SI Sunday School Convention Convenes at M. E. Church in This City, This Evening. The Marlon County Sunday School lnklsits third annual convention in Salmi) Tuesday, this, evening and the following day and evening, Delegates from out of the city will tind the eoiinrittec on entertainment ready to receive them. Exercises arc to be held at tlic Methodist church, opening with a song service followed by an address by the Eev. G. A Blulr, after which thirty minutes will be spent in Retting acquainted. Let Sa lem workers be promptly oo bund to aid by work and word; glyc strangers a royal welcome and speakers a real Inspiration. Wednesday's program Is replete with promise of good things. We note a paper by Dr. E. M. Ilurd, on "City Organization;" an uddress by Mrs. U 'becca Kobb, county president of the W. l T. U., on "Temperance In the Sunday School;" Mrs. Amelia Miller, Mrs. A. J. OarlaLd, Revs. Belknap and Kantner, and last but not least, Prof. II. M. Huiuill, International Held worker, Mid a speaker of more than national repute, will all do justice to live practical topics. Salem workers cannot afford so miss hearing them; nor can the association doits best without the aid of their presence, and 'active participation ( in the de liberation and discussions of the con vention. Tiie program for the convention ia as follows' TUESDAY EVENING. TiDO Song service. 8- Prayer, Ilev. G. W. Giannis. 8:03 Announcements. 8:30 Address, House to House, Visitation?, Rev.G. A. Blair. At the close of the address thirty minutes will be spent in getting acquainted. WEDNESDAY MORNING SESSION. f):;i0 Song service. 9:45 Prayer Kev. Win. Steele. 9:50 Announcements. 10 Secretary's report. 10:03 Appointment of committee on nomination of olllcers. 10:20 Business. 11 City Organization, Dr. E, M. Ilurd. 11:20 Discussion. 11:30 Temperance In the Sunday School, Mrs. Hebecca M. Robb, county president, W. O T. U. 12 Adjournment. AFTERNOON SESSION. 2 Praise service, conducted by Rev. E. 11. Belknap. 2:20 Primary Department What and How to Teach, Mrs. Amelia Miller. 2:40 How to Manage a County Or ganization and the Benefits Derived Therefrom. Prot. II. M. Hamlll. 3 Discussion. 3:30 How to Teach the Scriptures, Mrs. A. J. Garland: 4 Report of committee on nomina tions. 4:15 Election of officers. Other business. 4:30 Where Shall the Next Conven tion Be Held? 4:43 Adjournment. All are requested to remain and meet Prof. Ilamill. EVENING SESSION. 7:30 Song service, conducted by Prof. R. A. Heritage, assisted by the choir. 7:05 Scripture, Rev. W.C. Kantner. 7:55 Prayer. 8 Address, Prof, II. M. Hamlll. At the close of the address Prof. R. A. Heritage will favor the convention with a solo. Dismissal After which there will be a consecration meeting, to which all teachers and officers arc earnestly requested to remain. It will be con ducted by Prof. Hamlll. ITEMS OF INTEREST- Spunk and Dlngley free leaches list. are on the The New York senate has passed the anti-cartoon bill. The Bradley Martins and thrlr pet poodle are In England. The ballot used in Chicago, on the west side, was 20 by 34 inches and contained 82 names of candidates. A woman in the ptate of New York has been sent to jail for three months because she did not keep her children clean. A Chicago minister has engaged a reformed gambler to appear at the church and show the congregation how the lambs are fleeced. Lord Rosebery is said to have an Income of $5,000,000 a year. It was worth while for him to marry into the Rothschild's family. A Massachusetts woman who is 45 years old aud weighs 300 pounds has been sued for breach of promise by a heart broken fellow of 23 who tips the beam at 105 pounds. ,. The largest employer of labor in tho world IsKrupp, the German gun maker. On tho payroll of his vast establishment at Essen are over 25, 000 men. The Illinois Republican legislature l considering a clyll service bill In tended to prevent Carter narrlson from discharging 1,500 Republicans and lining their places with his friends when he becomes mayor of Chicago. STATE NEWS. The worlds supply or wheat has de creased 960.000 bushels the past week. It now stands 30,793,000 bushels. The Baker City firemen arc doing all in their power to make the tourna ment a success. Portland Ik to be represented at the national turnflst at St Lnuls next month. About 4000 athets will be there, 2000 have entered the contests for prizes. Eleven conversions and fifteen ac cessions to the Baptist church re sulted from the efforts of Evangelist Llndsey, in his two week's revival meetings at Stayton, which closed Sunday night. The members