3T af -" SJH 'H - L TES 1 r ' f. ft Daily Capital Journal ME COHFIRMEa. fliGESSlliL w BY KOKSR BROTHER' fTKnSTH?DAl. MABCH I". 1? JOUEJf AT. "Z HAYS. fKree-ed Usoa fls. Ore w Pfctim J Psbfe Kes. 1hfYjr Mr memm te ckr. I4ge Hewitt Approves Sale, OCSafem itoier Raiforsy. PregertjrjTks B&rida.SeftalMs .Cedstiais Tras&r ed lt4zj. Wfca erer fcaewaf a mm wart aUA tm te Uattof Ste saa? TfceftreeUMrfalky of Jfcleiaa fijb&i-feaafaz. Mr. Mayor a4 TOT, K50 VT IT a well a aayoee m fcr-. feat U, ft at Ut jmmr tUm. Ut say party bes& nSM ivmtmX. I'tQBmtT bat a r ay riy UtzliH;atflr8s-llmttrx the city Krwri al p. That a ibaw awJ the Medtord papsr etonM be po4fBed fr pttMfettlcz cadi dlirxacefsi pKctedlaz. At L Aojrekr treJardredot: Jte en are telnjr put to wcrlc at a dvifer a da, making a rwtdway In the pb Ifc park. Ssleru cwW t jrxl adrar tae etnptoy all her Idle Men at a aprjnr clean up. Diyou want Ut know what Jeffor mdUo simplicity l? Here Is a sample; ltcat WC09 tt loauxaraU; Tar. JfiBrrwn president, while Uk expenw of McKlnley'i InautfHnUloa in eald to bare amounted to Z&)JMi. Frotpstilj ba mruclc ibe court bcmse. ItMtearl of one Janitor who uvJ to do all the work, a day Janitor I now employed be4de a nljtht Jan itor. The day wan keep up the lire In the Tarloud room. It worked a hardship on the offlclals harinirto keep up Are. The Orejfonlan In looming Jode V, h. Pipe "trold democrat' for the rarant United BUtes JudKothip In Collfornla to succeed Attorney Gen eral McKenna. A Democrat paper tayn lie should hare It the devil Is entitled to his just dues and the triltor to Mie prioa of lit-t in famy. Reprewntatlre Harvey S, Hudaon, of WashlnKUjn county, Is sufTerlnK In-teriH-ly ut the home of his father at Forest Grove, from n oroiiesat the juncture of the collar-lxmc and shoulder-blade. Ho Intense Is the pain that It confines him to his bed. While In attendance at the legisla ture he contracted typhoid fever, and has never fully recovered. There Is a general desire among the county judges, In the counties that have a large floating debt, to not pay In ttjclr state tax until there Is mhiic tliow It Is Kolnif to be ucedud,or ut least until home appropriations are made. ir the money Is to He Idle In the state treasury, It mlht betU'r bo put Ut AOiitc use by t he counties that are In debt to top payment of interest and relieve the burden of tho taxpayers, than l used for speculation by n syn dicate. That has been done In the pjst and 11,000 000 will not He Idle In tho staUi treasury long without Its bcliitf clone again. It Governor rd atulSccretary Kin cald succeed In outllng oft tnc uscloss commissions, normal school appropria tions mid similar treasury suckers, then the non-organlzatlon of the lojr Islalure will prove tho KWitost lloM Inff I he stale has experienced for years. That the courts will sustain tho po slllou Uikeu bv IIiom) oillclulH Is the wish or im per cent of tho taxpaylng population of Ort'Kou. The above Is front in country paper Hut h hut do the courts can) firtho IHioploy In all Ihi'so haul times what court has reduced Its expenses one cent? Don't all speak at onuc, hut ruully ve'd like Ui irallt)0U vMt t least one net of economy. llOAIII). Al Mhktinu (ivHaito tjunfKtiVJj'Uci tm7 tlio Ixurd of ill reufors for Mli6ldlstrlet No. 