Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, November 30, 1896, Image 4

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Daily Capital Journal
MONDAY, NOV. 30, 1890.
. , - a. vns - h '-
I Altona and Ramoha
ft eave-
Portland, 6;45 a. m.
Salem 7:4S m., except Sunday.
J Quick time, regular service and cheap
ft ....rates ...
9 Agent, Salem.
This week we continue our jacket
special. Remember every gar
ment In the hon.se
20 Per Cent Oif,
Prices always marked in plain
figures. Take nil a llfth and you
Have It.
Jackets are the thing for tills
cold weatheY. '
New Handkerchiefs
W . 1 Shawls,
We show a complete line from ooc
up. Excellent valuV.
ForjTrimming, , ,
For dresses or capes, including
Thibet, mink, cross-cut mluk tails,
cream lamb. silver fur, Jetted, fur.
We show some nice things in feather
Just received. an immense sample
line, one of a kind. Gives us a
marvelous assortment, and with
the extra discount' we get we can
give you far better values than
regular. Embroidered handker
chiefs fc. to $2.
T. MversoD.
PqlticsAre Well UndeiWay
Result of Primaries Republican
City Convention.
Men's Clothing. . . .
Let us fit youwlth one of our
Happy Home 'and Ki N. & F. suits.
i e S t
$10 Overcoats, , ,
Best yalue; try one. '
.flats , i i , ,
Most complete line
ers of style.
now in. Lead-
J, J, Dalryniple Co,
Election' at StaYton An elec
tion Is being held In Stayton today,
the purpose of which is to elect a
mayor to fill the unexpired term of L.
Green, who has tendered his resigna
tion as mayor of the city. Mr. Green's
term would have expired next spring.
J. F. Robertson, a temperance man, is
named to succeed Mr. Green. The
saloon element is not participating in
the election.
The Classics A lecture on the
"Acropolis" will be given by Prof.
Frederic S. Dunn in the chapel of
Willamette university next Wednes
day evening, December 2, at 8 o'clock.
The public is cordially Invited to at
tend. It is the beginning of a series
of lectures to be (given at stated in
City Convention. Wednesday
evening at 8 o'clock the Republican
city convention will sit at the coun
cil chamber. There will be 47 dele
gates, 23 being required to nominate.
W. J, Culver, chairman of the city
central committee, will call the meet
ing to order.
Independents Independentcandl
dates are named for several places:
For marshal, W. L. Latourette and
J. E. Baker; for recorder, W. A.
Moores will run independently, ho re
fused to have his name, used before
the Republican primaries.
Q i.
Notes & Packages. Quick deliv
ery. Ring telephone 400 blue boxes.
Grand Blanket Sale,
I Beotthe fine display in big corner
winaow this weoic. This unusually
cold weather will compel you to buy
more covers, come ana see us.
Dress Goods,
Our new all wool mixtures are sell
ing fast. Popular goods at popular
prices, ureat values at. zoc, wc., aim
85c, a yard. Handsome novelty
figured black dress goods 40 cents to
75 cents a yard. All wool serges 25c.
a yard to 00 o. a yard.
Hosiery and Underwear,
Ladles' "Albert" fast black fleece
lined hose 25c. a -pair. Fleece lined,
heavy ribbed hose for misses, boys and
children 25c a pair. Our 25c. stocking
for ladles Is a beauty wool, cotton or
fleece lined each one is a bargain.
Our lines of cotton and wool vests
and drawers cannpt be excelled. Fine
line union suits 50c. to $2 each.
Would be pleased to show you these.
R & G Corsets, Foster's Kid Gloves,
Albert Hosiery.
Court and-Liberty.
Uho Cash Dry Goods, Clothing .and
yhoe House.
Joseph Cook, of Marion, was In the
city today.
Chas. Fryer, of Rossland, B. C, Is at
the Cook Hotel.
L. R. Stlnson returned to Portland
Sunday morning.
J. I: Dozler, of Butteville, was In
the city Saturday.
Mayor Gatch returned Sunday-night
from a trip to Seattle,
A. W. Glesy was a Portland passen
ger Sunday morning.
Ben S. Ceok, of the Oregon Land
Co., was in Portland today.
Lydell Baker again attacks John II.
Mitchell in print today.
