J MHMDMMM Sour Stomach, sometimes called watcrbrash, t.lp.'ll wlcrirro li.U n.... . ""-'' ui uijil iwcniy-nlno republicans will refuse In vote for Jolin II. Mlu-licll unJer dny clreuiu-8t!ini-fs If this is , fa,.f ti.e jm. lists will control the elirtiun ,.r ami burning pain, distress, nausea! "cnator Ht i addition to these Jyspcpsia, arc cured by Hood's Sarsa-i lHeniJ-nine it. is eluiined that ttn-re panlla. This it accomplishes because aro C1M- '""re -usscptuble of conyer with ita -wonderful power as a blood slons. In thatevpin n tiiliit become gently necessary touulu- all the elements to .urifW. Hood's Rnrsnnnrilln tones and strengthens the stomach and digestive orguiiw, invigorates tno liver, creates an appetite, gives rcfrcEhing slsi'Pi nnt raises tho health tone. In cases of dyspepsia and indigestion it seems to have " a magic touch." "For over 12 years I u0ered from sour re-elect tho present incumbent. Could tins ;c cioner is now the supreme question 1'iainlynrenkiuK'wo think this imposlhle. The step? to bring such a coalition about arc now under W:iV, but Wbntlipr tlir. c.lin,,,,, .m succeed remains for time to devulco. Olil Pk 'Ct Wv AH t,lls' ll0"cvcr, proves the Incertl BIIUVUO tudeof dead sum nniiui on i ...If h BflWTfl nnlnR nrrnna tnv BHm.l.l.... I firnrtrm T ...r.1.1.... .. .. ,.. Vw.v. 4 w- w h.iwu....-- , VILVIUl AJUUIVlIIJi nnd great distress. I had violent nans;. which would leave mo very wcalt ry.:' faint, difficult to get my breath. TL;.c sTielU camo oftcner nnd moro revere. 1 did not receive nnylastlnjj benefit from physicians, but found such happy effects from n trial of Hood's Saraapnrilln, that I took several bottles and mean to always keep it in the house I am now able to do all my own work, which for six years I havo been unable to do. My husband and son havo also been greatly bene fited by Hood's Sarsaparllla for pains In the back, and after the grip. I gladly recommend this grand blood medicine." Mrs. i'KTEB hubby, jjeominster, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Turlfler. All druggists. $L -..... cure nil nOOd'S HlllS Sick Ucadache, l.iver Ills and 23 cents, SENATORSH IP, WholShall Succeed Mitchell? Indications Very Strongly in Favor of a Dark Horse. Ira L.Campbell.of the Eugene Guard. Who will be our next United States senator? In answer to this riddle It may bo said that indications thus far lean towards a repetlon of the scenes and acts of two years ago. Indica tions aro of a far greater opposition to (Senator John IT. Mitchell's re-elec-,tion than was revealed at any time during tho session of the last legisla ture prior to tho famous deadlock. .At this tlmo two yoars ago there was jpractically no organized body In oppo sition lo Mr. Dolph, but today there does exist such a body fully as deter mined to defeat Mr. Mitchell as ever the "immortal thirty" were bent on defeating the man who lacked one vote. Two years ago,Hke today.there was no recognized choice among the opposition to the avowed candidate, that Is, no fixed personality had then been chosen as a rallying point by those who desired Mr. Dolph's defeat, nor is there such a personality re vealed by the maneuvering of the fig ures In the senatorial game now play ing. That there is somebody some where in the hidden dephths of dark nnllt.lca t.lifirA need be no doubt. This -somebody will bo sprung most likely In the manner of two years ago, and in this method of springing eleventh iiour possibilities lies the most seri ous objectian