Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 12, 1897, Image 2

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Daily Capital Journal
,i.tt TUESDAY, JAK. 12, 1897.
In flii tiinvnr mowatrc In TllK
JOURNAL of January 6th In a section
r,tm,wi iitrnmrM-" which reads n
"The city Is over run wllli tramps
and burglaries are by far too frequent,
the poticu force Is not sufficient to
protect more than the buslucjs part
of the city, therefore, It behooves you
to dovlse some more radical means or
punishment, wuich win nu me wj
of this undcslrcablc element.''
Are mo sure Hint this punlHhmcnt
will stdp the crime or the so called
tr.lpip Mncd the very booming of
ancient history, all nations fct'ifl to
hlivc had supreme confidence In Im
prisonment and lillllctlon of twin.
They have regarded pnnWimont as
the h6rlcst road to reftiriiuthm, and
that Imprisonment, toittire, mid
death constitute u trhliy Under win fe
protection society may feel hccunv
In addition to these, nations have re
lied on confiscation, mid deKvd-ith n
on maiming, whipped, fniuded nnd
cxiKiscd to public ridicule and crn
tempt connected with the courts of
Justice was the character of torture.
The Ingenuity of man was cxausted
In'thc cnstniotlon of Instruments of
torture that would surely rwirh the
'nifKt unntlVc nerve. All of tills
was done In the Interest of civilization
for tho protection of virtue, and the
well being of states. Curiously enough
the fact Is, that no matter how severe
the punishments were tho crimes, In
orcascd.lt was found that the penalty
ofdeath made but Uttlo difference,
thlcovsand highwaymen went their
way. It was then thought best to
add to tho torture death. And con
sequently tho convicted were punished
In every Imaginable way, be
fore execution. They were broken at
tho wheel, their Joints dislocated on
the rack, they were suspended by tho
legs and arms, while great weights
were placed on their breast, their
llesh was bruised and torn by hot
Irons, they were roasted In slow fires,
they wcie given to wild beasts,
melted lead poured Into their ears
and hundreds of other punishments,
andtlll tho crimes Increased. Sup
pose tho city docs devise somo radical
means of punishment nnd in this way
drive this element out? Haro we
done anything to reform thefeo
tramps? Havo wc not made them
worse men by our punishment than
they wort before? They will depart
with envy and revenge In their hearts
to return tit home future tlmo nnd
commit worso crimes than they are
doing now. Theso tramps arc human
beings nnd wo .should treat them as
such. Wo can't tell what tempta
tions these men havo had. Wo don't
know what lias brought them to what
they are. Fcrhapa tho main cause Is
tho unjust laws under which tuoy
havo to live; reverse the condition,
under which they live and tho lives
of theso men will be reversed. Treat
them as brothers Instead of davits and
they will bo vood cltitens. Give them
work and a lut compensation for
their labor. It the money spent in
the last half century to convict and
punish criminals and for building
Jails and penitentiaries, and the sup
port of them beta spent in making
Just laws for thecltlieostollvo under,
building factories, .railways, street
railways, electric light plants ami
water works, and each for the em
ployment of the people. Thus the
would txj, criminal and tramps would
haven chanoo loH'aru a living for
themselves and families, Instead of
leading a life of crime, poverty and
Accordlug to the mayor's message
the city paid W,3Sl.ea for their elec
tric lights, 91,581 Tor -their water
supply, which amounts tu M,Kfi,69
for IWW; this Is outrageous but where
the oily made the mistake was
In making a contract with
the light and water companies
thU amount of money saved eah year
for JW years would have
built tho lighting and water plant.
ttisA city would probably re
clvelpUron the people for pres
ent u.Geiup the many expense;
also a lam amount from the county
and htate, nnd the'cUlwus could have
T . i AW
gotten their light and'wnter at such a
price that It would have beqri In the
reach pf alland Instoad of paying
(such an enormous price for light and
water, this amount could Imve been
ued for other prrKMgradliig
streets, ntc.
The shorinff collected-for-l lie oity
$18,000, In HW. it the olty would,
for the year 1607, pass an ordinance
smllar to the following, It would
greatly Improve the condition of the
laboring pooplc:
Skction 1 An ordinance providing
for the Issuance of 810,000r In the city
of Salem, non-lntercst tearing war
rants, for the purpose of employing
Idle laborers, to improve streets In the
Sec. 2. Allowing each man SI. 60
per day; and each man, with a team,
?2.60 per day of ten hours each.