'M, w 111 ,tx:0ur tliijlgetljiil of a clerk for whit It '"poslllon Uiorunro live appHoaui, vlns Hoolt yoitrtti, the present Incumbent j W. II. Ulddoll, Mllloit Connor, V. II. UiMleniirnd K. s. Kller. Oncndvcrtis -ment ou'ht to mnkcyuu m' to your grocer: ' Give me a package of Stc?ili("'s Kt tea, if you cat) veally afford to rejurn inyigncjy when I don't like it." A StMIIi It CvmpAaf tot AX lb mHW isfmrtmmt Jim 2. l-4j ztotrmmm, im&yt II. H.IIew Ht. madtmtd On tmU mt Uk SaUrn Mlm rsflr by BHtw B. C. Gt mer tm Askhs Xsms, lsUstf tMA s In t i(reHr UeSa iem CmmoUmmU 3U Jtottwwy Oa. im tryvtUmic uUteumctik9fmtntt Use xmd, Ncoetrer OiHswr nxom- memd'td Ue qwstr ttom ut Use le. TlM; arw niiwiMt amtntd twmtnMp of tbe "Itule lleM is omlv. TW ttro ruswfe will hzop rW)d wftlKHrt any cSunmm ia tbe mM4wU for Uw prrwot at ie. Wtttrm Urn teqmlmmemt Uriht bast itrrtr Ut tbt ptlttms o( the two roads tare l"m amertmtmeA, idrt cttaoes la tlw xHwiate aad ofenM ion of tbe r rl!I liXUt. thai SaJesulu way fye xMoroed a faaltkass titntl car Mrr r'K.xotd usKMoa tbeeiiecttt V'hca Uk rnadltioa of Uie tfes oa tfce 'little llaM toorMDes sweh that it jrlll be apeeaaary to rapbuse tif l., the roaii will be ooavcrtad lato a broad bxmye traeV, s!m Uk Saiesa CoavAi datd Street Railway eosapaay r sj!ei a -HdMat aaatter of cars to ofmt IxMJi roads. Some New Bills Introduced. Debated ad Referred. STATE MEV3. Tlw Wabfxwi eoanty coart Is In Tim Grant county court bas declared thai taxes for tbe year 1M will rnit l (MiwiHent MRtll May Ifi, 167. f.M. AWtt,a reiiected citizen of HUIftboro, died at bis residence late last niKht of consumption, after a lingering HlneM. An exchange suggests that If Mayor Pennoyerhad thrown a "royal flush' he would never have closed the slot machines. The county treasurer of Umatilla received from the sheriff last Saturday 11432.7(1, the flr-t Installment of 1605 taxes turned over by the sheriff. Carl Parker has started for the John Day country to buy 30,000 head of sheep, if that numbor can be bought, for Foss tc Co., says a Baker CI ty paper. TheGrantcountycourt hasawarded the contract for putting In steel fixtures at the county jail to the Mf s ler Safe Company, of Portland for 12760. Mrs Minnie L Whipple of Eugene died of paralysis at the family liou.e Monday Maich Ifi, at the auu of -12 years. Uecoused was lit only a cw days and her death was unexpected. Stic leaves a husband and two sons. Pendleton owes 70,000 bonded in debtedness and 70,CKX flouting indebt edness The formor draws 7 per cent Interent and the latter 8 per cent. The floating Indebtedness has doubled ', In five years. The case of Cube and Pool held on bonds, charged with the hold-up and robbery of the. Sou thorn Pacific train at Cow Creek In July 1805. Hoth sides are confident of winning. A. J Kellogg of Orogon City has been nppolntcd as the rnprocntathe or agent of the local exchange In the nluarlng-house of Northwest ex changes, which Is proposed loctab lisli in Portland. - Two little boys, (Harry Davis and Phillip Cole) were riding on a load of buy at Oukvlllu. Tlioy both slipped ofT and In tho fall young Colo had the misfortune to hruuk both hones of his forearm. A llo-roiind glove contest, for n purse of il!, was fought In Portland Monday by UoiighUm and Lumpman, the latter to put HotiKhteu out In tlxo rounds. Tho latter came nearly put ting Lumpman to fcleep In the first round. Houghton won tho purte. Illds for the Improvement of the mouth of the Ak'o wore rrcetitly re rohud a-. follows: Willis Vldlto, Alsca, $1,WHJ; W. II. Mlllhollun, Corvallls, tl.Bbii'.OM.'iir Tom, Alsca, W.480; K. Miller, TlllaiuiKik, $2,160; Charles P. Church, Portland, $1,476. Tho con tract was