1 1 4- -Tl H H '1 -I ft -i l fj r u it