Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, February 04, 1897, Image 2

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    J J
M 'I
Oaitf Capital Journal
THUBtfDA? FEB. 4, 17.
It !i entirely owafciant with tbc
HcKlnley platform to dcct the
biggest national banker, In Chicago,
. for hU Hwretary of tbe trearery. The
national bank are ewentla! to the ex
- Isteoce of the liepabllcan party aod
a It teacbe to the welfare of the peo
ple. Without them do prosperity In
. powlble for the people say tbe banks,
and to ays the IfcpuWIcaa party.
As In the dayof the Federalist,
the national bank !km become an es
sential part of the gorerainent, under
' tbe liepabllcan rule. The one cannot
exist without the other, and tbe peo
ple must support both.
So It it natural and proper that the
Prince of national banks should take
charge of the national treasury In the
.Interest of the banks and not of the
people, Jt matters little that Gage
proposes to retire M7,000,tt Kreen
backs and S9,000,000 sHrerand cur
rency certificates, In all 1336.000,000
paper currency that bears no Interest,
and the substitution therefore of In
terest bearing debt as a basis of na
tional bank notes.
I ( Tbe state aiaorfty bat scraped C
jooe nsrnaciV-Professor wetserwe
who got JI500 a year as "physical dl-
t rector." Wben tbe rolkge Loys bad
any Important athletic work on band
they always bad to hire a competent
man to train tbem.
Wetberbee worked what Is known
as tbe "goody-ffoody racket.' He
nerer cobM stand on his feet . a raan
among men.
Tbe unlTersity would command
mpect if it would scrape off soma
more of Its barnacles for instance, a
professor of English literature and
ethics, who hears one class in algebra,
at 92500 year a reflection on common
30,000 People Are SuSerfog.
Tbeasaftds ef Families S&fiisg k
The gorcrnor of erada Indulges a
mean spirit of unfairness by defend
ng his signing tbc bill to legalize
prfzc-fJgbtlngon the specious grouna
that ft Is not more brutal or demora
lizing than football. This Is a false
' conclusion drawn from a false pre
Football has tbe approval of centur
ies of custom in favor of that ethll-
inratlng outdoor sport. It may be
dangerous, but It Is not brutal or de-
imorailzlng. Prize'ttghtlng Is both.
There have not been laws enacted In
any country against football All
countries havecondemmed prize tight-
ilng in more or lessse7ero legislation.
' Prlzc-flgtitlng Is brutalizing and de-
grading In the extreme, distinctive to
public morals and undermining the
spirit of law and order and the peace
dignity of the community. The gov
ernor of hevada wanted an excuse to
'approve an Immoral law.
Senator Mitchell's managers sbonld
now permit him to withdraw. He
has served all their purposes as a
means of holding up tbe legislature to
secure federal patronage. It is erl-
nent to ail who want to see tbat aside
from this element mere is not a par
ticle of enthusiasm for his return to
the senate among any disinterested
Mitchell should withdraw and let
the legislature organize and go about
the people's business. We confess to
a certain feeling of kindness and re
spect for Sir. Mitchell as a man, and
be should regard this In bis friends
and retire while be still possesses a
fragmentary portion of bis old-time
reputation and popularity.
Senator Simon occupies an enviable
position. lie has shown no malice or
littleness toward Mitchell In his dis
tress, Simon has shown consistency
and a respect for law and the consti
tution which Is tbe real secret of his
strength as a public man.
Senator Mitchell -bus converted
himself Into ucrauk to turn the pluto
factory, Abandoning Blkervcc&flngSto
clamor for election of senators, ho
has no prominent measure before the
incnato except to give n bankrupt
''private corporation the right to Issue
s Tlio Murltlno Canal Co., Is goner
rfously to donate 970,000,000 of this
"worthless stock of a ilend-or-allvo cor
tporatlon to tho United States. Tho
senator proposes to legalize stock
watering mIicmo to manufacture a
i few hundred more shoddy mllllonarles.
