Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 15, 1897, Image 2

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Daily Capita! Journal.
y rf
FIIIDAY, JAN. 16, 1697.
To Hon, John H. Mitchell, Who Wants
4F f . .
to Be Senator,
Vivlky, Jan 13.
Mv Dbar Sir: J wrote tojoua
short time before the state silver eon-
Under the Bland law, enacted In
rontlon atMcMlnnvIIIe. As a delc-
Katctrflliat cdnrdntlrjn I wish Id set-'
I tic the doubt In the minds of a great
1 manr-of our voters as' to votirnril
1878, and In continuous force until ton , tl)ccomIn natlona, -..
1800, tills country enjoyed prosperity. VjieOregonlan had stated that yon
it is, contended uy inc iricnas or
blractalllsm that this
flowed from the liberal coinage of
silver dollar; that by reason of (hli
coinage, there was a safe, steady
Review of, Some of the,
Latest Publlca
Increase of the circulating medium,
somewhat proportionate to the In
crcaso of population and business
that the hard timet which has existed
In recent years were caused by the re
peal of the Bland law, and the subse
quent repeal of the Sherman law,
which shut off the steam of new silver
money, contracted the currency, de
pressed values nnd destroyed confi
dence. In the recent campaign, the Repub
lican party contend that the nut I
cause of tho panic nnd resultant hard
limes was the repeal of the Republi
can tariff nnd the passagoof tho "Wil
son bllf. They claimed that the pas
sage of a Ilcpuullcan tariff would star
the Idle nillN, kIvo employment to
labor, provide a large domestic market
for-tho producU of the farmer, and
bring tho county kick to the good
times existing prior to 1802.
The recent election made It Impossi
ble to test directly the doctrlno of the
silver forces. For tho present free
coinage Is out of the question. The
country can not have even a return-to
thoJlland law.
But tho test can bo mado Indirectly.
Let tho administration pass Its tarliT
law. Let It havo Its own way In every
. would stand on the Itenubllcan nlnU
rtrvMftnpIt V
' i fiirrn. nn ntrtffitp tvliat. I urnc T ail,!
, .,..., ......v. .....,, . .. ,u
j to you that a statement at that time,
i might have a vory Important bearing
on your election by this legislature,
and as you came out in the field for
the Republican gold standard Intor-
natlnnnl party, there will be no need
of yon answering this lotter as I think
our people In the legislature will an
swer It for you. From personal con
tact, for over four weeks In the can
vass In this county I know positively
that at least nine-tenths ofj
the sliver men, of all
partlos arc agreed that It would Jbe
very unwise for the sliver party to
elect you United States senator with
out an International agreement, that
you will not go back on us again as
you did in June and November, by
trying to straddle both the gold and
silver questions so as to Insure your
elections. You probably see now
what we saw then that If vou had
stood by your friends In June and
November, we would huvchad a leg
islature that would elect you on first
ballot, but you deserted us then and
helped Harvey Scott elect his Republi
can gold standard representatives from
Multnomah county, and now he Is
holding them out of caucus there by
giving you a black eye, that ho has
owed you for a long time.
Say,Scnator-MItchcll,was you honest
wncn you made your speech In the
One of the best signs of the tiroes
In education and literature is the
great Importance given to children.
Never has this great Interest In the
future citizen the future father,
mother, teacher, soldier, statesman,
philosopher been so great as at pres
ent, and at last It would appear that
education Is beginning at the right
end of .life Among tho valuable
things being pnblishcd for the young
Is the classics the great thoughts of
the ages are brought within tho
range of the young. The Journal Is
In receipt of a copy of the third edi
tion of "Child Stories from the
Masters," by Maude Mcnefcc. This
work of one of America's brightest
young women presen ts In the most
attractive language for youth, tales
from the great classics in art and lit
erature, from the scriptural stories
down to the more rrodern. Parents
wishing their children to havo
glimpses of these great works and
cultivate a taste for them should buy
this gem. Kindergarten Literature
Co., Woman's Temple, Chicago. 91.
as valuable historical books of the
year has been published by Dodd,
Mead & Co., of New York In Katber
Ine Pearson Woods' "John-a Tale of
King Messiah." It I? an Imaginative
story of the Inner life of Christ ana
Ills mission. The volume presents the
eastern people of the Master's time, a
well as their customs and habits In
graphic spirited language, such as ap
peals to readers of all classes, young
and old. Price, 81 .25.
