Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, November 21, 1896, Image 4

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    Daily Capital Journal.
SATURDAY, NOV. 21, 1896.
L. II. McMahon went to Portland
W. S. Taylor, of Gcrvais, is reported
quite ill.
W. J. Clarke returned to Gervais
this morning.
13. F. Bonney, of Hubburd wn's in
town today.
Prof. Z. M. Parvin came down.from
Albany this afternoon.
Walter Lvon went to Portland tins
morning for a abort visit.
J. C. Johnson returned this morn
ing from the loner valley.
Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Driver Jr. went to
Eugene this morning ou a short visit.
F. W. Power, collector for the Sa
lem Water Co?, went to Portland tbl-
O. II. IJyland, principle or the pub
lic schools at. Aurora, was in the citj
Attorneys Frank and Wubstet
Holmes went to Portland this iiftci
noon. Travelling Secretary J. A. I)u n
mett was a passenger to Aluiny t..is
Misses Edna Purdy and Gertrude
Iliddcll went to Turner this morning
to remain over Sunday.
Among the Salemites going to Port
land Ihlsafternoon were noticed U. S.
Senator Mc liridu, Senator I. L. Pat
terson, E. C. Giltner, Dr. D. A.Paine,
G. P. Hughef.and C. M. Idleman.
Two Salem oflicials, who will not
attend Hon. Sol Hirsch's senatorial
lianquet, although they may become
senatorial possibilities are Governor
Lord and Mayor Gatch. The former
has "a severe cold and the latter sont
his regrets.
Try Paioe's Cel?ry Compound, the Most Advanced R?med That Science
Can Give.
t ;j
Katie Emmet Coming.
The Boston Herald in commenting
upon Katie Emmet's appearance in
hat city recently in "The Waifs of
Hew rojk," says: "The Waifs of New
York captured the 'hearts of the
patrons of the Howard last night.
There was a large and enthusiastic
audience present, and It enjoyed every
moment of the time from the first rise
of thecurtaln'tlll it dropped on the
last and perhaps tne most thrilling
srv.no of t.hp nl"'." iinj- ttk.ii ii.-i. n
scenes and places of note in Greater
New York are produced,and the stage
effects are entirely new and novel.
Altogether, "The Wairs of New
York" in its new dress should be a
strong attraction, for it is together
with Its star, Katie Emmot known
from one end of the country to the
other. Miss Emmet will appear at
Keed's opera house Monday night.
A. O. U. W. Excursion.
The Steamer Altona has been
chartered for a trip to Independence
and return, Wednesday evening No
vember 2o, to attend a public meeting
held under the auspices of the A. O.
U. W. of Independence.
Bro. D. C. Herren, Grand Lecturer
will be present.
Members of the A. O. U. W. and
Degree of Honor and their families
can secure tickets, or further parti
culars from n. II. Eagan nt II. M.
Branson & Co.'s store, or from Steve
McFadden at Ira Erb.s Sash & Door
factory. jxumrjer or passengers
i miiicu to jw, steamer io leave
G p. m.
IIP flp'
- Immense Sacrifice &
There are very Intelligent men and
women who still prefer open fires to
steam pipes and furnaces.
But only a very shallow-minded
person would deliberately choose an
old-fashionep remedy In case of sick
ness. .
Sufferers from neuralgii, rheuma
tism or kidney trouble want the surest
and most advanced remedy science
can give them. Getting well is not a
matter of sentiment, but the most
seriously practical matter. That is
why the most thoughtful and conser
vative people now use Paine's celery
compound, and recommend it to
friends and relatives who are threat
ened or afflicted with nervous exhaus
tion, sleeplessness, disordered liver or
blood diseases.
That wonderfully acute and patient
Investigator, Prof. Edward E. Phelps,
M. D., LL. D., of Dartmouth college,
embodied in Paine's celery compound
the most progressive, yet thoroughly
established, yiews on the cure of dis
eases of nervous origin.
