DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. 9, SALEM, OREGON MONDAY. FEBRUARY 15, 189T. NO. 43 February often gives us a fair spell of weather, and good roads will likely follow, and the New YorK Racket are receiving almost daily large lots of goods from New York, St. Louis and Chicago, to be prepared for the heavy spring trade. They have a fine line of . CLOTHING .. of all grades, for men and boys, and the 5 r LINE SHOES- for men, women and children, and hosiery, hats and caps gloves, laces, ribbons, embroideries, laceenrtains and notions of all kinds. All the above goods are bought at cash prices, and sold at cash prices, Call and save 15 to 25 per cent. E.T.BARNES PROPRIETOR. NEW BOOK . ' -. . '""I Ism SfflaKflr SEVEN !r 'ISSBMh years X" MB I S! i-. '. X- rSSSSH52.Tiwr3 MBffrMmZ&rfr ju . iiiiji' AruniAt. v iKj,aKur ia i fnivft I -s- - Price 25c, Postpaid. Agents Wanted Fm We Among the Mountains in Montana. A Complete Story- of Lillian Ainsley's Captivity and Rescue from the Indians, after nearly seven years, by the hero, Mathew Bentley, His hardships and dangerous experience, by Owen P. Dabney, who spent many years in the Rocky mouiv tains, Now on sale at the Fair Store, 274 Commercial st and at Patton Bros,, and F, S, Dearqorn, For terms for agents and booksellers apply to OWEN P. DABNEY, Salem, Or, TALKINGTON, BOTTGER & CO., STOCK AND GRAIN EXCHANGE lOS COURT STREET, SALEM, - -. OREGON Telephone No. 68, OF JUST OUT. WITH THIr f w -" - " - - - INDIANS 4 I MlTf'tl ....-....- ,?iJSi REDUCED Three Sick and Two Absent New Developments in the Situation Expected Tuesday. Hard work was done at Portland Saturday and Sunday and It Is be lieved by many marked progress has been made toward breaking the sena torial deadlock. The joint convention met -at 12 o'clock with a reduced attendance. Three were reported 111 and two absent. . , JOINT ROLL CALL. Benson Jennings Bridges Johnson Brownell Lanirell Brown Marsh Merrill Mitchell Nosier Talm Patterson Price Rigby Smith Somers Stanley Taylor Thompson Thomas 34. Chapman Conn Crawford David Driver Dufur Gratke Gowan Gurdane Hiirmon Hoguo Hope Hughes Absent, Senator Reed and Rep. Veness, without excuse. Excused ;for illness, Reps. Vaugh, Hudson, Wagner. The convention adjourned to Tues day at 12 o'clock. Both the senate and the Benson house met at 2:30 this afternoon for routine work. THE MITCHELL HOLD-UP. Will Mitchell succeed in holding up the legislature for another week? that is the question before the people of Oregon. There Is but one week left of the forty days set for ordinary legislation. There are ithose who pre tend Senator Mitchell has not been the cause of the blockade. They may be sincere In this, but the declaration of Bepresentatlve Huntington when he withdrew from the joint convention, has never been answered. He charged that It was an organization solely in the interest of one-man, and that man is Mitchell. What facts lead to this conclusion ? Mitchell interfered with the work of the committee on credentials. Mit chell advised Nosier never to appear before the committee. The two Mit chell Republicans wlthrew from the committee and would not hear the testimony. While the committee was out Mitchell advised a secret house caucus of 29 members to select a speaker they could not elect without 31 votes. Mitchell advised and organ ized the rump Benson house, and the unrecognized double rump joint fas sembly. All this was done to dead lock the legislature and force Mit chell's election. , Knowing ho bad no poll teal stand ing, knowing he had repudiated his sliver views whichwere theonly1 link attaching to him any following of the people, Mitchell had to resort to force and trickery to encompass his pur pose to be returned by hook or crook as senator for Oregon. No well-Informed perion can deny that Mitchell is the sole cause of the deadlock that has held up the legisla ture for five weeks and threatens to exhaust the last precious week of the people's only hope of relief. Mitch ell's ambition was to succeed in defi ance of the will of the people( Shall he accomplish this? Shall the expressed desire of the people for remedial legislation be thwarted? Shall a special session be forced on the people? Shall ex travagance and abuses costing hund reds of thousands of dollars continue all for Mitchell ? Shall the state be run on credit for two years and en rich bankers enormously all for Mitchell? What will not this man do to gratify his ambition? What does he care for the people if he can gain his personal ends ? There was uev,er such a defiance of the public, such revolutionary methodsof forcing a claimant an office, employed in the history of our state. What man of honor can go before jthe people and Justify holding up the legislature In ' the interest of Mitchclllsm ? If there Is a supporter of Mitchell who has not been released by Mitch ell's own methods, he must place his personal interests in politics above honor, country, everything, but mere desire for office. Thcro aro enougli such men In Oregon to defeat organ ization of the legislature this week. There ought not bo a single inanr SENATE MONDAY AFTERNOON. Senate opened with prayer by Rev. G. W. Grannis. Minutes not read. BILLS INTRODUCED. 234. Wade, to declare unlawful of all trusts. Adjourned. JOURNAL, X' RAYS. Directed Upon the Oregon Legislature and Lobby. The last deadlock in the history of Mttchelllsm. Ifv-M Hanging onto the corpse of Mitch elllsm Is not so exhilarating as It might be. ' Tho Mitchell members are us des perate as a mun with his money in a busted bank. Of course every body knows Just where Judge Moore stands on the money question I Honestly speaking, has Mitchell done anything but lose votes ever since he came to Salem ? A lot of Salem people and other peo ple are saying George H? Burnett is suitable senatorial timber. Come John, take your old rusty axe off the public grindstone. There's a whole lot of needed grinding to be done. There Is no person so good but he needs prayer, and none so bad but ho deserves it, not even among the poli ticians. Sol Hlrsch and Chas. 