X In addition to legalizing stock the
Mitchell hill proposes to guarantee
'1100,000,000 cannl bonds, unci Issuo tho
,auio;to the Murltlno Canal Co
.These bonds aro to build tho canal.
.Tho stock Is Just so much over capi
talization. Hut wo ttro to have the
Shall wo
Industry? Thou elect
"ineffable blessing of au
jfuw wore more plutes,
protect this
In the Mitchell Joint assembly, for
It has never reached the proportions
of a convention, were thirty-five
Mltchellitcs, two democrats, one republican-populist
and one gold stand
ard republican Huntington, who Is
for Williams.
This motley array contains one
consistent man at least Huntington.
In all seriousness, consistency Is a
Jewell. A consistent man Is a rarity.
Lake, of Lincoln, nnd Ilazcltlnc, of
Multnomah, displayed great courage
and perfect consistency also.
They wsuld not endorse by their
action a lino of conduct which they
had condemned in others as a matter
of principal nnd theory. Tho pcoplo
can live in hopes If two men out of
41 can act In a direct lino of common
political honesty.
" Tho Mitchell men entered a trap
jel for them and swallowed the bait
uml padlocked Mu'IiwqItos in vrbero
-ahoy have not room to turn around,
"by adjourning over u day for want of
u quorum.
j Tho temporary organization of the
Jimiss under Speukur Davit had no
"quorum, so In accordance with the
"constitution It adjourned from day to
day. Now the Ihyisonltesor Mlteholl
,,te confess Judgtuei.t by adjournlug
r for mint of a quorum.
They deulared tho Davli obstruct
Hon tactic- revolutionary, Hut when
thoy adjourn from day to day fur
want of a quorum It is in obedience
to law and to uphold tho constitution.
Molalla, February 1, 1807.
Editor Journal: It is sickening
to an observer of Republican methods
manipulating the Salem political
machine. Why don't It rnnP What
makes It run as it docs? It's a gold
and silver plated Dolph and Mitchell
machlno said to bo "sound," It ought
to ruu somo way; however, there is a
minority rcslstanco to overcomo "at
the long arm of tho lever." Tho
"Driver" stands up to tell what ought
to be done, the motlvo power Is again
applied, the machine starts only to
stop as the Indicator reaches "20,"
when It Is so much desired to ralso
tho motion to "40," now tbo boss en
gineer overhauls the creaking machlno
again. Tho resistance still clings to
the periphery of tho lly wheel. And
at tho end of overy start the old Re
publican muuhlno's Indicator of speed
falls lower und lower, now registering
"12." All tho old and now lubricants
prove futile In dhdodglug the resist
ance The keys arc gettlug loose with
over-heating at tho Btartlng end of
the machine; more fuel Is added to
the furnace nnd water to tho boiler
und the machlno uiovcth not, an ex
piation of t no rotten thing may bo
expected at any moment. Hut keep
cool and hold fast boys, yo noble "14'
us tho days glide "sweetly" by.
An Old Rkpuhhcan.
Cbieaga sfedih Wtifc tfee itaareJ
severity ' tbe wfatr weather eswsr
a greater eaM tnm the pvK feraM.
and all bereasts of relief an taxed V
their utmost. Altbmgh tfce fesufe
are anusaally great, tfce catartuWe
work la Chicago is better rgaataeal
than ever before. Tbe bares of as
sociated cbarltfes has divided tbe city
into districts, and has systmUaed
tbe work, so tbat it is mac asore ef
fective than it bas ever bees I the
past. But the needs bare been so great
tbat tbe finance coramlUee of tbe
board makes another appeal to tbe
According to statistics completed
this morning Philip W. Ayres of tbe
bureau, orer 30,000 people feel the
paugs of hunger in Chicago today.
Tbe most striking thing about it is
tbe fact that tbe majority of these
persons are workingmen or their de
pendentspersons who have seldom if
ever asked for relief before. Tbe
long strain of continued hard times
bas exhausted their resources. They
cannot find employment. Relief I
necessary to keep them from starva
One by one all their possessions
which had any value has been dis
poned of to provide the necessities of
life. 2Sow their rooms are bare
They are cold and have no money to
buy fuel. They are bungry and hare
little food or none at all.
