Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, December 14, 1896, Image 2

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    TWJfPjp"?"'-' wpp
by the Legislators
Drew" targe Sums While they Rode
u ' orrPasses
Tbc dn'dldaer ofilonS-L- Mor
head for chelf clerk of tbe senate
will scire one jrood parpo?eln calllcjc
attention to tbe mileage expenses al
lowed in the-last legislature. WegiTe
a list below of house and senateuia d
aruoant drawn by each member. In
the house Hon. "Ffsh" Myers leads
the list, having drawn mileage on
four separate junketing committee.
It was a cold day when "Fish" did
not propose a "joint visting commit
tee" that wonld swell his mileage ac
count. If defeated once lie would
bob up again, or go and have a friend
in the senate propose ft and then get
it through the house Long exper
ience gave htm the advantage of new
members and his industry and check-
classify him with the immortal.
Many others did the same.
In the senate the milage nestor was
A. W. Gowan, but as he travels several-
hundred miles by stage he was
probably Justly entitled to it, a wcrt
many ''others. The constitution al
lows memteri 10 cents a mile each-way
for'attendlng Hie legislature, and it
Is only where members propose various
junketing trips in the name of visit
ing committees that the nuisance be
comes appalling.
Mr. Moorliead reported the mile
age for the house members. He was
chairman of the committse. Of course
his committee had to have a clerk
during the entire session, although
the only work was making one report
that would go on a sheet of foolscap
It is notorious that with few excep
tions members of the legislature of
J895 passed free over the railroads and
paid no fare during the entire session.
The fame legislature appropriated the
sums below to pay the milcago of Its
members. The great bulk of this
money went into the pockets of the
legislators. Tiie figures in detail
makes interesting reading for the
struggling taxpayer. They show
that mllccge was drawn in 1895 as fol
lows: The senate drevr mileage to the
amount of urprlslng
that the president, who of all men
would not be without a pass, who was
only a member of the committee on
rules, drew $95.00. His constitutional
mileage would have been 810.80. "Mr.
Simon may have been on some visit
ing committee, but that Is unusual.
The. thirty senators cost for mileage
874.10 each.
The sixty members of the house
drew $3,374.30 mileage, or 802.37 each.
TheitotalMulleage drawn by house and
sexate was $-"1,007.40. The -speaker of
the house drew 00 cents mileage and
seems to have been on no visiting
committees that cost any mileage.
Readers of The Jourkal, are re
quested to cut out these llgurcs and
preserve them. In our next weekly
political review we shall print the ex
penditures of the last legislature for
clerk hire, showing the amount ex
pended by house and senate. These
figures are taken .from the printed
Journals of the house and senate of
In the list of members of the last
legislature printed below the editor of
The Journal must apologizo for al
'others In ,he name of party, or
private, or evpn public Interest to per
form unconstitutional acts. The re-
fturn to constitutional principles In
uurst.-itc government must be made.
The supreme court In the Eastern
QgQJLatfltini decision lias recognized
this necessity. Tbe only salvation
of ahe taxpayer, the only avenue to
economical administration lies In
strict construction of the constitution
we bare.
Tbe constitution of Oregon docs
Bot forbid the use of free passes by
public oScials, but as it. provides
Mileage Ib certain cases tbe use of
passes and tben also collection of
mileage Is a doable Infraction that is
not justified by reason, honesty or
business principles.
The editor of Tuk Journal does
not need to explain why lie was put on
no visiting committee or investiga
tion committees. He denounced most
of those committees as mere junkeU,
and opposed them in every parliamen
tary manner, and with others of like
mind succeeded in limiting them as
to number of chrksand perdieni of
clerks. As most of those committees
were mere junket and whitewashing
enterprises calculated to cover up
frauds, extrawigancc and unlawful
administration, and merely gotten up
to draw mileage and employ clerks, it
was rather an honor than a reflection
for a -member to have been left off.
