FJJWWSW" ' ) I ..2 I K. l. Iv fcfr . V P- i nr fc tr rP CSSmi .' VrTlSftafi i irrrYTri Daily Capital Journal BY HOKKR BHOTMBR-, TUESDAY,, PSH. , 1897. Wimiliiliyw ELECT MITCHKLU Byall means! Without the Fulton niMch'Mltchell combination In chargo of the Republican party It rannnt exist: that Is clear. Without hlcrhtinAd. courageous statesmen of conscience and honor at the helm what Is to become of the 0. 0. 1 ? Wo must not forget that Mitchell can teach finance round or fiat, and with out such a man at the head hovr can the party survive? If a clean business man were elected senator without the use of money, without lying deception, trickery or corruptly promising all the offlces, there would be no use for an oppsl atlon party.ond Republicanism would not be such a stench In the nostrils of the people ai It has become under the gold-plated ullverUm of John Hippie Mitchell. Hy all mcuns, put the ITIrsch . Mitchell-Fulton combine on the front seat to crack the whip and drive the bandwagon. If you can't do It with Rcrjubllcans do It with Democrat and ropulists. Save our country from tho awful blight that will fall on principles and morals If wc full to re turn Mitchell. Oregon tins no future politically without Mitchell and not much with him, but let us not forget to honor ourselves and our children by placing on the brow of consistency the laurels of honor and restore party harmony I Tlicro Is but one man who can per form these wondcrn, double tho prlco or wool and put our pruned Into the mnrkets of Constantinople. Wo need not suy who ho Is, but It Is time for Republicans to realize what un awful crime It would bo not to return Mitchell, Fulton and Hirsch. THE JeHSON HOUSE. IMMIGRATION. L'ouprcss Is still debating tho pro posed Immigration bill, based on tho proposition In the McKlnl'ey platform, that Intending immigrants shall be able to read and wrlto? Read and wrlto what? Thoro Is tho rub. Tho platform was a fallacy, It was tho work of tho trusts and manufac turers who want to put a premium on tho bettor skilled labor of tho world to coma und compete with yankeo brains audougenuity and cut down tho only decent wuecs paid In our country, Tho unskilled labor Is now no cheap that it will bo kept down without ac cessions from abroad. Tho substitu tion of machinery and capital Is driv ing common labor to tho wall. Rut tho higher grades of skilled labor are to Uu imported freely for tho benefit of tho factory. This is no Just solu tion of the Immigration problem. It Is not Justice to humanity if it has any rights for the politician to consider. Tho houso kill excludes "all male persons between 16 and CO years of ago who can not read and wrlto tho Eug llsh language or sotnoothor language." Tho senate bill oxcludes"nll persons over 10 years of ugo who can not read and writo tho lauguago or tholr na tlvo country or somo other lauguago." Tho conferenco report excludes "all pontons physlchlly capable and over 10 years of ago who can not read and wrlto tho KnglUhlangimgo or tho lan guage nf tholr native or resldontcouu try." 'founded upon uu unjust principle this Immigration laws leads to endless strife uudir ewiotcd.wlH lead to end leas Injustice and dlsHiktlsfacllon. Am biguity and Indirection In legislation are always wrong mid dangerous. With two millions unemployed men In our country, and mhim authors say us high us tlvo millions, wo behold the tool of the trusts und corporations and steututhlp companies engago In a wranglu for udvunttwu'o while the la boring men of our country ure starving for cmployniuut, Surely congress can not read the signs of the times. When Mr. Benson shall resume the art of teaching young Americans to be citizens we mar imagine the fol lowing questions and answers flylnr between himself and pupils: Bensen: What is a legislature