let to Church. BVA.NOKUHTIO MBIITIKll. -There will Ik) KvangelUllo meetings ill the Central Congrogutlonal church I'orner Nlnotvoiitli tyul Ferry streets, beglnlng thUoonlug at 7:30 p. m. to bo continued oauli opening through out the week, ench hervlco to bo pre uucmIihI by u song service, afternoon meetings at 2:4 to 3:11 "Come lot us reukuu tonethor." l--t CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. '&2Cetf&'& Tit m ItfUKtl (k TIW vujHi WABHfcvuTws. Marsh 17. A flood of MB; wat fatrv3eed ta tbe seaxtc faMB4i; aKyd iis,lfke tb Hawaliaa CaMe,tb UJcaragaa Caaal, tfce IatarfgraUoB aed tbe Pacific nrflraed foreckwe eiH. Yvb Imb- itfA asd tMrty-eizbl bWs and etgat yAmt. r&tftmVnv. were iatrodaced ThT embrace aearly tJtrr pbase of pmbttc ferrSee. Alky's batch of W1U aaibred lml feresty-five; tbey Jo- dode bim itTecttoz foreckare of tbe gorerBSxat krfa os tbe Union Pacific road; to prevent professfoeal lobbying teasloa: the powera of the jodlciary; for ferrtee, peoston, etc- The bills fatrodeced by Ilale, relating- to a cable between tbe United KUte, Hawaii and Japan, and to tbe twelfth censes. There was a general laagh at one of tbe pension bills of White, "For tbe relief of Win. J. Bryan." Lodges bills Included those to amend tbe Immigration laws, and for a Hawaiian cable." The bankruptcy bills were presented by 2elon and Llnisay- Morgan re introdoced tbe Nicaragua Canal bill, and a joint resolution to abrogate the CIaytn-Balwer treaty. Numerous bills relating Ui the Pacific roads were presented, including that of Morgan to create a board of trusts for the Union and Central Pacific One of Thurston's bills provided for an In crease of all pensions. A resolution, by Frye, calling for Information as to the - application of the civil service rules to river and har bor work, was agreed to after some criticism of civil service operations. Cockerill asked if the bill- was a step toward abolishing the civil service rules. Frye said It was a step toward abolishing the rules so far as they re lated to labor on tbe engineering works of the government. The president has extended the civil service rules to all classes of labor so that an engineer officer, way up on the Columbia river, who wanted a laborer for river and harbor work, had to apply to the civil service commis sion. It Is Interfering with all man ner of public work, declared Frye, and It Is absolutely absurd and stupid. Several hours were spent early in the day on the question of admitting Henderson, appointed by the governor of Florida, to fill a tempory vacancy. Ttie debate was largely of a legal and technical character, concerning the precedent of admitting senators. The case was referred to the committee on privileges and elections, where the cape of Corbett, of Oregon, and Woods, of Kcntuckey, are pending. OAKAL. Sccrotary of State Sherman met the senate committee on foreign relations by his appointment. The principal subject under consideration Is under stood to have been the Nicaragua Canal. It Is understood that an at tempt Is making to negotiate another treaty similar to that made by Fre- llnghuysen, which was withdrawn at the beginning of Cleveland's first ad ministration. Sherman when discussing tho Rod rlguor. letter against tho old Nicara gua bill, Indicated his desire to ne gotiate a treaty on old HnP3 and sup ported the contention mado In the letter. The probabilities are that In case u now treaty Is made regarding tho canal It will bo upon tho lines of tho