Hbc. 3. To improve the city of Sa
lem: to receive city of Snloin nan
Interest bearing wirrnnti,In payments
of taxe. tines, rents fees, or any rev
enues iduc i he city, when received,
cancelled HUcany other warrants, In
a time when money is so scarce and
hard for the people to get tiieir taxes
paid. TliN would give each taxpayer
In the city a chance to piiy t 'east
twrt ot their taxes, In what they pro
duce or deal In.
It would put S10.000 directly In cir
culation, and would be a help proba
bly to fjOO ranilllos, to get food and
clothlmr. The merchants all have
taxes to pay, so would be ready to ex
change groceries, Hour nnd clothing,
for these warrants, In order to pay
their taxes. While the laborers would
be earning something to cat and wear.
The city would be enriched and the
property or the twople would enhance
In value, and' we will Hod the nirst
protHahle wu to punish criminals, Is
to give them employment, berorc they
become criminal".
Give the people employment, and
wc will not have to devise a more rad
ical moans ot punishmont,i to rid
this city or tills olemenU C.
I b
The Funding Bill Defeated.
The.HouseSetsDown on the Gi
gantic Swindle,
From Tennessee
Tennessee Is a flourishing little
place some row miles north of Leba
non, with a tine literary society now.
The efllccrbare elected by the Austra
lian ballot, this is to teach the young
more about voting. One week ago
the election resulted as follows: Pres
ident, C. IX McKnlght; ylce-prosldent,
Arthur Hartley; secretary, Annie
Ulacklaw; sergeant-at-arms, J. R.
Swlnk; critic, Blanche Slmond. (The
oftlccrs are elected for four weeks )
The entertainment at this place
last Saturday was well attended. It
was under the control of the literary
society. The audience was favored
with some very fine selections of
music, dialogues, speeches, readings,
etc., etc
The boclety lias a debate next Sat
uiday. The ufflrmntlvc will be led
by Titos. Mclilnley. with three assist
ants; the negatlvo by J. 1. Swlnk.
Call for Warrants.
otlce Is hereby given that I have
cash on hand to pay all warrants en
dorsed up to June 7, 169S, and Interest
on the same will cease on the date or
this notice. Dated January 9, 1687.
G. L. Hrown,
l-&.2w County Treasurer.
A Good llnxOf groceries Is solid
comfort to every housekeeper, and
especially when It has the tupero
quality of the goods sold by llramon
&Oo. 1-11 3t
i Mi m ii
Tjiky Nkveu Fohubt. Whon a
man has once smoked a La Corona
Salem's favorite cigar lie never
forgets Us uperb flavor nqd aroma.
Ml 3t
I' L' XJ I U
nut i mggggg-iuj.
Dr. Miles' Heart Core Docs It.
atrvOhaa. LaloUt,awU.fciKnnraUent
of Dearer, pralMM thU wonderful remedy,
tier testimony hoaUlcoovnc ill to lh
worth ot the riew Heart Curs and Uwtom
tiro Ncrrtn. Her letter dated Sept. Ilth,
isrt, reaus aa icuiowa
K" v?' ! . t tfl7-J
Mu.Ua roixr, SIX IlaaboUt Bu
Typhoid few I ft em with boars troobU
of tlu tos rWaa nature. Nothtnr. o
doctor i hd any effect. I hta rer
In UMth&art.and waa unable) to IWOB
y left U (or more than tbre tnlnnu at
atlme. Ur btart termed U ! txu, and
heriuc plU. In which It
evvrjr brvatn wmtld tw my iui. ie acci-
destty u n adtuinot or
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure
aal tlMtoraUv Xertloe- ad tarchaed a
we k. Icuutrw lined In aJuir aad alt up
anh.mr.kttd ta a ahiwt ilm I waa able ta
dd tUbthouMwort IaVUbwmjehd
uyaufr jorwvoJrfttlBMHlbnw. Truly
thay rfe CUA8. toujt
Dr. Mite' Hcrt Cure RrSU.
measure wort ovcrjoytf. MPuirp
started a round of applaud and
hnclflned his tally. The compiriv
fWsof thederent of the bill's advo
cate as the second roll call proceeoeo.
When the clerks figured up the total,
the speaker submitted thelre-sult, as
1 102, noes, 100. There wa a k
bunt of applause when tue aeieau i
the measure was officially announced.
