METALLICS Discuss Some Live Questions, Judge Boise Shows the Importance of Reducing Rates of Interest There was a. good attendance at the Salem Bimetallic Union Thursday night- The question of Japan cut ting the gold dollar in two was dis cussed. Judge It. V. Boise said the question of Interest was more important to the people than even a change In the financial system. He showed that the treasurer's report showed the amount of Interest received on the school fund was $370,103.29, or 8183, 031.40. If reduced to 0 per cent It would reduce our annual Interest charge $43,000. The Interest goes to support schools. It Is loaned to fanners, who already pay most of the taxes to support schools. The Salem city debt amounts to $1 19,000 bonds. There are $0,000 street bonds and also $47,000 warrants, or $12,500 annually at 0 per cent, but as warants draw 8 per cent the total was more. This showed where our money was going. Judge Boise estimated that the people, of Oregon, were In debt $84,000,000, or one-half the as sessed valuation. We paid $1,080,000 interest per annum, and to reduce the legal rate of Interest to six per cent, would have been a saving of $330, 000, If reduced 2 per cent. If reduced 3 per cent we would save $304,000, and brokers would charge no more com mission on loans at 5 per cent than at 10 per cent loans as made now. In the last decade the Interest collected was greater each year than the total In crease In wealth in our country. The total increase in wealth was shown to have been about the sum of $22,000, 000,000, while the Interest paid was $32,000,000,000, or a loss of $8,000,000, 000 over all wealth gained in ten years. England wiped out her public debt at seven per cent and converted it into three per cent consols. We mnstdo the Mime. We were paying a four percent tax with a two percent in come Our property paid two to three percent, while we paid eight to ten percent Interest. lie said that the greenback and national bank note were identically the same, the government being back of both of them, but the bank note haying a burden of Interest back of It, while the greenback cost no interest. We had $1,000,000,000 of money of all kinds besides $600,000,000 of gold. The rest was paper and silver. If all our money were issued direct instead of through the banks, it would save us over $00,000,000 a year interest, which in the life of a man amounted to a sum that was simply incalculable. The rate of interest should not be higher than the earning power of money. If it was higher money was dlstructlvc and a powerful engine of evil, gathering into the hands of capi tal the earnings of labor. The power to coin money was lodged In the government. There was no class of men so dangerous to any country as those who controlled Its money. With proper exertion wo could secure a re duction In the rate of interest in Ore gon, that would save to the people of this state millions of dollars. It was the pressing need of the hour, G. P. Cadwell also spoke on the subject of usury and declared it was condemned by holy writ as unlawful. At the close of the year 18G0 the national debt was over $2,000,000,000, At the latest accounts we had paid 84,440,000,000 interest and principle. Today more than 10,000,000 of Ameri can people were worse off than chattel slaves. They were cared for by their owner and he fed and paid their doctor bill, while the industrial slave of today was starving and paying his own doctor -bills. Over 211,000,000 acres of land had been given away to corporations who had sold It back to the people. The Jewish nation had been destroyed and scattered over the face the earth, and now they are ruining our country by the same process. Following resolution was offered and debated, but went over for a final vote to the next Thursday evening meeting: fcesolyed, that It Is the sense of the Salem Bimetallic Union, that the legal rate of lutercst In this stale should not be to exceed six per cent, with the contract rate at, not to ex- cjccI ti lit rerceut. Free Silver Republicans. Lincoln, Neb.. The Tree Sllyer Republican party of Nebraska was launched here this afternoon. The