td the election. It I IA .,.... . for itl toll I Iff tit. Mi'Mnn n tl.n l....l. .i n ..wiw.i t.u uui; nanus ui the coming session of the legislature as Its time of meeting approaches as IcaVCS one in flniiht. nc 4r r,vi,.t,l good results coming out of Its chaotic political differences. True, we do not dCSn.'llr. hilt. Ml'lt, la nwlnrr mnn. ,. l. hope Implanted In the human bieast joroiaaingii collapse so long as a ray of light is left than to the unclouded wisdom of our legislators. The follies of man-kind are dally repeated, and frequently, too, by men who have reaped their fruits In the past. A lartre nercentaue of tlm inpmhnrs nt our state senate have been through the iony oi me ncaaiocK two years ago. Have these learned anything fiom ex perlence. and If so. what Is lt.9 This question can be determined very cor rectly from their actions tu the 'com ing session. Their constituents will, no doubt, make notes of their behav ior. -Tomahawk. Blood Purifier Tonic. Houlton, Ore. Nov. 30, 1890. "I have been taking Hood's Sarsaparilla for some time and highly recommend it, fisn hlonrl nurlHnr nnrl tnnl. it has helped me more than any other medicine that I have ever taken and I highly recommend itto others wlin need a blood purl Her." Mrs. E. Crosby. Vc Hood's Pills are easy to buy, easy to L vunut u.7j .u ....vu. Vrr-T ,i n .,WW,W,,W , ,,.w--! I iFf v V 4SLJ Ult -! i I : i.'uii vwi-iii i ii iiilil'irriir.-. ttt j-nr- ., . Si . i . . I ggfedgs- we: --' ilb "try M rB,C a A U BT i Sivi-si.-nrtrr.irK-w- - ?5 1H R B . n i-1 I &mMmtmm??m g A- "- i gag&m&WS ;BSKffl g j AVcgctablcPrcparattonrorAs- S MATURE I tinglltaStamaclaandBoA'.-elsof $ ..l I BBgstaBgMiamm L - -. PromotesDigcsUon.Chccrrul- L&uzStyFUcJCiM ncssnndRcst.Contalns neither vi Opmm.Morpliin( norMnaaL S TC3 roTTc Not NAnc otic. Lfc Jwifia Sad- ff! stlx.Stwvi if1 MnSa. g OF BY Jimrmtnt ) 3P !&.. 1 BOT03 OB1 A perfect Remedy for Conslina- 3 pa iiwr 15 Q'P tion.SourStomach'.Diarrhdca, p aJ51 fll M m Worms .Convulsions.Fcvcrish- & iJ RK a w sK M'B ncssandloss of Sleep. i SMlii El illif lacSimllc Signature of x Of HRiflM m NEW "YOEIC. CMtol. I. m rn iJ.. i-.ul.. enlr. It 1 I ONE W EEK ONLY. h , -fJ : : : THE GREAT : : : n I tf h 1"" f'Jfr, l. mi yh i i rur 1111 . w m i. .'Bin i ' t r i$ it iiotfJHti& , , . DICTIONARY .... .. A-limitcd number, of sets oi tills great work will be dlstnbutcd i in Salcnvdnd vicinity at the low introductory friccs, !.' v, J -'- , IS".?" - , EXACT COPr OT WRAPPEB. Cattci'.l !i nnf. rn Irin lioltlci enlT. It la lit said li hnlk. Iollotr anyofit to cell you anjtlilng elss on tli or jronlio that It I it "Jtit as good" andl answer orery pur- I poie." sar Bee that jt O-A-B-T-o-a-i-A. i!mC S7kr X, . tics F!ptai6WZvSr etirr er .,.,-- TTiijir. ariTinnEfc: CASTOR !A For Infants and Children. S-rf? ,,m - he j6W,H. trirr ryjr, -ccccswv. riflflft illal GUARANTEED TOBACCO HABIT pTerl,qnp,00OboicssoW.S00XX)curf3 proro 1U lUTin. Nntnhnn lilha trrnntnet i. n.A4 . rurm. No-to-bao Is the luiisiu male OBAO bao Is the greatest DLrro-food in tho tao weak Impotent man Btron, Tliroi ixpcct you to belloro wbat wo nay, foi GIREn powor to destroy tbedeslro folseco In tho world. Manj Rata 10 poo in 10 d ilnlla tigittori a ' It a iTirr Cdll for Warrants. Notice is berebv criven tbat I have cash on hand to nav all warrants en dorsed up to April G, 1893, and inter est, on the same will cease on the date of this notice. Dated December 10, 1890. , U. XT. DllUWH, 12-10-2v County Treasurer. The citizens of Brownsville have formed themselves into a strong or- Ranization called the Citizens League, to enforce the laws passed by the city council. They propose to keep that city without a saloon. fihrlstmas tree ornaments sold at cost with Xraas candy orders at the Spa. zi-dt. A firtnisTMAR Reception. J. B. Nye, of tho Willunette bar, will re ceive all ins irienason uunsimas uay and serve one oi ms lamous cuampaiu punches, something never before pre sented in Salem. All are Invited. 