Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, December 26, 1896, Image 3

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President Isaac LcwIb of Sabina, Ohio,
ia liiuhly respected all through that
lection. Ho l'n8 lived in Clinton Co.
-5 years, and has been president of
Jhc Sabina Bank 20 years. Ho gladly
testifies to tho merit of Hood's Saraa
narillni "1 w,mt ho sn'8 is worthy
attention. All brain workers find
Hood's Sarsaparilla peculiarly ndaptcd
to tlieir needs. It makes pure, rich,
red blood, and from this comes nerve,
mental, bodily and digestive strength.
"I am glad to Bay that Hood's Sarsapa- j
rilla Is a very good medicine, especially (
us a blood purincr. n nan aono mo gooa
mny times. For several years I suffered
greatly with pains of
in one eye anS about my temples, es
pecially at night when I had been having
a bard day of physical and mental labor.
I took many remedies, but found help only
in Hood's Sarsaparilla which cured me of
rheumatism, neuralgia and headache.
Hood's Sarsaparilla has proved itself a true
frjend. I also take Hood's Pills to keep
my bowels regular, and like tho pills
very much." Isaac Lewis, Sabina, Ohio.
lsthe One True Blood Turiner. All druggists. (1.
Prcparedonly by C. I. Hood It Co., Lowell, Mass.
,. ,, w-k... are prompt, efficient and
HOOQ SFlllSeasylnegect.25.ceiit8
Continued from second page.
Cliadwlck Chapter, No. 37, O. E. S.
at the Masonic hall Tuesday night
was largely attended by the Masons
and their families. F. C. Perrine, P.H,
P., acted as installing officer of the
first named lodge, and duly Install ad
Lot L. Pierce, II. P.; A. Fostner, K.;
M. A. Meyers, S; Wm. Warner, captain
of the host; W. II. Dancy, R. A. 0.;
Geo. brown, G. M. of tho 3d vail; II. J.
Singleton, G. M. f the 2d V.; Geo.
Dunsfod, G. M. of tho 1st V; John II.
Albert, Treasurer; J.O'Donald sec; II
Shomaker sentinel.
Miss Bertha Fostner.P. W. M. con
ducted the installation or officers of
the Eastern Star as follews: Mrs. Josie
Lafore, worthy matron; Geo. H. Bur
nett, worthy patron; Miss Macio Rlzer
.assistant matron; Mrs. Ida Babcock,
secretary; Mrs. Isabella Farrar, trea
surer; Miss Calista Moore, conductress;
Mrs. Ilelen Gatch, associate C; Miss
Frances Parkhurst, Ada; Miss "Virgie
Eyrd, Ruth; Miss Alice Steiner Esther
3Irs. Nellie Gray, Martha; Mrs. Estella
Smith, Electa; Mrs. Annlce Parkhurst
champlain; Miss Sabina Cheney' mar
shal; Mrs. Sarah Dyer, warden; H.
Shomaker, sentinel; Mrs. Annesley
Bozorfcb. organist. After the Installa
tion ceremonies a bountiful lunch was
cnrvnrl In f.lin nrHnlnlnCF baHOUet ball,
and a most pleasant social evening!
followed. "
Salem Is certainly the city of churches
and secret, societies. Still another se
cret society has been successfully
launched In our midst amd Its list of
charter members contains the names
of a number of Salem's most influen
tial citizens. The name of the new
order is United Artisans and was or
ganized Monday evening by Supreme
Instructor J B Olmstead In the old
IOOFhall. The following officers
were elected: Past master artisan,
Scott Bozorth; master artisan, Judge
v a Mnnrp- sunerlntendent, Rev. G
W Grannl8; inspector, Mrs J O Hall;
senior conductor, D C Sherman; secre
tary, C D Mlnton; treasurer and in
structor, C E Eoblln; master of cere
monies, Dr. EL Taylor; Junior con
ductor, Clara Minton; Warden, Prof.
J 0 Hall.