convention had been called by mem bers of the party now In the leglsla laturc. About forty delegates wcic present- Only twelve delegates weie present from outside of Lincoln. Judge Gregory, of Omaha, wag sel ected to attend the meeting of the provisional National committee, to be held June 8. A state central com mittee was formed, with L. O. Pace and W. B. Price, both of Lincoln, as chairman and ;secretary respectively. The state committee is made up of eighteen members, three from each congressional district. Cheap Papek. The Jouunal has just received a large shipment of pa per at a price so cheap we dare not publish it. The bill was discounted some which made it come cheaper, but suffice to say that there Is little excuse for charginc the old prices for newspapers. The Daily Jouunal at $3.00 a year, and the Weekly at $1.00 a year arc the cheapest papers of general circulation in Oregon and still printed at a profit. Mr. A. J. Chichester of Unity Lane county attacked a skunk the -other day, but the animal got away and run under a rock. Bj t.ils time ills dog came to the rescue. He then raised the rock so the dog could get the skunk and as the dop ran under the rock, he let It fall, kill ing both dog and skunk. The following hop contracts were filed at Ilillsboro on March 30th; William Bagley, sr., contracts 20,000 pounds to Charles S, May & Co., ol Albany, N.Y.; J. P. Young, of Sher wood, to some party, 7000 pounds; E. O, Malloy to Lilienthal & Co., of San Francisco, 13,000 pounds; C. W. Wet more, of Laurel, to Lilienthal & Co., 10,000 pounds. The price called for in all of the contracts is 7 cents a pound, with an advance of 3 cents at picking time. m On The Front Row. In seaich Ing lor a house where superior good? are handled, you will always Und Bran son & Co., on the first row. Thcli groceries give universal satisfaction. o . JSS.Xu'i.. Us hc- llnilj ttgutnio ii oi &si?tyfs&c&M wi? You should trv Dawson's Bitters. No pen can describe Ida Fuller's dances. Pack the opeia house, Friday night. You can lind most any shade in "Perfection" Dyes, and the color Is permanent. Druggists have them for sale. tf The Southern Pacific Railroad Com pany paid taxes at Jacksonville Tues day to the amount of about $10,000. the road-bed Is assessed at $10,000 a mile, but the company paid on a val uation of $3000. They paid on the full assessed value of the rolling stock and depot grounds, and on land, at 30 cents an acre. This is only a part of the taxes claimed by the county and there will probably be a long lawsuit. Tie aream cm Fonce de Leon was that he might dis cover the fountain of perpetual youth. He died searching for it. The fountain he was looking for was an impossibil ity, unnatural ai d chimerical. The nearest thing to the fountain of perpet- lal youth is a loun ain of perpetual, erfect nealtn Health keeps people Touns. Sickness makes them old. Health means first fof all, strength and regularity in the di creative functions. Put indigestible mat ter into the stomach, and it is likely to find lodgment in the bowels. It will stop their action. Poi sonous, refue mat ter, which should have been thrown off. is retained in the body, and as it cannot go any place else, more or less of it gets into the blood. That's constipation. It is such a wonder fully simple thing that peopje do not regard it seriously. They let it run on, let it grow worse, become chronic, and show itself all over the body in fifty ways before they con sider it important Constipation causes nine-tenths of all human ailments. Its first symptoms do not seem very serious, but even they are very disagreeable. A few of them are sour stomach, flatulence, heart burn, distress after eating, .foul breath, coated tongue, dizziness, palpitation or the heart, sick and bilious headaches, general lassitude and debility. When any of these symptoms show themselves, you should immediately take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel lets, according to directions. They are tiny, sugar-coated granules, made on purpose to cure constipation They do this perfectly and quickly, and they are the only prepara tion in the world that will do it. There are plenty of medicines that will give relief as long as you keep on taking them, but you can't stoD. They don't cure ; they give merely temporary relief. Doctor Pie"' Pleasant Pellets eive immediate relief and 1 produce a pcrnantnt cure. I I JllJi wWH A tilmNuJ LTHTiDMia v mi - w( PASlTlRUi ' " ' ' "" '" " ' "' I'll., ii".'