Frellnghuysen agreement. TAIUFF UILL, Tho Democratic members of the ways and means committee received their first official Information on the tariff bill today when tho bill was considered at a sccrot session of tho full committee. Chairman Dingley announced that ho desired to teport tho bill to the house when It meets at Noon Thursday. McMIUen, Democrat, of Tennessee, complained that his plan would not give Democrats sufficient time to an nlys the measure and prcparo a re port. Tho Democrats amteuded that thv had treated the Iiopubltcan MMn-aMarifrTM" - i Ji h riiL l rer y X m OFX ffifMi Wv - I 1 -' - iftued. A half bean wc la Karrtesr fe I- " ki.aft&crjectefcM bete: reaofcet . n-r fa.? a? isfyw f tbe MI by ZU Bejrtifcaa LsKstbsrs ez?s - f rasa exiUag rates, xarf eeJrtg tfee ? tb18 yuaa' Jeyact- jsoaosusiDae. Tbe tnsHtmt wday t ate tte UBi? aartaaloa AmtessaK extPfl"7 btr iiemUzr7 f CaHed r-. .....' sMti Jdk Ear. of B3iw""-- tbe Dferirt of OAmmm-. Fraaee, Hsaee Partw. ut 5e Yrt; rf- taryaf tbe eaT f 6 n Bduia, Uearj Wblte, of Kbse I- TreaMKj-To te &aat svzeom of tbe Briae brf.ul servtos. Hin Hastiags, of Ket7; Gteiae H. Lavinder, of Vlrr1ia;TallferrClart, District of Cdaaibia. War J. H. C- Daawwrfy, T1 corpf, to be Hecteiat-oloel: FlrH Lleeteaaat L. P. Brest, int ifa try, to be capiat; Kwwa" lleeteaaat to be firK lieateaaste D. M. Howell, Second lnfaatrj;F.W. blades, Foar- teenth infantry; H. T. Fergfts, Twenty-tbird iafaatry; YTL weU, Tenth cavalry; corporals to be secoad Hentenants-P. Brown, Fifth artill ery; W. 1). coouaa, rma cau;, L. D, Gross, Fifth Infantry; G. H. Steel, Fifth infantry; bergeani Thomas Franklin, Tenth Infantry. L. 'avy Past Aiststant Engineer E. P.. Freeman to be chief engineer; As sistant Engineer Holmes to be past assistant engmcer; ensigns to be lieutenants, Junior grade G. T. Cooper, F. T. Wltherspoon, Benton C. Decker; Commander C. V. Grldley to be captain. Muito Miles. Left Salem Friday morning on 11 o'clock train. Struck snow about it Inches deep Saturday morning at Ad. Wright's .about 3 miles .below Me bama. Got here at noon and found it about seven inches. Mostly dis appeared yssterday. Affairs here lare moving at about the same -old rate. The advance agent of prosperity has not yet sent along tbe Iproiolsed exhibition. Peo ple here are getting a little skeptical. It was to appear when the Sherman law was repealed. It dld'nt come. Then in five minutesafterMcKlnley's election was assured It would appear. Then when he was inaugurated things would boom. Now, I fear, we will have to wait until after the Corbett-FltzsitnmonH mill. Perhaps after all these optimistic Republican prognosticators are about as unreli able In their predictions as our good adventist brethren. There is plenty of work to do here, if people had any money to pay, or the mills could -sell their lumber for cash. But that is uncertain. Mr. Leedy, however is preparing to start ids mill soon. There are hopeful prospects of opening more mines at An Idem in the spring. But the good people up here are not without hope, or enjoyment. The health Is generally good; we have at least two square meals a day, besides other amenu- ments. To while away the Idle hours. and Improve their oratorical powers, the enterprising people of the little city of Mlnto hare organized a liter ary and debating society. Was there last Saturday nlghU Tho literary program was good and then came tde debate, in which all, excepting tills scribe, took a part as speaker or