Represcnativo elect McKlniey
Mitchell returned to Gervais Sunday
Sol Durbiu returned today from an
extended visit with relatives in Montana.
Chas. Colby and L. G. Barron of
Woodburn were in the city attending
court today.
The Republicans have named four
very good men for aldermen of the
city of Salem.
W. C. Wills, of Crook county, mem
ber of the State Board of Equaliza
tion, is in the city.
Col. Robt. Thompson, of the Port
land Custom otllce, spent Sunday with
his family in Salem.
State Trcasuree Phil Metschan loft
Saturday night on a business trip to
San Francisco.
Friends of Recorder Edes claims he
will have a strong following in the
Republican city convention.
Tlicro will be VjuU HCMe upxJuslMuu
to Ad. Dllley, the present city Mar
shal, in the Republican convention.
Miss Elenor P. Case and Mrs. E. W.
McKenna brought an insane woman
to the asylum yesterday, from Port
Fred R. Waters lias returned from
McMlnnville where he officiated as
stenographer in Judge Hewitt's court
last week.
Mrs. Morse, sister of Mrs. II. L.
Barkley at Woodburn, who has been
very ill for several weeks is reported
The names of Claud Gutch, E. M.
'Croslan, Dr. J. A. Richardson and J.
J. Murphy will probably come before
the Republican city convention.
C. D. Gabrielsoh, candidate for city
recorder, Is quite confident that ho
will be successful before the Repub
lican convention Wednesday evening
Ex-United States Attorney General
Williams, of Portland, was In the city
today, having business before Depart
ment No. 2., of Marlon county's cir
cuit court.
Profs. Heritage and Winkler accom
panied by n. G. Kundret were Jn
Portland Sunday for tho pnrposo of
rehearing 4,Elljah" with ladles of
that city who will take part In Its
production at Salem in the near
Mr. John H. Mitchell and Mr. Geo.
W. McBride, United States senators,
and Mr. Blnger Hermann, congres
sional representative for the first dis
trict, left Saturday evening for Wash
ington over tho Northern Pacific.
Harrlsop R. KIncald, secretary of
state, was at Portland Saturday en
gaged in tho purchase or necessary
furniture for tho state house to meet
the requirements of the legislature,
convenelng next January.
City election, Monday December 7,
Mayor, Recorder, marshal, treasnrcr
and four aldermen are to bo chosen.
The Republican nominations for
councllmcn in the four wards of the
city, as made at the primaries Satur
day arc as follews:
First J,M Lawrence,
Second E FParkhurst.
Third, Hiram Smith.
Foujtii J S Graham.
wero vo',cd for as follows, on Satur
day, in the various wards, those hav
ing the highest vote In each ward will
sit In the city convention Wednesday:
Wm Waldo 57, Henry Dancy 55,
Wm D Claggctt 50, Archie Mason 53,
Frank W Waters 57,Ross E Moores 50,
M W Hunt 57, T C Smith, Jr., 54.
A E Linn 30, P II Raymond 35, n J
Bigger 33, Jas. U Davis 30, W T Hell
37, Lot L Pearcc 30, J C Johnson 37,
A W Long, 30.
SECOND ward.
Chas--. Claggett 130, J M Kyle 130,
Ed. Ilirsch 131, nal Patton 130, J A
Baker 132, D D Coffey 12!), Thomas
Holman 130, Harvey Jordan 124, L V
Elilen 120, E C Philbrook 129, R A
Crossan 130, T K Ford 130, John
Knight 124, AN Moores 127, James
Allison 130.
C P Bishop 58, T Ilolvcrson 01, R A
Holman 59, S ARigBs59.II II Ryan
59, G P Litchfield 59, M J Knerr 59,
G AV Putnam 59, W Stalger 58, A
Moores 50, E Breyman 01, Henry S
Belle 04, Mark Skill 02, T R Ford 57,
D F Lane 04.
W Breym an 103, Geo Rogers 100,
A Gesner 102, Chas Simpson, 103, A
T Stciner-102, Geo Ashby 100, W
Stolzl03, Ed McKiney 102, W J Cul
ver 102.
Thomas Kay 45, Ira Erb 41, John
Reynolds 42, M II Cralk 41, Werner
Breyman 39, Ed Arnold 45, E M
Waltc42, M L Chamberlin 42, RW
Carey 41.
