ttMMMMlM9Mt! Sour Stomach, sometimes called watcrbrash, tmd burning pain, distress, nausea, dyspepsia, are cured by Hood's Sarsa parilla. This it accomplishes because with its wonderful power as a blood purifier, Hood's Sarsaparilla gently tones and strengthens the stomach and digestive organs, invigorates the liver, creates nn appetite, gives refreshing sleep, and raises the health tone. In casus of dyspepsia and indigestion it seems to have " a magic touch." "For over 12 yeara I suffered from sour tomach with eevero pains ncross my shoulder:, and great distress. X had violent r.auscr. which would leavo me very weak ar.J faint, difficult to get my breath. These spells came oftener and more severe. Z did not rccolve any lasting benefit from physicians, but found such happy effects from n trial of Hood's Sarsaparilla, that I took several bottles and mean to always keep it in the house. I am now able to do all my own work, which tor six years I have been unable to do. My husband and son have also been greatly bene fited by Hood's Sarsaparilla for pains in the back, and alter the grip. I gladly recommend this grand blood medicine." Mns. Peter Burby, Leominster, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood 1'urlfler. All druggists. $1. -j ,, cro all Liver Ills and tlOOU S FlllS Blck Ueadacuo. 25cents. STATE NEWS. Polk county has a $50,000 indebted ness. The total indebtedness of Douglas county-Is about $134,000. The postolllce in Forest Grove lias received its authorization to issue for eign money orders und its supplies. L. M. Parrott, at North Roseburg) slipped and fell, on the sidewalk, and broke his left arm and dislocated ills wrist. A young man named Lyman was severely hurt by being struck by a band saw at the Clatsop mill. He nearly blead to death. W. Hollis and family and 21 per sons' of Alexandria, South Dakota, arrived in Roseburg. They brought stock and farming implements, and are going right at It. Debarment proceedings were begun against John Dltchburn, of nilfsboro, for allowing letters of instructions written' by Attorney Steeves, to him, be printed in the Oregonlan. W. Hyde was found guilty, In Scio, the other day of practicing medicine without a license. Ho was fined $50, and, in default of payment, was sent to the county jail. For the month of December the county clerk, of Clackamas county, collected and turned into the'treas ury fees amounting to $225.00, and the recorder of conveyances $182.00. In the case of J. Conner, Indicated in Jackson county for keeping open Jiousoon the first day of the week, Sunday, the jury under the Instuction of the court, returned a verdict of not guilty. II. Clay, of Arlington, who has 7,000 sheep thatfare being fed in Minnesota for the Chicago market, says that there are 80,000 head of sheep near his place thatare being fattened for mar ket. The employes of the Enterprise Lumber company, of Berry, mani fested their disapproval of the actions -of the senior partner, Mr. Roe, by hanging him in effigy in front of his house. Mrs. Caroline n. Roney, of Eugene, died suddenly, of heart disease, at the home of her son, L. N. Roney. She was 83 years old. The body was taken to Pleasant Hill for interment. J. Riley last week killed, near Med ford, a bald eagle, that measured 7 feet 0 inches from tip to tip, and N. Lewis,on Elk creek,ln Jackson county, killed one that measured 7 feet 8 inches. It is proposed In Forest Grove to combine in one person the city offices of marshal, street superintendent, bookkeeper and collector of the electric light and water plant, and then pay that man a suitable salary, In Inbependence, the Natlonul bank, Just 15 seconds before 12 o'clock each