Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, December 23, 1896, Image 1

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The National Bank of Illinois
lins OlrK S tOOn Q mm
"" A T TT TI- w
m inn ,
ft I 1 II I V jfc 1 U 1
And Various Other
Ttietc goods were bought in New York for cash and will be
sold at true racket prices. We lnne a lurgc lot of dolls of all
sizes, picture books for little tots, and larger lads and lasses,
games, blocks, lewel cases, albums In great variety, perfumes,
and u largo assortment of silk, and linen handkerchiefs, in
plain and embrolderled, chenille stand covers, and a great
variety of other articles suitable for presents.
in suits from 4 years to 00 if need be.in price from $1.23 to $14,
in neat dress or good work suits. The "Star 5 Star" shoe line
Is unsurpassed in quality, and all at racket prices. Call and
save 15 to 25 per cent in all lines.
ltd still the
Sale Goes on.
Undlotsof boys go away hapDy in one of our neat and nobby suits, and
Bltlieir Xraas money Is not reduced to any great extent.
pYou cannot do better than to sten in and iret nrlces and see the styles,
lare all new, and we take pleasure in showing our goods and giving you
slowest ngures.
20 Per cent.
paction is a great saving to you. Takeone-lifth off, pay In the balance and
roll the goods up for you.
"The Boys' Outfitter"
97 Commercial St , - - Salem, Or.
a newline Ulsters, Overcoats 'and
Mackintoshes, Also a new line
of nobby clothing, which we are
offering at the very lowest figure,
These goods are not here to lay
on our shelves, but we propose to
keep them moving, Smallgprofits
and quick sales is our motto,
Remember the place,
J. Johnson
Chicago, Dec. 23. The National
Bank of Illinois, one of the oldest and
best known banking institutions in
the city, with assets between $12,0f0.-
000 and $15,000,000, closed Tuesday
The following notice was posted
the doors before banking hours:
"This bank is in the hands of the
national bank exchange by order of
the controller of the currency."
This action was decided upon at a
meeting of the board of directors after
the bank had been suspended from the
clearing house association in Chicago.
The failure of Augus & Gildele, gen
eral contractors, the American Brcw
ing.Malting & Elevator Co.,George A.
Weisse, individually, all of these be
ing due to the collapse of the National
Bank of Illtnois,and small runs on
three banks, were the echoes of yester
day of the bank failures of the other
day. Runs were made on the Garden
City Banking and Trust Company,
Hibernian Savings Bank, and the Il
linois Trust & Savings Bank,but none
of them were of much Importance.
The olllcers of the Garden City bank
and the Illinois Trust Co. had ex
pected that a run would be made up
on their Institutions and were ready
to meet it. They threw open the doors
of the banks an hour earlier than usual
and said they wanted to get the run
out of the way, so they could transact
their usual business without being
disturbed. Quite a crowd of depositors
had gathered at the doors before they
were opened and as soon as the banks
were ready for business depositors
gave the paying tellers all they cared
to do. The run was kept up with
energy for over an hour and then died
away. At the close of banking hours
the officers of the institutions an
nounced that during the day the
amount of money takeu in was treble
that paid out, and the bank was de
clared In better shape than at the
openlug of the doors in the morning.
The run on the Hibernian Savings
Bank was of short duration, as the
office declined to make any payment
on time deposits unless given sixty
days notice. This was not becauso
they were not prepared to pay all de
positors in full, but becauso they had
wished to avoid embarrassment to the
smaller bankers, who might not be
prepared to pay all their depositors
and who might be placed In an em
barrassing position. The stronger
banks were paying all demands for
time deposits.
There was a slight run on the Illi
nois Trust & Savings Bank shortly
after It opened this morning.
Before the close of banking hours
the excitement had completely died
out. The giving or notice was sanc
tioned by the clearing-house commit
tee and the object was (the Illinois
Trust Co. being the strongest ssvlngs
bank in the city) to give smaller ones
an opportunity to point to Its action
as an excuse for giving notice them
selves, which they did, and thus ef
fectually stopped the run.
