7 'jf wf j maim I GREATEST OF ALL PHYSICIANS, fps&rr3k?r STJtsAT 3-vns ec sxz3t M ASTLCK C.X. Go's : a aaf fti a Discoverer of Paine's Celery Compound to Whom Thousands Owe Their Life and Happiness, la ceckr to get cur handsome new line of Trey" -waists wicrc the people we will offer them at tumjQlf fgT 'ALTOiNA Luwu fir Special ats, namfte m4 1 In MMPtlTrtiC iS!fc RT WAISTS KM mo Orrfl. , --. . . .. gflbie j !-' 11-13 a. m 25 cmrKi k. - a (tftrOtMl ? ga a Jp- a. fr. S. Di- i, Salr X 132 V It Bn W Ce IMr k 3 ?. AftrM. S - . S .e NJrl 0 r sad ic . . r. --- Tmtnfnm RRWiM0W mrav Preacatfa all-- ale at TJpL ta a "! wl at k)a. tw ---' -- '' Y.1 JL at fc i ... Wafcr JuiauMi lMbar. . c x r. InXr Satitk e , V. ;. T. C ma at $ ' tr ewAaBy tartte. T - riM r koaiMnni Ncaa. mm cavftiaa". Xafce'a we rf taw tmeumimg-3$. UbrMaiaSetoam. flaal tot we fat ra towaUf aJ aarti a i aer Quart Hi Ufetrtr rwt. Ms., tStc- ad U eaat per 7wd i Ij" ci rtaiai f rwa II wsr fwlr When You Begin the Spring House Qeaning fn-- i- ten atocfc u Xw drapery Hfc S 7 SewCwaaaaii W teSte. er rard- trw eavtata . 3V. , a ami 9mmU. JHaaii wwfttai moiihteU,U. fB-Mtftj ian4t I ja VM TP aa "a- ' j Tim aae lorBafd at a- rerind Prtrrint M ia Oomausa rrr Ui I I mfctf P in m i n tin li !! i a - ii ' Hetmom bf iter. SMfc- ( Ainccxcafl lMr Queen, . J Dalrymple Co, CJos-r 7Iargin taafcda nm r r ascoi eucu. Oa'OatMUar 9cwu a"uaau, auwtai- pmdaaj f Her, J. Otatw. J- Mt Y3l C &kMir. at TSp J ta Saadar -vJ 12. XL L. E.ata-M. KTAJKCI-K.L rl OavaerSrvcalaetttliaaif CfceaaekU Uea&. (maaar ooi KM t I PfWar At II l4 T rt. f,- UaatorT. P. A-at Ja-au Seai-r V tT. At ia. at- Caioa iio NJter. Eolla?Ita S2SS&f.?a'Pr fair frl - l T'1" at ar f artr. f- atf a-r U4r mH Xr iaurasa TBr ar. . ..... .. - . -...-. ...... AilMJU:. W. A. Lla4t. !j ii Mrl i-ir wf rt a iiw, Haeltt, wtii oreaca. at mt - elow-M lax.a4lwi:-toaa.i'aaaa catnt at amo, jmk r. Mi'immU alt liaaVc Ldt-'fewr at 4 octvek, Traac I--; 4er 4 bfcy ?- ovcniK bxrietf at i, Mumhr are i r . 4nI a ikjI Ma rf fcitcaw ware, i U in Uk-ir peettv u-to. o ) SimafitnMaK4f. lai-fte aual brtat' wita tan ih f-1-)' MaeA: V3ate a e- iia raM'wl 1 1 iii r Mair ji natd aaawMp Va The Crescent Wheel 1m a KM awnJil tat ivraaavw aaj ataw .t mm pries la eacrx iat. & mtmt tw ymrit PM Hat fa Several rxtlet ' triMal iMd wlia we to -efl at itrj rMmM4lr 1ara Wiggins Bazaar S2T, j e4. OZ20OX PEXSOKAUI p. of Meaaasa. U ia tbe J. IV. Irrl Clljr. Mr. K. IL Jaaap te rMUatr (rfaaoa la lvriJaad. Iw. T. L. Gofafea wu la Marfoa to day ? IWMlBatJ AUrT n. R Hlater had laal h tllM( (m OfHit-i rifr -4-a I Uadlwrd A I. Wa'wr, of Uw Wll-ha-Mie. a fWfland uJy. J. it Ytttrv Ml today twtitn Fraa civOf. titdat; via BIhvtk Ui I'uiUaftd. IJert. II. Miller, rrf Eaveoe was la Uie eltjr t4ny en route fur Portland. Dr. W. I!. Iljid HMide a profoi'n&l wrtMt UIr M flen als this wtoraim;. Gar. aad W r. NV. I. IMtl aad ma U'lllle r rWU? In the Meiruprjl. J JI Kyle, of tJ O F. & P. Co., was la Pitrttumd UfUy t;lz ria steaMrr lilawre. J. A. DumKiett, trarella fecreUry for Hie Y. M C. A., eautt ap froai PorUaod today. C. SV. HtuUHuiaij U viiltlRK In Port land, baring hhm? down rla the hlaamar KlNtore today. Jo. Garflut;li wa hmkw the 5a )mhIU coiatf to Portland via Huauwr KlHHtrc HiU tiHirnlmr. W. K. CJwIklfH, onllector for ttaleiu taHi laucdry. It vMUuk In PortlaRd, oxiHCliidK Ui return Sunday erealaj;. 