Claud Gatch 110, John Savage, Jr.,
110, A A Lee 110, Frank Hughes 114,
II G Meyer 115, A T Wain 110, J D
Sutherland 110, J W Gamble 110, A T
MoflitllO, GG Gans, Sr., 113, W W
Contris 115, A O Condit 110, B B
Herrick 118, Ed F nutchlns 113.
A A Loe. 50. J Simpson 52, C Bel
linger 50,F P McDeyitt 52.P D Prunty
51. J Mclntyre 50, W M Siegmund 49,
J S Graham 51, L S Winteis 51. A M
Patrick 50, John Evans 50, A W Pres-
cott 5U, w ii iJ niuips so, iJ L-arson 50.
NntM on th Ktnrm.
Commencing about 10 o'clock Sun
day evening a light sleet began to fall,
freezing as it reached tho ground. It
was quite difficult to operate tho
street cars this morniug.but,by laying
salt over the icy rails, no further de
lay was experienced. A large number
ofSalemites visited the large pond
near the poor farm all day and greatly
enjoyed theexcellent3kating afforded
at that point.
A large portion of tho Young people
of Salem were skating Sunday. From
one to two hundred were on the pond
west of the Polk county bridge, all
day. A large hole in the ice near the
upper end of the Minto slough marks
the place where a young man came
near drowning, Tho ice on Minto
slough was very fine for skating but
dangerous being rotten In places. The
slough and pond at the poor farm and
other places was crowded all day.
A number of damages by bursted
water pipes.are reported among which
is a badly damaged room in Mr. C. P.
Bishop's fine residence. Major Ilodg
kins has been complaining because the
city sewer did now drain the base
ment of his fine residence and as a
consequence ho has had a skating rink
in his basement.
The six-inch water main which runs
from the Asylum to the State IIouso'
aud furnishes water to rnn tho State
House elevator has been frozen up.
i in
A New Ward.
Some time since an effort to create
a new ward In tho city of Salem was
defeated in the city council.
A new effort ro create tho Fifth
ward will be made at tho city council
meeting on Tuesday evening.
Tho ward is tho largest in the city,
having about 400 voters. Tho petition
Is said to bo signed by 150 resident vo
ters of the territory proposed to bo in
Several Salcmites Meet With Mishaps on
the Ice Sunday.
A skating season is a novelty at
Salem and as a rule Is accompanied
by a number of accidents. While
playing hockey or "shlnney" as It Is
bettor known, Geo. II. Irvln met with
a painful .accident' While rapidly
skating across the pond near the poor
farm ho lost his balance and 'Was
precipitated quite forcibly to the ley
pavement. When picked up he was
unconcslous. Just over the Iert eye
was another painful gash, and another
on the left cheek bone. He was Im
mediately brought to Salem and the
wounds were dressed. The sufferer
was made as comfortablo as possible
under the circumstances. Sunday
while skating Chas. Town&cnd, chirk
for Wells, Fargo & Co., alsotcamo in
contact with the ice and as a result
carries a badly bruised face. Ordi
narily an oxpressman's face is not
easily Injured, but In this case the In
jured man Is still quite young and In
future will come off better on such
Chas. E. Roblin, one of Salem's
young law students, was a victim of a
ducking Sunday in tho slough south
of the city. About noon Mr. Roblin
with a large number of young friends
were enjoying the excellent skating
afforded there. The south end of the
slough was frozen so as to Insure skat
ing without danger of the Ice break
ing. But Mr. Roblin ventured too
far down the slough when, before he
could come to a standstill, he ap
proached a thinner place on tho Ice,
and he broke through, into about ten
feet of water. With the aid of a
long pole, friends assisted the young
man out. Mr. Koblln was in the
water quite a while and had a narrow
escape from drowning. Ho was chilled
through and could not have held out
much longer when he was rescued.
Perry Card, popular salesman for
R. M. Wade & Co., while playing
"shlnney" Sunday afternoon on tne
pond near G. W. Johnson's hop yard
In Polk county, also fell upon the Ice
badly bruising his face.
