Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, December 16, 1896, Image 2

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Daily Capital Journal I(
WEDNESDAY, DEC. If!, 1800.
The state board of aRnculturc did
well In Its choice of new ofliccrs. Mr.
Galloway lias conducted the fair for
two years through the great financial
stringency as well as could have been
done by anyone. Ills connection with
the Land office made it impossible for
him to continue on the board. The
refusal of the board to make the fair
any lonjrer a mere appurtenance of
any newspaper'offlcc for purposes of
plunder will meet with general ap
probation. Hon D.II. Looney for president was
a wise choice. It puts a genuine
farmer atjtlie head of affairs. lie is
a practical stock ralsor, dairyman,
horseman and all around business
man. lie makes a worthy successor
to Mr. Galloway. The society should
open an oftlce In this city where the
public can go for Information, and
where the secretary and superintend
ent can be found at all times for bus
Mr. C. D. Gabrlelson for secretary
was the best choice among all the
candidates. lie is a gentleman of
perfect Integrity and will make the
fair popular with our citizeus and
business men. He will not neglect
any Important interest, and his ac
counts will bo found In perfect order.
Mr. F. N. Derby for general super
intendent was a good selection. Mr.
Derbv was manager of the Motor
Hallway, and Isjan energetic and affa
ble gentleman, who will throw a great
deal of new life Into the fair. The
society Is to bo congratulated on se
curing Mr. Derby's services and his
frlonds know he will make a good
George Van Dyke conducted the
county Hcpnblican canvass In Polk
countyi Iowa. He has made public
the expenses of the canvass, receipts
and expenditures, and of whom he
received monies, tho number of
speakers engaged, literature distri
buted, how much paid for tills and
that Item, lie assessed each1 candi
date! 5 per cent, on the salary
of tho otllco ho was a candidate for.
His statement shows who paid and
who did not. Tho total receipts were
$2,507, and ho expended $2,445. So
much for badges, polling, parades, ex
penses of election day, otllco expenses,
?rlntlng, sneaking, miscellaneous, etc.
t is a model statement and does Mr.
Van Dyke great credit.
Tho political county chairmen of
Marlon county nro roferrcd to the
above as a method of doing business
that commands tho respect of busi
ness men of all parties.
IFtlMR.fctyl.. Am"iri.
Tirrlrar dollar men are on a new
ta-u. 1 hey hare lit; since tiwd of
fo-f Wtim intilMiooaari iMcUtod
'!) lu.- Smii. ir jet u
iiH'..r'.M. i ic-,jik1 iw bate l work
ot.T an! esiaW.b -Jth a sjsleai Willi
lvii.rn.fc &m I?'5W!y try! on
their sioUvi pitftflfee, Tjtta pe
pte to 'rdluiitkTllf&ft iemtr&: tom
bondage Is no eay matter, sod aftei
ther have ooce--oM tbena.lTes -Into
bondage, IIMmitaMc tact and eternal
vigilance is needed to keep them
TVben the people are entrusted with
the making of their own laws that
tlwy may protect tbemselTes against
ir justice, we do not expect to flod the
many paylngao unearned tribute to
t he few. Yet this I Jnt what we do
nnd in oar country today, this Is Just
what we have broucht about by the
establishment of the jjrtein or the
appreciating dollar, which subtly, but
surely, takes from the industrious the
fruits of their toil and gives to the
idle. The building op of an oligarchy
or wealth, in effect if not in name, is
the result.
Democratic institutions are very
un-atfc.faC.orT to oar dear dollar men
for the necessity of controlling elec
tions so far as to enable them to carry
further and to completeness their
scheme. of self aggrandizement, or so
as to at least guard against the over
throw of the system so dear to them,
, subjects them periodically to a heavy
tax. But as unsatisfactory as our
dear dollar men have found the tools
'of democracy with which to build up
an oligarchy, they have felt obliged
to put up with them. Get rid of
such tools they would if they could
I How to get rid of them has been the
unsolvable auestion.
i But at last they have struck a bril
liant idea. By gradual degrees they
will circumvent the difficulties they
meet with in P.enublican institutions
and methods. They will, step by step
get Democracy out of their way. They
will take irom the people the power
entrusted to them to protect them
selves. They will reduce Democracy
to the mere shadow of a name, so
that the people shall have no say in
t'.elr own governing. They see the
means to accomplish this, at least a
possible mean, and they will try it
on at once. And how do they propose
to go about It? By getting congress
to abdicate its legislatives-functions
over one matter after another. But
abdicate to who? To special com-
A Jealous Husband's Crime.