The Illinois Trust & Savings Bank
is said to have $9,000,000 In cash on
hand, and was today loaning money,
Instead of, as in 1893, calling loans in
to meet the demands of savings de
given by the bank officials for the
failure Is the general stringency and
difficulty of maklrir cnllicMnn4. Thi
bank of Minnesota was the oldest In j
St. Paul. It was established by Daw. i
son & Co., In 1859..
Washington Dec. 23. Robert A.
Smith, who was largely Interested In
the Bank of Minnesota, whlchfallcd,
was notutnated by President jdeve
land to bo postmaster, of St; Panl
and, yesterday afternoon, Jusi before
adjournment, the senate confirmed
the nomination.
Thousands of Depositors Affected.
The assets of the National Bank of
Illinois, arc said to Include, in ad
dition to the $2,475,000 loaned tho
Calumet Electric Company, 8500,000
advanced to Robert Bergcr, son-in-law
of President George Schneider;
$300,000 advanced to G. A. Wels,
another son-in-law, and over $800,000
of doubtful debts. Berger is a partner
of the firm of E. Dryer & Co., which
also went into the hands of a receiver
yesterday. Weiss Is a brewer.
Tho losses will fall upon 1071 Indi
vidual depositors and 350 national,
state and private bands.
Tho deposits of tho treasurers of
Chicago and Cook county aggregate
almost $1,030,033. Tho amount at
present on time deposit by tho stato
treasurer Is comparatively small.
Among tho depositors were muuy
large corporations and receivers.
They Included the receivers qf tho
Northen Pacific railroad and the re
ceiver of the whiskey trust. The de
posits of E. S. Dryer & Co. Include
tho fund of the West Park board! The
amount was about $310,000.
Want a Silver Republican Qiven a
Seat in the Cabinet.
Cleveland, O., Dec. 23. Senators
Thurston of Nebraska and Slioup of
Idaho arrived In tho city this morn
ing, and were driven Immediately to
tho office of M. A. Hana, where a
long confcrcnco was held between the
three gentleman. At noon the chair
man escorted his visitors to the Union
Club for lunch, whero the discussion
was resumed While It wap stated
the visit was of asocial natures-It was
known that the prime object of the
conference was to discuss cabinet
mattors, and as a gentleman close to
Hana stated, there is little doubt but
that Messers. Thurston and Shoup
came here to sccuro Mr. Hanna's
influence toward tho selection of
some man from tho silver districts,
which they represent as a member of
the cabinet.
All Counties Heara l:rom,
Sharp Resolutions
mand Are Adopted.
H nnnn FllV
Bank of Minesota Fails.
ST. Paul, Dec. 23 The bank of
Minesota, with a' capital of $600,000,
generally considered one of tho
strongest in the Northwest, was
closed. State Bank Examiner
Kenyon is In charge. The last put)
llshed statement on October 0, 1890,
was as follows: Llabilstles Capital
stock paid in, $600,000; surplus funds,
$100,000; undivided profits, $102,783, 11;
individual deposits, i,uf i,uau uj, huj
certificates, $1,041,703, 84; auo ouier
banks, $303,218 71, demand-certlflcates;
8101.522.00. Total, $3,320,309 49. Re
sourcesLoans and discounts, $2,341,
830.75; bonds, .$19,684 09; overdrafts,
$7,077.21; banking houses, $195,000;
other real estate, $105,741 60; f unlrture
and fixtures, $10,000; expenses, $3,090
19. Due from other banks, $310,469
no flTc.haniro for clearing-house. $29,-
681.14; specie.'Unlted States notes and '
national currency, $25i,04U.Ba; swcks
and other cash Items, $5,032,95; total
resources, $3,320,369 49.
The Union Stockyard's bank,
closely connected with me DanKui
Minnesota, also closed as a conse
quence or tne larger luimrc. c
closing of three banks has not affected
lier bauks In the city, ne reason
Political Clubs.
The Salem Union Bimetallic club
met at tho club rooms Tuesday at 4 p
m. with a good attendance.
