Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, January 04, 1897, Image 4

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Daily Capital Journal.
MONDAY, JAN. 4, 1807.
t .- vf - w . t w
ft Altona and Ramona
' Portland, 0:45 a- m.
W Salem 7s a. rn., except Sunday.
.? KQolck time, regular service nd cheap
f ... .rates. ..
' Agent, Salem.
S9 VW Oi mS9 Wk .sift cSV .VO W. yW. s
Tlie guteraiHetit went her forecast
for Tuesday is mi a.
Prank C- Baker of the Mate board
of agrlcaltHre Is in tbedty t remain
until after legislature te.
State Sunt. Irwin's report h oat nf
the hands of the printer and Is Mte of
the best educational documents ever
Urcss Goods Slash, Statements are being seat to each
xnose immense n at zy, aw, -iVf'mfts .u.ir r .., .i.... .j
andS'JcenUare melting like wax In unty, c erk f the &fs ""
a furnace. All on the counter plainly on oach class of property by the state
marked, board of equalization. Tae force at
The white horse of the team ,B ' tjie secretary of sUte's oflfce will bare
I t nnrrt nut. tiv Tiincfl
We add lire to the flame. Ben
having some mighty successful cloak
and dress selling for the past week or
so. Going to give them some com
pany nice company.
Here's the Team Jackets. I
One-third off. Trntiti bxf. elvtit. rt:
cots to the winds. .
Black Cat Hosiery,
and girls.
Nos. 10 nnl 15 for boys
jo. io for ladles.
The lxHt 2.V ho-ie made.
Just decided to throw out the whole
line nt nnp. nrlrA. This In tn;iHnir nn
season for muslins and preparatory to
iP.t f.lncr In ntir tinw llnnu urfi'rn irlvlnrr
you some great things.
un sHicaicmuroiucry counier.
T. MversoD.
New Scrims
8.V. to 35c. yd.
Unheard of Prices on
Dress Goods
Wo throw out n line or liroadhend
mixed, values, 60 to 7fc . at 35c a yd.
A line of $1.25 values at 75c.
3TAnnual wales now on.
Ji J Dalrymple Co,
Ll , . .-'- - . .
Pros. J. M. Wallace, of the Salem
Water Co., Is In Portland.
Hon. McKlnloy Mitchell, of Ger
yals, was In the city today.
Senator I. I). Driver came down
rom Kugcno this afternoon.
Walter Don ton went to Portland
this morning on business.
Attorney W. T. .Slater was In Port
laud today on legal bushier.
Justice C. K. Wolverton ruttirnod
Sunday arternoou from Albany.
Senator S. A. Dawson came down
from Albany Sunday afternoon.
i'Uil:0r K. P. McCornack was a pas-.-'
"Tfe rigor to Portland this morning.
A. W. Nelson, of the Salem Dye
Works, went to Portland Saturday.
Private Secretary W. S. Dunnlwny
returned thin morning from Portland.
Ex-Governor .. I Moody was u
homo coming pashcngcr this morning
K. O. Glltuor.of tho State Insurance
Ca.,wiiH a Portland business visitor to
day. Otto Shultx, of tho Jefferson Flour
ing mlllH.was a Salem business visitor
Mayor lllclmrdRon and all tho now
Saloin city officials were sworn In Sat
urday. Frank Anrys, of the Wiley 11. Allen
Muslo Co., of Portlnnd, was In tho
city today.
T, T. Geor, of Macleay, Is spokon of
us n iK)S8lblo gold-standard candidate
for Sonator.
Mayor W.L.Tooze.or Woodburn.was
In tho city Saturday evening return
ing Sunday.
Supt. D. A. Paine, of the State In
uano asylum, returned Saturday after
noon from Eugene.
As is his custom Sec'y of State Kin-
culd spent Saturday at Portland and
Sunday with Ills family ut Eugene.
H. .1. Shariw loft this afternoon for
Oregon City, Portland and Vancouver
in tho interest of tho Saloiu Labor Ex-ohuugo.
lion. E. Illrhch and son Guy lllrsoh
went to Portland this morning where
tho latter will accept a position Inoue
of tho largo hotels,
Messrs. J. II. Eddy and II. II. fimn.
son of Portland, and A. I. Mac-rum,
Miss Myrtle Johnson Is .home from
Mrs.W. S. Dunlway spent Sunday
In Portland.