Salem Rebekah lodge, No. 1,10 0
-p lncf. Mnnrinv p.veninc elected their
semi-annual officers as follews: Mrs
V.U fJlon -WO; Mrs JOSle VOSS, V G',
Mrs Sarah nutton, recording secre
tary; Mrs Jennie Hutchlns, financial
secretary: Mrs Llllle Brown, treas
urer; John W Chase, captain of the
Pearl lodge, No. GO, A F & A M, of
Turner, elected officers for the ensu
ing Masonic year, on last Saturday
night us follews: S W Reed, W M; W
n..i.i.. cmtfii m w Sherman Wil
cox, J W; N W Silver, treasurer; E T
Judd, secretary; B F Wade, tyler.
Tho lodge will Install Its officers pub
licly on the evening of January 1st.
At a recent meeting of the Salem
"W 0 T TJ some business was done that
lnterestH the public. There was ar
ranged a series of entertainments to
bo given during the course of the
winter. Tho first one will bo on Tues
day evening, the 29th, which will be a
novel affair, a debate by ladies of tne
w n t tt tn. h t.iin leading feature.
.. -ori onlnvment Is
promised. The resignation
iVIl UVtMiniLT Ul IUI -'-' '. 1
of Mrs.
rooms was
uarrison a? mairou ui "l,u,;T t? f
ncnnrA nrwl Q ..J.A m 4fl ! JjllC.
In this connection Mr. and Mrs. Law
will say to their many friends that
they nic "nt homo" at the W C T U
Neary every Sali-m church was
crowed to the doors Christmas nlglit.
The small boy was there and so was
the small girl, and thu larger oncs,and
the older ones, and all got a bug or
candy or a brick of popcorn. It-was a
hard times Chslslnias, but none the
less a merry one. Then tree enter
tainments left no one to attend tho
1 Mr. and Mrs. Santa Ulaus occupied
the throne at St. Paul's Episcopal
church, Mrs. Santa Clans found a
splendid representative In Mrs. W. B.
Magnan, who claimed as much atten
tion as Santa Claus himself. The
Sunday school children then tuarclicd
up to the large tree, dropped their
mite on the plate, the amount to bu
donated to the Portland Good Sama
ritan hospital.
A musical and literary program was
carried out at tho First Christian
church, Thursday evening. Gifts
were distributed among the members
of the Sunday school.
There was no tree at tho M. E.
church, biit good program and the
cantata "A Good Time With Santa
Claus," by the lttle ones. The fam
ily tableau with angles In the back
ground, and the Brownies work shop
were especially good. Prot. R. A.
IIerltagcsang"AShiponFlre." The
professor had to respond to a double
encore. At the United Evangelical
church Santa Claus entered the
church like a burglar through a near
window. The bold man actually
talked to the Sunday school children
tor fifteen minutes and got away
alive. Presents were distributed
among the members of the Sunday
At St. Joseph's church Friday
morning High mass wa observed and
Rev. J. S. White delivered a short ad
dress full of happy thoughts sug
gested by the Christmas time.
A "Reception to Mother Goose,"
was given by the members of the Uni
tarian Sunday school in Channing
hall Friday evening. Mrs. W. E'
Copeland superintended the affair.
Many of the familiar characters
associated with Mother Goose
melodies were represented. Mr.
EI. B. Holland, the most natural
and royal good-hearted Santa Claus,
put In his appearance at the proper
time, paid his respects to Mother
Goose, and distributed candy among
the members of the Sunday school.
Seating capacity at tho First Pres
byterian 'was limited. The rostrum
was tilled with merry children full of
expectancy and the other bursting
ffinrpnts nnnronriatc to the day. On
one side was a Cliristmas tree, on the
other a well constructed lireplacc.
The exercises were songs choruses and
recitations. Bulletins were receiyed
from Santa Claus every few moments
nnnouncinc his approach to our city.
He reached Portland by sleigh, where
he had to mount a wheel and arrived
at the church on time astride ins oi-
cycle. At tbe same time ins
and children arrived down
tbe chimney. Candy etc.,, was
liberally distributed among the mem
bers of the school.