2t - w .. v v,u w aHt DtaUVK. IIXU1UU1 UUU UllUIIIHLin. "": i, " " opt;us juu vu uuiioto wnai we oar, lor a coro II absolnvelr wheto. Send lor our booklet "itont'TtuiitrmftMit mi Zn?.iK.iJiS ietamplu. Addrea TJXBSTiltltAMaitr.iiKiivim:. i"i, nm n 10 dftTft KDO I UDTCt JuVtVboi. VoowllllKiae- , IWHiun ffnmwtea and laaco ow "X ora. SOLD AKD GUARANTEED BY D. J. FRY, Sal Oregon . " - . -.-. - ,,, See those genuine Westenholm CarvitfSets at GRAY BEOS A full line of pocket and table cutlery, rjzrs, shears, etc, Northwest corner State and Lioerti ts Salem. At'Ohce a 'Dictionary and Encyclopaedia. 250,000 woroV-50,000 encyclopaedic subjects, pr oduc at a cost of $750,000. Four mivc volumes, Weight 40 pouns. t M i-i - M ONE DOLLAR Secures tho delivery of the entire work: balance to bo paid at thereto of S1.25 per month for one year. Send your TXA'- - i ' Custer Battlefield Through Tickets The Man TOfTHB OREGON CENTRAL AND JOHN HUGHES, Dpfllftt in o-foeeries. oainfs. oils. window glass, varnishes, and the most complete stock of brushes of all kinds in the state. Artists materials, lime, hair, cement and shingles, and finest quality of grass seeds, C. H.IMAQK - DENTIST. - CoTrrVsaTem, O' ytto desYri jnuFi operations at moU fsm any branch are in especial requo- , , r'i ws MfflBT Tne &pa( fresh dally. are manufactured 21-3t. 'True, there are several men spoken of in connection, but these disavow the ambition of aspiring to represent the state of Oregon as its United States senator if seriously entertained. This is the usual game when there is tout one candidate in tho field whom it is hoped to defeat. Our objecting to this method of electing or defeating an aspirant is tbat it invariably ends in a midnight eurpriio, and in order to bring about such surprises other bus iness of greater importance than the election of a senator Is lost sight of. Our legislative fiasco of twoyears ago is a case in point. For forty days forty ntoiira rtiri nur statesmen then contend -with the senatorial problem which tended in a 12 o'clock wonder, with no better record made by any of them than a large expense account forstate settlement and, aspiration and undy ing love for office. All this may be an intensely interesting occupation for -the-tricksters In politics who manipu late tho grangers in both houses, but the Deoplo of Oregop expect more at tention to business and less politics frfrom the coming session, Just how they can realize their desires la hard to determine when every indication points to a repetition of tho fizzle of 'two years ago, Unless one or the other faction of the republican majority in tho legislature back down, the cUeer ingoutcomeof the last session must be looked for. But on the firm stand of both depends the existence of each, The one which betrays the white feather is doomed. The line as drawn in this county maynot extend to all the others, but-(lt Is known that each fnr.t inn imn Ha nrlherenco In the dele ft ions from the larger outside count ries of