('. W. Keenc returned this after
noon from Eugene.
Mr. and Mr?. Chas. A. Gray wont to
Portland this morning.
Miss Nellie Starr was a passenger to
Jefferson, this morning.
Mrs. I). A. Jones, of Okland, Cal., is
the guest of relatives in this city.
Miss Plymalo, or Jacksonville, Is In
the city until after the session of the
Mr. and Mrs. J. 15. Nye returned
this morning from an over Sunday
visit at Portland.
Mrs. A. O. Condlt returned this
morning from an extended visit with
Portland relatives.
Clifford W.Ivantner went to Albany
this morning whore ho will sing at a
conrcrt this evening.
Mrs. II. 1$. Holland returned this
morning from Orogon City, where she
has bacn visiting her mother.
Freddie Fontaine roturncd to school
at Mt. Angel, this afternoon, having
spent the holidays with relatives In
this city
Miss Grace Cleaver went to Aurora
this aftornoon to take charge of the
primary department of the nubile
school, of that city.
C. M. Illsliop returned to Eugene
this morning, having spent the holi
days with his parents, in this clty.Mr.
and Mrs.C. P. Bishop.
Messrs. I. II. YanWInkle and J- II.
Roblnctt, btudents at Willamette Un-
Iverslty, returned Saturday afternoon
from u visit at their homes In Jlalscy.
Mr. and Mrs. E. T Ilarnos, of tho
Now York Racket store, have returned
home, after spending a week nt Ta-
coiiiii, tho former home of Mrs.
Miss Marguerite Aldorson returned
this morning to Albany to rvsumo her
position in tho Albany conservatory
of music, lifter a holiday visit, very
pleasantly spent, In this city.
Chester O. Murphy, who has been
spending tho holidays with his nnr-
cuts, Judge and Mrs. J. J. Murphy.left
Sunday night for Palo Alto, wHere ho
will resume his studios in Stanford
Tho executive coin mltte, of tho Sn-
loin V. P. s. C. E. loca union, will
meet Tuosday evening, at 7;.10 o'clock,
In tho Y. M. C. A. rooms. A ,.fMi
amount of accumulated busluess.to bo
attended to, will necessitate a full attendance
thorn out by Tuesday.
Senator W, II. Hobson, of StayUm,
was a Salem visitor today. After
this session of the legislature Mr.
Hobson will take up his re Wanes at
San Jose, Cal.
.7. Huntley will contest the seat of
W. II. Nosier of Coos county, on the
ground that he had only an eight
months residence in the state.
Sheriff A. S.'Barnes-, with one at
tendant, brought Mrs. Anna Hart, of
Brownsboro, to the asylum for tue
Insane today. She is a Scotch woman
aged 67, of epileptic attacks.
The report of the state treasurer Is
In the hands of the printer.
J. W. Rcnnett, of Coos county, who
Is attending the supreme court, ran
for the legislature as a Palmer Demo
crat against Thomas Buckman. The
voiewasa tie and .Mr. Ucnnett was
assured he could be counted In, but
declined to-take his seat in .that way.
He ran again and was defeated by
By the Wholesale In Salem.
Fear Business Housos Entered Sat
urday Night.
Iiutlu. fmm UKWBt anDCanM
ces one would natarally arrive at the
conclHsloBitlKit there is an element
aronad Salem that proposes to eat,
whether they work or not. Failing
to obtain what tbey desire by beg
ging, men will revert to house-break,
log, which Is becoming altogether
too frequent an occurrence In Salem.
At an early hour Saturday morning
some one entered the cigar and to-
Imnvi clatul nt .1 V. MrCormlck On
State street and carried away about
82.00 in change besides a small quan
tity of tobacco, etc Entrance twas
gained through a back door by break
ing it open with an axe, the marks of
which are plainly visible on the door
casements. Two doors connecting
adjoining rooms through which the
burglar had to pass before he could
gain access to that part of the store
in which the goods are kept, were also
pried open by the axe. On the fol
lowing (Saturday) night burglars en
tered the same building in the same
manner as on the preceding night, but
thus far nothing has been missing ex-
cent, n t Hindi of L-pvs. The door be-
J . f.lVort tltn frtxnt qnrl .iiMrlfn ftlft Una
wt... v.i iivub uuu iuiuu.v wu.if .u
Items of Interest Gathered in the Court
The eighth. -11)1111111 report of G. M.