Christmas exercises at the Baptist
church had as a main feature In an
appropriate Christmas dlalogue.Santa
Claus arrived in a boat accompanied
by a merry group of sailors, and dis
tributed confections among the Sun
day school children.
At the German Kvangeiicai ouuuuj
school Friday evening, . ijiuKiuui,
beautiful tree and presents were
attractions oi tne evemuK.
The Methodllof a Great Treat
mentfor Weakness of Men,
Which Cured Him After! Everything
Else Failed.
Painrul diseases are bad enough, but when
a man is slowly wasting away with nervons
LXsYthe riental forVodings are ten times
worse than the most severe pain, mere
no et up to tbe mental suflering day or night.
Skep is almost impossible and under such a
rin men a.e scarry respons ble or what
thev do For years the writer rolled ona
osfed on tbe troubled sea of. xual weakness
riMtwaTa'cuestion whether he had no
Bft tffie "Bu0 p7oXtUl,bi"p,
Xed tbTgTne .1 hhb. but enlaced hU
'"U .nmaciated parts to natural sue and
;:;v anA emaciated parts to natnrai sue .nu
vigor, and be now ae, T -, -- - a(jd
nw -- i.. ,- inv man wno
'l' "Xmehod of this wonder
lie iu 1
the met
ful treatment free. Now
Q":.rn?,ee Now vhenl say free
every weakened man w -
"UrJIf;; . .hiUnthropist. nor do I pose as
1 B "' T " r..i,e are thousands of men
e ing Ihriortur'e, of wakened manhood
lhn would becured t . on con d bev
. .not try ,o study -t now xc ,
. ,7C - . ... rnst nothine 10 KCl l" -
wor.ba fo uneto some men and
Thomas siaier, u jy-i ' .7" . !n ' , niatn
snd the informalioa will be mailed in plain
ealed envelope.
I 1
" '
slmiiatifig iherpodandRcgula
ting ihc Stomachs and Dowels of
' " ' '
ir --nr
( Prorfjolcs'DicsUon.Chccirul-
ncss ana hcs(.um tains ncimer
Opium.Morpbine jior Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
Jhfxrnat -,
fimSttd -Clwifud
Sugar .
A perfect Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca,
Worms .Convubiorts.Fcvcrish
ncss endliOSS OF SLEEP.
facsimile Signature of
form. No-to-bao Is tho creatett nttro-iooajn tno worm, jnanx inm vi i"" 'i ""-& riiV kJ "ir,
mmmMsm liinuii.uuuv
ThP Willamette Hotel. Salem, Oregon, calls attention to the
I r edduced rate now made persons'
offiaial or other business, ine wubukik " , " "iW
busfness center of the city, opposite the postofijcei also xn same
building are the telegraph and Wells, Fargo & Co. ollices, The
electric street cars terminate and leave the hotel every few
minutes for all public buildings and other points of interest,
Every and all conveniences are offered to our patrons, The
sVillamette is headquarters for all public men, Is one of the
largest and best equipped hotelsin the northwest,
Vcty rcsPcctfu11 A, i, WAGNER, Prop,
See those genuine Westenholm Carving Sets at
A full line of pocket and table cutlery, razors, shears,
etc, M-tHWPt corner State and Lioerty sts Salern
M, OstrogorsVl, njR D AbJ
American polfcttl elhod. .writes l w'g, f'pomi. I was wondering whether
KiU Of Sine TleVnd citato were
Ijead jt who mc ijirei '"'
"1 1IMK
Published by Charles ,rr & CohUago,I.is,
citirens, legislators uu ..- ,
-i-t-, Ti4marv
.How PrimariesAreConduoted
Tlne FriTt'ay, As It Snouia
SafegartfeU ffir law.
. -5sssSfiwatit2r
..,,'",. ,,.. d that relpims in
ni"". .c L..imriiM
rnrv. uuu iut --- - . 1
vil has been 'remedied.
