Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, February 26, 1897, Image 2

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Daily Capital Journal
FBI DAI?, FEB. 16, 1807.
In an article nn "McKlnlcy'gOppor.
tuolty," the staunch 'll Chicago
Journal ay:
"Mitorjr will meaiure tbeiucceu
r failure of McKlnlcy's adnilnhUra
tlon by the Manner In which he meets
the (treat problem of trust. Succeis
or failure will depend upon his elec
tion of an attorney-general and upon
the violence, persistency and zeal,
and upon the Intelligence and discrim
ination of that officer.
The rapidity with which the own
er of capital have taken to combi
ning their resources so as to obtain
the utmost economy of production, and
the sudden widening of markets by
the perfection of mean of transpor
tation until, Instead of being limited
to the nelifliborlio'K, those markets
include the nation and the world and
from the most astonishing phenome
non of the century. The combination
Idea has come in with a rush. It has
seemed to smite all btalns at once.
Everybody wants to combine. Trust
bavj formed on all sides. Combina
tion Is the new method of production.
Tho contest between It and the
armies of small producers has become
an elemental war. It Is a fight for
life. In the outcomes society Is vitally
Interested. That part ot Its welfare
which depends on the material Is at
Thore arc phases lof this condition
which promise the greatest good.
Swift placed tho value of tho man who
made two blades of vrass grow where
but one grew before above that of war
riors and politicians. Valuable In a
like degree is the service to society of
the man who can produce two steel
rails where but one could bo produced
before. The successful combiner of
tho great elements of production for
example, mines, transportation, and
blast furnaces so that they form one
perfect working whole Is very like the
inventor who combines cylinders, rods,
and wheels, and gets a new machine
Mr, Hanns'Acour.rlll hfwatched'
with -keen IHcVof. AjGeep-watctl
suspicion exists that h1 ?elrc to sit
in the senate has been prompted by
anxiety In perform nnte-election
pledges to the troVA. In the senate
his Tolce and vote will be taken as the
recorded will of the administration.
It must have occurr.d to Mr. Mc
Klnley that It would have been better
for his administration If Mr. Ilanna
had returned to private life. Ad Ira
pretslon prevails that Mr. Hanna is
going Us be the big end of the new ad
ministration, and this impression
will no It; allayed with Hanna In the
Still The Jocns'AL Is not golntf to
condemn McKlnley and Hanna In ad
ance. But we feel, we cannot expect
too much.
A Strong. Plea for Sanguilly,
Eloquent Words by Daniel In Be
- half of the Prisoner.
IfOw tn&ttj of tho Mlddle-of-the-
Boad Reform Press association arc
thereat Memphis who did not go
there o'rt a free pass ?
DnltlcardoIWlz, a'natlonal Arncr4
lean citizen aras found dead In a
Spanish prison, his face and body
sbowldg'markB of violence. At Wash
Ington arid'Madrid It Is called suicide;
Senator Chandler delivered ono-ot
tjio ablest addresses qn biqetalllsni
ever In the United States t-cnatc on
February 10, claiming that the bi
metallic standard was the law of the
civilized world prior to 187.1, and
proving pretty conclusively that it
ought to be made the standard organ.
( Court will convene in Wasco county
next' week.
A telephone system Is being put In
at nillsboro.
Twelve carloads of cattle, bound for
Qmalm, passed through La Grand
last Monday.
The present populist county admin
istration has saved Baker county over
812,000 during the first six months of
time. '
Lieutenant Hawks, of the Eugene
Salvation Army, was arrested and
lined for rldjDg on the sidewalk last
The McKcnnon grocery storowas
burglarized at Lu Grande. They got
no great amount, though they passed
by lot of solid gold Jewelry.