Ilarper's Magazine for 1897 promises
to be a traveller's volume. The most
distinguished contemporary globe
trotters are to contribute Illustrated
article on Cape Colony, Siberia, Rus-
- Moaaaaooooooooooa
10 HS
Given Away
Bchcdule. If tho proposed Rcpubll- UnltcdStatcsscnateln Jnnuary, 1890,
can taalff will restore prosperity, tho
country wants It. If it will not re
store prosperity, tho country wants
knowledge of that fact. If it will
not restore tho old degree of prosper
ity, tho country will have convincing
proof that tho trouble lies with tho
single gold standard, becauso It will
havo tried tho gold standard with a
Democratic tariff, nnd It wlil havo
tried tho gold standard with n Repub
lican tariff, and since tho country Is
agreed that tho trouble springs either
from tho tariff or tho gold standard,
If tho Republican tariff fall to restore
prosperity, tho logic will bo irresisti
ble that tho evil Is duo to tho gold
It Is therefore hoped that no mem
ber of-congress will rostoro to Mlbustcr
lng methods or faction opposition to
tho administration tariff. Spokano
Spokesman Review.
i it w i -, -m-meai
It is tho boast bt tho MoKlnloy
papM that tholr candidate got tho
cntlro Gorman vototn tho largo cities
Itlscortnln thatlio did not got tho
Gerumn vote iu tho country.
Tho agricultural press of Germauy
Just now, uses n vory aggressive tonn
ngalust tho United States. Ono pa
per says; '-Commercial hatred of
Germany, knows hardly tiny bounds.
Tho United States sought many oc
casions during tho Inst fow years to
quarrel with Germany. Tho unjustl
ilablo illfTcrcntlntlnu against German
sugar and salt utul the levying of ton
ntigo fees upon German shlpplug
speuk eloquently lit this lespeet. If
this could happen under President
Cleveland, how muqli mow may wo
expect underjttclvlnley If Yet wo are
expejgUd flvuorul our necks to them."
Tho Germans will II ml in reward for
their votes a pulley that will exclude
their I'utuuiorce, Hood tholr country
with cheap farm products under tho
gold stuiiifatil.imd then prohibit their
people from (Miinlng to a free country
to bolter UiuuinjIvok.
or was you Just diverting tho atten
tion of tho sliver peoplo to your
railroad communication with tho
planet Mars? whllo you (monkeyed)
with thogoldstandard Republicans of
Multnomah county. But you have
somo consolation, as two members
from Washington county pledged us
hero In Dllloy that thoy would vote
for you until you said quit, so havo
tho satisfaction of knowing that they
havo n forty days Job on hand.
Now Senator.lf you can Just manago
to got Harvey to keep up his tight on
you during tho hosslon ho will elect
you sure, ns ho has done twlco before.
Now, Senator Mitchell, as you went
back on the silver party, your old
friends and supportors of many years,
I am of tho opinion you will have to
ilopond upon your gold standard eno-
mies to elect you. Filnclplo pays bet
ter sometimes than too groat a desire
for otllco, and I think this year Is ono
of thoso times.
Very truly yours,
D. M. Dunhak. i
Prompt and rkuahlk Delivery
of notes nnd packages to al parts of
thoclty. Ring telephone 40 or blue
boxes for n bleyclo messenger.
i ' ii i i i i
Disease is like a
railroad train It
has a regular way of
coming: and going
ana keeps on stead,
ily along a certain
track You can al
most always tell how
a disease starts, and
where it will prob
ably end. It on't
go out of its way
to oblige you any
more than a locomo
tive will Disease
usually begins when
the appetite givea
out that' the first
warning whistle.
Then the stomach
and nutritive organs
ili iu upuiT goov
The circuia-
Glnn & Co., the most advanced pub
lishers of school books In this country,
have among other things published
during the past year three exception
ally progressive and at the same time
practical text books for the young.
Frye's Complete Geography is a world
of information, made as entertaining
as a book of fairy tales. It Is illus
trated In such a manner as to give
children a comprehensive knowl
edge of nil parts of the globe, not
only In regard to shapes of coun
tries, directions', distances, etc., but
the work alms to present social com
mercial and physical conditions as
well. It Is unllko other works of the
kind In everything except maps, and
In that It has no superior.