0. M. llUhop and IliMiell Viiiamaa, two U. of 0. siwlenU, hho have Leon rtMtlat; relallVM In 8ali the pest week return U Kttueee Sundaf. Prof, and m. P S. Dunn left Uil murnlnv fwClmrltofi, VamiilH county, where Mrs. Dunn will ronmiH fur home time for a visit with Iter parwiU and other retatlvee. Mr Dunn Imn a I infMt entirely reeovered from her re centMirlouslIlueM. W. II. Dauncey. lineman for the OroRon Telephone Oo , was In Wood- burn today for the purpose of re-locat-ln the branch onice at that iUre occasional by the removal of Mr. luli' dru (vtubllfhiimnt In whleu the 'phunc van located . triumte m& miztilrtr, Swtkw wi. jt c etiaaed Ui ara the w?t ev-r. alsetit, watcft ue cdeuaas f r fvxtber aUees I roai day to day. aaaemxx saxwoB. Beery Kaoday at ias.M. Wed aiiiday at 2b p. m., at 2M Litxrty Meet. The aMeUa areeoadoeted by the tadeot of a aoraeal eourv jrradoated ( toe Metaptijeizal C'A in. BhUo. Mae., foaaded by Rer. j Mary Baker Eddy, dtoeorerer aod Ir'Mioder A (JbrMUaa Srieaee. Tbe are eeraiauy larited to aueaa Bietaai:. BBGDt TOWK2BT. i At tbe Firrt Baptit church. Rev. j K. A Liodoey will betrln a srkaSO i MMetlom wblch will he erjotlaaad tbruoeh all of next week. Mr. Llad hnj tu beeo dolar flood work Uiruagto oat Orefoo aod enmt to Haleai to eootiooe hi Ubort at lore, Mr. LJad y diw not work uoder Ury or eoa txaet bat depend entirely upon waal H freety Kireo to niui to sjpaort blw la hi work. MONDAY AND TUESDAY All ner. fresh goods, 257 Commercial st Underwear sale. A Prices That Must Suit! Men's shoes from 90c up. j Ladies' shoes from 90c up, Misses shoes from 5c up, Mens suits from S3,35 up, Boys' suits from 75c up, i Underwear, all kinds and sizes, at your own price, "BxeepUag Me aaadfal of ?aif- cast stataaea and Its UilllUry r M. C. A. aTATK DAY. Ooce ezti ytr tbe dlUerent as-oci-aUoas to tbe Paeltae Horttwesi set aide a Saoday afternoon fneetlng for the preeoUiiloo of the work for young ateo in UiU ditttrJct. The aieeUov' tit tbe V M C A. rooms Saaday after new will be held in tbe latere of tbe work throughout tbe fleld, and tbe addree will be delivered by the Trayeliut; Hecretarr, Mr. Jaiues A. Dumaielt Sporisl atuie ha been arranged fur tbe occasion by tbe Metborti&t eboir under tbe direction of Prof. K II. Heritage. All Members and their frieodi are urvH to be on Imod at the Msrvlce Sunday al 4 p. m Reciul Prof. VmUct" Cla. The Lim ntet ai usual this moral ns at II o'clock. Ileadlas of minutes Ilertba Junk Current Musical New Prof. Wink ler. Mu4e Study In Germany, by Amy Fay Metu Davis. Sttftc-Forai in Muiteal Ooapotiltloa Prof. Winkler. Sooal.lwby Knblau A snag Gilbert. HanuU B Minor-Haydn-May Til oa. SahluwHiorlledSeliaauHR Annie Atwood. Vatee C sharp Cbootn Ilerdle Woudln. Three Mlectioos froai Op. 12 Sehu waas lleatrtee Bbellon. Valso eaprlea Uhamlnade Nettle lleckner. Wiinkr TO?-For picture tromliiK or artist materials vu to 110 Cmirt Hlteol open Iioukc block. U-2t With tub Kpisoopal Ladiws. Tlie Ladleo Auxiliary of tbe Su Paul's Rpiocoiwl ehurch held their regular monthly lueelin Friday afternoon on which occasion they were pleas antly entertained by Mrs. S. R. Hou lt al her home. No. 400 Cotl'e street. After the uual amount of luialriA&d f iittt. linn nriiiiiiiliif An flitrln; the past monlh had been disponed of. a plfawnl mkjIuI chat was indulged I In after wilch delicious refreslimenU wert ttorved. The afternoon was one wunw a new drew nnd a pair of new'0' t,lc '"p1 plsant lu the history of khoe Hhe Keta thr newoet and t8tl,,flaux,,,arr of each here. beroeb" says the most recent writer npon America, "tbe people owe more to Daruaoath's pbystoian-ieacber than Ui any ooe man. "In erery walk of life, aiooo,,' the bhrheat oOJcebolders at Waabintftoo, in the homes of the test people In the lanre cities, among tbe every day folk of tbe