Washington, Feb. 20. The senate
resolutions were taken up promptly
by the senate. The first resolution
coming oyer was that of Allan asking
the president to use effective meas
ures to protect American citizens In
Cuba and to that end send United
Spates warships to Cuban ports
' Allen said American citizens were
dairy being arrested In Cuba and
Ibrdwri Into prison without trial. It
'seemed to be the disposition to punish
every American citizen in Cuba. It
was a' story full of barbarity and
atrocity. Recently a lady bad been
taken by Spanish officials and her per
son searched. Little girls had been
gathered up In Cuba and sold Into the
worst conceivable slavery. Spanish
soldiers had taken Infants by the
heels and hacked them to pieces and
killed their parents. Such actions are
a blot on the civilization of the age.
The Sanguilly resolution was then
brought directly before the senate.
the rights of this American citizen
under our treaties.
At the request of Morgan, the Allen
resolution was referred to the commit
tee on foreign relations, assurance be
ing given that It would receive speedy
There was a dramatic scene when
Hale of JIalne Interrupted Daniel to
Inquire If the committee bad not re
ceived a communication from the sec
retary of state giving assurance of the
release of Sanguilly In a few days.
Daniel replied no. Hale perslsted.ana
directed his Inquiry toSberman.chair
man of the committee, which he said
was the Divan of the senate. Daniel
declined to yield further.
I am the organ of my t tate," he de
clared, "when I get through I will
yield to some other organ, the organ
of the captain-general of Cuba to the
queen of Spain."
i Gray announced that lie hid seen a
dispatch stating that Sangullly's
counsel had withdrawn the appeal to
facilitate his release. Daniel retorted:
i "If I represented Sanguilly I would
telcsranh him not tto withdraw his
appeal. There are enough people In
this country to demand his uncondi
tional release.
I Frye said Sangullly's counsel had
done an inexcusable unjust act. He
said a ship of war should start for
Cuba to deliver Sanguilly at once.
D.lfllpl fit Vlroinln. n mumhnr nt ihn
committee on foreign relations, fol-' T,,e ga,lerle9 app,aUdcd ,0udly, d,SrT
inari Mnrn ... , ,. , gardlnjc the attempt of the vice-presl-
"Few are aware," he said, "of the
JlirlirA Itolllnirnr lina Inat lmlil Hint n
On tho other hand. whlIoonopartof,raort,faBof'ar $7i6ooon the Corvallls
mo wcaiiu so promiceu is distributed, l carrlago factory, made In favor of C.
under propor conditions, to tho inyrlud
different individuals of socloty in tho
shape of cheapened commodities, tho
othor part Is kept as a great Integer In
tho hands of ono. Its power is nlmost
Inconceivably vast, Onco obtained
und tho small competitor onco crushed,
it can bo used to retard tho creation of
wealth, and to tax und oppress Bocloty.
More, and of oven grcator Importance,
It can bo used to corrupt und debauch
tho pcoplo's government.
Tho visit of John E. Soarlcs, secre
tary of tho sucrar trust, to tho prcsl
dont-elcct nt Canton, carrying In lila
pocket the while tho subpoena of tho
Lexow committee, was to.securo the
appointment of an attorney general'
who would be "friendly" that Is, rino
who would remain blind to his duty
and recreant to his oath, while trusts
gave full swing to their rapacity and
greed. If Mr. MoKlnley shall In re
sponse to this Insolent request or for
any other reason whatever appoint'
such a man to office -lie will bo un
faithful to the peoplo who intrusted f
T. Brace, is null und void. Mr. Brace
was trying to forecloso It.
Itobcrt E. Clarko, a bachelor farmer
from the head of "Butler creek, In
Umatilla county, id in 'the county jail
in rendleton, charged with seduction
by Ella Curamlngs.
An unknown man found hanging to
a tree In the woods near Cascade locks
last Thursday. Thot deceased was
recognized; as a stronger who had been
doing, odd Jobs,, about tyio locks for a
few days, but no onq knew his name
or whence hd cniuc.