The other two works referred to are
Wentworth's Elementary and Prac
tical arithmetics. They bring the
Intricate science of numbers closely
within tho grasp of children, by
methods peculiarly their own. For
Instances, fractions by methods of
Illustration aio made so simple that
instead of becoming a bugbear to the
child, they become nn agreeable part
of his work. Parents who take an in
terest In their children's progress In
school, should look more closely to the
kind of text books used by them.
Glnn & Co.'s books are always good.
Tho Eugene Field Monument Com
mittee, of Chicago have published n
souvenir edition of his masterpieces,
an Illustrated quarto with drawings
from, talented artist friends of the
author, nnd thus graced with tho
labor of love this posthumous volume.
Tho title page is inscribed with tho
namo of tho purchaser as a contri
butor to tho monument fund. Price $1.
Tho January number of the Delin
eator is called tho Winter Holiday
Number, and its presentment of cold
weather dress modes and millinery Is
supplemented by the group of lith
ograph, half-tono and oleograph
colored plates which are now a feat
ure of every Issue. With the new
year Is begun a feature of personal In
terest to women In tho series of
"Talks on Beauty," by Dr. Grace
Peckham-Murray, a recognized .au
thority on this subject. Mrs. Wlther
spoon's January Tea-Table Chat, Mr.
Vlck's Flower Garden and the pages
unvoted to seasonable Cookery will
all bo found entertaining, as will also
tho usual departments t knitting,
tatting, lace-raaklng, etc. A sub
scription to this sterling magazine for
a year will bo a present to be appre
sla, Hungary and possibly Nebraska
Dear old John Wanamaker! He
has the greatest "tIJy shop" In the
world. His store has Hying tableaux
of Santa and the Christmas "Idea."
It's a wonder he don't represent the
infant in the manger to draw trade I
He labels the tableaux "The Ameri
can Christmas." See here, John, the
Yankees have no patent right on that
Invention. Of course his tableaux are
strictly "for the entertainment of
children." Parents with pocket books
not thought of I
The December number of Current
Literature has numerous holiday fea
tures, in addition to Its regular de
partments which are abundant and
Interesting as usual. Among these
special features area French Christ
mas Legend, The Three Low Masses,
byAlphonse Daudet:a Yuletlde Le
gend of King Arthur's Country;two
pages of Christmas Verse; and a
timely reproduction of Washington
Irvlng's Christmas Feast at Brace
bridge Hall, from the Sketch Book.
Another special feature is the ex
tended department of review for holi
day books, the first twenty-one pages
of the magazine being given up to
this, the text Interspersed with tho
best illustrations from the best books
of the season. A fine reading from
Barrie's Sentimental Tommy Is also
given In this number, and one from
Mrs. Barr's Knight of the Nests.
Rand, MeNally & Company, Chi
cago, send us three pretty volumns In
rich bindings and gilt tops. "A
Chance Child" and other stories, by
iuarsli tills Ryan, evinces the best
talents of tho teller of short tales.
Two are artists talesibutall have a
nnisn and ease of expression that
makes them enjoyable. "My Brother,"
oy Vincent iirown, the story of the
brother of Lord Lusson, who was a
poacher, is material for a literary
tragedy that the writer makes good
use of. "Simplicity" is a prettier
tale to develope the slmnle faith In
Human integrity on tne pan oi a
youngguilclessgirl, who is suddenly
Introduced Into what Is supposed to
be society In England. It is probably
a correct picture of the moral code in
force among the people who live,
marry and die for social success. The
story is very well told and the charac
ter of simplicity Is a tonic for flabbv
conceptions or individual virtue. It
was not necessary to have it end in
suicinV. but as a matter of fact the
numoer who are ariven to that
crime is large and tho story tells why.
o r i "ffffffffffffffJLLJL'nB'fflH
a ;"'KfTnWC?ril "B
s ,12222221 :
I fm
X BSlltelalilMliiBillil'i'ii'jT'lij"""
X The Best
this year in valuable
articles to smokers of
Yon will find one coupon In
side each 2-ounce bag, and two
coupons Inside each 4-ounce
h.-ir. Rnvabne. read the coupon
Successor to Dr. J. M. Kccne, old White
Comer, Salem, ur. fames aesinng superior
operations at moderate feesjin any branch are
lnespecmi ici""
SmoklnSrTobaCCO Made ond sec how to gctyour snare. x
still, Canadians. There are back
grounds of Halifax, Ottawa, and tne
wild forest retrlons of the northern
provinces, parents who wish to give
the youth books that will Inculcate
reverence for higher things and pure
love for the lowly creatures of God's ,
mercy, are recommended to give this
writer a place In the family clrclee.