A fdrmal motion of Hubbard, of
Mlourl to reconsider and lay
on the table was carried and
some minor business transacted. Then
suddenly rowers seemed to make up
his mind and get further consldera'
tlon for the bill In a new form. He
arose and moved that the bill be re
committed to the committee.
"It Is apparent,'' said 'he, speaking
very calmly, "that the house lias
manifested Its opposition to the prin
ciple of this bill, but," he continued,
"I take It thatjevery member present
wants mieact!on taken, and I make
this motion in order to see If the com
mittee cannot formulate a measure
which will meet the approval of the
Dockety, of Missouri, Immediately
made a point of order that the motion
was not In order. A parliamentary
row followed.
Information for Persons Receiving Copies
of This Issue.
The Jocrxal has In the past year
gained a state circulation. It is the
only paper In Oregon besides the Or
egonlan that Is taken In every part of
the state as the postofflce record-t
show. You are asked to circulate it
1. It Is a clean paper.
2. It is an independent paper.
3. It Is an opposition paper. It op
poses corrupt poll t ics, corrupt methods
and corrupt men in all parties.
It supports aggressively the GOOD
It finds in public and private life and
In all parties. It attacks the evil
wherever it finds it.
The Joubnttl advocates old
fasnloned honesty and tjeflersonlon
slmnllcitv. It don't know the mean
ing of compromise or principle. Itjs
always on the side ot the people as
against the aggressions of power that
tend to destroy rreedom and equal
Lecture. lion. -D. P. Thompson,
ex-minister to Turkey, will lecture at
the First Presbyterian church tomor
row ( Wednesday) evening, at 8 o'clock,
on "Japan." Admission, 10 cents.
1 12 2t
WAsiit.MJTorf.Jan. 12. The bill pro
viding ror the rerundlngor the debt or
the Pacific railways was donated In
tm ifior iifluen of conerejW br a vote
of 102 to ICO.
Powers.the author of the blll.moved
to hare the bill committed to the com
mittee for revision, but a point of or
der was made that the motion was out
of order. It was then decided to allow
the question as to whether or not
Towers' motion shall be uranUd, go
over to allow the speaker time to ex
amine precedents.
Groat Interest was manifested In
the outcome of the battle royal over
the Pacific funding bill. Befdre the
house convened the floor was crowded
with members standing about arguing
the merits or the bill. The galleries
also were filled. It required Mime time
to straighten out the parllamcntiary
Speaker Reed stated that there were
no pending amendments to the bill.
There were, however, two substitutes,
that or Harrison, or Alabama, to pro
vide tor a coiumissjon or three cabinet
officers to negotiate a settlement ot
the debt with the two roads, and the
Bell substitute, providing that ir the
roads would clear off the first mort
gage so as to advance the govern
ment's lien to the position ot a first
mortage the government would agree
to an extension ot the period ror pay
ment ot the debt at 3 per cent Interest.
To the former substitute there was
a pending amendment, proposed br
Kprthway, ot Ohio, piovldlng that
the commission created should be ap
pointed by the secretary ot the treas
ury, the secretary of the interior and
the attqrnoy-ceneral, instead ot con
sisting of these three cabinet oQllcers.
The "orthway amendment, he said,
was to be voted on first, then the sub-
btltutes in their order.
After some wrangling the speaker's
statement of the situation was ac
cented by the house. The orthway
amendnient to the Harrison substitute
was defeated on .a viva voce vote,
after which the Bell substitute was
submitted. Bell demanded a record
making vote. The demand was sus
tained by beventy of the members,
mostly Democrats, and the roll was
called. As the voting proceeded It
was evident the substitute would fall,
and friends of the -bill were corres
pondingly Jubilant.
Senator White, of California, Sen
ator Daniels and other senators
watched the struggle with deep Inter
est. Wucn the speaker announcea
dereat of the Bell substitute by a vote
of 110 to 160, the opposition appeared
somewhat staggered, but it was
pointed out that Calfornia members
and others known to be opposed to the
measure Toted against the substitute.
The Harrison substitute was then
submitted. On u viva toce vote the !
volume ot sound was against the sub
stitute, and the speaker was about to
declare It dafoated whon Harrison de
manded ays and noes.
There were cries of "No," "o," but
Harrison succeeded la xjcuriag fortv
sevea members to back his demand.
This was uot a fifth or the preceding
vote, but the other side was usable to
muster more than 128, so the speaker
ordered the roll oalleU The lU
tute was overwhelailagly defeated
5 to 211.