Long lines of men and women flock
to the county agents office to get the
relief they need, The force Is so
overworked that It cannot attend to
all the applications. All the chari
table organizations of the city are
overwhelmed with the burden thrust
upon them of caring for the needy.
In numbers of cases relief has come
Just in time to prevent starvation,
Large families, some kept from asking
help by pride, have been deprived of
sufficient food. They have become
emaciated, ill, discouraged and des
perate. "I have Just completed a careful es
timate of the extent of the 'destitu
tion In the city," said Dr. Ayres of
the Associated Charities.
"I find that, as a conservative esti
mate, there are 8,000 destitute famil
ies In Chicago today. The average
among tho poor is 4.2 persons to a
family. Multiplying 8,000 by that
number, we have 33,000, which Is
ycry close to tho actual number of
needy pcrsous. It is safe to say that
30,000 of them feel hunger to a greater
or less dergrec. Of course, they are
being provided for as rapidly as possi
"Tho destitute) Is worse in tho dls-
trlct along the river. Commencing
- -- i i J
lP 1IW wwr-
- ... t
h er. w&mc - "I
BrMk. mi Xtatb-'
the ! fifh itiStt,
aWIec3CkK.SWIh CM-
a smmoKS raostsu
AmtOteasi M itattbe
wBrf f ske iaor ai a4y Urts wiBter
feiw-giw tmMuitbat it ta-j
ew teeataCMfcctwty. cet auj
tfce ttee f ifee Be declared tbat I
fcte w wts f ! !
UedewMfeapw . d " tke
coMrtr UMd t gtw btat ssore oeip.
TTk eats? aey that b ayig
f sse thfe Tear s a das Uat I save
vtr)uJMa.-.'kaM. They are'
BearryaH onhy pstfle, who harel
teea reacea w sTatcwCTii v
staaces became of bet of "wk. Sosae
of then eves cs their hoae$, bat
they hae aoC a thte? la the boose
with which to t the or to
gfl the stowiehi of the children.
Tbyareacsa55.te.thatwoeH not
thtsk of appiylK to the coeaty areat
for relief U1 drlwa to doso by sheer
Presideat Heaiy tbiaks it woeld be
nnwise to pay oet saoaey for additi
onal offllce help at the expense of the
supply food. "It will be raacb bitter
to use tbe mosey la clving out pro
visions" said be. "I was over to the
county ajreacy oScea flavor so ago
and found tbat he bad at least three
times as manynaes oa his books as
heretofore. Tbe winter is the hard
est on the poor people I have ever
known it to be before.
mr honse spick and span, and
jOTbardly feel that you've cleaned
r -,.. -nrlinn;evork.
and not let it master you use
Washihc PoWoSl
A buccettlon,
Kd, Jouunau I would suggest that
u half dozen cowboyt bo cugaged to
round up that band now roaming In
niuj about our Mate house and drive
lltoiuout to tho I'uatern part of the
state, then after putting tho proper
brandfj. C.) on tyhm turn them out to
ltrtM,K-- Farmku.
Steering clear of
the shoals of ill
health and the rocks
of disease is easy
enough if only the
digestion be kept in
good order. It isn't
often any one is
sick unless they
have indigestion.
Tbe commonest way
in vriitoii indiges
tion, shows itself is
in constipation.
Nine people in ten
are iroutiiea more
or less in this way,
Nine-tenths of all the world's sickness is
caused by this one trouble. Sleepless
ness, pimples, blotches, headaches, sour
stomach, dimness, " heart -burn," palpi
tatioti, biliousness, distress after eating-
all these are merely symptoms of consti
pation. Why do people suffer with them
when the cure is so simple and so easily
obtained? Year ago, Dr. Pierce's Pleas
ant Pellets wer placed on the market.
Since then, there has been no excuse for
anybody to suffer from constipation, and
Its attendant ills. The "reflets" cure
every cose infallibly and permanently.
They are very small, easy to take, gentle
and quick In action. They are not at all
violent ; they do not disturb the system.