The Emporia (Kansas) Gazette says:
the Populists go into the reform
business in earnest In this state they
will take a ten years' lease of life, but
i they won't do it. Xo party dares to
i do it. The first tiling that a party or
governor llnds upon going into offlce
J at Topeka is that laws are made for
j the ollice-holders and hangers-on, and
not for the people. There is room
for a whole lot of house-clean
ing at Topeka, but the party doesn't i missions appointed by whom they do
exist that dares tackle it.
In the first place about half the
boards and bureaus and offices are
steals. They were created to give
some little jlm-crow yawner a job-
some fellow who jumped in and tried i mission to step in? It is as
to be railroad commissioner and had tions relating to matters of
not much care, only so the members
are amenable to their commands.
And where would they commence,
from what sphere of action do they
ask congress to step aside for a com-
to ques-financial
to be given something. The board of i and tariff policy that they want con-
health is a steal. The state horse
doctor is a steal. Two boards to run
the reformatory and the penitentiary
are steals. The state coal oil inspec
tion is a steal. The bureau of labor is
a steal, and has always been a disgrace
to the state.
Half the clerks and assistant clerks
and secretaries and assistant secretar
ies hanging on these boards are clear
cases of larceny. The state printer's
Job In a steal. There Is $25,000 a year
In It, and there oughtn't to be over $0,
000. There is a rake-off in every one
A Murderer Confesses, Causing Re
lease of Present Prisoner.
Dbthoit, Dec 1.-Ernest Chase
cut the throat of his wife, and with
same weapon cut his own throat from
ear to ear and fell dead beside her.
The tragedy took place in tire rooms
occupied by the couple, and when dis
covered the two bodies lay In a pool of
blood upon the floor.
The tragedy was the climax of a
life of unhapptness. Chase was 33
years okl ami his wife six years
youogor. ne was of a very jealous
disposition, frequently accusing his
wife of undue familiarity with other
men, an accusation which his friends
say was without foundation.
For a day or two he has been very
morose in his manner, repeating the
usual statements about his wife and
accusing her of unfaithfulness. It
is believed he finally became insane
through brooding over the matter and
that the tragedy was the result of his
insane -jealousy.
Overtook by Remorse.
Helena, Mont., Dec. 1G. Governor
Rickards has granted a free pardon to
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clarke, serving
a 17-year term each In the penitenti
ary at Deer Lodge for the murder of
John P. Stewart by poisoulng. They
have already served a year.
btewart was a wealthy man. sus
picion rirst fell npon his wife, Mary
s'tewart. She was arrested at Spokane
and tried in Missoula. To save her
self she accused her mother and step
father. They were convicted by her
testimony of murder in second degree.
Remorse overtook Mrs. Stewart and
She "finally confessed to an attorney
and to ex-Governor Toole, but com
mltted suicide before the written
statement could be signed.
Sentenced for Perjury.
Cijjcinati, Dec. 16 John Seward
and "William Trusty, witnesses In the
Pearl Bryan murder case, convicted
of false swearing, were sentenced at
Newport, Ky., Seward to two years
and Trusty to one year in the Ken
tucky penitentiary. They attempted
to make the jury believe Pearl Byran
was beheaded on the Ohio side of the
river and conveyed to -Fort Thomas
gress to declare its Incompetency by J
stepping aside and virtually surrender
ing to a commission the power to
legislate for It on such matters.