the state. rm. -Pnrtinnd Tomahawk. The best informed of our local poll- Deputy Fish and Game warden M. o. Wilklns. of Euene secured evi dence in six cases sufficient for convict- Ion, which he presented to the Douglas muntv Grand iury at Eoseburg. He is somewhat amazed, as the Jury threw out all six of tho cases. FREE TO EVER! MAN. The Method! !of a Great Treat ment for Weakness of Men, Which Cured! Him lAfter' Everything Else Failed, MIESCKt JEW? ids of fresh a sa" ' umi 7 A n . i .ti i.i i. .r r.i. ad salt niea ueaiars in an kiuu ui m.o -- - Lard in bulk, 7c a lb. Chea. f " '" "" own. lrytnem. 171 -oq"""----" Up town sh6p near car "" " . JANE, C. i. BffllfTMM 2:1 Commercial st., Salem Or Suits ticapwards. PanUt upwands-a JAPAN TRADING Co. 2vsy, COMMMERCIAL ST., SALEM, rmest bamboo furniture, Japanese Curios, ,, etc. For Holidays. Only "lap" tore in town Will be sold especially cneap for Christmas traae. lwcsi pm " offered for best stock in this line. 12 12 im SVIONTO LOAN Plenty of rnoy on Eood' security. A larce canllty of land for ,alc at low fiiru' and on ea,y terms. low tigu HAMILTON & MARSH. Room S, Jijl1 bank building. MORTGAGE LOANS per nn in old i- nronertvat 7 land security at 8 per cent. for investors companies. cent. Onl farm Safe loans made Instrance eflecred In reliable flH Hfl rntiN moir. Ilroker, room No. 2, Bush bnk buildinc DEPOT EXPRESS. Meets all masl aid passenger trains, gage and express to all parts of the i n ..! Trlenlinne Ko. la. ' ,UU,J' r JAMES llAPER Bag-city. J. H. HAAS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, mr.i.. a .nu-lal tv of fine reoalr work. Setb . -. PAmm.ntl.l Tnnmaj ciocu, cu Commerclal Street Co'y. t Painful diseases are bad enough, but when a man is slowly wasting away with nervous weakness,the mental forbodings are ten times worse than the most severe pain. There is no let up to the mental suffering day or night. straiS men ate scarcely responsible for what they do For years the writer rolled nnd tossed on the troubled sea of; xual weakness until it was a Question wnewier c '-"; better take a dose of poison and thus end all his t.oubles. But providentia fl inspira. lion came to his aid in the shape of a combi- nation of medicines mat noi uiuy TTYf. restored the general health, but enlaiged his weak and emaciated parts to natural iim and Sgor, and he now declares that any man w),o will take tne trouDie iu "" address may have the method of this wonder M I trettmcit free. Now when I .ay free I meanabsolutely without cot, because I want eTery.weakened man to get the benefit of my "lamwt' a philanthropist, nor do I Po as an enthusiast, but there are thousands of men STbJS h a Kmedy aVtbe "one that cureS ntEDo not try o study out how can afford worth S fortune to some men and mj.n a lifetime of happiness to roost of u. Wnw Thomas Slater. Box 3.?o. Kalamaioo, M ch . and the informaiion will U mailed in a plain ealed envelop. Salem SteamLaundf y Please notice the cut in prices on the following! '.'. stoiocents 5 to 10 cent 3 cents TT-VrrMnfl CCD' Silk handkerchiefs ... 3,"', SheeU and pillow slips f4 cents per dozen, and other work In proportion. t Flannels andother wonc in i-u.ntUr amaheA bv hand Col, J, Olmsted Prop, Under drawen Under shirts.. Socks, per pair z .: CM Pure Jersey Bull For service for the season. Call aT Brawn's ;. market, corner Center and Thirteenth meet. &" Uk stock in Oregon. U-1 1 tf Salem Water Office: Willamette Hotel Bulldln" Vor water service apply at office. Bills payable monthly in advance. Make at complaints at the .office Open spicicei wvre,v' "1 ' 1 prohibited. Care should be ukeu if In dan ger of freezing to have stop and wat ; C e closed, see seciion j, i "- -"----- .. 