The opposition then decided to test
their strength by securing a roll-call
on the usual formal motion to engross
anu rcau iuc iwu. aiuhuiu), jtitc ou ta u ;ee cu lure Ota. Taatu
of California, demanded the ay aad rallaf.!
nots, and half the btee turned to re-. , P.4retrt ute u sabidns.
' l0w t let am ca ta w a i
1.-I....J J taV..uM II w
spuBU t Ilia uctuaau. .n mc iim-vaii
began erorjone realised that ike crlti-
x- X
. f
'A 'A
XK) VkcJ
IT 'It
j m "a -'tS I
tJ r
kl7 '' II
V w - V. II
N $
' Vi V. 'o 111
The igW Step
in good and profitable housekeep
ing is the use of the famous cleaner
GoldDcst. No woman who wants
to make a success in conducting her
household affairs, in saving time and
money, fret and worry in keeping her
work well in hand, can afford to do
mmm powder.
It keeps the cleaning well done up,
with little work-and time. Sold
everywhere. Made only by
. i..l. Mittens. H!I0rx, ou.mii,
I c H. MACK.
fSnitnnrnn measure wore ovcrjojeo. ' - x i hT7ji' T I1 " . ill
mm i mi iii .
L DKN'flST. -
c i fir I 41. Kcem., oiu uc
r Tsalem Or ' Parties Hesiring sunerior
oetion5e.e fees in any U& are
lnesiJrcini .-i
Thrice a Week NeYork World, Weekly
Cincinnati Inquirer and Weekly Journal
for $2 a Year.
Do you want the Free Silver Cin
cinnati Innulrer and Weekly Capi
tal Jouiwal? Our club rate is 1.40
for both.
Do ybu want a irold standard paper
with The Journal? Then take the
m,.i.n.Wooif X. Y. World. Our
club rate is $1.75 for both.
Three Daners lor . int. "'""
Journal. Weekly Inquirer and in
weekly World an eastern, middle
state and western paper -W2 pages a
Addrri Journal omce, aiuen-, ui.
The underslgnel have this d,iy dis
solved their co-partnerslili) by mm in
consent. All acwiuni-; win oe -em.-at
once by either of the old lir.n
C. Goodale will continue the luiiiher
business at the old stand hereafter.
.1. ('. Ooodalf,
C.J. Schramm.
Special This Week,
300 Boxes
Fine Paper
WS liil
gSd I- bulk '7c a lb." Cheapest meat the
oTry t -. 17. Commercia st
Up town SHOP near-mi u... -
Officei Willamette Hotel Buildin
. 1.. nfTiri. t!(ll.
For water service ayv'j "...". "....
payable monthly in advance. Make t
complaints at the office.
Plenty of money on good security.
A laree quantity of land for sale at
low ficure ana on easy icrms.
Room S, Bwh bank building.
Whereas, Rev. P. S. Knight has
serTed us as pastor ror two years labor
ing so earnestly and faithfully in both
church and Sunday school, being a
volunteered service, a labor of lore,
without any compensation whatever
Whereas, We are creatly indebted
to him for the existanco of our society
and also for the new church which
we now occupy, and
Whereas,The pleasant relations that
lias existed between him and the
church have endeared him to us: and
N herias, It is fittingly just that the
church expresj herself In words or
appreciation or him who has hbored
so untiringly in the interest or this
work; therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Central Congrega
tional church ot Salem, Oregon, that
we do hereby extend our heartfelt
thanks to himselt and estimable wife,
who so efficiently assisted him In his
pastoral labors: that we hold in loving
remembrance their tireless devotion
and unswerving fidelity to the church
and Sunday school; and be it also
Resolved, That these resolutions be
sprerd upon the records of the church
and that a duplicate copy be sent to
the Rev. P. s. Knight, also one each
to the daily papers.
from Pohle's old ii mid, t' '" '' f,rs
west ol the engine liou-e. W w. be,
pleased to meet all oiir cuVouit- at
said stand, where we will bo nrep.ired
to do general repairing and hoie-
1 61m GloverJ& Peon.
For Infants and Children.
j j 7 i(jiE
i kU
Mea are often
wiser than tier act.
They kcow how to
be hippy bet some'
Ussn tbrr are cua
erao;e Toey mow
Xhett U oo happtsesi
na use uct with
out health ytt they
neglect health. They
allow dyspepsia and
Kl 1 IJ... . mitA ....