day, rcelves corrected time from the Lick observatory, and the whistle of the Gllmore water works blows at noon, observatory time. The cold storage salmon packing house, of the Trescott Packing com pany, at, uoble, is running night and day putting up fish.which are shipped to Germany over the O. R. & N? line, via New York. The electric lights on the capltol building in Salem are plainly visible, atmospheric conditions being favora ble, from the Lawler gold mines, up the Santiam river, 50 miles or raoie distant. Albany Herald. Frank Cree.who left Lebanon about twor months ago and.wdnt to Arizona was crushed to death in the Jmacbfn- fJry" lit ft copper Ihlhn, December 22 I last. His parents, three brotherrahd the sisters live in Lacomb, in Linn county. I Leonard Jones of Clackamas, some years ago lost onocyc tbrouht. bejng accldcntly hit with a baseball while lie was witnessing a game. Wednes: day, while he was engaged In split ting cordwood, a steel splinter from the head of the wedge he was driving flew into his remaining eye, and it Is thought that one Is also destroyed. A young gentleman named Herman Burrell, who is a great hunter and has hunted in all parts of the world and lias told more bear stories on which he was the hero Is again in this country. Last year some old Oregon hunter lead him into the mountains on a bear hunt long after they had gone in their holes for 'the winter. PORTLAND MARKET. . provision. " -Portland. Jan. 4- Wheat valley, &4SS Walla Walla, 82. - Flour Portland, Benton county, 4.50., 4.40; graham, 3.75; superfine. $2.50 per bl.1 OnisWhlte. AlfiU&c: crey. 39fjs40 ;rollW in bags, U.2SS'2S barrels, 4.5o7.oo; cases, 3.75. Potatoes.. Oregon, 5oa7oc per sack. Hay .Good, 12.50(2)13 per ton. Hops oioc. Wool.. valley, 9ioc; Eastern Oregon 68c. Mohair. . l5(a2oc. Millstiilts. Hran Si e.oo: shorts ti6 So. Poultry-Chickens , mixed, '$2tof 3; ducks' 334; turkeys, live-, iyt. Epps..Orefon.271 IOC Uer doz Hides., green, salted 60 lbs 7c; under 60 lbs 66Jc; sheep pelts, io(7gc Tallow 2jc3C Onions, 85c per sack. Wheat Bags Calcutta 4.2S4.37Vi Beans, small white, iy,ci:. lima 34C Hogs Heavy, 3.00 to 3.25 Butter.. Best dairy,2S3Sci fancy reanurj SaSoc Cheese . iouc. Dried Fruit Apples, evaporated, bleached 6M7o; unbleached, 3VtC4cj sundried, 4c Sc. Pears 5c6c Plums, pitless, 3c4c Prunes 4 Jc6c. Veal small 5 ; large 4c per lb. Mutton -Weathers 2.0b: ewes 1.50: dressed mutton, 4c. N BeefASteers 2.3S;cows i.7S-:2.2S;dressed 35- Cured Meats JIams loc ioJ,c bacon 6c. Lard ,in pails, 70. SAN FRANCISCO MAKiCET. Wool.. Oregon! choice 7(0)90; inferioi 5 7c, valley, 8qc. Ifops Quotable at 8-10c for new. Potatoes 4o75c per sack. Oats Milling, 1.05(0)1.20. 5ALEM MARKET. Wheat.. 75c. per du., Oats 353400. Hay. .Baled, cheat, 900; timothy 11.00. Straw, $3.50 to $4.00, Flour.. In wholesale lots, 4.20; retail 4.20; bran, bulk 13.00; sacked, 14.00; shorts, 14.0015.00; chop feed, 15.00, 16.00. Poultry. Hens 5a6c;Turkeysioc.; Roosters, 1 1.50 and $1.80 per doz. Veal Dressed, 4. Hogs. .Dressed, 33? Live Cattle,.li,2 Sheep,. Live, 1.50(0)2.00 cwt. Wool.. Best, 12c. Hops. .Best, 9 njroc, Eees..Casli. 27c. Fruit. .Green Apples per box iioo(a)i.;o; Farm Smoked Meats U&zc-t,6.; hams 90; snouiaers, 5c. - Potatoes. .35c per bu . Onions. 