3-1 .1 1- 1..II0 will lie allowed (or au sence or for any cause whatever unleM water Is cut of! from premises' HORN-CUPPING. As we have clippers for dehorning cattle j..i. thr mtronaceofall wishing such Wc uw..-.. i------- .. . . . . n .,,. G. W. GOULD, North Salem. II. E. ROBERTS, Frultland Who Thinks tnero "Isn't much to bco" along tho Bur lington lloutcB Now. Short L no to Omaha, Kansas City, St. .Louta a nuinA o nun Half an hour after ... tr,iln innvon Hill- inirs. it enters tho L'reat Crow Ecserva tion. At Qarryowen an excllont ylow nr Custer Monument ano Battltfleld is had. At Blicrldan begins tho famous initiated dis trict of Northern WyominK. Near Moor croft, "The Devil's Tower" lifts its huiro bulk 800 feet abovo the plain. Thencorno the Black mils, and after tlioni Nebraska's fertile farms. Our other lines (from Bt. Paul to Chi cago and St. LoU8 slsslppl Scenio Llne For moro tban 300 .mlAc t. nnrftllfila tno bunks of tho great Father of Waters. C. SHELDON, G.A roilland, Or. - , . . FASHIONS CHANGE m dot J V rrfc'3"7rkMi,c Y. EAST! Eastern R, H. Company IYAQU1NA BAV ROUTE. VIA T Union Pacific System oie'epers and Free declining Chair? dVlj between t ruiuaiiu lu viiiuasfju, Our trains are heated hy steam and lighted by l'intsc I light, lime to uiucajo, 3 s- uy Time to New York. 4 l-a Jy' , PWhlch is many hours quicker than com- .! i.l.l ....I fi11 InfAvmattin 1'or rates, lime lautci u " hhmw apply to BOISE & JiAMKEItt , Agents, SaIchS, Oi, R. W BAXTER. C. E. BROWN, Oeneral Agent Dlst.Pass.AgWt 135 Third Street, Tortland Connectine at Yaqolna Bay villi .the Si a Francisco & STEAMER Portland at lot ng at Yaqolna Bay wilB th i Yaquina Bay SteamsMp Co, 5. ALBANY Leavt SaleB ijo a. Leav Sulia for Tuesdays, Fridays 0. R. & N. CO. and Sundays. Leaves Salem lor orvin, Mondays, Wednesdays nd Fridays t 3'3 p. m, STEAMER -KAKAIXOW," ciu (mm Yanuina every 8 day fer Francisco. Coos Bay, Port Orford, Trifttdwl and IlnmboU Bay. Picai.nr.Af. BrrtAHeimrvlltrulC ymlllTiaiifll. Shortest route betwtM tk ifilkmtH VT and California, Fare from Albany w polaU wt to Bmt Franciscoi CaUa, t; sterf, H', to Com Bay and Port Orford, cabin : ta HvimboM. Bay, cabin f8; round trip, good 60 days, $I0t Tho most DOBalW llde ort on tM North Pacific, Cot. No undertow mf bathlag Uotl k. For those wwtwg to combine Jmnt.M w fishing with aquatic sports, this resort h no equal. Doer, Mar elk, eoufar. brook trout o,t ul trnut cu h loand Ml llllBdIHO wlihln a few hours' drive of the bay. ryKeaacea rates 10 an poj&w. EDWIN 8TONEtaMUr, CorvtOll, 0 kC. MAYO, Supt. Hor DliWon. , . , P.TJALDWIN, LocrABt.AhoT-fc Salem. . service. II.27- IVER LARSON, Of Encer, Marion county, OreCon, has ap plied for ajaatent for a Rm I INfi HARROW Arip.lH.ltoWTl't fore. Iyer Larson, 17-15 im Salem Track and Dray Co, Complexions $( POWDER X Th finest, jrarestatid mott fcoautl. V A lying toilet powder over madj, III A f. scotElce:, healing, hea tthtil and fA . barmlet and when rUfhlly us fk fA Invisible If you have never trtM fjt XV sL a POZZOHI'S A A you do not now what n fBEAX fS A W IS SOLD EVERYWHMtX. A && TO THE EAST GIVES;"! HE CHOICE OF Two , Traoscontin'ehtal R0Ut63. VU Spokane Minneapolis St Paul aad Den ver Omaha and Kabms City. Low rat to eastom cities. . , .i, '.OCEAN DIVISION. Portland San Francisco. Steamer leave Alnsworth dock. Portland Sept. M, 19, 4. 