,on unti, ,hl? evil n -.v.---- u
- . 7I "'w r U de teUbly
I howmB - r"
II1UUU "'',., ..,.l,;nc
of tbe primary in
The praciiwi "
emf. California last year,
. AIM 1 tne p. . v , . A
tuais - .'""Yu,'--. atudentol American v -;,--,' -,-,, reraediei
dm &&&&
( K,c , , Po nic. ba W M
If you read a
u'Dlcations- frprn ftdt
to receive eomm
- f, sSiu, SKrSj Pnblicauonw... r.
CastoiU I pat up ia os-siis tottlcs only. It
hlict cold li bulk. Don't allow anyoiw to tall
yon anything elie en the plea or promlio that it
U "Jntt ai good" and "will answer eTery ptu
poio." Kr Bee that yon get O-A-S-T-O-B-l-A.
Til flO-
fTrtZia. oa
r-&l&UA! "
rr?rrrT . !
in y -
i ' .Hi
ir to destroy tbe doslro lor tobai
visiting the capital citr upon
obtalninlng in the west as we,,
as in the East,
r Price 25lcentr. A bond book for
and Spoils
Ul .om vew York to California
to protect
,:,...,. .hn u0 in our principal West-
ciiy pum.v.
but lpcckd out in the courU ot
u le-utatoi
They wil
'K le in Ve. bbe "
w .. ,,, w ,1 k. . , ,,
copy you wfil warn,
Book, on the subject nnar djtcusslon.
wo In liny S
erolnnnr pf
Salem. Or,
hand L.k on rrghtration
Proposals for Supplies.
The board of trustees of ho Oregon
State Insane asylum Invites scaled
proposal for furnishing at the asylum
near Salem' Oregon, for lx months
ending June 30, 1897, the following
2000 yds. Pcquot A sheeting 45 in.
unbleached as per wimple.
2000 yds. Tequot A sheeting 3G In.
unbleached, us per sample.
1000 yds. Lonsdale sheeting 30 in.
bleached as per sample.
800 yds. Marseilles Check York Man
ufacture as per sample.
2500 yds. Mariners Stripe Shirting
Amoskcag as per sample.
moo vrls. Ill no Denims Ooz. Amos
kcag as per sample.
2500 yds. Canton Flannel' Nashua
XXX, unbleached, as per sample.
300 yds. Crash lilcachcd 18 In. as
per sample. ,
200 yds. Sellsla drab as per sample.
144 yds. white tablo oil cloth, Tot
ters a-s per sample. ,
300 yds. tablo linen, bleached 58 in.
ii q nnr en in nip.
500 yds. calico Indigo llluo Ameri
1000 yds. calico, biacK una wniw,
Pacific, Aniline, Lawrenco & Co.
1000 yds. calico Turkey red small
stripes and small figures, Garner &
30 doz. ladles' hOBe, cotton, as per
125 doz. men's socks, cotton 101, as
nop uininlp.
10 doz. hdkfs. Turkey red, as per
stmiplo. .. ,,
24 doz. stay binding II & II No. 10
4 doz. corsets, Jsizo 22-3, 23-4, 24-8,
25-8, 20-7, 27-4, 28-4, 294, 30-0, as per
0 doz. suspenders, men's as per
2 g gross pants buttons, as per
sample. ,
10 gross coat buttons, as porsample.
0 gros3 vest buttons, as per sample.
0 gross pearl buttons, white 4 holes,
lines 24, as per sample
12 gross pearl buttons, smoked 4
holes lines 24 as per sample.
0 g gross shirt buttons F B as per
16 pacKR pins uagio is. m a, t -
120 papers needles -sharps size,
C-GO, 7-GO. .
3 doz. knitting tiecdlcs No. 17. ,
7 doz. thimbles No. 8 as per sample.
15000 lbs. granulated sugar, (Ameri
can Itetlnery. , lk ,
20000 lbs. Golden C. Sugar (Ameri
can Itoflncry.)
15000 ids. iii verpooisau.
1500 lbs. oat meal, In barrels.
10000 lbs. rolled oats, in barrels.
0000 lbs. cracked wheat, In barrels.
1000 lb1, cream wheat, in barrels.!
2000 lbs. hominy, small, In barrels.