Settlemitr, guaru.un or u meru..
PonHMo.i. a minor, has been tiled In
County Clerk Ehlen's office Saturday.
The statement snows me rcicy
have been $474 50 ana me ciuu.-
tures S215 60.
- -rr. ii i t..intifr in a fore-
,. ..uinxitniuiin the Marlon
Closure suit, iiijuiu." -
county circuit court against George
and Elizabeth Wright and II. A.
Thomas. Judgment is asked mr s.ov
.i , .- nnn intprpfc s nee uciooer
30, 1891, 9.W taxes and $90 attorney s
-i-. .iK.,tM nl q innrti?:a(
ices ana ineioretiuauicui .. "--b.-o-on
an acre of land situated on Asylem
irninuiin the nnviuent
of a promissory note executed to plain
tiff br defendant, George Wright, on
October 30. 1893.
D. D. Coffey, who for the past four
-. i,.io corvpri n.isessur for Marlon
county, today turned over that office
to J. W. Hobart who will officiate In
that capacity for the ensuing two
Frank Brenler and Lucy ueusie
was thp. hannv cnunle to whom County
Clerk L. Y. Ehlen today Issued a mar
riage license.
We will commence on Wednesday, the 6th,
the greatest
L- J J ifiaLo'
ever held in Salem,
votes ii.j .,.,. ., . . ..... ,..!...,
I iiwra nun me kej va me iiimuc ui
The State Railroad commission is the front office. The burglar thrust
111 wie Cliy llOlUltlg JIS retrular in riTWnlnfr In Hip nrlnrlnw :inH
monthly session. The clerk was not unlocked the door, thus gaining ad-
inaltendance, but all drew their pay , mission to the office. He left unmls
as usual. ' takable evidence ;of his visit, among
The executive committee of the which were orange peelings, cheese,
State Soldier's .Home Beard was In crackers and cookiea.
Session at the State liousn ttwlnr. ' On the Mine nliht, the irrrwrrv p.
auditing tlie monthly accounts.
Supreme Court Doings.
Salem, January 4. 1897.
H. W. Getty.respondent.vs. Kate F.
Ames, Frank Thluuli. John Koborts.
Eugone O'Connell.J. M.SIglin and E.
G. Flanagans, respondents and W. O.
Chrlstcnson and C. A Joimson, appel
lants, appeal from Coo county.argued
and stibniltted,(this Is asult In equity
to mechanics liens.) E. Y. Lansing,
respondent, vs. D. M. Plummeretiil..
appeallants, ordered on stipulation
that appellants have leave to now Hie
the abstract of tlie record.
Isaac L. White, ctal appellant, vs
Zlpporah White respondent; ordered
on stipulation that appellants Mine to
servo and Hie a reply brief lc extended
m days.
School District 115 et al of Linn
county, respondent vs School District
51, ct al, appellant; ordered on stipula
tion that respondents have until
March 2, 1807, to serve and file tlu-ir
The Bank of Forest Grove, unnel-
hint vs C. B. Stokes, ct al resnondpnt
ordered on stipulation of parties that
tno appeal In this cause be dismissed
without cost to either party.
tabllshment of M. T. Rlneman. two
doors west, was also entered via a
rear window. A small quantity of
cheese, crackers, cookies, etc. were
taken, but nothing of any value has
as yet been missed.
Tlie tonsorial parlors of J. C. Mills,
on Commercial street were also
visited Saturday night after "office
Hours" but this did not keep the
callers from entering the building.
The tills were prjed open and about 50
cents In change was removed there
from. A nlckle-plated watch Is also
missing and two good razors. They
gained entrance into the rear room of
Gilbert Bros. Banking house, through
n small door that connects the bark
room of the barbershop with that of
tho bank. The burglars gained en
trance to the business department of
the bank but did not disturb even so
1 much us a postage stamp of which
there was a large supply laying on the
j The actions of these burglars are
quite puzzling. One can scarcely de
termine whether they are ama
teur burglars or whether they
have been frightened away before
they have accomplished the original
purpose of their visit. One fact that
strongly .supports the theory that
they are frightened away before they
Failures and Chimes. Bank fail
ures and housebreaking are on the
Increase. As winter deepens the de
pression of business and the number
of unemployed will increase. Port
land has offered $50 each for convic
tions for burglary. This will result
In driving many housebreakers to
other towns in the valley. There is a
law to punish housebreaking, but
breaking a bank is not a felony in
257 Commercial st.
Auction Sale
of Furniture.