They cure you so you stay cured. Thou
sands of women wdl find if they take the
"Pleasaut Pellets" that their Ills will
vanish with the constipation.
Tbt rtople'a Common StgK Medical Adirlur
(lira mcc jUlo utclul information about tbe
numan-ifcJuyBim ait inc kudkbii
townlcb it U autMKt tban any
other alette book in the Hnf lUh
Unguaic. It U really a medical
encyclopedia In one volume, a
larc heary book or 1000 paxea.
lb orcr m tlluMraUana. Tbe
' time and effort
outlay of money
. . -. ...
la proaocinj mu ureal dooic waa
Hit! for by tbe tale of tbc fint
edition oT ofcxono rople at li j
each, and the profit baa been
uwd In nublUbiar tbe nretent
edition vf batf-a-mltUon cople to be tent abso
lutely without Mice to all who will remit tha
(mall cbarn or at rents la one-cent tunipt to
Auoreta, wiia
ivy the cost or rtulltur
iliniD. Wortd'a Ouoentary Sled
Ka, Si Mala atrtm ul, . V.
LaGrande Is about to have a beet
sugar factory.
School dictrict "o. 21 of Linn county
has a tax levy of 63 mills.
Captain Thomas It. Brown died at
his home Just south of Ashland, aged
about 53 years.
Umatilla county scrip has been all
called in up to that registered three
years and eight months ago.
Miners are taking Ma day to the
man from the new pkcer, mines re
cently opened near Payette.
A small crew of men arrived in Cor
vallis and every Sunday have the
Ruth's crew take her ( Gipsy) and
make a trip up the river
There will be an oratorical contest
In Albany Friday. Six or tlK-ro-."1
people of the college will speak, that
it may be decided who will represent
An orrlcinal pension has been
granted to Anton Richters, of Jack
sonville, Jackson county, Oregon, and
an additional pension to Lewis W.
McKinsey, of Davton, Columbia coun
ty, Oregon.
The Astorian says that Clinton &
Sons, who have the contract for the
trestle work on the railroad from As
toria to Knappa, Monday cut the
wages of all their ineu from 82 to 81,75
per day, and that all the men struck
The Burns nerald says that a dis
covery of borax on the M. R. Doan
land In Wild Horse valley has been the
cause of 1600 acres of land in that
vicinity being sold, and that the out
look Is promising for a new indusry to
bo opened up In Harney county.
Frank Wllhelm employed at Long
ley's logging camp, above nilKard,
was severely injured while engaged in
hauling logs. The load struckagalnst
a tree, throwing Mr. Wllhelm under
neath. He was badly injured and
6crious results are feared.
John Dltchburn, charged with un
professional conduct, nnd being nn un
fit person to practice law, on account
his action In the Steeves1 case, has
mado answer to bis accusors Messrs.
Mason, Pipes, Huston and McCain,
and denies the charce In toto. The
suit Is before tho Hillsboro court.
Miss Edith A. Brown of Portland.
waivea an examination in the munic
ipal court on a charge of burclarv.
She is charged with breaklnira win.
dow In a pawnshop and taking a man-
uouu, a tray of rings and several
other articles. She undertook to sell
them, which led to her arrest. Sho
belongs to a good family in Irylngton
and Is a teacher of shorthand,
" Wilbur F, Starr, living In the south
end of Benton county, recently
fed salt to three of his milk cows, and
to a couple of spring calves. Tho next
morning tho calves were found dead.
Two of tho cows were found In the
field, neither of them being able to
rise. They wore assisted to their feet
but In twenty-four hours one nfti,
cows died, and in forty-eight t)i
other followed suit. During their dis
tress the cows showed much stiffness
in the hind legs, and other symptoms
that led to a belief that ....v.
bad been poisoned.
Does two hours' work in one
Sold everywhere. Made only by
St Louis. Cslcsgo, New York, Boston,
Phaidelphla, Sin Francisco.
Wl 1 M TTT. ill W
t.i"eesor to L)t. J. M. Keene, old tit.