Special This Week,
Catarrh (Cannot; Be Cured
cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood constitutional disease and in orde.
so cure it you must take internal remedies!
Hall's Catarrh Cure is talceninternally and
acts directly upon the blood and mucous o
faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack
medicine. It was prescribed by one of the
best physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription It is composed of
the best tonics known, combined with the
best blood purifier, acting directly upon th
mucous surfaces. The perfect tombit.ation
of the two ingredients is what pro luces such
wonderful results in curing Catarrh, bind tot
testimonials free.
F. J. Chknet & Co., Tolelo. O.
Ey Sold by all druggists.
Call for Warrants.
Notice 1 hereby given that I have
cash on hand to pay all warrants en
dorsed up to June 7, 18U5, and Interest,
on the same will ceae on the diiie of
this notice. Dated January 9, 1897.
G. L. Brown,
l-9-2w County Treasurer,
For Infants and Children.
rip tart.
John M. Smith tiled ul liUliomo.ou
fiouth Cmw river, uour Murshtlold.
Jmuiary 2, itfter un illuoss of seven
year, He wus about 82 ywtr&of ntjej
The fxiwrtlug of Uetttun county
iKxikfiruvvttli. tho tttrt that tho county
h;tn debt ff KIT 203.81, Tills I about
11.0000 ureair than tho financial Mule
meat showed,
The Henton comity tax levy will
mini nvt nun,
tlon tnrotra noor. thin
and tainted. Instead of carrviiiirnourlshment
lo the different parts of the body it carries
poison, which settles at some point and cats
a-ay the tissues. According to where it act
Ilea it is called llvtr or kidney or skliTdls.
case crofula, erysipelas, eczema, or con.
sumption if it settles on the lung. It is all
one trouble tainted blood . clear out this
taint ana Dutia up tne tissue with rich
blood and the disease Is stopped, side
tracked , It cant bo any further No matter
what the name of a disease is if it' a blood
disease. Dr Tierce's Golden Medical X)is
covery will cute it by driving the poison out
Oi tne cttcuution ana creating a new a
ply of healthy, red, hfi
vive and nourish the
pula the digestion in order, invigorates the
blood making organs and builds firm
healthy llean. Consumption is a blood
disease, IXm't believe it can't be cured I
1 Hi cured e ery day by Ur Vicrcc'a Golden
Medical Discovery
Aw W I Munet wy enough iWysur "Clot.
Urn Mtdkal lVWwrcry Kor turuvraia toy tittle
Uv uifleml with luu trnuhlr am tikfnr U.
f:tfpp. Kcumt inUrtultltut ltvtr, thlrU. Tung
rwuU Kor two years he coustmi. The ivhr.'
slt-Un eoutd do no isooa and X thought h tau.t
die. I vi teid to Uy Ir fierce' UoWo Med-
Tho January Midland Monthly of
Des Moines will obtain the third In
stallment of Col. John W. Emerson's
llfo of Grant and describe the part
token by tho hero In tho battles of
T).1s aim .. r. t. y-
j. uu nui iiuu Jiuocca .uu La x'atma in i
till) Wnr With Mnrlnn Tim TWsn,.
bor number has an original paperIn
ueou tiioro aro no papers that are not
original In this magazine on tho Mc-
Klnloys that aro going to take the
white house for their residence after
tho 4th of March next. They are
very "sweet-faced" and tho 6ketch of
of their lives at homo Is readable. A
now flgurcitn periodical literature Is
a western girl, Miss Suo O'Dsnnon
Porter, of Itoslyn, Wash. Sho con
tributes a "Tale of the Reservation,"
ami her picture Is one of strikingly
rvguiar features, as her writing Is
"For tho Other Boy's Sake," and
other stories, by Marshall Saunders.
Chas. II. Barnes, publishers, 1420
Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Our
ruaaorsare acquainted with the au
thor of "Beautiful Joe" and can ex
pect a similar treat In these elnvm
shorter stories. As In B. Freeman
-sniey, so In Miss Saunders we Qnd
tho most heartv nnd tviminn..
stories forboysand girls both writers
seem toboJfova Scotlans or better
Fsc&zzzr '' "
uZrZrJZ -4d&4. Vfinis
M !
300 Boxes
Fine Paper
Wfll7 h MIESCKE. Prons.