50c. Dried FruiUA,pples, evaporated bleached, 7CMHC1 tinoieacneo 4c(5c ' Plums, 4c. Prunes--5c , , , Beans, 2c ' '"'.., Lard ,7c'. Butter. .Oregon fancy creamsry 2 yt. fancy dairy, 15(0)18; fair to gooj, 1 Cheese .Oregon full cream, 10, IS-; You Can Be. . Well ; TITl ., 1 J "-. . ? yy nun your uioou is pure, ricu ana nourishing for nerves and muscle. The blood is the vital iluid,-and- when It is poor, thin and Impure you must either suffer or you will fall a victim to sudden changes exposure, or'ove,r work. Keep your blood pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla and be well. Hood's Pills are the bestaf ter-dinner pill; assist digestion, cure headache 25 cents. FREE TO EVERY MAE Ihe Method of a Great Treat!! mentfor Weakness of Men. Which Cured! Him After Everything Else Failed. Painful disease's are bad enough, but, when a man is slowly wastine awav with nervous weakness,the mental forbodings are ten times worse than the most severe pain. There -is no let up to the mental suflcring day or night. Sleep is almost impossible and under; fu;h a strain men a te scarcely responsible for what they do For years the writer rolled and tossed on the troubled sea of s xual weakness until it was a question whether he had not better take a dose of poison and thus ends all his tioubles. But providential inspira lion came to his aid in the shape of a combi nation of medicines that not only completely restored the general health, but enjatged his weak and emaciated parts lo natural size and vigor, and he now declares that any man who will take the trouble to send his name and address may have the method of this wonder iui treatment iree. imow when 1 say Iree I mean absolutely without cost, because I want everyweakened man to get lite benefit of my experience, I am not a philanthropist, nor do I pose as an enthusiast, but there are thousands of men suffering the tortures of weakened manhood who would be cured at once could they but get such a remedy as the one that curerd me. Do not try to study out how 1 can afford to pay the few postage stamps necessary to mail the inforwrtion, but send for it and learn that there me a few things on earth that although they cot nothing to get they are worth a fortune to some men and mran lo lifetime of happiness to mod of ur. Write a Thomas Slater. Box 390, Kalamazoo, Mich . sod the Information will be mailed in a plain ealed envelope. h KmiMm . H II I I. Il l.lll. .11 l IUI, I . I I.,, I .'HI H yVeectablcPrcnarationror As similating iheToodaruIRcgula ting thcStQmachs andBcAyels of PromotesDigeslion.Chcciful ncss and Rcst.Contains neither Opium.Morphlne nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. KatpeofOlJErSAKVELHTCBm Jtmphn Sad' Mx.Scrmit Jhjvmant - J CurimaSSeZt Clarified Stair VMuyrttn. nmv. A Tjcrfcci Remedy forConstina tion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions.Fevcnsu ness end LOSS OF SLEEP. T i.t. Facsimile Signature of VTEW "YORK. OREGON CENTRAL AND Eastern R. R. Company YAQUINA BAY ROUTE." Connecting:ut Yaow'ina Bay 'wjthAjiej.SV, Francisco & Yaquina liay Steamship Co. STEAMER AL1!A NY Leaves Salem for Portland at 10:30 a. vn. Tifesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Leaves Salem lor Corvallis, Mondays, Vcdi:esday. an't Fiidays at 3:30 p. m. STEAMER 'FAUALLON." Sails from Yanuina rverv 8 ilavs for' San Francisco, Coos liay, Port Orford, Trinidad and Humbolt Bay, Passenger ' accommodations unsurpassed. Shortest route between the Willamette val)fcy and California. Fare from Albany or points west to San Francuco: Cabin, fg; steerage, $5; to Coos Bay and Port Orforcj, tabin $6; to llumbold, Bay, cabin $S; round trip, good 60 days, $i6t YAQUINA,BAY. I " i,-" The most popular seaside resort on" the North Pacific Coast. No 'undertow surf bathing absolutely safe." . i t "For those wishing to combine'' hunting and fishing with aquatic sports, this resort has no equal. Deer, bear, elk, cougar, brook trout and salmon trout can be found in abundance within' a few irours'-'drive' of the bay. 3?Reduced rates to all points. EDWIN STONE, Manager, Ccrvallis, Or J.