Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, November 30, 1896, Image 1

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l Iir1in i
VOL. 8.
offers a flue line of the best grades of clothing at very low
prices. Chllds knee pants suits from 31.25 to $3.15.
Youths' three part suits at $2.15 to $5.63 aivlng excellent
quality for the prices. Mens' suits from $3 75 up to a fine
clay, all wool, worsted suit In sack or frock. We will
save you money on clothing.
Our line of "Star5Gtar" boots and shoes Is unsur
passed In quality, and all sold at low prices.
The line of chlldrens' underwear Is complete, also for
men and women, all are sold at the lowest rate of profit
from low price to better quality.
Wc have oil and duck coats, slickers, rubber coats and
mackintoshes at low prices.
Our stock of hosiery, notions, German knitting, Span
ish and Saxony yarn, Is offered at close prices.
We'glve bargains in all lines, saying you 15 to 25 per
cent. 'Call and see
The Sped
That Is going on atour store, Is the chance for you to
save money If you need anything In our line, dry
goods, clothing, hats, shoes, trunks, valises, furnish
ing goods, etc., etc. ,,,.,.,
We are having a heavy run on those chllds' "bl-
metallic" suits, ranging in price from $1.50 to $4.00.
Then there Is the "golf combination" suit, that
Is the wonder of the times, 1 coat, 1 cap, 2 pairs
pants, 1 tie, 1 pair suspenders and an extra set of
buttons. They range iu price from $3.50 to Sj.00.
Ages from 3 years to 16 years, and all under the knife.
Ask to see our prizes, which you get free of
"The Boys' Outfitter"
297 commercjal St , - - Salem, Or,
stock is
Now Gomplete.
At . lower than ever before, Call
and vmW nut different lines and be con
vinced, We are here to sell goods, We
will not allow any one to undersell us,
Quality and the prides we make you are
i 1 I A.
what tells the tale, Don't be persuaaeo inxo
buying until you have seen our line.
Remember the place,
J: Johnson & son
Suffering in the Northwest.
Cattle Buried in Snow and Trains
St Paul, Nov. 30. Human beings
have been frozeu to death, cattK have
been sta'uipeeded, bruised and smoth
ered In snow drifts; trains are delcyed
wires are down and the November
storm record is broken by the blizzard
that holds 'the Northwest locked in
its chilly grasp.
How many lives' have been sacrificed
cannot be told until the snow drifts
clear away, months hence." Men are
tnlsslng everywhere in the .heart of
the-storm. Some are known to be
dead, and many missing, with the
chances very much against them
being alive. Those dead and missing
Thomas Anderson, 18 years old, lost
in the snow near Moorhead, Minn.
F. M. Burrows, mail Hgent, Tost in
the atorm at Devil's Lake, N. D.
Frank Stack, of Chicago, frozen to
death near Fargo, N. D.
Two unlndentlfled men found frozen
to death near Fargo, N. D.
Three missing men, lost in the snow
near Fargo.
From the cattle country in the west
em part of Nortn Dakota come re
ports of intense suffering of the live
stock on the ranges, but no definite
information can be had, as the wires
are down. Watson Ball, a cattleman,
says the losses will bo extremely
Smith Dakota is suffering, too. At
Pierre over eight inches of snow' 'fell
during Thursday and Friday, and tho
wind maintained an average velocity
of 28 miles an hour. Wires were down
most of tho time, and trains and
street-cars were tied up. The first
train to move west went out about
noop today with a snowplow.
Snow on the prairie drifted badly,
and cattle losses are being reported.
It was the warst storm for years.
Some of the transcontinental rail
roads centering at St. Paul resumed
their through service today.
Severe weather continues- to prevail
throughout Nebraska. The ther
mometer has been close to zero for 30
hours. In tho western part of the
state a nigh wind prevails. In some
sections stcck Is reported as suffering
for want of food and water. Trid im
mense supply of grain and hay in Ne
braska, where it is available, enables
feeders to carry cattlo without trouble.
Aberdeen, S. D. The present
storm has not been paralleled since
the great blizzard of January 12, 1888.
Drifts on tho streets and on the rail
road taacks are six feet deep. The
loss to stock, it is feared,will bo great.