The editor of The Journal lives in
Salem, the scat of government, and
that is supposed to be the capital and
living at the Capital could not claim
to be living somewhere else and was
not entitled to mileage. This is said
.n explanation of his conduct in not
drawing any, but not for the purpose
any Pharisaical political honesty, as
he firmly believes in public servants
drawing all the salarles.fees and mile
age that they are honestly entitled to
draw under the constitution and laws
but not one cent more.
O H Jlaker 8 40 80
II L Barkley 5 10
SC Beach 17 10
J E Blundell 100 80
JSBoothby 129 40
J T Bridges 108,00
TBuckman Of 50
WE Burke 15 00
J A Burleigh 173 10
BPCardwell 15 00
JLCalvert :. 4 50
TJCleeton 3120
Clarence Cole 45 00
Virgil Conn 159 00
TllCoon 100 50
THCooper 12 00
David Craig 2 40
CJCurtis 48 00
J D Daly...., 107 70
JE David r 03 GO
E J Davis 90 30
GeoWDunn 90 00
II V Gates 21 90
JTGowdy 25 80
HGGuild 3120
JSGurdane 100 50
HJHillegas 23 40
E Hofer
CD Huffman Ill 00
IWHopc 150 00
J A Jeffrey 89 40
DLKeyt 4 50
CP Lester 190 50
JMLong , 15 00
AB Lyle V 07 50
John McCracken 15 00
THMcGreer ,.... 00 00
F LMlntie 48 30
SLMoorhead 17 40
OB Moores ..., 00
GeoT Myers 204 30
S Mtfealon....- ' 88 20
OrinL Patterson 105 00
OFPaxton - 15 00
G O Iilncarson ; . . 15 00
JH Scott 10 50
CASehlbrede 45 00
Geo Shutrum 80 70
Calvin Stanley 22 80
Frank A Stewart 104 10
C B Smith 22 50
IraSSmlth 4 50
RGSmith 75 00
T Fleming Smith r 14 40
WATempIeton ;13 20
ChasFTigard , 18.00
E JI Thompson 24 00
J A Wright 10200
CPYates 85 80
John OYoung 122 70
Senate Chamber Fjnjshed..
A Substantial Improvement at the
State House.
During the past few a&ys the Ore
gon senate chaniber has been re-car
peted. The old fabric had served
twenty years, and was entirely
threadbare. The new one Is a rich
Lowell body brussells, one of the
finest made, and for color and design
is superb. The contract forthismuoh
needed improvement was awarded to
Messrs. Burcn Sc Hamilton, of this
city, and was fitted, made up and put
down by their carpet layer, Mr. F. W.
ITollis, who is one of the best on tbs
coast, being often called to the other
valley cities for such work. Three
hundred and sixty-five yards or carpet
were required for the chamber, and a
tine spread of linoleum was placed in I
the lobby by the same firm, which is
in keeping with the whole. The
colors in both blend happily with the
frescoing and wood work, of Oregon's
handsome senate chamber, for all of
which the public is indebted to the
good taste of Messrs. Buren & Hamil
ton, as well as Secretary Kincaid.
two ounce bag,
coupons inside each four
ounce bag of Blackwell's
Durham. Buy a bag of
this celebrated tobacco
and read the coupon
which gives a list of val
uable presents and how
to get them.
Many thousand dollars
worth of valuable articles
suitable for Christmas
gifts for the young and
old, are to be given to
smokers of Blackwell's
Genuine Durham To
bacco. You will find
one coupon inside each
and two
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
lowlnjrihlsinamo to appear as having
drawHtnonlleage. Tohave omitted his
namo'Ua.a member would have made
him subject to erroneous conclusions.