of Protection Engine Company of Pendleton, resolved to donate their last quarters' earnings as firemen to the company, the money to be used In buying n racing cart and hose. Some miscreant entered C.O.Whites yard while White was out driving and liberated eight Chinese pheasants which had been secured for propogat ing purposes. They will undoubtedly prcpogate to their own satisfaction if not to Mr. White. Pendleton Ex. A herder working for Tilman Bros, on Ten-Mile, Wasco county.discovered the other day that a self-cocking re volver was indeed a dangerous weapon. While on the range he was fooling with the gun when it went off and shot him In the fleshy part of the right thigh. The ball ranged down ward, and lodged about the knee cap. The week Adam, the 9 year-old son of Michael King, of Grass valley, Sherman county, accidently shot him self with a 22-callbcr rifle. He was at tho sheep lamp, and was out with the gun. It is supposed he fell, retaining hold of the muzzle of the gun, which was discharged by the hammer strik ing on some rocks. The bullet passed through the heart, death was In stantaneous. While John Moak and G. Washburn were coming out from Bohemia last week they came upon a cougar just be low the warehouse, which was feast ing on a deer it had killed. On see ing the man, the caugar sprang into a leaning tree, near where it was eat ing the deer. Moak happened to have a gun with him and both men walked up to within a few feet of the tree In order, to get a good shot at the cougar and both were standing side by side In snow nearly waist deep. Just as Moak shot, the cougar sprang at them, kand in their endeavor to get away hi the snow they both fell In opposite direc tions and the cougar lit at their" feet, between them. Of course both thought they had met their doom, but to their surprise on regaining their feet they foune that the cougar was dead. Cottage Grove Leader. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as thev cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood constitutional disease and in order so cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is takeninternally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous of faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quad medicine. It was prescribed by one of th best physicians in this country for years, an is a regular prescription It is composed j the best tonics known, combined with th best blood purifier, acting directly upon tht mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what proluces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. EjpSold by all druggists. Havana is about to spend $15,000, 000 in improving her sewers and drainage system. The tribe of Wey ler has been using them and this makes the expenditure necessary. Nc OWADAYS, when women are trying to do everything it is not strange that many things are over-done. It is not strange that there are all kinds of physical and men tal disturbances. If the woman who is a doctor, or a lawyer, or a journalist, or in business would not try to be a society woman too it might be different; but the woman who knows when she has done a day's work has yet to be born. Usually a woman's way is to , keep doing until she drops. Working in this way has manifold evils. As an old colored Aunty used JJ. to say: "There's always somethin" the matter. If it isn't one thing it's two." The most common trouble resulting from over exertion, either mentally or physically, Is constipation of the bowels, with all its at tendant horrors. There is no human ailment that so saps :'? nergies, so deadens the ambitions, as Lit "isaitng from the bowels forgetting their vocation, or the liver only work ing about eight hours out of the twenty- Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the most effectual remedy in the market They work upon the system easily, naturally. There is no unpleasant nausea after taking them. No irripfiig no pain no discomfort, Tuey are composed of materials that go through the system gradually, collecting all impuri. ties and like the good little servants that they are disposing of them effectually. Mrs. Rosa:na M Buss, of Colotu, Oj ufgo County, New York. sayJS "I had suffered much with dizziness, some times famines from too much mental worlc. Over exertion physically caused constipation or the bo" Is. I tried liver pills. They gave lera. porary relief Two years ego I began eDr. lierce-s Pleasant Pellets. 