A dispatch fronVMellen says the worst
biiow storm and blizzard through this
section for years commenced on
Wednesday night. Snow drifts on
Main street are 15 feet deep. Stock
will suffer greatly.
A traffic blockade by the storms in
the Northwest is reported at the post
office department in the following dis
patch from the superintendent of tho
railway service at St. Paul: "On ac
count of heavy blockading storms,
trains of the Northern Pacific and
Great Northern lines In South Dakota
and Montana are at a standstill, tele-
rrmnh wires are down, and It will he
48 hours before the regular train ser
vice is resumed."
Devils Lake. The bjlzzard wan
very severe here. The passeuger
train from tho coast has remained PP
the siding BlnciTlianksglving. About
4:30. p. hi. on Thursday, F M. Bur
rows, mall agent, left his car to go to
the depot for orders. He has not been
seen since, and there is not one chance
in a thousand qf his having escaped
death in tho storm. It is Supposed
that In returning to tho car ho lost
his way In tho blinding snow.
HonbN. S. D., Nov. 30. The snow
blockade was raised arid traffic on
thls.dlvlslon of the Chicago & North
western road resumed tonight. Tho
Great Northern will begin business
Monday. Telegraph lines arc badly
demoralized. Stock losses on tho
northern and western ranges are very
heavy, but no suffering among tho
settlers Is reported. Tho storm lasted
48 hours, and was" ono of tho most
severe experienced since the settle
ment of this country.
DENVERiTbc minimum tcttiDeraturo
recorded at the Denver station
weather bureau today was 8 deg. below
zero, at 0 a. m; at 11 it was 8t below
zero. At Lcadvlllo it is 17 billow zero;
at Peublo, 12 below; at Cripple Creek,
14 below. Tho cold' snap has been
more sevoro in Wyoming and Colo
rado At Lander. Wyo., the ther
mometer recorded 28 below zero last
A light snowfall only was reported
Saturday, but it seems to be tho clos
ing fury of tho present big blizzard.
The temperature dropped to a low
point. In St. Paul It was 7 below zero
early Saturday morning. Moorhead
reported 24 below; Huron 8 below;
Willlston, 22 below; Winnipeg, 24 be
low. Trains are badly delayed, and
telegraph communi?atlnn greatly
Salt Lake, Nov. 30. Saturday was
the coldest November day injsalt
Lake in thci 20ycars,cxlstetico of the
Utah weather bureau. At 5 o'clock
in tho morning tho thermometer reg
istered live-tenths of a degree below
An Unfortunate Girl.
Portland, Nov. 30. Miss Mamie
Clark, tho young woman who tried to
commit suicldo by drowning in the
river, was committed to the asylum.
Tho girl appears to be rational on all
subjects, but has the Idea that she
must kill herself. She Is tho girl who
was attacked several years ago within
a short distance of her home, out In
lrvlngton, by some man, who beat
her with a pistol until it was thought
she would die. There never was a
clew as to who her assailant was. It
was thought she knew, but would not
tell his name. The, Incident was for
gotten until her presant hallucination
brought her into prominence.
ORESWELL. At Pendleton, Uma
tilla county, Saturday, November
1890, of old age, Jabez R. Creswell,
aged 72 years
Mrs. M. A. Bellinger, of this city,
was a daughter of the deceased.
Sheriff Sales. From this date
uutil further notice TnE Weekly
Capital Journal will publish no
tlces, of sheriff's sales, at $5 apiece
for tho full flvo weeks .according to
Jaw. Persons making forcclosurers or
having execution notices to publish
should make a note of this. Capital
Journal Publishing Company, Salem,
November lit, 1800. tf.
Ladles' heavy solo lace shoos, tho
new thing, also In at Krausse Bros
The Florida Coast Fortified.
Our Government Is Concentrating
Artillery at Pensacola.
w xx
Tho wheat fields of Sherman county
is infested with with geese.
Your Boy Wont Live a Month.