country, families la comfortable circumstances, families that 'lire from band, to mouth' and could not. If they wished, afford the iervlces of any but an ordinary -physi cian everywhere I have met people to whom Paine's celery compound has been a biefeim?." Thehtoryof the life-work of this giant aiooop men has been of ten told and U familiar to most readers. The likeness .above Is probably the best portrait of him yet printed. It was the world-famed discovery by Prof. Phelps of an Infallible cure for those fearful Ills that result from an Impaired nervous system and Impure blood which lias endeared the trreat doctor to the world, and made hl life oat true peclnc recognized and pre an era In the practice of medicine, ! Hhwi tv hv ,iMi ,,, Prof. PhelpS was born in Conneetl- " today by eminent practitlon cut and graduated in medicine at ers toT diseases arising from a debili Yale. tated nervous system. Prof. Phelps His oaasoal taleat sooa brought him' reputation aod prominence amoas hi profeasioaal brethren. First be was elected -to tbe professor ship of aoatomy aod sursery ' l Vermont aaiTerslty. Next he was appointed lecturer oo materia medica aad medical botany in Dartmouth college. Tbe next year be was chosen professor of the chair then vacated by Prof. Hobby, aod occupied tbe chair, tbe most important one in the coun try, at tbe time when he first formu lated his most remarkable prescription. In rle of the overwhelming testi mony t the 'Value of Paine's celery compound that has recently appeared from men and women of national rep utation, the picture of Prof, Phelps is particularly interesting. Tbe fact is Paine's celery compound Is not a patent medicine; it is not a sarsapariila; It is not a mere tonic; it is not an ordinary nervine it is as far beyond them all as the diamond is superior to cheap glass. It makes people woll. It is the gave to his profeiuo a positive cure for sleeplessoe, wasting strength, dyspepsia, biliouine&sliver complaint, neuralgia rheumatism, all nervous diseases and kidney troubles. For all i such complaints Palne.s celery com tpjuuu uas succeeuea again ana again i where everything else has failed. No remedy was ever so hishly rec ommended, because none ever accom plished so much. Today Paine's celery compound stands without competition for feed ing exnausted nerves and building up tbe strength of tlie body. It cures radically and permanently. Tbe nerv ous prostration and ceneral debility from which thousands of women suf fer so long that it finally gets to be a second nature with tliem-all this suffering and despondency can be very soon removed by properly feeding the nerves and by replacing the unhealthy blood oya fresher, more highly vital ized fluid. A healthy increase in ap petite and a corresponding gain m weichtand good spirits follow the use of Paine's celery compound. Paine's celery compound is the most remarkable medical achievement of im " " of the nineteenth centurr. I iUaUU n h t mm!?mm'mimrm mm "" " ' "" Racket Store, THE CAPITAL SOAP WORKS LAUNDRY, Successors to S.iem S-ap and Chemical Works. TOILET AND TAR SOAPS. AND SAL SODA. SA.Cn33M:9 - OriESG-O-Xr. Patronize Homeilndustrv. Always Ask for Salem Soap. FRED ACHILLES, - - PROPRIETOR. tyj ik ',?Aivc2j: Special C Uacght is tub Act. A long, lank and half starved fellow was seen dis appearing with one of George Bros.' l&ent meals, this noon. He wu promptly taken Into custody, but he advanced the 15 cents and was al low edUigoundlslurbed. Reduction Coupon ! The Summer Girl Our new shoes arc here. Lace and button Shoes i n reds and blacks, for ladies, mis' s