1 have, at Intervals, used three bottles, and I am now enjoying unin terrupted good health." Yours truly. I f J I imimmiiMr i1 ""B . mB ,"'.,' ,,ii ' .9H '' " '"'" mil, mill.., I I ... .ii CT, .AYcgc tablcPrcp aratlonfor As slmilating ihcToodfltidRcgula ting ihcSlomachs ondBowcis of Promotes Di gcsHonXhccTful ncss nndRcst.Contalns neither Opiurn.MorpWnc nor Mineral. NotNabcotic. KatpeoraidUrSAKVELEOUim Impfon Sail' ifhcScnna ?mAL. Sttfit -sim'teStrtt Jhjpemint -Jti CartonattSita JtSrvtSted -Cfanfud Sitotr -Uhtrynvy flmn ApcxfccHlemcdy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsfons.Fcvcrisli ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of ?&&Zii'. NEW YORK. Z mi m Kj5 1 G&f&tiv. U -' EXACT COPY OF WRAPPEB. I Steevens Fruit Drver, PATENT PENDING. Fruit growers are invited to investigate before buying or building a drier. My claim are; i. Unlimited capucitv. 2. Cheapness of construction. 3. Rapid production. 4. Easy cheapness and simplicity of process. Write me (or testimonials and experience of 'growers who are using the Steevens since two'years. Estimates andj specifications furnished or.driers built. ' 3H Address G. A. STEEVENS, Salem, Or. NOW'S THE TIME FOR SPRAYING We are agents for ihe BEST PREPARED SPRAYS and are prepared to quote prices CHEAPER than you can manufacture yourself. Call or send for catalogue. OREGON Office and warehouse, cor. Trade - ARRELOF FOR 25 TO THE A Word in your ear. Delays are dangerous, If ou are bothered with squirrels use : FRY'S SQUIRREL POISON: It, Is the cheapest .'md speedjebt.squlrrel killer known. Do not waste any time experimenting wltlfhigh priced poisons of uncertain strength, buo use one can of FRY 'S SQUIRREL POISON and thp result will be entirely sat isfactory. - t ' Mr. TS. P. Williamson of Salem, Oregon, writes: -"I have tried several brands of squirrel poison but Fry's is tho best. I believe one can of Fry's Squirrel Poison will kill a barrel of squirrels, and by using early and often you stop the breed." Read the letter from our sister state. Tr , . , SPRIXGDALE, WASH., June 10, 1800. g i t D, J. FRY, Salem, Oregon: v l : ' tvtcar sm Enclosed nlease find express order '" liavoever used, Yours trulv. m -' - Fry's Squirrel Poison put upiin full Sold by all dealers. ' SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS OK THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTIJE OB1 . Oistorla is pat up in one-siio tottles only, It it sot sold la bulk. Don't allow anyons to sell yon anything else on the pica or promise that it is "just as good" exd "will answer every pur pose." Beo tnat yon get u-a-b-t-o-h-i-a. Tht tie- tl&ilt &&ffi&&x jj stgtiture( ex ' Ttjjpir. jn, w iiimyi' ' -: FRUIT AND PRODUCE CO. and High, Salem, Or, A - SQUIRRELS CENTS. FARMER. n 6&&&hi for $0.00 In payment of Squirrel Poison nccount. Our f j, customers sayyourSqulrrel Tolson Is the best they n e win want iour cases next year. rjllAi'J'i'U x riiuimsuuL,, one pound cans, price 25 cents. - THE ONE CENT DAILY ON THE PACIFIC COAST. CRCULATION Of the Dally Journal Increased 75 Per cent. Following letters need no explana tion: Salem, Or., Feb. 23, 1897. B. F. Bonhatn, P. M., Salem, Or: Peak Sm: Will you not pleaso to advice us it the weights of malls now received from the Daily Journal are fully 75 per rent more than 11 year agoat this time. As we have not In creased the size of the Daily Jour nal during thopast year, wc wish to esilmatc the comparative Increuso In circulation, by the comparative weights mailed. Yours very truly, IloFEK Brothers, Editors. Salem, Or,, Feb. 25, 1897. Editor Dally Journal: Dear Sir: The weights of malls now received from the Daily Jour nal are fully 75 per cent more than a year ago at this time. Respectfully, B. F. Bon ham, P. M. By J. A. Scllwood, Asst. P. M. The circulation of the Portland Telegram is stated at 2500 copies dally. The average circulation of The One Cent Daily has been for sometime larger than that aud tho Weekly Journal has a largerclrculatlonthan ever before. The Journal is now established as the paper having the largest clrcula tion in Oregon, next to the Orcgonlari. Advertisers arc Invited to Inspect our lists of subscribers, and are reminded that our mail subscriptions arc all paid in advance, and that such arc a desirable class of people to do business wiih. Tliey take this paper because they want it, not because It is forced upon them, and they can't get rid of It. The Journal outsold all other pa pers In Oregon during the legislative session. THE ONLY ONE DOLLAR WEEKLY IN OREGON. S. ags3SB .Eg.