judges. Although the snov was deep and rain was failing, there was a fair house; even tho enterprising little village of Gates sent up some of her learning and beauty to participate In the forensic contest. Tho question: "Resolved, That Iron Is more valuable than gold," was handled In a masterly manner by young and old. It was argued on the aulnuatiye that Iron was Indlspensible as It entered Into, or was necessary to tho production of all our tools, food, clothing and shel ter, that man could scarcely, If at all, exist without iron. On the negative It was argued, by a former bright stu dent of East Salem school, that money was an equally Indlspensible neces sity; that civilization could not exist, could never have been, without money, and "gold was tho only money." The allrmatlve replied that Greece had Iron mouoy, and Rome her cattle and sheep money, and both were enloylne 11 Hirtv and a high degree of civiliza tion. But the crowning argument wts mado by a little boy who said he would "like to know huw the washer woman could get along without gold dust washing powder?" Iron won two to one, the single vote belug cast by a gold standard McKln- ley man. Rambler. 3ecreUy Aiding King George ikssfe suites wth Gfsee Against tfce Peert. S&T Yob. Xeb 17.-A eabk efeaetaii Ira- e rre -- -r Wan Vba ere MoUatioB arearoKealarbawa KlK Geare This jad tbe S5a iwb""' . iw m-m J.tw aa ateolately rrrX.rJ,T IBtOOritT. RaSia 15 , oadoaWlr pterin a traced a wttb Tarkey aad wit tbe pow- era. Tbere Is aa aaderstaadlBg thai wteetbe Greek aray crosses tbe frontier Bfcf l H i a.pretext V) etee Coastaatlaople. Tbe adeaBdleg, so far as Kiag Gte feuwesraed, 11 tbe gea- c-al caact la tbe Ba!Sa&s, wnica are to fete tbe zbUS oo tbe fmatieraBd tbe dl5olntk of tbe TwkUb eopire, wblcb oaH follew a, seirore of CoosUntlnople by the Basslacs, Greece is to be encouraged to seize Macedonia, with the mr s promise in advance that she shall be permitted to retain me !" Blockade Not Yet PracUiatd. Caxea, March 17. The admirals of the foreign fleets have not yet pro claimed a blockade of the island. The Greek squadron, with the exception of two vessel, has left Cretan waters, and the two Teasels referred to are preparing to leave. Expected to Cross the Fronarr. Londok, March IT. The Chronicle says the ulimatum to precede tbe blockade will take the form of a i er emptory summons from the admirxls to the Greek authorities. The Chronicle believes that al though owing to pressure brought to ear b the powers, Bulgaria and Ser- a will remain neutral, yet, in the event of war, Servia will send troops .to old Servia to establish her claims .iere. The Times correspondent is in formed that the advance of Turkish Uoops across the frontier Is now con- ndently expected. Fifteen thousand Greek troops will embark tonight and tomorrow for Volo. The government is reserving 16,000 in specie for the payment of the July coupons M. Avcraoff, the wealthy Greek of Alexandria, who contributed a million drachmas toward the expenses of the restoration of the Stadion, has offered to provide the government with 40, 000 uniforms. Greeks of Marselles sen- jEIOOO as a contribution to the emergency war fund. The Times correspondent'at Canea says that autonomy is not in the least degree understood by the Mussulmans there, and It is not impossible that tuurs win oe trouoie when they learn aeparture of the A strong force . ftirfuaUuii lu lli U only uttalnd members more generously in the mat. by iuln Perfection