have accomplished the object of thel
Aisii, is mat nothing of any value is
missing from the places visited. They
of Forest Grove. inimlurj nr ti,,.l
railroad comiiilsjlou, were In the city
IIhvival SKKvn.'Hs-Speolal roylval
services every night this week nt the
Christian ohuroh. Services begin
promptly nt 7:30. Tills evening tho
members of tho ohuroh aro requested
to moot with tho board In the church
olio hour beforo revival services begin.
Miss Lura Prescott returned Knt.nr.
day to Stay ton whore sho will resumo
nor position in tlio public schools after
n holiday visit very pleasantly spent
In Salem at tho homo of hor parents
Mr. and Mrs. II, W. Proscott In Yow
Tho members of tho ladlos'auxillary
His First Ride.
James McGarvey who was brought
to the asylum Saturday from Joseph
lno county. Is a bachelor, firt vp.ii-c i,i
and has been worklnir In' thn i i t?"11 u,e 'l"5 h "ho
Southern Orocon sinrn m.f.V .r.i.T. u ? nuaS In the suburbs of
Is tho only time ho has ever been on a v '. J . ,r , .
railroad train. Ho was a partner of . . f any ,,ouseoking
Alex Watts, working th CLi ev!n,u ,,ad sported
mines, and severely stabbed his part- t. 'ers' UP ,0 lat
iiiiiii i.iii ,i Liiriuum
At Goose's Auction House
313 Cormicrdal st
Wednesdayf Jan.
at 1 p, nv
LVinsistini' it tho riilliiwlrim :i ln
gant bedroom sots, handsomely caryed
over tops, 1 dozen dlningroum chair-',
C rockens, 2 extra tables, 2 cook
stove and utensils, 3 heaters, 1 baby
bUCLTV. 2 bed-lnnpiip';. 'A imvui .wlra
springs, 2 wool matresses, 2 clocks.
xues.e gooos are all new. To be
sold to highest bidder for cash.
Installation at Jefferson.
District Deputy Grand Master W.
J. Culver and Acting Grand Marshal
A. 0. Condlt officiated' Saturday
nlcrht,. at, the installation of officers
.- Onnlr,n lnl.m Vn 07 T ri M Tl1 I
1UI OtlliLlllIU 1UUJV., J..U, .!, J., v. -. ., i lybAiui. i.i h.. ii. , i-, i
of Jefferson. The installation was aru n suik, 7c a id.
conducted publicly and was largely at
tended. Following the installation
ceremonies an elegant banquet was
discussed. A nleasant dance followed.
the pleasures of which were enjoyed
for several hours.
The officers installed are as follows:
J, Jeffreys, N. G., John Slegmund, Y.
G., Harry Roland, recording secretary,
S. T. Johnson, permanent secre
tary, II. C. Ilomyer, treasurer.
Mi's-rs. Culver and Condlt returned to
Srlem on the early train, Sunday
Wl 7 , MIFSrKF Pron.
De.ilars in all kinds of fresh and salt meals
1 bulk, 7c a lb. Cheapest meal in the
own lrythem. 171 Commercial st.
Up town shop near car barn on State st.
R VAX. At the family home on
X th Liberty street, at 1 p. m.
: ird-iv. Jan :t, 1S!)7, the infant hoii
of Mr. aid Mis. John Ryan.
Funeral services were held from the
family home at 11 o'clock tills morn
ing conducted by Rev. G. W. Grannis.
The remains were given interment in
tlie Rural cemotcary.
Now Ready. For your notes and
packages. Ring telephone 40 or blue
Office: Yillameite Hotel Building
For water service aunlv at office. Hill
navahle mnnttilv in nrlv.inrp. fnki af
complaints at the ollice.
Plenty of money on good security.
A lart'e quantity of land for sale at
low figure and on easy terms.
Room 5, Hush bank building.
On inside property at 7 per cent. OnJ farm
land security at 8 per cent. Safe loans made
for investors. Insurance efiecred in reliable
companies JOHN MOIR,
Broker, room No. 2, Bush bank building.
ner In the breast with a butcher-knife
n few days ago for attempting to ar
rest his work of (lostrovliiip n ni, linn
that conducts water to the mine.
m.. 'i i wuwim
Grand Invoicing Sale.