In the future, congress Is simply
to ratify the findings and!
recommendations of commissions ap
pointed In fact, If not in name, by
the moneyed interest. Such is the
d ream of the dear money men, such
is the key-note sounded by tlie so-called
monetary conference held In India
napolis this week. The linanclal and
tarifl question must, we are told, be
of these boards; too much mileage Is' taKU" out UI ",B bi,era Ul I'"""
paid, and the whole outfit rides on . Questions of monetary and tariff pol
passes, which Is another steal. Half ' rausL not be left subject to changes
tho. tr.iurrls and nttnnrlnnta. conks nnrl after evcry recurring election. In
hnttln-wnRhera in thf. ntnto instttn. ! S". the people see fit to change
either monetary or tariff policy es
tablished In the Interest of the grow
ing oligarchy of wealth they shall not
be free to bo so. A commission must
bo now entrusted with the farming of
; currency laws ao as to foreyer keep
the question ont of politics and In
snro a permanency of financial
TiYnMirulu finpli Plirrnnnv lnu'c iictnH-
Of the legislature The board of pub-, lignC( , th,8 thQ ,o;
He works Is a steal-its work could .be nnflvoa ,, ' f. ,m fr ,n ,,
, KW.UV..l U...... ..u w ..v .yj u.iu.itju.
Onr currency system framed to de-
tiens arc steals.
Tho railroad commission Is a steal.
It doesn't d,o the taxpayers of Kansas
as much good as the Bartholdl statue
In New York harbor. Half of the ,
I committee clerks in the legislature
are steals. There arc wholesale rob
beries of the taxpayers at every session
performed by men drawing salaries
and doing nothing in other offices.
spoil the many and enrich the few
mustibe so firmly plantned around
with safeguards that It cannot, be
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach the seat of the disease Catarrh
is a blood constitutional disease and in orde
so cure it you must take internal remedies j The Ideal Panacea.
acts directly upon the blood and mneouil of J"" L. h rancis. alderman, Clli
faces. I lalt'i Catarrh Cure is not a quack cago, says: "I regard Dr. King's New
medicine. It was prescribed by one of the Discovery as an Ideal Panecea for
best physicians in this country for years, and coughs, colds and lung complaints,
is a regular prescription It is composed of having used It In my family for the
the best tonics known, combined with the , last five years, to the exclusion of any
best blood purifier, acting directly upon the physician's prescriptions or other
mucous surfaces. The perfect combination ' preparations."
of the two ingredients is what pro luces such Rcy. John Burgiis, Keokuk, Iowa,
wcnacriui rcsum in curwE v.iuuirn, ociiu lur wrues; -i imvu ueuu it imuwbiici in uiu
testimonials fiee.
F. I. CuknbvT& Co., Toledo, O.
ISrSold by llrugElsM.
Gail Borden f
Eagle Brands
CaidMsetJ Milk S
5 "Infant Health,', 1 a tittle book of,
" great vuluo that id cent 1'uix on applies
J cation. -, rii
i N. Y. Condensed Milk Co. 5
tt Hndsoa Street' Hew York g
Methodist Episcopal church for CO
years or more and have nover found
anything so beneficial, or that gave
liiQsuch speedy relief as Dr. King's
Now Discovery." Try this Ideal
Cough Itomcdy now. Trial bottles
free at Fred A. Legg's drugstore.
For InfantB and Children.
f. .
c&&ZiZ. .
New Line of Thievery.
San FRANCisco.Dec. 10. A form of
thievery new to the uollcc cumo to
light through the request made by
William SIew,a photographer, for the
arrest of a Chinese known as Wong
Sim. The matter was turned oyer to
Police Judge Low, who issued a war
rant for the arrest of petty larceny.
According to the statement made by
Shew, it appears that Wong Sim Is
only one of an organized gaug of
thieves who confine their operations
exclusively to the theft of photo
graphic negatives. After a Chinese
who is a member of the gang has be
come installed as a servant In some stu
dio where pictures of Chinese are
taken, he will steal the glass negative
from which she picture of
some wealthy Chinese customer1
has been printed. This Is
handed over to others of the gang,
who print several dozen photographs
from tho stolen plate.