-CHMAYO,- Sunt. River Division.; M. P. BALDWIN, Local Agent.Altona Docs Salem. rNQKthern Pacific - Railway. runs" Pullman, Sleeping Cars- .'.! Elegant Dinin Cars tourist Sleeoirio Cart To St.)iPauh Minneapolis, Duluth, Fargo, ;?rand Forks, Crookston, Yinnipeg, Helena and Butte. THROUGH TICKETS To Chicago,-Washington,. Philadelphia, Nev York, iioston, anu all Points East and South Fori information, .time cards, mans an tickets, can on or write THOMAS, WA?T CO, . 4 , " AGENTSV A 265 Commercial srreet, Salem, Or. A. D. Charlton, Asst. Oen'l. (.Pass. Agt., MbrrUon t. comer Third Portland Or. 80 TEARS EXPERIENCE. iihiui mAKKBr . DESlQNS, f OOPYRIOHTO Ac. Anyone tending r. sketch and description mar Qulcklr ascertain, (roe. whether an Intention Ii probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest ocency for securing patents la America. Wo bare a Washington office. Patents taken through Ilunn & Co. recelro pedal notloe lo the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. beautifully lllaitrated. largest circulation ot any scieutldo Journal, weekly, terms MUU a rear) SI JO six mouths. Hpedmen copies and Ujluo iloou ou 1'atents sentrce. Address MUNN &. CO., 3(11 Ilroiidtviiv. SewVorli. The Rosy Froshnoss git u 11 hi i ---M.T., ..yVr I )u..jr:iii,i: . CASTOR 1 4 I IKTJi EXACT COPr OF WRAPPED. 9 I And a velvety softneas of the skin 1 fnvia I rlably obtained by those who use Poztohi's juorapiexlon I'owder. SEE THAT THE FAC-SIM1LE SIGNATURE OF IS OIT THE WRAPPER OF EVEEY :bottxje OF1 Outcrla is p&l cp In ose-shs bottles onlr. It is not sold la balk. Don't allow anyone to cell yoa anything else on the plea or promise that it Is Jnst as good" arm will answer eyory pnr- poss." W- Bee that yon g6t O-A-S-T-O-EA-A. Ths fid- stalls .vf STJ s2- lies CLy76iZ'Je "r of wiaypvr. Ka-HMgaaTCrr jfs Through Tickets ro THE VIA Til lUsiion Pacific Sybiem through Pullman Palace Sleepers. Touns Sleepers and Freo Reclining Chair- ",Vily between Portland to Chicago, Our trains are nested l steam snd lighted by Pintsc light. Time to Chicago, 3 i-s. Jay Time to New York, 4 1-2 days. pVVhich is many hours quicker than ccm pttitora. For rates, time tables and full information apply to Agents, Salem, Ot, R. W BAXTER, C.E. BROWN, General Agent Dist. Pass. Agent I3S Third Street, Portland 0. R. & N. CO. TO THE EAST GIVESf IHE CHOICE OF Transcontinental Two RouLc:. Via Spokane Minneapolis at Paul and Den ver Omaha and Kansas City. Low rates to eastern cities. JOCEAN DIVISION. .Portland San Francisco. Steamers leave Alnsworth dock. Portland Jan, 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27 and Feb. I, ft, n' i6 33, Fare Cabin, $12; steerage, t6. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION. For Portland and way points steamers Ruth and k Elmore daily except Sunday, at 6:45 a. m. Returning, leave Portland daily ex cept Sunday, at 6 a. m. For Horrisburg and way points steamer Modoc, Tuesday, iThurs day and Saturday, about 5 p. m, Return ing, leave Harrisburg for Corvallis, JMonday, Wednesday and Friday at I p, m., arriving at Salem the next afternoon. Lowest freight and passenger rates. Round trip tickets very cheap. Tickets sold and baggage checked through to all points in Oregon, Washington and the East. No extra charge for baggage transfers. Choice of rail road or river route to Portland. For full details call on Hoist & Barker agents, Salsm, Oregon, or iiddress, E. MCNEILL, Pres. and Manager, W. H. HURLliURT. Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland, Or For full details call on or address G. M. POWERS Foot, of Trade si. Local Agent. MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS I'OHITIVELY CURB orytIniioteucy,flUepluneu,fto,caiiMl byAbaMamlolbar Vjcmses anil Indis cretions. 