All of the imitators of Paine's eel
ery compound eyery one knows how
many there are have proved to be
entirely wide of the mark. Their
promises of astonishing curative ab
ilities ar easily mad, 3 on paper; but
they are not kept.
It Is easy to verify every claim
made -by Paine's celery compound.
There is no village so small but It
contains families In which this won
derful remedy has made some member
well. Men who weigh their words
and are careful what they write above
thoir signatures have publicly given
this emit invicoratnr its deserved
credit for health-making powers such
as no other remedy ever received.
That Paine's celery compound cer
tainly cures such diseases as neuralgia,
sleeplessness and dyspepsia does not
admit of a doubt. It builds up tho
entire nervous system jlumps out the
tissues, starts the blood Into healthy
circulation and regulates the action
of the nerves. It makes people well,
strong and energetic,
Mrs. R. R. Pratt of Center Brook,
Conn, whose portrait is given here,
says plainly:
"I find Paine's celery compound a
perfect medicine. I took several bot
tles foi general vdebllity, and it did
for me all I could ask. It made me
well. I have recommended it to my
friends, and they all speak In its
Paine's celery compound is the most
assured and direct means of getting
back a full store of vitality. ,It is a
True nerve regulator, it extermi
nates all vicious humors that linger
in the blood. It cures rheumatism,
and Is used by physicians as a specific
for this disease.
Feather Boas,
Coque boas, from COc up.
Hackle Boas and Colarettes.
Ostrich Collarettes up to $5 each.
Pioneer Grocery Store the Center
of Attraction.
John G. Wright has just opened up
the first shipment of Michigan Apples,
The finest line of silver table cutlery,
and pocket cutlery, of the finest
quality. A full cargo of groceries of
every description, and goods in every
department to go at the reduced prices.
Remains Interred. The remains
of Mrs. Betsy Fletcher, who died In
Plalnvlow, Linn county, Friday at
the advanced ago of 84 years, arrived
In the city this afternoon and were
Immediately conveyed to Rural ceme
tery in a funeral car where they wore
Interred. Rov. S. C. Adams officiated
ut tho cemetery.
Capes and Jackets,
In closing out our line of garments,
we offer exceptional values. If we've
your size, it's an opportunity.
Men's Overcoats'
Our "famous" $10 and $12 coats ap
peal to any prospective buyer. Try a
long Ulster.
Ruober Coats, Slickers, etc,
We show a nice line of these, at
lowest prices.
J, J, Dalr ymple Co,
Program Being Successfully Carried Out
Small Attendance.
The opening session of the county
convention of Marion county Chris,
tlan Endeavorcrs, was held in tho
First Congregational church Friday
afternoon. The program as printed
In Friday's Journal was closely fol
lowed and the reports from tho county
officers were very encouraging. The
very small attendance may bo attri
buted to the Inclemency of the
weather,many county delegates being
detained on account or the poor
roads. Tho sessions are of extreme
interest to young Christian workers
and many valuable suggestions are
brought out in tho discussions that
are largely Indulged in by tho dele
gates. The convention adjourned
shortly afternoon today.
Time honored chestnut. Everybody
says it. Great deal easier to say than
to do. Tho saying is valuable or not,
according to who says It.
Tho easiest way to do it Is to have
tho goods do lb for you.
That's just what our cloaks are
doing In hundreds of instances In Sa
lem and the surrounding country.
Perfect la style, quality, fit, price.
R & G coreets. Foster's kid gloves.
Albert" fast black hosiery.
fVmrf. anH.IMhArf.v. I
the Cash Dry Goods, CJothlnstfaud J Sunday,
.1 TT"
A New Bong,
My "Bowery Girl" Is a very rare pearl
"My Angellno" Is a fairy oueen.
"Dora Dear" tho sweetest girl you
over seen;
"Henrietta" well you've met her.