. .' m i liTTiTT flR eBetablcPrcparattonTor As similating ihcTood artdRcgula ling thcStamflchs andBowils of mumwzE& Promotes TJigeslion.Cheerful ncss andRest.Contalns neither OpiumMorphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Rtape orOidJk-SXMUHimMa stlxScruia stniiiSctd Jlpptrrruit m Hi CartonabSala, f arm fit d -Ctmfu Stfftrr . hirtHjrrcn fTatvn Apcrfcctncmcdy for Constipa tion, Sour Slomach.Diarrhoca, end Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY" OF WRAPPED. Ha- -.wn TALKINGTON, BOTTGER: &1 CO. STOCK AND GRAIN -EXCHANGE- 108 2COTJRTB STREET SALEM, - - OREGON Telephone JNO.J68, St eevens Fruit PATENT PENDING. Fruitgrowers are invited to investigatejbefore buying! or,' building a drier.My,lclaim are; I, unuixmcu capacity. a, ucupuc:Bui uuuauuuiiuu. j. xuuiu piuuucuuu. 4. xasy cheapness and simplicity of process. JWrite'm-for testimonials and experience of grawers who are using the Steevcns since twojyears.jg Estimates and j specifications furnished ordriers built. Address G. A. STEEVENS, Salem, Or. The Best is Not too Good. There never wns a truer saying than that "The best is not too good" when speaking of the accommodations for a long overland journey and therefore it will be well for the traveller going east to remembei that he will be very weary when he gets to St. Paul or Minneapolis, and that he should make a wise choice of routes from there to Chicago or Milwaukee. The Wisconsin Central trains run between these points making close con nections with nil trains at both terminals.! Posted travellers seek this route for many reasons, one of which is, they can get a well cooked m:al at a moderate price, and eat it at leasure as they speed to their destination. Addrrss Geo. S. Batty, General Agent, 246 Stark street, Portland, Or., or Tas. C. Pond, General! Passenger agent, Milwaukee, Wis. or apply to your nearest ticket agent. tf The color given cloth by "Perfec tion" Dyes does not fade or crock. Insist on having "Perfection Dyes. For sale by all druggists. tf Dawson's Bitters for indigestion. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tiefio ilalli ClgMtBIt cf if 01 ffict&JUte. Meals on the European Plan. The fdollar-a-meal method of operating (lining cars is no longer in vogue on the Bur lington route. Some thing better has taken Its place. Meals are now served on the European plan You pay only for what you order. The pay-for what you' rder way Is the only right way to run adinini! car. It Is In L'T operation all over the Burlington System St. Paul to Chicago. Denerto Chicago. Uenverto St. Louis, Kan6asCIty to Chi cago. Prices are reasonable and the service is as good as it can be. A, C, SHELDON, G. A., PorUand.O.; z&, uTrnrnrvcmir THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEEY BOTTX05 OE1 Cactcth la put up in one-cits bottles only. It Is not sold ia bulk. Don't allow anyons to tell you anything else on the plea or promlie that it is "jnst as good" and "will answer every pur pose." 3- Beo that you got 0-A-B-T-0-B-1-A. The t tin2 yvZ Tj , " li ti cf ' - vrippw, Salem Steam Laundry Please notice thejeut in prices on the foiiowingj Shirts, plain , 10 cents Under drawers Under shirts.. 5 to 10 cent 5 to 10 cents bocks, per pair. 3 cents Handkerchiefs I cent Silk handkerchiefs 3 cents Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per dozen, and other work in proportion. Flannels and other workfinJJ telligently washed by hand, CoL.T, Olmsted', Prop, SO TEARS EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS DE8IQN8, OOPYRIOHTS Ac. Anyone Bending a. sketch and desert ptlon ror quickly uoertaln. free, whether an Inrentlon la probablr patentable. Communication atrtctlf confidential. Oldest agency foraecurtng' patents in America. We hare a Waablngton offlo. Patenta taken through llunn & Co. receive