Tho committee on by-laws and
constitution reported and tho report
was adopted.
The club adjourned to meet at same
place Tuesday, December 29, at 3:30
p. m , when further organization
will be 'perfected.
The meetlngt advertised for Hon.
McKloley Mitchell, of Gervals, to
to address the Salem Worklngmon's
club Tuesday evening, at its club
room was postponed owing 'to no at
tendance. Mr. Mitchell will bo heard
by the Salem Republicans at some
future time.
The Bimetalllo club will also
hold a meeting to consider the
tlon of a primary law.
Christmas Exercises,
The Sunday school entetalnment
and Christmas tree In connection
with St. Paul's chureh will be held In
tho Guild room on Christmas evoat
7:30 when tho scholars will render
some recitations and Christmas
carols, and the children's old friend,
Santa Claus, will distribute presents
from a well laden Christmas tree.
On Christmas day the services In
tho church will commence at 10:30 a.
m.,and will consist of morning prayer,
sermon and Holy Eucharist. At this
serylce the vested choir, numbering
thirty voices, which has been under
training forsome time, will make Us
A cordial invitation Is extended to
all. The church will bo beautifully
decorated for the festive season.
Business Change. Tho firm of
Kenworthy & George has been dis
solved, Mr. Kenworthy retiring from
the business, which will continue to
be conducted by 3Ir. George who has
been Joined by his brother W. P.
George of Oregon City. Tho new
flrin will bo known as George Bros.
Mr. Kenworthy has retired to his
ranch about three miles south of
Salcui where he expects with the
return of prosperity, to meet with
success as a tiller of the soli.
Rubbers of all sites at theNowYork
The footings of tho Marlon county
roll have been mado and tho Stato
Board of Equalization will now rap
idly be completed.
At Its session Tuesday tho Board of
Equalization passed tho following
resolutions and sent a copy to tho
Secretary of State.
'Wheroas, tho assessment rolls of
Marlon county have not been de
livered to tho Stato Board of Equali
zation by tho Secretary of Stato of
Oretron, and
"Whereas, After repeated requests
by tho board to tho secretary of stato
and tho county officers of Marlon
county, for the production of said as
sessment rolls, all of said requests
havo failed of results, therefore bo It
'Resolved, That tho 6tato board of
equalization make formal demand of
said Marlon county assessment rolls
from the secretary of stato of Oregon,
and the president and secretary of tho
board, are hereby empowered and in
structed to mak such demand In
writing at once."
"In pursuance fof tho abovo resolu
tion wo hereby make demand of you
for the said assessment rolls nf Marion
county for the year 1890."
Secretary Klncald sent following to
County Clerk Ehlcn: "I havo this day
received from tho Stato Board of
Equalization a resolution and formal
demand instructing mo to produce and
deliver to said Board tho duly certified
transcript of tho assessment roll for
Marlon County for tho current year.
Enclosed herewith you will lind a copy
of the resolution and demand above
referred to. Will you please forward
to this offlco Immediately your cer
tified transcript of tho assessment roll
for Marlon County for tho present
year.so that I may bo able to Comply
with tho abovo request."
County Clerk Ehlcn says tho law al
lows him 20 days to copy tho rolls. As
they wero turned over to him but twe
days ago ho still has 18 days to mako
his copy and It will bo mado in that
No. acres land 458,018
Value same $4,518,005
Town lots and Imp 2,114,888
Railroad roadbed 287,201
Rolling Btock, telegraph and
telephone lines ., 52,595
Total personal property...., 1,334,601
Live stock value 37H,70O
Gross value of all $8,063,100
Exemptions 748,397
Net taxable $7,937,790
No. polls 3,358
Acres O. & O. lands 33,180
Value O. & C R. It. lands. . .$ 49,780
Main line, roadbed per m.... 3,500
Brunch roadbed per m 3,000
Rolling stock per mile 450
O. C. & E. roadbed ,......;. 0,160
O. O. &E. rolling stock 10.C09
Pullman CarCo
Salem Con. St. Ry
Salem Con. railing stock ....