So Mr. Oilman Brown, of U4 Mill St.,
Hmith Gardner. Mass., was told by tho
rWtors. Ills son had Lung trouo e,
fnllnwleL' Tvpnom oiuwtw, uu
spent three hundred and scventy-flye
dollora with doctors, who finally gave
I) ace-very and a few bottles restored
hff to health and enabled him to go
to work a perfectly well man. fle
says ho ownes his present good health
wd knows it to 1 the best In Urn
world for Lungtrouble. Trial Bottles
Free at Fred A, Legg'a Drug Store
Pensacola, Fla., Nov. 30. It
Is rumored In military circles that
tho troops, of tho First Artillery, now
stationed at various posts on on the
Gulf and Atlanuccoast, arc to be con
centrated hero for practice with the
modern heavy guns, which will soon
be in position on Santa Rota Island.
Tho selection of a Bite for another
battery leaves no doubt in the minds
of military men that Pcnsacloa id to
bo heavily fortified as rapidly as pos
sible, and as the troops need practice
In the handling of tho modern guns,
this harbor Is deemed by military men
to be tho best that could-he. .selected
for tho purpose Thej would have
tho open gulf for target bractlee, And
at least 1000 men could bo comforta
blytquartorcd at Fort Barrancas and
tho navy yard.
dynamited a train.
IIavana, Nov. 30. Several well
known insurgent leaders uavo dyna
mited a military train running along
the trocha from Jucaro to Moron, in
tho western portion of Puerto Prin
cipe. Several cars were smashed, and
tho insurgents then attacked an Iron
plated car, In which was tho train's
escort of 25 men officers.
An armored engine was sent In
pursuit of tho column. Colonel Ar
mlnan, arriving upon tho scene, tho
Insurgents retreated, leaving eight
killed and carrying away tholr
wounded. Tho military escort of tho
train had one otllcer, eight soldiers
wounded and two killed,.
London, Nov. 30. Tho Times cor
respondent In Ilavana.lnu cablegram,
dwells at length upon Captain-General
Wcyler's failure to cope- with tho
rebellion. He adds:
"It It said that tho present issue of
banknotes is to be withdrawn and a
number issued based on tho value of
silver, to tho extent of $60,000,000, in
tended for tho payment of tho troops.
As there is no metallic reserve, it is
safo to predict that those notes will
soon fall to a pnrely nominal value "
Tho Times says, in an cditrial on
tho above:
"The gloomy outlook in Cuba makes
it impossible to exclude the possibil
ity of somo kind of intervention by
tho United States."
Miss Katie Walker, of Pendleton,
was tho lucky candidate who carried
off the $25 diamond ring at Pendleton.
Being the lady who received tho most
TnE One Cent Daily Capital
Journal Is growing rapidly in favor
and largo clubs are being raised In
many of tho towns of this state.
It is distinctively tho people's pa
per. Men of all parties read The
Capital Journal. It is widely
known among the people and has the
reputation, whether deserved or not,
of nover having sold out tho Interests
or the people.
"Over the Bleglslaturo and for the
coming year The Daily and Weekly ,
will prove of great Jnterftt to all who
love good and economical govern
ment. More Qurativs Power-
la contained In a bottle of Hood's
garsaparllla than in any other similar
preparation, it coim-b mu iirupnewr.
manufacturer and jobber more and Is
worth more to tho consumer. It has
a record of cures unknown to any
other preparation. It is tho best to
buy because It Is tho Ono Truo Blood
Purifier. . ,.
Hood's Pills are tho best family
cathartic and liver medicine. Gentle,
reliable, sure.
The Fro man boys have already shot
eight Artie owls on the Froruan farm
near Albany,
Bucklen'fl Arnica fcalve.
Tho best salve In the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tctter.cliappea bands.chllblalns,
corn, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Prloe.25
conta per bo, Jfor sale by Fred A,
F, S, Dearborn's Book Store J
Toy ' books ? . Toy booksfl Toy books ! Calen
dars Calendars I Calendars f Xmae cards 1 Xmw
cards t Xmas cards I Drop in and look
over my
Dearborn's Book Store.