7iri 'julcklu auit lurmlu restore ost Vitality lu,old or Joans, ana lit a rusu for study, bualnsai or msrrlssa, invent lntsnltr and Cansumbtlan if. taksnln tlmo. Their o shows immedista Improjs- ment ana elects a uuius wnoro oiiocnsra lou, la. slst upon baring the tenolno A J ax Tablets. They hare cured thoussnds and will cure yoa. Ws ctrs a posttlre written sasranfee to effect a cars In each case or refund tha money. 1'rlca SO cents per Dackaae, or sis packuoa (full treatment) for aa.eoDr mill, la plain wrapper, upon receipt of Pries, flrculsr free. AJAX rtEMEDY CO., w3g$fr For sale at Salem, Oregon, by 1). J. FRV and G W PUTNAM, For Do "Jc?acy, rovement of the com 1 1 1 Pozioin's PowpBa. J I for purity, and (or improvement plexlon nothing equal EAST! Pfupsals for Supplie.lib!S;ri,",wrBtS",,a'48w'"ld '" " r r r ' I ftO lbs clnnumtiti standard ground In '51b. cans.' rn, h,,..i r iPci U U, nr,n ' . 25 lbs. cayctiho atnndard ground In Btatc Insane nsylura invltils scaled ..., ..i. w. wU.u y.w r.B." proposals for furnishing at the asylum near Salem' Oregon, for 1 rufJtattis ending June 30, lbJ7, tlid following supplies: DltV GOODS. 2000 yds. Pequot A 9liectlnK.45 it). utibleactied as per wimple. L'000 yds. l'equot A sheetinK 30 in. unbleached, as per sample. 1000 yds. Lonsdale sheeting 3G In. bleached as per sample. NX) yds. Marseilles ijiicck yonc Man ufacture as per sample. 2600 yds. Mariners Bttipe Shirting Amoskeag as per sample. 1000 vds. Blue Denims 9oz. Amos keag as per sample. 2600 vds. Canton mannci xsasnua XXX, unbleached, as per sample. 300 yds. cjrasu ttieacuea ib in. as per sample. 200 yds. Scllsla drab as per' sample. 144 yds. white table oil cloth, rot ters as per sample. 300 yds table linen, bleached 58 In. as per sample. f00 yds calico Indigo Blue Ameri can. 1000 yds. calico, black and white, Paciiic, Aniline, Lawrence &Co. 1000 yds. -calico Turkey red small stripes and smal) figures, Garner & Co. 30 doz. ladies' hose, cotton, as per bainple. 12o doz. men'a socks, cotton 101, .as per sample. 10 doz. hdkfs. Turkey red, us per sample. 24 doz. stay binding B & II No. JO 4 doz. corsets, size 22-3, 23-4, 24-8, 2.1-8, 20-7, 27-4, 28-4, 20-4, 30-0, as per sample. 0 doz. suspenders, mon:a as per sample. 2 g gross pants buttons, as per sample. 10 gross coat buttons, as per sample. G gross vest buttons ,as per .sample. G gross pearl, buttons, white 4 holes, lines 24. as tier sample. 12 cross fiearl buttons, smoked 4 holes lines 24 as' per sample. G g gross shirt buttons F B as per sample. 15 packs pins Eagle P. 32 & A- B. 120 papers needles sharps size, 6-60, 7-G0, 3 doz. kplttlng needles No, 17. 7 doz. thimbles No. '8' Us per1 sample. QKOCEKIES. 15000 lbs. granulated sugar, Ameri can Bollnery. 20000 lbs. Golden C. Sugar (Ameri can Refinery.) 15000 lbs. Liverpool salt. 1500 lbs. oat meal, in barrols. 10000 lbs. rolled oats, Jn barrels. GOOO lbs. cracked wheat, in barrels. lOOO lbs. cream wheat, In barrels. 2000 lbs. hominy, smaH, In barrels. 1000 lbs. hominy, large, in barrels. 500 lbs. corn starch, Oswego. 400 lbs gloss starch, Kingsford's 1 lb. pkg. 240 lbs. China starch. 5000 lbs. rice, iBland. 3G0 lbs. soda, A &II. 400 lbs. cream tartar, Polgcr's 25 lb. boxes. 150 lbs. Pearl barley. 50 lbs, beeswax, common fas per sample. 50 lbs. beeswax, pure us per sample. 40 doz. oysteiB, Cove Fields No. 2. 40 doz, corn canned, White Lily New Crop. 4 doz. Worcestershire saucefqrt. L&P. 4 doz. whisk brooms. 30 doz. No. 1 best brooms. 40gross Vulcan Safety matches,, as per sample. 15 boxes macaroni In 8 lb. boxes, white. 