These finished, the pictures are
then given to an agent, who takes
them to the original of the picture
and offers them for sale at a price far
below the original price. As the ma
jorlty of Chinese usually have a horde
of relatives in China, the agent has
no trouble In disposing of anywhere
from six to twelve dhzen plctutes at
the reduced rates.
A member of Lane county it is said
will present for adoplton a bill for
registration similar to the Torrens
The circuit court of Jackson county
is in session on a docket of fifty cases.
There are few criminal cases and more
of a serious nature,
Jucob -Frazer, of Pendleton, 'while
in Wilbur last week, recognized a rifle
that had been recently found there as
the one his son had when frozen to
death 6lx years ago.
Two fishermen, named Andrew Sir
monsoti and (J. Christlanson, of Asto
ria, were picked up after having been
in tho water 24 hours. They tied
themselves together with a small
ropoand one being on each side of tho
capsized boat, they were thus saved
though nearly perished when found.
Thomas Clark, a well-known citizen
and pioneer, of Lane county, died Sat
urday, at the homo of his daughter,
Mrs. Haskell, In Eugene. Deceased
was aged 80 years,l month and 8 days,
and tho cause of his death is given as
old age. He came to Oregon lnan
early day, and settled In Lost vrilley,
but for the last five or six years has
lived In Eugene.
Many thousand dollars
worth of valuable articles
suitable for Christmas
gifts for the young and
old, are to be rnven tn
smokers of Blackwell's
Genuine Durham To
bacco. You will find
one coupon inside each
two ounce bag, and two
coupons inside each four
rMitinn Vorr nf "R1 n rlrn.v1 1 ' e
Durham. Buy a bag of
this celebrated tobacco
and read the coupon
which gives a list of val
uable presents and how
to get them.
c.k xTTr"
- "-a.
Meeti ill mi ..i T
f rompt stU T.iTi 15 it 2t
- .vDfiQ -.
See those genuine Wostcnholm Carving Sets at
A full line of pocket and table cutlery, razors, shears,
etc, Northwest corner State and Lioerty sts Salem.
Annual Report of the Southern Oregon
District Fair.
Governor Lord has received the re
port of the third annual exhibition of
the First Southern Oregon District
Agricultural society, which was held
on the grounds of the Jackson County
Agricultural society on September 22
to 20. Following is the condition of
the fund appropriated by the legisla
ture for the use of the society:
Amount of appropriation.. S 903 00
Amount paid to Lake county. 3 300 &
Amount paid in premiums.. 5S9 .")
Total g 693 SO
1 50
743 (X.
!)D0 2.
rrr " t
Balance on hand s
Expenses of the fair
Purse warrants issued
Am't paid on above warranto
Amount of warrants issued
on stock and other exhibits
Less 7 per cent deducted o:i
premims, awarded on stock
entered with no competition
mo 5)
21 00
Setamounts 8 58U CO
The total receipts and disburse
ments of the association is given here,
showing from what source the money
was derived and to what use it was
Ground rent and license $
Hack license
Stock entries
Race entries
Gate receipts , :oi 23
Pool box 00 70
State appropriation 000 Of)
02 00
34 00
52 35
423 SO
Total 81,023 80
Expense warrants paid $ 7 13 CG
Purse warrants paid 377 07
Premium warrants paid 503 50
Total 81,922 13
Balance on hand ...3 1 07
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tettcr.chapped hands.ehilblains,
corn, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 23
cents per box. For sale by Fred A.
The work at Oregon City of re
pairing the break In the boat canals
is proceeding night and day.
iv-jnii. i
Who wins In the
race? Is it a sick man?
Is it a man who is
weak? Is it a man
whose blood is impure?
An athlete trains for
cverv race. The best
athletes train all the
time. They are always
In perfect condition.