But "Senorjta" you should meet her,
At tho opera houso Thanksgiving
A Holiday Meal, Net a Thauks-
giving dinner, but a meal just as good
served overy day, and especially on
Sunday, at Strong's restaurant.
We8tacott & Irwin, proprietors.
Chicken Dinner, All aro Invited
to the chicken dinner ut tho St. Elmo
Restaurant, 244 Commercial street,
Only 15 cents. Mrs. Geo.F,
christian science hall.
Cor. of Court and Liberty. Lesson
sermon 10:30. Sunday School 11:30.
Study of Science and Health Wednes
day at 2-30 p. m. Friday evening there
will be held a Thanksgiving reception
in honor of Miss Lou. Aldrlch of the
Oregon Christian Science Institute,
who is a student of the Rev. Mary
Baker Eddy discoverer and founder of
unnstian science. Miss Aldrlch will
give an address at 7:30. AH who are
In any way Interested in the subject
of Chrlstian'ScIence are mostcordlally
Corner Seventeenth and Ohemeketa
streets, Ezra Maurer, pastor. Sunday
School at 10 a. m., C.T.Doty, superin
tendent, Preaching at 11 a. in. Jun
ior Y. P. A. at 3 p. m. Senior Y. P. A.
at 0:30 p. m. Topic: Blind Bartimens.
Luke 18:35-43 Rev. J. Warren Klein,
leader. Preaching at 7:30 p. in. A song
selvlce will precede the preaching ser
vice. Union holiness meeting, Tues
day,7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thurs-
oay,7:J0 p. m. All are welcome.
sabbath 10:30 a. m. Preaching. 7:30
.p. m. At Sabbath School Convention
these subjects will be opened by the
following persons followed by general
discussion. Importance of Sabbath
School Work, Mrs. John Brown. The
Parents and-the Sunday School, 3Ir.
O. Welch. How to Study the Lesson'
Mrs. J. II. lloal. How to Teach a
wesson, Mrs. Amelia Miller.
Services at 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. m.
In tho absence of Mr. Copeland- Rov,
Earl M. Wilbur of Portland will
occupy the pulpit. Subject of morn
ing sermon: "The Ministry of Ideals."
Subject in the cvensng: "Tho Tree of
ROV. W. G. Kunfcnnr. D. D. Pnsinr
Preaching ar 10.30 a. in. subject:
uod'sPalm Trees." SundaySchool
at 12 a.m. Junior Endvaor at4. n. ra.
Y. P. 8, C. E, at 9.30 .p. m, Subject
"Ways of Pleasantness." .
Preaching tonight at 7:30. Sabbath
at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., and each
evening during the ensuing week.
Revs. Gregolry and Davis will aid in
the meetings Sabbath school at 10 a.
m. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:30. All are
On Cottaue htreot near Center. J.
Bowersox, pastor. Preaching at 7.30
tomorrow by Rev. M. J. Ballantyne,
presiaing eiaer. sunaay sciiool at iz
j.. u. u. .u. at 0.30. communion
vices in the morning.
Cor. 19th & Ferry St's. Sunday
School at 10 a. m. preaching 7:30 p.m.
precceded by a Song Service, every
Sunday. J. M. Beauchamp, acting
Corner of Couroind nigh street.
II. A. Denton, pastor. Prof. Gordon
G. Allen, choir master. .Morjilng and
evening, services atj the'usualhours,
Rev. C. A. Woody.'of Oregon City,
will preach tomorrow morninir and
evening at the Baptist Church.
Everybody inylted,
Services at 10:30 a. m.and 7:30 p, m.
at their hall corner Liberty and Court '
Says Mrs. W. It. Johnson of Cape
Rosier, Me.:
"I was attacked with rhciiinatUii
fever In Its worst form. I empl tye
the best physicians, but received in
permanent relief. When I co.i uionc
ed to take Paine's celery compound
my lect ana minus were swollen so
badlv that thev were useless. I rni Id
not walk a step, and w:is MilJVrng
very much. When I ha 1 tic i f. r
bottles of Paine's celery compound I
could walk well, and I continued un
til I took six bottles. It made mo
perfectly well and I have been so
every since. I wish the whole woild
might know of its great value."