A 'company has' been organized at
Uhldn fori the purpriso dffcstabllshlng
u mill. Jt Incorporated a few days
nBO,t wlti1a.,capitM flwk of 920,000.
uipany Is to bo the
i ,A"J.civy uiQUQKino uas occn com-
Jelled' td "paUell Smith 110,500 dam
BcsWr'IdJuYlcs rcclcvcd on account
df clsrofflfclals being negligent. She
sued fori 25,000. Tho city appealed
tho case apd the supremo court sus
gained tho judgment of tho superior
court. Sajqms city fathers should
looltaJUHJo to tho oft, repeated calls
fpr.rpsjlrlng sldowalks.
, Thoj Medford browcry and Ico works
their welfare to him. If he shall .y. &$1&.. X. 9tHL J
nnlnt ...., .ul Ol I .,.....-w -".'-. MV MUO UCVU WUOl-
,. ... , vv Vll0 iru8 ntetl tor the. last three years by G. W.
within the sphere of their propef and
beneficial activities and' who WlllfttfuOci It Is tho only brewing and Ice
lcntlcMly hunt down and punish
every ono or tlwm vrtiloh violates tho
untl-trust luws, ho will make for him
self a permanent .claldiOuttfflrvratl
tude or the pcoptaug r posterity.
Ho stands at t7ork f roads.
HUopiwrtunliris rtfoVMiiVUlian
that of any rresldeie uc&Xoraliam
- But how can MoKlnley do anything
ngalnt tho trust when he was ma.
terlally nlded In his election by those
sniuo trusts ? Is not mark Hanna the
trust king?
In the ub,sciice of dotlulto Informa
tion, the country can only Indulge In
conjecture regarding the nature or
the intluenco brought ajjalust Gover
nor Ilushuell, of Ohio to Inilueuce
hliu to name Mark Ilnnim as senator.
But It must have been (HirsUtens and
)Ktentto Induco tho governor to per-
form hu act w openly In conflict with
fct wWNf h IwMlMtioaf.
Bashford.who purchased it at rccoyer's
plant sputa of Albany, and has a largo
territory to draw from. It contains
10 latest Improved machinery, and
vaUiedat, U5.00.
Tho tax. roll for 1800 In Jackson
county will not bo In tho hands of tho
sheriff for collection until March 4.
noxt, Tho delay Is owing to tho nec
essary changing of tho roll by the add
ing of 1 2-5 mills to the school levy
The following special school and mu
nicipal tax levies made in Jackson
countjr: school district No. 1, Jackson-
vlllo, u.uillls; 5, Ashland,0;6. Central
rolnt, 3; 23, Mount rit, 31; 29, Pra.
rlo, 1; 30, Meadows, i; Medford, 10; 67,
Gold Hill, 10; W, Soda Springs, 2; 73.
of Jacksonville, 4; City of Mcdford.lO
Blood It Life.
It Is the medium which carries to
every nervo, musclo. organ and Mbor
Its nourishment und strcmrth. If tlu
blocHt Is ntiN. rich and healthy you will
bo well. Hood'a Sarsaparllla hu
power to keep you in health by maklnp
your blood rich and pure.
Hood's pills an), ejy to take, easy
luupcraiv. uure.laj
oe, c.
enormity uf this case. Sanguilly had
been held two years. Twice he had
been condemned to solitary Imprison
ment In chaln, on military, unsworn
testimony. He had boen treated rig
orously, harshly, brutally.
"Our representatives In Cuba have
been arrogantly Insulted by the Span
ish authorities." exclaimed Daniel.
"and this country has been Insulted
by tho Spanish authcritles. I have
been told by high Spanlih nuthorlty
that the presentation of the Sanguilly
case was a disgrace to the United
States and to tho American flag. If
the fleet or the United States has
been sent to redress thut Insult It
would have been sustained by every
citizen of the United States."
There was Intense excitement
throughout the senate as Daniel's
work rung through the chamber.