TjrfprlnthlsjntimeyBayors 'pf egotism,
Yet it Is a public duty and must be
Lines must bo drawn upon public
extravagance upon all alike. The leg
islator who sets an example of strict
adherence to the letter and spirit of
tho constitution cannot bo asked by
frCiwapost, ctHrt't4e Best i
Rend for that llttlo book. "Infant
Health:" irtcat valuu to mother. Sent
1 . N..Y. Condensed Wife Co.
hT'TAi.yn Clmrf Wn Vark I
trim ua.au Ai-rjjii,Aiiu.3. as mey
cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blo'xl constitutional disease and in orde
v care it yoa mast take internal remedies
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and
acts directly upon the blood and mucous of
faces. I la IV Catarrh Cure is not a quack
medicine. It was prescribed by one of the
best physicians in this country lor years, and
is a regular prescription It is composed of
the best tonics known, combined with tbe
bet blood purifier, acting directly upon the
mucous surfaces. The perfect combination
of the two ingredients is what pro luces such
wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for
testimonials free.
F. J. CnENEiVfc Co., Toledo, O.
jgp"Sold by Druggists.
For Infants and Children.
Total for ho use $3,743 30
BFAlley S 09 00
PA Bancroft 78 CO
Henry Becklcy 102 00
GcoOBrowncll 10 80
N L Butler ..... 4 80
J PCalbreath 31 20
Tolbert Carter 0 00
OACoRSwell 213 30
SADawson 10 20
ONDcnny 15 60
AlonzaGesner ;. 02 10
AWGowan,..., 234 00
W II Ilobson 5 40
BHIIolb 82 80
SB Huston 2100
A J Johnson , u
W111JI Klnp 123 00
T W Maxwell 135 00
DAMcAlster jos uo
JIIMcClung 48 00
To all members of Protection lodge,
So. 2, A. O. U. W. There will be a
committee at the lodge room at 2
o'clock p. m.und thercafter.Saturday,
December 32, to receive all donations.
Send in your baskets well filled. Come
and brinu your family and help us to
entertain our visitors and friends.
By order of committee.
Mitchell'3 Relief Bill.
Washington, Dec. 12. Senator
Mitchell, of Oregon, has introduced a
bill In the senate declaring the intent
of the act or 1809, indemnifying the
state for the expence in maintaining
the national defence, By a decision of
the court of claims interest on money
was not allowed. This was reversed
by the supreme court, but as the
treasury department had passed upon
the claims It refuses, under the Dock
ery law, to reopen them without fur
ther legislation.
Mitchell's bill it to coyer this point.
Nearly every state Is Interested in the
matter where interest charges have
been disallowed.
II E McGinn,
I L Patterson.
A II Price
J II Ilaloj
J A Smith
Joseph Simon.
John II Smith
W WStelwer
OH Woodard
15 GO
05 40
01 80
01 20
05 00
52 80
07 60
70 20
07 80
15 00
Total for senate 82,224 10
MILEAGE for clerks. .
O II Blumonrothor. 8
E A Worswlck.
'SL Lovell.
k. I
31 20
31 20
Froebel, tbe great promoter of the kin
dergarten system of teaching children paid!
"Let parents not liveor their children, but
with them." The mother who understands
this sentiment lives with, even her unborn
child. She studies to be wise about herself
and the little life she is fostering. She does
all she can to give her child a fair start in
life, by giving it a ptrong veil developed
body. All through babyhood, childhood
and yotJUi she lives with her son or her
daughter. .Especially her daughter she will
keep near her. She will allow no false
modesty to stand in the way of that daugh
ter's knowledge of herself, of herpossiblH
ties, of her perils. She will teach her that
happy, healthful motherhood ia an honor,
a blessing. That sickness is a mistake, a
breaking of nature's law. But there are
times of unavoidable overdoing when the
system becomes run-down.
For oyer thirty years Dr, Fierce has used
his "Favorite Prescription" as a strength
ener, a purifier, a regulator. It works
directly upon the delicate, distinctly femi
nine organs, in a natural, soothing way. It
searches out the weak spots; and builds
them up, It is beneficial in any state of the
aystem. A woman who V61ild understand
herself will find an able assistant by send
ing at cents to the World's Dispensary
Medical Association, Buffalo, N, Y., for Pi.
rierce'a Common Sense Medical Adviser.