'Runaway Pul ton got the start of the rest of the boys by starting their , senatorial boom's last week. Come In and elect me and the house will organize to-morrow. John II. Mitchell to the populists, as can bs proven by several. i Smith of Marlon says: "There will be no election and no senator to the end of this week and then I am going to quit and go home." To rump or not to rump; aye there's ttie rub. Whether it were better to single-rump, or double-rumpipr not to rump at all, that's tho question. w "Of course.all can see that it's noth ing but Corbett and his first national bank that keeps tho Populists from rushing into my arms and dying on my bosom." John H. Mitchell. Cornelius P. Bliss, president of the American protective tariff league, this morning sent telegrams to many members urging them to go in and vote for Mitchell for senator. The Journal Is not Mr. Bourne's mouthpiece nor Mr. Simon's, but it believes the people would as oon trupt either of them to act honestly as they would Sol Hlrsch, Johnnie Mitchell or Charley Fulton. The Beusonltes can be genuine double-headers. They belong to "the only house," the "organized house," the "Mitchell house," in fact to any thing but the legal temporary organi zation; yet they recognize the latter and vote there when they wish. w Brown, the master genius of Ben sonlsm next to Somers, organized a ten-strike Sunday evening, when he marshalled his hosts and outvoted the Davis house and compelled It to ad journ over to Monday night at 11:45. That will go far toward relieving the deadlock and will raise Browu about three thousand percent In the estima tion oftboDaylsmen. Are Schilling's Best baking pewdr coffee oil flovarlng extracts nd ilra as eood as we say vp. ;nv ? Don't you sec tby arc money-back? 80 For sale by Harritt & Lawrence ' t' CRETE, The Town of Canea Bombard. The Governor Ran After the First Shot Was Fired. Canea, Crete, Feb. 15. (Sunday evening.) Tho Christians occupied the heights surrounding the town and began to rombard Canea. As soon as the firing commenced, Georgl Bcro yltch, governor of Crete, with 30 re cently enrolled Montenegro gendar mas, boarded tho Russian roan-ofwar. The Greek consul also embarked on board another vessel. The Turki from the fortress re plied to the fire of the Chriatlans. It is reported that the fighting was at tend with bloodshed. The military gove rnor has been removed from Ins post. Tho foreign consuls also em barked on board tho various vessels lying off the town of Canea. The Greek consul at Hcraklion went on board the Greek warship Naura chos Nlaulls. The Christians at Heiaklion arc also hurrying on board the ship. Fighting at Halcpha. London, Feb. 15. A Canea dis patch dated Sunday.to the Times says the village of Halepa, the residence of the consults, was In a state of great trepidation Sunday In consequence of the approach of the Insurgents, who, Joined, It is stated, by tjio Greek volun teers, assembled In force on Akrotarl peninsula, made an advnee in tho neighborhood. The Hellenic flag hoisted on tho arrival of tho Greek warships was displayed on tho sum mit of an adjoining hill. All of tho members of the famllllcs of the con sular agents were transferred to the warsniDS. The Greek consulate was imprisoned within ltupre&slve show of force by native Christian sailors in anticipation of an attack from tho Mohammedans from the vicinity of Canea. The insurgents advanced yesterday (Sunday) toward the Isthmus connect ing the peninsula with the mainland, and engaged the Turkish artillery throughout the afternoon. Tho Mo hammedans at Canea were in a state of great excitement, and, owing to Tu rners of an intended attack on the con sulates at Canea, special precautions were taken at the offices of the British consul. 4bout400 bashi-bazouks and a company of regulars hurried out from Canea and attacked the Christians, who were finally repulsed and pursued into the interior of the peninsula. It is reported that, the Christians haye succeeded in making a stand, and that they now maintain their po sition. Hcraklion Is more quiet, as a large part of the Christian population has embarked on the man-of-war. The governor has demanded a writ ten assurance from the consuls that the Greek fleet is not to molest the transport conveying troops to Sltla. This transportjwas compelled to re turn Friday by tho firing from a Greek warship. This assurance was given by tho British ylce-consul, and by Cap tain Grcnfell, of tho turret ship Tra falgar. Captain Grenfell subsequently promised the government to prevent the Greek warships from bombarding tho town, provided the Mohammedans would abstain from acts of violence. ner majesty's steamships Rodney and Dragon have arrived. . The Turkish troopship, which ar rived put out to sea, pursued by the Greek transport Mykalc. Ibrahim Pasha, military governor, has resigned. Governor's Resignation. LoNDON,Fob. 15. A Times dispatch from Canea dated Sunday night says that the resignation of Prlnco Georgl Berovltch as governor of Crto has al ready been accepted, and ho departed Sunday afternoon for Trieste. Despite the official statements, there Is reason to believe he left his post without the sultan's permission. In his letter to the consuls representing tho powers, ho only stated that he had tendered his resignation. Although well Intcntloncd, Bero