2000 lbs. corn meal, yellow, In bar rels. GOOO lbs. Costa Rico coffee, as per sample 500 lbs. Java eolice, as per sample. 300 lbs. Mocha coffee, as per sample. 1500 lbs. Chicory, as per sample. GOO lbs. Sal soda. 300 lbs. Chloride lime. 200 lbs. raisins, London Layers 20 lb. boxes. 100 lbs. Zantea currants,20 lb. boxes. GO lbs. Chocolate Eagle, 1 lb. pkg. 10 doz, cans concentrated lyc.Giant. 50 lbs. Pearl I nc, James Pyle's. 50 lbs. bluing, Nuremberg, In balls, Ln At 600 lbs. cheese, Cranston's or as good, more or less delivered as re quired. 500 lbs. soda crackers, XXX, more or less delivered as-required. SYRUP AND MOI.ABSES. 2000 gal. syrup, bidder to submit samples. GOO gal. molasses, New Orleans, bid der to submit samples. CROCKERY. 25 doz. ta cups. W G ware, aa por sample. 25 doz. saucers, W G iware, as per sample. 1 doz. pitchers, toilet, W G ware, as per sample, 2 doz. pitchers, 1 gal. W G ware, as per sample. 0 doz. nltchers, cream, W G ware, as per sample. iuj dozen soup dowib v u ware ns per sample. Gdozen bakers 12 ln. " G ware as per sample. iu uozen oaKcrs iu men u wuru as per sample. ISdozon dinner plates WG ware as pcrsamble. 0 dozen pie plates W G ware as per sample. 12 dozen glass tumblers as por win Pie. 4 ,t , , . . z uozen salt biniKurs ua icr buuiijiu. 2 dozen pepper shakers as per sample. 4 dozen butter chips W G ware as per sample. HEANS. 10000 lbs. beans small' white as per sample. 80AP. 2500 lbs net sayon best standard wap. 1000 cakes White Lily as per sample 500 cakes Peerless Kitchen as per sample. 180 cakes Shaving J. B. Williams as per sample. 84 cakes toilet. Sl'ICES. 500 lbs. pepper black standard ground In 5 lb. cans. jn 1 2 ijj loo ids. musiaru sianuaru gruunu 5 lb. cans. 25 lbs, mace standard ground in 5 cans, 6 in. cans. 25 lbs. snub standard ground in 6 lb. cans. TOIMCCO. 2000 lbs. even change. 500 lbs. O K Durham 2 oz. pkg. imusttKS. 8 dozen dust brushes as per sample. 8 (Itizcir-scrub brushes as per sample. 2 dozen dusters, ostrich feather 22 Inch as per samples. OILS AND TURPENTINE. 120 gal. turpentine In 5 gal. cans. 50 gal.linseed oil, boiled, In 5 gal.cans. 200 cal. kerosene, more or less. In tanks, delivered ns required. SHOES. 88 nairs shoes, ladles, size 0-20. 5-25. 6-25, 7-12, 8-0, as per sample. m gross snoe laces, 4-4. FLOUIt. 000 bbl. No. 1 Hour, moro or less, de livered aa required. 25 bbl. No. 1 graham Hour, more or less, delivered as required. FISH. 500 lbs. tlsh per week, more or less, us required, kinds as required, stating prlceof each per pound. meats. GOO lbs. llcef, per day, more or less, delivered us required, equal parts fore and hind qnartcrs. 200 lbs. mutton, per day more or less as required. DRIED PRUNES. ' 10000 lbs. dried prunes, bidder to submit samples. DRIED APPLES. 4000 lbs. dried apples, bidder to sub mit samplcf. DRIED PEACHES. 2000 lbs. dried peaches bidder to submit samples. MISCELLANEOUS. 30 doz. table spoons, as per sample. G doz. tea nponns, as per sample. 12 doz. knives, as per sample. 200 pipes and stems, as per sample. 4 doz. mOp handles, as per sample. STATIONERY. l gross Payson's Indelible Ink, as per sample. 4 gross Falcon nens. D 2 gross London Incandescent No. 4 M. Jacobs. 2 gross GJllott's No. 404. G doz pencils, lead, No. 4 (Johann Pabers.) VINEGAR. 1000 gal. pure cldar vinegar, 40 grs. Bidder to submit samnles. DRUGS. 2 kilogrammes ammonia inur, (Saulbb.) gran. l kilogrammes ammonia bromide, (Squibb.) 5 klllogramnies chloroform, in 500 gramme bottles. (Squibb.) 500 grammes potassium acotato, IbquiuD.j 500 grammes (Squibb.) 1 kilogrammo (Squibb ) 2 kilogramme 3 kfloirrainmcs potassium bicarb, potassium citrate, potassium iodide, potassium und so- dlum tart. (Sauibb.i 2 kilogrammo sodium bicarbonate (KqulDD, (Squibb.) 