It is a book that has reached its 68oth thou
sand. It contains in UsjooS pages an im
mense store of Information in plain word
that any person will readily understand.
SIR. O. G. Rprah. of Sand Rank. Os-wrra Ti
Nn York, testifies in this wisei "Our first
child va bom before my wife was sixteen years
old. Afterward her health was very poor. Sbe
tried Drf Fierce' favorite I'rescriptlon. She
gained uesn ana ctrengtn uy using two bottles.
During the last few weeks of her second preg
nancy she again used the " Prescription." Her
75 00 1 confinement was a. rapid and cosy one. and tie
The Willamette Hotel, Salem, Oregon, calls attention- to the
redduced rate now made persons visiting the capital city upon
olfiaial or other business, The Willamette is located in the
business center of the city, opposite the postofficc? also in same
building are the telegraph and Wells, Fargo 6. Co, oitices. The
electric street cars "terminate and leave the hotel every few
minutes for all public buildings and other "points of interest,
Every and all conveniences are offered to our patrons, The
Willamette is headquarters for all public men. Is one of the
largest and best equipped hotels in the northwest
Very respectfully,
A, I, WAGNER, Prop.
Read It !
Circulate It
Labor f6r It !
And Elk Rye, the two highest grades whiskey made, kept, ex
clusively at the Willamette Bar. This place lias been
completely refurnished and supplied and is conducted in the
best of style. Nothing but the purest goods kept.
J. B. NYE, Proprietor.
Dollar m
fgBSSB to
he Only Associated Press Silver!
Paper in Oregon.
, THfc. Journal has three times the circulation in Oriron cfrAeyDinTtsSrfellt
feg.ii except Sott's paperat Portland. It is recognized W S1t tteaudwend A
io as tne ilirmpion ol tbe t'ec pie's cause in this state. YoqcinaSjd tabbest!
n llimflallip ttnt ainrr Fv.n in. !. J. Ui. 1 u: - .t- Y "rr-'l
nia-jti of the People. '
The best and Cheapest for all the Peoofa
WaldemaR Nelson, - Proprietor,
Ladies and 'gents clothing and fine fabrics of all kinds cleaned and dyed. Carpets,
blankets, flannels, bilk underwar. ladies' hats, straw bats and feathers dyed and renovated,
sillehats, ironed. Silk hats, stiff hats and soft hats cleaned, dyed, blocked and renovated.
Orders by stage, mail, or express will receive prompt attention. With the most complete
and expensive plant in the state.
-Thrice a Week New York World, Weekly
Cincinnati Inquirer and Weekly Journal
for $2 a Year.
Do you want the Free Silver Cin
cinnati Inquirer and Weekly Capi
tal Joukn'al? Our club rate Is $1.40
for both.
Do you wanta gold standard paper
with Tiie Journal? Then take the
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World. Our
club rate is 81.75 for both.
Three papers for 82. The Weekly
Journal, Weekly Inquirer and Tri
weekly World an eastern, middle
state and western paper 552 pages a
year for 82.
Addrr .3 Journal ofllce, Salem, Or.
The Weekly Journal and Thrice,
a Week New York World for 81.-75.1
year. Both papers together conta'K
1,352 pages of interesting matter a
year, Order at this office.
TO TRADE. A 160 acre farm in Ciacka.
mas connty, for property around Salem,
James Schiewe, over Steiner& Blosser's Btore
Salem, Ory u 2t
Consider this a fair sample.
. t Renew vour own subscription.
Get ydurinetehbortosub
You can easily eet nu a club. Send us Your address and
- we will-show You how to get'awinter'sfeai!
Departments Devoted to j
WANTED To trade uursery stock for lum.'
ber. W. H. Elliott, Salem, Or. 14 3d tw
TO RENT, Furnished room to let, outside
roonw Meals served in family style for 15b.
One bam with three stalls, at reasonable
rate. Call at 229 Front street. 10 iw
eafting, grading and .seeding lawns, etc.