Corner, Salem, Or. Parties desiring j,
operations at moderate fees in any hrjp"
tn especial icucm.
Baby Shows Are Illgeal.
'ew York. Feb. 3. If the baby
show originated by Benjamin W.
Hitchcock had not been suddenly ter
minated by the weather last week, It
would be by the ruling of Judge An
drews, of the supreme court, just an
nounced. In effect It declared baby
snows illegal, arid the court refused to
issue an iojuction applied for by the
manager to restrain the Society for tbe
Prevention of cruelty to Children from
makingany arrests or interfering with
tbe exhibition.
Tbe court further declared that the
agents and officials of tbe defendant
had the right to interfere and prevent
such exhibitions either by arresting
theplantiff or by requiring the mothers
to remove their children from tbe ball,
under penalty of beinc themselves arrested.
Death of Mrs. C. M. McKee.
Woodbubn, Or., Feb.3. .Mrs. C. M.
McKce, wife of D. A. McKee, died .it
her home near here. Mrs. McKce v . s
born in Illinois, March 7, lfe47. fc" e
was the daughter of L. D. Hall, w 'o
now lives at Unlyeislty Park, at 1
advanced age of 84 years. She cross.d
the plains In an ox wagon with i or
parents in the year 1831; was reareu n
Marlon county, Oregon, amid t e
struggles of early pioneer life; mat . uJ
her husband In March, 1S63; of tins
union there were 12 children, seven
boys and five girls. Ten are now li via?
: I
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
Quarreled over a game.
Medfokd, Or., Feb. 3.-Mr. Eaton
was shot in tbe left leg by John
Edwards in C. J. Hall's saloon, in this
city. They had quarreled over a game
of cards, and Edwards pulled a gun.
It Is thought he intended to fire into
tbe floor, but they had clinched, and
Just as Edwards fired Eaton threw
QUtliis left foot and the ball struck
the leg just above the knee. Edwards
then left the saloon and has not yet
been apprended. Eaton was taken to
a physician's office and his leg was
dressed, but the ball has not yet been
taken out.
The Best Way to Cure
Disease Is to establish health. Pure,
ricli blood means good health. Hood's
sarsaparllla i-s the One True Blood
Purifier. It tones up tbe whole -system,
gives appetite and strength and
causes weakness, nervousness and
pain to disappear. No other medicine
has such a record of wonderful cures
as Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Hood's Pills are tbe best after-dinner
pill: assist digestion, prevent
const iDat ion. air-
On inside property at per cent. oa t
and security at 8 per cent. Safe Iranj j
or investors. Insurance effecred in relS
companies, ,J,IIN MOIR,
Broker, room No. 2, Bush bank bniij
i m urn
Dealars in all kinds of fresh and salt a
Lard in bulk, 7c a lb. Cheapest mat nZ I
T.. ilium tVV CrtmM a.a!k 1 . I
Up town shop near car barn on Statt it
lOffice: Willamette Hotel Buildm
For water service apply nt office, ij
payable monthly in advance. Mlj ,
complaints at the office.
21 1 Commercial
tTSuits $15 upwards.
St., Salem Or
l'ants$ upwandr.fi
Nil n
nn in
All kinds of grain feed, ha, straw,
etc., at lowest prices.
Iiest Meats in the city. Prompt deLW.
Cottle Block Shop, Court Street Shop.
Ul-.U. 1'JiIMDKlUM, Irij.
cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood constitutional disease and in orde.
so cure it you must take internal remedies!
Hall's Catarrh Cure is takeninternally and
acts directly upon the blood and mucous o
faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack
medicine. It was prescribed by one of ihe
best phyiician5 in this country lor jears, and
is a regular prescription It is composed o(
the best tonics known, combined with the
best blood purifier, acting directly upon the
mucous surfaces. The perfect combination
of the two incredients is what proluces such
wonderful results in curing Catarrh, Send for
testimonials free.
F. I. Cheney & Co.. TniMn n
EySold by all druggists.
Immigration Notes.
The Oregon and W ashington Boards
are doing good work and should be
liberally supported and encouraged.