Dealars In all kinds of fresh and salt raea s
Lard in bulk, jc a id. (-neapest meal tn th
own. Try them. 171 Commercial st.
Up town shop near car bam on State st.
1 Wtl
Office: Willamette Hotel Bulldln'
For water service apply at office. Bill
payable monthly in advance. Make at
complaints at the omce.
Plenty of money on good security.
A large quantity of land for sale at
low figure and on easy terms.
Room 5, Bush bank building.
Sec Window,
Book Store'
On inside property at 7 per cent. OnJ farm
and security at 8 per cent. Safe loans ma-le
or investors. Insurance efiecred in reliable
companies, JOHN MOIR,
Broker, room No. 2, Bush bank building.
2tt Commercial
fTp-Suits $15 upwards.
st., Salem Or
Pants $ upwands'a
Ml ii FEED.
All kinds of grain feed, ha, straw,
etc., at lowest prices.
.rlLI. Jierioui JJiAt ae-.Fatllng Uem.
on, Imioteucr.HlQAp1waneR8.eto .muted
bi Abute and other t'siettwa and Indls
cretloiw. Theu iUchly and turtlu
restore lot VlUUtj In old or lonng, and
!5i2?inA13eT1"',rrr'SVhn,? Immediate improve
meat and effect a CUKE where all others tall. In.
here eared thomandi and will cure you. We etie a
PMitire written guarantee to effect a cure In each cose
or refund tha mnn P.I. Rn .. T.V1 ir-vtvir1
.1. r,i, , irT rv.7 "-.r "5"' e".ft1?. pr
'r .". '" .m,uioii.i lor aji.au ht mat.
Finest bamboo furniture, Japanese Curios,
toys etc., For Holidays. Only '"Jap"
store in town Will be sold especially cheap
for Christmas trade. Lowest prices ever
offered for best stock in this line. 12 12 im
pi .IVvppe,!iSPi?KJJ,.p.to''"'ico' Wrcilar tree.
for sale at Slem. Oremn. hv
Hiart Trouble Quickly Cured.
A Conrlncins Teatlmoalal.
ft If . I',w & WP M
Newly Enlarged and
Excellent rooms and the best
meais, Kates reasonable.
strangers should see us before
O-Llghtcd by electricity throughout.
Salem SteamLaundry
Please notice the cut in prices
Under dWen ,ocenu
Under ,M StoiocenU
Socks, per pair Stoiocenu
HandkerthteV 3 cents
ant handkerchief! ' ra
Sheets and niitn-."iUIV.""! 3 : cents
d other .orlc in par11-5 dK
Hannelsnd other work in
telhgenUy washed bvhanr?.
oi.. Ulmsted Prop
Best Meats in the city. Prompt Joinery.
Cottle Block Shop, Court Street Shop.
finnvDinuTo .-
adSlffHUSSflP? rtetcJ an1 dewrlptlon may
SiSllliceitaln 'r whether an iaventton li
5S5SL,.W,aiWe- Communications Btrtetlr
taAnSiS: we5i. ency,forecurtn pitenS
Pat?n2C?;v.Ye.i?lvo k W"blnKton office
fP5ntot.Miea,ther0Uh Uwn recelT8
Wiclmtrn1('II!5,.,.e4 Ii?re,t clnIation oj
Fellow tat Wer SIiob
Vl . v1' lerms itiU a j ea
OOK ON IMTFvTfSS"."!" ""!'; "naiiAND
w.u cu. Auuress
3(11 Hroiulwnt. Kpw Vorlt.
Winter Tourist
Msa Ella Kvxn.
-PVsr 19 yean t nffertxl from bean tmw
0t dlffeient tihTi,-. a., . .. 0J
claimed that I LiTrL rLT.
BJ-1 not b turtd.
ma crratin new up, I Burrow
life jtviny blood to rt- ' ,.. ,
the wa.tcd tiuuea, itiCUarnil
full oJ fine visor.