Dan Clark, a student in the medical
department of Willamette university,
also was treated to a cold water bath
in the Willamette river slough.. Sun
day, while skating and was well
And Cuba in the Salem Pulpit
Ministers Make Appeals for
Dr. W. E. Copeland, at Unity
Church last evening scored Spain and
England and urged in the name of
humanity, that thoUnltedStatcs Inter
fere and stop tho cruelties now being
perpetrated In Cuba. "For" said the
divine, "it Is written In tho Books "f
Fate that Cuba will tonic time be
free. One by one havo many of the
Republics of South America fought
and secured their freedom from tho
tyranny and .oppression of Spain.
Holland, under the leadership or Wil
liam the Silent, when Spain was ono
of the strongest nations of the world,
defied her and at length gained free
dom. Cuba Is now derylng Spain
The policy of the English Premier
in refusing to interfere and stop tho
Armenian atrocities, lest it should in
terfere with the higher rights of
commerce and cause the price of En
glish bonds to fluctuate, placing busi
ness and monicd Interests higher than
the interests of humanity, higher
than the lives of human beings Is the
shameful ruling, the mo3t disgrace
ful diplomacy, the most damnable
decision of any diplomat- In modern
history. Yet tho policy of the United
States In allowing the. Cuban slaught
ers and cruelties Is hardly less dls.
graceful aud unpatriotic. In the name
of humanity, in the name of Republi
canism and In the name of religion
should the United States Interfere
and help tho strnggling Cub iris gain
their liberty. There was a good audi
ence present and Mr. Copeland made
one of his best efforts, promlbin to
continue the subject nextSlinday.
A fine audience greeted Hpv. IJ. A.
Denton at the First Chi 1st I.m "liipch
to hear him a.ooi.tw the Armciiliin
outrages. The choir at this church
is one of the finest In the city and tie
high sopranos In the patriotic sent s
Glove :
Mascot, red and browns
Dresden 5 -hook, Foster. ,...,
Edwards 8'button Mosquctaire
Lyons 5hook, best Foster. . . .
Beatrice 4button, large. ...,,
rrancesco Maggonic, the best
ttf fi
1 i
giove m the
every pair guaranteed during sale k tM
Watch this space later for
Boiled Cider!
We have got some very nice boiled cider in bulk, You
cat gej t in any quantity from a pint to a gallon. It can be
diluted onchalf and still be of the same strength as that- usually
P, O, Grocery
Agents for "WorldBeater" Soap,"
m.."ar"iTftff ,1a
257 Commercial st.
New, Plain and Plaid
drenched, but he was soon rescued by
friends near at hand.
Tho final account of U. G. Holt,
administrator -of the estate of Mrs.
S. A. Holt, deceased, has been allowed
by County Judge Terrell and the ad
ministrator discharged from further
duties in tho matter.
The bond of Ross E. and; Wylle A
Moores, executors of tho estate of
Ellen L. Moores, deceased, has been
filed with the county clerk, It Is the
sum of $12,000 with J, H. Albert as
Circuit Court.
Before Judge Hewitt the suit of
Grant Corby and M.. V. Corby his
wife vs. J. T.Morrell, Marlon Morrell.
M. V. Corby, Hubert Mougln and
Albertlne Mongin, J. Nazzo and John
Garrow is on trial.
The trial is for 84,000 for 100 acres
of land Title to which Js In dispute.
Morcom & Jhonson and Bingham
appear for plaintiff and Carson &
Fleming for defendants
formed a bright background for the
sombre pictures of cruelty painted In
the powerful pulpit appeal. Rev Den
ton's effort was elucidated by ample
proofs from history and the records of
the state department. Ho convicted
the present administration of heart
less Indifference to the crimes aud
cruelties of barbarous Turkey, aud
wanted to know why, if a word from
our country had afforded protection
to Venezuela against England, the
word could not be spoken to stay tho
Seven Months With Fever.
"Wondorful Recovery of Health.
. Mr. Balrd'a ra:
AJust InC
Balrd'a rapid and marvelous recovery
a more Bknlotnn t.n hia .., i i,:r
.;R?u1clal was Buroljr tho fulUst test ot tho
grandost Btrongth-BlvlnB and bulldlnc-UD
medlclno over produced, namely:
Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine.