1000 lha. hotulhv. largo, in barrels.
500 lbs. corn starch, Oswego.
400 lb3 gloss staroh, Klngsford a 1
lb. pkg,
240 lbs. China starch.
5000 lbs. rice, Island.
300 lbs. soda, A & II. , ,
400 lbs. cream tartar, Folgcr's 25 lb.
150 lbs. Pearl barley.
50 lbs. beeswax, common as per
"""life J.A-JJ.m1.
uu ,os. oceawu, puiu oij ""i'
40 doz. oystcis, Cove Fields No. 2.
40 doz. corn canned, White Lily
New Crop.
4 noz. worccBtorauiru duuwuv.
4 doz. whisk brooms.
30 doz. No. 1 best brooms,
an (rrnss Vnlcnn Safety matches, as
per 6ample.
15 boxes macaroni in 8 lb. boxes,
iuIi I tn
2000lbs.com meal, yollow, in bar
rcls. 0000 lbs. Costa Hied coffee, as per
samplo ,.
500 lbs. Java coflec, as per sample.
300 lbs. Mocha coiTeo, as per sample.
1500 lbs. Chicory, as per samplo.
COO lbs, Sal soda.
300 lbs. Chloride llmo.
200 lbs. raisins, London Layers 20
100 lbs.' Zantes currants,20 lb. boxes.
00 lbs. Chocolate Eagle, lib. pkg.
10 doz. cans concentrated lye.Glant.
60 lbs. i'earllno, James Pylo's.
50 lbs. bluing, Nuremberg, In balls,
T.n A.
f,oo lbs. cheese. Cranston's or as
iHinri mnrn nr less dellvorod as re-
it'-.V. ., ,.. WV mhrn
or less delivered asrcqulrcd.
o.nnti iun rfnr.ARSP.H.
r.m mq. tuimi uruuuuio. ivAi m.w.
2000 gal. pyrup, bidder to submit
COO gal. molasses, New Orleans,' bid
der to submit samples.
25 doz. tea cups. W G waro, a-J per
6a25cloz. saucera, W G ware, as pey
"T&pltchow, toilet, W G wore, as
PC2doPpltchcr8, 1 gal. W G Waro, m
PcIamPj?:.,..... W a wnrn.
O UOZ. JIIWIlUIHi iini' " "
us per sample. ,, , n tunr .
UO dozen 80up oowio t u "
nnv aiiinnln.
1 Odozen bakers 12 In. O waro as
nnp Ufltlinlo.
i'v.- ,"!i. i.. ,n i .,oli W n wnrft
juuozen oan" v. -"TdozHlnner
plates WO ware as
dozefte plates VfQ ware as cr
MWPdoan glass tumblers Us per sara-
P'S ,. -,.i a n r onmriln.
2dozen pepper shakers as per sample.
4 dozen butter chips W O ware as
per sample.
10000 lbs. beans small white as per
2500 lbs net sayon best standard
lioo cakes White Lily as per Baniple.
600 cakes PcerlesH Kitchen as per
8ai80cakes Shaving 3. B. Williams as
per sample.
84 cakes toilet.
si'icea. . , ,
mo lbs. pepper oiuck oiuui
K?rli mSsff standard ground
X lbsMimce standard ground In
lb. cam.
100 lbs ginger standard ground In 5
lb. cans.
M lbs cinnamon standard ground in
oiu. cans.
25 lbs. cayenne standard ground In
C lb. cans.
25 lbs. sage standard ground In 5 lb.
2000 lb even change.
500 lbs. O K Durham 2 oz. pkg.
8 dozen dust brushes rs per sample
8 dozen scrub brushes us per Simpic.
2 dozen dusters, ostrich feather 22
Inch as per samples.
120 gal. turpentlno in fi gal. cans.
50 gal.llhsccd oll.bolled.ln 5 gal.cans.
200 gal. kerosene, more or less, in
tanks, delivered as required. ,
83 pairs shoes, ladles, sire 6-20, 5-25,
0-2o, 7-12, 8-u, as per sample.