Dyes. 17-0tlter of time when tho Wilson bill was TV. fu ll ml u CUIU1 U O.A 8TOHIA.. &4z&6& that it means the garrison and officials. ought to be Dresent when the official inwiumaiionis iormaify made, Suffered Eighteen Years. Valxxm Departed and Sleep Came. Mri.JnUA.B m, of Oorlngton, Term., he husband )M charge of the electric atpUBt5t thlt l ace- hu and lndleL'Snl1 TfiS ,rom "errousness conld ret no tii? ? ?.d Iei"ls, Dut I ifn, Ubsvjaa,Bboto. Br. Miles' RcstoraUye Nervine. Iyuld ileepallui?ht t?it ! ot Jnini "id. The AVrefaiT. .k5? M H a IeVer fare m. riaTiSlei h??ir "pedr tilt .'ell and ttiwift ind 1 te r i m ibw U lift ir.MSeJSSftS cwnt" Itiltt!?"' 2Ia TfoTrX w fir Utl. KTTTx,E1rt.ti. 7 f nervine Rtsj Hehi'-trStt ttrrr . -oopn tniT k M nit ia tke ptes ece of peilt J ta Zrat .. P ti-Ti ia a heatlry brfr Agtmi'ft a lf tT-mr. " t co.y j-hjiical weak rM tiat make it ltEfT-o. A per fectly rtroaj: s"43 ,ta riefc, pare 'vA, has nothing o Jr frc p. )'t saj bteatbr in the btcilli of etsn rrtr?tKi3 wllh ) U- V.lnr. is fj .xt:Bnllr workiBZ . lO U'D " " "" panties that may cae irto tae body, -, if ihtte is a weaJr oot where the ztrms z- .j- find an ectfance to t "e tines, then the tr able begins. Deae pns propagate wim 1-zntsne lite rapidity. r - ia the blood, they c-" k!y 11 the whole tT The only way to ! nd of them s to till them. This is what Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical T.covery is for It pn nfies the Wood. Tf1 sjeans that it hills the rerais ba that is only - nt what H doe. It agists in the di PfA rffood and ?ts tie digertive or gHM f iJScoaditioa. It Mininlates Se'lSSffrf-Te fi-ids. so promot. i lBinatioii and aatnticc It fills the S15 1 IStrf healthr red corpuscles. It !fcineiSeVery drop of Wood Sir into a disease - resisun? state N&f. twtta of all human anents cone f the "me -JPPBn'Liv! blood. Tate almost any disease rm please ladt-aee the canse of it-yooT.l find it lath-Uaodl Parify and enrich the blood and ronTSove the n and n jon rare the diae inevitably and infallibly. Dr. Serce-TGolden Medical Discovery, cures a?l diUasw depending npon poor, lapov erishtd, thin, impure blood. H. MAClc - DENTIST SacctMer to Dr. I. M. k'. operation at modeiaie fee, M in etpectal reqaest. ' " a uniiwiaej-ropertyat 7 per i& landtecantyat8percenl. &feL?f lorioreKors. lnssrance effeced71! eocipaoie. Tirtt-!LN iiroker. room y0. ajggy JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in groceries, paints, oils, window glass, varnishes, and the most complete stock of brushes of all kinds in the state. Artists' materials, lime, hair, cement and shingles, and fiaest quality of erass seeds, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOLND. small por-e found on Winter :r c. containing a small amount of imall c n?e Oxnercan bare sime by applying as ihi otf ce. 3-16-31 FOR i:LE-Nice lot or thoroughbred St. Bsinar pui. Can be seen at Shape's bam, back of Willamette bote). Call anH see ihcm. Cheap.- L. B. Hnff ran 5 3l kE-OPF.NEU The Mrs. M J Carr board ingbouae is again opened for boarders. At the same old stand 229 Front street. 3 3tt WANTED .Man wuh stump machine to take joboferubbng. Apply G W 1'earmine 2 miles north of my on river road or Boi 145 Salem 3-13-31 J FOR bALE OK 'lRADt,r'r.pe!iy m SCOIU Mill.. Or Will Mil nr tr. Tor property in Kar as. For further particulars inquire or address S. M. Tomhnson, Wash- niljiuii, rwainai, 3.0 Im BARGAIN bALE. A gooa team of 1050 pound horses, and a Durham cow, soon fresh, to go at a rare bargain, separate or together. fceeStO k I'mile uptlnf ViriHr.. nn WSII, load. J.C.Owen 10- W'ANIEU 'Ihc iiwini .,1 5, . i...,. tnit Ibaierhaargeofth: Dearborn print n" office and am d .11 g good work of all kirds. at satisfactory rates. F ank Conover. 