for? Pupil: To enact laws and elect a senator. B: IIow many docs It take to organ- Izo a legislature ? P: It, takes two-thirds of the house of sixty members. B: Can the legisiaturo transact any business before It is organized ? P: No deliberative body can delib erate until It has assumed a perma nent jrganlzatlon. B: IIow many arc two-thirds of sixty ? P: Forty. B: Under some circumstances it Is not true; If there Is a silver senator to elect with gold standard vote?, or If about two-fifths of the legislature are Popullnts, thirty are two-thirds of sixty. Plcahc remember that, when you grow up and become a polltlclnn. P: Why didn't you go ahead and ap point your committees It thirty were it quorum and the Benson house was a legal organization? B: That was tho only legislature I ever served In and wc were waiting for an opinion on that question from Senator Hoar when the people assem bled and drove us all out of the build ing. P: Yes, cc rend that In tho history of Oregon. B: As a result no appropriations were passed and tho counties that col lected the taxes refused to turn them over to tho state treasurer to specu late on, but paid up their floating war ranto. Counties that had no debt were enjoined from collecting the Htnto tax. The Benson houso has gono Into history as tho only freak of the kind and has novcr been repeated. Public sentiment lias grown so strong since then that no legislature has over dared attempt anything but a consti tutional organization. P: What became of tho senator who advised tho Benson houso to maintain its position against the or ganic law ? B: IIo went to Africa and becamo professor of constitutional law In tho university of Nln-com poop-pn. FROM TURNER. FROM STAYTON. Jir.and Mrs. Mitchell of Ljons.were Stayton visitors during the latter part of last week as the guest of Mrs. Bals Iey. Mrs. II. Hobson and two children left for Salem Saturday morning for a two weekU visit with Senator Hobson of the present legislature- Mr. Alfred Davis Is to give a dance in Daisy Hall next Friday nlifht a large attendance Is expected from all smalt towns and surrounding country as well as from Stayton. The Baptist convention closed last Thursday night after a successful weeks meetings. A young man froml'ortland has suc ceeded In organizing a clas9 in short hand, all lessons given at night in the public school building. Miss Ethel Gardner one of the stu dents at Willamette University re turned Monday to Salem, after a week at her homo in Stayton on account of sickness. Mr. David Watt or Lyons.and fam ily are visiting In town this week at the home of Mr. M. M. Balsley. Word reached here last week from the effect thatMr.tjucss- noil, formerly of this place, had fallen from a house roof where he was at work and had broken his left limb at the time the news was sent patient was resting comfortably In the hospi tal of the town where he was wounded. Rev. Green or this place, left for Eastern Oregon the first of the week where he will hold meetings for the next four weeks. Rev. Weddle will fill all appointments for him In this part of the country. An electrician has been In town try ing to make arrangements to put un electric light plant In at this place, but what success he had Is not known. Labor Exchange is making prepara tions to erect a store,and in a short time will bo put In full running order no doubt. C. Brownwell Marlon Alonzo THE LEGISLAT RE. Baker and Malheur "Will B- Kin ' Benton and Linoolu-Tolbert Car ter (Ittip). Clackamas Geo. (Rop). Clackamas and GesnertHep). , . JTV . Clatsop-Mohn II. Smith (Dem). Columbia, Washington and Tilla mook G. W. Patterson (Rep). rWie fitrrtr anA .TnenniriG U. " Tin iniiri l?rr Crook, Klamath and Lake-B. Daly liJeni). Douglas-A. W. Reed (Rep). Gilliam, Sherman and Wasco-E.B-Durur(Dem). w Grant, Harney and Morrow 'A. iv. Gowan (Rep). Jackson-S. II. Holt (Peo). Lane I. D. Driver (Rep). V.