You Save Money
810 Cujws and Juokots now NUio,
810 Mackintoshes now T: Monos
Men's Cork !o shoos i40. Ikt
gniuo mill iirvoohesll u mlr.
Corbotsfor Wo regular II, 15
and 11.60 oorbet.s; all kinds except
It v G.
Dro Goods,
Grand dress, goods ile. lteduo-
tlons on nil Hues heavy (Irons
Court nm! Liberty.
The Cash Dry Goods, CJothlug ami
Whoo House,
v. 1.,. A t Mt ...
ui mo i..u.v. i, are oarnostiy re
quested to incut In tho parlors of the
association on Tuosday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock for tho purpose of holding
tho aiiuuul election of officers. Every
member should bo present at this
most Important mooting. Mrs. R. S.
Wallace prasldont
That Rakklb. -Three valuable ar
tlclos were rallied at Hush's mm tnr,
Saturday ovonlng. Tho Winchester
Magazine shotgun, valued at $18, was
won uy ii. jjavis. whose, Iiiuiij mt.
but 41 con ts. Charlos Mumnors won
at S3, paying but 62 cents thorefor
001 Jeff Myers carried off tlie Green
heart ttshlng riHl, rallied at W.60.
His chance cost him but 31 cents. The
many friends of Mr. Mvors nmv nnw
conscientiously await the arrival of
I trout sottson, when that gontloman
before, but found it out the other
day.that the cheapest place to buy
shoes in Salem is at
an Commercial
f?Suits $15 upwards.
St., Salem Or
1'antsS upwands-gl
Salem Presbyterians.
At the Sunday morning service ten
members wero received. Next Sun
day baptism will b nHmini...t
The Meek of prayor will be observed
ty tills church. On Kunri.v .1
the annual election of officers for the
Sunday school and results fn...-.
- ...oiUmraB;
oupennieunent, F.
Talklugton,. llottger Co's., c
ouiar for Jan. 4. 1W7:
Market suffered n moderate rtxictlon
today on homo roallnlng by protlt
takors, The news In u general wtty
was favorablo to holders and tvtrt, nf
oarly decline vra recovered. Cables
wero higher and wuio milling ilonmud
was reported at an incrtuistHl tinw
iiiluui. The most encotirairltiL' f.vi.
tur of theiuarkot continues to lie the
light HHjolpts at primary points, ami
the notlvo export demand. Further
contlrmatlQuof the strong statistical
position of wheat was furnUhed bv
Thomas rejwrts.
Chicago. May wheat opened at85J
HUdollStHl lit. Kit tit nmOinir I.lvnr.
jhwI quQtatlous wore for January Csl
Hid atui.Muron Ts,lh. Tlio visible
supply frlOSl000. IXMreaskj 201000.
"" tuinft. vuanos .Mumjiors won , , , ' ' ' n,sK"iSi re-
ho llrlstol steel tlshlng rod, valued), , 5 aSslstt superintendent and
it 8, paying but i'2 cents thorefor. ?.s.tor' P " Raymond, re-elected
10 uoui omces; secretary, MiM Edna
l'urdyj assistant secretary, w t
Shopard; treasurer, J. W. Cochran'
f. 1 , . w,aaw'J librarian,
XT. Ilulefson; assistant librarian
Ralph A Watson. This immi, J
Its Sunday sohool are inn flourishing
1v,nnr. .
'iuw" xjaskuall. 'mere was a
large crowd at the Salem Y. M. C. A.
rooms Saturday night to witnP
match game of Indoor basehall. Tim
sides were well matched and the game
as intensely interesting. It resulted
in a victory for the Rustlers, so ac
ceptable captained by F. Smith. The
nustlers with Harrv Olinrer n r.-n.
tain did some good playing also. The
game resulted 16 to 17 in favor of the
Rustlers. Precedim.' t hiVnmn r.cc.
Southwlck and Raker rmv. n ci,n..'
exhibition of tumbling.