Paine's celery compound makes beo
pie well!
Winter sparches out the weak parts
In the body; colds settle in tne derang
ed organs and developc disease. Muke
every part of the body sound: build
up the strength and be ready for the
shock of cold weather by taking
Paine's celery compound.
For the balance of the week j
They Must Be Disposed
257 Commercial st.
New, Plain and Plaid
Suit Pattern Sale,
This week we olfer at special prices
some very choice things in single suit
pulmonis, xuey comprise the latest
effects in Persian mixtures, silk and
wool combination!, Bouclot, etc., ect.
Any $14 suit 812.
Any $10 suit $8.
Any $8 suit $0.50.
Any $0sult$o.
There's some very choice things
and they are money savers, every
Our 90c. line of Iridescent towels
now 75c.
See those new laco and velvet col
lars, new suaaes, $1.
Call and socket garment fascinator,
newest and best thing for garments.
Better than hooks and eyes for manv
Reedfs Opera House,
JJust InCj
Don't buy old goods when .you. can
get new at a lower price. In mackintoshes
and gents' underwear we have the largest
assortment in the city, r and at the lowest
100 W(l WM STOK
Preach intr at 2 n. :m. tomorrow'hv
Rev. II. A. Denton.2 .
STEVENS. At the Riverside Houso
corner af State arid .Water street,
Friday, November 20, 1890, Russell
Steyens, aged 01 years, of dropsy.
Deceased has no relatives In Oregon.
Let's take hold hands,
Mr. Grocer, and dance!
We've got some beautiful
business for you and with
you, and for and with your
Schilling's Best is the
tea. Pay every customer's
money back that don't like
it. We'll pay youv
There's money In it.
A Schilling & Company ....
Sin trancitco
A brother resides In California whllq
a. sister and a niecp llye )p QIjIq. Tho
funeral services will be conducted
from Clough's undertaking parlors
Sunday. Burial in Rural cemetery.
PETERSON. At his home in Hayes
vllleat 1 a. m. Friday, November 20 '
1890, Geo. Peterson, agod 33 years.of
bunoral services were ponducted
from the late home this afternoon
and remains were interred In in the
family burying grounds.
DAVIS. At the family home, No.
314 Summer street, Salem, on Fri
day, November 20, 1800, to Mr. and
Mrs. Frank G. Davis, a son.
McKinley. Ho will go to the
White house next March, but the
people Jn general go to the "Whjte
House Restaurant oyery day for Melr
meals. Kenworthy.flf'George.
. TfP FrvrV&fc
k J&sy my"(cur
Hup I
Si Hw
Altona and Ramona
Portland, 0:45 a. m.
Salem 7:45 a. m., except Sunday.
Quick time, regular service and cheap
....rates ...
' Agent, Salem.
sVl ". ,s i Jwk k , . in ,VK w.
Monday Night,
In Her Famous Play,
Waifs of New York
Scats now on Sale,
Thanksgiving night at the opera
house "Senorita." The funiest play
ever written. Produced by "Fin Da
Seiclo Dramatic club." of tlilu city
for benellt of the G. A. R. Guaran
teed to euro the worst cose of. the
''Blues" In ten minutes, u dollar show
at half price
The largwt line of
t,j,v PIIKSbS ever
t ... In Salem at r,
N R1W11 111 w.w--
S, Dearborn's book store
. his show wuww
for styles and prices,
263 Commercial st
Forthe Holidays
lllg stock of fancy Japanese goods. All
Linds of diinaware and novelties. All kinds
of silk handkerchiefs. Botton, piice on en
tire stock to close ont.
Opposite opera house, 3tf
Hair Dress0?'
Scalp Cleansmg.
Dandruff Treatji
Hair arewu u-.v - ,
Eldridge block "