First class work. Call at second house north
of Marion on Thirteentn street or address by
postal I. D, Hetrick, Salem, Or. 12 9 im
ro nts
Port Custer
Crow Agency,
tana, are two
on the
Koute's New Short
Line to the East and
Sou th, from which Cus
ter battlefield is easily
reached. The distance
from the former Is
about thirteen miles;
from the latter about
two and a half miles.
At both places holders
of through tickets
whoso limits permit
are allowed stop-over
privileges, and good
hotels and livery
stables are to be found.
X'or a booklet giving
a brief account of the
battle In which Caster
lost his life, and also
for information about
rates and train servlco
via the Burlington
Route to Chicago,
Omaha, St, Louis,
Kansas City, or any
.other southeastern
' city7t write to
Poitland, Or,
MKB. N. B. bCOTlV-Sienographer and
typewriter, room 12, over Ladd & Bosh's
bank. Prompt attention to all classes ol
work. I2 2 tf
FOR KENT Eleven acres adjoining the
Indian school, 'at Chemawa, five acres of
garden land, good house, bam and well
watej. By month or year for low cash rent.
Address Box. 145, ot apply at G.W.Pearmine,
twomues norm 01 town on rvr road. n.25tf
vyn 4
1. -Nfews and markets.
Agriculture and. Horticulture
Household; and Domestic EconoM
Review of Books and Magaztos,
UAKPET PAPEK Large lot of heavy
brown wrapping paper for sale cheap. Jas
the thing for potting under carpets. Call a
Journal office.
The -Journal' will labor todeVelop tlregon.Vlt'cotoV Jj-
x .1 1.1. -MUIMM'"
news and correspondence from ever) pari 01 mb5w-iv j
:k n.;;ri,rctrU. and aid intheupNJ'1'
Jiugicaa 111 hid uiaiir i"i
country and tovns.
CHRISTMAS TREEiv-Large and small at
185 Commercial street. Also a beautiful
bedroom set for children. C. Dillman. 14 3t
Pure Jersey Bull
For service for the season. Call at Ilmu-n'.
meat market, corner Center and Thlrnmi,
street. Finest milk stock in Oregon. 12 11 tf 1 in attractive form, large type, l a year.
You are an indepem
Orecon is a state twice a
.: .iiSfegSSSrtS8
VJrcuoo is a oiaic iwit-i; u j.i'i;w --','. i . Umn city. Dw " ' -!ite
tics emanating from the upt polit cans o one large m BrbW
people get good" BWt?h
ot tne people, uesiaes dcwr u '- 7 .fnm'ai fte'pn? " , its-
advocates good government. It wivocaies. 1. d ,e gora"";..?
2. A practical registration law. 3. lsf.(StS tiwa "W
tion o? the representative principle. 5. R.eorJ'iv,mment i to w & iM
in the hands or the
work? No expense
work with free. W
Send us a postal card
Will mane u "- - t -.. ,,.. nii0B
. Daily Capital Journal, w llh U ,, aSc 1
legislative and congressional r FVjiSo-A
reliable, independent legislative and congress" ;"PruBii SS" tom VkSw,
Weekly Capital Journalv-8 page-wi J'h.? J?KWr PJU if '' fr
,'' t ' l-u t.,nA ff a VPflf. iwiuuwj 'f
Finest bamboo furniture, Japanese Curios
toys etc, For Holidays. Only ".jay.
5&S t0-wn Will be sold cspecially-cfieap
fop Christmas trade.a !,., n '-.J.
offered for best stock, in th,is line. 12 12 im
advancc.Jno papers sent beyond time paid for.
I '..., :.. A tn naner with VOW Older at. !
-jf jucivc wviu "n'j- -r "
Publishers. Salem,
lilililfli 1 inliltftiiiain .i 11 1 1 i -1 nl Minimi Ti iirir 1 H& immte-'.irrtini'il
niaimi rmmUhtmrniiMr -MM ---