-H.Mc- Clung(Rcp). , . ., t r.inn s. A. Dawson (ReD).A. J. Johnson (Rep). W. i JLd's fKFlrW Im : u s. jr- . . r ) forlr.r,W IT. TTntwnn I UeDI. A'l iiiVJ ? " "WW -- L. Patterson (Rep). , . Multnomah-Gco. W. Bates (Rep)- J. E. Haseltlne (Mitch. Rep). Donald MacKay (Rep). Ben Selling (Hep. auu Taxpayers' League), Joseph bimon R cpi. Polk-B, p. Mulkey (Rep). .,. , Sherman and Wasco Jolin .Mien- XuBiuuUon Notice. l . "'JKutUis'U hereby given that tho reg ,.- wUr tcuchcru examination will be held tSnlum. Or., beginning at I o'clock p. in. Fvbnmry 10, &7. G. W. Jones, 1 td County Supt. iMhf Mill zj oworvruv. Ed. Jeurnal: Will you please give tho readers or tho Journal and other taxpayers the names or thoso noble GO senate clerks. Tho taxpayer want the names or those heroes tor u sou venir when a long-suffering people will riso up und ovorthrow the present party In power. A fellow at-my elbow -wishes to know why or how u county Judge can chargo ttn dollars for In specting a brldgo when ho Is under pay by tho county ? And why is it that tho Jury list Is not roylsed occa sionally V Aro there no others in tho county fit to serve, or aro they the only eligible ones? Taxpayer. answer. Tiik Journal will glvo the names of all legislative clerks la duo time. The number may still be doubled, and It Is best to wait until tho returns aro all In. In regard to County Judge Terrell charging for Inspecting bridges, It Is uot customary for tho Judgo to get extra pay for such ser vices, except for legitimate expenses, such as livery hire, railroad fare, or board. Why Judgo Terrell Is allowed tlO for Inspection work Is not known, but it Is certainly an Improper charge. S&lomVJolly Lady Minstrels tonight nt Reed's opera house, 60 and 25 cents. From Rep. Emery' Puper. J, I). Eddy, having purchased a controlling interest In un Oregon newspaper, will possibly bo ouly too glad to have tho railroad commission repealed. We would suggest to tho people of this place who were shouting for Mc- Klnley, Mitchell and sound money la November, to trim their torches and light John II. out of tho wilder ness. A grist of editorial opinions written In Salem and sent to vurlous vipers In Oregou are now being copied Into the Statesman. They all bear the same earmarks as tho Dalrymplo cir cular, and aro probably written and printed at o much a line. Salem Jolly Lady Mtnlstsels tonight at Reed's opera house, CO and 25 cents. m To Reform the Clerks Evil. Following senate bill Introduced by Will R. King, of Baker county is far nn act to regulate the employment of tho clerical aid of the legislative assembly of tho state of Oregon. Section 1. It shall bo the duty of the secretary of state, on or before the second (Monday after the time fixed by law for the convening of the legislative assembly, to employ ten competent clerks for the scnuto and fifteen competent clerks for the house of representatives. Sec. 2. At least seven of the clerks so employed for the senate and ten of the clems 60 employed for the houso shall be competent stenographers and type-writers. &ec. .. tiio secretary or state snail provide such rules and regulations as may be proper for ascertaining tho competency of nil clerks employed for tho legislative assembly herein pro vided for. Provided that political opinions shall not bo considered In ascertaining tho qualifications of any ono so employed. Sec. 4. During tho last ten days of tho session of the legislative assembly tho secretary or state may, ir deemed necessary, employ ten additional clerks, who shall be able to write Thompson (Rep). pll (Ron) Umatilla A. R. Price (Rep). Umatilla and Union-T. C. Taylor Union and Wallowa-Justus Wade (Pco). . Washlngton-S. Hughes (Rep). , Yamhlll-M. F. Calbrcath (Rep). Holdovers elected in 1894. Candidates for president: A. J. Johnson, or Linn, I. L. Patterson, of Marion, and Joseph Simon, of Mult nomah. Raker D. W. Yoakum (Peo.) Benton John Whltaker (Peo.) Benton and Lincoln E.i R. Lake (I'cp) , . Clackamas-W. S. U'Ren (Peo.) Geo. Ogle (Peo.) J. II. Kruse(Peo.) Clatsop John E. Gratke (Dem.) &. J. Svindseth (Peo.) Columbia Norman Merrill (Rep.) Coos Thos. Buckman (Peo.) Coos and Curry V. II. Nosier (Peo-) Crook R. E. Mlsner(Dem.) Domzlas A. M. Crawford (Rep.) J :c . . -. r MliJ vy, 7WV frr Vfc 4, from 4 i 1.1j-i niRiit mc ttM.- l woman who still Gold Dust" woman as ner J morning tm reSSffizZ"" Gfllll Hose Powder .Los rttip stroke W-andthe saving of money eauino" 01 laDOr. 3vm-'j ,oMV ' ..- ., u CAIRBANft uumi-"'".' TMfc. iv. r - , SI lotill, Chlctjo, . r i-,n in house clean- serve lui ".-, fft thp IS equui w -- ,e tXl'.llltZ UUiY 7 w. -. 1 L.'IH OTfprTrwilCH-. "-- " saving oi luuvi. w IMC i. .". ..,.. phmiictDhla. Um TA. DUftlWHt ' San Franclico. DENTIST,, -"'c,es.-or to Dr. J. M. kerne, 0M u c trier, Salem, Or. Partic ilcsinrg w operations at tnixlcrate fees in aiy brrnch , in especig' request. w WTCiGELMl On inside propfrty"at 7 per cent. On flr Mn,l .nnnritv nt X ner pent. Kf 1-.-- . or inveitors. Insurance efTecred in relul.1! companies JOHN MOIR, HpiKer. mom no. z, uusn tiank buiMm. , PUTS MAI nm 1 WUZ A M1ESCKE Prooj. Dalars in all kinds of freih and salt mej f jitd in hulk, 7c a lb. Cheapest meat info own Try them. 171 Commercial st, Up town shop near car bain on State it Mitchell Republican and Peoples., i Union Bimetallic iviJAiiVii Taxpayers' League and Mitchell j liepuoiiuau...; ,0 Numoerof Senators Jo Republicans 3 Democrats 3 People's , Mitchell Republtons.. ; Republican and Taxpayers' League. 1 JOINT IAJ. "" w T. Bridges (Rep.) Geo, W. RlddlelRep.) Gllllam-J. E. David (Rep.) Grant and Harney C. S. Dustin (Peo.) Jackson G. F. Schmldtlein (Peo. J. J. Howscr (Peo.) Nat Langell (Rep. Josephine Henry L. Benson (Rep. Klamath and Lake Virgil Conn (Rep.) Lane-L. Bllyeu (Dem.) D. G. Palm (Rep.) T. J. Vaughan (Rep.) Linn John M.Somers (Rep.) John son S. Smith (Peo.) T. M. Munkers (Peo.) Malheur I. V. Hope (Rep.). Marion- II. L. Barkley (Rep.)E. W Chapman (Rep.), David Cral(Rep), .mu iv in icy .Hue uuu iiiui;.,.J. h.oluilh (Ren). Morrow J. N. Brown (Rep). Multnomah J. B. Bayer. (Rep). Jonathan Bourne, Jr. (Mitch. Rep. and Pco.J. James N. Davis (Rep.),Geo. II. Hill (Rep. and Taxpayers' League). II. A. Ilogue (Taxpayers' League and Mitch. Rep.),A. L. Maxwell (Rep.), D. L. Povey (Rcp).W. E. Thomas (Mitch. Ren.), Henry wanner (Mitch. Ren). Polk T.J. Lee (Dem.), J. A.Ven ncss (Rep). Sherman and Wasco B. S. Hunt ington (Rep.) , h N. Jones (Rep). . Tillamook and Yaiuhlll-John Gill (Peo. and Union Bimetallic). Umatilla E. J. Davis (Rep.), J. S. uuruano (ueni v. t. Kigo uniou-,1. w. .MCAiister ( S. Stanley (Ren). Wallowa C. E Jennings Rep), Washington Harvey S. Hudson Rep.), G. V. Marsh (Rep.), J. R. C. G&y&&z& Iim . iitleu Jolly Lady Mlntstrels tonight at Red'n opera house, 60 and 5 cents. clear and legible hand, and who shall ho otherwise quallilcd, to assist on tho enrolling and engrossing com mittees In both houses whose labors shall bo divided between tho two branches of tho legisiaturo in such manner as may be most practicable. Sko. 6. Tho nrovlslons of this act shall not bo hold to Includes any of tho olllcors of either branch of the legislative assembly, which may be necessary for tho permanent organi zation thereof. Sec. 0 None of tho employees herein provided for shall recelvo to exceed threo dollars nor day, tho compensa tion to bo fixed by tho secretary of state, and nono so employed shall re ceive pay for u longor period than from date of employment until the closo of tho sosslon. Sec. 7. No- additional