"Why Bhould congress remain
supine?" ho continued. "The time
will come when this inaction will
make our people hang their heads for
being American citizens."
Danlal said enough diplomatic red
tape had been spun on this case to
build a cablo from the United States
to Spain, and enough Ink spilled for
an ocomi In which to lay the cable.
Morgan said tho committee on
foreign relations pressed forward this
protection or American citizens as
fastao well-authhntlcatcd facts would
permit, Tho reports of atrocities
against women anddlttlo girls did not
have that verification warranting
action by tho committee. It has
brought forward a resolution for the
lmmcdlato release of Sanguilly, as the
facts in this caso were well-established
beyond question.
Hoar Inquired whether some timo
should not bo given the senators to
oxamlno Into tho Sanguilly report, -as
action on tho subject Involved grave
International considerations.
Morgan felt speedy action essential.
Ho reviewed the circumstances or San
gullly's arrest, long confinement and
trials. Ho read from treaties and
pointed out esscutlal offenses against
Sanguilly as being solitary confine
ment, without opportunity to preparo
dent to restore older.
"The galleries are filled with Amer
ican citizens," exclaimed Mills, "and
they have a right to express their
their feelings on this question."
Hale said this country could not be
driven to war in the .next eight days,
The storm subsided and the debate
continued. When the time for dis
cussion was up, Allen moved to dls
place the Indian bill and proceed
with tne Cuban resolutions. Hill dc
manded ayes and noes, saying be de
sired a test. The roll call was fol
lowed with Intense Interest. The
motion prevailed; ayes, 40; noes, 27
The Cuba debate continued
throughout the afternoon, noar op
posing the action and Lodge and Tel
ler speaking for Sanguilly resoluclons,
Request Denied.
Washington, Feb. 20. Thesenatc
committee on foreign relations met
to consider the requestor tho state
department committee not to press Its
resolution demanding the Immediate
release of General Julio Sanguilly
from the Spanlslu,prlson In Cuba.
Tho committee gave the subject care
ful attention, but declined to grant
the request.
It appeared from the statement of
tho secretary of state that the Spanish
government's promise to release San
gully was accompanied with the pro
vision that he should withdraw his ap
peal from the second sentence of the
Cuban court. It was stated the re
lease could bo secured at any time
tuis condition should be compiled
with. Tho committee's discussion
nu3 ou luis point, 'xne opinion was
generally expressed that for General
Sangully to pursue this course would
bo Inadvisable, lor the reason that it
would amount to an acknowlegment
of guilt and be equivalent, to tho a
bandonment of any claims against the
Spanish government for damages.
The committee therefore decided to
press consideration of the resolution
Porous Tires.
Bicycle dealers wlio want to edu
cate riders to e the font. f t re
TThlch will give both rider and dealer
Hie least trouble, would do well to re
member the following, printed Febru
ary 5, 1SK by the L. A. W. Bulletin
official organ of the League of Ameri
can Wheelmen:
We often hear about "porous tires,
but never without a feeling that some
body may be mistaken. The fact that
air comes through the outer surface
of a tire In numerous places is by no
means conclusive evidence that there
is more than one leak In the Inner
tube. Although tires are classified as
inner tube and hosepipe, the Idea con
veyed to the mind of of a novice Is
erroneous, since all tires have inner
tubes,-the principal difference being
that in the hosepipe tire the Inner
tube Is vulcanized fast to the outer
In the case or a tire
Sn-:ce or lo Dr. J. M. Keciip, old U
Corner, alcm, Or. Parties dctlnng mnerii.
if .."-' -.-.. .f ... nujr uranCQ
BS nowaua ,. .-, --
do tlOl I"" ""
ural Uvea. Tue 'era
Inine portion of our
SOC ety U eapevj
culpable In this war.
It Is really a wonder
tuat women are ai
healthy as they are.
Very few women get
any outdoor exer
cise. Very many get
no exercise at all.