34 gross snoe laces, 4-4.
COO bbl. No. 1 Hour, more or less, de
livered as required.
25 bbl. No. 1 graham flour, more or
less, delivered as required.
500 lbs. fish per week, more or less,
as required, kinds as required, stating
price of each per pound.
COO 11f. lbcer, per day, more . or
less, delivered as required, equal parts
fore and hind quarters.
200 lbs. mutton, per day more or
less as required.
10000 lbs. dried prunes, bidder to
submit samples.
4000 lbs. dried apples, bidder to sub
mit saraplci?.
2000 lbs. dried peaches, bidder to
submit samples.
30 doz. tablo spoons, as per sample.
0 doz. tea spoons, as per samplo.
12 doz. knives, as per samplo.
200 pipes and stems, as per samplo.
4 doz. mop handles, as per sample.
1 cross Pavson's indelible Ink, us
per sample.
4 gross jiaicon pens, n
2 gross London Incandescent No. 4
M. Jacobs.
2 ifroRS Olllott's No. 401.
0 doz pencils, lead, No. 4 (Johann
1000 gal. puro oldar vinegar, 40 grs.
Bidder to submit saranlcs.
2 kilogrammes ammonia mur. gran.
1 kilogrammes ammonia bromide,
(Squibb.) ,, , rnn
6 klllogrammcs chloroform. In 500
gramme bottles. (Squibb.)
ouu grammes puuissiuiu owwre.
ouu grammes
1 kllogrammo
(Squibb )
2 kllogrammo
3 kllOL'rammes
potassium bicarb,
potassium cltrato,
potassium iodide,
potassium und so
).) ...
dlum tart, (Squibb
2 kllogrammo sodium blcarbonato,
3 kilogrammes
sodium bromide,
(Squibb.) ... , ,
1 kllogrommo tlhct.' opium deod.,
(Squibb.) , , , .,
500 grammes Fowlor's solution,
(Squibb.) , . ,. . ,
600 grammes acid tartaric, Squibb.)
100 grammes mercury mass, bqidhb.)
250 grammes zinc sulphate, Squibb.)
600 grammes zlno oxide, (Squibb.)
l kllogrammo
Iron pyrophosphate,
1 lb. acid, muriatic O P, (P & W .
35 lbs. chloral Hydrate, P& wi.
2 lbs. sodium phosphato.fP & W).
25 lbs. potassium bromldo, (P & W).
vi ih. nclcl muratlo com.. In o lb.
glass stopper battles, (Mai.)
10 ids. ammoaiu iuuhuwj jiu.iu.
20 lbs. borax powd
5 gal. concentrated water of am
monia, in 5 gal. glass container, (Mai).
5 lbs carbolic add, Mai. gold label.)
6 lb3 magnesia Carb. (K, & M)
10 lbs. potassium powd.
12 lb. gum arable, select.
2 lbs. oil sweet orange. (Lohn
i'oz.ollbay leaves, (tohn &.Flrik.)
1 lb. granuiatoa arnica itowuro,
iLlllv Sa Co.l
1 lb granulated
caanabls Mica,
r.iiiw . ri
1 lb. granulated Canada' snake'root,
t.iii tv rv.
1 lb. granulated columbo, (Lilly
Co )
4 lb. granulated nux vomica, Lilly
Wp9:i i-.-.i j-.i nn ir.niiy .
l IU, granuiuwiu umiwiii "-j
C lot. anttKltmnla, 5 gr. tablets,
60 oi. Sulfonal.
8 oz. pepsin, Bondault.)
fl oz thyroids, (P J) St Co.)
2 doz, Wyeths bcofJulco.
N6 doz. cascara cordial, (P D Lo.)
4 doz. llsterlnc.
5 lbs. bromidia In 1 lb. bottles, (Bat-
201bssyr. Ilypophosphllcsco., In 5
lb. bottles, (Wampole.)
1000 empty capsules No.l,(P D &Co)
10 lbs. cocoa, U'ldlllps.) ...
k ii. ii. Ait. mrn silk. IP Das wO.)