X itlDatlon to ret
oc then asd cake life wretehetL
TaoK three eoapatats Bssally ccae tc
rether Cecstipatsoe a5ecu the ttcoach
jad liver Thai Wises oo biiioas UUcka
isi taJtrrslo, headache, cassea. ditii
seas, qcecr Kantiou of wcaksess asd paU
Yoar terre are ecstranr, yoa
jTStcia it slotxiih. Yen oe abiUoa.
The fact u your whc4e cocstittioa is beicr
tlewty aa4crsincd. What too eeed it Dr .
Piewe's Pleasaat Pellets,
They care oesttpatiea. dyspepsia us& til
sess in e wily tcre. permanent way.
There is sotaiaz rwlest or irriUUij aboct
them. Uey -otk eSdly thosch (jnitklj
They late vi strenrihen the bowels to
carry m thur fsnctieBS BarcraUy They
ready sttsmlau th Sow of bile froea the
8t aaJ th (Hresdre jsicea of the atom
ach, Vo dc-nt beceat a slare ta their
eu wTYfH rWw vtslla Tt. .V. .
According Magulre eUr as4 thci yoccla teare thess. Taatu
Hotel !
Newly Enlarged and
Excellent rooms and the best
Strangers should see us before
a-Llghted by electricity jhroughout.
If rwt vtst u i
cal moment had eowa. The btuz of
excited convonaUon snaMtt aad a
hujh fell o the kottxs. Iwrs aad
hit clerk kpt talliw. Owumlai of
Kew Yrk, Miguire ef Calttoraia aad
serral members al cltekd Ue
Wben It was quietly whUpervd
about at the ead f the f rst nH iM
oamotloastQ BDRjres, Uat llie vwte
wa. to 117; th adrerrl ef ts
t ares year hcahh aa4 strtBth
tu( ta dxur so eftcm, tae best
lal& yv caa OliUntu
ta U VerU-s Sintuur
Stttxxl AMociatlM, ii
Ulo. N T. fer a ccpy e
Or rmcrscTa4bek.ta
trflft Coum bcaM
KntmiAiTiKt.- tVcx4t
cc crat tumj ta cnt
cEMasaatear -th. a j
a iirjt txwkct sail par,
eCT )a IKucrsUoaa.
It u lis iuu hock. U m kleh
ala.a eofiaa r tai4 at
fijataca. The eoly dtt
fa-irace is la ta t
ak ta las frt mii
la una .amK l
11 aaxa eatalvf fraatiw fai.
y.t. ft . uspm nuaentxut
"111 Miff. Ulitlcai L-m mm.m ! e..
2ngr idaJJ'sUSaVUJ
Salem SteamLaundf y
Please notice the cut in prices
uu ujc iouowingi
ir' f ,ont
Under dawen Stoiocents
c? i -"; ....s io jo cents
.PPY 3 cents
gjfK"-:; .1 cut
Snlk hxBdkercluefs , 3 cents
.-?!S! " r"01" ? etnts Ir d.
lewkinpropcrtiei. '
Flannels and other work in
telligently washed by hand.
fVt T r1 ..j n
w" it mumca rxop,
On inside property at 7 per cent. O.t farm
and security at 6 per cem. w iuu, uia c
or investors. Insurance eliecreil in reliable
wn , :,:.
liroKT r Om IIO. i, UUIU u.nn. uuiiviiii.
2d Ci.nmeroi'il st , Salem Or
"vi.ts 515 upwards, t'ants? upwands'3
m m mi
See Window,
All kinds of grain feed, ha, straw,
etc., at lowest prices.
Book Store,
A LL JV'ertouj DUtasea Failing Mem
oir. IniDoteDcr.SleoDlefi8ii6SB.etc .mused
by AbGie and other p"i esses and lndis-
cretion.4. 'Jhry tjutrfJv ana turvly
rsioru ijost iiaiiiT in 01a or jouns, ana
f t omanforbtud,buitineHfl or marriage
1'rpvent liijnitr nnrl fnnanmnf Inn it
UKenin urae, incir no snows immediate improve-
jntnt ana eaects a u vuti wnero ail otners iau. in
ilit upon harlns the cenalne AJax Tablets. They
h7B cared thousands and will cure joa. Ue cfve a
rotlttre written sarantee to effect a care In each case
or refaod the money. Wica 60 cents per package, or
ii packuas (tall treatment) for $3.60 By tniul.in
plain wrapper, anon receipt otrrice. Circular free
For sale at Slem, Oregon, by
Finest bamboo furniture, Japanese Curios,
toys etc , ror Ho'idays. Only lap
store in town Will be sold especially cheap
for Christmas trade. Lowest prices ever
offered for best stock in this line. 12 12 im
For service for the season. .Call at Urown's
meat market, corner Center nnd Thirteenth
tree!. Fmct milk stock in Oregon. 12 1 1 if
,i 1 rn
UHli. 60 YEARS
9 ii iKk i f$
liest Meats in the city. FroniDt delivery.