For Infants and Children.
i rutin
All kinds of grain feed, ha, straw
etc., at lowest prices, '
1'inest bamboo fnrnitr t, A".01.'
tova ph. t?. Ti i j J"l'a"c v-unos,
W)s etc , For Holidays. Only TaD"
store in tn-n iu;n 1,. ij . . .? )V
for ChrU nad W; eSCheevaeP
offered for bat itock In this Hue. 12.2
A Ml mi ILL
For service fnr ill c .... ...
meat market. ;;.".. n" "' -"" " rwn's
aeu Track and Dray Co,
Dealer in groceries, oaints. n,-i.
window elass. varn'cV, - j
fWlll no doubt ontertnln bin rrin.i.
with stories of n highly Improbable
nature, regarding his ability as a hue-
cossiui nsuorman.
PATTO.N BROS., .Mln.eers.
Tea is " go. h!" when you
like it; not good when you
If you don't like SctiV
A'ms V$, the grocer pays
you onck your money; we
pay mm to tlo so.
It is a good ,ten, well
cured, and fired in San
Francisco not in Asia.
3riUINKU. FrnHrlnL- n t.....
who rejldte at corner of South Com.'
morclal and rntniu .
with an accident that will confine MlSS f WYic P1
hlmtothehouseforaweekormore LUUe Pieman,
-. a ituilinr wmn
One Night Only,
-... WinrtftOJ rrlon
lS? h 2? -ysra Ssrjsra
in the iSS, thExoCrrs "
:. V,ma . all trains V & TP.ress w?
witiiourbminM-...- mi. " connection
slore lSl5.wlll'li n a feed
oats, chopped feed .' 'i' 'ee oil meaI'
theioeSPtPr.wlLSraw'hay3wl wood at
brushes of all UinA
state. Artists' materials, lime,
-,vuuaano shingles, and
hnest quaUtv of rr,.. j
- s"a occos,
and the charming comedienne
t cash prices.
Phone 86.
timhM .. ."'..". . V "u's"IOg
iiT. wwvaiory he has been
building at Govnmnr ri... ", ,en
wi.,. ,...,,,.""' ""'iuence
" ' "'iwuuer lie was standlnir
tii L'Z', "'" " ? r,8"t ankle, so
...... .. nan to naveiiiA niji,.
fiSWon- " hme for Ji
W .IT jhw. iLiAC08i Manager.
Si PerkiDsl
jyptwriter, room p 7r ",no?JraPher a"d
Phi.SS.M Bush's
... ui woiK
I Itf
Stock., Addr; whhf.VU"a!?e.a"d LcT
stmfield. Portland, Or. 'ar"culars. L
1 iiniriiif a nnr i-i. 111
iwiuiv I'lUUl DW SnOD
::'. MiTO'.S",;,u.?.' i.
irst class work Paii.r B wai, etc.
f Marion on xV:..?.a1.1 at sond houie'noMi.
. 7 - u4tLcriiTn tiu.i . --
Postal I. n tu.JIi. V'tclr Mi
rriiT mi '"""Ml(mi Or,
FORiJTmPP r "" "r- !2QIm
ASuperbScenlcProductlon. fe Sfi3!
' . watt.. R ' hoo. bam ami .i
- hip: Hurrah lin.,i M -dress &s is- E$ for,!ow sh rent
onal Vv,mii "wrIous Sensa- twomii:..IL4i-V?r aPP' t G.v.ivar,r
HoosIngRalh-'of S i A ,Roariog, l- '-121JJo. u-i f
Yells. KSee efi !ltlllef and CARPETAlKIZarT-111
h !.. rz71, ,,cireet parade at. n. broim vnnni -?" lot ol h.
""S paper lor Slie rl "rvi
1N(!H T rrr:
in my neTv Zsi0 " a "X old patrons
Weed at poVula" T-1 i" w Enar-
. j , j.an
VZ " fccuiar natron.
-lrJJlSTER, Prop.
PlWr .
houleVt T yi&i'l"0"1 of the opera
I'Ha. OP. 7
. . ' ' w
mlf a new wryrWL. J1"0 Jw bom
' repairing, Oidtn Y.V,7, " '" u
orc proolt, Martm, jeHe
" "!
c H. MACK,
Soetessor to Dr 1 r 1-
Coraer, Salem Or'J'p !Kefnc old While
RT , Ppl,edff apatentfor a
Puhciu ..fPW
fore. Iyer rX eJuaI hefet
yer "03 Enger, Or.
12-15 im