5 lbs. II. cxtr sarsaparilla co. for
" r&F df&SdVlWi hazel, (P D
'l'aoici inmraico w " " v
600 tab. trlt. aconltla, (Wyetli.l
1600 tab. calomel andsodblcarb CO.,
1 ciotatJ. trlUcannabls lod.,lWyetji.)
600 tab. trlixoueine smiii.,i "!'
2000 Tab. Tlt WCHl usuiii
1 20O0 Tab Trlt Digitalis & Strych.
SoTab.Trlt Opium (4 gr ) (Wycth.)
600 Tab. 'W x'oaopiiyi,i i
(V10O0 Tab Trlt Dovcrs jJoWdors 24 gr,
(Wyetli.) .. .., . ..M,,,
10. YYllJUirmVylIIU! n..v.j
kuuiuto i '--:-(, iiir..Ath
500 Pills Balol, 6 gr. ,
DW I'llUI OBIU'I " H J," "I ,u In
inoo llvrvxicnnlo tablet.H, No. 48, in
irnn mil. u ii ik nr. ilvviti.ii.i
bottles of 10?euch)Wyeth.)
1000 Hypodermic tablets No. 08, ID
bottles of 100 each (Wycth.)
iVwi OulinneBuliih. capsules, 2 gr.
,PaSoQuinDo -Bulph. ;cap8ulcs, Hand
6 gr. (I D & Co.
5 gross each Circlo A, exlr 1
prescription corns, jsos. z, i, o, v, i.
1 grosiCltclo A, extra lon pre .
scriptlon corks, No. 10.
I gross each prescription vials, Phil
adelphia Oval 4 and 0 o. (Y T Co.
i gross each tin ointment box
i oz., i oz. und 1 oz.
5ros3Ciich EngMsli pidU-UanI pill
boxes, Nos. 29 lio ami ..i.
IWeachAVulUinu-r papers 10 Id.
(W T & Co.)
200 White Filter papers 13 and 15 in
1 glass mortar 2 oz. (W T & Co.
3 doz. medicine glasses No. 0. (W
2 doz. Empress 8yringcs,No. l.( W T
& Co. ,
1 doz. Davidson's syringes, Ne: 2.
ljIbBtcrlllzed lambs WooJ In 1. oz.
packages, (J St J.)
1000 powder envelopes, 2x3i In. as
1 doz. Chamois, as sample.
1 doz. Bromo Seltzer, medium.
100 cacti 3-10x1 1 and 3-10x2 Inch Nor
way iron carriage bolts.
50 each Ixli, ix4 and ixO-lncU Nor
way iron carriage bolls.
50 each 5-10x11, 5x2, C-lCx4, 5-16x5
Inch Norway iron carriage bolts.
60 each 1x2 and Jx4 Inch Norway
Iron carrlago bolts. , "
60 1x2, x4, ix3, and 4x0 inch coach
50 each ixl, 1x2, Jx3, 1x4 inch Nor
way iron machine bolts.
60 each x2, X3, 1x4, 1x5 inch Nor
wiiv Irnn mnnhlnn bolts.
60 each ix3, 4x4, ix5. 4x0 inch Nor
way iron machine bolts.
100 round head stove bolts 3-18x4
0 fiat bastard files 12 inch.
0 fiat Mill bastard files 12 Inch.
3 half round basUrd Mies 12 lw.
2 each 4, 0, 8 and 10 flat UliU.
2 Holler Bros, howe rasps l Iwm.
5 lbs each 4 and Inch webr,
1 gross each 1, 14, 14, and 2 luck No.
2 round head" screws.
1 gross 2 inch No. 9 rouad mA
screws. , t
1 lb I Inch oval head copper .
3lbs4-lnchovalhead copf Utek.
300 feet of i Inch roumt Norway
iron. - , , .
100 feet each 5-10 1, 7-i,' 4 and 4
round Norway iron. ....
60 feet each 4x4, Ixf, 4xl Ixl and
fxl4 Norway Iron.