Salem Motor Ry and R.stock
Pacific Postal Tel. Co
Or. Tel. & Tel. Co
Western Union Tel. Co
County assessor Coffey has com
pleted ono of the most perfect assess
ment ever made of Marlon county.
He has carefully averaged all the
valuesof property by classes eo that
the sanio kinds of property are as
sessed at the same value tho county
Town lots are a little higher than
last year. Land Is about tho same.
Personal property, notes, merclian
dice, cts., is about $600,000 less than
1895. Tho exemptions are $100,000
less than lasl year. Total assessment
is about $098,000 less than last year,
norsea are about $25, cattle $10, sheep
$1 and swlno about $2.50.
Weddino To-moiiT.Thls evening
at the home of the bride,at 8:30 o'clock
will occur the marriage of Miss Adu,
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.n Stap
leton to Joseph Baumgartner, assist
ant cashier In Ladd & Bush's bank.
Tho ceremony will bo performed by
Rev. Magnan, icctor of Bt.PauI.s Epis
copal church.and only the family and
near relatives of the contracting par
ties will be present. Tho contracting
parties are two of Salem's most popu
lar young people, and will at onco lw
gfn housekeeping In the cottage on
Center street adjoining the parental
home of tho bride.
including some of the most beautiful, artistic
works, mounted and framed in the newest
forms. Owing to the late arrival will be sold -at
a sacrifice,
Book Store !
Tho weathor forecast Indicates a
regular Oregon Christmas: Thursday
falnfollowed by rain and warmer.
Pacific Lodgo No. 105, I. O. O. F.,
of Bay City, Tillamook county, has
filed articles of Incorporation.
Tho Governor pardoned a convict
named 1111 nghast today about twenty
days before his tlmo, for good con
duct on tho rccommondation of Supt.
Tho Wolf and Zlncher Iron Works
of Portland havo filed suppllmentary
articles of Incorporation. Tho stock
is Increased to $100,000.
Milton W. Smith, Laura M. Gam
tucms and P. W. Gillette, respondents.
V3 John W. Mlnto. chief of pollco of
tho city of Portland; appeal from
Multnomah county, argued and sub
mitted; Walter S. Perry uttorncy for
respondent; Win. M. Chcrrlngton at
torney ror appellant.
n. W. Corbett, ot al. appellants, vs.
Tho City of Portland, ot ul. respond
ent; motion by respondents to advanco
cause for hearing taken under advise
ment. First National Bank of Hlllsboro,
respondent, ys Lizzie Mack.etnl. ap
pellants; on motion appellants al
lowed 11 vo days additional lime to
servo and fllo their brief.
Joe Day, respondent, vs E. B. Lar
son appellant, motion of appellant for
leave to amend last bill on fllo by
charging same to tho clerk ot tho cir
cuit court Instead of to the respond
ent taken under advisement.
Henry Klrkdrovo a 200 pound hog Into
ITalsey last week.
Thrice a Week New York World, Weekly
Cincinnati Inquirer and Weekly Journal
for $a a Year,
Do you want tho Free Silver Cin
cinnati Innuirer and Weekly Capi
tal Journal? Our club rate Is S1.-10
for both.
Do you want a gold standard paper
with The Journal? Then take tho
Thricc-a-Wcck N. Y. World. Our
club rate Is $1.75 for both.
Three nancrs for $2. The weekly
Journal, weekly Inquirer and Tri
weekly World an eastern, middle
stato and western paper 552 pages a
year for $2.
Addrf-M Journal office, Salem, Or.
To settle the matter the casiv
est and most satisfactory way is
to buy the Xmas present at
Fry's drugstorcD
Clothing Cleaned. Ladles gar
ments cleaned at reasonable prices at
A. Ottko's corner of Chemefceta and
Thirteenth streets. Satisfaction
guaranteed. cod
Nuts. Santa Claus gets them
at wholesale at Westacott & Irwin's.
12-18 tf
provision. t
Portland, Dec. 23. Wheat vMley, '83(884
Walla Walla, 80.