It is pretty safe to say
that the best man will
always win. The man
who is strong and in
the best condition will
surely distance his
In the race for suc
cess, the best man will
win if he takes care of
himself. He cannot
win if he neglects his
physical condition. It
doesn't make any dif
ference how smart he
5 Rtrnrtcr Ti will ntvtr
finish the race. He must look first for a
clear, healthy, strong: body, because the
body makes and supports the brain. If the
heart pumps impure blood into the brain,
you cannot expect the man to be clear
headed, you cannot expect him to accom
plish much. If a man's blood is pure and
rich, there can not be much the matter with
him. If it isn't pure and rich, he may have
almost any disease under the 6un, aud Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will
cure it. It doesn't make any difference
what form the disease takes, or by what
name it is called. Nearly all diseases
spring: from impure blood, If you make
the blood pure, you remove the cause and
cure the disease. That's common sense
and medical sense and scientific sense,
You might learn a thousand valuable
lessons about preserving: your health by
reauinR ur, .rierce's toraraou
Sense Medical Adviser. It is
a irrand book and the present
edition is absolutely free to
all who send si one-cent
stamps to cover cost of mail,
ingr only. It contains ioo3
pages and over yo enffraV'
Ing-a. 680,000 cloth-bound cop
OWING To the election of officer in the
Woodmen Circle on next Friday evening, the
iSih inst., the basket supper to trie public is
postponed until January 1. Let all meml eis
be present at this election, promptly at 7:30
O'clock. IMMt
TO TRADE A 160 acre farm in Clacka
mas county, for property around Salem,
James Schiewe, over Steiner & Plover's store
Salem, Or. 14 2t
ber. W II.
-To trade uurseiy stock for lum
Elliott, Sairm, Or. 14 3d iw
TO KEN'l .--Furnished room to let, outside
Meals served in family style for 15c.
barn with three stalls, at
Call at 221 Front street.
10 tw
GARDfcMNG, I'KUM.Nu ol all kims,
grafting grating and .seeding lawns, etc.
First c ai$ no k. Call at second house north
of Marion n rinrteentn street or address by
postal I. i . IMrick, Salem. Or. 129 im
FOR KENT Lieven acres adjoining the
(nditn school, at Cherrawa, five acred of
garden land, g)od house, baia and well
wi er. By month or year for low cash rent.
Ad Iress IV)x 145, or apply at G.W.Pcarmme,
two miles north of town on river road. I I-25tf
CARPET' I'Al'EK Large lot ol tJeavj
brown wrapping paper for sale cheap. Jus
.he thing for putting under carpets. Call a
Journal office.
CHRISTMAS TREES-Lirge and small at
1S5 Commercial street. Also a beautiful
bedroom set for children, C Dillman. 14 3t
ies have been sold at $l.5a
each. This free edition is
In strong- manilla paper covers, 'Otherwise
IflTjust the same. Address World's Dis
pensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N, Y.
Fort Custer aud
Crow Agency, Mon
tana, arc two points
on the Burlington
Route's New Short
Line to the East and
South Jrom which Cus
ter Battlefield iscasily
reached. The distance
from the former is
about thirteen miles;
from the latter about
two and a half miles.
At both places holders
of through tickets
whose limits permit
are allowed stop-over
.privileges, and good
hotels and livery
stables arc to be found,
ypor a bgoklet giving
a'brief account of the.
'battle In which Custer
p5st his life, "and also
for Information abdut
rates'and train service
via the Burlington
Houte to Chicago,
Omaha, St. Louis,
Kansas City, or any
other southeastern
r,clty, jwrlte to
Portland, Or.
ZT No. J03. entitled "m ""fr M.
Salem SteamLaundry Tjj51SgW5
Plo oofW thf rttt in orices sons, and for the P'lSfl
on the following, ' ffif$& W"S jJ-J
Under shirts , t.5tojocents of i7ypa JjfflW
Socks, per pair , 3 cenh upon, or ander J" tle fc 1"
uandkercrnets ''"
Silk handkerchiefs 3nts
Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per on,
and other worl? in proportion f
Flannels and other work in
telligently washed by. hand.