Santa Claus' Headquarters,
Happy Nuptials Interrupted,
A Load of Buckshot Firod Through
Ritzville, Yash.Nov., 30,. After
tho wedding of George. Achzlgor and
Matilda Kelson, which occurred at
tho homo of tho brldo's parents in the
German settlement, a sad accident
occurred which was tho shooting und
seriously wounding of Miss Mary
It Is customary among tho Germans
to eclebrato a wedding by salutes and
other loud demonstrations, conse
quently there was quite a number of
guns in tho crowd. It is impossible to
ascertain who is tho one responsible
for tho affair,
As they woro leaving tho homo pf
tho brldo enthusiasm ran high and.
in tho midst of their excitement an
unknown person fired a heavy charge
of shot through tho window of tho
house, .which only passed through
tho shawl worn by tho brldo and took
effect upon Miss Baurer, tho entire
charge entering her head. Miss Kel
son has been the favorite of tho en
tire neighborhood and among tho
young men oyer since her arrival.
Albany Young Man While Skating
. Break Through. ,
.Albany, Nov. 29. Losslo Knox and
Clem Jones thinking tho freeze was
sufficient to make Thornton lake safe
for skating went to that body of water
about 0 o'clook Saturday Tho ico
seemed solid and had every appear
nnco of safety so they glided up' the
lake. After skating awhilo Hoasie
went to tho opposite side of th Bar
row lake, whero tho water Is twelve
or fifteen feet deep. Tho ice was not
so thick and It broke for a consider
ablo distance around him, Ho cried
for assistance and struggled to swim
out, but was unable to mako headway
so cold was tho water, and finally
cried "I am gone," gave up tho strug
gle apd sank to tho bottom. In, tho
ineantimo his companion was making
oyory effort possible to get to his as
sistance, trying to got a polo to him,
and ho In turn went la but fortun
ately in a shallow place and was wot
only to tho breast. Word was immed
iately brought to Albany and willing
merl started with grappling hooks for
tho place, After the body 'had been
In tho water 45 minutes It was puikd
Talklngton'a Circular is as fellows;
Salem Nov. 30 Wheat pponed very
firm today. Tho general conditions
at tho oponlng wero decidedly bullsb.
The cables wero all higher both from
tho united kingdom and the conti
nent, and all domestic markets were
very strong. Tho cstlmato by loading
English authorty that 17,000,000 bu.
monthly would bo required from
America was tlio potent factor in tu
Llverbool advance nnd has caused a
wider belief in tho stability of prices:
Wheat in Chicago opened at 811 and
closcdat 81i for Dec. and May opened
at 85 and closed at 81 J, Liverpool
quoted 7sld a rise of 2c.
A Great Attraction. The Wiz
eard Oil Speciality and Concert Com
pany will occupy tho Reed Opera
Houso for ono week, commencing to
night. They will present a refined
entertainment. The program will be
changed each Bight. Presents will bo
given to purchasers of tickets. Bring
tho children to see Jerry Sullivan, the
funny little man, he will please them.
A choice scat in any part of tho houso
for 15 cents.
Tho State Board of Equalization
meets at Salem Tuesday, December 1.
flhoimmmat rpita ior.JaSjfcson
and Morrow "counties were received at
tho state house tbla morning. Polk
countb roll camb.Ia Saturday.'
If. O. Miller of Portland was com
missioned a notary publio today. -'
A. O. Auldonof Lakovlew, member
of tho State Tax board, Is In tho city.
Incorporations fllf.d today were:
The Orcgen Equipment (Jo., of Port
land; Capital stock 1100,000. M. A.
nackett.NVm. Hall and h. H, Camp
bell, Incorporators.
Tho Evelyn Mining Co., of. Port
land with a Capital stock of $1,09,
ppo. C. P. WJw, L. D. Pursel, aid
Bay 31. Laughton, Incerporators.
Nolllo and Nettle Tlgard, puirfte at
tho state blind school aro atfeefcti
with a mild form of rmeumonla.'.Tiwy
have been about three days .ai we
In caro of State Physician -W'Jx
' Salem Reiki Coif,' , ,
Social this Monday evening at G. A.
B. hajl. A dancing party. Tickets
25 cents.
' - i . t
Senator B. P, Mulkoy,of Polk, A. p.
Woodcock, of Lane, O. B, Irvine aad
Frank Pavcy.ot Marlon, are, said tqfee
candidates for clerk of the State
Hoard of Equalization (
Highett of all in Leavening Power.-
Late U. a, Gov't Xepe.
JsV 11.-' 3Mss9bW3 JsjT -sf ft ImlV'' '
Avttvor&cr mimm
awmib. '
MiW' ttt
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