Flour Portland, Benton county, 4.50,,
4.40; graham, 3.75; superfine, a.50 per bbl
Oats White, 43(0)440; grey, 394o;rolled
in bags, $4.355a5 barrels, 45o7o
caes, 3.75,
I'outoei,. Oregon, 6on 70c per ack,
Hay ..Good. ti.coOn Tier ton.
Hop 2io)c.
Wool,, Valley, o!oc; Eastern Oregoa
Mohair. . I52oc.
MllUtufli. .bran, $15.00; shorts 1,6,50.
Poultry- Chickens .mixed. 11.50a. a; ducks,
aai; turkeys, Uvo, 8,
ECC., Oregon, 35c per do. '
Hides., green, salted 60 lbs 7 c; under
60 lbs CoKcj sheep pelts, lo7oc
Tallow a Vc3c.
Onlooi 85c per sack.
Wheat Bags Calcutta 4.354.37j,
IJeans snull white, IJcic. H
Hogs Heavy. 3.00 103.35 '
Butter., Dost dairy,3535c; fancy tennery
Cheose ,I0nc.
Dried Fruit Apples, evaporated, bleached
6k7o unbleached, 3c4c;' sundried, 4c
Pears 5c
Pears 5c6c
Plumvpitless, 3c4c
Prunes 4Mc6c.
Ilemembcr tho New
for Christmas goods.
York Backet
Somethino Fon Boyb. What Is
nicer as a present for a boy than a
watch. You can buy ono for $2.60 and
upwards at Barr's Jowelery store.
Fhuit fob X-MAS.-a?ho
stock at Strong'a restaurant.
. 1 Ullfc VfiVVMVS..
Veal small : larce 4 Vic cerlb.
MuttonWeathers 2,00; ewes 1.50! dressed
mutton, 4c. ,
Beet Steers 2.35; cows 1,75 ,ta, addressed
Cured Meats JIams 10c loVJc bacon 6c.
Lard In palls, 70.
WooL.Oreeon1 choice 7.'ioo: inferior c.
c, valley, 8(aoc
Hops Quotable at 8.toc for new.
rotaioes 40(9750 per sack.
Oats Milling, 1.05(31.20.
Wheat.. 72c. per bu .
Oats 36c,
Hay. .Baled, cheat. Q.oo: timothy ll.oo.
Straw, $3.50 to (4,00.
riuui.,m wuoiciaie lots, 4au, mau
4.20; bran, bulk 14.00 sacked, 15.00.
shortB, 15.0016.00; chop feed, 15.00
Poultry. Hens 4c; Turkeys Saioc
VeaL.Dressed, 4.
Hogs.. Dressed, 3K3. - "
Live Cattle., Iia
Sheep.. Live, i,502.oocwt.
Wool, .Best, 12c,
Hop..iJcst, 10c.
EcKS..Cash, 25c,
Fruit.. Urcen Apples per box i,ooi,5o;
Pears 7?c 85c per box.
Farm Smoked Meats llaccn, 6VJe; feteu
90: shoulders, 5c.
Onions, 50c,
Dried Fruib Applet, evaporated Meaektd,
7a 8c: unbleached 4c5c. ' v
PIumsr-4c. 1 .
Prunes 5c
Beana 2c
Lard .7c,
Butter. .Orcgn fancy creawjry ac3,
fancy dairy, i2o: fair to fpaol, I6ij
Cheese , Oregon full cream, ip,
1 m
Tho choicest candles and Christ-1
mas treo ornaments at the Howe bak
ery, State Insurance btock. 23-1 1
Order your Christmas cakes, bum
and cookies at tho Homo bakery. 23-2t
Caudles, tho largest variety in the
city, especially lor unrisitnaa trees,
as the Homo bakery.
finest I All sires of rubbers and rubber boots
18-tf ' at tho New York Itacket.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. . Gov't Report.
Avhouormw unx
A "
. . , )l mmiTi iwgnwiiiWHrty irji
lihiflfaifr YtrirTi"