&g-2 nS st-so--" -i" wui - n mi ?f S.g.vL sls-8 p. 3.1 3 p " XT it- m o c o 2. a D-j-5r-o jw a u u p. S!5.S.S.l3S.SoatlS 7J.3 "ISwG 2,a6rt?a. ft 4 4 Si" n 2 V H . ORf-CTjiS'St; 3. c rf f o (3 m .1 H U tl "7? I S M f."EuL... ZUrri 5. Q-" U L J a n nnHv, cr u j. rt" w" ' . ttdBas-g&grtB-y a-Jsg,?v.g s & wj " fl 3 n a o- 3 r-a, n ? ' E r - W WMM.a w w Three'monthfjbmailasc; cneyur ll.'r ty No papers sent beyond time paid for, A P 0 " Tjik Journal lii three timet the circulation n OHgonof Any dally and weekbln rw,n. ..;. .' mwr at Portland, it Is rccocmited by Silver men and voters olthe v..p... ,. ,v,r.iCn nrthPDle'i cause one Bimetallic state paper Every issue is masse of the People. Hoper Publishers. ONLY - - &,s.s.,8ff SiSfi I 2.-. ft 8rnfi ns o - B O &s fate H2.? a as ... w 0) d 2. B " 0 E 3. " or- a a o c 3 B2EogifrJ? -BEo.4&D.ntr cr.Bi M A s"S'SliS& P.Q P3 -.. a .. a .4 P.H 5 CM m o,"5 O- -r -dP n a ft - n Tla at " - -i if. . . w 8 fl o j; a SBK Sag. B 2'3SM2e' a S 5 a E SM PAPER. In this stste. You can afford to help support devoted vto building upthU cue among tb Bros. Salem, Or. (Through Tickets BAST! VIA THE Un.on Pacific System Ilirouch Pullman P.i1nri Siccnr T. Sleepers and Free Reclining Chair Wiy Portland to Chicago, Our train are heated lif steam md lighted by Pintsc J light. Time to Chicago, 3 i.j. Jays Time to New York, 4 1-2 days, f Which is manv hours Quicker than r. t littitos. tor rates, time tahles and fuiljjlnformanoa apply to HOME & BAViliMli, Aj?ents, balenj, 1 t R. W BAXTER, C.E. BROWN. General Agent Uist.Pass. Agetl 135 Third Street.l Portland 0. R. & N.kC0. TOTHK KAST GIVES IHE CHOICb cr Two . TranscoriiinentJ Rouioc. Via Spokane Minneapolis at Paul and Utti Vbt Omaha and Kangiis City. Low rates to eastcrnEcitics. F01 full details call on BOISE & BARKER agents', Salem. Oregon, or address. OCEAN DIVISION. Portland San Francisco. Steamers leave Ainsworth dock. Portland Feb' 16 21, 26, and March 3,8, 13, i3, 23 ana 28, Fare Cabin, $12; steerage, (6. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. TORTLAND-SALEM Dally Sa era serv icei titcamer Ruth for Portland. Monday. Wednesday and l'ritiay at to a. rn. Steamer Elmore for Portland Tuesday,,, Thursday and Saturday, at 6:45 a. m. Returning, leavo Ash street dock, Portland, daily exeept Sunday, at 6 a. m. Passengers given transfers to elo:tnc line at Oregon City if dosircd, mak ing it possible to reach l'ortland nt I p. m. CORVALLIS-SALEM ROUTE:- The steamer Ruth for Corvallis, Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday at 4 p. m., returning, lea corvains at 0 a. m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Round trip tickets to all points in Oregon, Washington, California or tho East. Connections mado at Portland with all rail, ocean and river lines, Call on (. M Powers agent, foot Trade street. E. McNEILL, JPrcs. and Manager. i.HURLBUR'l. Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland, Or. For full deta'is call on or address v fip , G.EM. POWERS Foot of Trade st. Local Acent, OREGON CENTRAL j AND Eastern R. R. Company YAQUINA BAY ROUTE." Connecting at Yaajina Bay with the Sa Francisco & Yaquina Bay Steamship Oo, STEAMER ALBANY Leaves Salem for Portland at 10:30 a. m. Tuesdays, Fridays and Sunday!. Leaves Salem for Corvallis, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 3:30 p. m.; STEAMER -FARALLON,'' Sails from Yaquina every 8 days for San 1Vffttilc. fn Ilia. lrtt flrFnwA Tn.MnJ """'""I WVW ", VHUIU, '""UU and Humbolt Bay. urassengor accommodations unsurpassed. Shortest route between the Willamette valley and California, Fare from Albany or points west to Boa Fmnclscot Cabin, $9; steerage, K; to Coo Bay and Fort Or ford, cabin to; to Humbold. Bay, cabin (8; round trip, good 60 days, i6t YAQUINA BAY. The most popular seaside resort on th North Pacific Coast. No undertow sur bathing absolutely safe." For those wishing to combine hunting and fishing with aquatic sports, this resort has no equal. Deer, bear, elk, cougar, brook trout and salmon trout can be found in abundance within a few hours' drive of the bay. (STReduced rates to all points. EDWIN STONE, Manager, Ccrvallis, Or J. C. MAYO, Supt. River Division. M. P. BALDWIN, Local Agent.Altona Dock JSalem. Northern Pacific Railway, "RUNS; Pullman Sleeping Cars. Elegant Dinin Cars'' Tourist SleeoMCarb To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, vugo 'irand Forks, Crookston, Winning, Helena and Butte. fininnrciT tickets To Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia, Nw YOtK, UOSlOn, 7.DU Bit lOlllll East and South For information, time cards, roups an tickets, call on or write TH0MAS,WATr&C0. AGENTS 36s Commercial sneet, SalwijO A. P.' Charlton; tOen'l. JJwffl&E.'l MohUoo iti, coric7"TWfd PottlandaLO w hi