2-19 im f OR &ALE. A pood lenm u.ith ifirn-k nA a 2 ; spring agon wuh top. 4. great bar-ga-n. Call at the Labor Exchange office, rvorth Salem. Terms ery easy. Geo.B. Jacob 2.iCim FURNITURE FOR SALE.A complete set of furniture for five roo-is is for sale, cheap at the San Francisco Secoud Hand store, 00 btate street. Carpets for sale separate. Its barg'tin- 2.1s im MKb. N. B. bCUll'.-btenographer and typewriter, room 12, over Ladd & Bush's bank. Prompt attention to all cla ses of work Meals on the European Plan. doilar-a-meal liMMM lillll hlmiTil Miiiwm Tho. maMinfl . ".vi.iuu ui Djieraiimr rllnint; cars is no longer jnvou'ue on the Bui lincton route. Sonio tliin? better lias taken its place. Meals are now sened on the European plan You pay only for what you order. ' The pay-for-what jou order way is the only right way to run adininy car. It Is in uperauon an ocr the Burlint'ton Systeni- St. Paul to Chicago. Denver to Chicago. Denver to St. Louis. Kansas City to Chi capo. Prices are reasonable ai.d the service is as k good as it can be. A.C.SHELDoN G. A., PorUand.O.; MMAman cwlonv TAcurt" IndU. "tow r.0 itKig'WW " .urtlu tlmfc Xhelr n !LlI.P,1 Con.nmctlon if nxnffifflPi3P5SF W ruffiou a, ot sale at t Salem, Ore,o, "by RV 'w,:iy. -ssssassaESSTSSar liTii WQLZ U MIESCKE pf03r Dealan in all lundi of fresh a&5 .. Lardiabalk.7Galh. Che?pSte' own. Try them. 171 ComrnercuJ' SALEM ttli Office: Willamette HoltlBsiaV, For water service apply ,t t, narable mootilr in H.-..- TT i corpplainU at the office. ' c. h. lane" I HK Hi t L JLJ L. t VXIiJL a. X. JTT ii: 211 Commercial st.SaleafJt I rJ"Saiti lit nrm-irrlt Vim.i .3 . , -r , spniid CORN CHOI AND CORN at the old reliable ieed siortrf BREWSTER k WHITE, 91 LUUfM Jl, Ci4 1W MEAT Jill Best Meats in the city. Prom dJ vuie diock ooop, -ourt.aUettSto GFX). FEXDRlCHfa J, K. QILMOREJ Successor to Vhite & Gilaat,; I Lime, Cement, Latli, M Com and Corn Chop, a'l lindiofkl 54 aiAit, ii. T- H. HAAS, WATCHMAKER AND JEVrUQ, Makes a spHalty of fins repair rod. J Thomas clocks, etc., 215 CommtrcilSJ llnnirnnllill r nnm iMiLKIltyiAfl i KH umm m mm Liquors, tobacco:, cigars, coa!t3a A lull une ol nign-graae Djtuea px. all kinds. 2t8 Conmrrcial st..!ata. R J HERSCHBAC Blacksmith and Wagon 1 ? R. I. Herschbach. blacksmith and maker, horseshoeinc a specialty, settxi new $1.25, resetting shoes 75 cess.' other work in proportion, aaiisucuwj anteed loo Chemeketa stieet. The Pol 1 j shop, on corner of Matewlbl is now prepared tojdoofirst da -HOBSBSH AND GENERAL JOBBING. EFSatiifaction guaranteed. GiTeMJ 1 12 im pohle & im A mm r .-..r..,!... Cillc68tt aieat market, corner Center ' ' ' ., irecr. riri'i miiK Mm. irj J. S. IB IM! NEW M ARKEt State street, near railroad. Fi J hut itimIc. fv natrons Say I I't'y'.d treats in town. tl Hello SEE D, Si bentlej ai If you want to move or wanj t J kind hauled or want a load 01 n-- m lime p.s. eta s up telephone 30. Also wocdj w M hands at all times. Orders proof'1 I kind hauled or want a ioau Z.am sand or gravel, or cement, e,!lkr, f trtl ' "ii UH.I. -.-. -. InA CP IJ. Ulltft UI ICVCl UIJ'V. --F" ,ir-t ivt UI llUUk OilU Wt- , to. Depot BXPeS? r j .Meets all masl and ? d gage ana express 10 r-v TC. Prompt temce. Telepbon'