Mode of dressing
Interfere with the
proper muscular
action and with the
circulation of the
blood. All the hy
cienic laws are bro
ken. It is little won
der that nine women
1- ton nrr troubled
derangement or IjTegutarity i"
in especial request.
part of the tire,
in which the Inner tuoe is separate lhe act,on ot "r,"w w u sfa owthem-
(called the Inner tube tire) the Inner, fjnX'ostfellcate organ, of
or air, tube may be taken out and lm- Jge whole body. Wtl."
mersed In water while it contains just sickness .so prevalent, n.sw
ugh air pressure to stretch It sligh- ght with dread and dange r. it snoum
mm loans
On inside property at 7 per cent. On farm
land security at 8 per cent. Safe loan made
for investors. Insurance effected in reliabl!
companies, JOHN MOIR.
liroker. room no. g,;nuii bank bui'dlnj
Dealars in all kinds of fresh and salt meaii
Lard in bulk, 7c a lb. Cheapest meat n it,!
own. Try them. 171 Commercial st.
tly above its natural size. 11 it con- not so. i . of the h,-h.
tains any holes, however small, the " "SSn of which a woman is capable
air will rise through the water In shouid not be ompamed by p am. 11
should noi uc "rrr - 1,: mi
oerfectly natural linijg were he rule.
tvnnlri not be SO. AS lives B1C umui ..--
Cl else must be done. A remedy must
bi fouSd For over thirty years Dr. Pierce
ha- been chief consulting pbysicUn to the
invalids' Hotel and Surgical In, titu te of
small bubbles, and If such a tube is
found to be "porous" while it is yet
new, It should be returned to the man
ufacturer. This, however, will be ex
tremely rare, as the method usually
nt.mlnrf.fl nrnvpnta such rnsults.
wi-.w, v ...-- lounainui:, ""--,- ,i,.
If numerous bubbles rise from diller- j never-failing specmc lorie " '
entpartsofa hosepipe tire at tne 1 n tation, shortens the period
same time (and we believe it is this of ,abor and makes childbirth well-nigh
form of tire that Is most often ac pa 'if"- . 0a' hh'men. (ox the child.
cused of being porous), t.lin eh.inccs j ... ,
are that the air is leaKlng tiirougu
huftalo. N Y. During that time ne oa
treated thousands of women. " V a
rS in hi, "Favorite Prescription" a
Office: Willamette Hotel Buili
For water serrice apply at office
payable montnly in advance. Make
complaints at the office.
one hole In the inner tube, and that
divides into numeroue channels be
fore it readies the surface
The threads, of which all tires are
made may, and often do, act as
minute tube? which convey air from
some leak at the inside, and let it es
cape at one or more openings some
times quite a distance from the actual
Great care should be taken in pluk
glnga hosepipe tire to prevent any
fibre of the canas from formin,' a
connection between the inside cf tie
air tube and the main part of canvas.
Agents and subscribers ordering
The Journal are requested to always
write names plainly to avoid errors.
Do not send stamps if it can be
avoided Money orders or drafts are
safest, but coin to the amount of a
dollar can be sent safely if well wrap
ped in paper before placing in the en
velope All subscriptions MUST be
paid In advance,as the price is too low
toaltord bookkeeping or sending of
tf IIOFER BROS, Editors.
InformaUon Wanted.
Washington, Feb 2J.The house
committee on foreign affairs has de
cided to report a resolution calling on
the president for all Information con-
rnrnlnn tliA t ha. u a -
adofiinuinniiiiiiArMnf.hnnrf .! b kuu ""hcih oi American
the casta of his nwn nnnn. ' Pr,60nera Cuba. The
trial within tholimlted time 1 2S, ' ""
Tided by tho treaty; tho piling up of ' , " -h-" uomre it.
otherchargesof kldnapplug;lrregular!Cbal?an., XPCCtS to Uaw lt
ltiM of th v,m, ,;.i. .,.," Passedb'th8h0U. today.