Don't buy old goods when you can
get new at a lower price, In mackintoshes
and gents' underwear we have the largest
assortment in the city, and at the lowest
looot m
hli SB
S Helpers and
Rubbers) Boots, Coats,
Winter goods of all kinds. Shoes at prices always below others.
E. f Osburn's Rackef tore.
iO -rr. -, -
': (' t-
Unity Social.
Salem Unity Guild holds Its regular
monthly ocial meeting in Channeing
Hall pn Wednesday evening from 7:30
to 10.
If you want your tea the
same all the year round, get
Schilling's Best of your
" If you don't like it, get
your money back of your
grocer, .
A Schilllec & Company ' '
J&. r
The Weekly Journal and Thrice
a Wedk New York World for $1.75 a
year. Both papers together contain
1,352 pages of interesting, matter a
year, Order at this ofllco.
Free Pills.
ram. jFal, 4Karrl
Send your address to II. E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a, freo sample
box of Dr. icing's New Life Pills.
A trial will convince you of tholr
merits. These pills are easy in action
nnd are praticularly effective In the
cure of Constipation and Sick Ilead
ache. For Malaria and Liver troubles
they havo been proved invaluable.
They are guaranteed to be perfectly
free from every deleterious substance
to be purely vegetable. They do not
weaken by their action, but by giving
tono to stumach and bowels greatly
Invigorate the system. Regular size
125 cents per box. Sold, by Fred A,
Lcgg Druggist.
j. n. baiud.
2i'SS2BS-!,.2 ??m to. you rny
ratltnde tot
t.nA Dfltfl Annrt
w iJ. iT-M U?"!' """
that Dr.
nervine Has done tor me. I was
teli81 w,th typhoid fever and I laid
&.SL'or sexven Vths. After gottloB
Snrt'rtirt0?1, l ? aa th n- nervous an3 tired!
S?.2i i not re,san my lost strength. I trlod
Utoi W1" medicines, and finally,
i,?JT.i 7lnB hoen reduced Jn weight tolM
SSn?dbe.Ka.n try,nS y,r Xervint and at
SSSSVHSI 9 Improve. Was flnallj 'entirely
SfnB?ulaYiJcan S!1 I.never'feltbef
Mliam.fflJHS and. 70"50 2J pounds.
if imy ,norPiy weight, as I measure
6 feet 5X inches In height." ure
South Bend, Ind. J n. DAIRD.
"' wjtios' Nervine Is sold on a positive
Di Miles' Nervine ??$
hand cf the sick man of Europe shed
ding Christian blood in Armenia aud
on the streets of Constantinople. Mr.
Denton charged that hundreds of
thousands of dollars wortli of mission
property and the lives of 15 Americans
had been destroyed and there hud
been no reparation. It was a sermon
that should be heard from Maine to
Over ii2 Pages a Month for Less Than
IS Cents,
Look hero! Do you want 208 news
papers a year for 31 .75. The Weekly
Capital Journal and Thrlce-a-Week
New York World 26 pages four
papers a week for $1.75,
It stands first among "weekly"
papers In size, frequency of publica
tion and freshness, variety and reli
ability of contents. It Is practically
a dally at the low prioo of a weekly;
and its vast list of subscribers, ex
tending to every state and territory of
the union and foreign countries, will
vouch for the accuracy and fairness of
us news columns.
It Js splendidly Illustrated and
among Its special features are a fine
humor page, exhaustive market re
ports, all the latest fashions for wqm
en and a long series of stores by the
greatest living American and English
We offer this uuequaled newspaper
and the Weekly Journal together
one year for $1.75. The regular sub
scription price of the two papers Is
$2. d & w tf .
The now coin toes are the latest la
thoes, Kransse Bros, have them
Reed's Opera House
PATTON PROS., Local Manga
Monday, Nov- 30,
Concert and SpaltyCofflfV'
Introducing quartets
songs, dances, funoy say
ings, laughable farces,
and the
Smallest Contortion! on Ear
One Pricelol'f'
To any partoijixZ-
Hair Drewing.
Scalp Cleansing.
Dandruff Tre
Scalp ClenfiAgHrS
Hail Pressed HUfMVf
Eldridge MV " "",
a. A. jidUsi&MduAi
..j. 9-...
JJf.ll3'4J-i -