Col. J, Olmsted' Prop
. " rinrt,
Makes a rp-ialtyofasrt?ur aIv
Thomas clocU, etc., 2i fgp
Salem Water Co'j,
Office WillM!eteH5(dB&,
For water service asctrii-c& tm
parable monthly hKT
complaints at the oSce.
Oper. sp-cket to prerttt faaj, jckit
prohibited. areshooklb:ut?rB,
ger of freeting to hire step tM ,,. J.
closed see secuoo 3, nles xal riia
No deduction m bills will le i&nh bii'
sence or for any cause wawtitrtsSavm
is cut on Iran precusei'
As we hare clippers far ddxret; ttJ
we deire the patrooigt of lA wuiny tai
service. Price k cents per Wfcru mi.
G. W.GOULD. .Nona !aei
11.27.1m H. E ROBERTS, FnuJ
Orders placed wiih the ahnecocpujnll
receive prompt atteotioo lod sa!e dclitr.
Trucks and dran foaad 03 lie carta 0
Stile and Commercial strcrti. Eiproirjj
onsatall trains and boats, lacxsedxs
with cur business we rill 1L0 rsa a feri
store Handling flair, mill feed, cd ceil,
oats, chopped feed, vtrw, bj led cool it
the lowest cash prices.
Phone 86. , SAVAGE CO.
For the Holidays
Big stock of finer Japanese pwis. A3
kinds of chinaware and noTtldes. All lisii
of silk handkerchiefs. Bottom price ca a
tire stock to close oat.
Under opera boose. tiutf
Finest bamboo furoitnK, Jajaaese Cmi,
tors etc,-For Holidays. Onh--fe?
store in town Will be sold especially ciop
for Christmas trade. Lost jwb cm
offered for best stock in this line.
A bill for an ordinance tqfisend Sota.
of Ordinance J&f .',&&!
ordinance to provide for IhegodHA
good order, health, peace and cfcslW
of the city and of persons, and far
tection of persons and propertr, t
peal certain ordinances and parts of oi
ances relating thereto.
Be it ordained by fte-eomrajicossea rf
city of Salem: . , rwkua
Section i-Tbat secnon '-
W0LZ & MIESCKE. Proos.
Denlars in all kinds of fresh and salt meals
Lard in bulk, 7c a lb. Cheapest peal in the
Try tliem. 171 lornmcremi t
m --flsssa
bcr, Octowr, tfV,7the houro 9 "
ami FebruSry, of"4lft'M w"
during the remainder 01 - ,
such person shall nvei" i,..
LrfilnP. of bii or ber mntU, , ,
shall be secoppMied oy ,
guardian, and it is bwW "J h
the city marshal to warn 'ace &A K
;,; the university W"Ji:,Lw oW 1
bell ofthMV to te ntfsrzn
each -nd w,y ",W,1I0B, wh 'Z
of each yW'lSfesliW';
late ino W"" ". r -.j-i.icor. v.
deemedBOiyoijjbeei re
conviction thereof W'nt j&Ji
T T I I conviction were - M tfa,
Pure Jersey Bull Sfe
r.. -... r. .u73 rnii at Brawn's and costs of !,?' ... any. 6
e.t m ke, ZST, Cent nnd Thirteenth J JffiF&ffig
.i.f PinIf milt stock in Orecop. 12-lt tfruponhirn, unp . r . e d, Wt
""' "' -l : J I,n shHll DC imF"-
:-. t r...n. fine. ji ijacyi
dollars 01 a"" trL-jna coaaJ
81 "
Of Enger, Mai ion county. Oregon, has an. of56 l896. '
b ' ii.,i tnr n nifnt for a ' ber, A. w. "-
J'HWV - ----
ROi I INC. HARR Wi .a--s
1 1 T'JZZ l ,1.., iA. lAdn1oU.ai hereto. ' Ucember. A. V. Vfy j
nuu f ., - -IT "f-wl rr' L " ' "
.vi ,. ,. ....-hr.
fr, Tofr .ijirEonf Enner. Or.
' ' 12-15 ,ra