clerks shall bo employed by the legislative assembly by resolution or otherwise, In addition to tho clerks herein pro vided for, unless tho resolution pro viding thero'or receive thrce-forths vote of tho members elected to both branches of tho legislative assembly. Salem Jolly Lady Minstrels at opera uouie lonigut. A Nebraska edltor.whoso paper was latoono weck,.cxplalns tho delay In this lucid manner: "Our paper Is two days late this week owing to an accident to our press. Wo started to run off tho edition on Wednesday uigut as usual, one oi me guy ropes gavo way, allowing tho forward glider- iluto to fall aud break as It struck the llunkor tlopper. This, of any. ono that knows nnythlng about a press will readily understand, left the gang plank with only the lllptlap to support It, which also dropped and broke off tho wrapper-coke. This loosened the tluklng between tho ramrod and the tlbber-snatchor, which also caused trouble. Tho report that tho trouble was caused by over-indulgence in Intoxicating stimulants by ourelf is a tissue of falsehoods, the peeled appear ance of our riu'ht eye being caused by outgoing Into tho hatchway of tho press In our auxloty to start it, and pulling tho couplln; pin after the slapbuug v?as broken, which caused tho dingus to rise up and welt us In the optic Wo expect a brand-new ullder-tluko on this afternoon,! tr in Brains. Yamhill II. G. Guild (Union Bl metallic), O. C. Emery (Union Bi metallic). Scat will be contested by J. Hunt ley, Gold Reach. Candidates for speaker: J. N. Brown of Morrow, II. L. Benson ot Joso phle.Jonathan Bourne, Mult nomah, Go W. Rldaell, of Douglas. IlECAl'ITDLATION. Number of Representatives 60 Republicans 34 uemocrats 4 reopies 14 Number of members Republicans Democrats People's Mitchell Republicans .............. Republican and Taxpayers' League Mltcnen uepuoutuu auu A disinterested and clear-headed judge doesn't al low himself to be biased by preju dice. Superstition doesn't affect his decisions. Mere tradition has no place in his rea ontnjr. Facts are the only things hich he consid. era. If the intelH. 'gent men and wo men who make up this gTeat country of ours will simply viiug uicir reason and common-sense to bear on the problem of curing their sickness. u 411 .. V- -' Hon most remarVahlr far health ., !- ity. The plain, undecorated facts about Dr K.,eref Goiaen -Medical Discovery are all that is necessary to convince fair-minded people of us transcendent merit. The are as follows- VLSe.t,M?m,e froa fenns- The senns EL. w l ? W' PPKte and increase in the blood, which came them all over the body Vhen they find a weak spot, they Stick to thr uviV.mi l. 1 --H ,.' eased spot, and the disease is called by the nawe corresponding to its location in the iy Tbe. ,usc u tUe wme for neIy all r- 1AUimP?"Ksarefenns.orbfeed raw. impure blood means germ filled Wood Kill the genus, eliminate the im- MM?0 lhc H001-an1 itiriu fiSSi f jBt the dle Pt nd strengthen it. and give it power to throw off the germs ll '", ?r ,Piere'8 GoU Med. lirtJ 'tf0" designed to do this-that U te theory The facts are these-teni of thousaads of people hare used the ''ml covery." it used to be sold with the und. ;SJJ th" if t didn't cure, it ihoSd S &J hj money refunded. n tKKly ever asked for the money, and so that have wf,&et "& of plople HI v1,!luavolIntary letters of thaiks to ASK .fI2l.bS,lt elniyrtt on -m - -. -. raauinj! 