3 kilogrammes sodium (Squibb.) bromide, 1 kilogramme ttnet. opium (Squibb.) dcod., 500 grammes Fowler's solution, (Squibb.) 500 grammes acid tartaric, (Squibb.) 100 grammes morpury mass, Squibb.) 250 grammes zinc sulphate,(Squlbb.) &ou grammes zinc oxiue, (bquiou.) 1 kilogrammo Iron pyrophosphate, (Soulbb.i 1 lb. acid, muriatic O P. (P & W 35 lbs. chloral Hydrate. (P & W 2 lbs. sodium nhosnliatc.lP & Wl. ' 25 lbs. notassium bromide. (P & W) 12 lbs. acid iiiuratlo com., in 0 lb. glass stopper bottles, (Mai.) 10 lbs. ammonia muriate powd. 20 lbs. borax powd 5 gal. concentrated water of am monia, ln 5 gal. glass container, (Mai). 5 lbs carbolic acid, (Mai. gold label,) p ins. magnesia uaru. (is. c iuj 10 lbs. potass! un'i powd. 12 lb. cum arable, select. 2 lbs. oil sweet orange. (Lehn & Fink.) 4 oz. oil bay leaves, (Lohn & Fink.) J lb. granulated arnica nowers, (Lilly & Co.) k 1 lb granulated cannabis lndlca, (Lilly & Co.) 1 lb. granulated Canada snakeroot, L illy & Co.) 1 lb, granulated columbo, (Lilly & Co.) 4 lb. granulated nux vomica, (Lilly syCo.) 1 lb. granulated dandelion, (Lilly & Co.) 5 oz. antikamnla, 5 gr. tablets. 10 oz. pucnacetinc. 50 oz. Sulfpnal. 8 oz. pepsin, (Bondault.) 0 oz thyroids, (P I) & Co.) 2 doz. wyeths beef juice. 5 doz. cascara cordial, (P D & Co.) i doz. U8terine C lbs. bromldla in 1 lb. bottles, (Bat tle & Co.) 20 lbs i syr. Jlypophosp iiltes co., in 5 II. l.fHou infnmnnn.i 4W UVbf'vD. I if (iiuuuiu; 0 doz. Alcock's Plasters. 1000 empty capsules No.l,(P D &Co) 10 lbs. cocoa, (Phillips.) 5 lbs. 11. ext. corn silk. P D& Co.) 5 lbs. II. ext. sarsaparilla co. for syrup, (P D & Co.) . r gal. distilled witch hazel, (P D & Co.) Tablet triturates to bo ln bottles of 500 each. 500 tab. trit. aconltla, (Wyetn.) 1500 tab. calomel and sod. bicarb co., (Wyeth.) 500 tab. trit. cannabis Ind., (Wyeth.) 500 tab. trlt.codelno sulph., (Wyeth.) 2000 Tab. Trit Cerll Oxalate, (Wyeth.) 2000 Tab Trit Digitalis & Strych. (Wyeth.) 500 Tab.Trlt Opium (1 gr) (Wyeth.) 500 -Tab. Trit Podophylln, 1 gr. (Wyeth.) 1000 Tab Trit Dover powders 21 gr, (Wyeth.) 1 lb. Wllson's'JCarroslvo Antlceptlo tablctB, (Wyeth.) ,ir , v 500 Pills Salol, 5 gr. ( Wyeth.) 1000 Hypodermic lauiciH, imo. -jo, in bottles of 100 each )Wyeth.) 1000 Hypodermic tablota No. 08, In bottles of 100 each (Wyeth.) 1000 QiilninoSulpli. capsules, 2 gr. (P D & Co.) ... , , 2000 Quinine Sulph. .capsules, 'land 5 gr. (P D St Co, 5 grpsa each ulrylo At-extra 10 utr proscription Corks, Nos. 2,4,5,0, 7. B 1 gross CI l cle A, extra long pra ' scrlptlon corks, No. 10. . H 1 gross each prescription vials, PlillU adcfphla Oval 4 and Go2.(WT'&Co. i gross each , tin ointment boxes, oz.,i oz. and loz. 6 gross each English pasteboard lilll boxes, Nos. 20. 30itiid 31. (WT&CoYhllel,'Uljr lUpcrsa ,fa i2rytr,llbrPaI)Crs M nnd'in. j giass mortar z ozi (W-T & Cor : 3 doz. T&Co. 2 doz. & Co. meaicino glasses No. 0. (W, Empress syringes.No. l.( W T x uui,. un lusun s syringes, ro. a. , 1 lb. Sterilized llUnlx Wiinl In lfc.r.7 Davidson's syringes, No. packages, (J & J.) r' iouopowucr envelopes, 2x3i in. as sample. 1 doz. Chamois, as sample. 1 doz. Bromo Seltzer, medium. HARDWARE. v 100 each 3-lGxli and3-lGx2 Inch Nor ' way Iron carriajo bolts. 5o each 4xH, ix4 and ixG-jnch .Nor way Iron carriage bolls. 50 each fj-lflxl,. ftxii, 5-10x4, 5-10x5 Inch Norway iron carriage Lxiltct. 50 each Sx2 and tx4 Inch Norway Iron carriage bolts. oo 50 1x2, 1x4, 1x3, and ixO Inch coach screws. 50 each 1x1,1x2, ix3, Jx4 Inch Nor way Iron machine bolts. 50 each 2, 1x3, 8x4, Jx5 incli Nor way lion machine bolts. 50 each ix3, 1x4, 1x5. 1x0 inch Nor way iron machine bolts. 