special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, te&utlfullr llluitrated. largest circulation of tnr sdeatlflo journal, weekly, terms 13.00 a year; tuOslz months. Bpoclmen copies and ILLHD llooK on Tatents sent free. Address MUNN & CO., 301 Ilronduav, Now York. MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS vwuxvjsir ovna orr,ImpoUncy,8IerlMiiM,etiiaojil brAbuMOnrt other owm an ladU- creiioa. .." " Ufa!! hsiam rtt Vitality in old or roan. mmA fit a man or itudy,baiUiM or murrUf. nj iu eu Ukeain time. Their bm shows lmmsdUU (mprors. mint and effects a CUBE whewsOl other U& U sUtapon harlni the mniM A4 TaUetsTJae have curedthooMnds and will onre yoa, W efo mmiLiTB wriiieii kusmiw w ., . v orraunu ww""-vs L UfluAn Mnta nskF IX pocKBcev 11 plain wrapper AJAA Kcincu r j cuet, Uh rorsaleat Salem, Oregon, by P. ); FRY IDDD POISON A SPECIALTY tiary IILOOD 1'OISON p 'rimarr.KAA. oodarrorTjin. tlarr 1ILUUU 1'OISON Mramnn. cured In 15 to 84 dsxs. Von can be treated at home for some price under same guaraa tr. if toq orefer to oomeberawa trill Ann. tract La Darrallroadfareandhotalhiiii ,. Docharee.lf we fall to euro. If you bar. taken iuer cary, Iodide potash, and still hare ccbea and raios,Mucou i-aicnee in mourn, sore Xftroat. 'Imples, Copper Colored HpoU, Ulcers on any pan oiug pony. uir 01 out, It Is tbls Secondary any part cf the body, Hair or Eyebrow, JOlj PCHHIlt we ku rantee to cure, we solicit tbe most obstl- ollcltt tlia na case we canuot euro, tois disease Has always tallied the skill of the most esOaaat nliysW 19 caeca nuu cuiuoukd us vror. for 11 claus. 800 Uonslirnaraolr. sppllcatton. At INI JatMWwiw OMHoaeMasa i SEE Dryer ijmTJES iti r""Ti r- 1 nSLlTBttSk. A till irvfuvuf . " f - B 1 .t"rr ""iji uur naconai. , 4iselateproofesntSalsdea idresa cooummmoTiSaZ MBHaaaMMim ir-i. - THE ONLY ONE CENT DAILY ON THE PACIFIC COAST. CIRCULATION Of the Daily Journal Increased 75 Per cent. Following letters need no explana tion: Salkm, Or., Feb. 2o, 1807. H. F. Bonhatn, 1 M., .Salem, Or: Heak Siu: Will you not please to advice us If the weights of malls now received from the Daily Jouhnal arc fully 75 per cent moie than a year agoat this time. As we have not in creased the size of the Daily Jouk nal during the past year, we wish to estimate the comparative Increase In circulation, by the coinpaiatlvc weights mailed. Yours very truly, IIOFEK L'llOTHEHS, Editors. Salem, Or., Feb. 2o, 1807. Editor Dally Journal: Dear Siu: The weights of malls now received from the Daily Jouit nal are fully 75 per cunt more than u year ago at this lime. Respectfully, B. F. Bonham, P. M. By J. A. Sellwood, P. M. The circulation of the Portland Telegram is stated nt 2500 copies dally. The average circulation of The One Cent Daily has been for sometime larger than that and the Weekly Jouunal lias a largercirculatlon than ever before. The Jouunal is now established as the paper having the largest clrcula tlon In Oregon, next to the Oregonian. Advertisers arc invited to inspect our lists of subscribers, and arc reminded that our mail bubscrlptlons are all paid in advance, and that such are a desirable class of peoplo to do business wllh. They take this paper because they want it, not because it is forced upon them, and they can't get rid of It. The Journal outsold all other pa pers In Oregon during the legislative session. THE ONLY ONE DOLLAR WEEKLY IN OREGON. II 5 2-2 o o S'- o.-.n o 5 U tJMirCjK.3.-.C)fc1rf 3 Jt p. S.?-K-5,r o Bo aio H .-StQ i-i Cf s." 2 S -.9 p o oJSrrPn-" a 3 2. oQr intnkdKiibi K K"53 P- T? a P K. .T.a J- i a 5 " in".?S". m e-pS.-o pw o o 8-ftB.a f.TZ ii o 2. 