- - --- ...WH, "tHW VWIUUI
for the various
inquiry before It.
The resolution Is as follows:
sentatlves, that the
hearsay and unsworn testimony.
Ono of SanguUly's chief witnesses,
Ualoma, he said, had been shot In tho
prison yard before ho could bo heard.
Tho trials had shown extreme hatred
existing against the
Spanish ofilclals Indulging 1
against this country. Sever In tho of An,, w ,. h'"."' "men.
history of Jurlsprudnc was there a flcla In the Island of Cuba
case where thero was less show of rea-l Chairman nut, of the house foreign!
son for a couvlctlon. affairs commits mj .,..?'Bn
Hut tho resolution wasurm! nnctm minii,..i .. I
. , ... .u.viw iub iu caM) lue senate passed
The cut shows in an exaggerated
fashion the manner in which air fre
quently linds its way to the outside
through the threads.
After any tire lias been used for
some time, the outer rubber, which
comes in direct contact with the road,
will receive many little cuts or punc
tures which extend only from the
surface in to the first layer of canvas,
and it Is through these surfaceipunc
tures that the air escapes, even
though sometimes it may firsj, follow
the canvas for several Indies.
Instances have been known where
the actual leak in the inner tube was
on the opposite side of the tire from
the point where the leak appears to be.
There are some American riders
who do not know that the cyclini:
public of Europe, after long experi
ence, long ago adopted double-tube
tires as the only satisfactnrv nnn.
iVny American rider who knows what
a nuisance porous tires are will back
up this experience. While in America
tne Morgan & Wright (double-tube)
tire is sold at n very reasonable nrlc
and under a liberal guarantee, Its con
struction is patented, so that other
tire makers have tried to force into
ravor sinle-tube tires, which failed
in Europe.
Year after year these single-tube
makers bring out a new idea for suc
cessfully stopping leaks and repairing
punctures, and year after year they
fall, and the man who buys generally
pays dearly for the experience.
In the Morgan & Wright construc
tion tho porosity is avolded.and when
one of these tires is punctured the re
pair is permanent. Inside of the In
ner tube lies a strip of rubber, called
tho quickcr-repair strip. To repair a
puncture.slmply inject somn m. . vr
quick-repair cement Inside the inner
tube, press down, and pumn im. w-
ever, while the cement Is being in
Jected.so that the cement will will get
into the inner-tubc. Riders who use
tires, and follow this simple Instruc
tion when the tires punture. wlllsave
themselves and dealers from the
troublfisnf nnmcltv .,j i .
pairs. ---"" ""Perrectre
Cannot Be
The Ghovers. The Leonard
Grovcr comedy company which
ha just dosed a two weeks en
gage'iient at the Marquam Portland,
will be nt Reed's opera house
J for tin Co performances Friday, Sat
urday and Saturday matinee. Seats
are now on sale and going fast. It-goes
without saying that crowded houses
will greet these popular comedians.
ior comedy the Grovers are the
best that will visit Salem this season
Clover Seed.
Pure seed last year's crop, raised on
aaiem praine,nopiuk-,sorrel,or weeds
Hotter tlian any eastern seed. Annlv
to Mrs. T. II. Hubbard, 3!)o Commer
cial street, b-uleui. 2-20 2 & w 1 mo
The Guoveks. Next Friday and
Saturday afternoon at 2:30 Mr. Leon
ard Grcvcr's version of "The New Pri
vate Secretary" will be given, with
Mr. Leonaid Grover, Jr., in thepait
of Rev. Robert Spalding, as played by
him originally; and Mr. Leonard
Grover, Sr., as Mr. Catliermnle, the
East Indian, as originally created by
him. This version of "The New Pri
vate Secretary" is said to be far super
ior to that of Mr. William Gillettcs,
thougii the story In the.' main is rmt.
affected in the least.
You should trv Dawson's Bitters.