90 56 7 17 3 2 1 Union Bimetallic ::.. Taxpayers' League and witcnen Republican 2 PORTLAND MARKET. TROV1SI0V. Portland, Feb. 9 Wheat valley, S34 Walla Walla, 81. Flour Portland, 4'5-. Benton county, 4.40J graham, 4.00; superfine, J2.50 per till Oats White, 3j&,x; grey, 3b4orolled in bags, $4.255.25. barrels, 4.5&'-w' cases, 3.75. Potatoes.. Oregon, 65750 per sack, Hay .Good, l2.5oI3 per ton. Hops 9ioc. Wool.. Valley, 9ioc; Eastern Oregot 68c. Mohair. . !52oc. Millstuffs. .Bran.M5.oo; .horts $16 50. Poultry-Chickens , mixed,$2to$2;duck! 4a4.5o; turkeys, live, 10, Eggs.. Oregon, 1 7a2oc per dor. Hides., trreen. salted 60 lbs iV.c; undei 60 lbs 66c; sheep pelts, io7oc Tallow 2c3c. per sack. nxix. Bags Calcutta 4.2$4.37M- Beani small white, yttlc. lima 4C Hogs Heavy, 3.00 to 3.25 Butter.. Best dairy,223oc; fancy reamery 3543C. t-neese ,iiytc. Dried Fruit Apples, evaporated, bleached 6V7c; unbleached, 3jic4c; sundried, 4c 5tfc. i'ears 5cgoc Plumsr-pitless, 3c4C Prunes 4c6c. Veal small 5; large 4c per lb. Mutton Weathers 2.00; ewes 1 .50; dressed mutton, 4c. Beet Steers 2.75;cows $22.50 dressed 4SM. Cured Meats .Hams 10c iojc bacon 6c. Lardin pails, 70. SAN FRANCISCO MARKET. Wool.. Oregon' choice 7ec: inferior? 7c, valley, 8oc. Hops Quotable at 7.10c for.Bew. Poutoes 6o75c per sack. " Oats Millin?, 1.15(1.35. 5ALEM MARKET. Oats. 35c. Hay.. Baled, cheat, 9.00; timothy 11 Straw, $3.50 to $4.00. Flour.. In wholesale lots, 4.20;, retail 440; bran, bulk 13.00; sacked, 14 00; ", 14.oco15.oo; cnop feed, 15.00 8.iPm Ury HeM' 6C' Rooslers Sc! Turkeys VealDressed, 4. Hogs.. Dressed, 33. Live Cattle.. 1JI2. Sheep. .Live, 1.502.00 cwt. ooi..Best. 12c. Hops.. Best, 9aioc. EBE..Cash. 12-Kc. i "' "c , 7 A,PPIes Per box 1 -oo 1.50 ATTENTION-UNEMPLOYED. Important Information for Unemployed Men and Women. There are deserving and Intelllf nt men and uooien in every town out of employment. Will you not hand this to some such person who wants to "S.'wlS'nSn'Swonienontof em ptoymen to introduce best sol Ingand cheapest newspaper In the world. Can make 50 cents to 2 a day spot cash, capital required. Sd your ad dress to Capital Journal, bale m, Ore., for full instructions and equip ment and go to work at once. 2-8-tu The Best Way to Cure Disease is to establish health. Pure, rich blood means good health. Hood s Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood i'urilier. It tones up the whole 'sys tem, Rives appetite and strength and C.'.ilSeS WCaKOess, licnuusuon oain to disappear. io oinur muuivuit lias buch a record of wonderful cures as Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's Tills are the best after-dinner pill; assist digestion, prevent constiuatlon. 2,ic SALEM MilR- ft For Infants and Children. lie ft:- nguts;e it a iTiry vrsjjw. .Baccn, 6Jc; rarm Smoked Meats 9! shoulders, 5c. t-otatos..35cDrbu Onioni J1.20 per bn. 7CZIiP1pIesATOPlated,'l':bedl 70 Sc: unbleached 4c5c. Plumi 4c. with Catarrh Cannot Be Cured LOCAL APPLICATION Uall lh-e Mat of the di"e. Catarrh a!ftiJL'SBs;t "gulanprescrin lo U "W ,or '"" of the iSiih fi Ration wonderful results Y n- X.?nl.,BSP !uch testimnn!,!. . UB -WnB, cysoid by all druggists. " Send for oledo, O. HOW TO REMIT. Agents and suh..ritm The Journal a e rSested td,erin8 write names Dlalnlvtn5, alwaJs IX) not send Plainly to avoid errors. avoided lloneroXrs or !L??n safest, but coin to tim o.drafts are dollar can be sent fiv ,a,mou.?tot a Pe? In paVr btfo ?," V.eI .wrP- HOFER BROS, Editors. 1 fiSH!lfSSj tf JOHN HUGHE Dealer in groceries, paints, oils, window glass, varnishes, and the most complete stock of brushes of all kinds in the state, Artists' materials, lime, hair, cement and shingles, and finest quality of grass seeds, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RENTER WANTEDThree years lease to right party, of 13 acres, good house and barn, three miles north of Salem, half in cultiva tion, two acres timber young orchard and plenty of small fruit. Good terms Inquire ofH. St.IIe'ens, at Brewstei & White's feed store, 91 Court street. 1-25.ini NOTICE. All persons are herebv notified not' to give credit to Mrs. Delia Plum, ri .7 f'r m.m' wa'- shaPe or knn, ana that I will nat h ro.:iw..!M, r. u claims. David M. Plum, Lincoln, Or. 1-8 4w toiu. N. II. StUll'.