3 p sT"a f"1 Sn m-4 ii r? : I. I! u tj -n u V7 y; u tj- P6 S-u, 8.5.3 o p a a " ZlL BtrS'j5'rt5' r- - - c p. .1 euv.n a- .Easl oS'Sr" M B- 2 p g K rr . n K'S ?.? s-fc'v pea 2 i a W H H'O Wtip - Cf - ii O -s w Zi &B up . hS p "S 5 S S3 , 3" p 8 r, -4 Threc'months by 3TNo papers sent 1 I PEOPLE'S SIM PAPER, Thk JotlKAL has three times the cliculation in On con of Any diily and weelcljrln Oregon except . Scott's paper st Portland. It is recognized hv Silver men and voters of the Pr ties' ft (hi cbsropion of tbe I'e pie's caete in this state. You can afford to help support one Bimetallic state paper ( Every issue is devoted Jto building up JbU cause among tb masses of the People. Hopek Bros. publishers. Salem, Or h rcw,rvy;rr;,mia) sr. Trrmrinf flTiiMisg an 2 i 3 b-b B do rr SLq.2 S 55r. a 8 - &P 8 mm 1 &M B.B. c-a P.9 & P. j3 c.K'O S'n i" k p sit1 S Sl-F1 H a ETP l- k U .. m o OAt - p 3 P " u O pv5 d - ! &BSlg,Sn ' 2 S S 2 llli mailzfc; cne yi nr t, beyond time paid for, 1IL - Vflrtpimsinirh - Through Tickets TO THE BAST! VIA THE Ikuon Pacific Sybiern I hrough I'ullman 1'airtce Sleepers. Touns Sleepers and Free Kechning Chai" !,y bctw cen ' Portland o Chicago Oar trains are heated b steam at d lighted by l'intsc I light. rime to Chicago, 3 i.i jays Tinie to New ork, 4 1-2 days. P Which is many hours quicker than cc rx pttitont. For rates, time tables ami lull' inlorinamn apply to WISE Ji JfA.h'l:it, niti, Siieui, O , K.U BAXTER. C.E. HROWN. General Agent Dit.i'ass. Agcnl', 35 T bin! Street I'mtlnnd 0. R. k N. CO. I'll lllh LAST UlVEb Till-. lli .s.fc iwo 1 ranconiifionr J RouL:. Via i olcanu MintunvjMjas ,-t i'aul si d lJsn vtr Omaha auj J(.an City. 1jw rattit o casteniJcith'S. K01 full details call cu BOISE & BARKER agents, Salom. Oregon, or address. Portland San Francisco. Steamers leave Atnswnrth rWt lnr4lfinn FeW 16 21, 26, and March 3, 8, 13, 18, 23 pad 38, Fare Cabin, $12; steerage, 16. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. PORTLAND-SALEM Daily S cmj seiv ice: Htsamcr Ruth for Portland, Monday, Weduesday and Friday at 10 a m. Steamer Elmore for Portland Tuesday,,, Thursday and Baturday, at 6:45 m- Returning, leave Ash street dock, Portland, daily CxeeptlSunday, At 6 a. IT1. PflCCrnn-ar mvsn trnnfira tn. eloctric line at Oregon City If doslrcd, mak- i"K " poBsiDie to rcacn 1'ortiand at I p. m. CORVALLIS-SALEM ROUTE:- The steamer Ruth for Corvallis, Tuesday, Thurs. day and Saturday at 4 p. m., returning, lea Corvallis at 6 a. m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Round trip tickets to all points in Oregon, Vashingion, California or the East. Connections made at Portland vvith all rail, ocean and river lines, Call on G. M . Powers agent, foot Trade street. e.; McNeill,, IPres. and Manager. W. H. HURLDURT. Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland, Or. .Fnr full deta'is call on or address r fT G. M.' POWERS Foot of Trade st. Local Agent. OREGON CENTRAL ,AND , . Eastern R, R. Company IYAQUINA BAY ROUTE." Connecting at Yaqjlna Bay with the Sa Francisco & Vaquina Bay Steamship Co. STEAMER ALBANV-Leaves Salem for Portland at mnn tn. TTr1,tf and Sundays. Leaves Salem for Corvallis. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 3130 p. m. STEAMER FARALLON," Sails from Yanuina every 8 days for San Francisco. Coos llav. Port fli-fard. Trtnldnrl and Ilntnliolt TIxt. KQPassenger accommodations unsurpassed. guuiiHiiuuicutiwccn inc uniamcue vaiiey and California, Fare from Alhan or nolnlii writ tn Run Frandscot Cabin, $9; steerage, $S;toCooa uy nuu tun wriora, caoin o; 10 Jtiumooiil. Bay, cabin fS; round trip, good 60 days, Ji6t YAQUINX BAY. Tliemost popular seaside resort on thk North Pacific Coast. No undertow sur bathing absolutely safe.; For those wislilmr tn rnmhln hunting nnri fishing with aquatic sports, this resort has no equal, uecr, oear, cik, cougar. urooK trout and salmon trout can bt found in abundance within a few hours' drive of the bay. Etncancea rates to an points. EDWIN STONE, Manager, Ccrvallis, Orl I. C. MAYO, Supt. River Division. M. P. BALDWIN, Local Agent.Altona Dock Salem. Northern Pacific Railway,, runs: I'ullman Sleepln'Cars. Elegant Dlnln Cars Tourist SleeolnofiCarb To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, taigo 'Jrand Forks, Crookston, Winnipeg, iieienaanu uutte. THROUGH TICKETS To Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia, Nw voric, sioston, ana an 1 own East and South " 2For information, time cards, msps an tickets, call on or writa THOMAS, WATT & C0, AGENTS' ";'f 365 Commercial srreet, Salem, Or. ,. A. D. Charlton, Asst. Oen'l. J'asscAgV Morrison St., corner Third 1'ertUr.d, Or' "HTismsftsiT'