9 and Oct. 4 9, 14, 9,4. 429' . rare Cauin, iz,iiccit, v VVILLAME-rTE 'RIVER DIVISION. For Portland and way poinU steamers Ruth andiEImore dally except Sunday, at 6145 ..ml Relurnlne. leave Portland. dally ex. P'Sft"i"JiK,,SlB'S: way po mi. . -"--. K"- rtw inn rtaiuruKr. ruuui ,.. ... .-. Inir. leive Harrisburtr for Co Northern. Pacific 9 ,u 1 Inir, leave Marrtsuurg jor uorvauw, iwiwu-, Wednesday and Friday at I p, m., arriving Orders placed with the above company will receive prompt attention and safe delivery. Trucks and drays found on the corners o State and Commercial street!. Express yte- onsatall trains and boats. g3 with our business wc will .. mfc.d store Handling flour, mill fd, oil meal, oats, chopped fetd. straw, hay and wood at the lowest caih prices. Phone 26. bAVAOE & CO. MADE ME A MAN Viz VTurSr.MiS Km IaBU7 JdTSMB.Mloa li -. r z i it. .., iMMi.4 ua imnrnrta li. tlm. 'i lacnt and fUtcU Vfi .a .... !.. t flmfVMl. Lowest freight and passenger rates. Round trip tickets very cheap. ItckeU 14 and feaggage cheeked through to all powti In Oregon, Washington and the East, N,o extra ciiarge lor uaggago uinii. ..-.v- . road or river route to Portland. v. L...11 a.u ration Bo s & Barker U,Sal.m,OreorNaddCH. I'res, ana wixecr, W.H.HWRLBURT. Ges'ITM. At. PortUnd, Or. For full detain call on or aidroHf G. M. POWERS Foot of Trade st, Local Agent. iRaihyay.'; ' mjmt Pullman Sleeping Cirs. 'Bgnt'EHnln Cits Twrlit SM-Can TcVSt. Paul, -MrMffelNM " HelwaMd Butte. Tintr.1 T1TKKTS ,To Chlcajjo, VtfasWnfteo, .WtoAMto, II v. -Rmton. SAd all PaisM '" Eat and South For InforsBation, tlM ead, UckeU, call on or writ rrrz. rz- !..... har ourM ihooMiu rav.aracs.pt3s: k MntilA JLULK '! kUid will curt TW- , W " THOMAS, WATT & CO, AGENTS, a65)ConrekJ mtt, SWa, O ' Q " n UnUmm &t.. comer TUt4 ltakln Qr " . . ' tMtor w elf itaMcbi I Tho Hosy Fresnnoss I . x J Vit V aottDes of the skin U fnv I nnmplexlon 1'owder. . Fonthe Holidays Big stock of fancy Japanese goodi. All kinds of china ware and noveltiee. All kinds of silk handkerchiefs. Bottom price on en tire stock to close out. . I1U11V vir" ' TTT . a- mmI. &Ah 1 SrSSBsHSSAWtSS 0ATgMEDi?"i56T, S; Under opera house. II M( K 17.. ..I. cUlrm. Orevon. by - i l ni I Ladlo Who Valtw ! A refined complexion wast uo roaonl'a PowJ ider. It proflncee a sou ma """"" "". J iBfF7t ,t u v k UIUKW. .. u ritUt l!L.l. MUllM. Mi"--"----. LraliM r?riittuiuMm; ', kKHHUIW V.B.i KoUuBoaj fl U la A Bfld, ... T" - W7J Mmed Itr uononvmm, Vyli. unnatirriHv chsrxM, or ur IntUjcma llpo. Irril.tlua nr nlccrtv tloa nt ntuouns. mo. Non-llllnint Kola br UnutmUU, t ont In pfetia "ff MJ'j 00. or boMb. SaJ4-. rclr aot u taMt, "or oi , tkrcB tor wrtty, and for Improvement I tho eosa rtexlon nothing equaU roMQii'a VoyrpitM ffllDDDPqtSDW 'iVtwrvLOOD FOXI01I iB Mr-4hiU(AMi(ftiiLfnii MnwiMatJ m a lia If &y jswl A nPknfntft m fdiss. eAMflau urn ft tkltmrf-- i 1km .kl in in jTwjkji m a aWlt . r JO (tJVMflv.VC WtWTSWVW wIHWl KiiMpayrfU!roMiMcMft(uiwii fuut ami llU hv to suiJ i In tniiufcii. Mar Tr.i'uitt. riHiief. mm99r iica ivrp uu MBf Jrt 0 ttvl01f , W. M V KltSH HUHf.. tNM DOGhftm. 1 1 w .l to c l Kite tWetfty! Meaiti .MrOW il i'np of ipeaostv tloa! wv n f . .'BfflfStKMWfyatias ) msyi'i iiwmii niiiKiu hi pan i1 1 "" " iwin iniriiTWwtpWiiweeawaNMIWMIM Milwi'i'iniJW'w''nsi.r1l!g'1' 'i, h'ihhw tXtyi ' m i r i'i l- S3 ij EiKL a sSiitenffi6fc3riHSujCj"