-Stenographer and typewriter, room 12, over Laddl- Bush's bank. Prompt attention to all classes of work. fR UtNl'-Eleven acres adjoining the Z S,Chf' at ,Ct;eitawa. five acres ol gard n iandi good housei bam ArM.?month rye,ar forlow cashre"l two miles north of town on river road. 11.25I1 And This is What He Wrote, p"?e editor of the ?M took a spin over the Burlinuton road mi WeeK- having Billings Monday at Jl:30 a. 111. and arriv ing In Chicago at 8:20 'rif?fne.sdaj; morning -That is the kind of -" me linn ngton wakes. It is a ifcht" " ng express time ?nc.a tra?k tlie best Ir. 1 the world, and with a" Rulpment unsur passed by any railway on t,ie continent The .VllnIS chair cars are sunerb, and the sronery all through yomlng, Nebraska IOWa. T lirmlc L, u.ttU i... -.."a 13 UU 111. Office: Willamette Hotel Builds 1 For water service apply at office n.n. payable monthly in advance. Make if complaints at the office. cThTlane MICHiNTTill 211 Commercial St., Salem Or tySuits $15 upwards, l'antsl upwands-ji BREWSTER & WHITE, HH ii PI All kinds of grain feed, ha, straw, etc., at lowest prices. 91 COURT ST, - SALEM. TWIN MEAT MIHHB Best Meats in the city. Prompt deliverr. Cottle Block Shop, Court Street Shop. jl.U. l-iMNUKlUH, I'rcp, -REMOVED, D- S. Bentley, successor to Salem Improit ment Co., is nicely boused at the corner Chemeketa and Front streets, and west of tk First National Hank. Thanking the public for past favors, we would gladly have them call and see us at our new office. I faring the telephone moved, when you desire my thing ring up No. 30. All business attended to promptly, A full stock of supplies 011 hand, especially of all kinds of wood. 1.5 1m DEPOT EXPRESS, Meets all masl and passenger trains. Bag gage and express to all parts of the city. Prompt service. Telephone No. 70. JAMES RADER. T. M. HAAS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWhLER, Makes a sppialty of fine repair work, &tl Thomas clock, etc., 215 Commercial Strett k m wooer! Liquors, tobaccos, cigars, confectionery A lull iine of high-grade bottled good! 0 all kinds. 218 Commercial St., Salcn. R. J. HERSCHBACH, tiful. The ion system Burline. meet. c. Ic .. 'oothenvordSciv describes it.-ffiL1 rickets and time 10 any ticket agent. A SHELDON, G. A.. oniand.Or. Ladies VJhn uoi.. Arefln ..,.., "" "u,u SsJsSSE3SBH For Dn'Ua eefe Blacksmith and Wagon 1 t.R. J. Herscbbach, blacksmith and w" maker, horseshoeing a specially, setting new $1.25, resetting shoes 75 cents. All other work in proportion. Satisfaction p anteed. 100 Chemeketa street. . Salem SteamLaundry Please"notice the cut in prices on the following! Shirts, plain 1" Under drawers stoiocenf Under shirts 5tolocen3 Socks, per pair 3 c , Uandkerchiefs " Silk handkerchiefs 3f Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per 'fiaa, and other worlc in proportion. , Flannels and ether work W telhgently washed by hand. Col. J, Olmsted ft i PURE JERSEY BDLL For service for the season. .Call at Bro' meat market, corner Center and ThirtMM treet. Finest milk stock in OregopJfJiS Jersey Bulls The undersigned lias two pure bic&u1 Ms, one registered. Price $1 cash. C K sidence on D street, near S. P. raihotd. 13 ln D. WCH' MARSHAL'S SALE: Notice is hereby given that under the fl visions of ordinance No. 200, I will, f Sthday of February, 1897, at 2 o'clock P- at the pound in the City of Salem, ' " public auction the following described 1 younaeaanimal to-wit: , v One bay mare with white strip in lotv and white left hind foot. L . Unless the above described . claimed, 1 will sell it at the city VrZ alem, aforesaid county and state 0" 8th day ol February, 1897, at 2 o'clock p. a public auction to the highest bidder cash. , A. DILLEV, MarsbsL, 1 DtedJ,Feb,4, iT- W wFM