100 round head stove bolts 3-10x1 (null. utlatbastardilles 12 inch., .- ' tl Hat Mill bastard tiles 12 Inch. 3 hair round bastard tiles 12 inch. 2 each 4, 0.8 and 10 nut inill tiles. 2 Holler Bros, horse rasps 10 Inch. 5 lbs each 1 and f inch washers, 1 gross each 1, U, 11, and 2 Inch No. 2 round head screws. 1 gross 2 Inch No. 0 round head screws. 1 lb 1 Inch oval head copper tacks. 3 lbs 1-1 null oval head copper tacks. 300 feet of 1 inch round Norway Iron. i: 100 fceC each 5-10, I, 7-10, 1 and S round Norway Iron. 50 feet each ixl, IxJ', 1x1, fxl and xll Norway Iroti. 10 feet each landi inch octagon steel. 3500 lbs blacksmith coal (like sam ple.) ,i . o reel Toe steel f xi Inch. 15 feet Too steel 1x1 Inch, ion lbs Burden horse shoes. No.' 2 hind. 50 lbs Burden horse shoes, Noi hind. 5 lbs each Putnam horscshoe nails, Nos. 5, G, 7, and 8. tinning; 12 sheets No 24 K G black Iron 30x00. 4 sheets each galvanized sheet iron No 18, No 20, and No 22, slzo 30x00 1 box l.X bright charcoal tin 20x28 2boxesl.XMcnlo redlpped roofing tin 20x28. 100 lbs solder 1 and 1. 1000 tinned rivets, 0 lbs. 1 bundle 03 lbs of No 7 Bright iron wire. - 50 bushels charcoal. 1 tinner's hand snips, Peck, Stow & Wilcox, No 8. , PLUMBING 24 olbows 1 Inch. 24 tees IJnch. 12 each socket couplings 1, 1 and 11 inch. 12 eaoh flango Unions 1, 11, Hand Inch, ' ,i 0 each flange unions 21, 3 and Inch. 24 each plugs 1, f , 1, f 1, 11, H; and Inch. 24 each bushings ilxt, xl, Ixr, lx 1 inch. 12 each reducing elbows Hxl, lxf, Ixl. 12 right and left couplings 1 Inch. 24 right and left cast elbows 1 Inch. 12 compression lioso bibbs for iron pipe with stufllng box and swivel disc i inch, finished. 0 compression basin cocks No 1 nicklo plated and swivel disc. 1 package brass safoty chain No 1. G rubber bath plugs 11 Inch. 72 each boss bibb washers 1 and I Inch. 72 Sherman lioso clamps for i hose. 12 hose couplings i Inch. 1 gross hose washers 1- Inch. 100 feet each of 1, 11, 11, and2 inch black pipe. 50 feet each of 1, t, and 1 inch, black 12 elbow burner cocks 1 inch. 6 Scotch gaugo glasses IxlG inches. 12 feet of Garlock spiral piston pack ing! inch. 2 square yds of Jenkins plumbago sheet packing wlro Insertion 1 inch. 7 Columbus sink couplings .(com plete.) 280 lbs dry asbestos cement felting. 1 Barnes three wheel pipe cuttor'No 1 plumbers shave hook. 1 Eureka pipe bender for 11 Inch lead nine. 2 Franklin pipe wrenches 18 inch. Samples mayibe seen at tho com missary of the asylum. Goods must bo ln uccordance with samples, and bo original packages, when possible. The right to reject any and all bids is re served. Delivery of supplies will bo required within fifteen days' notice of acceptance of bid. Each old must Includo all tho items and totals iu full, with tho exceptions of flour, meat and fish. Payment will not bo made until tho bidder has completeo his contract. A copy of tho advertise. ment must accompany each bid, and -the name of the class of supplies be lncrlbcd on the envelope. Auditing officers are prohibited from confirming accounts of purchase when the adver tlsment does not contain a full des cription or tho articles to be pur chased. Each bidder will bo requlrer to furnish with his bid ii certified cheek In an amount equal to ton por cent of his bid (save that for flour tin check Is to bo for $300, for meat $250, for llsh 875,) payable to tho order,, or tho board, to bo returned In caso his bid Is rejected or his proposal com plied with. Bids will b opeti at- tue governor's plllco at 2:30 o'clock p. m. Monday, January 4, 1807. Dated Salem, Oregon,Decembor 15 im' WM. ,P. LORD.1 m ILIMUNOAID i PHIL. METSOnAN. Hoard of TruUees OJ&J. A, '1 1 1 --"! "rr s