As a result of this work manv eastern
people arc turning their attention to
the Paci tic Northwest. If the reader
has any friends in the east who are
likely to come heie this year send
their names and addresses to the
undersigned and I will see that they
get a supply of the best literature and
full Information as to this country.
Geo. s. Batty.
General Agent, Wisconsin Central
Lines, 4'ortland, Or.
Will be pleased to meet all my old patna
in my new quarters. First.clnss work mi.
anleed at popularr prices. Shaving ioceats.
Hairculting 15 cents. One trial on your put
insures regular patronage.
tsuatns only 15 cents
12 2r im UEO. W. PLASTER, Proj.
Ma Axgeline. Have you eyer seen
"Ma Angeltne" il not she will appear
for the first time at Reed'sOperallouse
with the Salem Jelly Lady Ministrels.
Tuesday cvenintr Feb.9tli.tir.kets no .t
25 cents. Reserved seats sale Thurs
day at Pattons Bouk store. 1-2 tf
Examination Nouce.
Notice Is hereby given that the reg
ular teachers examination will be held
at balem, Or., beginning at 1 o'clock
p. ni. Feoruary 10, 1897.
G. TV. Jones,
County Supt.
r--w """" auu well.
Newly Enlarged and
Excellent rooms and the best
meals, Rates reasonable,
otrangets should see us before
Lighted by electricity throughout.
D- S. Hentley, successor to Salem Iraptw.
ment Co., is nicely hcused at the comer
Chemeketa and Front streets, and west oft!
First National Bank, Thanking the public
for past favors, we would eladlv haie rn
call and see us at our new office. IUto;
the telephone moved, when you desire at
thing ring up No. 30. All business attafel
to promptly, full stock of supplies 01
iiauu, cspctiauy 01 an Kings 01 wood, I-jlm
Depot Express,
Meets all masl and Dassennnr trnim Riir-
Bage and express to all parts of the city,
i luiuju scivice. i eiepnone No. 70.
Makesaspwualty of fine repair work, Sell
-lnnmas c'cl.. etc.. 21s Commercial Sttd
Liquors, tobaccos, cigars, confection
A full nne of h iirti.im.r. v...i.j j. .
! Lin,!.- ,.?- " S. '
-" vummerciai St., Salettti
BjiitUtL O. RrnvV
I hire bete 5f " W
Dr. Miles New Heirt rn
And This is
What He Wrote.
"The editor of the
r' "unincton road
Ttm. ' leaving
naOa. m. ami zr,r.:
l?4in Chicago at 820
Wednesday morning
time toe flnri "" J
K. J
ay Uf. but? VniSii,.eot 3lcSi
it iui SSir.,eM ". hoMifiS
Dr. All es' Henr r.r!
Heart Cur ru.
F I'
Si?.66, II. is a liKht-
o-9 ,JS time
PbVatty U,?sur-
Wyomfnjr vSHS11
unn.' TnTsTf,)a-
toblleV "5?.. "me
Blacksmith and Wagon Ihtft
1?' J-.iIerscuhb?ch, Uacl-smilh and wS
maj,c , horseshoeinr!i v.Nf.ri,!.., --i.:.),!
Xrin'J1106!.? I
anteM ,&:LV'"u' .siaion j-
.w wiicmeKCta stree t .
Salem SteamLaundry
Please notice.'the cut in prices
on the following r
f.hArts. Plain f.. ., I0Co3
Under drawers eVoioeenS
d. per pair . . . . . ., 5 , ea
HandkerehWs..:; ; 3,t
WlK handkerrM.. '-.,i
"cr W0'K in IlrODOrfinn
rlannels anrf niU. mnU in
telhgentiy washed bv hand,
-oi,j, Olmsted frop.
ku m lke for the seasn. iCall at BronJ
Itreet " corner Center and Tbirtee
!Finest milk stock in Oregon, l""
Jersey Bulls.
bnHl;.e"iff.!? pure bredM
I ii T".on& rcet, near.S.P, railroad.
Trice 1 cash CaU"