10 feet each iandi Inth octavo)
steel. ,
3500 lbs blacksmith coal (like sam-
20 feet Too steel 4x4 inch.
15 feet Too steel 4x Inch.
lO lbs Burdon horse shoes, No, 2
bind. , , .
60 lbs Burden horso shoes, No.
bind. , , ,.
5 lbs each Putnam horso shoo nails.
Nos. 5, 0, 7, and 8.
10 ui.onta'Nrioj R a black iron 30x96.
4 slicets caci galvanized ahcot lrcm
No 18, No 20, and No 22, Slzo 30x98.
1 box l.X bright charcoal tin 20x28.
2boxesl.XMonlo redlpiwd rooflm?
tin 20x28.
100 lbs soldor 4 and 4.
1000 tinned rivets, Bibs.
1 bundlo 03 lbs ot No 7 Bright lroa
wire. , ,
60 bushels charcoal. ;
1 tinner's hand snips, Peck, htow
Wilcox, No 8.
24 elbows 4 lnoh.
'X tniu 1 Innll.
12 each socket couplings,, X wi H
12 each flango TJnlona J, 14, U and
0 each flange union 2i, 3 and
"u caoh plugs i, 1, 4, ,l,Hi Ui "
2 teach bushlngfslxt, 1x4, 4nf tx
12 each reducing elbows lfxl, lxl,
12 right and, left cowpllB
24 right andlof,t cast elbowal lch.
!. nninr(wlori hose bibbs for Iron
plpo with staffluif Hox ana swmi mm
i inch, finished.
0 compression basin cooks No x
nlcklo plated and swivel disc. ,
1 package brass safety chals No 1.
0 rubber bath plww 14 I.
72 eaeh' boas Wbb wabwi 'tml
P72lBlK!rmn hose clamp iori1 how.
12 hoe couplings I loch.
1 grow bpae walwrs 4 Inch.
100 feot! eftcti oTl, 14, 14, ad a IneU
WW IecU ot 4$ lj & i UMik
W WIU4 1IWWWM" --. - ! . ,
P'l2elboW burner d6ck UjWii
0 Scotch gauge glawsw .
12 feet ot GartocksplralphrtwiTP-
,Bf uuSra yds of Jenkins lumbago
shoetpacklng wlrelnslcmglaej.
7 Columbu aia eowrtljt y"a-
P 2801bs dry asbestos cewxmt feltlnjr.
1 Barnes thro?vhcei'll cutter No
"l plumbers sha.ve hook.
1 Euroka, plpf-bender for 14 Inch
2 Franklin plpo wrenches 18 loch,
'Samplei taayibe seen at the eo;
iuiS of tho' asy urn. Ooods mm
ho in accordance with ,iMl1fl.s.HH
original package!, wm IfWiwi
served. Delivery of supplleji will
ho required V!W,,!riB2'-S
of acceptaiwe at Md. cta wSvF1
include all tbo Items andv totaw la
full, with tho, exceptions -of Jto,
meat and fish. Payment wilt not bg
made until tho bidder ha PfJfd
his contract. A copy at the .ws.
meot must accompany Wdna
the name of the class of wMW .
Incrlbed on tlie envelope. Aaawjrm
ofilcers arJproblblUKl t torn lw
accounts of purchaso wht 1M , 4vr
u,nnnMirw5 not contain a fall ae
crlDtloa of tho articles to b pur
chS3. Wh bidder wll be requW
to furnish wim his ou v,""wm
check In an amount equal tq ten per
cent 9 ftila bid (save that for floufthe
ohelc is t bo for WOO. for meat WW,
rortishWO, payauio w ",y;
tho board, to be returned la ca w
hid is rejected or his proposal cooj.
plied with, Bids will bft.ooeu at Urn
governor's pWco at 2:30 o'clock p.
Monday, January 4, lwi. l ,
Dated Balcm, Ofegon,iDecbwl5
1890. ,.,.. tj rrvon
wi -."'"Vi.
II. . Kl M1A1JI
EC41P ..
Bwrd'e famm O. H. J A.
aws anu i...
. fc
Law was chosen to fill her place,