A Vnif In IIa Vl.l.lll ... Tl.
v... ... tt.v IVIU9 Ml IIUIIU ' v., , . " .- 4UJKU JU UMUllt
Burrows, beautifully Illustrated. Is a ut..a.rc?erery At
cimfititiui -. . M
that great Atuerlcan naturalist. To S50Ttt,:ccaCedtItafnth
nj; volume of nature studios by
follow the author in
I SW"T troubled with thortntct breath
SVv. i Y -"tneu myaeU in the lean,
tbo pain In my aide became rtrvai.lTvi
the many by- JJK. ilHLES' TTPATT rrmc
ways of tho woods and meadows must aiace then 1 u tanrottd ,
provu a mouUl racatlott to every JBowPonmyima,elffl?
iwider. To keep pace with him In his wmTL-niI.,J?T..aUo to tor. i&
orlKlnal studies Is to Imbibe the pure a bttL?Une: ta
oxono of olovatlnir thoughts and eoaaendaii auwrll,re,.lwoaU
awaken new svmnathUs in BJ.. totry Dr.MuM-t!fro,ahe,!tt3l
tr?i K;rsSd ns: z 7:.-v. -;- "'--r" iuy- si'wwitbo
l dVX and before he had taiVs l""",-'u ""' ourruuiiumgs. 51. wHrki B, . "' . KnETJL
. -wuae, wia.
Dr.MllMlTi.Mri . ..
I rjfS'fKa5,Tua0.ft??
. t:rucs
bat UImwttiv.
cob tutu be bestu lo tucml and ccuU wt a
Utile. When he U4 laKea Mir bottlt be wu
This book Is especially Interesting ta
children, aud should lend Its elcratlng
umuence tuerory rauiiiy. Houghton
Rates in Effect
nP?'nts South am
ooutheast. Tn-iS"
oatings of nearlv 015
tIoJ.rUe f0r ,nf0-ma-csttknoM.
"wtland. Or.
yrnmom CHANGE
ut y
. . , .y. .7. "-.tt'une moved, when you
P077fWP(2; V 0h,nf,Dgu,PNo 30.' Allbusin
ViJL,Jiyi j k to promptly, a lull stock of
v "'. especially ol all kinds of w
A WSSaS'!J?.,B0,t.b- v
lniUlhlo. ft o'?i,Sh,,y wed to A
ju 'c "you have never tried FA
x - " r
Will be pleased to meet all mv olrl mi..
in my new quarters. First-clasi work cuar.
anieed at popularr prices. Sliaying 10 centi.
.Haircutting 15 cents. One trial pn your part
insures regular patronage. '
f'Bathsonly 15 cents
12 ar im GEO. W. PLASTER, Prop.
D' S. Bentlev. aurrpcenr f ciAm t
Fire. v.: 1 t, . tcv!'' ""u west 01 tne
iirst atlonal Bank Thanking the public
f vw favors, we would gladly have them
can ana sen us , n. -cr- .t .
ti,. ,ii. ."" "cw ""ice. navine
hfnn" inPhnexmoved' when y desire any-
ness attended
f suDDlies on
wood. 1-5 I ib
... .
- m rk. v e b jmm jfr -
-- t",:cr.criiii
nLDSD Dnionii
a5T.SM.l J i32iS
oooo tQr.TJ?J?K ou can be tn"T.:"W
rnw w uirnM . .j uiii j
aortitnVJi."IJPrColorod i.J?iT?rS.Throat.
?PUetionVV.JnterjrrI.0?f noconau
Fhe Unr?jrct.J 1 .
bulls, one rV; ?;: '. wo Pura .bredJ"e?
I nrm. D Strcet- ""S.P. railroad.
-2-1!?. D.- RICH.
Ivbr Larson,
OfEnger, Marion county, Oregon,
has applied for a patent for V
Rolling Harrow
And pulverizer that has had no equal hereto-
tyer Larson, Enger, Or.
12-15 tm
1 pci mm bull
For service for the season. JCali at BroAnV
Bieai marKet, corner center nna 1 nirteenth
street, finest milk stock in Oregon. 12 11 if
Depot Express. V
Meets all masl anH n, :. n
. ,., i.jtjJiionc 010, 70.
Thnmal;ScVPrialtyoffine"Pair work, Setb
tfanmas clocU. etc., 21c Commercial Street
Jersey Bulls.
til aa4 avavr it a Mout at IwMte.
Keivtruny yuura,
frocur, Morjaa Cvx, ata.
.Mllllltr V km,, iwaion
". auka KtdiAiTv,-',
' M-iinnfn i
v a . n . .. , an
una 01 mo most cnarming as well ur. AUKS Heart Cure
aJS Who Value
. a."
"9u,r5, tobaccos, citr
- ","adbeaotlfal.Hn
ars, confectionery.
Ul Jftnrffr --o. ww...wfc. b..
all kinds.
e bottled goods .01
commercial tt., Salem.
1 sb jr "''
I For De'icftcv
, wwn I