e s and -lilldren, Heirtburfl cured bv Dawto's Bitter U1I7YGL.K MHS6K.S'OEHfi.ProHipt de ll very or note and paekugos. King tuleplHMie 40 or blue boxeg. -- - -i i Money - making? Why not? The more the better. Schilling's Best eac luMSHlnill mkIa Mm uhn make money for everybody make money for you by WILLIS BROS. CO. ?."" lt Court and Liberty, ibeCuh Dry tioodi ' Clothing and ii hoa Home. Harritt &Lawtencc Pushing Work. The alleys in the uiocks Detween state ana C'nemeketa streets have been ordered cleaned up by the authorities. This is only a starter, as all purLs of the city will be trken up as rapidly as possible. Octstanding Yakrants. The to tal of outstanding warrants in Marion county endorsed up to April 1st was 31,S44.5. The interest on the same on April 1st was 35,149.29. ?Ufu- ttr.i a O.A. Wtt-WTA . SF isa-. ii tin iwsy ifjtt Grand Easter Opening at the "Nonpareil." Headers of The Journal are re quested to cut this ad. out and pre sent it at the "Nonpuriel" Easter millinery opening and secure tbei great reduction In prices on spring ! wool suits, including best naw midsummer advanced style. ,,, .. , s ' kkouc-iok cxwpoN. j iue uniiorms, wnen you can , , get your pick of 20 different styles of men's all wool suits. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. Why pay $12 to $16" for EASTKK OKBRTIXO. All are cordially Invited to attend the "Fl RST GRAND OPEN ING' ever held in Salem, for children aid the little ones, at the 4N ONl'Altl F. L" ON WEDNRSHA V and THURS DAY, APRIL 14TII AND 16TII. Misses. Childron and Ha by hats and bonnets, will be displayed ami soW at spec ial prleas In make it a groat Obluot to attoad and buy at tills oponlng. Do mtt forgot the iHaee or date. NONPAREIL. 317 Oonime-rqla. gtreot, Salem, Or. 10 td MTLLrNERY, Our Spring Opening a won derful success, Over five hurv dred ladies availed themselves ot the opportunity to see ex clusive styles and dainty effects shown by the "Nonpareil," 317 Commercial street Fisn aod ous aga: Patton Brothers, Rubber Stamp Headquarters I & j very Sale of 2200 yards of $. Jaconette Lawn, $ JTllct rutaivo JlA.t. "CI flinr XeTv Yo b oO pieces of these celebrated goods. Every piece different. Al new patterns, 32 inches wide, regular 10 cent value. We got them at special sale and we will sell them the extremely low price of 5 cents the yard, T. HOLVEKSON. (g -w. i - Never sold in any house for less than S12, all out in one lot at S7.50. Any reason you should not dress well, BEN SELLING, Assignee of J. M. Moyer (Jo, Third and Oak streets, Port land, Or. FOUND- 1 : I rte ucr; VBvxrgg ggTgjggj ; UUI j I I curealbucketofthnf delicious K good umbtcll. Owner mxy ae bv callicc at this office, nrav. tog fxvfeity lad pjr for this notice. l-3t D-or flflRRITT JOllll ! & LAWRENCE thing to the rub ber line of stamps made to order, Best of work is guaranteed. Look over the lol' lowing lists and place your o der with us. Hand Stamps, Pelf Inkers, Daters, Numbering Machine, autcgraphs, monograms, pock et stamps, ru bber stamps Hold ers, stamp ink (all colors no tary seals, stencils etc. We guarantee our prices are lower than any rubber stamp, firm on the coast, and that tbe work that our tirra turns out Is the best and gives tbe dearest lm pressslon. P. S. Use the Sponge cushion rubber stamp We are sole agents. Patton Brosr Rubbea Stamp Headquarters, 95 State st. . EGGS FOR SALE Froa fine pen of imported B. P. R? coie of pullets 90.91,, 9itf, 9jY. -)0 per setung of 13. Bamd dou tacj" AhoSlrer Spingled Hmbaig, pwfj mngsuck. Jipersettiog, J.W.HWJ; Teffersca, Or. 4 nd&rio tit wHtmmmwmmipi!ggtj!M&