Collie Block Shop, Court Street Shop.
ui'.u. rujNUKiuu, rrop.
?Ji!r9Iz2rugf "cn ana description mar
SSlK,i"crulMree',hetllcr n invention U
EKblJ..p?,eJ'.t?ble- Communications etrlctlv
eonfldentltL Oldest agency forsecurtngpatcnts
l" Africa, we hare a Washington offlcS
RnnOtlStner0U(ih MUED - recelT9
fuajiix months, bpecltnen cod m nnd Ha n
Book om I-atbtts ilntftJe! . 5I5af3
381 llromlwnv. Kpt Ynrlt.
Winter Tourist
Hates in Effect
om iironimnc, new Vork.
Tacrr U aa
l ..
t.,1 ".""Kv??" and most beantl. f
(Tout "ariier Shoo
Will be pleased to meet all my old patrons
in my new quarters. First-class work guar,
'ntetd at popularr prices. Sliaying 10 cent3.
Haircutting 15 cents. One trial on your part
insures regular patronage,
GPHalhs only 15 cents
I2 2rim GEO. W. l'LASTER, Prop.
rrL. m 1 W m
a ?.1 "?e.".P"e8tandmo8tiw.,n,i- i
,-s jiuKxop;iowiir.. ,.J-'-.-; r
-,. .-.wu,c Jtyou have nev tried f
A IT TO CA,n ,
'X ' auu" MinYHERE. f
WisKvr,... FA
to points South and
ouuiueasi t iorlda
Georgia, Alabama
Texas, etc
To Secure the lowest
rates and fastest time,
t for tlclceu Tia Bil
Hdm and the Burling
ton Route.
Savings of nearly 25
percent if jou pur
chase ROrNT) TRIP
Write for informa
tioe. CSHELnnv n a
.. 1 ' . l Winplea. Conn5Jn,DPotlLborTiL..-
1 s&&&hyxttafc ;
D S. Hentlpv cnrr.ccn. In C.l. linn.....
ment Lo.. is mrplv lintGAl nt iA M.A nr
Uieireketa and Front streets, and west of the
iirs.i rational nank '1 banking the public
for pas. favors, we unnlH nlirii. !,,.. ,.
call anJ see i at our new office. Having
the telephone moved, when you desire any
thing ring up No. 30. All business attended
to ptominlv. A full stock of supplies ou
hand, especially of all kinds of wood. 1 5 tin
wedlnlitoi.lPMnaa ",
llrn.. ',
Depot Express,
Meets all masl and passenger trains, liag
gagc and express to all parts of the city.
I rompt seivice. Telephone No. 70.
'-r-wuy ui une repair worK, sew
Thomas clocU etc., 2iS Commercial Street
Iver Larson,
Of Enger, Marion county, Oregon,
has applied for a patent for a
Rolling Harrow
And pulvcriier that has had no equal hereto
're. Iyer Larson, Enger, Or.
12-15 Im
J lil'U V 1)11 1 T P
JMflK (M
ers id
l0h,m n "SaWaW.SM??
AumiUfe"' dSars' confectionery,
all kii. f hJeh-2rade "led goods 'of
Jfctnds. 218 CoTimtrcial st , Salem.
LflrflAO JJU !..
JLlrfjAj mm 1 ml . I
'. zzr rospH
mm - wiiacm Mim-
tit U Ii . M nn-w(annmi
rriuiKlv for linnnrrliin
JujHt, dpermbtorrboi,
.S'V .or niriaUnia),
.tt co,wii .i 'aiin or uicei
I - -Miicj, r- tVlVMUIUtri
VeuawuTt.Q tlaia hy Drunrlsja
or aeut In plain wrapper,
vTxtng, prepaid, tot
11X0, or s bottle. li73.
1 Urcolar aent oa rwueat.
, a..