V I tch Pasha has shown a lamentable lack of courage during tho recent troubles, according lo the correspond ent. He practically abandoned tho direction of affairs at a critical mo ment. It must, In fairness, be said that tho task Imposed upon him was one of extraordinary difficulty. With out gendarmerie, without law courts, opposed by military subordinates, thwarted in Constantinople, and har assed by his administrative council, ho had no means to make his author ity respected. It must be also borne In mind that the sudden disappear ance of Turktsh officials Is often due to occult Inlluonces. The position of the next governor will not be enviable. According to another dispatch to the Times from Canea, tho Greek con sul, with his staff, boarded the Greek I'onclad Hydra, aftet placing the re fugees at the consulate under the pro tection of the British consul. Up to the present tImc,howcvcr,the refugees remain at the Greek consulate. The closing of tho Greek consular offices seems to indicate a definite rupture between Greek and Turkey. The captain of the Greek warship Hcraklion has threatened to bombard tho town If tho Mohammedans com mlt any outrages in that vicinity. Tho Russian and French admirals have received identical Instructions, enjoining upon them tho adoption of energetic measures. This Is probably in accordance with tho English pro posals which tho ambassadors at Con stantinople agreed upon, namely, tho lolnt naval occupation of Canea, Retlmo and nerakllon, the removal of tho Greek fleet and the prohibition of the dispatching of Turkish reinforce ments to Crete. A telegram from Athenssays that tho British and Italian sailors cheered tho Greck'troops as they were starting for Crete. A Daily Mail dispatch from Rome says tho Greek minister there assorts that tho troops which left Athens had express and unconditional orders to occupy Crete. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, at they cannot reach the teat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood constitutional disease and in order so cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is takeninternally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous ot laces, uairs tatarrn t,ure is not a quacK medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this count ry for yoan , and is a regular prescription It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifier, acting directly upon the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what pro luces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Cuenbv & Co., Toledo, O. QrSold by all druggists. Notice. Notice Is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any bills con tracted by any ono but myself. Feb. 12, '07. J. 0. Mills. 2-13-lw ROYAL The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER ROYAL the most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world cel ebrated for its great leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, biscuit, bread, etc., healthful, it assures you against alum and all forms of adulteration that go with the cheap brands. CONGRESS The Great Arbitration Treaty Foreign Relations Committee Re ports An Amendment. Wabuington, Feb. 15. The senate went Into executive session, on motion of Sherman, for the purpose of faking up tho arbitration treaty. The sen ate was Immediately Informed that committee on foreign relations had agreed upon an amendment which would Insure the speedy acceptance of the trcary by tho 6enate. This a mendmentas read was directly in the lino Indicated by the 'Associated Press dispatches putting into wordsj Senator Turplc's Idea that tho effect of the treaty would be to bringback to the senate for Its accept ance questions passed upon by tho proposed board of arbitration. Senator Morgan and the other oppon ents of the agreement had made 1 1 dear even that with the amendments the treaty would not be acceptable. So evident was tnls opposition that the advocates of Its ritificatlon became convinced for the first time that tho opposition was irreconcilable, and not withstanding the conciliatory spirit manifested by the friends of the docu ment, It would still be necessary for it to fight its way through the senate . It was also stated that tho purpose of the committee was to withdraw all amendments heretofore suggested by the committee, In the belief that the amendment now made would be suffi cient to meet all objections advanced against the treaty. It soon developed, howeycr, that the proceedings of the committee had not been so harmonious as the friends of the treaty had been led to hope for Other amendments were suggested by individual members of the senate during the session. Ono of these was by Senator Chandler, and was to bind both contracting parties to this treaty to make similar agreements with other nations, whether weak or possessing large war establishments. Tho amendments also declared in a purpose of the present treaty to pro mote a policy of military disarmament and exemplify the principle of arbitra tion for the benefit of other nations. You should try Dawson's Bitters. ' " mm .- ATTENTION UNEMPLOYED. Important Information for Unemployed Men and Women. There are deserving and intelligent men and women In every town out of employment. Will you not hand this to soino such person who wants to earn a little money ? We want men or women out of em ployment to Introduce bestsellingand cheapest newspaper In tho world. Can make CO cents to $2 a day spot cash. No capital required. Send your ad dress to Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., for full instructions and equip ment and go to workatonco. 2-0-td LyVAtjL0BMlg li Jrtiv 1 Mt uaiNa rowMW r. BWtf m-mjm-. . rUi I jH