The best meals at Strong, and only
21 1 Commercial
rJp-Suits $15 upwards.
St., Salem Or
Pants $ upwands- jf
at the old reliable leed store of
Best Meats in the city. Prompt deliverv.
Cottle Block Shop, CourtJSlreet Shop.
OW. riXMUKHJH, Prop.
D- S. Bentley. successor to Salem ImDrovt.
ment Co., is nicely housed at the corner
Chemeketa and Front streets, and west of the
tirst National Hank. ITiankine the public
(or past favors, we would ciadly have them
call and see us at our new office. Havuu
the telephone moved, when you desire any
thing ring up No. 30. All business attended
to promptly. A lull stock of supplies on
hand, especially ot all kinds of wood. 1 5 im
Depot Express,
I .Meets all masl and passenger trains. Bag
gage and express to all parts of the city,
k'rompt seivice. Telephone No. 70.
Makes a spwtahy of fine repair work, Seta
Thomas clocks, etc., 215 Commercial Street
Liquors, tobaccos, cigars, confectionery
A full iine of high-grade bottled goods 0
all kinds. 218 Commercial st., Salem.
2o cents
Seven Months With Fever.
Wonderful Recovery of Health.
2 Pounds, uas sSrely U,oySS2?Lw
grandest strenirli.i.i. ri . ' '"'?' test of the
Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine.
wiuuin iinrtnn Y). ..
with LOCAL APPrir-ATinCTo .
"Resolved. Hy the house of repro fa"e, HafiJVl 0.
ntatlves. that tha nnslrtAn. k -.Iiri:." , a,Mril cre is not a ouari.
a, that the president be re- medicine, it v p escnbld v,lnot a qrUa?k
to transmit to the house of " P"yrfcUni in S ry L
?!!" " l Incompatible . && SffiST &.SS
fWhj ir
a WW fsf
Blacksmith and Wagon Hiker.
?' J'.'schbach, blacksmith and wsgm
maker, horseshoeing a specialty, setting shoes
new $i.2j, resetting shoes 7c cents. All
other work in proportion. Satisfaction gu-
100 Chemeketa street.
The Pohle shop, on corner of State and Front
is now prepared to do first-ciais
n s.
Aa. J
Satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a cU.
1 I2 "n rOIILE & BiSHOP.
For service for the season. Call at Brown'i
aieat market, corner Center n 1 Thirteenth
street. Finest milk stock in OngoP. 12-l'J.'
.n. JH.BAinD.
muSSmfil-W to ,
cratit.,1 ."" .ISU to .....
the S" "H.or seven CW . I laid
an rftj 'V 1 was tblnK..."
Send for
F. J. Thlnkt & Co, Toledo, n
by all draccUtt. n 01Mo
C7SoU by all druggiju,
Heirthurn cured by Dawson's
tlo&liW ,,,Bher Kround85 nauidJr' that the wv- thoSaniullljr resolution ho would call 3 r
trnwentof Br!n is utterljroorlnff'thecommlttee together to consider it, ".-Tj
' lia
r tho f.. .' " Toonttis. Af.,,. .,''"
,LP!WutiS!,"!!Bth. ItH
SiS!S : NwtIm la ""' UAIBD-
a ...."".oeneHL
Dr. Miles-Nv7neBf
I. ifliTS" K at f 1
State street, near railroad. Freshest tf" M
wu fa"Sv patrons y l keep ,he 3,i
Salem .Steam Laundry
Please notice the cut in prices
on the foilowinci
rts, plain iocccU
Under drawers ' e'toiocearJ
Under shirts etoiocenti
jocks, per pair ' ,. 3 centi
Handkerchiefs. I cent
uk handkerchiefs 1 cents
miiecu ana 1
nilln. .,:- ... .. AlMt&,
and other wort in 3""" ' "
Hannels and otfwr work ifl
diligently washed by hand.
-oL J Olmgted vrof